An Introduction to Basic Farm Financial Statements: Balance Sheet
W 884 An Introduction to Basic Farm Financial Statements: Balance Sheet Victoria Campbell, Extension Intern S. Aaron Smith, Associate Professor Christopher N. Boyer, Associate Professor Andrew P. Griffith, Associate Professor Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics The image part with relationship ID rId2 was not found in the file. Introduction Basic Accounting Overview To begin constructing a balance sheet, we Tennessee agriculture includes a diverse list need to first start with the standard of livestock, poultry, fruits and vegetables, accounting equation: row crop, nursery, forestry, ornamental, agri- Total Assets = Total Liabilities + Owner’s tourism, value added and other Equity nontraditional enterprises. These farms vary in size from less than a quarter of an acre to The balance sheet is designed with assets on thousands of acres, and the specific goal for the left-hand side and liabilities plus owner’s each farm can vary. For example, producers’ equity on the right-hand side. This format goals might include maximizing profits, allows both sides of the balance sheet to maintaining a way of life, enjoyment, equal each other. After all, a balance sheet transitioning the operation to the next must balance. generation, etc. Regardless of the farm size, enterprises and objectives, it is important to keep proper farm financial records to improve the long- term viability of the farm. Accurate recordkeeping and organized financial statements allow producers to measure key financial components of their business such A change in liquidity, solvency and equity can as profitability, liquidity and solvency. These be found by comparing balance sheets from measurements are vital to making two different time periods.
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