Working Fix for Crashing Asyra/Qest Systems During Screening. (Blue )

This is only relevant to those who connect their Asyra or Qest to the using the USB cable. Those who connect via Bluetooth will not have the problem unless they connect with the USB cable.

The problem will only occur if you have FTDI driver version installed. This solution is suitable for , 8 and 10 and has been tested extensively on both Windows 7 and 10, but please note due to the way Windows behaves this process may need to be revised over time. We will be monitoring this and will produce updates as required.

Some background information. Your Asyra or Qest uses a "driver" to communicate with your computer. This driver is only activated in Windows when you connect your Asyra or Qest to the computer. Windows will automatically update this driver when the device is connected to the computer and your computer is connected to the internet. It is currently not possible prevent this in Windows 10 Home Edition and although it is possible in Windows 7 & 8 and Windows 10 Pro or higher it not easy and involves changing settings within the Windows software and is not advisable for the average computer user.

Procedure overview

1. Download a working driver 2. Remove the faulty driver 3. Prevent Windows from downloading the faulty driver update 4. Install working driver 5. Preventing future automatic updates of the faulty driver


1. Download working driver Click this link, the file should be saved to your downloads folder.

2. Remove faulty driver Connect your Asyra or Qest to your computer (it does not need to be switched on). Go to Device Manager Windows 10 & 8 - right click Start  then select Device Manager

Windows 7 - Click Start type Device Manager in the search box

Double click USB Serial Bus controllers (1) Double click USB Serial Converter (2) Go to the Driver tab (3) Click Uninstall (4) Tick the check box (5) Click OK (6) Click OK (7) (It is only necessary to uninstall the driver from the USB Serial Converter - the other instance is uninstalled simultaneously)

NOTE:- Windows 7 users will be prompted to restart their computer

3. Prevent Windows downloading update Disconnect from the internet. If you are on Wi-Fi turn it off if you are on Ethernet disconnect the cable.

4. Install working driver With your Asyra or Qest still connected, locate the file previously downloaded and double click it following the on screen prompts and confirming where required. NOTE:- Windows 7 users will be prompted to restart their computer

5. Preventing future automatic updates of the faulty driver There are several ways to achieve this.

Option 1 - Simple, works for all version of Windows but has limitations such as not being able to use the internet whilst your device is connected to the computer.

Never connect your device whilst the Wi-Fi is switched on or Ethernet cable is attached. This is the only option available to people using Ethernet connections (all Windows versions) and Windows 7 users.

Reminder for future reference Step 1 Ensure the Asyra/Qest is not connected to the computer. Step 2 Turn on your computer. Step 3 Disconnect from the internet - unplug the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi. Step 4 Now connect your Asyra/Qest to the computer and do your testing. Step 5 If you need to send emails or access the internet, close the Asyra/Qest program, turn off and unplug the Asyra/Qest before connecting to the internet. Updating the Asyra/Qest software can be carried out without having the machine connected. Just run the program in the normal way, Wi-Fi on or Ethernet connected but device not connected to the computer.

Option 2 - Thorough but only available for Wi-Fi connections on Windows 10. At time of publishing this document we cannot confirm if Metering prevents drivers from auto installing in but it is available. This option only focuses on Windows 10.

You will need to know which version of Windows 10 you have installed.

i. To find the version number open Settings ii. Click System iii. Scroll down and click About

Version number is shown, as is other useful information.

What does setting a connection to METERED do? Setting a connection as metered prevents Windows from automatically using bandwidth in many ways:-

• Disables automatic downloading of Windows updates • Disables automatic downloading of app updates • Disables peer-to-peer uploading of updates • Disables the downloading of driver updates • Tiles may not update • Other apps may behave differently

When you should set a connection as Metered says you should set a connection as metered if your Internet service provider limits the data you can use. However, you may also want to do this to prevent Windows from using your bandwidth except when you choose, especially on slower connections.

Note:- Windows only allows you to set Wi-Fi and mobile data connections as metered by default — not wired Ethernet connections. Turn on Metered Connection Windows 10 version 1511 i. Open Settings ii. Click Network & Internet iii. Click Wi-Fi iv. Select Advanced options at the bottom of the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks

Turn on the “Set as metered connection” option here.

IMPORTANT Note that this just affects the current Wi-Fi network you’re connected to. Windows will remember this setting, however, and that particular Wi-Fi network will always be treated as a metered network whenever you connect.

As soon as you leave the Wi-Fi network and connect to another Wi-Fi network that isn’t considered metered, Windows 10 will resume automatically downloading updates and using the other restricted features. You’ll need to set that Wi-Fi connection as metered after you connect to stop this from happening. Do this before connecting you Asyra/Qest to the computer, otherwise the faulty driver will automatically download and the BSoD problem will occur. Note:- It is still possible to manually update any other drivers if required, you will need to locate the relevant driver in Device Manager and in the properties select Update Driver under the Drivers tab.

Turn on Metered Connection Windows 10 version 1607 i. Open Settings ii. Click Network & Internet iii. Click Wi-Fi iv. Click your Wi-Fi connection

Turn on the “Set as metered connection” option here

IMPORTANT Note that this just affects the current Wi-Fi network you’re connected to. Windows will remember this setting and that particular Wi-Fi network will always be treated as a metered network whenever you connect. As soon as you leave the Wi-Fi network and connect to another Wi-Fi network that isn’t considered metered, Windows 10 will resume automatically downloading updates and using the other restricted features. You will need to set any new Wi-Fi connection as metered after you connect to stop this from happening. Do this before connecting your Asyra/Qest to the computer, otherwise the faulty driver will automatically download and the BSoD problem will occur.

Note:- It is still possible to manually update any other drivers if required, you will need to locate the relevant driver in Device Manager and in the properties select Update Driver under the Drivers tab.