OlasBified advertlsliig on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY^ APRIL 14, 1927. XrOORTEEN PAGESV PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLI., NO. 166. ""v. iw’3 AMERICANS SHATTER QRLS SWEEP Spring Calls the Los Angeles FEAR ANOTHER WORLD AIR RECORDS FINAL HONORS “ TWISTFR” IN U .S. GUNBOAT; TARS INHIGHSCHOOL PMANDLE USE MACHINE GUNS Acosta and Chamberlain Gladys Rogers Valedictorian, Texas District Visited By S taylljiS l Honrs, 11 Min. Louise Phelps Salutatori- Other Cyclones Today; Clash Between Saflors and 25 Sec.— French Mark an; Only Two Boys In Dead at Rock Springs Set Northern Troops on River 45 Hours, 11 Min. 25 Sec. First Eighteen Seniors. At 90. Above Nanking— Head In Roosevelt Field, Mineola, N. Y., April 14.— Two weary American Shanghai Estimated at aviators, Bert Acosta and Clarence Miss Gladys May Rogers, daugh­ San Antonio, Texas, April 14— D. Chamberlain, wrote history in ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Citizens living in the Texas Pan­ , 250 FoHowing Yestcr- the sky today when they establish­ Rogers, of 51 Pearl street, attained handle today feared that a death­ y ed a new world’s record for en­ the highest scholastic standing of dealing tornado, such as the one durance flying in a Wright-Beilanca day's RiotSe monoplane— fifty-one hours, eleven any of the 119 members of the class that wiped out the little village of minutes and twenty-flve seconds. of .1927 at the South Manchester Rock Springs, 120 miles south of They came down, amid the High school and today was honored here Tuesday night, might strike Pekin,g, April 14.— Northern cheers of a great crowd that ha by being selected as valedictorian their own town. assembled, at 12:42:05 this after­ troops on the bank of the Yangtse at the graduation exercises which Storm conditions prevailed today river fired upon the United States noon. over the entire district, centering They had taken off from Roose­ will be held Thursday evening, gunboat Noa, the American sail­ Inviting flying weather calls the sky-giant Los Angeles from the naval In the extreme southeastern part velt Field at 9:30:40 o’clock Tues­ June 23, in the school assembly hangar at Lakehurst, N. J„ for her first spring flight, as this exceptional of the state. A series of disturb­ ors returning the fire with machine day morning. hall. Second honors went to Miss photo depicts. In the foreground is her tiny fellow blimp, the J-2. ances of the dreaded twister type, guns, according to information re­ Smashed All Records Louise Phelps, daughter of Mr. and They smashed the previous world were reported from many places. ceived here today.' The Noa is record of 45 hours, 11 minutes and Mrs. James W. Phelps, of Bolton. Property damage was hea'vy, the now anchored about a mile above 59 seconds, established by two She will deliver the salutatory ad­ reports stated. Nanking. French fliers, Drouhln and Landry, Town 'Wiped Out dress. What Of Youth Now ? Rock Springs was ■virtually wiped American Consul at Canton re­ in August, 1925. This announcement was made at ported he was unsuccessful In set­ They surpassed the previous assembly at the High school this off the map Tuesday night when a American record of 36 hours, 4 afternoon. The names of the eigh­ tornado struck without warning, tling the strike in that city. The minutes and 34 seconds made by teen highest students were an­ Dr, Piercers Opinion killing 90 persons and injuring Christian college at Canton Is clsing indefinitely. Lieutenants Kelly and McCready at nounced in alphabetical order. They 150. The entire population was rendered homeless. Not a building Colonel Edward C. Carrington Fifty Americans remain In the Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, are, Mary Albasl, Ephraim Cole, interior of Kwantung and about Ohio, on April 17-18, 1923. Dorothy Gates, Margaret Hasset, was left standing. Hebron, Palestine, Beltone, Tern 100 in Canton and vicinity. Amer- Flight Feasnbility Grace Hood, Marlon Kasulki, Doro­ Interview on Jazz Age By can Consul Swainy reported 383 They demonstrated, in a way, the thy Krah, Esther Metcalf, Emma pie and Fort Worth were some of FOREST FIRES the towns reporting storms of COL. CARRINGTON Americans remaining at Tsingtao,j feasabillty of a non-stop flight from McCormick, Myra O’Connell, Mar­ while 82 have departed. Isew York to Paris which they con­ garet Parson, Louise Phelps, Doro- Acting Snrgeon General of cyclonic proportions late yester­ template making in about three th^Pentland, Gladys Rogers, Helen day. One child was killed at Fort Worth and considerable property CONSERVATIVES WIN. ■weeks. If they had flown in a Stanfield, Esther Sutherland, Eliza­ RAGE THROUGH LOSES HIS SUIT Shanghai, April • 14.— Although straight line instead of circling beth Vennard and Steven Williams. U. S.— What He Says On damage was done. there have been many killed and Avlthin a radius of a dozen miles, Of the entire list, which represents Fear Wind ^ ift wounded during the past three days they would have easily made the fifteen percent of the class, only Subject. mum HILLS Reports today Indicated the in the Nationalist raids against the 3,600 mile flight to Paris and pos­ two are boys. freak storms would blow them­ Wife Wins Divorce and Gets Extremists, the Conservative forces sible would have been able to go Miss Rogers Editor selves out along the Gulf of Mexico, today appeared to be in control, but a.s far as Constantinople, 4,500 Miss Rogers, valedictorian, has but there remained the possibility the situation was still menacing. aniips from New York. been a member of the editorial staff Editor’s Note— What of the Youth tlmt they would shift northeast Property Worth $100,- Nationalist headquarters declar­ Watchers at Roosevelt field of today— of the jazz age Is it, Starts at State Road Below ward and sweep across Louisiana, ed that the action taken against the New York’s most spectacular fire of the Somanhis Events, the school Hieered at 6:43 this morning as paper, for three years and at pres­ as some moralists claim, going Mississippi and states east. In the Extremists in disarming them ami the two civilian aviators “ crossed was the midnight burning of scaf­ to the bow-wows, or Is It, as meantime Panhandle citizens will 000— Reach Agreement in firing on them when they gave folding atop the nearly completed ent is associate editor. Last year, Rainbow Inn — Bebeve the deadline” and began hanging she was exchange editor. Miss others claim, merely walking a keep ■within reach of their storm Imttle was necessary for the resto­ \ up a new mark for other airmen to 38-story Hotel Netherland. Every step In advance of the preceding cellars. ration of peace and order in Shang­ available fireman was summoned to Rogers is also a member of the shoot at generation? Cigarette the Cause— l o ­ Chicago, April 14.— Mrs. Anna hai. protect neighboring homes of.^the Girls’ Glee Club and the French Over 250 Killed. The happiest man of all seemed club. In addition to being a mem­ In two Interviews, of-which NINETY DEAL Walsh Carrington today won a di­ wealthy from a blizzard of sparks the following Is the first. Dr. C. Rock Springs, Texas, April 14.— It is Impossible accurately to e.s- to be G. M. Belianca, the designer from the blaze. No one was in­ ber of the Student Council this C. Pierce, acting surgeon general cal Fighters CaUed. Rock Springs today resumed the vorce decree and a property settle­ tlmate the' tolls of the three days »nd builder of the Wright-engined jured. year. Miss Rogers, who took the of the United States, states his melancholy task of burying Its ment estimated at $100,000 from intermittent fighting between the monoplane that was droning commercial course, plans to take two factions of the Nationalist par­ above. up secretarial work following her opinion, and comments upon the dead, victims of Tuesday’s tornt^do. Col. Edward. ' C. Carrington, her Somp Estimates place tlie d'dat|i ty, but conservative foreign ob­ 'The sky was clear, the sun was graduation. trend ;ot ^^ericao.. life. _ . ^;^FgreBt fires, probably .started millionaire book-publisher ' hu¥- servers believe tTiere tfave been at shining brightly and there was Mias Phelps took the college from a lighted cigarette tossed list as xiose to ninety iy |o remove him to a hospital here. , (ContiQued on sage 8)^ for two years assistant Moretary. lematical. 5 , 'aarrT 249.86. ' gs a surprise* ed«

...--.J- rJ'i.'i V . ’ -. -



in the pattern department of the birth of a nine pound son, Peter during the service, find has secinred New England mill for several Jr., born Tuesday at the Rockville MOST BUSINESSES Miss Prudence McArthur, Hartford years. He is a graduate of the City hospital. ABOUTTOWN 5 8 CERTIFIED BY BIBLICAL PLAY Chemical Institute of New York violinist to play between the"^ acts R ockville Mrs. William Plant of Fall Riv­ Assisting the young people- at and the International Correspond­ er, Mass., Is visiting at the home Manchester Loyal Orange Lodge SUSPEND TOMORROW ence School of Textile^. He is a of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Plant. -J AT CENTER CHURCH property pommlttee will be William No. 99 will meet on Friday even­ Parkis, ^layiooad (J^rrier, Mrs'. 11 member of the American Chemical George Sullivan of Hartford is EVENING SCHOOL ing at 8 o’clock in the Orange A. Nettleton,^J/.Bke7 Bralthwaitc Society and the American Associa­ spending his Easter vacation with hall. Considerable interest is 'sbown tion for the Advanceihent of Scl- Manchester to Generally Ob­ and "W. J. Reftig. COMMUNION SERVICE his grandmother, Mrs. Henry jm. ------hy the young people o f the Gyp ■ A rehearsal'will be held this pnce. The news of Mj. Kelly’s Theuer. A daughter, Maxine Althea, was serve Good Friday— Herald club to the biblical'play, “ H ejs the promotion will please his many evening at. 8 o’clock and another at Alderman J. Stanley McCray and born to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Crooks To Be Published. Alfred Olsson, 2 1-2 Years Son of God” to be presented Sunday 3:30 tomorrow, with the dress re­ friends. . . . Francis E. Dailey, clerk at the of Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, the evening at 7. o'clock at the .Center hearsal Saturday evening. AT THE M. E. CHURCH Rev. George Savage Brooks Busy Rockville Hotel, are planning to in­ 11th. Mr. Crooks Is son of Mr. and All business in Manchester will church under the direction of the The pastor of the Union Congre­ stall a lunch car on the property Mrs. Joseph Crooks, of Apel Place. be suspended for half a day tomor­ In Country, Wins Essay pastor’s assistant. Miss Hazel Trot­ DE3PABTMBNT PUZZLED gational church is busy helping on Main street, adjoining jthe Ex­ row in observance of Good Friday. ter. It is a four-act play by .Lin- neighboring pastors. He jreached change block. This property was Margaret Parson, High school wood Taft and Is especlsflly appro­ on Tuesday at East 'Windsor Con­ Local stores connected with the Contest at Graduation. Washington, April 14.— The ap­ purchased July 15, 1926, by Rich­ student, received a typewriting Manchester Merchants’ Association priate for Easter from the fact Special M eetbg. Tonight^ to gregational church; he spoke on ard M. Fisk of Stafford lor a ga­ parent split between the right and award at assembly tod^y for typing kept opep today until 6 o’clock and that the scenes represented are left wings of the Cantonese Nation­ Wednesday at Somers and on Fri­ rage at a price said to be $20,000. 41 net words per minute. from events preceding the cruci­ day evening at Ellington. On Fri­ Mr. Dailey has tendered bis resig­ will be open until .noon tomorrow. alist government left the State De­ Attract Crowd — Kelly The Cheney .Mills will close all Fifty-eight foreign-born Evening fixion, and give somewhat pf an day of next week he gives a lec­ nation as cletk o f the Rockville idea of how cruelly the Jdws yrpre partment admittedly at sea today Mrs. Batista Ansaldl, of 140 day but some of the departments in school students in Manchester re­ as to how to proceed” In the,, ad­ ture at the Emmanuel Congrega­ Hotel, effective May 1st. The new Maple street, was admitted to the ceived certificates of atWndance for treated In those days by the Ro­ tional church, Springfield, Mass., owners hope to have the lunch the plant will operate as usual oh justment of the Nanking incident. Promoted a Chemist. Memorial hospital today. Saturday morning. The Town Hall attending the majority^ of the sev­ mans who were in political powen and on the following Wednesday,- stand in operation by May 15th. _Six of the members of the Cyp , Information has reached the de- will be closed for the day and also enty-five sessions at the graduating, j)artment that the two wings of the he delivers an address before the Judge John E. Fisk of this city has Pierson A. Reese, of 59-Birch exercises held in the High school club are in the cast. Miss Emma New Britain Kiwanis club. a mortgage on this property for the libraries in the south end. This Cantonese party may deliver sepa­ (Special to The Herald) street, is seriously 111 at his home. assetnhly hall here last night. Of Strickland who was to have played Campaign Continues $10,000 dated August 10, last. latter Includes the branch library the part of Esther, Is 11) and her rate replies to the American note at the West Side Recreation build­ this number, six had a record of Rockville, April 14. f Rev. George F. Hopewell, pastor The city council granted a permit Captain Florence Turkington of place will' be taken hy Miss Lydia deihanding reparation and apology ing. perfect attendance. They were for Amerlcan-losses at Nanking. It is expected that the Thurs­ of the First African Baptist church Tuesday night at its regular meet­ the Salvation Army will leave to­ Joseph Schwartz, Tony Agostinelli, Hutchinson. • ^ day evening service at the Rock­ has announced that the campaign ing. The Herald will be published as Special lighting effects and-cos­ morrow for New York, where she usual tomorrow. Oscar Croon, Mrs. Martha Hansen, ville Methodist church will be well for funds will continue. He desires wl}l become connected with one of tuming will add interest to the to have the public understand Susie Neubauer and Andrew Klein. PARENTS! attended as the oth^r churches in the, Army hospitals In that dt?. Each of these students was given a play, which will be staged In . the the neighborhood have requested that the $20,000, which It is Hoped She plans to take courses in Colum­ silk flag on behalf of the American­ auditorium on the new enlarged Divorce Is a Way Out For You! all members-to attend this service. may be raised, will not all be used Local Stocks bia University at night. Captain WM. P. ROBERTSON ization committee, which is com­ platform. This service should not be con­ on the neV church building. The posed .of Howell Cheney, Henry A. Miss Louise Dickerraan the or­ But it is a Way Into Scandal sum of $10,000 will go toward the Turkington, who has been visiting fused with the annual Fast Day her mother, Mrs. Edward Turking- Nettlecbn und E. L. G. Hohenthal, ganist la arranging a very attracr service which takes place as usual church building, $3,500 for a new DIES IN HARTFORD tive program of music to be given For Yoor ChSdren! parsonage, $1,500 to clear the (Furnished by^Pntnam & Co.) ton of 55 Winter street, is a grad­ Sr. The flags were presented by on Friday morning and will be ob­ uate of the Salvation Army hospital Rev. William P. Reidy. served this year in the Union Con­ church debt on the present proper­ The essay contest, in which about gregational church with Rev. H. B. ty, $2,700 for building site,and,the in Covington, Ky., and was in Bank Stocks. France with Army welfare workers William Post Robertson, a na­ thirty students competed, was won Sloat as preacher. The service on balance for church equipment. ' Bid Asked tive,of Columbia and head of the Anthony Marcinowski during the World War. by Alfred Olsson of Pine street, Thursday evening is in cbmmemo- City Bk and Trust ..625 675 , firm of Newton, Robertson & Co., who came to this country two and ration of the Last Supper of Christ Anthony Marcinowski, aged 77 \ Conn River Banking'.300 Aaron Johnson, of 62 Linden of Hartford, 4ied suddenly yester­ a half years ago. He wrote a theme \ and His disciples,. the\ night before years, died very suddenly Wednes­ First Natl-Htfd...... 245 day afternoon while on the way to on, “ How Can We Promote Na­ the crucifixion,, at which He in­ day morning at 3:30 at hia home, street, former selectman, was out, TONIGHT Htfd-Aetna N atl----- 450 today for the first time following his home at 72 Sherman street, tional Goodwill.” Principal A. N. stituted the observance which has 98 Village street. He was held in Htfd-Conn Tr Co ...6 0 0 Hartford. He was accompanied by Potter said it was an excellent es­ come down to us as the “ Lord’s high esteem bj^ all who knew him. an-operation he underwent seme Land Mtg & T itle ... 59 time ago at the New Britain hos­ his son, William ? . Robertson, Jr., say and that the judges were una­ Circle TOMORROW Supper’’ or “ Holy Communion.” He came to Rockville froin Phila­ Htfd Morris Plan- B’kJ25 pital. of this town, and while walking nimous in Its selection. Services at Congregational Church delphia thirty years ago and was Phoenix St B’k Tr ..400 The four next best compositions To carry out the wishes of Gov­ from the garage to his home, fell employed in the Hockanum mills Park St T rn s t...... 460 to the" ground. He was carried to were prepared by Carl Gustafson, ernor Trumbull, and to continue until poor health forced him to re­ Hose Co., No. 3, was called out Riverside Trust ....450 to a fire in a shed in the roar of his home and medical aid summon­ Tony Bireto, Elvira Gustafson and The practice of half a century of tire ten years ago. Mr. Marcinow- Oscar Croon. They received five holding union services on Good ski is survived by his wife, five U S Security...... 450 the residence of Anthony Stranitis, ed but Mr. Robertson was dead be­ Bonds. of 8 Spruce street, this morning. fore doctors arrived. sets of books specially selected by IRKS Friday morni^jg, sifch a union ser­ sons, James, William and Benja­ the Connecticut Public Library vice this year will be held in the min of Rockville, Frank and Jos­ East Conn Pow 5 .. 101 Three chemical tanks were used. Mr. Robertson was quite well Htfd & Conn West 6s 95 known'in Manchester and two of committee of the State Board of Union Congregational church on eph of New York, and two daugh­ The damage was slight. Education. Friday at ten o’clock.. The preacher ters, Mrs. Frank Kullick and Miss Hart E L 7 % ...... 320 330 his children had lived here. Mrs. Conn L P 5% s . . . . 109 110% Harris Minikin, a daughter, who The Graduates. \ will be Rev. H. B. Sloat, associate Lucy Marcinowski of Rockville. Arthur F. Ellsworth and family .secretary of the Conncticut Baptist Conn L P 7 s ...... 117 119 of Hollister street have returned now lives in Farmington, was a The following received certifi­ Funeral services will be held cates of attendance: Jacob Laufer, Convention and an excellent speak­ Friday at 10 a. m. from the St. Conn L P 4?^ .'...... 98 99 home from a winter’s vacation at former resident of Manchester, and er. Special music will be render­ Brid Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 his son, William, Jr., lives at 104 Joseph Remesch, Harry Scott, Al­ Joseph’s church of which he was Ormond, Florida. fred Turkington, Jack Suchensky, ed by the Baptist church male a member. Burial will be in the Insurance Stocks. Main street,'here. quartet, and several' ministefs will Aetna L i f e ...... 580 590 The funeral will be held tomor­ William Oswald, Mrs. Martha Han­ family plot in St. Bernard’s ceme­ sen, Lily Hansen, Sylvia Landow- have a part in the service. The tery. '■ Aetna Insurance ....5 0 0 510 WHAT OF YOUTH TODAY? row afternoon at 2 o’clock at the community is urged to support Aetna Casualty Sur..760 780 Immanuel Congregational church, ski, Joseph Suess, Mrs. Amelia About the City Dion, Miss Susie Neubauer, Tony ii,;s time-honored custom by a Mr. and Mrs. William Wheelock A utom obile...... 230 . 2'50 of which Mr. Robertson was a larg- .■•'teiiiiance. Conn General ...... 1520 1550 Bireto, Frank Dion, Alfred Olsson, have moved to the Denzler tene­ DR. PIERCE’S OPINION member. Re-«. Dr. Charles F.' Car­ Anthony Sokas, Humbert "Viot, DOROTHY MACKAlLloxiKENNETH MCKENNA danivcs Kelly Promoted ment on Ward street. H(fd Steam Boiler ..620 650 ter will officiate and burial will be m Joseph Antonio, Arthur Butler, . r possible, the Hocka- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ertel have Hartford Fire ...... 510 520 in the Cedar Hill cemetery. num company follows its Phoenix . . ..' ...... 530 540 (Continned from Page 1) Anna Dhaleln, Ruth Dhalein, Mrs. returned to Hartford after spend­ Anna Schwartz, Susanna Schwartz. usual policy of promoting its own ing several weeks in town. T ravelers...... 1150 1160 men. James .Kelly, who entered Public Utility Stocks. abundant pleasures of the jazz age Bertha Urban, Mrs. Anna Wills- Mr. and Mrs. Jude Bourque of THREE STARS ARE SEEN kopp, Mrs. Ellen Tarasilk, Linden the employ of the Hockanum Philadelphia are visiting Mr. and Conn Pr C o ...... 845 355 of today. about ten years ago, has been ad­ Sums Up Age Carlson, Paul Kolhfe, Joseph Mrs. John Gawtry of Ward street. Conn L P f % ...... 114 Schwartz, Adolph Wellskopp, Eric vanced to the position of assistant Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker of Conn L P , 8 % ...... 120 Dr. C. C. Pierce, acting surgeon IN BIG DIVORCE DRAMA chemist. He has been employed Helwig, Mrs. Mary Schwartz, Jacob High street are rejoicing over the Conn Elec Ser pfd .. 69 general of the United States, sum­ Schwartz, Alfred Paloze, Antonio Htfd Gas pfd ...... 53% med up the jazz age today, casting Toligno, Jack Motta, Mrs. Agusta Hart Gas c o m ...... 87 90 into the discard the theories whl:a Clara Bow, Esther Ralston and RIALTO Henry, Andrew Klein, Flodin Guu- xHart E L ...... 330 33f5 forecast doom of the race because Gary Cooper Head Hist in borg, Hulda Magnason, Peter S N E T e l ...... 157 159 of the wildness of youth. He de­ State’s Sunday Feature. Schwartz, Catherine Howard, Anna Manutacturing Stocks. clined to be frightened by the asser­ Neubauer, Anna Schansky, Mar­ Two Big Features TODAY and TOMORROW Acme Wire ...... 10 tion that every little kiss shortens Three of the most capable young garet WIttke, Tony Agostinelli, O-s-r Am Hardware...... 83 life hy three minutes. stars of Famous Players-Lasky ap­ car Croon, Raphael DeSimone, Mi­ r^WOMAN POW ER'* American Silver . . . . 25 “ Living has been accelerated chael Excellentl, Carl Gustafson, pear in “ Children of Divorce,” Pathos, there is aplenty in this susimnse-laden drama— Billings Spencer pfd . — since the World War and everybody opening next Sunday at the State John Swenson, Joe Vinci, Mrs. Bes­ Billings Spencer com — is under a higher nervous tension, ’ theater. sie McCormick, Anna Wabreck, thrills too—and comedy of a kind you avUI long^remem- ber.. . It’s a picture you'can’t miss * .■ , Bigelow-Htfd com . . 80 Pierce said. They are Clara Bow, Esther Ral­ Eliza Warnock, Erna Schultz, El­ t i l l ’s Bristol B ra ss...... 6 % “ Theoretically, dissipation, danc­ ston and Gary Cooper,'all three of vira Gustafson, John Klein. With RALPH GRAVES and KATHRYN PERRY Colt Fire Arm s ...... 30 ing and playing cards all night, whom gave up their individual Eagle Lock ...... 108 kissing, petting, driving automc starring rights to appear in the CARD OP TH.4XKS. THE SECOND BIG ATTRAIjnON WILL BE Glenwood Ranges Fafnir Bearing...... 85 biles, listening to voodoo jazz filpi. The picture, ohe of Para­ Hart & Cooley...... — mount’s biggest, wa» directed by We wish to sincerely thank all Int Silver p f d ...... 115 music on the radio and i£ the ^^FOREST HAVbC^ Frank Lloyd, a veteran of many our friends and relatives for the Jewel Belting pfd . . . 90 theatre, puts 4 strain on the nerv­ make ous system. jears’ experience. Paramount oti- sympathy shown and the beautiful A Stirring Tale of Love imd Lumber. “ , , Ln’drs Frary & Clark 90 “ We have speeded up the pro­ cials'declare it as good as the best floral tributes at the death of Italo Stalling Forest Stanley and Peggy Montgomery Mann B’man Class A. 19% he has ever made. Belluccl. Mann B’man Class B. 12% cesses of the human body— if the Cooking Easy heart beats faster, the blood goes Owen Johnson, author of “ Stover Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Belluccl. AN mLARIOUS' COMEDY and NEWsljVENTS New Brit Mach p fd .. 103 at Yale” and “ The Enemy Sex,” Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gamba. New Brit Mach com . 20 faster and there Is a tendency to lowered vitality.” wYote the story which recently ap­ North & J u d d ...... 23% peared serially in Red Book Maga­ WARNS ABOUT FIRES Pratt Whitney pfd... -—‘ However, there’s another side of J R Montgomery pfd .50 the picture, which more than coun­ zine. Hope Loring and Louis D. teracts all •’.;ie bad effects of the Lighton prepared the screen adap­ In order to prevent the possible J R Montgomerv com 25 tation. outbreak of more diastrous forest Peck, Stowe & Wilcox 21 age of high power living, according to Pierce. In addition to Miss Bow and Miss fires in this vicinity the fire war­ RusselJ Mfg C o ...... — 69 dens have especially requested that Smyth Mf? C o ...... 3.50 People More Carefnl Ralston, both of .whom are co-star- ■‘EvGryo7.e takes bet(£r care of red, the featured cast includes fishermen, hunters and Boy Scouts, Stanley Works com . 68 70 who are in the woods, not to set Stanley Works pfd . . 27 his health than 25 years ago,” Cooper,’ Einar Hanson and Norman Trevor, Hedda Hopper, Edward fires for any purposes unless they Standard Screw . . . . 99 Pierce said. “ Better food has re­ have a special permit from the sulted In a gradual disappearance Martindel, Julia Swayne Gordon, STATESOUTH MANCHESTEB j llOW I Idyill^ Torrington...... 68 warden. Underwood...... 56 of communicable diseases. Albert Gran and Tom Ricketts also play important roles. U S Envelope pfd . .. 110 “ The automobllev speeds up the Alexander Pope was only 20 Union Mfg C o ...... 23 heart and causes accldantal deaths, Director Lloyd describes his pic­ years old when he wrote his Essay Whitlock Coil Pipe . . 20 but it gets millions out into the ture as a dramatic expose of the on Criticism in which occur the x-Ex-rights. air and lengthens their life through evils that result from those hasty two famous phrases: “ Fools rush better heath. marriages which end in divorce; SELECT VAUDEVILLE in where angels fear to tread,” “ Death, although not preventa­ evils that devolve upon the chil­ and “ A little learning is a dang­ Mil ble, can be postponed. Our normal dren. The characters are those erous thimg.” A p r j l9 span of life is lengthening and found in any wealthy social set. I A p u t l g N.Y. Stocks the people are getting Into such J9 health as to enjoy life.” “BROADWAY LIMITED High Low 2 p. m. No Moral Breakdown Mcllduff-Harrison At Gulf W I , 34% 34% 34% Pierce denied ihe moral break­ EAST GLASTONBURY A ^ SCENIC MUSICAL COMEDY SKETCH Am Beet Sug , ?.3% 22% studio De Danse 23% down of youth. He insisted that Special Scenery. ) A Pullmau Train on the Stage. Am Sugar Ref 86 % 84% 86% there was just as much petting and Fire yesterday morning destroy­ State Theater Building Am T & T r . . 167% 167 167 ed the garage owned by the Angus kissing among girls and boys 25 Private Instruction for Anaconda 347 46% 46% years ag(Tas today and that the Park Company. Two large trucks Am Smelt. .. . 148% 147 147% longer span of life of the present used by the company were lost. Married Couples. Am L o c ...... 109% 109% 109% THE 2 HERBERTS Cirillo Brothers m shows that, no harm resulted to the Sensational Casting^Vet Oh, What Dancci’S Am Car Fndy 103% 101% 103 race. m Atchison .183% 181 183% “ Women are _ in much better Balt & Ohio . .116 115% 115% health than yesteraay,” Pierce said. Beth St B .. . 54% 53% 54% “ Their clothing Is sensible. Nothing Miss Ann & Mr. Frank Barrett & Cunneen Chili Cop . . . . 37% 37 37 helped women like the abandon­ Parents! Con Gas N Y‘ . 100% 99 99% In Songs as You Have Comedy Duo ment of the old corset and tight Heard Them. “ The Old Codger” Col Fuel Iron 7^% 76%' 78% clothing. Sufficient clothing to pro­ pvIVORCE is a way out for Ches & Ohio .176%- 168% 170 tect the body from the weather is Cruc Steel ... 91% 90% 90% enough.” ^ y o u ! But it is a way into Dodge A ..., 19% 19% 19% Pierce scored overeating, declar­ Erie ...... 54% 52% 54% ing that slender people have a bet­ scandal for your children! TONIGHT BARGAIN NIGHT Erie 1st . . . , 58 57% 58 ter chance of long and enjoyable Gen Asphalt .83% 81% 82% life than the fat ones. Fat women 3— ADDITIONAL ACTS— 3 Gen E le c ...... 93% 92% 92% past fifty should be flapperized, ac­ Gen Mot .... 186 184 185% cording to Pierce. Gt North pfd .86% 86% 86% Anti-fat medicines were con­ 8 ACTS VAUDEVILLE 8 Narrower Than Your 111 Central . . 129 % 129 129% demned and light diet and exercise Kenn Cop .... 63 62%' 62% to cut off the surplus flesh recom­ ON. THE SGKEEN. Le Valley . . . .123% 121 122% mended instead. K itchen Table Marine Pr . . . 41 41 41 The much discussed “ high blood Motor Whl ... 25 24% 24% pressure” among men Is not In­ Nor West .... 182 180% 182 creasing in Pierco’s opinion. Three ' h is new yard-wide Gold Medal Glenwood N Y Central. .149% 148% 149% meals a day of heavy meat and in­ N Y<^ H & H . 53 52% makes it possible for the smallest kitchen­ 53 ' toxicating liquors of yesterday Pan Am Pet .. 57%’ 57% 57% caused vastly more high blood pres­ Tette to have all the conveniences o f a complete Pennsyl ...... 61% 61% 61% sure than all the chorus girls and Pierce Arr . . . 18 % 18% 18% short skirts of today, according to coal range and a complete gas range. Press St ...... 53% 53 53% the surgeon general. Rep Ir & St . .72% 71% 71% This range has the Glenwood Robertshaw Reading .... 111% 110% -111% Oven Heat ContrQl which takes all the guess­ Chi R Is & Pa 92% 92 92% Dickensl “ Christmas Carol” met South Pac .. .113% 112% 112% with such success that the first is­ work out o f oven cooking. Just set the^ indicator. , So Railway .. 126% 125% 126 sue was sold out on the day of St Paul ..... 50% 50% 50% publication. ADOLPH ZUKOH JtSSE; L.lAbKY rui.sim Perfect results are automfitic; > ' ' Studebaker 5 5 % 55 55% let us show you why. Ln Pacific . . 172 171% 172 U S Rubber ..62% 61% 62% CLARA B0W-°ESTHER RALSTON SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY U S S te e l___ 172% 170% 172% Ward Bak . . . 21 21 21 CHILDREN or DIVORCE ^ Any Glenwood Range or Gas Stove may 1:^ Wostlnghouse 76% 74% 75% FILMS A FRANK LlOYD West Union . .154 154 154 u)jth GARY COOPER. EINAR HANSON, NORMAN TREVOR pftoovertoH bought through our Profit Sharing Club Plan Willys' Over ,. 21% 21% 21% Developed and " A FRANK LLOYD p r o d u c t i o n giving you a whole year to pay for it coupled - C. ff^aramouni^Pictim with a liberal discount. Printed CHILDREN . MONEY TO LOAN 24 Hour Service OF ON MORTGAGES, See SUNDAY, DIVORCE P. D, COMOLLO KEMP'S G . E. Keijh Furniture Co., Lie. MON. & TUES.) ESTHER For Heal Estate, Insarance, StlUTH MANCHESTEB Coiner Main and School Sts. South Manchester, Conn. - Mortgages. Film Deposit'Box at P A L S f O N ^ ^ Store Entrance. 13 Oak St., Fhode 1540

