The Ithacan, 1982-02-04

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The Ithacan, 1982-02-04 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1981-82 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 2-4-1982 The thI acan, 1982-02-04 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1982-02-04" (1982). The Ithacan, 1981-82. 15. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1981-82 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. J.D) ••, .•• ',•,.r,,..,,i; j Volume 51//Number 18 One of America's Few Independent College Newspapers February 4, 1982 Budget Concern§ . Campus Ministry By John Neeson Fellowship (Ithaca College The 1982-83 school budget Protestants) has a $9,000 grant has not reached its final ap­ from the college ad- proval, however, it is expected that the campus chaplains will ministration, a number of recieve no increase or decrease local churches, their in their stipend from the ad­ denominational agencies, ministration. parents and students also This is not the first year for through student offerings. The Hillel Community has a $6,000 coming from the school, and the rest from student affiliation (the af­ filiation fee pays for Hillel news letter, but is not required to belong), and parents. ,,,;,· t', While the funding may seem .....,t.~~--~~-,):,:,~:-/'., ·, . t.J,.,, sufficient from the number of ~ contributors, the ministrie~ Physical plant workers break the ice in lower quad walkway. See Story Page 6 recieve the major part of their Jane Cambi funding from the college ad­ STAFF PHOTO BY ERIC PLICKERT ministration. Ms. Roll ex­ to find a substitute who could dowment fund, reserved "One alternative," · Matt such a move. According to plained, "Right now we (the accept this." Ms. Cam hi went monies for an emergency or said, "is a flat out token fee Susan Roll, one of the two co­ catholic community) are on to say "we can't survive unaccounted for expenses, are from the student government, chaplains at the Catholic holding our own. UCF, that way. We are now carrying Community, "The last in­ however, has been starting to used by many schools to another is a five to ten dollar on an intense fund drive finance their chaplains. crease was about three years go under a bit. They have optional religious fee to be ad­ coming from parents, faculty, ded on the tuition bill." ago." So, a total of $21,000 requested an 8 percent increase UJA, and students, in effort However, Matt Toback, has been allocated to all three I believe" Ms. Roll also com­ to try and set up a fultime dorm representative for of the ministries for the last mented on the problems with positiou, so we can afford to Tallcott and Ms. Camhi have However, Ms. Roll doesn't three years,' with no in­ Hillel. "They have a part time hire a full time chaolain." seperately ca Ired several believe this is a good alter­ flationary compensation. position run by Jane Camhi, schools and found a number native, and stated "By having Of course, the school's but she is working full time According to Dina of them paying their ministries this fee we would be asking the grant is not the only source of and only getting paid for part Cohen, Vice President of out of an operating budget. parents twice for contributions income for the ministries. time." Campus Affairs, the ad­ Matt claimed "Babson which is bad public relations." Aside from the $6,000 from ministration's rationale for no College, Hamilton care only a the college administration, the increase in the budget is few." "I'm excited," Ms. Camhi catholic community draws a Ms. Camhi is now resigning "because we are one of the Matt has been working on said, "that the student gover­ subsidy from the diocese of and her pos1t10n and few non-sectarian schools who what the student government nment has said 'religion is im­ Rochester, parents support dedication must be replaced. fund their chaplains through should do and , will present portant' hopefully, the con­ and a weekly collection at "Last year when I was on sab­ the schools general operating alternatives to the Campus cern will be supported by the masses. The United Christian batical. we had trouble trying budget." The schools en- Life Committee toni!:!ht. administration.'' Blood Drive Save§ JLnv<e§ By Liz Costopoulos According to Joan Barber, "It feels good to help out assistant coordi11ator of blood and someone's going to need it services for Tompkins Coun­ more than you one of these ty, the blood mobile was ad­ days." This was the reason vertised county wide. The