St. 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336

Spirit and Truth Newsletter June 7, 2020 June 14, 2020

The Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Body and Blood of Parish Office Phone: 281-324-1478 Remember and Do This Fax: 281-715-5533 [email protected] My dear parishioners, what you see may not be all there is. The celebra- Mailing Address tion of the Eucharist is a most sub- PO Box 2363 lime example of this. Your eyes of Huffman, TX 77336 sight merely see the appearance of

things. They see bread and wine Office Location 2308 3rd Street presented at the altar, blessed by Huffman, TX 77336 God’s priest and shared with the assembly in the Mass. However, eyes of faith can Hours: Monday-Friday see much more. Your eyes of faith can marvel at the substance of things. They 9:00 am–1:00 pm behold in the consecrated bread and wine the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the God-man Christ who commanded, “Do this in remembrance of me.” Pastor [Lk 22:19] Rev. Richard Barker What did Jesus mean by “remember” and “do this” in his name? Jesus wanted his Mass Times followers to remember that he is the Son of God who offered himself as a sacrifice to redeem the world from its sins. The eucharistic sacrifice he instituted is indis- Sunday Masses * pensable for his followers’ well-being. This well-being Jesus affirmed as “eternal Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm life.” [Jn 6:54] To possess eternal life, his followers must eat his flesh and drink Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 am his blood. [Jn 6:54]

Daily Mass * How were they to do this? Jesus’ followers were to remain in communion with Tues & Thurs: Noon one another, gather together to hear God’s Word, and give gifts of bread and wine Wed & Fri: 9:00 am for a sacrificial offering in union with his passion and death on the . Partaking First Sat: 9:00 am of the consecrated bread and wine fulfilled the teaching of the Lord. “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last Adoration * day.” [Jn 6:54] Friday: 9:00 am–4:00 pm From the beginning, the works of God have been wonderful and profound, too mysterious for human beings to comprehend. But the command of Our Lord to Reconciliation * Saturday: 3:00 pm “remember” and “do this” is not so difficult to understand that mortals are unable to carry it out. Indeed human beings are always drawn to that which enables them * No Services are sched- to thrive. What brings life to human creatures is the Mass by which heaven and uled until further notice earth are united in a covenant relationship mediated by the high priest Jesus due to health concerns. (Continued on page 7)

“MyParish” smartphone app Father Barker’s Message: St. Philip Pastoral Associate [May 21, 2020] Dear parish families, Kathy Corbett's position at St. Philip is evolving. As our Parish Adminis- trator, Kathy oversees the operational and financial workings of our beloved parish, including secretarial, accounting, and scheduling duties, among others. In addition, I have recently asked Kathy to help care for the pastoral needs of our community in the role of Pastoral Associate. Kathy is a certified Case Sponsor for annulments in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and has assisted with many cases. She also is a facilitator for both the FOCCUS and Prepare and Enrich marriage preparation assessments and has been working for more than 5 years with engaged couples as they prepare for marriage. Kathy has had several years of pastoral experience and training in our Archdiocese, which will be of great value to us at St. Philip. Kathy Corbett Please continue to pray for our St. Philip community as we look forward to returning soon to the Eucharist as one body of Christ. Sincerely in Christ, Father Richard Barker. +++ Four Children Baptized at St. Philip Church The Honey family had Trystan and Kolton have been in St. Philip’s First a day on Tuesday, May Sacraments program this year as they have prepared 19. Four of the to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion. family’s children, This was a long-anticipated day for the children and Trystan Alun, 9 (son of their families. Originally scheduled to take place last Jenelle Honey), and his fall, the sacraments had to be placed on hold while St. cousins, Kolton Alun, Philip was in exile at AUMC. 8, Kyndell Cecilia, 7, While preparation classes continued for the children and Kayden , 5 (children of Kristen Honey), and their mothers, the boys missed receiving First were baptized into the Catholic Church. Reconciliation with their class since they had not yet While our parish has remained largely at rest been baptized. With the church completed and sitting anticipating our long-awaited return, it was a glorious beautifully as a bride awaiting her bridegroom, the occasion to see the Church come alive to welcome Baptism could finally go forward. Trystan and Kolton these new members. The kids' faces lit up with joy as now eagerly anticipate receiving First Communion Father Barker poured the newly blessed Baptismal with their class! The parish staff is so grateful to the Waters over their heads, baptizing them "In the family for their understanding and unfailing faith name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy through this extended process. Spirit," just as Christ commanded us to do. Please join us in congratulating the family on the Truly, there is no greater place to begin this great receipt of this beautiful sacrament. commission than within our own families. “..Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” [: 14] The children were excited and attentive to Father as he walked them through what was about to happen before the celebration began. The three older children took turns assisting Father by holding the Book of Prayers for him; and each responded strongly along with their mothers and godparents as the Baptismal Vows were made. 2