■s J ■ ■ '- I '- ;



WANTH)! 15.000Sufferers From HI

Head Noises Nasal Catarrh I want the names of 15,000 Had two surgical operations all of people who are suffering from ca­ which failed to give permanent re­ tarrhal deafness, dullness of hearing lief. I began experimenting on my­ or head noises. I have an original self and finally found a treatment home treatment for these distress­ which completely healed my ing conditions which I want you catarrh, restored my hearing and to try without cost or expense. stopped the terrible head noises. I suffered for many years with I want you to try this splendid catarrh, deafness and head noises, treatment entirely at my own

tried many different treatments. DR. W. O. COFFEE O X p O n S O . NOTED DEAFNESS AND CATARRH SPECIALIST iS.OOOlteatments I am proud of my You feel the difference treatment and so anx­ the first day .This treat­ ious to help others ment costs you nothing suffering with deaf­ whatever. Simply send ness, head noises or coupon or write and catarrh that I will say that you are suf- have packed- . and This . Month fering with’ deafness ready for shipment 15,000 demonstration treatments which or head noises or catarrh. I will gladly send the free treat- I will give away in the next 30 days absolutely free. I want ment. It is the best treatment I have ever found in over to prove that my original home treatment will give relief 40 years’ practice as an eye, ear, nose and throat spe- from catarrhal deafness, head noises or nasal catarrh. The cialist. I want every sufferer with deafness, dullness of results are quick and convincing. hearing, head noises or catarrh to try it free. Don’t Neglect Deafness or Catarrh! Catarrhal Deafness, Head Noises, and Nasal Catarrh generally grow There are thousands, who are now practically stone deaf, whose hearing worse when neglected. Authorities claim that ninety per cent of all could no doubt have been saved had the right measures been taken in deafness is primarily caused by catarrh of the head and air passages. time. I have personally restored hearing in hundreds of cases,where the Hearing Ii^roved Others state that nasal catarrh often causes indigestion, rheumatism, *T was afflicted with the disease ca­ patients were so deaf they could hear nothing. I want to prove the val­ tarrh for ten years, had doctored with Send Coupon Today caterrh of the stomach, and many other diseased conditions. If you ue of my treatment to you entirely at my own risk and expense. I will local doctors, but found no relief until suffer from partial deafness or nasal catarrh, do not neglect this condition. gladly send it without cost. Just fill out and mail the coupon. I started your treatment. I had a dis­ charge from my nose and head. Became Just fill in th’e coupon below and I will send you a' quite deaf, but now I can hear, and my demonstration treatment by prepaid parcel post without head has quit aching. I feel like a new ■woman. You can use this testimonial if any cost or obligation on your part. I want you to try it Profit by the Experience of Those you choose.”—^Mrs. C. B.. Ansly, Ala. at onc6, so send the coupon today. TRY THIS FREE! Most Wonderful Treatment Who Know "I received your treatment and began I don’t ask you to send one penny for this treatment. Feeling Fine Relieved in 3 Days using it I am here to tell you that it Dr. W. O. Coffee, is the most wonderful treatment I have “I am feeling fine. I suffered from “I received your treatment for my Suite; 204S^ St. James Hotel Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. I send it free to you prepaid without cost. I am doing this head noises, could hardly hear before I ever tried. I have had roaring in my catarrhal deafness and in three days’ time head. I had the worst shortness of to quickly introduce my original home treatment to suffer­ began your treatment Now I feel well.'" after I began to use the treatment, my Please send me a free treatment by prepaid parcel poet. I t is —-Joe M. of Lawrence, Mass. breath, cramps and aching in every inch ers of catarrhal deafness, head noises or catarrh. I believe hearing commenced to come back and I of me. I feel so much better. I can , understood that this does not obligate me in any way. I am to pay treat more cases of deafness, head noises and catarrh H elps Her feel wonderfully improved. My age is see and hear better, can talk better and ’nothing for this treatment now or at any time. I “It has helped me. I am not troubled 71 years.”—D. H. C, Ashland, Ala. feel better all around.”—Mrs. Ethel G., than any physician in the United States. I know this treat­ with head noises, and my hearing is as Lythia, Fla. good as ever.”—Mrs, J. B., Chicago, 111. ment is the best I have ever used. Send your name and Hears As Well As Any One Now Hears Well N am e, address today. State whether you have deafness or head Brougjit Back Hearing “I can hear just as good as any one. J. C. P. says: “I have suffered with “Your treatment has brought back my I have no noises in my head and no drop­ nasal catarrh for seven or eight years, Street or R. F. D.. noises or just have catarrh'. This notice may not appear hearing. I can hear now about as gooa ping in ihy throat. My hearing was very had terrible noises in my head. My again so mail the coupon at once.| as I ever did. I want to thank you.”— bad to start on. You

Iianri!«st(r ! frpm overseas whom they would bo the present Washington team team- I glad to welcome to American resi­ Ing up again next year? j \MNGK)N Hnrning 3SIpralb dence. Again, Willis’ pick of the south-•! At the same time they are decid­ ern states that will flop to the Re-! PUBLISHED BT edly not of the sort to have their publican ticket as against Smith Is m i THE HERALD PRINTING CO. prejudices played upon by such un a very bad pick indeed. Willis gives STORE CLOSED AT NOON TOMORROW—GOOD TODAY, Foan£*d by Elvrood % E U '0 1 ^ . Oct. 1, 18S1 candid arguments as that of Rabbi Coolldge, next year, only Kentucky, BY RODNEY DUTCHES Every Evening Except Sandays .-,nd Feldman when he baldly asserted Tennessee and Missouri. Tennessee, Holidays. that the 1924 law discriminated yes. Kentucky, for Smith if the Washington, April 14,—The Entered at the Post Office at Man­ chester as Second Class Mall Matter. against the Jews and the Irish. As Frankfort and Louisville distillery president’s church will have room SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall a matter of fact the Irish Free interests prevail; for Coolidge if for Mr, and Mrs. Coolldge and New York, April 14.—Broad­ nearly everyone else this Easter six dollars a year, sixty cants a State, with a population of less way’s upheavals are short-lived. month for shorter periods. the back counties win—not other- i Sunday, Already the wags are asking: By carrier, eighteen certs r. week. than .four million, has this year a wise. Missouri, German and Jim' Single copies, three cents. / For 60 years, according to the “Whatever became of that censor­ SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE- quota of 28,000, while all of Great Reed controlled, wet as a beer vat Rev. Dr. Jason Noble Pierce, the ship racket?” Already most of SENTATIV'E. HamUton-De LIsser, Britain and North Ireland, with and for Smith. First Congregational church has them have forgotten why Earl : Inc.. 2S5 Madison Avenue. New York ten times as many people, has a North Carolina, anti-Smith, cer­ been swamped by Easter crowds. It Carroll was sentenced to the fed­ and 612 North Michigan Avenue, has been positively “baffled” in its eral prison. In the letter column Chicago. quota of only six thousand more. tain sure. Georgia anti-Smith ^ al­ The Manchester Evening Herald-Is attempts to hold Easter services. of an afternoon newspaper, in on sale in New York City at Schultz’s We would suggest to those most as certainly. Florida Republi­ Since Calvin Coolldge became fact, this question was asked and News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. Semitic and other agencies which can next year in any conceivable president and continued to attend, answered. There are probably not Street and 42nd. Street entrance of are at work to undermine the im­ event, certainly as against Smith. the problem has been more acute ten persons who mill in the Broad­ Grand Central Station. way theater throngs vtho could “International News Service has the migration laws in the interests of Surely almost anybody could tell than ever. Thousands of applica­ , exclusive rights to use for republlca- tions for seats are received each give you the name of the “bath­ >tlon In any form all news dispatches their foreign friends that they take the President a better story than year from persons outside the city. tub girl” in the case and she, poor credited to or not otherwise credit­ their wares somewhere else. There Willis, anxious to please as the This year threatened to bring child, her hour of heavy publicity ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively Ohioan always is. over, bobs up in musical shows entitled to use for republlcatlop all is no market for them in Manches­ the worst jam yet, but the Daugh­ from time to time. the local or undated news published ter. ters of the America . Revolution herein.” Who can remember the names saved the day. Their Congress was of almost any of the spectacular to meet here the week after Easter THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 192’ DELUSIONS. scandal centers who played their and they had engaged the local brief vaudeville engagements,, only The New London Day scolds Auditorium to disappear as into the ether? roundly at Senator Robert J. Either because they were inspir­ GOVERNOR’S PL.VN. Meanwhile, Broadway settles Smith of this town. Senate chair­ ed by divine grace or because some down to look at the latest play Governor Trumbull’s proposah man of the Committee of Cities mortal person put a bee In their and finds a new topic readily at for a centralized accounting and ears, the Daughters turned over the end of its tongue. Where once and Boroughs, and Representative the Auditorium to the First Church “The Captive” packed the doors finance control system for the state Lynch of Orange, House chairman, NATURE for Easter Sunday.' a new show goes on and the coun­ of Connecticut becomes much less declaring that their coolness to­ The Auditorium is the capital’s try becomes safe for the vendors formidable in the light of his spe­ ward certain amendments to the A QUIVERING FAMILY largest hall and the Rev. Dr. Pierce of violets, since these were the sinister symbols of “captivity.” A Only one week more- cial message to the Legislature yes­ New London charter is caused by was able to promise that the public terday than in that of his -less for­ BY ARTHUR N. PACK could be accommodated and that couple of representatives of an­ the fact that both are unfriendly everyone was Invited. other show will spend their few mally considered utterances on the toward the whole subject of coun­ I’n'sident, American Nature Ass'n. The president, when in Washing- days in the workhouse and sally subject some time ago. With a sin­ cil-manager governments for cities. Everyjiie has heard of the | ton, has always attended the Sun- forth again to stage new efforts. Next season, mayhap, some new gle reservation his scheme of prac- The Day goes on to suggest that quivering aspen. It has appeared i day morning services of the church. $5 FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS I frequently as an important tree j In recen* months services have violation of the decencies will crop , tically combining the headship of the Republican organization in the up to create a three-week sensa­ the Board of Control, State Board I character in western stories, and been held 4n a theater, as the Dis- NEXT Thursday this unusual offer will be withdrawn. Select state is somehow or other respon­ poets have immortalized it by call- trict of Columbia authorities con- tion. of Finance and the State Commis­ j your new bedding just as soon as possible—^tomorrow morning if sible for this kind of enmity, being ’ ...... ' cam- sion on Institutions into a single dress. For Broadway is the best of pa­ stricken with a horrid fear that j paign for a new church is under tients. It recovers quickly from you can—and assure yourself of real restful sleep for many years bureau directed by an expert finan­ from New London the councii- Those who have not heard of it way. in either of these connections may any malady. Padlock its night cial manager seems to be deserving manager idea might spread to clubs and they will bloom again to come. When we deliver your new m attress we will take the old recall it as the roadside tree that Announcement that Spain had of the heartiest approval. That other cities in the state, with the under some other name a few one away. All old mattresses will be bui’ned. was forever turning its leaves over, purchased for an embassy the blocks- away. Texas Guinan, many reservation being that extraordi­ result that partisan politics might flashing them whitely in the light­ magnificent Sixteenth street resi- nary care be taken to prevent the times closed, reopens “bigger and fall to a discount in those cities, est summer breeze, ancl causing , dence which Mrs. John B. Hender- grander” than ever, and mean­ 100% Cotton Mattresses con­ Tnnerspring Mattresses contain­ creation, in this centralized bu­ horses to take fright and shy j son had offered to Congress for the thus weakening the power of the while here nemesis, Mons. Buck­ taining all new materials. Striped ing 676 buoyant coil springs covei- reau, of a vast red-tape mill. Republican “machine.” violently, in the old days when ; '’ice president, was a sad blow to ner, retires from office. The governor is enthusiastic, al­ horses were driven on the roads. | ibe lovely ladies of the Congress- Only financial troubles can ticking; full or twin beds; roll ed with downy white cotton felt. This is by way of a delusion of The leaves of the aspen trees!sional Club, most more than enthusiastic, in his cause sudden death, and this is a edge; 1 piece ...... $12.1.1 grandeur in conjunction with the are hung on long slender stems, | The Congressional Club has had more than ordinarily infectious Any s iz e ...... $39.75 “modern, up-to- suspicion of enemy conspiracy, and the faintest wind is sufficient | ^ bad case of growing pains, for ailment. j finance and ac- which, in individuals, excites the to set them trembling in a dainty i its members augment after every Compartment Felt Mattresses, Fine Hair Mattresses filled with ■'Olil;: -ii, interest of the alienist as indicat­ leaf dance. In autumn the leaves election. It had expanded beyond On the other hand old establish­ -- n -hod oversets one turn from silvery-green to gold, its present cozy clubhouse and has ed reputations become tradition filled with all new cotton felt. special long, black South Am*erican ing paranoia. We know no reason and cling to the street, becoming principle of finance that is as old adding immeasurably to the beauty been casting its eyes around for No tufts to pull out. Full or twin why a newspaper should be exempt of the fall woods. new. quarters, most longingly of all in time part myth, part fact. Each drawings. Striped ticking. Any as barter and trade, much older from the same suspicion under If you do not recall the aspen at Mrs. Henderson’s wonderful, un­ teller elaborates on some anecdote sizes ...... $26.5.5 siz e ...... $62.10 than money itself-—which is that similar circumstances. tree you may know it as the pop­ used mansion alongside the Mexi­ until the latest version becomes a veritable Homeric product. you can’t spend your substance and If this were the general idea in lar, for it goes by that name over can embassy. much of its range. E,ver since Congress had turned Such names as John Drew, Soth- have it, too. You cannot a New London—that the Republicans ern, Marlowe, Mantell, Joe Jeffer­ business with nothing but book­ lilan has found but few uses for down Mrs. Henderson’s splendid of the state are plotting disaster it, owing to the softness of the *^be most exciting topic of son, Maud Adams and Viola Allen WATKINS BROTHERS. I n c . keepers, no matter how clever and to its so-called council-manager wood, but in the wilderness it plays I conversation when the lovely ladles recur like echoes of old and popu­ honest they are nor how many cute lar tunes. David Warfield slips THE PLACE TO BUY BEDDING government with a view to discred­ an important role on the menu of together was speculation over through the streets like a wraith little tricks of accounting they may iting the whole enterprise of mod­ many creatures. I whether Mrs- Henderson, the club’s returned to haunt the ■ scenes of devise. Connecticut has roads to Rabbits and' deer feed on th e! president, would do the yesteryear's victories, disappearing ern civic management, the entire buds and tender twigs during the j *'°ble thing and donate the place to build and take care of, it has in­ community would fall under sus­ finally into the doorway of the sane asylums and prisons to main­ winter months and grouse fly up I organization. Lamb's Club for his pinochle picion as to its sanity. But quite among the branches and gather the I — ----- game. And in the pool room of FUNERAL DIRECTORS tain, it has schools to keep up and obviously no such general Idea'^ ex­ sticky buds when deep snow covers these days, the buddies of the Player’s Club there gathers Schools to aid—a great many func­ ists there. The group in that city all other food. | young Dave Bruce expect him to nightly a host of veterans whose tions to perform that require money which seeks further bolstering of More than any other animal, i check out of the consular service,names marched bravely along the however, the beaver depends on the ^ Toung Dave is, first, theson ofdisplay signs in the foyer, chatter- and something more than money; its experimental charter, and ■ they require special information aspen for his winter diet. He sinks , ^coator William Cabell Bruce of ieg far into the night of other which is ready to accuse the Man- Sections of it in his pond and lives second and vastly times and other plays. , and interest in the direction of cliester senator of bias because he all winter ^01^ .pn the tender bark. °'ore Important, the son-in-law 6f each activity. One need not have a does not see things their way, is a ; Secretary of the Treasury Andrew “Invariably the telephone rings just about the time a person gets very bilious imagination to con­ very small one and itself has long IW. Mellon, the supposedly third ceive of the erection of a system of richest man in the United States. nicely set in the bathtub.” ex­ lain under the suspicion of having D A I B ^ I Some of the other boys suspect plains a note from the McAlpin ho­ control and accounting in which axes, to grind. j that he entered the consular ser- tel, stating why it set about in­ the money and the service in con­ W’hat this group is trying to do. ; vice just to show Miss Ailsa Mellon stalling phones in bathrooms throughout the hostelry. nection with these functions might obviously, is to fasten permanently I that he was able to get somewhere. become—and easily—involved in a : He was a young lawyer and the We’d noticed that ourselves. Just Unpacked in on the people of its community a I Bruce family are not exactly pau- tangle of red tape which would charter which, so far from being a Speaking of phones, the New cost, in cash and in effectiveness Feast. day of oL.St. iDeiiezet. Benezet. i Pcrs- But Andy Mellca is said to typical council-manager document .“^brahani Lincoln assassinated, i down upon an ordinary mil- York Telephone company found ■ of operation, many times over, all the influence of the films too in­ in anything but name, is perhaps 1S65. ^ lionaire with the supreme disdain sidious upon the public. The mov­ that could be saved by the propos­ Birthday anniversary of James | "’>th whicL a senator regards a the wildest hodge-podge of contra­ Branch Cabell, author. ies have a way of showing phoners ed administrative merger. dictions and compromises that any mere congressman and Miss Ailsa using those' trick Freuch receivers. was just about the best and most This is not intended in the very American community ever tried to So many requests for these ritzy least as opposition to the gover- sought after prize for a young man appurtenances have come in that do business under. It is still possi­ with matrimonial Intentions that they expect soon to install them Time for Easter , nor's proposal; which in the ab­ ble for the people of that city to could be found in this hemisphere. upon request. stract at least, and probably con­ get rid of this instrument—and A TH OU G H T Since that never-to-be-forgotten GILBERT SWAN. cretely, is absolutely sound. Rather such action is reported to be im­ wedding young Mr. Bruce has been on leave of absence most of the A shipment of Williams’ Own Make Suits—all the newest fab­ !t is the expression of an apprehen­ minent. But it would not be possi­ How long halt ye between two MARRIAGE sion that the device which he pro­ opinions?—I Kings xvlii:21. time from his vice-consular post at rics and styles. Now on display. ble if tjie adherents of the charter Rome. There Isn’t much future in DIVORCE poses is one which, if adopted, —who were its framers—could gat In matters of great concern, and the consular servlc; for a son-in- should itself be surrounded with the support of the Legislature in which must be done, there is no law of Mr. Mellon, but there is a . and then Come Early Tomorrow and Get Your Suit— Double Breasted. the utmost safeguarding against eliminating the factor of a referen­ surer argument of a weak mind whale of a big future for such a than irresolution.—Tlllotsou. fortunate person outside. One and two button models. Hard finished Novelty Worsteds. the development of a bureaucraev dum. And because they cannot get "CHILDREN OF DIVORCE” so meshed in technicalities as to that support they seek to pin a tail Most of These Suits Have 2 Pair of Pants. seriously retard the operation of on the whole Republican party of normal state activities which are the state. Oh, Yes, He’s W illing All Right, But- based primarily on rough econom­ If the people of New London, in ics and the humanities. lighteous disgust over the slum- e trust we may be pardoned for gullion charter that was wished on suggesting that, excellent as is them, do get up the spunk to chuck uovernor Trumbull's purpose, and it overboard by way of the referen­ doubtless directed as it is ’against dum, and if they then go into the Cem o/{ amp certain weaknesses in our present next Legislature with a bona fide fte. sys’tem, before it is translated Into council-manager charter that means law that law ought to be mulled something and is capable of inter­ ,e o\er and pondered over and viewed pretation, nobody up this way is No Charge For Alterations from every possible angle before it going to interfere with their get­ All Suits Purchased before 6 p. m. Saturday Will Be Ready in time for Easter. Is adopted. We should think, as a ting it that much is certain. But ^ 4 matter of fact, that the subject is according to our understanding of one that might well be put over the situation there is no reason in Shoes $3.95 to $8.50 Men’s Socks for another Legislature to act up­ the world why Senator Smith, Rep­ on, after the fullest consideration In Popular Fancy Designs as Well as resentative Lynch or anybody else Hats Solid Colors. by the people of the state in the in­ should do anything to further com­ terim. $2.45, $4.95, $5.50, $7.50 plicate the mess in New London by ARO COAX 50c, 75c and $1.00 riveting a costly and ridiculous me form of government on the peojj'le NECKWEAR—^An exceptionally fine showing of the rf* n and d* ^ C A ALIEN PROP.\GA\DA. latest Spring creations...... That Hartford rabbi who came of the Whaling Town. ^ X to Manchester yesterday to propa­ SHIRTS->-We have made an exceptionally fine selection of O d» o P* / \ gandize against the American im­ DOPE. Shirts for Spring w ea r...... migration laws must have felt that / / Senator Willis of Ohio is not our Open Until 7 :30 Tonight. Closed at 1 p. m. Friday. Open Saturday Until 9 p. m. his seed fell on stony ground. The complete ideal of a political pro­ Klwanians who listened to him in­ phet. He told President Coolidge a \ dulged in no wild outbursts of ap­ lot of things the other day that we plause and if he had hoped to cre­ do not believe are so. But he told Our New Method of Merchandising ate, in that particular group, even him some other things that were 5% for cash at time of purchase. so much as a single agent for the surely right; that was because any 0 2% for cash within 30 days. G 3 further dissemination of his pecu­ little boy could have done it. Ho Net on our popular 10 payment plan. liar sociological doctrine he must predicted, for instance, that Smith have felt afterward that his time and Donahy will be the Democratic was wasted. candidates for President and Vice- Manchester people are not of the President in 1928 and that Cool­ sort to wax enthusiastic over any idge, as head of the Republican proposal to undo the excellent if ticket ’Will overwhelm them. It be­ i-tBrn/lmiC belated work of the Sixty-eighth Williams gins to look as If the senator were Johnson Block Congress in halting the influx of very much to the good in these par­ exotic and unassimllable peoples in­ Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Until 7 :30. ticular forecasts. But when he says Tuesday and Saturday 9:00. s to this country. They are entirely that the Republican ticket will be willing to stand on the law of Coolidge and Dawes—in the word.'i .1924, even if in certain isolated in- of ancient slang, it is to laugh. Can Iftances It may work to keep the anybody lacking even one per cent' ^ars un against relatives or friends, of tll6 Willis stodginess imagine, HERALD ADVERTISING PAYS—USE IT

