Tuesday 23 June 2020 Order Paper No.71: Part 1


11.30am Prayers

Afterwards Oral Questions: Health and Social Care †

12.30pm Ministerial Statements, including on:

„„ Covid-19 update (Prime Minister) †

„„ Windrush (Home Secretary) †

Up to 20 minutes Ten Minute Rule Motion: Desecration of War Memorials (Jonathan Gullis)

Until 7.00pm Medicines and Medical Devices Bill: Remaining Stages

Until any hour* Business of the House (Today) (Motion) (*If the 7.00pm Business of the House Motion is agreed to)

Up to one hour Independent Determination of Complaints of bullying and after the start of harassment (Motion) proceedings on (**If the Business of the House (Today) Motion is agreed to) the Business of the House (Today) Motion**

Up to one hour Independent Expert Panel (Motion) (**If the Business of the after the start of House (Today) Motion is agreed to) proceedings on the Business of the House (Today) Motion**

Up to one hour Matters raised on motions consequent on after the start of Complaints and Grievance Scheme (Motion) proceedings on (**If the Business of the House (Today) Motion is agreed to) the Business of the House (Today) Motion**

No debate Statutory Instrument (Motion for approval)

No debate Presentation of Public Petitions  Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 2

Until 7.30pm or for Adjournment Debate: Windrush day 2020 (Helen Hayes) half an hour

† Virtual participation in proceedings Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Contents 3



4 Chamber

14 Written Statements

15 Committees Meeting Today

19 Announcements

20 Further Information


22 A. Calendar of Business

40 B. Remaining Orders and Notices

Notes: Item marked [R] indicates that a member has declared a relevant interest. 4 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber


Virtual participation in proceedings will commence after Prayers.

11.30am Prayers

Followed by


1. Health and Social Care The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


„„ Ministerial Statements, including Prime Minister on covid-19 update and Secretary of State for the Home Department on Windrush The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages. Virtual participation in proceedings will conclude after Urgent Questions and Ministerial Statements



Up to 20 minutes (Standing Order No. 23) Jonathan Gullis That leave be given to bring in a Bill to create the offence of desecrating a war memorial; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.


Until 7.00pm (Standing Order No. 9(3) and Order of 2 March)

Notes: As amended in Public Bill Committee, to be considered. For amendments see separate paper (also available on the documents webpage for the Bill). Proceedings will be taken in accordance with the Programme Order agreed by the House on 2 March: proceedings on Consideration shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at 6.00pm, Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 5

and proceedings on Third Reading shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at 7.00pm. The Northern Ireland Assembly has approved a Legislative Consent Motion relating to this Bill. Copies of the Resolution are available in the Vote Office (also available on the documents webpage for the Bill). The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.



No debate (Standing Order Nos. 15 and 41(A)) The Prime Minister That, at this day’s sitting, the motion in the name of Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg relating to Business of the House (Today) may be proceeded with, though opposed, until any hour; and Standing Order No. 41(A) (Deferred divisions) will not apply.



Until any hour (if the 7.00pm Business of the House motion is agreed to) Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg That, at this day’s sitting, the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the motions in the name of Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg relating to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) one hour after the commencement of proceedings on the motion for this Order; such Questions shall include the Questions on any Amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved; the business may be proceeded with, though opposed, after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply. The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


Up to one hour after commencement of proceedings on the Business of the House (Today) if that motion is agreed to Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg That this House reaffirms its commitment to the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) and to tackling bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct on the part of anyone who is or was a member of the parliamentary community; accepts the recommendation in the report by Dame Laura Cox QC on The Bullying and Harassment of House of Commons Staff that complaints against Members should be determined by an independent body; agrees with the proposal brought forward by the House of Commons 6 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

Commission to implement this recommendation; accordingly agrees to the establishment of an independent panel of experts which shall operate in accordance with the principles of fairness, transparency and natural justice; and expects all Members of this House to cooperate with the Panel’s work and comply with its decisions. Amendment (a) Mr Sir Edward Davey

Tim Farron Line 9, after ‘justice’ insert ‘confers on the Panel full powers to exercise, in accordance with those principles, the exclusive cognisance of this House over its own membership, including the power to suspend or expel its members;’

Relevant Documents: House of Commons Commission, Independent Expert Panel for considering cases brought under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme: Explanatory Paper, HC 538 The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