Congratulations to St. Philip 7 Things Every Graduate Should Hear High School and College Graduates! 1. Live with intention. Your new future will be full of Here’s to you, Class of 2020 new opportunities. Think carefully about your priorities Bre Ainsworth – Baylor University, with a for your new start. degree in Chemistry 2. Make the right friends. There will be plenty of new Elizabeth Alvarez – Hargrave High School people! Concentrate on the ones who motivate you to Luke Boyd – Univ. of Texas – Tyler, with a be a better person. degree in Business Management Lourdes Cupples – Kingwood High School 3. It's a big world! Look for new perspectives, new op- John Jenkins – Atascocita High School portunities, and new ideas that push you to grow. Zachary Jolly – Atascocita High School 4. Find a mentor. Building relationships with people Adella Soto – Atascocita High School who have "been there, done that" can be a great help. As you step forward into your future, may God com- fort your fears, strengthen your call to walk in the 5. Give yourself away. When you volunteer or you way of the Lord and be your guide through all that life work for income, you will be surprised what you learn, brings you. how you grow, and who you meet when you contribute to the best of your ability in everything you do. We are so proud of each of you and your accomplish- ments. 6. As you “go out on your own,” learn how to do your “Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over laundry, address an envelope, use social media pru- by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever dently, schedule a doctor's appointment, use public you are.” St. John Paul II transportation, and cook basic meals (ramen doesn't

count!). Keeping St. Philip — Alive and Vibrant 7. Remember that God is in control. And that's a good Giving to St. Philip has just gotten easi- thing! er! Simply open your smartphone cam- era, and point it at this QR code (Quick Response code). It will take you directly to our online giving site where you can sign up for a recurring donation. Thank you for your continued and much-needed support of our sweet par- ish. Here are four more ways you can support our parish community with your donations: • Visit our website,, and click on the “Online Giving” box • Download the MyParish app, set St. Philip as your church, and tap the “Giving” button • Mail your check to St. Philip the Apostle, PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336 • Set St. Philip the Apostle as a vendor in your bank’s online bill pay. Use our mailing address, PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336 Thanks be to God for your continued giving during this new sort of storm. deeply touched by your generosi- ty and your commitment to our beloved St. Philip parish. I keep you in heart and prayer while I look forward with great hope to celebrating the Eucharist together in our St. Philip home. Your pastor, Father Barker 3 Sunday, June 14 Sewing Club Makes Face Masks

Our sewing enthusiasts have joined with those at St. to make cloth face masks to support local non-critical healthcare needs (Hospice, Focused Care, Mobile Health Unit, Catherine's Nurses, and other community requests). To date, over 750 face masks have been provided. “Sewn in Prayer, Given in Love”

Please contact Andrea Wight or Loretta Schermock for more details.