> r.-Vd.:--

MANCHESTER'(CONN.) E YE IN G 6ERALD/THtfRSDAY, APRIt 14; 1927: PAGE _L » - ■ "•- 1-.J

b. Until . , ...... Sanderson Mrs; Armstrong and Mr. Corn­ wall . TEST ANSWERS Best ' Baiilone— " SPEC IAL! kwmrEcimhcE a. Vale (Farewell) ^ Here are the answers to “ Now Radio Bet JCenhedy Ritsselt tp u Ask One” for today. The On Shoe Repairing For IS Days b. There 4s No Death questions are on the comics page. Men’s Leather Soles, Sewed On, Regular ^ ‘1 Geoffrey O’Hara 1— Judge Elbert H.' Gary. a Mr. Cornwall 2— J. P. Morgan & Co. Price $1.50. Now in My P la c e ...... $ ^ ifc FRANCE T. S. LENTEN MUSIC FROM WSM 3— ^About $1,000,000,OOO. Duet— Ladies’ Leather Soles, Sewed On, Regular Previous iiistailinciiis of this? Night Hymn a I Sea ■ 4— Andrew Mellon. story of an “ex-biuk private” go­ Cantata, “ Olivet to Calvary,” by Price $1.25, Now in My P la c e ...... / O C Goring-Thomas . , 5— O. P. and M. J. Van Swer- ing back to France as a forerun­ quartet of the First Presbyterian ipgen. The very best oak leather used. These prices can’t church, will broadcast from WSM Mis . Armsti'ong and Mr. Cor:i- ner of the “ Secoiul A. E. P .” told Avall '' •'6— Clarence Saunders. be compared. Realize the saving and rush your work of the trip across tlie Atlantic to­ at 8 p. m. central time on Thurs­ 8:00— To be .tnnoiinced -.7— James Couzens. in to the day ns compared wltli those of war day, April 14. 8— Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. days. Other picks are: 9-00— Capito, Tncaler Presentation 10:00— NeAVS and AVeather 9— He established a department K 6W , 5 p. mi Pacific time— store. CHAPTER V Mixed quartet and concert trio. 10:05— ' Fiftieth Birthday of the Boston Shoe Repair Shop Microphone” — J. Clayton Ran­ 10— W. W. Atterbury. Paris-bound! — Zowie! Paris- WHT, 6:45 p. m. central time— A pair of laces free with every purchase of $1.00 or over Classical program. dall, Engineer WTIC bound! 105 Spruce Street South Manchester The click o f the wheels of those WCBD, 8 p. m. central time— first-class compartment coaches is College chorus and saxophone Water Glass for putting down General little short of musical. On the sid- quintet. eggs at Packard’s.—-Adv, Auto Repairing and iiiigs you see those French hox-cars WTIC, 8 p. m. eastern time— — “ Chevaux S— Homines 4 0.” May­ The Passion Play. Overhauling t ■ be you fought for breath with W EAF, 8:30 p. m. eastern time SHELDON’S GARAGE about sixty other sweating or — Kathleen Stewart, pianist. Typewriters freezing soldiers in one of tliose WPG, 8:45 p. m. eastern time— Rear of 25 Hollister Street. Concert band. self-same story-book freight cars. All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ Phone 2328-2 Residence 2328-3 Advertise in The Evening Herald-lt Pays Perhaps you came down through WSAI, 9 p. m. eastern time— England to Romsey and hiked up Easter cantata by choir of the changed and overhauled. that chalk cliff in Le Havre, with Methodist church of Walnut Hills. Special Discounts to Students. the perspiration trickling down back of your ears. Or perhaps you Telephone 821 came in through St. Nazaire or Bordeaux or Brest. Regardless, you WTIC knew the “ 40 homines and S chev­ Kemp’s Music Thursday Friday Saturday aux,” and intimately, too. They | Travelers Insuriince Co., haven’t changed a bit. Just as nice Hartford, Conn. April 14 April 15 April 16 and roomy and commodious as 467. House ever. But how comfy an uphol- | stered seat feels! No uniforms igreet the eye. The Program for Thursday “ Aussies” with tehir independent IRE WISE MAN ALWAYS swagger air have left the scene. 6:00 p. m.— Dinner Music, Hotel The blue of the Poilu is gone. Here Heublein. Trio— BUYS THE b e s t ! — and there you spot a villager with a. Selection from “ H. M. S. Pina­ 5 Tires Tubes Free HE(^LLS US UP-V an army blouse. There are no in­ fore” ...... Sullivan teresting gangs of “ P. G.’s” (Pris- b. Souvenir...... Drdla DO THE RJ TWO DAYS MORE BEFORE THE DRAWING onier de Guerre, if you’ve forgot­ c. Chant sans Paroles ten). But all along the “ chemin Tschaikowsky de fer” the scenes are strikingly d. Love Song from "Summer familiar. The stone houses, the • Night Suite” ...... Dowd fields, the peasants working, the e. Kamennoi Ostrow Rubinstein high-wheeled carts. Surely, things 6:25— News Saturday, April 16 at 2.30 haven’t changed so very much. 6:30— Tenor solos— There’s a youngster clattering a. A b s en t...... Metcalf The holder of one of the tickets we have been giving away with purchases f,or sev­ along a cobbled street of a town b. That Night .... Vanaderpool eral weeks will get 5 TIRES AND TUBES FREE. in his wooden shoes and smock, c. King Ever Glorious from carrying a pail, probably on his “ Crucifixion” ...... Stainer Good time to stock up now. way to the epicerie to get some Philip Magnuson, Tenor The Lucky Number will be announced in The Herald Monday, Tues­ fromage. There’s a white-bon­ Laura C. Gaudet, Accomp. The beautiful American memor ial designe

'•J « i y

1 - *' '44'^.■ ' v ' ■■ ^ 'r> ’:5^ ^' V PAGu; SIX y.„.MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 192T.

MARRIAGE Durand’s and Apollo Clidcolates PBKSEVBRAXCE COUNT.S in fancy Easter Packages at' Pack­ After trying for three years, Jo- THE GREAT WAR TEX DIVORCE ard’s.—^Adv. V ...-i’' ,'seph L -^Part^i»^^©hicago, has,.been YEARS AGO TODAY MILTON SILLS HEADS awarded a Tar^t% idtldr at the Uni­ and then The “tired business man’’ often versity of Illinois. Pertl placed (By United Press) STATE BARGAIN BILL HOLY WEEK MEDltATIOr^ (f gets that way from having to con­ fourth in a swimming meet recent­ April 14, 1917 CHILDREN OF DIVORCE” tribute to all the Do Good move­ ly in a fancy diving event. . ' British seize suburbs of Lens ments that come along. and drive clorer to St. Quentin. The House of Representatives ‘Sea Tiger” on Program With “Tlie Joyfulness Of Life*^ passes the administration war 8 Vaudeville Acts Tonight; bond bill providing for loans of Picture Remains Rest of $3,000,000,000 to the Allies $2,- “These things have I si)oken<^ 000,000,000 for American war Week. unto yon that my Joy may be In you preparations and $2,000,000,000 and that yonr Joy may ■ be made in Treasury certificates by a vote Eight superb vaudeville acta, fuU.”—John X V til. of 389 to 0. headed by the famous Broadway DO G OW NERS ”“ was ever conscious of the joy of ^ o r Friday and Saturday the fea­ fellowship with the Infinite, while ture picture will '^e shown with the around Him beat the passions and best five acts of the eight which conflicts of finite men. are on the program tonight. What a lesson for our Lenten “The Sea Tiger,’’ which features season we find in our study of the Miton Ellis, is the feature picture joy of Jesus. for these three days. Sills plays the role of a slow wit- But we must be careful to dis­ ted but powerful Spanish fisher­ tinguish between joy and plea.-'ure. man, of great strength of charac­ Pleasure is fleeting; joy is abid­ QJ ter, who is torn betwee; his love ing. Pleasure is superficial; joy is INCORP ORATED for his younger and weaker broth­ the deep swell of the ocean; pleas­ er, Larry Kent, and Mary Astor, a ure IS the temporary satisfaction of \ the senses; joy is the play upon w — tho street .-long v.Mch J a m s Is be- Hartford fisherman’s daughter, whom both our spirits of Goodness, Beauty and lleved to have journeyed on His wa y to Calvary. the brothers love. Truth. Indeed it Is what the French Against the stormy background conflicts of life knowing that hard laughter. STORE OPEN ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY of the sea the tale unfolds itself call it—“a jewel”—hidden deep In pathways, steep climbs, heavy loads with peculiar beauty. the heart of every man and woman and stormy weather are all compli­ Perhaps our greatest joy Is the The tiny fishing craft dip their who has found the way of living. ments to our worth.' consciousness of an Infinite Pres­ We should find joy in work as ence. It is a groat awakening, like sails against the horizon as the Anything less than this would the opening pf the eyes upon a sun­ Unsurpassed Values In course of true love runs anything well as in rest—that is if our work bring us to Indolence and gross sel­ is that which is tne free and full ny, spring morning, when it first but smooth. Alice White, as a rat­ fishness. We can even find joy amid dawns upon our minds that God l.s tle brained little Spanish theatrical expression of our self. There much that is ugly and mean. All .should be joy In our achievement If in the world hoping, dreaming, trouper, causes most of the trouble. of us have been conscious of shed­ struggling and suffering with us. It Mary Astor, as t 2ie heroine, is as it is that which contributes to the ding tears of joy, knowing that the happiness and welfare of others. is then that we pursue our tasks beautiful as ever, and, further­ experience of the moment, some with a new joy. "Our Joy is made INDIVIDUAL C o a t s &. D r e s s e s more, she at last has a chance at There certainly will be joy In the personal victory, was too joyous for full.” v' a role which gives her an opportu­ nity to display fire and anger, as 'A i f ;; >*, « ".^1 •» well as touches of humor. The story Brownies, Mrs. W, M. Brownell. Cheney attended' tfie regular meet­ abounds In good laughs Interspers­ To Mrs. Fred H. Norton, the re­ ing of the troop April 8 and,will be All New Distinctive Spring Models ed in the drama, this lighter touch tiring commissioner. Is much credit commissioned as lieutenant. being a welcome addition to Sills’ Girl due. It Is through her efforts that Troop Pour repertoire. the Girl Scouts of Manchester nov/ This troop met in the Barnard have a chartered council of their School Kindergarten. Mrs. Hohen- HARLEY IS COACHIXG Scout own, six registered troops and two thal was present and taught the “Chic” Harley, Ohio State's first 'Brownie Packs. She has given her songs to be sung at the Review in All-Ameiican football player, is time faithfully and willingly for the May. They are. The Keeper, The helping get the freshmen baseball News past four years. The Girl Scouts Australia, The Skye Boat Song, The team In action for his alma mater wish to thank Mrs. Norton for all Golden Day is Done. The troop Is now. Harley was an assistant coach she has done for them during her divided into two patrols for a per­ at Ohio State In football this past term of service. fect uniform contest. The losers fal. The annual meeting of the Girl Dr. Knapp Is Instructing the Red are to treat the winners to an out­ Scout Council was held at the home Cross Merit Badge class on Thurs­ door feast. Contest starts next of Miss Marguerite Bengs on .April days. week. All girls should come In Per­ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 12th. Annual reports showed much Troop One fect Uniform. AT COST progress had been made during the At the last meeting of this troop Brownie Pack, No. 2, whlcli_ past year. Always paid 25 per cent, divi­ the following officers were elected: meets at the Center Church, will' dend. Reducing cost of Insurance Election of officers was as fol­ Chairman, Ruth Holmes; socrotary, not meet this J’ricay afternoon. that amount. lows for the coming year: Commis­ Janice Remlg; treasurer, Elizabeth Will eac'.i troop see that its news sioner, Mrs. George Wilcox; deputy Fllblg. for the week is turned in to Mrs. a v STUART J. WASUEY commissioner, Mra. Harry Melkle- Troop lliree Hawley by Tuesday night? '7-.Main Strict. ' Phono 142.S john'! secretary, Mrs. John Winter- The points for the new patrol bottom; treasurer, Mrs. Charles contest bqgan April 8. Patrol 1, 5; | G. NEWS. ' Holman. The committee chairmen: Patrol 2, 6. Genevieve Eddy has \ 'wl Awards, Mrs. Nelson Smith; serv-j <«> passed the compass test of the sec­ Hartford, April 14.—Governor V \RTESIAN WELLS Ice, Mrs. John Hood; publicity, ond class requirements. Bessie Mrs. Robert Hawley; equipment, Trumbull and his staff will be the Drilled Any Diameter— Forbes will take the part of the guests of Branford’s National Mrs. Clarence Qulmby; entertainer, school principal, Mrs. Lipklns, in Depth Any Place Mrs. C. I. Balch; visiting, Miss Mar­ Guard company, next Tuesday even­ the play to be given at the Girl ing, according to orders Issued by guerite Bengs and Mrs, F. H. Scout Review In May. Genevieve harles F. Volkert Jones; camp, Mrs. Earl Seaman; the adjutant-general’s offlqe here ------Eddy will take the part of Ducky, today. The adjutant-general also one of the students; and Dorothy today Issued permission for the Blast Hole Drilling Holland and Grace Glgllo will be 102nd Infantry, Connecticut Na­ a Drilling for Foundation Dr. Fred F. Bushnell members of the Girl Scout troop tional Guard, to parade under arms VETERINARIAN formed In the play. Beginning April in New Haven on April 20, the an­ Water, Systems 14, Bessie Forbes will act as assist­ 494 East Gunter Street, niversary of the Battle of Seiche- \ i’umps for All Purposes. ant to Miss Ferguson, Brown Owl prey. Manchester Green. of Brownie Pack No. 1. Miss Ruth Appointment of Francis G. Tel. 1375*5. 'J'KI.KPHOXE 1847. D’Arcy, of Bridgeport, to be a first HIGHLAND PARK P. 0. Offlee iluurM: 7 to 8 P. M. lieutenant In the coast artillery and assigned to duty with the head­ quarters company, of the 242mi J?xxxx3txxxx$cxxxxxxx:xxxx!c^^ WE SPECIALIZE Regiment also was announced to­ day by the adjutant-general’s of­ IN EXAMINING EYES AND fice. Easter Remembrance FITTING GLASSES SEEKS BIG GAMES Colorado College, which had a EASTER The time of returning flowers— most successful season in the WALTER OLIVER Rocky Mountain Conference this The time of remembrance, true past season, is seeking other grid EASTER Optometrist fields to conquer. They have ap­ Lilies carry the message true proached Tulane for a home-and- 916 Main St. Sd. Manchester. home agreement and are also after —FOR EASTER EASTER into your heart and home. games on the Pacific coast and —FOR EASTER Hours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. with Missouri Valley teams. Say Easter Greetings with Flowers Baskets of Plants and Assorted Flowers. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji Spring Coats Dresses Easter Corsages, Violets, etc. Coats unmatched for style and quality. Of char- Haying a number of A complete showing of. Cut Flowers and Potted meen, kasha, dragon sutin, crepe and faille. Fur attractive dresses in your Plants. I Reymander’s Market f wardrobe ceases to be a problem when prices are as trimmed models or plain ones to be worn with fur Telephone orders given careful and prompt attention. s - 1071 Main Street, Opposite Army & Navy Club = scarves. moderate as these, Every style feature and color is represented. Telephone 888-2 = Phone 456 ^ We Deliver f State Flower Shoppe ,$25oo 737 Main Street, State Theater Building, 40 Fathom Fish 4> South Manchester, Conn. 8 Clams, Lobsters Halibut Salmon Trout THE LIFE OF CHRIST The Crucifixion SYNOPSIS ARRANGED BY DR. WM. E. GIDROY, D. O. Shad Striped Bass SKETCHES BY KROESBN Shad Roe Haddock .Smelt Boston Blue Cod I Butterfish Flounders h Filet Haddock Mackerel Spanish Mackerel Cod Cheeks Yellow Perch Bullheads ‘ Pickerel Hake Boiled Livo ■ Eels r \ \S \ Lobsters ‘ Filet Cod Scallops . V ‘n Fresh Live Lobsters, Long Clams,. Quahaugv, Smoked Filet Haddock, Smoked Bloaters, Salt Herring, Mackerel and Cod. y Am Phone orders delivered, Special orders for Clam:* i With Simon of Gyrene carrying the croee, Jesus was The soldiers cast lots or Lobsters taken.' for His garments. Above One of the crucified \ taken to Calvary and there crucified between two thieves, while His mother and friends stood by. Jeering Him was the inscription, thieves repented of his Choice Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. sins, and Jesus promised ot Jesus on the cross was Him, the crowd said. “He saved others, let Him save "Jesus of Nazareth, King Scotch Ham, sliced ...... 493 ib. Jews." (John XIX ; ^ (Luke ®®*^® all the earth for himself If He be Christ." (Luke XXIil : 26-39) MV XXIII; 40-43) V/V three hours and a great earthquake rent the vail of Emei’ald Isle Bacon, in piec: 42 c lb. Uthe temple. (Luke XXIII :44-46)* Tops All Bacon, in piece ;. ______' cieav av wia aenvicE. ikc- > 42c lb...... ‘*"""""""HII(lliilllillil|li||||t||||||||{|i|||||||||||||||iii;|,|||||||iip[i.

■ - .-r V ' : . -V,-. V*« • .1 : ■ - - ■ ■ 1 S.' • • A. ■ < :• ' '=X: ■ ■ r--.- '-".r •; •. ~ , - .z -•» ,-r- P MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAi:^, APRIL 14, 1927* PAGP SEVEN