Up to one hour after commencement of proceedings on the Business of the House (Today) if that motion is agreed to Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg That the following Standing Orders, amendments to standing orders and amendments to the Code of Conduct be made: A. Independent Expert Panel (1) There shall be a Panel, to be known as the Independent Expert Panel for the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (the “ICGS”), whose members shall be appointed by the House in accordance with Standing Order (Appointment of Independent Expert Panel Members). (2) The Panel shall consist of eight members, of whom a quorum shall be four. (3) The functions of the Panel shall be:

(a) to determine the appropriate sanction in ICGS cases referred to it by the Parliamentary Commissioner on Standards; (b) to hear appeals against the decisions of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards in respect of ICGS cases involving Members of this House; (c) to hear appeals against a sanction imposed under paragraph (a); Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 7

(d) to report from time to time, through the Clerk of the House, on the operation of the ICGS as it relates to Members of this House. (4) The Panel may elect its own Chair. (5) The responsibilities of the Chair shall include:

(a) ensuring that the Panel and its sub-panels comply with the provisions of the relevant resolutions and standing orders of this House; (b) the appointment of sub-panels to consider individual cases; (c) co-ordinating the work of the Panel with that of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards; (d) referring any report from a sub-panel which determines a sanction that can only be imposed by the House to the Clerk of the House who shall lay it upon the Table of the House; (e) informing the parties concerned of the outcome of any other case reported to the Chair by a sub-panel and ensuring compliance as appropriate with its recommendations; (f) establishing the procedure for an appeal against the findings or determination of a sub-panel in cases referred under (3)(a) above; (g) reporting to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards any case of non- compliance under sub-paragraph (e) above by a Member of this House; (h) ensuring publication of an Annual Report on the functioning of the Panel and its sub-panels by referring the report to the Clerk of the House for laying on the Table. (6) The Panel and any sub-panel shall have power

(a) to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House; (b) to order the attendance of any Member before it and to require that specific documents or records in the possession of a Member relating to its inquiries, or to the inquiries of the Commissioner, be laid before it; (c) to appoint legal advisers, and to appoint specialist advisers either to supply information which is not readily available or to elucidate matters of complexity within the Panel’s order of reference. B. Independent Expert Panel: Sub-panels (1) Cases referred to the Independent Expert Panel under Standing Order (Independent Expert Panel) shall be considered by a sub-panel appointed under paragraph (5)(b) of that order. (2) A sub-panel shall consist of three members of the Panel and shall have a quorum of three. (3) Sub-panels shall sit in private. 8 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

(4) A sub-panel may request the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to conduct further investigations in respect of a case referred to it and may specify the matters to be covered in that investigation. (5) In respect of each case referred to it, a sub-panel shall make a report of its findings to the Chair of the Panel. (6) Where an appeal is made against a finding or determination of a sanction by a sub-panel, a new sub-panel shall be established to hear that appeal. No member shall be eligible to hear an appeal against the decision of a sub-panel on which they have served. C. Appointment of Independent Expert Panel Members (1) Members of the Independent Expert Panel shall be appointed by a resolution of the House on a motion made under the provisions of this order and shall remain as members in accordance with the provisions of this order. (2) The period of appointment of each member shall be specified in the resolution of the House for appointment and shall not exceed six years. The appointment of a member is not terminated by any dissolution of Parliament. (3) No person who has once been a member may be appointed for a further term. (4) No person may be appointed as a member if that person is or has been a Member of this House or a Member of the House of Lords; and any person so appointed shall cease to be a member upon becoming a Member of this House or of the House of Lords. (5) No person may be appointed as a member unless that person has been selected on the basis of a fair and open competition. (6) A person appointed as a member may resign as a member by giving notice to the House of Commons Commission. (7) A person appointed as a member shall be dismissed from that position only following a resolution of the House, after the House of Commons Commission has reported that it is satisfied that the person should cease to be a member; and any such report shall include a statement of the Commission’s reasons for its conclusion. (8) No motion may be made under the provisions of this order unless—

(a) notice of the motion has been given at least two sitting days previously, and (b) the motion is made on behalf of the House of Commons Commission by a Member of the Commission. (9) The Speaker shall put the questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on motions made under the provisions of this order not later than one hour after the commencement of those proceedings. (10) Business to which this order applies may be proceeded with at any hour, though opposed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 9