Job hunting tips for your search hunting involves more than searching for open positions and sending your resume to employers. You also need to make sure you are a good fit for the job, can catch the hiring manager’s attention and are well-prepared to answer interview questions. Here are tips that you can use to improve your chances of finding the employment you desire: 1. Know your career goals 2. Plan ahead 3. Get resume and cover letter help 4. Use all job search resources 5. Customize your resume 6. Research companies 7. Apply with confidence 8. Schedule informational interviews Ignite the creative spark in your child this 9. Succeed in your current job summer. 10. Network regularly Safe, at home, online instruction, one fun- 11. Identify examples of your skills filled week. 12. Prepare for interviews Visit our website for more information and to 13. Follow up register now for Early Bird Discounts. 14. Expand your skills For more detail on these 14 tips: 4 career-advice/finding-a-job/job-hunting-tips

CCE NEWS & More Summer Events Have Been Canceled as Covid-19 puts Damper on our Plans Vacation School and Archdiocesan Youth Conference Cancelled CCE is heartbroken to announce that this summer’s VBS, Tracking Mary scheduled for June has been can- celled due to on-going concerns about the virus. With our sweet parish still waiting for our long- anticipated return to campus, we could not in good conscience bring our youngest parishioners back for such an inter-active event. Fear not, we will still get to learn all about our Mother Mary and some of her most well-known apparitions next summer. We will just delay by a year. Please let your children know how sorry we are that this much-loved program will not happen this summer. We also received word from the Archdiocese this week that the annual youth gathering in Houston known as AYC has been cancelled. It had originally been scheduled for late July. Stay turned for information on potential on-line activities such as the keynote speeches to still be available. These plans are tentative, so I will pass on information as I receive it. With love, The CCE Core Team Catholic resources for families A fun and helpful list of online resources for you to connect your family’s Catholic faith to your everyday life will be available on our parish website at and bulletin.(Refer to page 6 for listing.) The craft projects require some standard supplies. If you do not have them at home, we are happy to put a packet together for you. Email [email protected] to request a supply packet.

The Kids’ Bulletin Families may also access and print the weekly “The Kid’s Bulletin” from our parish website. Kiddos will en- joy learning the , stories, puzzles and games.

Here Is a Heads-up for Our Remaining Summer Events! CONFIRMATION MAKE-UP RETREAT – Sunday, August 30 @ St. Philip from 8:30 am (Mass) — 5:30pm. . . . and coming this Fall Children’s Liturgy – Sundays during the 8:30 am & 11:00 am Masses for children ages 4 – 10. To volunteer to be part of the children’s liturgy team, email [email protected].

Gratitude and Support

Westlake Cleaners, Atascocita, 7568 FM 1960 E. Their small family-run business provides professional and (behind Whataburger), needs the consistently excellent garment care. We rely especially on support of our parish families. They their in-house laundry and dry cleaning services which deserve it because of all the help has been a huge plus for us. Our treasured garments and they’ve given St. Philip over the years, linens are never shipped away to an anonymous factory and especially after both floods. John site. and Tru helped clean our expensive Father Barker appreciates Westlake Cleaners’ consistent liturgical garments, altar cloths, and high standards of cheerful, dedicated service! Westlake various specialty items affected by keeps our parish running smoothly. You can be confident floodwaters. (Continued) in taking your garments to Westlake Cleaners. We truly are grateful for their prompt and courteous professional 5 services. +++