Four Women Face Death Penalty ierfere a date will be announced 92,000,000 BLAZE V ^ la^er. EGG HUNT SATURDAY The egg hunt bids fair to be- Morgantown, W. "Va., April 14.— coiiK; a yearly cus'om, after the Three firemen were burned and manner of the fan ous ifg-rolling crushed by a falling wall, several AT “ WHITE HOUSE” contests for the children in Wash­ hundred persons were driven from ington, D. C., as i-.i Manchester,,a t ‘ GB their homes scantily clad, and '.telt! on the "Whlfe House” damage estimated at more than grounds. ?2,000,000 was done by fire which swept the downtown business dis­ Girls 2 to 10 Years Can Win DIES FRO.M FALL trict here today. Firemen from neighboring cities brought the Prizes at Community Club Greenwich, Conn., April 14.-— flames under control about sight Gustav Busch,, former member of a. m. AMESSAGE the local police force, died in the Grounds. hospital here during the night of injuries he received yesterday afternoon when a scaffolding on PARENTS! The second annual Easter Egg which he was working as a painter hunt will be held on the “White broke and threw him to a tile Divorce Is a Way Out For You! House” grounds Saturday morning, porch. Busch received a fractured But it is a Way Into Scandal April 16, at 10:30 a. m. skull and internal Injuries in the The custom started last year by fall. For Your Children! Director Washburn seems to have Busch was working no the main iMiTn-i firmly fixed Itself in the young­ bouse of the Robert Mallory estate - 1'' sters’ minds as an annual event, in on Byram shore when the accident that many of the mothers have call­ occurred. He was married and Il^^ed ed, asking that the club repeat the on ’West Elm street FOR THE LADIES Ruth. S^dei? ■ t e i B e r t h d hunt thi.s- year again. n • I Ne-w lifts of Director Washburn states that Hand Decorated Easter Cards this year the “White House” 10c., a t Packard’s.— Adv. uD6C12u ^®^Lher or-rubber grounds will be divided into two ' for your wooden sections, one for tots from two to heel shoes, neatly put on for five and one section for children six to ten. The egg hunt this year EASTER FLOWERS will be confined to girls only Inas­ 25c much as on Saturday. April 23, the PHONE YOUR ORDER Ladies Soles, sewed 90c. boys are having a kite-flying con­ TODAY Men's Soles, sewed $1.25. test limited to boys. As were the rules last j'ear, no Anderson Greenhouses youngsters may help the other or 153 Eldridge St. Phone 2121 SELWITZ two work together putting the eggs Selwitz Block, 10 Pearl St. found in one basket to count as one. Youngsters nf the ages men­ tioned must stay in their alloted section in order to get a prize. Director Washburn states that — — mothers accompany the smaller Service Quality Low Prices tots and that everyootiy Is welcome, whether from north or south. It has also been suggested that each Miss and Mr, Soon-to- Wed Alma. searcher bring with her a small box to put the eggs in after they have FRESH FISH 019O T1. been found. The eggs will not be i_____I i-f bard to find, providing the search­ FTER the be­ ers have sharp eyes. Charged v.ith iiuirderms their husbands or their sweethearts these cliould weather condition.s In- HOME MADE HOT X BUNS four women face possible death sentences if found guilty. Mrs. Sny­ trothal .... the der is charged witli aiding her lover in the brutal murder of her hus­ 20c Dozen band while' he slept in their New York apartment. Mrs. Heilman and wedding. After Mrs. Alma Olson of Cliicago are charged with murdering their husbands, To avoid disappointment kindly phone your order and Miss Stokes, also of Chicago; with the murder of her stveetheart, SORE, INFLAMED, the wedding . . . the James J. Glennon. ^ this evening for Hot X Buns and Fresh Fish. After all, your home honeymoon. After the SWOLLEN FEET STORE WILL CLOSE GOOD FRIDAY AT 1 P. M. is your castle.... HEBRON MARLBOROUGH Fresh Halibut Steak Cod honeymoon . . . the This Powerful, Penetrating, Anti­ Fresh Shad Fresh Haddock whether it is a two- Jerome F. Weir has rel.uruei to septic Oil >Iu8t Give Results or Money Back. Mackerel Butterfish home. William C. Robinson was leader his home from the Hartford Hos­ pital, where he undenvent an op­ King Salmon Smelts room apartment or a of the Christian Endeavor meeting eration for appendicitis recently. Go to any good druggist today Finnan Haddies Fresh Herrings at the centier Sunday evening. The H. M. Crandall of New Haven and get an original bottle of Filet of Haddock Filet of Cod twenty-room mansion. Gilead Endeavorers were invited to was in town on business this week. Moone’s Emerald Oil. People travel from be present and a good number re­ Howard Becker and family of The very first application will sponded. After the regular hour a East Hampton called on relatives give you relief and a few short Native Calves’ Liver. north to south, from You want to be proud special conference took place, the here the first of the week. treatments will thoroughly con­ Best Pure L a r d ...... 13c lb. topic being how to improve the Mrs. E. E. Hall was a caller In vince you that by sticking faithful­ of your home; you want work of the Sunday school. This Baked Mackerel ready for the table ...... 40c each east to west.... a 11 Hartfoi*d Wednesday. ly to it for a short while your foot Salt M ackerel...... I9c each was lead by the Rev. John Deeter, Miss Carolyn Sibley of Amherst, troubles will be a thing of the past your friends to admire pastor of the Hebron and Gilead New Hampshire, was a caller in and best of all free from all of­ Scotch Salt Herrings ...... 10c each around the world; they churches. A vigorous discussion town the first of the week. Miss fensive odors. took place It was brought out that Sible.v taught in the North School Don't expect a single bottle to do it. The all important a!i average of 65 pupils, including in this place last year. it all at once but one bottle we Our first delivery tomorrow will leave the store at see beautiful things and children and adults attend the Sun­ The schools in town are closed know will show you beyond all 8 a. m. Please phone your order this evening for the question is just how to day school at the center, the Gilead this week for the spring vaefation. question that you have at last dis­ early delivery. live in elaborate hotels Sunday school numbering some­ Twins were born Sunday to Mr. covered the way to keep your feet what less. About 2 5 pupils all chil­ and Mrs. Martin Washoloski. in a normal healthy condition free .... only to return and furnish it within the dren, are enrolled at St. Peter's Mrs. Howard B, Lord was a call­ from all pain and soreness. Sunday school, but there is a large er in Hartford the first of the week. Remember that Moone’s Emer­ budget you have class of people in the town who Miss Margaret Walcott teacher at ald Oil is a clean, powerful, pene­ Manchester Public Market find th^e is no sweeter never attend any religious gather­ the North School is spending the trating Antiseptic Oil that does not planned. ing. spring vacation at her home in Leo­ staiii or leave a greasy residue and place than their own that it must give complete satisfac­ I A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 | Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Ray­ minster, Mass. Miss Hilda Ander­ son, teacher at the Center is at her tion or your money cheerfully re­ mond of Raymond Manor entertain­ funded.— adv. home. ed as their guests on Sunday Mr. home in Milford, Mass., and Miss To select what you and Mrs. Sherwood Raymond and Margaret Shugrue of the' North­ west School is at her home in Nau­ children of New Britain, also Mrs. gatuck. want; to select what is Lulu Lord of South Manchester. „ii you come They also entertained recently Mr. right and what will ind Mrs. ■\VTlliam Hawthorne of New Haven. back from your honey­ ^Ir. and Mrs. Robert Mainwaring WAPPING prove to be a source of and daughters, Carol and Shirley moon, you want to step also Charles Chappel and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Elmore re lasting comfort may Grace, all ( f New Haven were Sun­ turned from St. Louis, Mo., last into the sweetest place day visitors at the home of Mrs. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore were seem to be a problem Etta Rathbone and Mrs. H. B. both sick with the grip while there. Rathbone. They attended the funeral of Mrs. on earth... your home. Mr. and Mrs- Charles -Fries of Elmore's mother, Mrs, : Amanda to you. It is only a Norwich, former residents of Ams- King, which was held at the home T he place where ton called on friends in town on of her son-in-law, Daniel R. Ging problem if you attempt Sunday. of Chicago, 111. Frank S. Stoughton, who spent friends will be enter- Joseph Grifflng and family of the week-end at his home here re-' it unaided. No one ap­ Preston were week end visitors at turned to Albany, N. Y., on Tues-^ tainedL the home of Mr. Grifiing's sister, day morning. His son Dwight preciates this more Mrs. Chauncey B. ICinney. Stoughton accompanied him. Word has been received of the The Federated Workers will death of Dennis Keefe, in Andover, meet tomorrow afternoon (Good than Garber Brothers^ on Sunday, of heart trouble. Mr. Friday) at the home of Mrs. Wal­ Keefe was a former resident of this ter N. Foster of Foster street. Mr.s. town. He leaves two sons who live Frank Foster will be the assistant here, Morris and Arthur Keefe, and hostess. In the spirit of help­ several grandchildren. The funeral Joseph Elmore of Pleasant "Val­ ley, has a new “Flying Cloud” Reo Let Flowers took place on W'ednesday at St. fulness, we invite you James's church in Manchester, at 9 sedan. a. m. the widow of the deceased, Mrs. Asher Collins and two sons. to consult us. W e can Mrs. Margaret Keefe, was also a Porter and David, returned from a Express Your resident of Hebron for many years. visit with her parents at Colrain, A poEtponed meeting of St. Mass., last Sunday afternoon. help you in many ways. Peter's C:”.r,?tcry Association took It has been decided that the Easter Message ])lacG .'luiKL’y evening at the home East Hartford Trust Company the Do not hesitate to come collector of taxes for the Town of of Kdmuud Horton- The annual South Windsor, will not meet at The lily symbolizes Easter in a delicate^ poetic manner. Other c-lcc.lcn I'i cllioors took place. The Walter S. Billings’ store on April flowers, too, are just as appropriate. We have a profusion of in. The services of this oilirTir. as follows: President, 28, as was previously stated but plants and cut flowers just received from our own greenhouses at Mrs. Marirt:a G. Horton, vice presi­ all tax payers will have to go to entire organization are dent, Kdniui'.d 11, Horton; treasur­ the East Hartford Trust Company's prices that are most moderate. We deliver to all parts of town, er, William (’. Robhuon; secretary. hank. and surrounding towns. Miss Clarh:s;i Pendleton; collector, Thirty-seven members from Wap- at your disposal with­ Mrs.- Mariett.a G. Horton; board of ping Grange were among the fifty- managers, William O. Seyms, H. four Granges represented at the Easter Happiness By Wire:- out any obligation. Clinton Porter. The two other mem­ Neighbors' Night last Tuesday If those you wish to remember live in cities or towns far bers of the board, elected last evening with Newington Grange. It year, are Mrs. W. O. Seyms and is estimated that more than seven away, even in other countries, your flower greeting Can be deliver­ Edmund Horton. About $100 was hundred members of the various ed through our Telegi’aph Delivery Service. The only extra spent on Improvements In the ceme- Granges throughout the state,'wit­ charge for this service is cost of telegram. t -ry by the association during the nessed the program. The following p.ost .vear. This includes straighten­ state officers were present: Minor * Phone:1088-2 ing about fifty gravestones, filling Ivest, of Meriden, state master; in sunken' graves, mowing three Louis J. Folios, of Southington, times. A vote was taken to charge state overseer: Mrs. Lenny Whlt- bam of Groton, state lecturer; Ard one dollar for filling sunken graves, Welton of Plymouth, state secre­ and to double thep rice charged for tary; Charles Adams of Groton, iliF general care of cemetery lots. state assistant steward, and Mrs. The increase in charges has been Edna B. Kretzmer of W'ebhersfield, necessary as the finances of the as­ state flora. The principal speaker Hartford ' sociation are insufficient to meet of the evening was Charles M. T H E E L O R I ST these demands. Gardner of Westfield, Mass., High W'ord has been received from F. Priest of Demeter of the National Clarence Bissell of Hartford who Grange who took for his subject, l>as been seriously ill for the last “The Grange as viewed through a few months that his condition is microscope or a telescope.” more favorable and that he is able to sit up twice a day for a short time. DAVID CHAMBERS Two more cases of chicken pox have appeared in the family of CONTRACTOR Harold Gray, the victims being Mrs. FINE FURNITURE M O R G A N Gray and Harold, the young son of and direct Mr. and Mrs. Gray. ' BUILDER to the Public M A R K E T se&: 68 Hollister Street, Kemp's salted nuts, almond, pe­ Manchester, Conn^ ) HARTFOBO cans and assorted: also Kemp's Jumbo salted peanuts at Pack- First and Second Mortgages ards’s.— Adv. arranged on all new work. j. . f •? -

■ \ 5 #*'i ■

’ •■ ' "'.'vV-ii. #■' :' '»■:/•-"■ • ■ ■■' ;v''^-'-----'^

\ PAGE EIGHT' MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVEmNG HERALD, THURSDAY,.APRIL 14, 1927.'• - ■ "■-■■ - '*• v '* ' " \ - '"^•■■ ’: -• .„.;;■ ' . ^ ' ’ •-

Feeding Them on the Hoof FIRST SALMON The total Nova Scotian fish LT. GOV. BRAINARD GOVERNOR APPOUn^ CHURCH VACATION qatch in February was 4,990,600 BUCKINGHAM ‘poniids,, over a million pounds' GOiESTOCAL more than for the same month of ROCKmLE RESIDENT SCHOOL OVER NORTH the previous year.' a n CLUB GUEST A communion service wilPbe \ held In the Buckingham chureb'^to-' ■» r- i Names Col. C. H. AUen as A church vacation school for spe­ night at 7:45. Member of State Tuberculo­ cial religious training and study of Ernest Averill of Branford the bible and missions, for chil­ Qaick, stfa, sura reliaf from sis Board. dren between the ages of five and A steel cage-like frame has been painful callonsas OQ thafiBac; placed on each window at the top A t aOiniir aaXOtee ««»»'• twelve Is the plan of the commlftee ".M Also Speaker— Plenty of Hartford, Conn., April 14.— Col of religious education of Second of the ’Washington Monuirient^- to Charles H. Allen, of Rockville, a Congregational church. This com­ prevent persons jumping- out. retired manufacturer, was named mittee which includes Mrs. Charles Three persons killed " themselves Entertainment Sure. to be a member of the state Tuber­ J. Strickland, chairman; Mrs. Anna that way last year. ^ culosis commission today by Gov­ Rlsley, L. J. Tuttle, and the church ernor Trumbull to fill a vacancy school superintendent, E. P. Wal­ \ Lieutenant-Governor J. Edwin caused by the resignation of Wal­ ton, has invited the North Metho­ Brainard will be the guest of the lace S. Allis, of Norwich. The ap­ dist church to unite in the project, Manchester City club at its annual pointment is until July 1, 1931. Mr. which they have consented to do. banquet tonight. Representative Allen was selected from a large Rev. Frederick C. Allen has been Ernest L. Averill,- prominent in number of candidates for the posi­ appointed chairman of the joint the present General Assembly, and tion. He is a former Senator from committee. Miss Marion Tyler, sec­ TO the leading political light in the the 35 th District, a member of the retary and Mrs. C. Ii Balch, treas­ town of Branford, will also be a governor’s staff, and a veteran of urer. Clarence L. Taylor, superin­ speaker at tonight’s gatherluig. Spanlsh-American war. Willard B. Rogers will be toast­ tendent of the North Methodist master and the address of wel­ Arthur R. Kimball, of Water- church. is ex-officio a member of come will be given by William H. bury, was reappointed to the com­ the committee. The pastor, who Burke, the cUib president. mission. will come to the church to succeed Mr. Duxbury, will also, he a mem­ A big entertainment program The following i^-appointments has been arranged by Manager ber. and still another will be elect­ IM were made to the board of trustees ed, making a committee of ten, five Jack ^Sanson of the State theater. of the Norwich State hospital: Three different acts will be pre­ from each of the Protestant church­ Henry H. Gallup and Arthur F. es in this section of the town. sented and the entertainment Libby, of Norwich; Judge Fred­ promises to be the best ever seen erick W. Huxford, of Stamford, and It is proposed to conduct the at any of the club’s- banquets. George E. Evans, of Branford. , school of religious instruction for An additional feature on the en­ three weeks, commencing July 5, tertainment program will be the morning sessions only from 9 to appearance of Clifford B. Knight, 11:45. Teachers will be secured The Herald’s cartoonist. Mr. BRUSH HRE SCARES from the Hartford School, of Relig­ Kniight will sketch several of the ious Pedagogy, and those who will prominent Manchester people he instruct from Manchester will in­ knows and give a little patter NORTH HAVEN FOLKS clude Miss Gertrude Carrier, who about them. Walter Crossman and the 12 3-4 will be superintendent of *he prim­ pound ^almon by which he won the ary department, Mrs. W. W. Eells, high angling honor of catching the Miss Leona Palmer, Mrs. -Le Verne Men Save Dwellings In Path of season’s first fish in the Penobscot Holmes and Rev. F. C. Allen. Flames— Big Park Is Threat­ river salmon pool at Bangor. Me. ened. Adhering to custom. Crossman sent his prize to the President. The talc deposits in Hastings | Couples are getting into training for a 15-mile dancing marathon in County, Canada, have supplied the April on the boulevard betw^een ’Venice and El Patio, in Los Angeles. North Haven; Conn., April 14.— manufacturies of talcum powder The contestants are not allowed to stop for food, so this couple is prac­ Several acres of brush wood on John Greenwood, a Continental in Canada and the United States ticing eating on the hoof. The “ trainer,” Fred Stoddard, is at the left. the Hartford turnpike were sw’ept trooper, supplied George Washing­ for a number of years. Babe Darling and Jack McTaggart are the dancers. by fire of unknown origin -today, ton With a full set of teeth carved the fire being extinguished by North from a hippopotamus tusk. ------\------Haven’s fire department at a time a still alarm sent in at 11:30 to­ when it threatened to destroy day for a grass fire on the corner dwelling houses in its path. Manv EASTER FLOWERS STOMACH MISERY ABOUT TOWN of Huntington and Wadsworth pine trees in the path of the blaze streets, the 15th in 14 days. No were destroyed, and for a time the PHONE YOUR ORDER damage resulted. QUICKLY ENDED; fire seemed likely to spread to TODAY Miss Grace Robertson of Oakland Wharton Brook Park, two miles street, who -with Miss Edna Skin­ The regular monthly meeting of away. Anderson Greenhouses READ TODAY’S OFFER ner, has been spending the winter the Manchester Improvement club Henry G. Bellowes, local fire 153 Eldridge St. Phone 2134 ): in St. Petersburg, is expected home will be held in the Balch & Brown warden, in charge of fire fighting, hall this evening. called for fire apparatus as the K this evening. The trip was made by No More Distress Wlien You Put automobile, stops being made en flames raced toward the home of Cliff Knight (as he secs himseh) A. Bergimini where Mrs. Bergimini Your Faith In Dare’s Mentha route at Washington and «other Pepsin. places of Interest. Richard Bell, son was alone with several children. An excellent roast chicken din­ of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, has The congregation of a Kentucky The flames swept around the house ner menu has been planned for to­ been their chauffeur for the trip. church was thrown into a panic for some distance to the north be­ Ask Magnell Drug Co. About night and it will be prepared by when a large black snake was dis­ fore they were stopped. Officials Generous Money Back Offer. Chef Urbano Osano. The first covered coiled in a bookcase near were not certain whether the fire course will be served about S:30. Hose Company, No. 3, answered the pulpit. was started from a trolley passen­ Don’t worry any longer about ger or from a railroad train. distress after eating, heaviness, gas or sour stomach for just one table­ ITALIAN-AMERICAN oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9:stoinin:inime!imsnGiwp'\BjmmR!!;-' spoonful of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin, The Jefferson Bible is a wmrk a delightful elixir, will stop the L of 46 pages compiled by Thomas distress and make your stomach LADIES TO DINE Jefferson of passages from the feel fine and fit. four Gospels cut out and pasted to­ TELEPHONE gether in a single story. Thousands will vouch for the Mrs Luigi Pola of School street truth of the statement and thou­ ■was appointed chairman of a ban­ sands more will tell you that the SERVICE quet to be held April 28 at the most stubborn cases rapidly yield School Street Recreation Center, at to this wonderful medicine and the monthly meeting held last that stomachs habitually weak and ------^ night of the Itallan-American La­ upset from overwork or abuse, or dies’ Aid Society. Mrs. Pola has Certified Seed Potatoes a dyspeptic condition, are quickly called a meeting of her committee benefited. for next Monday evening at her M a i n e AND VERMONT Try one bottle. If it doesn’t help The Southern NewEndland home to make plans for the ban­ you Magnell Drug Co. or any drug­ quet. Assisting hei will be the fol­ In Small Quantities or Carload Lots gist will gladly return the purchase price.— adv. Telephone Company lowing: Mis. iUary Aceto, treasur­ This is very choice seed, nearly disease free, and er; Mrs. J. W. Farr, Mrs. Lena Cig- netti, Mrs. Angela Mistretta. Mrs. End the Worry o f personally selected. Mary Della Ferra, Mrs. Agatha MARRIAGE Garibaldi. Mrs. Felix Farr, Mrs. DIVORCE Anna Farr and JIrs. Angelina Desi­ Washday’s Last Hard Half LOUIS L. GRANT mone. and then Following the meeting the mem­ BUCKLAND, CONN. Tel. Manchester 1549 bers went in a body to the home of It’s doing the nerve-racking Last Hard Half of the “ CHILDREN OF DIVORCE” M Mrs. Dominick Bellucci of Cottage ivashing job that leaves you worn out and weary street, one cf their number, to offer their sympathy in their bereave­ on washday. Why not turn this drudgery over to ment, the death of their .son, Italo, «SSt3G56X3KX30£363CS£5«9CS^^ •whose funeral took place this the Wringerless morning at his late home with bu­ FERTILIZERS rial at St. James’s cemetery. FOR ALL CROPS TOWN CLERK BIU. GARDEN SEEDS tcilh its exclusive GARDEN TOOLS, POULTRY WIRE IS AGAIN TABLED SEED POTATOES TO ARRIVE IN TWO WEEKS. iinJlm sa< 16 and 18-inch Red Cedar Shingles. (Coutiiuied from Pago 1) Instead of your straining over machine or method, -without; Bills passed from the House cal­ steaming tubs, hand rinsing and hand labor, use of set-tubs, pails Manchester Green Store feeding a wringer, your Savage 1 MANCHESTER HERALD [ endar today were: or any wringing. | W . H airy England. Phone 74 Authorizing the establishment cf does the complete job for you. Be shown the Savage before I a park in, the center of Westport, Yon merely supervise. And it you buy any washer. We’ll after approval by voters of the does it faster than by any other gladly demonstrate. town; amending the Southington borough charter concerning annual v v v v v v v v v v election of officers; authorizing lo­ \ cal courts to establish branch juve­ I MANCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. nile courts; prohibiting use of mo­ tor vehicles without the consent S 861 Main Street. f^tionc 1700 = PLUMBING FIXTURES of the owner, and providing a fine — Made and guaranteed by SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION, Utiea, N. V. s Price alone should never govern either the selection of the PHONE of $1,000 for violation of the law; authorizing the commissioner of fixtures or the plumber to do the work. Assurance of good ma­ agriculture to provide labels for terial and workmanship Is certain only when there is no false grades of farm products; authoriz­ uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiitmsiiiiiiiiimiiimitHiecsiiiiiHinHisHsiismtiiimmmniiiiiim economy in buying plumbing and when good judgment selects tfour want-ads ing a salary of $5,000 and expenses the men to install it. for each compensation commission­ er; authorizing a $240,000 high niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmgimmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiimiiD school bond issue for Branford: OU have something to authorizing a $40,000 bond issue JOSiBPH C. WILSON for Branford to be used to build a 28 SPRUCE STREET, TELEPHONE 641 fire house; amending the law con­ sell, trade or buy. Let cerning support of children born I Garrone’s Market 1 Y out of wedlock; amending the Wa- 5 1099 Main Street, terbury charter, by establishing Magnell Block = our intelligent Want-ad salaries for court officials as fol­ Phone 1158 lows: judges $5,000, clerk $3,000, ‘ takers help you word your prosecutors $4,000. From the Senate calendar bills ■were passed as follows: extending message for best results. the time for organizing the Silica Serve Fish Tomorrow Now For The Railroad and Transportation Co., Youll like this courteous to January 1929; authorizing A lai'ge assortment of fresh fish in from the coast Windham to issue $300,000 in is here awaiting your order. bonds; authorizing a $100,000 per­ HOT CROSS BUNS service. Simply lift the re­ manent road bond issue in Anso- Fancy Halibut Cod Steak A \■\ nla; authorizing a $500,000 bond issue for the Hartford North-west Fresh Smelts Buck and Roe Shad W e will have them from our oven Thursday after­ ceiver and ask for^ School district; authorizing a $3,- noon and early Friday morning. Our kind the best. Dressed Haddock Mackerel 000,000 water bond issue for New Put in your order and it will save you disappointment. Britain; and 25 House bills. Flounders Filet of Sole They are 25c a dozen. Adjournment of both Houses Phone 664 was taken until next Tuesday at Filet of Cod Filet Haddock We have had a great many compliments from buyers 11:15 a. m. of Youma bread, also our Gluten Bread for which we had Dressed Salmon Fresh Herring many repeat orders. Mothers have found the'Youma 8 Butterfish Scrod Haddock bread very beneficial for children...... Oysters Clams Our 'vyhite bread is made with Gold Medal flour only, so there is no secret to the fineness of our bread. Made E W e will have an unusual assortment of fresh green = by experienced bakers who know their business. I « = vegetables and fruits for you to select from. 5 Tvi'

E Also for Easter a full line of the best brands of ham. S E Swift’s, Sperry, Barnes and Armour’s. S QUALITY BAKERY Taylor & Gowans J i(ative Broilers, Roasting Chickens, Capons and Fowls. 5 881 Main Street, Tel. 780 Biiiiiuimnmniiiiiumiiiiiiiinminimnmmimiimnimnminminnimiiimii7 \

- ■f 5K'. ,, -S- “ I-''' - J. ,7-- r-. 'A MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1927. P A G E N m «