D. Motions consequent on the ICGS (1) A motion may be moved by a member of the House of Commons Commission to implement a sanction in respect of an individual ICGS case determined by a sub-panel of the Independent Expert Panel. (2) The Speaker shall put the questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on a motion under paragraph (1) of this order not later than one hour after the commencement of such proceedings. (3) Business under this order may be proceeded with until any hour, though opposed. Amendments to other Standing Orders (1) Standing Order No 149 (Committee on Standards) Paragraph (1)(a): after “Standards”, insert “except in relation to the conduct of individual cases under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme”. (2) Standing Order No 150 (Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards) Leave out paragraph (2)(f) and insert: “(2) (f) to oversee investigations and make findings in cases against Members under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme; to refer such cases to the Independent Panel of Experts where a sanction beyond her powers is contemplated; and to assist the Panel and its sub-panels in its work.”. Delete paragraph (4)(c). (3) Standing Order No 41A (Deferred divisions) Paragraph (2)(d): at end of sub-paragraph 5, delete “and” and insert: “(vi) paragraph 1 of Standing Order (Motions consequent on the ICGS); and”. Amendments to the Code of Conduct In the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament (HC (2017–19) 1882): (1) in paragraph 19, at end add “and for the Independent Expert Panel acting in accordance with Standing Order (Independent Expert Panel) in relation to the determination of cases under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme.”. (2) in paragraph 21; at end add “Failure to comply with a sanction imposed by a sub-panel of the Independent Expert Panel shall be treated as a breach of the Code.”. Amendment (d) Mr Alistair Carmichael Jamie Stone Layla Moran Wendy Chamberlain Munira Wilson Daisy Cooper

Christine Jardine Sir Edward Davey Sarah Olney Wera Hobhouse 10 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

Section A, leave out sub-paragraph 3(d). Amendment (e) Mr Alistair Carmichael Sir Edward Davey Layla Moran Jamie Stone Christine Jardine Munira Wilson

Sarah Olney Wera Hobhouse Tim Farron Daisy Cooper Wendy Chamberlain Section A, leave out sub-paragraph 5(d). Amendment (b) Andrea Leadsom Section A, paragraph (5), sub-paragraph (d), line 2, leave out “Clerk of the House who shall lay it upon the Table of the House” and insert “Committee on Standards”. Amendment (f) Mr Alistair Carmichael Jamie Stone Sir Edward Davey Tim Farron Layla Moran Munira Wilson

Daisy Cooper Wera Hobhouse Wendy Chamberlain Christine Jardine Sarah Olney Section A, sub-paragraph 5(e), line 1, leave out ‘other’. Amendment (a) Chris Bryant Layla Moran Sarah Champion Tommy Sheppard Stella Creasy Ms Harriet Harman

Caroline Lucas Tonia Antoniazzi Alex Davies-Jones Christina Rees Mr Alistair Carmichael Sir Bernard Jenkin Meg Hillier Sir Edward Davey Justin Madders Daisy Cooper Wendy Chamberlain Section D, paragraph (2), line 2, leave out “not later than one hour after the commencement of such proceedings.” and add “forthwith.”. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 11

Amendment (g) Mr Alistair Carmichael Jamie Stone Sir Edward Davey Tim Farron Wera Hobhouse Layla Moran

Munira Wilson Daisy Cooper Christine Jardine Wendy Chamberlain Sarah Olney Leave out section D. Amendment (c) Andrea Leadsom Section D, line 1, leave out paragraphs (1) to (3) and insert: “(1) Where a report has been made to the Committee on Standards under Standing Order A(5)(d), the Committee on Standards (a) must, within five sitting days of the report being made to it, lay any such report from a sub-panel upon the Table of the House; (b) must, within five sitting days of the report being made to it, table a motion to give effect to the sanction that has been proposed in respect of an individual ICGS case as part of a determination by a sub-panel of the Independent Panel for the ICGS (except where sub-paragraph (d) applies); (c) must, where the sanction includes a suspension of the MP from the service of the House for a specified period of the requisite length (within the meaning of section 1 of the Recall of MPs Act 2015), make a report from which that motion would follow on for the purposes of section 1 of the Recall of MPs Act 2015; (d) where the proposed sanction includes the expulsion of a Member of the House, must, within five sitting days of the report being made to it, table a motion either