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Hurricane Preparedness Time! Special Home Presentation for social distancing  Know where to go in the event of an evacuation and how June 26-28: An Amazing weekend scheduled to get there; establish an assembly point for family mem- bers to meet if separated, and choose one person every- for Married Couples AT HOME. one can contact regarding their whereabouts and status. For the first time, you will be able to experience The Worldwide Marriage Encounter  Take shelter in a sturdy building; avoid isolated sheds or from the comfort of your home. other small structures, open areas, hilltops, the beach, or boats You and your spouse will be able to grow closer while you socially dis-  If you are driving in heavy rain, try to safely exit the road, tance at the same time. stay in the vehicle, and turn on the emergency flashers Let the Risen Lord Bless Your Mar-  Never drive into flooded areas; if flood waters rise ried Life! Discover the joy of the ris- around your car, abandon the vehicle, and move to high- en presence of Jesus in your Mar- er ground riage. A prayerful and loving weekend of rediscovery  Contact your local emergency management agency for has been scheduled. This will be a weekend of renewal information and joy. For many, this has been the most significant  Avoid contact with electrical equipment, cords, metal, event in their married lives. Find out more or sign up and water at: or call: (713) 482-1791  Listen for warning sirens, stay away from windows and exterior doors, and seek shelter in a bathroom or base- ment  Stay indoors until authorities tell you it is safe to go out- side Hurricane  Hurricanes can cause massive flooding. Know what to Preparedness do by visiting National Safety Council ( Checklist  Learn about safe cleanup from local authorities, or vis- it Center for Disease Control and Prevention (  Get daily hurricane updates from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (

Catholic Family Resources • Loyola Press – Catholic Family Resources • Catholic Mass Coloring & Worksheets Our CCE program utilizes Loyola Press’ Finding God as for Sunday Mass our primary source of catechetical education for K-6. Attending Mass can be challenging for The family site provides resources for everyone—kids, younger children. This resource provides the Gos- teens, praying together, fun activities, etc. pel reading, coloring page, lesson plan, work- • The – May 2020 Overview sheets, word searches and crosswords to keep chil- for the Month dren of all ages occupied and learning about our The Catholic Culture site provides a FANTASTIC over- faith. view of the month and includes recipes, activities, • Catholic Icing Feast Days and highlights within our Catholic faith. A fantastic resource site for Catholic families and • Strong Catholic Family Faith children. Crafts, coloring sheets, catechesis re- Online resource list for Catholic families that is regular- sources – a must bookmark site! ly updated and maintained. • Catholic Mom • The Kids Bulletin Website with resources for faith articles, tech talk, A fun way for Catholic kids to learn about the Faith. kids, fun, faith, family – you name it you can find it 6 here!

Remember and Do This OPEN for

(Continued from page 1) PRIVATE PRAYER

Christ. This union the writer of Hebrews calls “the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.” [Heb

12:22] These words offer a glimpse of heaven and of eternal life. St. Augustine understood sacraments as the “visible form of an invisible grace.” This is a way of speaking about the mysterious work of God’s Holy Spirit who changes mere bread and wine into the living divinity of Christ in the Mass. The visible bread, consecrated, Jesus called “my flesh.” Likewise, the visible wine, St. Philip the Apostle will be consecrated, Jesus called “my blood”. Hence the open for private prayer. invisible grace of the blessed bread and wine is the Monday - Friday very substance of Jesus’ flesh and blood. Thus, at 9:00 am to 1:00 pm every eucharistic celebration, the followers of Jesus Please use discretion and fulfill his command to eat his flesh and drink his good judgement. blood. Come and spend some quiet time with our Moreover, the invisible grace of the Holy Spirit Lord in the tabernacle as we remember his imparts supernatural goodness to those who partake Passion, Death, and Resurrection. of the Lord’s Body and Blood. Though unseen, this goodness too is substantial. Christians are to act toward all human beings as they would to each other, indeed as though toward Jesus himself. For Stay Connected with SPCC they themselves were once strangers to each other Our Spirit and Truth newsletter publishing deadlines and unable to know the God sent to minister result in possibly not having the latest information to to them. Christians, imitating angels, are to minister share regarding cancellation of state and federal gov- to strangers selflessly, revealing the compassion of ernment “Stay Home, Work Safe” mandates. our loving heavenly father by their benevolent deeds. In this way Christian faith is made strong and Website is your best source for correct, updated infor- many doubts erased, that believers may be seen to mation. Check our home page regularly. be of Christ and not of the world, cleaving to the eucharist as the pledge of their hope. The writer of Hebrews needed no one to instruct him about human nature. He was very much aware that a Christian cannot thrive if he or she neglects to go to Mass. “Remembering” and “do this” are impossible for one who has drifted away from communion with God’s people. “Let us consider how to stir up one Our website is at your fingertips. Use another to love and good works, not neglecting to our smartphone app to access our web- meet together, as is the habit of some, but encourag- site, too. ing one another, and all the more as you see the Day Quick and easy! drawing near.” [Heb 10:24-25] Sincerely in the Tap on “Parish Info” buttonand se- hearts of Jesus and Mary. lect our “SPCC website”. Your pastor, Reverend Richard Barker. We look forward to returning to our +++ beautiful Church and sharing our faith 7 together.

