VOTE NOW Great Pitching Staffs, Which Stilled Will Be Designated Hitter Frank Right Fielder Maggllo Ordone-.L, Who Two of the Best Offenses in Baseball
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FOR MORE INt"O R1'IA1·ION AUOUT CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINES ARE I'LACING 1\ CLASSI"IEI) ADVEJrI.' S C'- NOON ONE n USINESS DAY PRIOR MENT, CALL T ilt MIRROR AT TO !'UBLICATION. ALL CUSSI- 392-9270 OR E-MAil. I'IU)S セ i u s t Ut: I'RE-PAID. NOW CI.A55U·'k:OS@"UltROR.UNCO.EDU LASSIFIED SAC(;£J'TING CREorr CARDS. Monday, October 9, 2006 Classified Ad Manager: Laurin M. Becker The lV1irror 7 laundry, dubhouse, A.C. pool, no pets. For Rent -dudes all utilities and WID. SiK blocks !BARTENDERS WANTED! Up to missions, VISit or $375-$630 + eIectrldty, heat paid. from the t.Jqhospltal. 1506 14th Ave. $300/day. No eKperience necessary. 」 。 ャ ャ Q M X P P M V T X セ Y N Great group dis- Contact (970) 351-0303 Kathy 302-nn. Tlaining provided. Age 18+. 1-800- counts. 965-6520 --247. Apartments AVAIlABLE NOW one- to nloe- Wanted Shout-Outs bedrooms. $400-$2,000. Rent DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. Dancers negotiable. call 392-1658 or you wanted. High $$$ potential, great way pay for earn BRIGIfT BASEMENT for rent. 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It's not 392-1658 or check the web tan- $450 MOVES YOU IN-2003 Ninth Ave. good for you. Take care of yourself, Restaurant 3390 23rd Ave., Miscellaneous Two-bedroom, one-bath, on-site laun- Evans. old man, I love you. -SIS dry, to Web King Hall, off-street ROOMS AVAIlABLE In nke town- dose parldng. Contact: Vintage Corp. (970) Have you seen your girl- house. November or January. Close to DlSCOUNT CARD! 70% off dental, BRENNAN - 353-3000. and Rx drugs. friend Lately? I miss her dearly. See UNC. Only $200/mo. Includes all utill- eye, back. Qoe:stIons or brochurescaJl M\chael352-5714. 868. you at the gym soon, J'm sure. Maybe tiesl WID, OW, Nice area near Houses dellverl n 9 onth e prom I se. you can stop on the tradt and tie your Glenmere Park. (970) 576-(5)8, • com/40173652. shoes agarn so I can say I made a ONE MONTH FREE RENT! OliIteau professional basebalier eat my dust. TWO ROOMS AVAIlABLE now! $300 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SUPER -JERRY SPRINGER Apartments. One- or two-bedroom, each plus utlities. Newly remodeled PASS now available. Step by Wells on-site Laundry, WID hookups, free with screened-in patio. Very nice, fargo in the Student Centel" for DONA . Thanks for being a great gir1- stOf'age unit, 00 pets. $450-$650 + liiring details. dean. Visit friend. Have an awesome week. love, gas & electric. Contact (970) 351- (970) 405-5542, [email protected] leader. I 7344. sdiool -agr activity leader staff. SCOTTY TRAVEL WITH STS to this year's top LARGE two-bedroom, garden- level }pply In person at Par1cwood Place Apartments. Studios, 10 spring break destinations! Best with covered patio and fenced yard, セ G ャ NATE - Keep up the good work. Good one-, two-, or three-bedroom, on-Site off-street parking. $575/month In- 5000 mfi 51. G< .. deals guaranteed! Highest rep com- job. Right 00. Way to go. -ANDY B. What , J 6 7 9 2 q 8 • concert? 7 1 8 1 5 4 J 9 6 Pitching is key In ALes 9 4 2 6 8 j 1 7 5 1 5 7 3 4 2 8 6 q IT. 8 b 4 5 9 1 7 j 2 2 9 J 8 7 6 4 ') 1 Jordan Arts & Entertainment , 1 9 2 '> 6 8 J FREEMYER Mf'RROR "6 8 5 1 3 7 9 2 4 ...11- ___ Beg,nnons Tu"""y. The (970) 232-4721,-- Oakland A's and DClrel1 TIgers, nei- ther of which was favon.>d 10 win their Division s ・ イ ゥ セ L will meet up in the American League Championship Series. Both teams Athletics pitcher BaITY ZJto winds up In the eighth Inning against the pulled off UpselS in lhe American l'wlns In Game 1 of the American League Division Series Oct 3, 2006. League Division Series behind their VOTE NOW great pitching staffs, which stilled will be designated hitter Frank right fielder Maggllo Ordone-.l, who two of the best offenses in baseball. Thomas, who came up big in game had several key hi ts against the For 2000 liol11ecol11ina Royalty. Oakland's pitching stafT is one of the AiDS with two home Yankees in the ALDS. Shortstop a nchored by former Cy Young win- runs off of Minnesota Slaner Johan Carlos Guillen, catcher Ivan "C"f Cl{)J')P;.li . Co .. beef ner Barry Zito, who is slated 10 pilch San""'a Rodriguez. and cenler fielder Curtis <.VVV Ol11e=mll1$ uri game l\VO. セ エ イ ッ エ L meanwhile, does not GrandCfSOn will also be keys in the JeDDiler Keltner Curii.AnclerlOll ?lIO has had the most playoff have a true ace; they instead counl Detroit offen se. success of any pitcher in the series. on the tandem of veleran Kenny nus series \vI.ll come down 10 Jenn"McKeemGD Alex Kend,,1J Accompanying Zito in ih ':l; starting Rogers and likely American League who can play small ball and scratch rotation for Oakland are young guns Rookie of the Year Justin Verlander, out runs against the great pitching Sh"yl" PerJw.. Jose Martin .... m Dan Haren and Rich Harden, the who consistently hits 98 mph with staffs. Oakland wiU be able to pre- probable game one starter. his fastball. JOining Rogers and duce more runs and will win the Voting online b e t'Weell The A's bullpen is buill around Verlander in the rolation are Nate series in six games. young closer Huston Street, who Robertson and Jeremy Bonderman, 12 pm Monday and 12 pill friday! had two saves in the Division Series who threw a gem in game rouror the - Jordan Freemyer- is a fresh- Vote "t: www.UDcaiumninrg/...... / against Minnesota AiDS against the Yankees. man joJlnliliism mill mass oomlnl/- Key to the A's offensive attack The Tigers are led on offense by niootiollS major atul Mirror reponer. .