(i) to give effect to the sanction that has been proposed in respect of an individual ICGS case as part of a determination by a sub-panel of the Independent Panel for the ICGS; or (ii) to replace expulsion by a proposal for a suspension of that Member from the service of the House for a specified period of the requisite length (within the meaning of section 1 of the Recall of MPs Act 2015) and make a report from which that motion would follow on for the purposes of section 1 of the Recall of MPs Act 2015, which motion must otherwise give effect to any other sanction proposed as part of a determination by a sub-panel of the Independent Panel for the ICGS. (2) A motion tabled by the Committee on Standards under paragraph (1) (a) must be considered by the House within five sitting days of it being tabled; 12 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

(b) may be proceeded with at any hour, though opposed; and the question on any such motion shall be put forthwith. Amendment (h) Mr Alistair Carmichael Sir Edward Davey Tim Farron Jamie Stone Daisy Cooper Wera Hobhouse

Christine Jardine Sarah Olney Layla Moran Munira Wilson Wendy Chamberlain Amendments to Standing Orders, leave out paragraph (3). The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


Up to one hour after commencement of proceedings on the Business of the House (Today) if that motion is agreed to Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg That, subject to the discretion of the Chair, the House shall apply the following rules in proceedings on matters raised by the Independent Expert Panel or its sub-panels: (a) The name of any complainant may not be referred to in any motion, debate or question. (b) Details of any investigation or specific matters considered by a sub-panel of the Independent Expert Panel shall not be referred to in any motion, debate or question. (c) The findings and determination of sanctions of a sub-panel of the Independent Expert Panel may not be called into question. Amendment (a) Chris Bryant Layla Moran Sarah Champion Tommy Sheppard Stella Creasy Ms Harriet Harman

Caroline Lucas Mr Alistair Carmichael Christina Rees Tonia Antoniazzi Alex Davies-Jones Sir Bernard Jenkin Meg Hillier Sir Edward Davey Justin Madders Daisy Cooper Wendy Chamberlain Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 13

Line 1, leave out from ‘That’ to end and add the question on any motion moved by a member of the House of Commons Commission to implement a sanction in respect of an individual ICGS case determined by a sub-panel of the Independent Expert Panel must be put forthwith.’. Amendment (b) Wendy Chamberlain Mr Alistair Carmichael Daisy Cooper Sir Edward Davey Tim Farron Wera Hobhouse

Christine Jardine Layla Moran Sarah Olney Jamie Stone Munira Wilson Caroline Lucas Line 1, leave out from ‘That’ to end and add ‘no motion may be made in relation to matters raised by the Independent Expert Panel or its sub-panels’. The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


No debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)) Secretary Grant Shapps That the draft National Minimum Wage (Offshore Employment) (Amendment) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 6 May, be approved.


No debate or decision (Standing Order No. 153)

„„ Return of children to schools in September: Munira Wilson „„ Extension of the transition period: Patricia Gibson


Until 7.30pm or for half an hour (whichever is later) (Standing Order No. 9(7))

„„ Windrush day 2020: Helen Hayes 14 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Written Statements



The Chancellor of the Exchequer 1. Financial Services Regulation 2. Financial Services Update

Secretary of State for Education 3. Student Support in England

Secretary of State for Transport 4. Safeguarding Directions for High Speed 2 Phase 2a

Notes: Texts of Written Statements are available from the Vote Office and on the internet athttp://www. parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-statements/. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today 15


Broadcasts of proceedings can be found at https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Commons Some committee members and witnesses might now physically attend meetings, however, there is no public access at present.


„„ Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee

Subject: Responding to Covid-19 and the Coronavirus Act 2020 Witnesses: 9.30am: Michael Russell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, Europe and External Affairs, Scottish Government; Jeremy Miles MS, Counsel General for Wales and Minister for European Transition, Welsh Government; Gordon Lyons MLA, Junior Minister, the Executive Office The Wilson Room, Portcullis House 8.55am (private), 9.30am (public)

„„ Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee

Subject: The work of Ofcom Witnesses: 9.30am: Dame Melanie Dawes, Chief Executive, Ofcom The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House 9.00am (private), 9.30am (public)

„„ Health and Social Care Committee

Subject: Social care: funding and workforce Witnesses: 9.30am: Sue Ann Balcombe, Registered Manager, Priscilla Wakefield House Nursing Home; Mel Cairnduff, Social Care Worker, Agincare; Marlene Kelly, Registered Manager, Auburn Mere Care Home; Raina Summerson, Chief Executive, Agincare 10.20am: Professor Martin Green, Chief Executive, Care England; Oonagh Smyth, Chief Executive, Skills for Care; Jane Townson, Chief Executive, UK Homecare Association Virtual meeting 9.00am (private), 9.30am (public)