WHILE at HOME—Family Life Ministry Prayer to Saint to Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Know One's Vocation The Family Life Ministry created the  O Great , you “While At Home” supportive resource were completely obedient to for families to assist them with the the guidance of the Holy profound effects of staying at home Spirit. during this pandemic.  Obtain for me the grace to Visit our parish website for their new “Walking Togeth- er As We Open Texas” video and its practical guide. For know the state of life that God future reference, the Family Life Ministry offers many in His providence has chosen other supportive resources such as preparation for for me. marriage, parenting, and family life transitions.  Since my happiness on earth, and perhaps even my final happiness in heaven, depends on this choice, let me

not be deceived in making it.  Obtain for me the light to know God's Will, to carry Counselor Phone Line Available it out faithfully, and to choose the vocation which will lead me to a happy eternity. These times are stressful. Catholic Charities has expert bilingual counselors who can help for free during the COVID-19 pandemic. Call Catholic Charities’ Mental Health Line from 9 am to 4 pm to request a session, and a licensed counselor will call you back within a day. Call 713-874-6590.

Primetimer Techies! Due to our present quarantine St. Philip’s Rosary Group has missed their regular monthly rosary. (Feast day, June 19) We have overcome our natural reticence to venture O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every bless- into modern technology and installed Zoom on our ing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow computers, cell phones, etc. for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make Since our grandchildren and friends have been using Zoom videos, we decided what works for the young me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to can also work for the older generation! your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you This past week ten households (a total of 14 individu- and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. als) from our group met on Zoom and offered our Ro- Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of sary prayers for our personal intentions and for the patients, doctors, caregivers and all who have been body, assistance in my temporal needs, your bless- impacted by COVID-19. ing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. We are looking forward to our next Amen. virtual Rosary on June 9th ! 8

Area Parishes and Catholic Schools are HIRING!

If you, a family member, or someone you know is seeking employment, share these two websites with them. These re- Graces, Strength and Healing sources lists employment opportuni- ties within the Galveston-Houston Sherry Keller, Marian Loftus, area. Mike McKeever, Greg Keng, Jacel Morgan, resources/employment/ Kim Hearne, Donna Hackett, Patricia Flores, Kevin Kilgore, Sr., Diana Espinoza, Brittany Vasquez, Windy McMichael,

Charles Gardner, Dennis Billodeaux, Thelma Carrier, Dorothy Becker, Rosalee Frantz, Roy Lovely, Act of Spiritual Communion Preston Fann, Leah Dyess, Robert (Howard) Frantz, Tammy Fann Kitchens, Nicolasa Montalvo, My Jesus, Lynn Gerhart, Karyn Brenza , Heidi Koch, Mary Comeaux, Smith, I believe that You are present in Ben and Frieda Sessions , Raquel Montanez the Most Holy Sacrament, I Peter Duffy, Theresa Betts, Nicole Eddy love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. For the repose of the souls of…

Since I cannot at this moment + Bea Naquin, Laura Rucka, Jane McMillan, James receive You sacramentally, McCullough, Irene Cavazos , Pat Loftus, Bernard come at least spiritually into my heart. Sarbeck, Teddy Bernhard, Annie Vasquez, David Harbin,