one IC student gave for donors were not only IC donating blood, and was the students, but included faculty general feeling among the 219 members and community donors who took part in last residents. Monda:v's Red Cross Blood Barber said the staff Mobife. - working at the Blood Mobile The donation process took was composed of Red Cross place in the West Terrace nurses, 21 volunteers and the dining hall, and was sponsored Red Cross Syracuse Staff. and organized by the brothers The actual procedure of of Pi Lambda Chi. Service giving blood is described by Chairman Scott Salik said the Olive McGookin, L.P.N. fraternity makes arrangements Staff Nurse as a "quick and for the blood mobile to come painless process." to IC about twice a year. The donor could either have He said it costs the frater­ signed up in advance at an ap­ nity about $75 to run the pointed time or walked in and blood drive. This is basically registered. This is the first to cover ,the cost of food for step in the process when a the donors and staff. The donor registration form is Dr. Correnti was one of the 219 who volunteered blood last Monday· brothers also assist by volun­ filled Olli, 1 1 1 1 ' 9 1 ' • • , I' 1 I • 1 1 , ' I 1P "t , , , , , , I • , I • ~ t l t J ' I I t • I I ' I ' I ' ' • • ' J ~ ' f • I • ,' t t f, f f' l ~ ' I I l I f , 1 1 1 1 , teerihg 'thefr lie Ip. ·.O,nH111u-d cm Pu~~ 6 ' • • \ , i, , I I, , 1' ~ , l , I , , 1' , • • t , t , I t I 1 I ' I ' - I 1 O ,',, THE-lfflACAN February 4. 1982 JHiighliglnts Ice and Snow on South Hill By Joe Halpern Regular Features "Hot Stuff" melts slick stuff. .... see page 6 Budget Cuts Hit IC By Juliet Bailey Not 'For Students Only' Learn of the future of financial aid at IC ... see page 9 -6Briefs/4 · An employee of the college was recently speaking with a Jazz Extravaganza By Sandy Broverman The Fmmies/15 representative of The ITHACAN and mentioned that ., A musical review ...see page 11 r something he wanted publicized probably wouldn't see print JLetters/4 ,,' in this newspaper. Said he, "The students probahly aren't in­ The Column By Howie Altman Personals/17 ,. terested in what we'd have to say, anyway." Paul Mulvey's fight against fighting ...see page 21 .·, Untrue. Although The ITHACANs of years gone by might South Hill/lD. have exuded an 'elitist' type of editorial stance, we want to How Much is a Coach Really Worth? By Lorenzo stress to the college community that The ITHACAN is a .Sports/20 college newspaper. This means we encourage the flow of Middleton communications not only from students, but faculty, ad­ The ripple effect tides coaches over ...see page 22 Viewpomt/2 ministration and employees as well. · It is of importance that we emphasize that this newspaper ,·,, ;:;. will solicit letters, articles and other editorial interests from all •. persons related to the Ithaca College community. The sup­ i· pression of one's viewpoint goes against all that we stand for. The students are interested. · H&O: We Can Go For That In the past week, the ITHACAN has received three letters Edilnr-in-( hict concerning the upcoming Hall & Oates concert scheduled on Managinl! t.ditor Keith S1r~cula llu,inc" M:ina);!l'r .~ Valentines' Day Sunday at the Ben Light Gym. To our sur­ Jud} Gr<·c:11 11,llr\ ""\l'llll,111 ",: prise, all three letters condemned IC's Bureau of Concerts' OHicc Mana1<1·• Production Man:ii:~r t mand:il Manag,·r taste in selecting Hall & Oates. Amy t-:1r,011 Da,c Isaac·, Rh,>na <u11,ocrc: One of the letters claimed that "Daryl Hall and John Oates remind me of a wad of Bazooka ... " and another statement Cop~ Editor Billinl! ManaJc:cr ~~,n·tar) said, " ... we've added ourselves to the list of uneducated Heidi Kopc:11 Sn,11 1-lahn l'a11, lk11nc11 music consumers who have fallen victim to the ... brain­ .,," washing formula .. .in the Top 40 scene." Assislanl Editor of S01;11h Hill We, at The ITHACAN, would like to respond to these SOUTH HII.I. Pu~onnel Maaaaer Editor Debt>,c Grcm I Sa~y Braverman 1·:·111 ! : Olla negative comments. A,~i<tam I First of all, the Bureau of Concerts has struggled for Sandy Brovcrman ===================l:!:ll!II severaJ years to sign a musical act that bridges the diversity of Allison Wahl this campus' musicaJ tastes. They've kept their ears tuned to .~l>\'t:RTNN(; ' SPORl', the voi·ce of the people, but that voice is not particularly Ma11.igcr: K1p_Hagg<·11 Staff · I <'sh<' May Ed11or Ho"·"" /\llm,111 Ed11m Joe Ha(pc:rn audible.
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