„„ Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union

Subject: Progress of the negotiations on the UK’s Future Relationship with the EU Witnesses: 10.30am: Dr. Lars Karlsson, President, KGH Border Services; Tim Reardon, Head of EU Exit, Port of Dover; Alex Veitch, Head of International Policy, Freight Transport Association Virtual meeting 10.00am (private), 10.30am (public) 16 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today

„„ Justice Committee

Subject: Coronavirus (COVID-19): The impact on prison, probation and court systems Witnesses: 2.30pm: Rt Hon Robert Buckland MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice; Susan Acland-Hood, Chief Executive, HM Courts and Tribunals Service; Dr Jo Farrar, Chief Executive, HM Prison and Probation Service The Wilson Room, Portcullis House 1.45pm (private), 2.30pm (public)

„„ Defence Committee

Subject: Defence industrial policy: procurement and prosperity Witnesses: 2.30pm: Nigel Whitehead, Director External Relations, BAE Systems; Peter Ruddock, Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin UK; Avril Jolliffe, Director Strategic Business Development, Thales 3.30pm: Paul Everitt, Chief Executive, ADS; Andrew Kinniburgh, Director General, NDI; Michael Formosa, Managing Partner, Renaissance Strategic Advisors The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House 2.00pm (private), 2.30pm (public)

„„ Petitions Committee Virtual meeting 2.00pm (private)

„„ Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee

Subject: COVID-19 and food supply Witnesses: 3.00pm: Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive, UK Hospitality; Andrew Kenny, UK Managing Director, Just Eat Takeaway.com 4.00pm: Professor Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy, City, University of London; Anna Taylor, Executive Director, The Food Foundation Room 6 2.15pm (private), 3.00pm (public)

„„ Foreign Affairs Committee

Subject: The UK’s role in strengthening multilateral organisations Witnesses: 3.00pm: Her Excellency Sylvie-Agnès Bermann, former French Ambassador, China, the UK and Russia; Rt Hon Alistair Burt, Foreign Affairs & Middle East Consultant, Former Minister of State, FCO and DfID; Ben Emmerson QC, Judge on the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia, Former UN Special Rapporteur on Counterterrorism and Human Rights Virtual meeting 2.30pm (private), 3.00pm (public) Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today 17

„„ Transport Committee Virtual meeting 3.00pm (private)

„„ Women and Equalities Committee Virtual meeting 3.30pm (private)

„„ Backbench Business Committee Virtual meeting 4.00pm (private)


„„ Parliamentary Constituencies Bill

Further to consider the Bill Witnesses: 9.25am: Dr Alan Renwick, Deputy Director, and Professor Robert Hazell, Professor of Government and the Constitution, Constitution Unit, University College London 9.55am: Chris Williams, Head of Elections and Field Operations, Green Party 10.10am: Professor Roger Anwen-Scully, Head of Politics and International Relations and Professor of Political Science, Cardiff University 10.40am: Professor Iain MacLean, Professor of Politics, Nuffield College; Professor Sir John Curtice, Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House 9.25am (public)

„„ Trade Bill

Further to consider the Bill Room 10 9.25am (public) 18 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today

„„ Parliamentary Constituencies Bill

Further to consider the Bill Witnesses: 2.00pm: Peter Stanyon, Chief Executive, Association of Electoral Administrators 2.30pm: Andrew Scallan, Deputy Chair, Local Government Boundary Commission for England 3.00pm: Darren Hughes, Chief Executive, Electoral Reform Society 3.30pm: Gavin Robinson MP, Member of Parliament, Democratic Unionist Party 3.50pm: Dr Jac Larner, Research Associate, Wales Governance Centre The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House 2.00pm (public)

„„ Trade Bill

Further to consider the Bill Room 10 2.00pm (public) Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Announcements 19



„„ Tuesday 30 June to Monday 6 July The deadline for applications for end of day Adjournment debates for Tuesday 30 June to Monday 6 July is Wednesday 24 June. Applications should be made in writing to the Table Office by 7.00pm or rise of the House, whichever is the earlier, on Wednesday 24 June. The ballot will take place on Thursday 25 June.

„„ Tuesday 7 July to Monday 13 July The deadline for applications for end of day Adjournment debates for Tuesday 7 July to Monday 13 July is Wednesday 1 July. Applications should be made in writing to the Table Office by 7.00pm or rise of the House, whichever is the earlier, on Wednesday 1 July. The ballot will take place on Thursday 2 July.