Both broke down ahd named was selected. PICTURE SEASON NOW Grichtman as the planner of the DUNCAN PHYFE CLUB The committee in charge ot the PARENTS! Monte Carlo Has Nothing FORMER RESDENT scheme. Grichtman denied the supper had secured the services of * ■ charge and all three were held in Chef Osano who prepared a chick­ Divorce Is a Way Out For You! IN FULL SWING HERE default of $10,000 bail. SELECTS OFnCERSlen croquette dinner with potatoes, The United Drug company was peas, coffee and Ice cream. Ralph But it is a Way Into Scandal On Gold Field Gambling ACCUSED OF ARSON raided by feder..l agents some Richmand entertained with mando­ months ago and Reilly, Grlcht- Watkins Brothers Duncan Phyfe lin solos ahd Miss Beatrice John­ Taking Snapshots Is Becoming man’s partner, was heavily fined Club selected officers for the com­ son with recitations. For Your ChiUreii! Popular National Pastime, for violation of the liquor law. A ing year at the April meeting held Says Kemp’s- Leo Grichbnan, Recently a federal seal was placed on the in the School Street Recreation store’s stock of prescription liquor building last evening. R. K. Ander­ aiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiniMiiHiiiiiiiiiiinniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiu but some time ago it was reported son was elected president, C. F. “ Get your Kodak out” .soems to Druggist Here, Arrested by Grichtman to the police that Marshall, vice president; Helen be a universal slogan at this time of this stock had been stolen. Swanson secretary, and Charlotte the year. With beautiful spring Foster, treasurer. Ethel Johnson Iarm FOR THE CHILD’S EASTER 1' weather here, and the increasing For Hartford Fire. and Harold Eels were voted audi­ m m mm number of automobiles out for a tors and an executive board of = Beautiful cut-outs in a great variety of original sub- 5 Harold Richmond, Rebecca Mc- tour, people are getting out their HOSPITAL TRUSTEES = jects. They are novel, new and amusing for the littlo S cameras, and taking pictures. Pic­ Leo Grichtman, a former Man­ Neary and Raymond Hennequin tures arc lasting remembrances of chester druggist, was arrested by = folks. 3 cents up. = happy days, and good times togeth­ Hartford police last night, charg­ HEAR MONTH REPORT er. ed, with two other men, with ar­ It is not probable that anyone son, following Investigation of a fire last Wednesday night in the goes automobile driving, or hiking, During the month of March, I DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. \ United Drug store on Main street, without a Kodak, as there is always ninety patients were admitted to E New Store, 7$7 Main St. E something which one likes to re­ Hartford of which Grichtman, with Bertram J. Reilly, is part owner. the Memorial hospital, 38 opera- It doesn’ t cost as member for years to come, and only The fire damage was estimated at tions were made, there were fifteen much as you think! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiuiiiiuiiiuuuuiiiuitiuiuiiiiiuiiiiiu a pliotograph will do. On the au­ $3,600. births and five deaths, it was re­ to tour, there are beautiful lakes, Implicated with Grichtman are vealed yesterday at the regular groves, and many scenes of nature, Frank J. Bowlen, a clerk in the monthly meeting of the hospital Having your house not to speak of pictures of the drug store, aiid Merrill Haines, al­ board of trustees which is compos­ done over needn’t be ‘crowd,’ which folks like to take, as leged to be the person who actually ed of Miss Mary Cheney, Mrs. Ai- in years to come, they are lasting started the fire. All three were bert Crowell, Rev. P. J. 0. Cornell, ; expensive. Let us ad> remembrances of the happy days of arrested by Detective Sergeant Phillip Cheney, Horace Cheney, j vise you how easily it yore. The spring and simimer sea­ We recom m end this paint Nicholas R. Gallicchio and Acting William H. Hyde. Rev. William P. : can be done, and how sons are the best times for pictures. Detective Sergeant Charles F. Reidy, W. W. Robertson, C. R. I Vacations, either by automobile Daley. Bowlen and Haines are Burr and F. A. VerPlanck. The you can get the best tour, or at the seaanore, mountains said to have given the police signed meeting was held in the hospital at results. W e carry only cr down on the farm, present splen­ statements of their part in the fire. 4 o’clock in the ariernoon. | did chances for good photos. h&DCUtAe Had Money Troubles Routine business and a discus- j the best paint products Kodak dealers everywhere are Grichtman, a graduate druggist, Sion of the budget for the next fis -' —the famous du Pont co-operating with the people to was connected with the J. H. Quinn, cal year occupied the greater part ! make it convenient to get films de­ Drug company hree for about a line, made by the makers EDITOR’S NOTE— This is the of the committee’s time. i Grease Spots, Pullman berth, an alarm clock fit­ veloped properly and promptly. year and left to take over the Unit­ The report of Miss Jessie Rey­ of Duco. Ask for a free third story of the series by Betty Kemp’s Music House, local Kodak ed Drug store with Reilly last iSrisss. flaiiper reporter, who join­ ted to a holder m the steering nolds, social service worker, for the color card showing the Finger Prints, .. wheel, and special pistol pockets in dealers, have h.ad a film deposit bov summer. While in Manchester he month of March, showed 374 visits. ed the Neveda gold rush for NEa made and it is placed at the store is said to have made attempts to wonderful choice of t’ervicc and The Evening Herald. the sides of the car. She made 38 visits to patients in PenciiMarks, Soot, But how the wind hov. led that entrance, every eve-nlng and all day borrow money. It was because of the hospital, 78 to private homes, popular colors. night and how I shivered and how Sunday. This makes it convenient financial difficulties, the two de­ RETEY BRIGGS 157 for the Red Cross and 101 for can be w ashed o ff ^ the sand beat against the windows! for people to drop In their rolls of fendants says, that he planned the the board of health. Ninety-six cul­ We cooked breakfast over a gas­ films without going into the store, fire to collect enough insurance to tures were taken. Tonopah. Nev., April 9— “ Hey oline stove: and now I sighed for and get it promptly developed and pay his debts. any \felour Rnished there, ehango this $100 bill for me According to the Hartford police real cream! I have seen nothing printed. It is only necessary for one HA'rCHET MUKDEU tluicki” to write his name on the roll of Haines and Bowlen closed the Paints I Vamkhes W all It was In Touopah's ritziest but the canned kind since leaving ’Frisco. Cows do not thrive on film and drop the film in the bo.\. store at 10:45 last Tuesday even­ gambling den that I heard the ing and went to Bowlen’s room. Worcester, Maas., April 14.— Ap­ these rocks. We washed our dishes All fiLms dropped in the box up to parently slain with a hatchet, the roughneck demand change for his in about a spoonful of water, re­ 5:30 p. m. can be had the next day, They returned about 3 o ’clock in 5100. I almost turned around and the morning and Bowlen watched body of James Bobblis, known as membering that It cost 5 cents a all developed and printed. This is a walked out, for I was clutching my the street while Haines entered the Joseph Babbitt, 63, was discovered gallon. novel idea, and is bound to prove 1 today in a blood-spattered room in mere five spot and wondering favorable to folks taking pictures. store, using Grlchtman’s key. v.'hcther I should or should not lose Haines lighted a cigarette, laid it the attic of a two and one-half story MYSTERIOUS FIRE dwelling house in the Quinsagi- it. BALD HEAD CLUB alongside a match which was close to some rolls of paper, and left the mond district. E made this test ourselves. But I couldn’t stay there and do Willimantic, Conn., April 14.— nothing. I was conspicuous enough store. He and Bowlen then went The motive of the murder and W Dellbersitely soiling A waH County officials are today investi­ Winsted, Conn., April 14.— That the time were a complete mystery. ^Practical%sls as it was. Getting into the gold nature may provide a more ample to their respective homes. painted with Velour finish, we gating another mysterious fire Cigarette a Fuse No weapon was found and two fam- camp gambling houses is no easy which last evening destroyed a setting for the festivities, the an­ cleaned it with soap, water and a ^ P ro v e job for a girl. The cigarette, acting as a fuse, lies living below told police large barn on the old I..eander nual outing of the Bald Head Club, ignited the match and soon the they did not hear any disturbance sponge. After the wall had thor­ The First Hole Richardson place. Chestnut Hill, Devoe Qfudify A “ gen’man frienct,’’ as the dance of America, which was to have been store was in flames. Damage am­ c’jv.ng the night. oughly dried, we looked it over Columbia, doing damage estimated held at Highland Lake on Satur­ ounting to $2,600 was done to the carefully and there wasn’t a trace hall girls call the men, had told me at about $'7,000. Abraham Filler how to go upstairs through a boot­ day, June IS, has been put over to contents of the store and $1,000 Easter Cards. Mrs. Seymour’s of the marks left. That’s why we owns the property. Parked close to Saturday, June 25. Mountain to the building. hand-painted and a nice line of legging joint, down some rickety the barn was a new automobile, are so enthusiastic about Devoe backstairs, and into a basement. laurel, the state flower, will be in An Investigation resulted in the others. Manchester News Shop, owned by James Choquett, which full bloom at the lake by June 25. arrests of Bowlen and Haines. Depot Square.— Adv. Velour Finish. Here I came up against a heavy was destroyed in the blaze. The wooden door with an eye-high knot origin of the fire is entirely un­ hole for a window. known. I found the bell behind the board F. T. Blish Hardware Co. and rang it. An eye, a sinister eye, The Babylonians were the first South Manchester appeared at' the knot hole. I mur­ to use the arch in building. Manchester mured the name of “ a leading citi- len,” and the door swung open.. Decorating Co. The room was ablaze with light. 74 East Center St. There were dozens of tables for both black-jack and roulette. Chips MALES SELF-SERVE and piles of silver dollars towered BON TON MILLINERY cn each table. store Oi>eii .Ull Day Friday The Horseshoe Diamond Pins m. Men in neat business suits, in Beginning Tomonow at 9 a. Ihe checks of the professional G 1=7 □ C E R Y ugmbler with horseshoe diamond stick pins, unshaven men in gold­ SALE T O WART digging duds, were silently playing Flowers in a room blue with smoke. Of Newest I bought chips for roulette, 20 of them. It seemed no time until I had 60. • I wondered why girls EASTER worked on papers for a living. FRIDAY SPECIALS Again and again I won, growing bolder each time I stacked m> Easter chips on the green or red numbers. Every time that little ball drop- HATS Stpre Closes at Noon l>ed into a groove there was niore W onderful money in one poor working gill s Of course you wi'.l have them. pocket. Then Lady Luck turned: Variety fickle jade, and I was left with one | chip. I bought another stack, and | W e still have a choice selec­ in a minute they were gone, too. I j HOT CROSS BUNS dozen 18/^ began counting the miles back to | tion of ’ Frisco, and decided it was time to | leave “ gambling hells,” where 1 broad and short is the way to de- j struction. - | Restaurants are Gambling Dens I wandered into another hall, HAM Easter Lilies ihough, thinking I could not just look on. ' It was a wild place, the Armour’s Star, sugar cured, skinned back ham, walls covered with nude art. Two bartenders were busy selling whis­ key with lime rinds. T ulips Then I went into a meek-Iook- Ing restaurant where “ 21” ivas 3 1 t l b . played, with the sky the limit for bets. I tried my luck in drawing cards which would add to the Remai'kable Buy a whole ham. “You will favor star flavor.” magic number, but had no luck at Values Hyacinths all, at all. So, having lost $5, I decided to give up my gambling ca­ Especially Priced reer. Portable Cottages Baby Ramblets Weepah in the heart of the gold Wedge wood Butter 5 4 /^ strike, continues to grow. 1-4 lb. sections. Thirty portable cottages have $ 2 * 9 5 been shipped for those who have money enough to rent them, a mov­ TO Hydrangeas ing picture house is being built, and there is a Weepah Club built Hale's Strictly Fresh of rough unpalnted boards. Hun­ doxen 3 2 ^ dreds of letters from the country over asking for jobs of all sorts are Western Eggs used as wall paper on . the club Come, see our displays and con­ Our guarantee— a "new one for every bad one. Genistas, etc walls. vince yourself that we are offering There is a new beauty parlor the greatest millinery values in specialist and a chili Queen. She is town. New satins, crocheted vis- as well as Cut Roses, Carna­ a beautiful grass widow, the first cas, hair braids, silk and straw one since Neveda passed its three- combinations, felts, etc., in every Flour bag $1.15 tions, Tulips, etc. month residence law. She wears a wanted style and color. Models Pillsbury or Gold Medal. snappy riding habit and bright col­ for miss and matron. All head ored blouses and is quite the camp sizes. belle. Boxes of Assorted Flowers. I spent a night in one of these uold rush de luxe outfits with a BON TON Hale's Milk Bread large loaf Sf! girl from Arizona, who bought it Fresh milk and butter used. 1,500 loaves sold last week. with savings from her $200 a Millinery Shop Don't forget that corsage of month job, which she gave up to come out here. 30 Church St., Near* Main Violets. Order them now. The Cows Are Missing H artford It is a specially fitted camping Samuel S. Kciiiiiner. Prop. car with a bed folded over the seat AS AN EASTER GIFT For out of town friends— we send flowers everywhere. tops, lights snapped on just as in a Give a fancy basket of fruit. Your mother, wife or a sick friend will appreciate OPEN THIS EVENING AND ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY. such a gift. Baskets made to order. Place your order now. For the convenience of our North End customers Easter Lilies and other blwming plants from our stock will be on sale at E. J. Murphy’s Drug Store, Depot Square. AUTOI? AT THE HEALTH MARKET ISJ ELECTRICAL SERVICE | ^ Poultry for Easter REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED We shall have an extra fine display of Poultry for the Easter time. Largo Chickens, Fancy Broilers and Fowls. Our Poultry will be in tomorrow. Our ►HOP NORTON Health Market will be loaded with choice cuts of Lamb, Beef and Pork. Place ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. R your order early an^get the selection. LEADING FLORISTS. 985 Main Street. NearfXloBt OUSoe ______HILLIARD ST, PHONE. I k V y y NEAR MANCHESTER FREIGHT STATION ■"‘V ■ ''‘v ’ ”■ - V V •>^\ fP



This And J M H ..... DAY-" ALLENE SUMNER When Mr. Mode steps forth on Feminine Jliore yQnne Oust in Q .M 7 /v.liEA SsmcQlic Easter morning he will wear the One reason fo r the wave of stud­ THIS HAS HAPPEIVED mother’s face between her hands smart cutaway coat, striped trous­ ent suicides Is because o f "m an’s T. Q, CURTlSt millionaire owner and shook It affectionately. “I ers, top coat, white or gray gloves of Tbe big Cnrtla department lost trust In his girl,” according to store, selects by means of an In- didn’t know you’d mind so much, and spats, wing or turned down col­ one savant who attempts to say i - \ trlgmlngr contest three Brlrls from or I’d have done without the dress. lar, black shoes and incidentally a his establishment to be bis wards why. He writes: "The modern box It was only that Nyda and Winnie cane. For the afternoon there Is a Mrs. Robinson’s appointment^ for one year. Dniini;' that time realizes that the girl back home Is Jenny, the Parisian dressmakd he promises to Klve them the op- w'ere going to spring their new wider choice of costume. Preferable book is kept filled up for every hour is accredited withr trtartflig ths! rag( portnnlty to pursue the work clothes today. You know I told you probably In the arms of his rival, these days when every woman Is which win lead to the realisation is the dark gray oxford or black for wearing gray by^ gray-lialrei I have to be back for tea. We’re and that,- if he writes of his school anxious to have her hair dressed of their respective ambitions. failures or other troubles, she will two-buttoln notched lapel jacket, women. A gray-halred model ap The srlrls chosen are BIliLY going to have—guests. It’s really becomingly for the new Easter cos­ probably tell him to get busy and light gray plain or striped trousers peared at one of - thelv- ’openingi WEjLLS, who longs to become a our first party since we went there tume. The Lily Beauty shop is up­ with a smart swirling bob. Wear concert violinist, NYDA I.OMAX. make good or not bother her.” and derby. who for the sake of gaining her stairs in the House & Hale build­ ing just the right shade of a'jgrat to live—” Some girls, yes, but In the main I After six o’clock the full dress employer’s favor during the con­ “ Some of those nice men you met ing. satin evening -gown trimmed '-wltl. test, says her ambition Is to be a think he’s all wrong. Most girls evening suit or tuxedo depending fringe and rhinestones. \r- kindergarten teacher, and WIN­ at the dinner?” Mrs. Wells probed "take more” by far from men to­ on the formality of the function. If NIE SHELTON, who nntrnthfnlly eagerly. The first rhubarb is in the mar­ day than In their mother’s day the evening is to be informal choose declares she wants to become a ket and the tender skin need not The dressmakers are., cleverli, private secretary to a “big busi­ “Yes. Ralph Truman and Bruce the dinner jacket with the notched when girls were at a real premium, be peeled. When cooked with it on trying to bring the walstlfne to .Iti. ness man like Mr. Curtis,” Kruger and—and Mrs. Meadows’ due to their fewer number as con­ cr peaked lapel, single stud shirt, CLAY CURTIS, son of the mil­ nephew.” She could not bring her­ wing collar and black bow tie. Vest it has a pretty pink color. As the normal position by swathing gij, lionaire store owner, tries to get trasted with the males. season advances the skin grows dies, skirt yokes, boleros and othei Billy to give up the proposition, self to pronounce Dalhart Ro- and shoes should be black, " tough and should be removed be­ devices, without actually epmim feeling that this precipitation of maine’s name. The very thought of That Slow Club If Sports Call three poor girls into wealth will Romaine made her dizzy, flushed fore cooking. There are lots pf ways right out and sticking a belt aroum ' be disastrous. She dlnegards his There are 29 chapters of the Not all best dressers will be to prepare it for the table besides the normal waist. ' nds-lce. Clay has disinherited her face with the fever which had Slow Club, we hear, a total mem­ found in town on Easter. Good himself and Is living In the Wells burned In her blood since the first sauce and in pie. Rhubarb betty home in the poor section of the bership of 9,000 members, and a v/eather may call many to the golf with stale bread crumbs, baked The gray-haife'4 woman or anj city, working In the Truman time she had seen him. waiting list of 25,000. The mem­ links or motoring. All-tweed outfits automobile factory in the daytime Suddenly she was in a very and served with cream makes a de­ other may have a bob sulrtd to hel bers pledge themselves not to pet, offer one choice; another is double- licious dessert, or combined with individuality If she will visit thi and writing music at night. Clay agony of impatience to be gone. hints darkly that his father’s full drink, smoke or partake of any cus­ breasted serge, preferably dark tapioca of the minute variety, say Weldon Beauty Parlor in the Pari scheme has not yet been revealed. She rose and walked restlessly tomary diversions of modern youth, blue with striped white or gray four tablespoons of the cereal to building, specialists in all lilies In accordance with Old T. ^.’s about the room, parting the cheap oi terms, Billy leaves her mother’s but to spend their recreational trousr'rs. Patch pockets on the three cups cut rhubarb and nearly beauty service. . lace curtains to peer out Into the \ home and goes to the Curtis man­ hours in the pursuit of literature, jackets and soft collared shirts a cup of sugar as rhubarb needs tr sion where she is to live for one street, to see the Curtis car drive drama, art and debate. I don’t want sporiify both costumes with which be well sweetened. To pin on the Easter suit, nothr year. Billy finds Nyda and Win­ up. She hardly heard a word her nie already established In their to seem cynical, but I wonder just either black or two-toned shoes ing could be more chic than two o( rooms. They were too Impatient mother said—something about how how many of the 9000 don’t sip, at three fragrant waxy gardenlM to await her coming, and there­ and either snap brim felt hats or The Easter cards, novelties for hard Clay was working now, about least, of forbidden pleasures after tweed caps may be worn. Flowers and Easter just naturallj fore have chosen their rooms be­ how badly he slept, how nervous he the children, baskets of eggs and fore Billy has a chance to select school hours. Sounds to me like a Hosiery candy boxes are so tempting, every go together. Flowers appear In th( the one she would like. was. Oh, why didn’t the car come? grand get-together meeting and a windows of nearly every hom e and NOW GO ON WTTH THE STORY Color if you want it and sobriety one just wants to buy and buy. Why had she bought this green chance to make dates, etc., and I if you like that—anything you Each succeeding season brings out it Is the big time of the year witl CHAPTER XXII dress? It was horrid. She wanted hope ’tis so. The general idea is want— that’s the note in men’s new and clever favors and novelties the florist. The first forsythia blos­ 'J'HE three girls took up their to appear before Dal Romaine in very good, but too much emphasis hose. Well-dressed men seem to be for the hostess who entertains at soms are brightening the ground* in sheltered places and very soon raiment so dazzling and glorious on the inteliectuai delights and the turning away from the loud color this time, or gives a party for the residence In the Cluny mansion people will begin to plant theil that his drooping black eyes could sins of other joys will make as lop­ combinations of the past two years little ones. on Thursday. Sunday afternoon see nothing else but her In all the sided young people as the very porch or winter boxes. Billy was driven to the shabby lit­ and favoring quiet tones in their world. She had hungered and thing they are fighting to counter­ hose. The most popular idea for Emma Roberts, noted mezzo con­ tle Wells cottage In the Cluny "I was just going” Tie toli her shortly. thirsted for a sight of him; the fe­ act. Flowers will blossom, all ove^ this season Is the paneled effect tralto, loves to cook as well as dress fabrics again this season If limousine, the chauffeur, Daniels, ver of her longing to hear his low, tically busy since Thursday that “And what’s my baby going to which, breaks up the monotony of sing. One of her favorite dishes is the lovely silk crepes. Flowers ar* touching his cap to her as she deep voice had driven her to cease­ Babies and Law plain vertical, stripes and does fried chicken, cooked as they used I’ve hardly had time to think of my have?” Mrs. Wells’ voice and tear- It takes a new nation, a new returning as trimmings for hats, stepped out of the car with dlree less activity during the day and to away with horizontals. Gray and to cook it at her home in Kentucky, violin, and I did want a visit just misted eyes yearned over the girl form of government, to iron out on the small as well as the largef tlons for his return at five. wide-eyed, restless tossing at night. light blue in checks are favored by splitting up a frying size chick­ with you, honey.” She put her arms nestling in her arms. Billy could And all she had had from him was into simplicity some of the com­ models. An effective method on thf It was a transformed little Billy for golf hose, very nice ones sell­ en, sprinkling it well with salt and about her mother and hugged the not see the shadow of trouble that the orchid she wore on her coat. plexities of older nations. In the- large brimmed hat Is to place * Wells who flung open the door of ing around $1.50. allowing it to stand for two hours rather large, flat flower under th< plump little body close. “I cried dimmed the brightness of her She had prized it above everything Soviet, for Instance, there is no il­ the living room. Her sturdy slim half the night Thursday night, and, in the refrigerator. Each piece is brim. The large hat will not maki pleasure in her daughter’s good for­ that her new life had brought her legitimacy for a blameless child. then dipped separately in flour and ness was wrapped about In a luxurl mother, what do you think? Winnie its presence felt until later in thr ’ tune. until she found that he had sent a The very fact that the child has fried in very deep, hot fat and cook­ ous moleskin coat, her bright chest­ and Nyda did, too! Honestly! Both season. Some of the new shapes “ Oh, I’m quite modest,” Billy white orchid to Nyda and a laven- been born makes it legitimate. The ed until the flour browns well on nut curls just showing beneath a came sneaking to my room between are very Interesting and colored chuckled. “ They have some ador­ der-and-purple one to Winnie. mother merely registers the birth both sides. The chicken is then al­ saucy, expensive tam of taupe-col­ eleven and twelve, and we had a able furniture at the store—a low, hats seem to be more popular than “Oh, there’s the car!” she gasped and gives the name of the child’s Lifers Niceties lowed to cook slowly with top on ored suede. A great, crisp orchid weeping bee together.” wide couch-bed, dressing table, ever— all shades of blue.-,.,^^,,tlie,.; in relief when at last there came a father. If he is her husband or an­ frying pan until well done, perhaps lightest periwinkle to >■’' turned the blue of her eyes to Its “Mother’s baby!” Mrs. Wells’ chest of drawers, desk and chairs low, discreet honk of the horn—the other woman’s husband; if he Is twenty minutes or so. shown, while grWn and-j^iofir^w^'^ own exotic Jade green. kindly face glowed with joy as she in painted wood—soft, dull green, HINTS ON ETIQUET signal she had agreed upon, since single or married, he remains in be much in demand for-a®ortvrta^.^,; “Prom rags to riches!” she drew the girl down into her lap. sort of a milky jade, with a dim she did not want the chauffeur the sight of the law the father un­ It’s an even toss-up which type Panama, vidca and . the finer. laughed at Clay’s and her mother’s pattern of roses in a faded pink “But Friday you’d never have' peering into their hideous little til he can prove that he is not. of costume wins the more votes this butle straws-need very . ______, amazement. “Mother, I can see and silk lace panels, and a big, suspected that any of us had wept hall. “I thought I’d be late for the It seems eminently simpler and spring— there seem to be just as way o f trimming, a cocn^^f.-groii'.y- you doing mental arithmetic over dull-green velvet rug. Oh, yes, I with homesickness. Shopping, party,” she laughed. But she fairer than our ’^'civilized” system 1. In passing in front of peo­ many spring coats as tailored grain- ribbon matching .or-^sl^sn^st;:-' this coat. Don’t get a headache, want a chaise longue, too, with a suits. Black and white is a leader, mother! We decided to get a new jammed her expensive new hat of labeling children legitimate and ple who are seated in a public ing with the color of darling. Old T. Q. treated all of us fan-shaped back of cane, painted to but as the weather grows warmer outfit from the skin out, and at upon her head as if it were her old illegitimate, and our chivalrous place, does one face the people gers of pearls, and ■ to our choice of a fur coat—within match the furniture, and uphol­ the pastel shades will appear in breakfast T. Q, told us the good felt, shrugged hastily into her mole­ method of making the woman used on many hat^ A^bat^oapSTOty-' reason. Nyda took the best Hudson stered in the green silk of the or the stage? greater numbers. Two-toi;ed is the news about the fur coats. We got skin-coat, and kissed her mother prove that a man is her child’s fa­ type may be found. seal she could find and Is sore be­ them at the Curtis Store, of course, draperies, with green and rose ther rather than making him prove 2. What does one say when note of spring— blues have con­ cause It Isn’t a real seal. Winnie cushions.” twice, hastily, missing her mouth trasting bandings and grays and and you’d have died laughing to see the last time. that he is not. passing in front of others to A stunning leghorn novelty bat, chose squirrel, and she looks ador­ the way Nyda and Winnie ritzed “It sounds very sweet,” her take a seat in a theater or tans are blended with deeper hues. had Inserts of several’ shades of Ted able In It. Mole doesn’t wear so “Billy.” Her mother tried to de­ The two-toned idea is also accom­ the girls who waited on us. But mother admitted in a slightly con­ Peaches Again other public place? and black straw cut into Its «rown awfully well, but I couldn’t resist believe me, the girls didn’t laugh. strained voice. “I guess your own tain her. “There’s something you Peaches Browning will not get plished by using the dull and shiny and a band of the same cuts under It. Like it, folks?" I—I don’t think I’ll do much of my little room here, with its white haven’t told mother. Have you— that nice job as hostess at a cer­ 3. Does the woman or man side of satins. There is as much the floppy brim whioh^was edged have you fallen in love, honey, with diversity to costumes as to hats ap­ “It’s real pretty,” Mrs. Wells said, shopping at the store, mother. It’s enameled bed and oak dress, will tain night club, as was heralded. follow the usher down the with red. This wasjjbownftj.on,;, >a;,,j one of those rich boys?” parently. taking the coat from Billy’s shoul­ terrible—the girls all know, of look pretty awful to you when you No reason was assigned. The man­ aisle ? model wearing a frock of red and ders. “But I’m thinking, Billy— course, about T. Q.’s giving us a —when you come home.” Billy paused at the doorway, but agement just changed its mind. I The Answers. white figured crepe. A tailored An example of how “blue” the it’s going to be hard, after the year in his home, and they’d rather “Don’t worry,” Billy reassured her she was quivering with eagerness know. Somebody protested. I bet 1. The stage. black bengaline hat with pleated smart dresser is this season was no­ year’s up—” to be gone. “Fallen in love? Of the one who protested is more dis­ 2. “ Thank you” or “ I am sorry.” crown and turned up brim, let one take a dose of poison than wait on with her ■wide, impudent grin. ticed in the new outfit of a promi­ “ Oh, don’t crab, mother.” Billy us.” “When the year’s up I’m going to course not, you funny darling! You appointed than anyone else because 3. The woman. part of the latter suddenly drop on know whom I love—but don’t you he— or she—won’t see Peaches in nent society woman. Her soft wool­ the right side over a cluster of lifted the suede tam from her head “I don’t blame them,” Mrs. Wells have so much money saved up that en coat was of marine blue, deco­ and flung It at Clay with an impu­ told her with unexpected snappish­ we can go straight to New York dare tell him so, the pig! To chase the club. Most people enjoy protest waxy white flowers, with leav.es of . rated with contrasting blue leather j gleaming black Instead grSen— dent smile. “Don’t you like me In ness. and get me all dated up for a con­ off by himself as soon as I come! so that they can enjoy the thing at Pint Bottle Grape Juice, 19c. 6t insets. Smart blue pumps, blue hat a very stunning model. , , my glad rags. Clay?” “Well, I don’t either, so there’s cert tour. Then I can earn pretty Goodby, darling. I’ll phono you which they protested with no con­ Manchester News Shop, Depot what Navratil says. I love you. and purse completed the costume. MARY TAYLOR. ' ’ “ Very much,” he said briefly. nothing to quarrel about." Billy things for myself—and for you.” science twinges. Square.— Adv. Then, as her bright, eager face kissed her mother’s mutinous lips, “Have you seen Professor Nav- And for heaven’s sake, don’t worry clouded, he added, with his boyish, and laughed at her. ratil yet?” her mother asked eager­ about me. I’m not going to be Family Fights frank smile, “Go ahead, Billy, Get She settled more comfortably in ly. “Don’t he think you’re a ge­ spoiled or have my head turned, or Even royal families have their all you can this year. But—don’t her mother’s arm and let her eyes nius?” anything tragic like that.” quarrels with their in-laws; Story Checked Kid let It turn your head. Did you rove about the ugly little dining Billy flushed, did not meet her She was gone, the green orchid has it— take it with a pinch of salt, “What a Wonderful Help” bring your violin? Say, I’ve writ­ room. mother’s eyes. “Well, to tell you touching one glowing cheek with and then proceed to enjoy it— that ten a song I want you to try out—” "This Is an awful place, mother. the truth, mother, I did make an a fringed, fairy-delicate finger. Her Pa, the King of England, and Ma, mother stood for a long minute as the Queen of England, and Buddy, “Oh, Clay, I’m so sorry!” There I wish you could come and live apointment with him for Saturday Sa’ys Hartford Matron with me at the Curtis house. You afternoon, but I had to break it be­ Billy had left her, the smile fading the Prince of Wales, do not like was genuine distress In her voice. slowly from her face. Her lips be­ Sis Mary’s husband. Sis Mary Is the Couture tells how four years of suffering wrecked “But I have to be back for tea at ought to see my room. Of course cause I had a fitting at the Prin­ Mrs* Nyda and Winnie beat me to the cess Shoppe, and I did so want to gan to quiver childishly, tears former Princess Mary of England, five. Guests, you know. And now the wife of Lord Lascelles. her health. Now sound and strong; thanks Tanlac best rooms, but I like mine almost wear this dress today. I’m going brimmed over the faded blue of you’re usually out walking on Sun­ They do not like him, says the Mrs. Evelyn Coutme, 99 Hudson as well as theirs. It’s bigger than to see him tomorrow morning at eyes that had once been as dark day afternoon—” story— more salt— because Mary St., Hartford, Conn., is widely known our living room and dining room ten o’clock. I’ll phone you just as and brilliant as Billy’s. Then, with “I was just going,” he told her wears the kind of clothes, snappy and respected in fraternal circles. Her put together, and it has a whole soon as I get away from him.” a low moan, she flung herself ddwn shortly, and before she could pro­ ones, that her husband likes, and enthusiasm and tireless vitality enable row of French windows opening out upon the broken-springed old dav­ test, he had slammed out of the “You didn’t have to dress up to not the kind, frumpy ones, that the her to take prominent part in many on a darling little balcony. Of enport and began to sob. room. come to see your mother,” Mrs. Queen likes, and because— more and varied activities. But she has not course it’s full of heavy, horrid, old- (To Be Continued) Wells protested. “I was so anxious salt— he will not make fatter the always enjoyed the qiarkling health “Clay has atrocious manners.” fashioned furniture now, but T. Q. she has today. Billy bit her lips to keep them to hear what he thought of your Newspaper reporters and photog­ leanish royal exchequer. What’s the is going to redecorate our rooms playing—” ■Tor four years I was a martyr to from trembling. “I’ve been so fran- raphers pounce upon the “ Cinderella use of being royS.1 if you can’t even to suit our own tastes.” “Why, mother!” Billy took her irlrls,” who suddenly find themselves indigestion ” she said recently. "It figures of Importance In the news. escape family fights? became so bad that I could not even take milk or coffee without suffering Wanteil, a Wife afterwards. Violent headaches ana A Paris poet inserts a modest ad dizzy spells were so frequent that life in the Paris papers. He aSks for was a constant misery and matters for, but after a while I found that some bright, ambitious, capable girl went from bad to worse. Finally my Home Page Editorials if I didn’t count my change or get to marry him and support him so nerves gave way and normal restful a receipt for the tiniest purchase, I that he can be well-fed, well-hous­ sleep was out of the question. Then Good Nature was worried to death. I took to dis­ ed, well-clothed and write Immortal I went to pieces and ahnost despaired puting- my bank balance and re­ revered till my old sound health ^ e i n c l verse. He hints that the wage-earn­ of ever being well s — -. turned. Since then I've eajayed B elief In senting my monthly statements seemed to do me any ing wife will be well repaid In fu­ A new and distinctive shoe com­ splendid health and recommend from the stores. I haggled over "Then a good neighbor,______ture years when he is famous and bines checked kid with patent lao gladly to all my friends." I prices and got the idea everyone she may be known as his wife. And ell, told me of her ejroerience and how ^ Profit from Mrs. Couture’s expe­ I was cheating me. l actually got so leather and has love-knotted straps Tanlao had helped her. So I tried it People ! what every woman knows will hap­ of the two leathers. rience. Tanlao is nature’s own rem­ Goxl Ifea’ I that I trusted no one. I had the on her_ recommendation. V ^ at a edy, made from roots, barks and pen Is that the Illustrious husband I feeling that the whole world would wonderful help it was! The v e^ first \^T.lMI^' A IS \ MYSTERIOUS found to any extent In lean meats By Olive Roberts Burton will give her a friendly pat on the herbs. Your druggist-has it. Over. ! robe me if it could. bottle helped noticeably, so I per- fi2,000,000' bottles sollL' j*-.' * ‘]-n BUT ESSEXTI.AL P.A’.ART or in the body fats of animals, such shoulder and admonish her to run OP DIET as tallow and lard. “If I went away on a visit I had along and be a good girl, he can WHY FAT IS the car stripped and the garage get along by himself now, and he t--, t V BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEEV When the diet does not contain a I was .astonished at the casual double-locked. I put half the things would very much like to have a ro­ IK sufficient amount of vitamin A, the manner in which tne woman locked in the house in safe deposit and mance with that rich society dame DISAPPEARING person appears to have a lowered the door of her hotel room as she still worried about them every min­ who can get him somewhere. No, Note in every drcle how slenderness Editor .Journal of the .American jprevails. Note how many of your Medical Association and of Hygeia, resistance to some infectious dis­ went out, without once glancing at ute while I was gone. I’m not synical— just far-seeing! eases. Furthermore, this vitamin friends have reduced. One reason lies the Health Magazine- the bag that held her jewel case. “I worried about the fur coat I mi. seems to be definitely related to a in Marmola Prescription Tablets. They \ After a food has been analyzed She had not even bothered to close ■w'ore and the rings on my hands. I Durand’s and Apollo Cliocolates THE DOUGAr^DYfeiJVORKS disturbance of the eyes, which the combat the cause o f excess fat, so re­ Into Its fundamental chemical con­ the bag, much less lock it. actually became' afraid to go out: in fancy Easter Packages at Pack­ scientists call an inflammation qf sults art broi^bt without requiring tLEANSERSjAJ^lDJER^' stituents, there still remain to be “ You are not going to leave them But luckily I woke up In time to ard’s.— Adv. abnormal exercise or diet. People have the eye or ophthalmia, of dietary HAniMn Sireei ^ determined those mysterious in­ like that!” I protested. realize what was Happening. been using Marmola for 19 years, and origin. It has occurred In Denmark So. Moackefter, Coiuu gredients now called “vitamins,” She took me by the arm and led “I am almost tempting fate now. users have told others. A s a result the because they are apparently neces­ and Newfoundland and in other me down the corridor toward the I have left those jewels unprotecK dem^d has grown to very large pro­ places when the diet was deficient ■’' i-'V' jNir. sary to life and to suitable body elevator. “It’s a story,” she said. ed just as a reformed drunkard sets, PARENTS! portions. Let it do for you what it does growth. in the foods that contain vitamin “While we’re having our ride I’ll a full bottle of whisky in front 6T for your friends—for people all about A. The only manner In which their tell you about it.” him to see how long he can do Divorce Is a Way Out For You! you. Reduce to your normal weight. The Easter presence may be determined is by Apparently when the vitamin is something like. without it. It’s a test for me. I have But it is a W ay Into Scainda! druggists supply Marmola at $1 New clothes----- new hats':. . ihew ' " la U ' actual test on growing animals. For absent from the diet the tear ‘‘I had a disease once,” she' got back my belief in people, thank a box. Each box contains a pamphlet said. “A mental disease I suppose heaven!’ COTlaining the results. _ Go try it. You thing at Easter. Keep yoiir Easter clothes this reason there have developed glands cease to produce the mois­ For Your Children! will be delighted. nutrition laboratories In which the ture which is necessary for keeping you’d call it. It made life misera­ new by making your second-best-serve long,^^^;-/:, ble. So I decided to cure myself effects of the vitamins are studied the eyes washed and preventing the er and better. How? Dry. cleaning’? by .K' on white rats and on other animals. lodgment of bacteria. once and for all. The jewels are Kemp’s salted nuts, almond, pe^ Not one of the vitamins has as yet part of my treatment. I’m happier Dougan every so often. . - - J v' Some Japanese Investigators cans and assorted; also Kemp’s been isolated in a chemically pure than I’ve been for years.” have found a definite relationship state, although the investigators “Of course I haven’t the least Jumbo salted peanuts at Pack- Cleaning and dyeing promptly and perfwtlg,.done.' between the vitamin A and the oc­ are busy at work on the subject. idea -what you are talking about,” ards’s.— Adv. currence of gallstones and kidney I said. orders called for and delivered. They are?taken cars' ' ; Vitamin A Is also called fat sol­ A Safe Milk stones. Hov.'ever, these observa­ uble vitamin, because it was first “Certainly not,” she replied. "It of as your individual things___ not huddtedirtog^thfeT' in tions have not been confirmed on a discovered in butter fat, then the sounds ridiculous. This is what was with a low bacteria count, is sufficiently large scale to indicate a “suburban bundle.” ' ■ ' . ' fat of egg yolk, and finally In the the matter with me— Suspicion, EASTER FLOWERS what we deliver to you. any worth-while method of preyen- fat of cod liver oil. It Is, of course, over-prudence, and distrust of Telephone 1510 available in milk and In such leafy tion or treatment in connection everyone and everything oi. earth.” PHONE YOUR ORDER ; with the use of -vitamin A. “I see!” I nodded, a light break­ / -retables as spinach, water-cress, ing suddenly. “And it began to TODAY i?*>v.'- i • I'l - ' ■ -4.c lettuce, celery leaves and the tops It is particularly Important that wear you out?” J. H. Hewitt of turnips, beets and radishes. This Infants have this vitamin, which “ Yes. At first It wasn’t so bad. I 49 Hok St. Phone 2059 vitamin Is also abundant In liver, may be supplied to them through counted my change of course and Anderson Greenhouses' Wdneys "and sweetbreads, but not cod liver oil. got recelDts for bills I naid cash I 153 Eldridge St. Phone 2124'’