Louise Snoe, Joe Boreas, Joe Buchanan, Larry Keller, I embrace You as if You were already there and Lera Cordova, Doris Boudreaux, John Piercy, Mary unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be Elizabeth Westhoff, Katie Toups, George Driscoll, separated from You. Amen. Linda Tarantino, Country Glenn, Dick Sulkowski, Jim Martin , Carl Newman +

Saints of the week St. (d. 61) Feast day, June 11 Barnabas, born Joseph, was one of the prominent Christian disciples in Jerusalem. Accord- ing to Acts 4:36, Barnabas was a Cypriot Jew. Named an apostle in Acts 14:14, he and undertook missionary journeys together and defended Gentile converts against the Judaizers. They traveled together making more converts (c. 45–47). Barnabas and Paul successfully evangelized among the "God-fearing" Gentiles who attended synagogues in various Hellenized cities of Anatolia. Barnabas' story appears in the , and Paul mentions him in some of his . Tertullian named him as the author of the to the Hebrews. and some scholars have ascribed the Epistle of Barnabas to him. holds that Barnabas was martyred at Salamis, Cyprus, in 61 AD. He is traditionally identified as the founder of the Cypriot Orthodox Church, patron against hailstorms, and invoked as peacemaker.


Parish Ministries Contact Information

Pastor - Rev. Richard E. Barker Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman TX 77336 Parish Phone: (281) 324-1478 Instituted Acolyte - John Comeaux (281) 324-2044 Parish Fax: (281) 715-5533 Parish Administrator/Pastoral Associate - Kathy Corbett Parish E-Mail: [email protected] (281) 324-1478; [email protected] Parish Website: Bulletin Submissions: [email protected]

LITURGICAL SOCIAL OUTREACH/CONCERN Altar Servers (Continued) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Father Richard Barker Rosemont Assisted Living CCE Office [email protected] Judy Abdelnoor [email protected] (281) 324-1478 [email protected] (281) 324-1934 Sacramental Ministry Director CCE Core Team Chairperson (281) 360-9728 Lynette Zaunbrecher Middle/High School Coordinator Transitions Ministry [email protected] Becky Pursell (281) 386-9783 Susie Cleary [email protected] Homebound [email protected] (713) 516-7376 (281) 324-1478 (765) 490-1369 Elementary Coordinator Adornment of Sanctuary Carlie Richard Jan Williams (Feast Seasons) SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT [email protected] [email protected] Disciples of Jesus and Mary (337) 258-4840 (713) 419-8097 Laity Spiritual Formation First Sacrament Coordinator Music Core Team Jan Williams Suzanne Burch Geri Moulds, Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (713) 419-8097 (361) 877-9728 (281) 540-4682 Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Face Confirmation Coordinator Jan Williams Prayer Group Lynette Zaunbrecher [email protected] [email protected] Janet Hays (713) 419-8097 (281) 386-9783 Valerie Sivil (281) 852-3444 Registrar (713) 202-1310 Knights of Columbus André Taylor Usher Ministry Gary Aldrich, Grand Knight [email protected] Gary Aldrich [email protected] (832) 233-0829 [email protected] (832) 586-6430 Nursery Coordinator (832) 586-6430 Women’s Guild Becky Pursell Dianne Truitt [email protected] SOCIAL OUTREACH/CONCERN (713) 823-4948 (713) 516-7376 Mary’s Blessings Ministry [email protected] Journey in the Catholic Faith For financial assistance Prayer Ministry Ray and Deb Kessler please call (832)-764-9814 Smartphone App - Prayers [email protected] Marie Hohmann Prayer Warriors Group (832) 644-8078 [email protected] André Taylor (281) 360-9032 [email protected] Prime Timers (55+) (832) 233-0829 Get our “MyParish” Claudia Herron smartphone app: text APP to 88202 [email protected]

[email protected]

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