„„ Sittings in Westminster Hall are currently suspended (Order of 19 March). 20 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 1 Further Information



The Members’ Guide to chamber proceedings are available on the Parliamentary website


Documents and reports relating to the business being held in the Chamber are available on the Commons Business Briefings webpage:www.parliament.uk/business/publications/ research/commons-business-briefings/


Text of today’s Written Statements: www.parliament.uk/business/publications/ written-questions-answers-statements/written-statements/


Select Committees Webpage: www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/ commons-select/ Recent Select Committee Reports: www.parliament.uk/business/publications/committees/ recent-reports/


Text of Standing Orders relating to public business: www.parliament.uk/business/ publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201919/cmstords/341/body.html


European Business Referrals and Motion documents for consideration by European Committees or on the Floor of the House are available on the European Business webpage: www.parliament.uk/business/publications/business-papers/commons/ european-business11/


Information about digital engagement opportunities for debates is available on the parliamentary website: www.parliament.uk/digital-engagement-programme. All business papers are available via the HousePapers app on mobile devices Tuesday 23 June 2020 Order Paper No.71: Part 2


A. CALENDAR OF BUSINESS Business in either Chamber may be changed, and further business added, up to the rising of the House on the day before it is to be taken, and is therefore provisional. Government items of business in this section have nominally been set down for today, but are expected to be taken on the dates stated.

B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES Business in this section has not yet been scheduled for a specific date. It has been nominally set down for today but is not expected to be taken today. 22 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business


Business in either Chamber may be changed, and further business added, up to the rising of the House on the day before it is to be taken, and is therefore provisional.




„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

„„ 12 noon Questions to the Prime Minister Afterwards


Dr That leave be given to bring in a Bill to restrict demonstrations in the vicinity of abortion clinics; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.


Keir Starmer Notes: The debate will arise on a Motion in the name of the Leader of the Opposition.


„„ Protection of UK food standards: John Lamont




„„ 9.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

„„ 10.00am Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 23

„„ 10.10am Questions to the Church Commissioners, the House of Commons Commission Parliamentary Works Sponsor Body Afterwards



„„ Health and social care workers That this House has considered e-Petitions relating to the recognition and reward of health and social care workers

„„ Support for UK industries That this House has considered e-Petitions relating to support for UK industries in response to Covid-19.

Notes: The subjects for these debates were determined by the Petitions Committee.


„„ Government response to job losses at De La Rue site in Gateshead: Liz Twist




„„ 2.30pm Questions to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

„„ 3.15pm Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Afterwards


„„ 150th anniversary of Dronfield Station:Lee Rowley 24 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business




„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

„„ 12.15pm Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Afterwards


Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require residential developers to meet minimum standards of provision for insulation, broadband connectivity and electric car charging points in new homes; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.


„„ Establishment of a Food Standards Commission: Patricia Gibson




„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for

„„ 12 noon Questions to the Prime Minister Afterwards


Pete Wishart That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision for the House of Commons to nominate the Prime Minister and approve appointments to the Cabinet; to establish the office of Acting Prime Minister; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 25




„„ 9.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport

„„ 10.15am Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport




Edward Timpson That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend section 13 of the Courts Act 2003 to change the retirement age for magistrates from 70 to 75; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.




Mrs Maria Miller That leave be given to bring in a Bill to prohibit redundancy during pregnancy and maternity leave and for six months after the end of the pregnancy or leave, except in specified circumstances; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.



„„ Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies (Environmentally Sustainable Investment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Anna McMorrin 26 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Unpaid Work Experience (Prohibition) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Alex Cunningham

„„ Hospitals (Parking Charges and Business Rates) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

„„ Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

„„ International Development (Women’s Sanitary Products) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Wendy Chamberlain

„„ Public Advocate (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Maria Eagle

„„ European Union Withdrawal (Implementation Period) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Edward Davey

„„ Abortion (Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate and Clubfoot) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Fiona Bruce

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Pedicabs (London) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Nickie Aiken

„„ Employment (Reasonable Adjustments for Carers) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Edward Davey Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Local Electricity Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Peter Aldous

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Employment (Dismissal and Re-employment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Gavin Newlands

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 27

„„ Internet Access (Children Eligible for Free School Meals) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Siobhain McDonagh

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Sexual Offences (Sports Coaches) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Tracey Crouch