. 1 BASKEIDAII GAME 33 TO 13 ATHLETI08 IN IRELAND R d w Shows Poor Form, , BEING RUINED BY JAZZ I Bostonites Play S O U T- O P Pi-TcA* Ruether, Moley, P. Collins, Gehrig. Dguthit, cf ... ^crX Dykes; three base hit, Gehrig; home and there was practtrally no drib­ Frenchman will hold our national Southworth, rf ___ r> * 1 1 2 1 ------I I ...... 5 1 1 3 4 run, Simmon*; stolen b&ae Lasierl; bling. Bho.-t and snappy parses championship in singles for the Frlsoli, 2b ... laft on base*, New York 8, Philadel­ Bottomley, lb ...... 4 0 1 J1 0 were used In a crfsa-cioss forma­ sedbnd successive year. Unless Til L. Bell, 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 0 phia 11; , off Ruether 3, Hafey, it ...... 4 1 1 1 0 Gray 1; struck out, by Ruether 6, tion at the middle of the floor ana den returns as the old dbminant Gray 1, Wllll* 1, Ehrake 2; hits off then often the ball t-ati fed to Mar­ peraonalUy, the downfall of the O’Farrell, c ., ...... 4 0 2 5 0 Gray 9 in 3 (non# out In 4th), .Willis Thevenow, ss . . . . . 4 1 3 3 4 Latzo Has Worthy 5 in 3 (none out in 6th), P.^te l in l. tin Inside the foul 11 le who clever­ American dynasty in lawn tennis is Haines, p ...... 3 1 2 0 2 8 e c r e t s s G 6 \ f e a r8 Seniors WiD Win ly faked ptveral passe* to men cut- iafivitable. --- — —> Bhmke 1 in 3; hit by pitcher, by Gray 36 5 13 27 11 3 (Gehrig, p. Collins); wild pitches. ung In fast before he found one Richards has turned square; Chicago Gray 2; losing pitcher, Gray; um­ open. Johnson no longer can give you pires, Hildebrand, MoGowan and AB. R. H. PO A. FoelnAlMeDo Successftd P itdil Inter-class Honors Evans; time 3:16. Kiley, formerly of the Washing­ one hundred per cent at will; Wil­ Adams, 2 b ...... 3 0 0 3 5 ^ BY'QROVER^ALEXANDEIO ®"‘***'*^ X—Galloway batted for Branom In ton team In the American league, Heathcoto,- rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 8th. liams is an in-and-outer but usual­ Webb, if ...... 3 0 0 2 0 veteran F itter of World's ChamDionBChampiOEus and Morley led the assault for ly out when you want him and the More trouble for Pete Latzo, XX—Dykes batted for Pate In 7th’. Wilson, cf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 LEARN ON SANDLOTS Babe Adams. Stanley Coveleskie The seniors are morally certain Boston, while the other three were others,aw Just young fellows try- Grimm, lb ... 3 0 « 11 0 welterweight champion. The latest held In check by the Manchester Stephenson, 3b ... 3 0 0 3 1 was a coal miner. He served his to Witt the annual high school track SOX t, INDIANS a ihg to get along. Hartnett, c ...... 3 0 0 4 o menace is A1 Mello, of Lowell, I am one who believes the farm and field meet, the Hnal leg of players. Madden Btavnitsky, Ben­ o hard licks and he is still pitching. Cooney, ss ...... 2 0 1 1 Mass. This young man can punch. life and the small town Is the Go into the records and you will which will be held this afternoon son and Norris. Tolson, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 For confirmation of that statement Cleveland, April 14.— Cleve­ Next week Tuesday the world 0 0 7 place to grow the big league see that GOveleskie appeared in 64 at the Weet Side playground be­ Blake, p ...... 2 0 wire Knockout Eddie Roberts of land’s anvil chorus got to work on Kaufmann, p ...... 0 0 0 1 1 stars. Of course, there Is the ex­ ball games in 1915 with Portland. cause of theiirvictory in the second champion New York Celtics will Scott, XX ...... 1 0 0 Tacoma, Washington. Manager Jack McAllister today as play in Plainfield. Reserved tickets 0 0 ception to all rules ^nd big cities Too many of the youngsters com­ lap yesterday when they added Mello, with one punch, a stinging the result of the tribe’s seven to have been placed on sale. have given us many wonderful ball ing into baseball today try to duck nineteen more points to an already 28 0 2 27 18 left hook that floored Roberts for two defeat by the White Sox yes­ Plainfield (23) Score by Innings: players. hard work. 'iS^hen I started, tny comfortable lead. In the five ev the count of five and started him ents yesterday, the 220, the mile terday. Cleveland was leading B. F. T. St. Louie ...... 000 000 410—5 Take my case. As a boy I worked only kick was failure to get enough two to one in the ninth when the Two base hit, Frisch; sacrlflces on the way to ruin, won for him the hard. There is no play to putting the discus and broad jump— the Normandin, r f ...... 4 1 9 Douthlt, Haines; double play, Blake work. I would have willingly pitch­ second won two firsts and three Box filled the bases, whereupon Desslnger, I f ...... 2 2 6 to Hartnett to Grimm; left on basos, fame that had ejuddenly been thrust in 10 hours daily on the farm at ed twice as many ball games as I seconds. Today’s events are the McAllister yanked Emil Levsen, Norris, c ...... 0 1* 1 St. Louis 9, Chicago 2; bases on balls upon Roberts as the result of, his $1.25 per day, when the burning who bad allowed but one hit until off Blake 2, off Kaufmann 1, off did if the manager would have call­ pole vault, javelin throw and the Madden, rg ...... 1 1 3 one-round knockout of Joe Dun­ sun is 100 and up. the eighth inning. When the S9x Hatnee 1; struck out, by Haines 3, by dee. ed upon me. Now, most of the 440. A victory In any of them Stavnitsky, r g ...... 0 2 2 Blake 3; hits off Blake 12 In 7 (none That was my life before I took ■youngsters are content to sit on the got through with Miller, Levson’s Hello’s quick disposal of the will clinch the championship and Benson, I g ...... 1 0 2 ZyjO C WILUAM* but In eighth), off Kaufmann 1 In 2; up baseball as my profession. What bench and let the old-timers do successor, they had seven runs and losing pitcher, Blake; umpires, W il­ highly touted Roberts came as a Bill Hall, senior captain, is figured did It do for me? Why, It took the the work. ^ the ball game. son, Reardon and Klem; time 1:39. complete surprise to even his most to win the pole Vault. Chicago Totals 8 23 Hagen says nine out of ten cases X—Tolson batted fOr Cooney In 9th. ease out of luxury. Can you picture two of the prea.- ardent New England supporters. He The 220 yard dash was won by AB Whirlwinds (8.3) of allolng are unnecessary. . . . XX—Scott batted for Kaufmann in When I got into baseball, I ap­ ent-day crop of pitchers, carrying the seniors, Red Sheridan finishing Moore, Vf . . ; ...... 4 0 C 3 8th. is now in line for a chance at the B. WoMe than that. They’re absolute preciated the life. I wasn’t ducking the burden of two-thirds of the first in a fairly spirited race. His Boone, rf ...... 1 1 1 o welter crown. His decisive victory Kamm, Sb ...... , 4 3 3 1 Grotty, rf ...... 1 ly useless. my regular turn to pitch. I have team’s schedule? Fred Marberry of time was 25.2. Louis Cheney, soph­ BRAVES 4, ROBINS 2 over the coerat phenom has put him Barrett, cf ...... 5 1 3 4 Curtin, I t ...... 1 heard man^ pitchers complain It omore and Austin. Chambers, jun­ Falk, If ...... 4 0 3 4 in the running for one of the big Washington is a pitcher of that Martin, c ...... %.2 You meet a lot of shady people was too hot at 90 to pitch a ball^ type, but he is the exception. ior, finished next. Sheeley, lb ...... 0 0 8* Klley, rg ...... 5 ^ on the-sunny aide of the street. The Robins outbatted the Braves open air attractions this summer. Ward. 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 game- A ball game played Inside of Yet, in 191&, Tom Seaton and Butch Kittel won the discus but lost four to two because of The rise to fame of A1 Mello has Peck', SS ...... 3 0 0 1 Morley, I g ...... € f two hours! myself pitched in 100 of the 153 throw. This junior hurled It 95 Hunnefleld, ss ...... 3 1 0 1 She f^und out her finance lost stupid base running. been rapid but not undeserved. As Boston 1 have felt like telling them ball games played by the Phillies. feet and two inches. Bab LaCoss, McCurdy, c ...... 3 1 1 2 Totals 14 33 all his money. . . . So she left him an amateur he showed great Blankenship, p .... 3 0 o,.o AB. R. PI. PO. A. E. what I had to do for my dollar and We won the pennant that year. Sea­ senior, and Spencer, sophomote, Referee: Muller. flat. Thomas, 2b ...... 4 1 1 3 5 0 promise. He represented the Unit­ Connally, p ...... 0 0 0 0 a quarter, and 10 hours of it daily, ton worked in 51 while 5 tolled in were next. The contest was fairly CUncy, X ...... 0 1 0 0 J. Smith, rf ...... 3 1 1 1 1 0 ed States in the Olympic games at close. / Moore, cf ...... 3 0 i 4 1 o with the temperature over 100 In 49. Latest traffic alibi has to do with Paris, winning the national ama­ Joe McCluskey, won the mile High, 3b ...... 4 1 1 2 0 0 the sun. If I ever own a ball cliib, some 34 7 0 27 11 2 a school teacher who drove right Brown, If ...... 4 1 o 5 0 0 teur welterweight championship. run for the sophomores with a Cleveland THEY SAY BAnAUNO by a cop who had his hand up. . Burrus, lb ...... 4 o 2 » o o Hard work is what the youngster of my scouts are going in for the AS: R. H. PO A. E. Having gained all the glojy pos­ time of 5.9 2-5. Ted Chamberst Jamieson, if . . She thought he Just wanted to Bancroft, ss ...... 3 o i i 3 o of l;oday needs. He gets in baseball farmer boys and the youngsters seniors. and Cliff Hayes, Mpho- ...... 6 0 2 3 1 0 Gibson, c ...... 4 0 0 2 1 0 sible as an amateur, he decided to and he '.ees the difference. And ho Spurgeon, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 3 1 HAS REAL OPPONENT aak a question. from the hick towns. mores, finished second and third Summa, rf ,. Benton, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 turn professional late in 1924. grows to prefer baseball, too. He ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 He has suffered only two re­ It has been my experience that respectively. Ten started* in. the Burns, lb .-...... 4 1 2 10 0 0 We like the opera “ Lucia” be- 32 4 7 27 11 0 gets to it seriously. I know I did. the small-town boy is more appre­ race and most of them finished. J, Sewell, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 3 0 verses, losing on a foul to Frankie Nels, cf ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Hartford, April 14.— ^Andy Cal­ cause it has sextette appeal. Brooklyn Baseball is no place for a tender­ ciative of the opportunity when he McCluskey was easily the best of lahan, New Bngland feather­ Quill and dropping a decision to foot. Take some of the old-timers. L. Sewell, c ...... 3 0 1 4 2 0 Statz, it ...... ___ 4 0 1 3 George Kid Lee, another local boy gets a chance in the majors and as the group. Lutske, 3b >...... 4 1 1 2 2 1 weight champion, will be accom­ Carey, cf ...... Did the/ gb to specialists when a rule he sefs about to make the Levsen, p •...... 3 0 0 0 2 1 Have you the correct time- -or ... 3 0 0 3 with a reputation largely confined The broad jump honors went to panied by two other leading Massa­ do you Wear a wrist watch? Hendrick, rf .. ... 3 1 3 0 they cracked a finger or twisted an most of It. Billy Hall of the seniors at 17 feet Miller, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 chusetts amateurs when he comqs Herman, lb ... ___ 4 0 1 11 to Massachusetts. Since losing to ankle? They remained in the game. Hudlini p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Barrett, 3b ___ ... 4 0 1 1 and a halt inch. Ted Chambers, Fonseca, z ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 here Friday night to meet Bat Bat- Quill on a foul, he has stopped that They weren’t going to let the next seniors, Was second and Billy John­ A golfer Isn’t the only mortal Partridge. 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 person Ih four rounds. ZUPPKE TALKS FOOTBALL talino, Connecticut champion, in proud of being in a hole. . . . Butler, ss ...... 4 0 1 4 fellow take their job away from “ Heavjv slow, but willing,” Is the son, sophomores, third. Johnson 33 2 8 27 13 3 th feature event .of the Massasolt Hcnllne, c ...... Fighting as a professional only a Score by Innings: there are cribbage players. ... 3 0 0 1 them. manner Bob Zuppke, Illinois grid tied Hall but lost on a foul. A. C. show at Foot Guard hall. Barnes, p ...... O 1 0 little over a year, the former ama­ Chicago ...... 000 000 016—7 Felix, X ...... Look at Walter Johnson, Trjs coach, speaks of his 1927 football The point scoring for the events Cleveland ...... 000 000 110—2 Harry Seeche, welterweight, and ___ 1 0 0 0 teur champion finds himself a The game of love is never called Ehrhardt, p ...... 0 0 0 0 Speaker, Eddie Collins, Zack Wheat squad, which ended spring practice Monday ^nd yesterday totals: sen­ Two base hits, Barrett, Falk, Kamm Patsy Rooney, bantamweight, are strong contender for the welter­ iors, 38; juniors, 18; sophomores, 2, Jamieson; three base hit, Lutxke; th duo coming along with Calla­ AH account of darkness. and the fellows who have been up a few days ago. His most promi­ , Burns; saorlfioes, Ward, „ 32 2 9 24 12 3 weight crown, now gracing the for a long time. They came^from nent candidates are all natives of 16 and the freshmen have yet to han. ' Score by innings; rather dizzy head of Pete Latzo. In Sheeley, L. Sewell, Spurgeon; double, Wa think. Jimmy Smith, cham- ...... 100 002 lOx— 4 the farm life. , too; also Illinois. tally. plays, Blankenship to Kamm to SHee- ;>lon bowler. Is a great,guy. Brooklyn ...... 001 000 001—2 his last two or three appearances, ley; left on bases, Chicago 9, Cleve­ , . .but land 9; bases on balls, off Blanlien- la playa axi undarbandad game. Two base hits, Barrett, Butler; Latzo has been cuffed around three base, hits, Hendrick, Hlo-h; rather severely. shlp 3, Levsen 7; struok out by stolen bases, Hendrick, J. Smith- Blankenship 2, Levsen . 1; hits, of And now Mr. O’Ooofty is taking sacrifices, Moore: double plays! That Mello is a capable perform­ Blankenship 7 in 8 innings, off Levsen’ Moore to Thomas, Thomas to Burrus; er and not a fluke contender is 5 In 8 Innings (Levsen out in 9th), ^ up boxtar lasBonk so he can punch loft on b&S08« Brooklyii 5, Boston 7* off Connally. l In l, off Miller 4 in tt time clock. bases on balls, off Barnes 2, off Ben- shown by his victories over the none, off Rudlin, none In 1; winning n ” . out, by Barnes 1, by veteran trial horse Jimmy Jones He Knows His pitcher, Blankenship; losing pitcher, The world loves a good loser Benton 1; hits, off Barnes 6 in 7 in- and the capable Jack Zivlc, who Levsen; umpires, Rowland and nlngs. off Ehrhardt 1 In - Inning; Geisel; time, 2:03, . . . .if it hasn’t any bets on him. losing pitcher, Barnes; umpires. Rig. bothers them all at his weight. ^ X—.Clancy batted for Blankenship ler, l^rman and Hart; time 1:40. All Mello is the correct name. He ^ in 8th. X—Felix batted for Barnes in s'th. *—Fonseca batted for Hudlin in Fatal I4st words: “ S’aU right. is a Fortuguese-Amerlcan and was 9th. born at Lowell, Mass., January 31. Baseball 1906. Vi Has Lew Chester ever been The rain la raining all around More than one-third the nation’s knocked out?- -V. T. C. population spent their Vacations I It fall* on turf and tree; Yes. He was knocked out by Paul touring in 1926, spending about SEEK VICTORIES Berlenbach in 1924. SHAMROCKS TO P U Y But I don’t care how wet I get- three billion dollars on hotilB, I made that hole In three! gasoline and other expenses. Victories other than those in the Give In detail Davy Robertson’s FOR COMMUNITY CLUB now passe "Big Three” are to be batting average in 'Virginia sought by Princeton next fall so as- Lesguo last year?— H, R. P. to entitle the Tiger eleven a rank­ Robertson played In. 140 games, Ndrth End Club id Drop Origi* ing among the best in the east. was at bat 810 times, made 198 nal Namo and Play Und«r % League Baseball Managers Princeton loses the great Jake hits and averaged .$82. HI* hlt« N ew One. Slagle and several other stars. included 29 dtoubles, five triple* They are not terribly down-heart­ and .88 homer*. ed. They have already started re­ The Shamrock baseball team . And When They Got Their Jobs building for victories text season. which has attracted many fan* to What is the distance of the its game* in the past few year* will longest hit ever made by Babe not play under that name this Ruth?— R. B. L, season. Andy Callahan ^ N ational In actual distance, It is hard to At a special meeting last night SO}’. His drive In the left field Rooney is entered In the same ZfSti: Ty'' ...... • ...... -July lo , 1902 Manager Cakes states that the Golfers Yon Have Met bleachers in the St. Louis park is Shamrocks were asked to repre­ bracket with Ray Strong of Hart­ ' by Kent Straat one of the longest on record. sent the Manchester Conimunity ford, Connecticut’s llS-pound ‘ ‘ • start of 1924 season club on the diamond this season. title holder. Callahan Is expected to give JtdtHondrfcks, Cincinnati...... start of 1924 season NAUGHT V- What Was Bob Shawkey’s earn The Shamrock club voted to ac­ cept the otter and hereafter will Battalino the stlffest test of Bat’s Jtoe M c C a r ^ ...... Start of 1926 season NAOOHTY- ed run average last year with th* career. Connecticut fans, after see­ PAPA’ PANK Yankees?— W. Q. B. be known as the Manoheater Com­ ...... Start of 1927 season munity club bdieball nine. ing Bat tip over all cfpponents, Bob O’PgrcU, StoJUulfi ...... start of 1927 season Shawkey hod an earned mu most Of them in jig time, do not be- average of 8.08. Practice seufons will be hel^ John P. Mclnnli, Philtdelphia ...... Start of 1927 senson Saturday and Sunday atternooni liexe any of the feathers in the \ amateur class can beat him, but American ' What was Bill Mehlhorn’* card at a o’clock. The diamond Will be put into proper shape next week at Callahan la unquestionably the S S 8 * * * ^ * * ^ • ***\S*^*!B***f...... S tart o f 1901 season in the national open tournamsht best boy he has met and should Uit season?— L. 0. N. which time it Will be sorpaed and S 2 ? V ...... Start o f 1918 season rolled. make things interesting for the lo­ Harris, W ashington ...... Start of 1924 season Mehlhoni’s cord tor the 78 hole* Bill Brennan will coach the cal youth. was 297. He finish^ Uilrd. This will be Battainio’s last ap­ ‘ • • • ‘Start of 1927 season team and all candidates are ex­ pected to rpeort for practice falth- pearance bCtors be invades Bos­ SKidtMcAlUstw,ineveland ...... Start o f 1927 season ^ ISO CREW SiATBRZAL fifily this season. Anyone is wel­ ton. April' 26-86i in quest of the s P ...... 0^ 1927 season *'Dsd” Vail, veteran rowing coach come to tryout. national title, ^ at Wlsconsini hopes to have a The opening game will be on It Battalino. lugs back the na­ *14...... ■" 1927 season strong.entry in the Poughkeepsie tional championship, he plans to psorgs N orittty, Detroit • < • ...... Start of 1927 season Twdnty-twei yeayfi a major league umpire-—that If the reooVd May 8 instead of April 24. of Billy Evgns, sports writer for The Herald who is starting regatta thi* season despite ^ e fact, turn pro When he will he lost for Most aeuoas mansger— Oonale Mack, Athletic*. 26, that he has a very small fitlmber of all time to the amateur ranks in Most penaknt wlnnere—John J. McOi»w. Giants. 10. now bn still another season with the American L^gue. Dutv candidates out for the erewC Six­ which he has campaigned with « * J- McOraw, and Connie Mack, Athletics, 3. ing the baseball season he not only 'vi^ill continue to write for teen men are seeking berths. ANOTBBR FOR MCGRAW such sueoes*. Most 6oa*ecutlve champlonshlpfl— Giants, 4 (1921-22-28-24) In addition to these three inter­ Most tiOBieoutiT* victories— Glints, 28 in 1918. ^ Manchester sports fans, but is starting an entirely new feature called “The Inside of Baseball.” There are questions and an­ If Bari Webb make* the grade state matches, there will be a doz­ Most coniecutlv* defeats— Red Sox, 1908, and Athletics, 1916, 20. M i^ R lA G E and lands a regular barth with tbs en bouts, the prospect being two Most sanes won leaion—cubs, i n in 1916. swers every day, full of vital facts about the game from its ori­ Cubs as an outfleldsr, the (Jnb lours and a half of merry milling. MOst tlm«i fiaiabed last— Athlettoi, 7. PA «N TS ‘ aSCD TO TEACH PIVORCE CHIM«tN HOW TO HOLD A gin to its present'high state of development. If you want to owners will have a laugh on th* Longest lem ce as player— ’Tyrn* Cobb. Detroit, 2i seasons. build Up a really Intimate knowledge of the national sport, fol­ and then Oianta simUar ter the one they had The eye* of a frog when expos-, ' ** JOlmson, IVashington, 19 seasons. FORK- NOW IT'S A OFOOli low this series by the greatest of baseball authorities. It starts -wh*h Hhek Wilgon made good. Like ed to th* light'of a candle, genera: Losfeit aojltra gaiae>»Bostoa-Brookiyn, 2.6, innings In 1920» Wilson, Wsbb ^^Was' tried out by ate an electric current that can bej M T.oet. tomorrow ana anpears onlyln The Herald. “ CHILDREN OF DIYOROT John MeOraw. but failed to tUck. fnaosiured bv a galvanometer.

