Eric Lindey Appointed As New President/CEO Step by Step, Inc
Newsletter - Fall 2020 Eric Lindey Appointed as New President/CEO Step By Step, Inc. We’re confident that Eric is that per- ies. is pleased to wel- son who will leverage the leadership Eric Lindey received an honorable come Eric Lindey, examples set by Jim Bobeck and Mike discharge from the United States Ar- who has joined Bernatovich, while taking us to the my Reserve, serving an 8-year com- the Agency as next level of success for our consum- mitment. He is a past recipient of the President/CEO. ers and employees.” Linda Rosen Memorial Award for He succeeds Mike Bernatovich, Interim President/ “Outstanding Direct Care Staff” given James Bobeck, CEO stated, “We look forward to Eric by the Allegheny County Department who retired after joining the Step By Step Team. His of Human Services. In 2017, he was 42 years with wealth of experience in the Human named a Wishart Fellow by The Step By Step. Eric Lindey most recent- Service field is impressive and will help Forbes Funds and attended the Car- ly served as Executive Vice President Step By Step strengthen its reputation negie Bosch Institute at Carnegie PA Adult IDD services at Inperium, Mellon University. In addition, he is a Inc. and President/CEO of Supportive as a quality-driven agency.” member of The National Association Concepts For Families, Inc. Throughout his 30-year career in hu- of QMRP’s, American Association of man services, Eric Lindey has worked George Rable, Chairperson of Step By Developmental Disabilities, the Na- in a management capacity with coun- Step’s Board of Directors, shared: “On tional Association of Direct Support ty government, supports coordina- behalf of the Search Committee and Professionals, and the American Col- tion, and provider organizations.
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