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) (Extension) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Layla Moran Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Forensic Science Regulator and Biometrics Strategy Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Darren Jones

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Public Interest Disclosure (Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Dr Philippa Whitford

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Illegal Immigration (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Border Control Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 28 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Foreign Nationals (Criminal Offender and Prisoner Removal) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ National Health Service (Co-Funding and Co-Payment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Assaults on Retail Workers (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Alex Norris

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Laura Trott

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Prisons (Substance Testing): Second Reading Member in Charge: Dame Cheryl Gillan

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Registers of Births and Deaths Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Andrew Mitchell

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Voter Registration Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 29

„„ General Election (Leaders’ Debates) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ European Citizens’ Rights Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Christine Jardine

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Company Transparency (Carbon in Supply Chains) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Karen Bradley

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Loder

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Control of Roadworks Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Mark Francois

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Caravan Sites Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 30 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Net Zero Carbon Emissions (Audit) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ International Payments (Audit) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Local Authorities (Borrowing and Investment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Benefits and Public Services (Restriction) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Public Services (Availability) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Working Time and Holiday Pay Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Local Roads (Investment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Electronic Cigarettes (Regulation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 31

„„ Hong Kong Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Alistair Carmichael

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Vagrancy (Repeal) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Layla Moran

„„ Victims of Abuse (Support) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Munira Wilson

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ National Minimum Wage Bill Member in Charge: Paula Barker

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Trade Agreements (Exclusion of National Health Services) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Peter Grant

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Prime Minister (Accountability to the House of Commons) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Prime Minister (Temporary Replacement): Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ National Health Service Expenditure Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jamie Stone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 32 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ June Bank Holiday (Creation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Protest (Abortion Clinics) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sarah Olney

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Automatic Electoral Registration Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Judith Cummins

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Philip Dunne

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ NHS 111 Service (Training and Clinical Oversight) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Kate Osamor

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ BBC Licence Fee (Civil Penalty) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Public Service Broadcasters (Privatisation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 33

„„ Student Loans (Debt Interest) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Local Authorities (Removal of Council Tax Restrictions) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Value Added Tax Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Sublet Property (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Student Loans (Debt Discharge) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Stamp Duty Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Speed Limits (England) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Sentencing (Women) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Daisy Cooper

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 34 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Hate Crime (Misogyny) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Wera Hobhouse

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Hate Crime (Misandry and Misogyny) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Philip Hollobone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Third Sector Organisations (Impact and Support) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Simon Fell

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ British Broadcasting Corporation (Oversight) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Electoral Candidates (Age) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Human Trafficking (Child Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Rule of Law (Enforcement by Public Authorities): Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation) Bill: adjourned debate on Second Reading (13 March) Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 35

„„ Green Belt Protection Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

„„ Bat Habitats Regulation Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

„„ Wellbeing of Future Generations (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Caroline Lucas

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Decarbonisation of Road Transport (Audit) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Anxiety (Environmental Concerns) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Housing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Healthcare (Local Accountability) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Human Rights and Responsibilities Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 36 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Schools Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Mobile Homes and Park Homes Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Judicial Appointments and Retirements (Age Limits) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Domestic Energy (Value Added Tax) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Criminal Fraud (Private Prosecutions) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ School Toilets (Access During Lessons) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Layla Moran



„„ Mental Health Admissions (Data) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Dr Ben Spencer

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Local Government (Governance) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 37

„„ Isham Bypass Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ North Northamptonshire (Urgent Care Facilities) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Carol Monaghan

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Asylum Seekers (Accommodation Eviction Procedures) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Universal Credit Sanctions (Zero Hours Contracts) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Evictions (Universal Credit Claimants) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Workers (Definition and Rights): Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 38 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Gender-based Pricing (Prohibition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Christine Jardine

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Children (Access to Treatment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Bambos Charalambous

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Homeless People (Current Accounts) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Child Safety (Cycle Helmets) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Aviation Banning Orders (Disruptive Passengers) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Gareth Johnson

Notes: Bill not yet printed.



„„ Meat (Grading and Labelling) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Bill Wiggin

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 39

„„ Anxiety in Schools (Environmental Concerns) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Tax Rates and Duties (Review) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Deregulation Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ Free Trade (Education and Reporting) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed.

„„ International Development Assistance (Definition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 40 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices


Business in this section has not yet been scheduled for a specific date. It has therefore been set down formally to be taken in the Chamber today but is not expected to be taken today.

1. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Burundi (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I., 2019, No. 1142), dated 18 July 2019, a copy of which was laid before this House on 19 July, in the last Parliament, be approved.

2. SOCIAL SECURITY Mims Davies That the draft Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) Act 2013 (Remedial) Order 2019, which was laid before this House on 5 September 2019, in the last Parliament, be approved.

3. HUMAN RIGHTS Secretary Robert Buckland That the draft Human Rights Act 1998 (Remedial) Order 2019, which was laid before this House on 15 October 2019, in the last Session of Parliament, be approved.


5. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Guinea (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I., 2019, No. 1145), dated 18 July 2019, a copy of which was laid before this House on 19 July, in the last Parliament, be approved.


7. IMMIGRATION Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Immigration (Health Charge) (Amendment) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 19 March, be approved. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices 41

8. INVESTIGATORY POWERS Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) (Relevant Public Authorities and Designated Senior Officers) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 21 April, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification Standing( Order No. 83P).

9. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES Secretary Alok Sharma That the draft Square Kilometre Array Observatory (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 21 April, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification Standing( Order No. 83P).

10. CRIMINAL LAW Secretary Robert Buckland That the draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Early Release on Licence) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 16 March, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has certified that the Instrument relates exclusively to England and Wales and is within devolved legislative competence (Standing Order No. 83P).

11. BANKS AND BANKING John Glen That the draft Northern Ireland Banknote (Designation of Authorised Bank) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 6 May, be approved.

12. ELECTRICITY Kwasi Kwarteng That the draft Contracts for Difference (Electricity Supplier Obligations) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 4 June, be approved.

13. EDUCATION Michelle Donelan That the draft Higher Education (Fee Limits and Student Support) (England) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 4 June, be approved. 42 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices

14. NORTHERN IRELAND Secretary Robert Buckland That the draft Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Section 75 - Designation of Public Authority) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

15. COMPETITION Secretary Alok Sharma That the draft Enterprise Act 2002 (EU Foreign Direct Investment) (Modifications) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

16. PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF TERRORISM Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Port Examination Codes of Practice and National Security Determinations Guidance Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

17. PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF TERRORISM Secretary Brandon Lewis That the draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Video Recording with Sound of Interviews and Associated Code of Practice) (Northern Ireland) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

18. AGRICULTURE Secretary George Eustice That the Direct Payments to Farmers (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (S.I, 2020, No. 576), dated 8 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 9 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments.

19. AGRICULTURE Secretary George Eustice That the draft Direct Payments Ceilings Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 9 June, be approved.

20. COMPENSATION Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Surrender of Offensive Weapons (Compensation) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 9 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices 43

21. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE Helen Whately That the draft NHS Counter Fraud Authority (Establishment, Constitution, and Staff and Other Transfer Provisions) (Amendment) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 11 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has certified that the Instrument relates exclusively to England and is within devolved legislative competence (Standing Order No. 83P).

22. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (IMMIGRATION) Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Immigration (Persons Designated under Sanctions Regulations) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

23. PUBLIC HEALTH Secretary Grant Shapps That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings on Public Transport) (England) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 592), dated 14 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

24. PUBLIC HEALTH Secretary Matt Hancock That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 588), dated 12 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 12 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

25. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Sanctions (EU Exit) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 590), dated 11 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P) 44 Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices

26. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION) Secretary George Eustice That the draft INSPIRE (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

27. REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE Chloe Smith That the draft Representation of the People (Electoral Registers Publication Date) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

28. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Cyber (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 597), dated 15 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 17 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

29. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING Gillian Keegan That the draft Industrial Training Levy (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 17 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).


Notes: As amended in Public Bill Committee, to be considered.


Notes: As amended in Public Bill Committee, to be considered. Tuesday 23 June 2020 OP No.71: Part 2 B. Remaining Orders and Notices 45


33. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (ELECTRICITY) Secretary Alok Sharma That the draft Electricity and Gas etc. (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020, which were laid before this House on 22 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

34. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 608), dated 18 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 22 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

35. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (SANCTIONS) Nigel Adams That the Nicaragua (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (S.I., 2020, No. 610), dated 18 June 2020, a copy of which was laid before this House on 22 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).

36. COMPETITION Secretary Robert Buckland That the draft Competition Appeal Tribunal (Coronavirus) (Recording and Broadcasting) Order 2020, which was laid before this House on 22 June, be approved.

Notes: The Instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certification (Standing Order No. 83P).