X- ‘ 'f ‘


The Easy, Convenient, Economical Seih)iee For Home

Want Ad Information Lost and Found Dogs>-Blrd8— Pet* 41 ApavbDeQts-:--Fl«t^ V i AoiVies 'f(w Sale House* fdr Sale Tenemi^ta' for ' 68 BANK BOOK—^Lost with money In POMERANIA^! PUPS for sale. Four Manchester ^ hand bag. Return If found to 39 black Pomeranian pups 'slx weeks OOtlGafilRTY' ST.. pew tyn room 6 ROOM BUNGALO’W In high loca­ Cottage street.' Reward. old, two males, two females, ex­ PUilNBLL BLOCK—3‘‘ room hfeated fla"flat, a. " car------garage. A nice home and tion, t.wo oar garage, chicken coop, Evening. Herald ceptionally small, price right. Tel. apartment with’ kltoUefiettb and Ini; t. • Terms. -Price right. improvements, biillt two years ago, 2348. Call after 5 p.' m. Joseph bath.' ' Modem iniprovements. Rea­ Knofla. Tel. 782-2. 'With ektra lot. Proce $4400. |400 cash Classified Advertisements' MARKER—Lost. No. 93858. Finder Chicolne, 163 Maple street, South sonable price. Apply G.'.E. Keith win take It. See P. D. Comollo, 13 please call 1920-3. Manchester, Conn. ■Furniture! Cpmpjiny. . HOLLYVWlOD---New six room single, Oak street..T^L 1540. ^ Count six average words to a line. oak floors, steam heat. Lot 60x140./ Initials, numbers and abbreviations, PAIR GLASSES found. Dark rimmed. Rtp^EWpOD/ 4 room'tencmmit, Terms; Arthur A. Knofla. TeL 782-2.' 7 ROOM BUNGALO’Vy. new. all Im­ each count as a word and compound Next to terminus. Owner may have Live Stock— Vehicle*' 42 2 ^ steam ^ heated-furnished rooms: (Over Quinn’s Drug Store). provements. . In good locality. Price words as two words. Minimum cost same by paying for adv. Inquire of gas, set -tubk.! Ilantry-wand olbtiieB $6W0.'$500, cash will take It. See P .. is price of three lines. McCann, 454 Main street. JERSEY CATjTLE • for sale; fresh closet, eleofricltr' and '.ath, i also 1(RINRcJe S'?.., beautiful . six rooi.i D. Comollo. 1'3 Oak street. TeL 1540. milking thoroughbred Jersey cows; Alngje ropms. Cail_109 Poster strept* bungalow, Ideal corner location, two I.lne rates per day for transient also young thoroughbred - Jersey RENT bar .gai'age. Price right. Arthur A. WASHINGTCiN S'!., nice' new bunga­ Announcements REN'TALS-^everal - desirable- ■ rents Knofla. TeL’7|2-2, 875 Main. ads. i . bull, grandson o f Xenia-Sulan—Ed­ —- . ' . . ----- low for sale: six rooms, silver.light ward A. Heim, Rockville, Conn. Tel. with, modem;Improvements. Inquire fixtures, dandy lay-out: price right, Effective March 17, 1927 Edward-J. Hoik l£gL.:660. h ^ W ’SINGIJE toward the Green, six STEAMSHIP TICKETS to and from 65-12. terms; Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Mhln Cash Charge rodnis,..8team,’ gas. oak trim and street. (Over Quinn’s). fi Consecutive Days .. 7 cts 1 9 cts all parts of the world—Cunard, floors,' BYench doors, built In fix­ Anchor White Star, French, Ameri­ PAIR OP HORSES, weighing 3000 EXCHANGE ;i Consecutive Days . 0 cts 11 cts lbs will work single or double,’ will ROOMS^ furnished, heated,'141 Center tures, a complete home for $7300, 1 Day ...... 11 cts 1 IS cts can, Swedish, North German Lloyd street. , '■ easy terms. Robert J. Smith," 1009 Lots for Sale 73 and several others. Assistance given sell one or pair. Inquire after 5 p. All orders for Irregular Insertions m. Alfred Burns, 472 Keeney street. Articles or services for the home o r , the oflace__ Main street. will be charged at the one-time rate. In securing passports. Robert, J. ■whether luxury or necessity— may be bought, sold 6. -110011 ' TENEiMlNT, vnear,. Main Srnith, 1009 Main street. Phone street,-’ all-Improvements." Inquire 88 PITKIN ST., new seven room Colonial STREET—Nice building lol Special rates for long term every 750-2. Poultry and Supplies 48 rented, or exchanged in this easy, convenient way. frontage. An Ideal site foi day .advertising given upon request. School street.; : ; the latest In house construction, buy Price of Arthur A. Ads ordered for three or six days now and choose your own Interior Knofla. Phone 782-2. (Over Quinn’s). and stopped before the third or fifth Automobiles for Sale BABY CHICKS, all varieties, Boland Makes little difference what you are In the market THREE! BOOMS—Heated apartments decoratloift. Robert J. Smith. 1009 for— telephone your needs to Manchestef 664— the ex­ with bath. Apply- shoemaker. Trot­ Main. ;• .. of the most entertaining day, Ministers, who will speak are HOT WATER HEATER—Vulcan, room apartment, all modern Im­ plmtodramas of the present season, Phone 664 Moving—Trucking—Storage 20 with brass and flue pipe, used two JUNK—1 will pay highest prices for provements. Apply to Albert Harri­ SMALL FARM near Crystal . Lake, Rev. David Kelly, curate of St. .VSK ®’OH WANT AH SERVICE months. 5 Ridgewood street. ' all kinds of junk: also buy all kinds son, 33 Myrtle street. Phone 1770, suitable for raising chickens. Good Womanpower” heads the double Mary’s; Rev. Joseph Cooper of the of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ feature program being offered at PERRETT & GLENNEY—Local -nd phone 982-4. buy. Terms on request, also some South Methodist church; Rev. Index of Classifications long distance niovihg and trucking. Electrical Appliances— Radio 49 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, 135 west. Five choice building lots on ■ lake, Wil­ the Rialto theater today and to- Frederick C. Allen of the Second Daily express to Hartford. Livery IJAGS, MAGAZINES—Bundled paper room second-''floor flat, all modern liam J. Bowler, West Wllllngton, morro’w. The film is splendidly di­ car for hire. Telephone 7-2. Improvements. Phone 168-3. Conn. . f Congregational church; Command­ Evening Herald Want Ads are now BALKITE CHARGERS — For sale and junk bought at highest cash rected and the acting is far above ant Charles M. Abbott of the Sal- grouped according to classifications several Balkite chargers, 8 30 Amp prices. Phi.re 849-3 and I will call. L AVANTED—RETURN LOAD^ from NEAV FIVE ROOM flai, all modern that ordinarily found. 'With Ralph vatlon Army,, Rev. Watson Wood­ below and for handy reference will Hartford A batteries reg. $18—only Elsenberg. Improvements, including steam hpat, appear In the numerical order 'ndl- Boston, Providence or enroute, Tues­ $9.00 for battery and charger. Bar- Graves playing In the principal ruff of the C^iiiter Congregational day. April 19th; also part load to, siiades and garage, 14 Edgerton St. male role and Kathryn Perry In and load or part load from New stows Radio Shop. 695 Main street. Apartments—8Flat*— Phone 1068-3. SEEK BUSINESS m church; Rev. John Duxbury of ths Lost and Found ...... } the leading feminine part and with Announcemems ...... * A-'ork, last of April. Perre^t & Glen- Tenements for Rent 03 North Methodist church and Rev. uey. Telephone 7-2. Fuel and Feed 49-A NICE COZY four room flat, all Im­ a strong supporting cast headed by James Stuart Neill, rector of St. Personals ...... 3 provements, at Harrison’s Store, 698 OPINIONS ON SURVEY Lou Tellegen “Womanpower” Is Auloniubilcs APARTMENTS—Throe, and four Center street. Phono 569. ‘ Mary’s. Following fs the program: Automobiles for Sale ...... ‘1 Painting— Papering 21 h a r d w o o d —Under cover $9.00 per room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ bound to be an interesting picture. Introduction— Rev. David Kelly, Automobiles for Exchange . . . . 5 Reo truck load. Call after 5 p. m. vice. gas ranse, refrigerator, |n-a- NICE 5 ROOM tenement, modern, has But this Is not all, for the story It­ leader. Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6PAINTING—And paperhanging. Have 116 Wells street. Phone 1307-2. door bed furnished. Call Manchester hot air heat, rent low. Call 2100 Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ self has for a theme woman’s age- Hymn 152, “ In the Cross, etc.” .vour work done before the ■ -.sh. Manchester Construction Company, Meeting Called Monday Night old Influence over man, an always ,\uto ^Schools ...... 7-A Work done neatly and reasonably. SEASONED HARD WOOD—$7.09 per phone 782-2. or telephone 782-2. Introductory address, “ Tb* Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 load, also white Birch $6.00 load. To Discuss Proposed Study Interesting subject. Not only In­ Ted LeClalr. TeL 2377. Trucking and ashes mo.-ed. Tel 24-4. BISSELL ST., 73—Three room tene­ Cross.” .\utos—For Hlr'e ...... '•> OAK ST. 170—Four room tenement, Of Town Facilities- tense drama and gripping suspense Silent prayer and meditation Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 ment, steam heated, all Improve­ first floor, all Improvements, now but humor of the kind that should Slotorcyclcs—Bicycles ...... H Repairing 23 WOOD—Chestnut wood, hard wood ments, with or without gAirage, also house, with ..arago. Inquire 164 Oak (kneeling), organ plays. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... 12 and Blab wood, sawed stove length, furnished rooms. Telephone 1545-2. • street or call 616-5. Fred T. Bllsh, chairman of the bring many laughs from the audi­ Litany hymn, 163 (Part 1, vi BuNiiiens and Profe»»lonnl Services and under cover. L. T. Wood. 55 Bls- Industrial Survey committee will ence Ip Incorporated In this picture. EXPERT KEY FITTING — Lawn 1-4) solo. 1 Business Services OffereJ ...... 13 mowers sharpened and repaired, also sell street. Telephone 496. COOPER ET., 31—Five rooms, second OAKLAND ST., 351—Five room flat, floor flat: $30 per month. April 1st. give a report of the preliminary In- There are some very fine sequences Prayers. Household Services Offered ,.,.13-A scissors, knives and saws sharpen­ all Improvements Inquire 701 Main of Neyr York’s night life, while the Building—Contracting ...... 14 ed. AVork called for and delivered. Garden— Farm— Dairy Products 30 .Homo Bank and Trust Company. street. Sam Yulyes. ’vestlgatlon In regard t^ methods., First Word, Rev. David Kelly, Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm price and other details of .conduct-- scenes In the prizefighter’s train­ leader. Funeral Directors ...... 16 FIVE ROOM TENEMENT, with all street, Manchester, Conn. Tele­ APPLES—Baldwin applet, true to ing such a survey in Manchester, ing camp where the hero goes to Hymn 157, “ Sweet the Mo­ Heating—PUunbiiig—Roofing .. 17 phone 462. ■ improvements, centrally located, HILLED BY WAVE regain bis physical well being, are Insurance ...... 18 name and taste, grade A. 75c per near mills and trolley. Inquire at a special meeting of representa­ ments.” JUllinery'—Dressmaking 19 basket, grade B 50c. Telephone Michael Foley, 46 1-2 Summer street. tive business men of the town to be starred with real laughs. There are GENERAL CARPENTER work 38-6. Walter N. Foster, Foster Farm. First Word, “ Father, Forgivu Moving—Trucking—Storage 20 around Itouse sucli as shingling, AVappIr •. Lunenburg, N. S., April 14.— held in the Chamljer of-Commerce real prize fighters and some realis­ I’ainting—Papering ...... 21 building garages, etc. Inquire 11 FOUR ROOM RENT for a desirable Them for They Know Not What small family, wash stand, bath, Robert Corkrum was killed and headquarters, 769 Main,street at'8 tic fighting takes place when Ralph They Do.” Professional Services ...... 22 Ashworth street. Tel. 172-2. tries to lick the camp bully every Repairing ...... , 23 APPLES—Hand picked -prayed Bald­ , white enameled sink, with enameled Captain Harold Corkrum and four o’clock Monday evening. Silent prayer and meditation (as Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning 24 wins, $1,00 per bushel. Ruta-^Ragas, rooms and grained floors, with other sailors were seriously Injured when The purpose of the meeting Is to day for a month before he finally ".r. LAAA’N AIOAVER SEASON is almost 90c. Peter Miller, 743 Tolland Turn­ • Improvements, for $18. Garden If de­ above). ’I’oilct Goods and Services .. licrc. Avoid the inevitable conges­ pike. Telephone 364-3. a huge wave struck the fishing determine Just what is the attitude succeeds.. “Womanpower” is sure AVanted—Business Service ...... 26 sired. Don’t miss this chance. Apply to apileal to every type of movie Litany Hymn, 163 (Part II. vs, Ell iicationnl tion with consequent wait by hav­ to F.’ W. Seastrand, 01 Main street. schooner Alsatron at anchor on the of the merchants and manufactur­ 5-8). Prayers. ing yours taken care of NOW, be­ BARBERRY BUSHES—3 years old So. Manchester. western bank and completely sub­ ers toward this project of Indus­ fan. Courses and Classes ...... 27 fore you need It. Bralthwaite, 150 Second Word, Rev. .Joseph C >op- I’rivate Instruction ...... 28 $5.00 per hundred. Telephone 861-4 merged the Aressel. Seven dories trial survey. The committee hopes For a^co-feature the management Dancing ...... 2S-A Center street. or call at 36 Griswold street. FOSTER ST., 91—-Six room tenement er, leader. with all improvements. Phone 1320- were smashed to kindling by the fo r! a large attendance’ and a full of the Rialto are offering “ Forest Alusical—Dramatic ...... t '. . . . . 29 SHARPENED lawn mowers, knives, Havoc” a virile tale of a lumber Hymn 147, “ In the Hour of Tri­ AVanted—Instruction ...... 30 CAL- PRIVETS, $5 hundred. Barberry : 12 or 409-3. waves. The schooner was forced to and free expression of opinion in al.” Finn noinl sissors, razors. John Garibald, 110 $o.00 hundred. Orders delivered regard to the proposition. camp and the eternal triangle. The Spruce street. and planted, roses 25c each, mixed 4 ROOM TENEMENT, upstairs, elec­ abandon its trawls and has arrived Second Word, “ Today Shalt 'fbou Bonds—.Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 gladlola.SOo dozen. John McConvllle, here badly battered. story sparkles with drama calcu­ Business Cptiortunilics ...... 32 tric lights, gas, hot water, garage. lated to keep one perched on edge be With Me in Paradl.se ’ Wanted— Business Service 26 Homestead Park. Telephone 1364-15. If wanted. 29 Griswold street. Money to Loan ...... 33 during the entire performance. For­ Silent prayer and meditation (ai iloney Wanted ...... 34 PHARMACIST DIES above). Help ami Situations^ ,I . S A v i^ " c id e r - Freshly l^Ide, 4 ROOM TENEMENT—12 Moore “ LUNATIC AT LARGE’' est Stanley: and Peggy Montgomery Help AVanted—Female ...... 35 lAv ANTED ORDERS for home made 1right from the press at 25c a gal, by street, all Improvements, $20 month. Stamford, Conn., April 14.- have leading roles. Other subjects Litany Hymn 163 (Part III, vs. I J£0lj) AVjlllt 1 36 'A*®®ple.s, 00 cakes, L* Q o n clam 1 n n chowder, It A V* rvv«/NTi?n brown the barrel!, Baldwin Apples $1.30 bu. I Apply 13 Moore street. Harold Faucett, 42,_ prominent and 10). Prayers. Call 970-5. H. Sllversteln. to ,be shown Include a comedy and Help AVanted—Male or Female.. 37 bread, etc. Mrs. Wade, 57 Cooper St. pharmacist, died In Stamford , Third Word, Rev. F.-oderlck Al­ FIVE ROOM f l a t —All modern Im­ SHOWING AT CIRCLE current news events. Agents AVuited ...... 37-A hospital today after a short Illness. len, leader. Situations Wanted—Female ... 38 Help Wanted—Female 85 Honsehold Goods 5 1 ; provements. Inquire 147 East Cen­ Situations AVanted—Male ...... 39 ter street. He leaves his wife and two chil­ Hymn 128, "Christian Seek Nflt Employment Agencies ...... 40 SEVERAL AVOME.. for pleasant out­ dren. He was educated In the Stam­ Yet Repose.’ ’ Live Slock—I'cis—Poultry—VehicleH FLAT—5 room, new, all Improve­ Leon Errol Featured With Third Word, "Woman Behold Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 door work, representing The Herald. ^.-^NGE—Large Acorn. Inquire ments, garage. Inquire 22 Summer ford schools and the 'Polytechnic See A. Meredith, 10 Blssell street. 20 Spruce street or telephone 672. , street. hospital. New York. Dorothy MaCkaill in Scream­ GIVE FAREWELL PARTY Thy Son— Son Behold Thy Moth­ Live Stock—A’elucles ...... 'i2 South Manchester. 9 A. M. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 METAL AND GLASS POLI»I — ing Comedy. , er.” AVanted — Pots—Poultry—Stock 44 YOUNG GIRL as mother's helper, want every housewife In Manches- Silent prayer and modUation (*« For Sole—Mlscellaiieoiis S:30 to 5 p. ni. daily. Light house­ ter to try It. No rubbing. Kspeclal- FOR HULTEN FAMILY above), Articles for Salo ...... ; ...... 45 ly good for silver, brass and nickel. Boats and Accessories ...... 46 work and to assist with two-year- Fun galore Is In store for Circle „ Litamy Hymn 163 (Part III, vf. Building Materials ...... 47 old. Mrs. J. H. McVeigh, Oxford The Novelty Shop-.- 997 Main street. il-1 8 ). Prayers. Diamonds—AVatclies—Jewelry .. 48 street. Flionc S29-2. theater audiences tonight and to­ Mr. and Mrs. John Hulten of CARPETS and rugs made in'o morrow for Leon Errol, Broadway’s Center street were the guests of Fourth Word, Com. (Charles Al>> Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 fluffy rugs: work guaranteed. Rugs bott, leader. Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Help Wanted— Male 80 ^ r s^e. G. O. Case, agent. Peerless funniest com^lan, and Dprothy honor, a£ a farewell party given Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 ^ ’4g Co.. South Windsor. Conn Phone Your Want Ads Mackalll, one of the beauties of the^ Hymn 167, "0 ParadlBEr 0 Para­ Household Goods ...... 51 P. last night at the Swedish Lutheran YOUNG MAN with or without sales O Burnside, R. F. D. TeL Laurel Follies, are at the Oak street play­ 'church, attended by eighty of their dise.” Machinery and Tools ...... 52 experience to sell electric ap- ^ bX~3s To the Musical Instruments ...... 53 house In a riot'of merriment en­ friends,, members of the congrega­ Fourth Word, "My God, My God, I'liauce.s. Apply between 8-9 a. m. Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”- Ollico and Store Equipment . . . . 51 Ask for Mr. Pease. G. E. Keith titled' “ Lunatics at Large’’, tion. Mr. Hulten has always taken Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 05 WASHING MACHINE, electric, par­ Silent prayer and meditation (ad Furniture Co. lor stove, three plate gas burner, all One of the most unusual'scena- an active-, part'In the work of the Specials at tlie Stores ...... 56 above). Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 fTccellent condition. Inquire 133 ,rios ever written was turned out YOUNG MEN—Several for special East Center street. Telephone 848. church. He has served both as Litany Hymn 163 (Part I'V", vs. AVanted—To Buy ...... 58 sales work. See A. Meredith, 10 Bls­ Evening Herald for this production and the “ gags” deacon. and trustee and has been 11 uoiiis—Boa nl—H o f el s—Resort s sell street. So. Manchester. 9 A. M. 19-20). Prayers. Restaurants and stunts are in the ^ picture Just a teacher In the Sunday school. Fifth Word, Rev. Watson Wood­ Rooms AA’itiiout Board ...... 59 POST OFFICE HOURS as they left the scenario rooms of Pastor Cornell expressed his ap­ Boarders AVanted ...... 59-A Help Wanted— Male or Female 37 ruff, leader. the First National studios. The pic­ preciation, as well as of the officials Hymn 154, “ 'When I Survey, Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 The following schedule will be ture is crammed full of action and of the church, for all Mr. Hulten Hotels—Restaurants ...... G1 SPARE TIME WORKERS can earn AA’anted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 two dollars per hour. See A. Mere­ voseived at the South Manchester comedy, more of the latter, than the .bad done to promote the work, and Fifth Word, "I Thirst Re:il IC.state For Rent dith, 10 Blssell street., South Man- post office, Friday, April 15, Good ^ Call 664 fprpi'er, and the plot is so involyed wished him ^ all success In his new Utany Hymn 163 (Fart IV, v*. Apartments. Flats, Tenements.. 63 cnester. 9. A. M. i ' Business Locations for Ren. .. . 64 Friday: tjiat it keeps; the>audlence'guessipg home. Soprano solos were given by Silent prayer and meditation (a* Houses for Rent ...... 65 City carriers will make morning And Ask for a Want Ad Taker ^ as to the dutccime of the atory uh- hftSfi-SlBie Berggren. Albert Pear­ 21-22). Prayer*, .Suburban ter Rent ...... 66 Agents Wanted 37-A tir the last reel.'' •- son sang also and Miss Beatrice Summer IIoiiics for Rent ...... C7 deliveries; rural carrier, , regular above). AVanted to Jtent ...... 61 REPRESENT.VnVE of character Is TelJ Her What You Want > . LuoatJe Asylum Shown Johnson recited. Sixth Word, Rev. John Duxbury Real ENtale For Sale offered paying position. Take orders delivery; 'parcel post, delivery until The plot unfolds' the" adventures Charles F. Johnson in behalf of iGSidcr* -Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 shoes-hosiery direct to wearer. Good 12 o’clock noon; money.order win­ An experienced operator will take your ad, help - yoiu of a hobo .wlio'Is: tricked Into an th^ gathering, presented itp Mr. Hymn 149, "O Lamb of-Qod.” Business Property for Sale ...... '70 income. Permanent Write now. Tan­ dow, closed all day; stamn'window, word it for best results, and see that It is properly in­ insane'^aaylum'In.^the'^lkce of;a de­ Huiteii* a purse'Of money," ond to Sixth Word, "It is Finished.” L'aniis and Ltmd for Sale ...... ' 71 ners Shoe Mfg. Co.. lGlO-4 C Street. open from 7:30 a m.until 1:00 p, Bouses for Sale ...... 72 Boston, Mass. serted. Bill will be mailed same day allowing y<>u mented' milliopalre. HiS' associa­ Mrs. Hulten a basket of mixed Litany Hymn 163 (Part V, va \ Lots for Salo ...... 73 ill.; and from 5:0’J p. m. until 7;r.O tions with ■ the |?iuit8’i7 o f the iplac'e, flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Hulten, -with Silent prayer and meditation (a* Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 y. m. .... until seventh day after Insertion to take advantage of .Siihurltaii for Salo ...... 75 Situations Wanted— Female 38 his' thrilling escape, his mkd .lump their daughter Lillian, 'will leave 23-24). Prayers. lieal Estate for Excliange ...... 76 Mails will arlye and be dispatch­ the CASH RATE. from "a-dirigible,'' three* ,'tii"6U8ahd Monday for Avon, Mass., where pbove). AVanted—Iteal Estate . 77 POSITION as housekeeper. Address ed as per regular schedule. Taa f eet j above ytfee '"gyound.^ are - str^ g they will make their home. .. Seventh Word, -Rev. Janms Stu­ Auction—Legal Notices Housek^e^eper, 21 Bralnard Place. post'office lobby will-be "open all wl.th' .spjne _of the most:.cievprly;ac- art NelH, leader. .Auction ^ales ...... 78 day. I.cgal >otlces ...... 79 vlsed “ gags'.’ ever fllmed. ,' Hymn 405, "Peace, Perfect Peace.” Sevmith Word, "Father Into Thf GAS BUGGIES—The Legacy—Ha Ha! 100 ATTEND FUNERAL Rands.,I Commend My Spirit.” ' • Silent prayer and meditation (ai OF ITALO BELLUCa above)- LET ME SEE..WHERE DID I LEAVE HERMAN OH, YES, 1 NEARLY Litany Hymn 163, (Bart V, va .. OFF. OH, YES... TO YOU , HEMENSLEY, SHNOPS FORGOT... MR SHNOPS ‘ THAN*? ■S6-26). MR. SHNOPS ENTRUSTS THE FRUITS OF ,W AS TH A T HANDED ME THIS . HEAVEN^. Nearly • one* hundred relatives, Prayer and Benediction. . A LIFE-LONG l a b o r . FRyiTS WHICH AS OARAGE SEALED - ENVELOPE HE DIOKit Hymn 217, "Rock of Ages.” YET HAVE NOT RIPENED, BUT WHICH M A N WHOSE TO DELIVER TO YpU, HEH CWISH IT npighbpra and friends gathered at HEH the! home-of Mr. apd Mrs- Dominick PROMISE TO BUD FORTH IN A INVENTION AS THE'ONLY PERSON' IO N US. STORM WARNING BLAZE OF g l o r y . HIS UNFINISHED YOU TO O K IN ALL THE WORLD IMAGINE ''WE'VE Q^liucci on 12 Cottage street this Pfprhlair to pay final tribute to INVENTION.. THE COMPRESSED AIR SUCH A N WHO HAD THE 6BTTIN6 ENOUGH Washington, April 14. — The CAR . WITH PLANS, PATENTS INTEREST V IS IO N TO SEE He r m a n 's tJUNK their'spn'ltalo. who took, his own life.by. drpwnlpj; Monday. The home Weather Bureau today Issued the a p p l ie d f o r , WORKING MODEL, IN la s t ; POSSIBILITIES PIPE DREAM IN OURlie following storm warning: AND SUCH APPURTENANCES FALL IN HIS FOR A LCELLARf was.crpwided aud.many'stood out­ side. The (Casket was banked high ,’!Southeast storm warnings order­ THERETO AS MAY BE FOUND INVENTION HERITAGE! ed at 11 a. m., from Bay St. Louis, IN THE GARAGE with floral tributes attesting to the hish ..esteem In which the young Miss., to Apalachicola, Flau, dis­ ihfjB'was'herd by his admirers. Rev. turbance of considerable intensity William P. Reldy conducted the off South Texas <^oast will move - .1 service.'. . , ' slowly eastward and northeastward T ‘ It was: one of the largest Italian causing Increasing southeast windi funeral services held here in recent becoming strong late this afternooi or tonight.” years... About thirty cars were In the cbrfege>.\vhich went from the home' to the "burial plot In the St. James's cemetery. The bearers who MARRIAGE were'.'all members oi the Sons of ’ DIVORCE Italy Iq^ge, were Jpsitlano Detro, Tppy' Agostinalli; Italo Dubaldo, - and then V i 'li^y Trnocentl, Plhleccl Ranero ihd'Idici^aerpellaFerra.. . “ CHILDREN OF DIYORCE’

- ♦ !

> i- ' ' . .Vlli'lU ■■ i’.'V

" ': ,:■- , . v . ., .3- ^ •■• /■ V \ =■-•■>'■. /■■ '• • ■'. :,... .- . r . '. i >X' * -T ■ ■ " ■ '<*’* ■• ■• • - •■ ' . . . :. V v n M ' 'T'U ID I ‘MANCHES^rEE (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, APRIL T4, 1927.

FLAPPER FANNY“SAYS: SENSE and NONSEN^ ^KIPPY - > • VV*' H e r ,skip/ Many a self-made man is a per­ sonal dmeonstration of the horrors 0 V / e R - T H € of unskilled labor. v H o u s e IS* ' At last someone has been fouhd F i R € that believes in signs. He is a sign painter. - -

What’s become of the old-faish- ioned preacher whu believed that *• sermon to be big had to be lohgl THEN AND NOW i\ The bathing girls in days of yore Were dressed like Mother Hubbard But now they oft array themselves Like Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. Success is being able to work at what you like whether it pays or not.

Money is good. He married her for her own good. Hospital nurses are not allowed Copyright, P. L. CroAby, 1927, Johnson Features, Inc. \ to eat onions while on duty which \ REG. U. 8. PAT o rr is another strong point in favor of Cl 927 BY NEA SERVICE, INC going to a hospital when you get Wlvpa Avlio love the truth sick. Granny Doesn’t See Very Well By Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS H never should ask questions. THE DIFFERENCE By Crane The boy was asked to tell the \ difference between a biography and an autobiography. "A biogra­ phy,” he wrote in reply, “ Is the USSeSi,0\.-D Vt\C>, 1 AV\ AA\ l\ history of the life of a good man. M\\ ymAT A / Wf*M£ AM THe. Tv\)1MS \MUNNtR.fUV: VvlHA'T D\D' A naughty biography (autobiog­ NO lTAV.i raphy) is the history of the life of r ARE PLAMNiMG ^ GOtU-UVO M\GV\-V fOR. ^ 'lELU NOO? A f \ ! t X 3n 2 a lady.” OS AM AOtO RiOe, RIDES FOl? tOS. ^PlM \M MODERN BUSINESS 3 U t Vie VJON'T COUMIRI. Folks "Who are snappy make oth­ (AIMED, SEE? Modern writers delight in criti­ ers unhappy. cizing the big business man. So today’s questions are designed to This would be a far happier J-V- see how much you know about the world were It so arranged that one leaders in our industrial and com­ could run out of debt. mercial world. The answers are on another page. \ Imagine the plight of a man be­ 1— Who Is the head of the U. S.ing shaved by a lady barber wjien F Steel Corporation? a mouse runs across the floor. 2— What New York banking 'Vu ol^ ^ firm is generally spoken of with THE GOOD GENTLEltfAN ’ ^ the prefix. “ The House of------’’? This is a world of sorrow, ,, t 3— What is the estimatedLikewise a world of sin, ' - - ■wealth of* Henry Ford? But just about tomorrow 4— Who is Pittsurgh’s most fa­I’ll certainly begin \ mous banker? To renovate this mundane sphere 5— ^What brothers are now for­So folks like me can stand It here. mulating plans for a great railway > lp =>\ merger? “ Why hasn’t she made a rich V 6— ^What citizen of Memphis,marriage If her face is her for- Tenn., startled Wall Street a few tune?” years ago with his manipulation of “ Poor girl, she has a tongue Piggly-Wiggle stock? that is her misfortune.” 7— What United States senator MES iNDeEDNl-i (rAVORTAMt— i made his fortune through early I think there should be hung in •Too SAO \Al(: c^M’T Investments with Henry Ford? every office where salesmen con­ GOtTA Get AWAN 8— Who is president of the gregate a sign, etched In letters OR. vaJE’D"“ General Motors Corporation? high and wide, reading: “ You 9— III what line of business wasmade a sale— did you make a cus­ the late Marshall Field active? tomer?” 10— Who is president of the Pennsylvania railroad? “ At just what point do you be­ gin to call a bulsness man an exec­ utive?” ■’ Remember when— “ When he takes up golf.” Women blushed. Only tough girls painted. Some men think It smart to be Autos stopped to let horses go able to write such a poor hand past. that nobody can read it, but it Things you could tell children isn’t. that would shock or surprise them. The prepared for good time nev­ A wife worries almost as much er comes. as her husband about the wrinkles ------1' coming on her face as her husband A barking dog never bites, for e i 927 BY NEA SEflV.ICE. IN& _ does about the vanishing of the lA how can a dog bark when he is (© Kontaine Fox, 1927, The Bell Syndi^tc, Inc.) i4^ hair on his dome. biting? , \

You never realize ♦ how many kinds of giggles there are until you PARENTS! ride on a Pullman with a flock of That’s Different By B’^^sser college girls. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Divorce Is a Way Out For You! VyjE'tU MAVIE b e a m s VJOELL!.' c a m VOU BEA"?* But it is a Way Into Scandal His idea cf a case showing ex­ VMOM'r 7ME VES-A DAMDy /OEVJ AEV VOO klDS.V treme dissipation is a potato with IM ■ms DIM1M0 ROOM AMD BOVS' Line AOOSE AMD VOO’LL MA\JE ■JAAT.' A B SW.OW&D AlO 6BT OPP OUR A SPAMISU For Your Children! dark rings under its eyes. ALL ARC A DOORWAYS- ARE V)E A Room a l l for vo urselF’ JMTECESr WAAYSOEMER.' PROPEE'iy.y ITLL BE A TVPIOAL- M o u s e y IT WAS L VJAO B0U6MT PUMWy kllD.' SPAMISAMOUSE.' <30IK& TOAAVJ& TAB LOT 7WAT VOU RIDS 1— r~ A A ie w USED FOR A BALL DIAMOMD.' POP m TT STORY ^ UAL COCHRAN — PICTliRCS A/ KNICK ♦ beg. u. s p a t . oft.

\ AN

iBJEO.O.t.I'AT.orT'. j01927 BY WtA SCTVICC. INC. J/K SALESMAN SAM The Little Fixer By Small \ / I C A LLE D ... V eM ? WHY THIS IS HoTirAe Fo r x , a i i (F iWe'Re. oMLy Wo r k vM* H a l f \ -r ’ -t^ELLW'A llt A r . _ WoOLPM'T \r Wise CPACKIM’! OUR \ OH, THaS AW- -W’ TiNse — cLose-TH’ STbRe OP UAViM* p R e try -roCGrH- 6AI-e5 HAVe FALLEMOPF \ Ri&HTGU'Z.'Z.M . Tough sled* 3 9Ps'^5 Ah W e e K ./ SLepDiA’ -rwese ? IT^ SPRlMG So use TH’ got am loeA! Ta Keep soiA’ THERE. AIATMo BEA(4 No w AM’ SUGGEST DCiM't feed L \V //' OliR — AKlM<^t- - w 1m m 'JM. crackers - o p ‘ Spr in g KidKS



\- sgRvice, INC. We In L PAT.orTT JACK LOCKWILL’S HIDDEN ENEMY by Gilbert Patten (Head the Story, Then Color tho Picture) TJie Tillies joined tlie miking don, and Mistress Milking Maid maid, and on their way they gayly went upon her merry way. The Tln- h played. She led them to an open les asked her if slie’d mind If in w field where stood a bossy cow. 'The the field they st-iyed behind. And, cow glanced up and saw the crowd, when she tol.l thorn that they and then she quickly mooed real c<>«ld, they started in to play. loud. Wee Clowny stopped and eyed Not far away a man was found, her, with a frown upon his brow. a-plucklng s )incihlng near' ithe “ Oil, pile won’t hurt you,” said ground. The funn; th’ngs grew on the maid. “ You really needn’t feel a bush and ssemed quite big and afraid.” Then Clowny came up clos­ green. Right c'ose at hand the|i er, but he traveled rather slow. whole bunch stayed. Then Scojury This made the maiden laugh in said, "Let’s give him aid.” So'sooni glee. “ You just don’t understand,” tlie'man was startled as they rush said she. "That moo is just the c‘l upon the scene. * only way a cow can say ‘hello!” ’ r “ Hello, thorj, little folks.” said '4 The stool was put upon the bo.,,“ Wh.v, sure. I’ll let you all help^ ground and shortly all the Tlnies me. My hack is gsv.l.'ig rather tired; found that milking was a simple and so’s my head and neck. S'iy ■ The fellow looked saddened and penlten|, and his reply moved thing, when anyone knew how. So .Peter. I'lper is my name, I’m really Th# first semester of the year was drawing toward its close when 'Come in!” called Jack, and Lockwfll to sympathy. But before Jack could e|ieak r>g;ain. the Tom entered. With his hand on "I think we’d, batter fPrget monkey threw the bottle of Ink at the Bad Egff. Striking the edge Scouty showed he had some pluqlt. mighty glad you came. Your offer's, Tom McNally, called ‘^the Bad Egg," returned to Rooklake Academy. about that, Tdm,” said Jack. "I. He sat right down and tried his k:nd, to help mo p.ck my poppers He came back wearing dark clothes and appearing subdued and se­ the doorknob, Jack’s eiiehiy.' of the door, the bottle was shattered, and the ink kpqmred over said quietly, "I promised you , am glad to see yoo back.- Hew. McNally. The most of It appeared to rtrlke-him In the TWa^j^ filling luck. The others ^atcljed,*and Cop- by the,peck.” * s ' rious. Jack LbokwIII wai in his room in Hampton House, trying to la yourmother?-' !'liia’*4ead," ■ take a*bottle of ink away-from Imp.-Willie Darling’s mleohlevoue^ji| 'I’d take my medicine. Here IT his eyes and blinding him. He staggeretj. ' ■ (To Be Contim py said, “ M.v, sho’n,a (rleiiiJyvcoW.” am." 01927 Bv HeAsanvica iwc.’' : McNaHy anaWsred-Kif^ily, Then, with the' sinking ’ of the (The Tinymites i;ct some 1i.

The officials at the Mu^cipal Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ I M E N CANTATA OLD TIME DANCE building will observe Good Friday ters of Scotia will have Its regular tomorrow by taking a day off. Prac­ meeting in Tinker hall tomorrow OLD TIME FTODLERS tically all the offices will be closed evening. /Seven Last Words of Christ’ hut they will be open, Saturday af­ ternoon until 5 o’clock. Louise, young daughter of Mr. (Dubois) and Mrs. Robert Dewey of Flower At tlio South Methodist Episcopal AT THE RAINBOW Ernestine, young daughter of Mr. street is 111 with bronchial pneu­ Church, Good Friday Night and Mrs. Edward Montie o* 69 New monia. 8 O’clock. TONIGHT street, while at play with other Admisalon 50c. children near her home met with a NORTH METHODIST CHURCH Chorus of 40 Voices peculiar accident yesterday after­ GOOD FRIDAY SERAHCE Soloists. noon when she sustained a com­ for spring wear m s s ELEANOR WILLARD, d i m pound spiral fracture of the- left A service of much interest to Soprano. Given by Polish Snappy Nine Or* leg. Ernestine Is In the flgth grade many will be held in the Nortli The Correct T. WATSON AVOODFORD, Tenor. chestra of Rockville in the Lincoln school but it is fear­ Methodist church on Good Friday ^ROBERT J. GORDON, Baritone. ed she will be confined to her home morning, beginning at ten o’clock. ARCHIBALD SESSIONS, Director. Manchester Turn Hall for some time. There will be the sacraments of Accessories baptism and the Lord’s supper, and Mannish Suits OliD FASHIONED DANCE MONDAY, APRIL 18TH. Hose Company, No. 3, S. M. F. the service for the reception of D., was called out on a still probationers.' This service is espe­ To Be Worn alarm to a grass fire on Pearl cially for the two classes of proba­ City View Dance Hall John Martin of Lj-nn, Mass., Is street yesterday afternoon at 4:30. tioners but is open to the general With the Tailored spending the Easter holidays with The blaze was extinguished with public. Immediately after this serv­ KEENEY STREB:T, TONIGHT his mother, Mrs. Sarah Martin of chemicals. This was the thir­ ice there will be a meeting of the WILL TREAT’S ORCHESTRA 104 Walnut street. teenth fire in 12 days this month. official hoard. Costume $25.ooto$45.oo Admission 50c. Among the real estate transfers noted at the Municipal building to­ day were house and land on Birch Chic suits of navy sheen, pencil stripes and street owned by Mary. Reardon, to imported mixtures in single and double breast-; ABOUTTOWN Julia and Elizabeth Reardou; P. A. ed models. Suits that will give you a great Mr. -a-nd Mrs. Alvin Maxwell and Reese to Julia F. Reese, property on Birch street: Carl W. Carlson amount of wear for office, school and sport daughter will move from Tolland to his son Raymond, lot on Cum­ Turnpike Saturday to 325 Center berland street in the Oak park sec­ Success •wear. street. Mrs. Maxwell Is a daughter tion. of Rev. and Mrs. John E. Duxbury of North Main street. At the benefit whist for Daugh­ ters of Pocahontas, held yesterday N o bnsmess is a success unless it —PENCIL STRIPES It was announced today that the at the home of Mrs. Frank Hollis­ Salvation Army band of the South ter of Hollister street, the attend­ pays a profit. The careful business Manchester corps will broadcast a ance prize was won by Mrs. George man is ever watchful to see that his —IMPORTED MIXTURES' program of Instrumental and vocal Nicholson. The first prize in the \ music at Station AVTIC at Hartford card games was won by Mrs. Mar­ expenses are less than his income. Sport Hats on the evening of May 2. The band cella Gahrmann, second, Mrs. Clar­ —NAVY SHEENS will be on the air from 9:15 until ence Wrlsley and consolation, Mrs. The management of your personal To really complete your sport 10 o’clock. Jack Glenney. finances is an important business. It costume you must have a snappy little crochet straV or milan hat. is not successful unless it pays you a AVe haVe some good looking ones in liiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiin^ profit—Hie difference between the stock with flattering ripple brims, amount you earn and the amount others are smartly turned-up in you spend. front. All shades. Priced, I MOTHERS! | R^;ular deposits in a bank account $3.95 up mean that you are m anagtng suc­ Sport Coats I Dress Up The Boy For ^ | cessfully and making stead|y progress. EASTER I Suede Gloves $15.75to$59.50 Savings Bank of Good looking washable suede Our Boys’ Department 5 gloves in the popular sllp-on model. Comes in blonde, beige and gray. Snappy tailored coats or good looking fur offers Boys’ Suits in S Manchester To be worn with the tailored suit trimmed sport coats in soft shades of beige, South Manchester, Clonn. or sport coat. Looks like new after many patterns in the | each washing. Pair gray and nile green or chic plaids of rose and new Spring shades, light = tan and dark and light gray. Coats suitable tans and grays in pleas- = $3.50 for sport, school, office and travel wear. ing combinations, also S tweeds and cheidots. Sin- = -NOVELTY CHECKS gle and double breasted | styles, two knickers, one i Boutonnieres -IMPORTED MIXTURES long and one Knicker or = For your dark suit you will want to wear a white gardenia, and a gay -PLAIN COLORS two longies. = colored rose or a small bunch of Prices range 5 violets on the collar of your sport coat. For no costume is com­ $9.95 plete without the flower. SI/ITS.FOR.BOYS; and up 29c up WASH SUITS BLOUSES AND Tailored Frocks for play and dress, many; SHIRTS pleasing color combinations] Victor make, plain white Scarfs in durable fast color mate-i broadcloth and oxfords, If 'you are wearing a suit Easter rials. also fancy patterns and Sunday you should wear one of stripes. these new silk scarfs that we have $12.50 to $39.50 PricBS just received—made especially for $1.65, $1.95, $2.65 Prices $1, $1.45, $2 M y Qad Picks My Ties the spring suit. They are to be knotted smartly on one side. Made Tailored frocks that will look well at the pffice, in the of heavy silk and printed in stun­ SPORTHOSE CAPS ning patterns. Priced, school room, at the country club, in fact for most all day­ time occasions. Plain tailored with pouches of embroid­ to match the new Spring ; in light shades and latest But / pick my shoes myself, suit : patteiTis. They^re FLORSHEIMS. They $2.98 ery, tucks, tiers and bows. All the new shades: mon- 50c, 59c, 95c $1 and $1.45 keyskin, gooseberry, navy, Athenia blue, as well as black fit and KEEP fit. The price is and white. reasonable, They^re smart EASTER FOOTWEAR shoes. See what I mean? Let’s —FLAT CREPES go down to the FLORSHEIM Our Spring styles in shop and see the new styles. —WOOL CREPES , Men’s and Young Men’s Oxfords i^epre- sent a most careful Garments—Main Floor, Rear selection of the newest and best in footw’ear. THIS STORE CLOSES GOOD FRIDAY AT NOON Select from light and medium tans or black GLENNEY'S in the comfortable broad toe lasts. TINKER BUILDING Prices from $5.50 Up | Spring styles in Nettletons $12 and $13. = SO U TH ^MR N CHES TER ' C ONN • 4 Boys’ Misses’ and Children’s Shoes |

Misses’ and Growing Girls’ work surely will give the whole Members of the Center chdreh Water Glass for putting down Oxfords and Pumps FINE PRESENTATION hearted devotional interpretation choir will go to the Wlllington eggs at Packard’s.—Adv. required, and which each in their Federated church this evening in tans and two-tone effects individual parts are fv'ily capable of where they will repeat "The GOOD THINGS TO CAT OF CANTATA IS SURE doing. Archibald Sessions, director, Crucifixion" sung at the church last We Offer at Reasonable Prices also patented leather. will accompany at the organ and Sunday evening. Maurice Wallen, Our Fine Quality this Important end of the work the Hartford tenor and Jarle John­ Prices $3 and up Choir and Director Put Con- will be well handled. son will sing the solo parts. jliderable Time. Into Re- GOSPEL HALL SEHTIldKS. Hand Decorated Easter Cardh GLADIOLA FRESH FISH | hearsals. 10c., at Packard’s.—Adv. Children’s E Special meetings for ministering ^PIED We close at noon Good Friday—will you help us get I ^ The lenten cantata, "Seven Last the truth of God and preaching the MARRIAGE BULBS P I P E ^ Shoes and Oxfords | "Words of Christ." by Dubois, which gospel will be conducted Good Fri­ A selection of onr numerous varie­ in light and dark smoked = our orders out on time by telephoning early. | i.s to be given at the South Metho­ day and Saturday In Odd Fellows DIVORCE ties will give entire satisfaction* dist Cluircli, on "Good Friday night hall at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. elk, tans and patent S at 8 o’clock, should be well pre­ Out of town speakers will be pres­ and then —THE— leathers. S Roe Shad Buck Shad sented. The church choir and their ent. The meetings are being held assisting friends, have put con<- under the auspices of the Gospel Prices $2.25 and up | Fresh Sliced Cod siderable amount of time into re­ hall and a hearty invitation is ex­ “CHILDREN OF DIVORCE’’ Woodlanld G ardens hearsals, and the ultimate result Is tended to the public. Tel. 1274. 286 Woodland S(t sure to be very satisfactory to all BOYS’ OXFORDS | Cod to Boil or Bake concerned. Archibad Sessions, as director In combinii^ the style and finish of a man’s shoe "with the E Fresh Halibut this work, has required from each ■wear resisting qualities demanded in boys’ footwear. = member of the chorus and siflolsts, AUTO TOPS William KaneU Oysters Scallops their very best. Tnerqfore he is sat­ R. W. Joyner $3 and up | isfied that from th3 director’s re­ Auto Curtains Filet of Cod quirements everything possible has General Building been done to Interest and appeal to Contractor and Celluloid Lights. Filet of Haddock the, audience. Made and Repaired. Contractor and Mason The theme Is well known and has Builder Carpets made to order. already been published, therefore I Arthur L. Hultman j Smoked Filet of Haddock it is not necessary to again deal Al^ration and Repair ; Work 519 Center Street. . Tel. 17TO with that phase. The soloists are Given Prompt Attention. I Visit Our Boys’ Department, Down Stairs. = Salt Mackerel Salt Herring ? Miss Eleanor Willard, soprano'; T. I WiU Fuumce Your Bifilding Watson Woodford, tenor; and Hesidence 71 Pitkin t^rieet., , . Charles Laldng Kob'ert J. Gordon,' baritone. Their South UimchMter. -i - Fheno ’’ ' 314 Main Street Durinar Conatruetioib