Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923


Play, attention, and : How do play and timing shape the development of attention and influence classroom learning?

James H. Hedges,1 Karen E. Adolph,2 Dima Amso,3 Daphne Bavelier,4,5,6 Julie A. Fiez,7 Leah Krubitzer,8,9 J. Devin McAuley,10 Nora S. Newcombe,11 Susan M. Fitzpatrick,12 and Jamshid Ghajar1,13 1Brain Trauma Foundation, New York, New York. 2Department of , New York University, New York, New York. 3Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 4Rochester Center for Brain Imaging, Rochester, New York. 5Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. 6Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. 7Center for , University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 8Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis, Davis, California. 9Center for Neuroscience, University of California, Davis, Davis, California. 10Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 11Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 12James S. McDonnell Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri. 13Department of Neurological Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York

Address for correspondence: Jamshid Ghajar, Brain Trauma Foundation, 7 World Trade Center, 34th Floor, 250 Greenwich St., New York, NY 10007. [email protected]

The behavioral and neurobiological connections between play and the development of critical cognitive functions, such as attention, remain largely unknown. We do not yet know how these connections relate to the formation of specific abilities, such as spatial ability, and to learning in formal environments, such as in the classroom. Insights into these issues would be beneficial not only for understanding play, attention, and learning individually, but also for the development of more efficacious systems for learning and for the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders. Different operational definitions of play can incorporate or exclude varying types of behavior, emphasize varying developmental time points, and motivate different research questions. Relevant questions to be explored in this area include, How do particular kinds of play relate to the development of particular kinds of abilities later in life? How does play vary across societies and species in the context of evolution? Does play facilitate a shift from reactive to predictive timing, and is its connection to timing unique or particularly significant? This report will outline important research steps that need to be taken in order to address these and other questions about play, human activity, and cognitive functions.

Keywords: play; attention; learning; education; anticipatory timing; synchronization; infant development; locomo- tion; perceptual–motor coordination; action video games; architecture; isotropic fractionator; head-mounted eye- tracking; cortex; evolution; spatial skill; puzzles; child ANT; transfer; STEM

activities implicitly builds on many of the cognitive Overview of the workshop abilities children typically acquire through informal “Play, Attention, and Learning: How Do Play and activities earlier in childhood, including physical Timing Shape the Development of Attention and play. Neural connections that facilitate synchroniz- Facilitate Classroom Learning?” was a one-day ing temporal and spatial expectancy with incoming workshop convened by the New York Academy of sensory information may be formed through certain Sciences and the Brain Trauma Foundation on June activities requiring children to clap, hop, or perform 15, 2012 in New York City. The workshop explored other rhythmic actions dependent on anticipation the idea that the design of classroom-based learning and timing. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12154 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 1 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al.

Hypothesizing a connection between play and the development of important cognitive abili- ties expands the notion that interacting with the environment—particularly when engaged in activities that rely on anticipatory timing, cadence, or actions linked to subsequent actions—shapes the development of the attention network. Engaging in play could provide the developing brain with spa- tially and temporally predictive interactions with the outside world and thereby tune the developing net- work’s ability to select which information to attend to when, and which information to ignore. The main goal of the workshop was to review the current state of scientific knowledge and to make recommendations for future research priorities. The role of timing in play and the development of atten- tion has not been a traditional focus in develop- mental neuroscience research. With recent interest in the role of predictive timing in attentional focus, the natural progression is to ask how this capacity develops and whether it has an impact on subse- quent learning ability. Figure 1. Tennis player, Roger Federer, is shown during a fore- The workshop was organized into two sessions. hand stroke. Comparison of the latencies for sensory awareness and movement execution to the speed of the incoming ball high- In the first session, a series of overview lectures pro- lights the necessity of predictive timing. The absence of accurate vided the participants with an introduction to the predictions for these varying delays would obviate making con- current state of knowledge about the role of play tact with the ball. in children’s cognitive development from the per- spective of different disciplines and experimental tion of how predictive timing, and thereby attention, approaches. The second session consisted of break- develops. out discussion groups charged with reviewing exist- Synchronization with the outside world in dy- ing knowledge on issues posed by the workshop namic interactions requires accurate predictive tim- organizers (detailed below), brainstorming and ing of the to-be-attended-to sensory information. It identifying areas of converging research, develop- is important to be able to predict when relevant ing possibilities for future work, and considering sensory events that are necessary for appropriate how these activities may aid in the design of in- behavior will occur. Consider a tennis player who terventions for children with attention-related and wants to hit a fast-moving ball but has varying la- learning disabilities. tencies in sensory and motor processing (Fig. 1). To make contact with the ball, the player needs to Introductory lectures predict when and where the ball is going to land, Jamshid Ghajar (The Brain Trauma Foundation) based, in part, on the motor actions of his oppo- gave the first of two brief introductory talks preced- nent hitting the ball. Without the ability to predict ing the overview lectures. He described the genesis when and where the ball will land, he would need to of the workshop and discussed research conducted repeatedly swing his racquet to guess when the ball by the Brain Trauma Foundation in people diag- will arrive and would need to expend considerable nosed with concussion, with an interest in the con- resourcestodoso. nection between attention and predictive timing. In The predictive timing required to perform this collaboration with Richard Ivry at the University of racquet swing is analogous to that required in cog- California, Berkeley, he tested the hypothesis that nitive processing: to selectively attend, one needs to predictive timing is an essential element of atten- predict when the sensory information arrives, and tion in dynamic interactions.1 This led to the ques- which inputs are relevant to the situation, so that

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 2 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning processing can occur efficiently and appropriate be- havior can be generated. To make the connection between predictive timing and learning, consider a teacher and students in a classroom. To process the teacher’s words, the students need to predict the tim- ing or the cadence of the teacher’s speech, allowing them to process the speech content just in time. Any deficiency in this kind of prediction could signifi- cantly impair their ability to listen and remember, which can manifest as a learning disability. Following these points, Ghajar considered what it means to play (i.e., how it can be defined). In his view, play may be a biological activity within which predictive timing develops. Play during early child- hood coincides with cerebellar granule cell migra- tion and synaptogenesis, and since the cerebellum has a known role in predictive timing, play may be the key to the development of this ability. Young children seem to seek out predictable interactions and then endlessly repeat them. By example, con- sider a young boy who repeatedly throws stones into a puddle (Fig. 2). He releases the stone, and after a certain period of time, there is a splash. He re- peats this action until the expectancy of the splash matches the actual timing of the splash. This may be the result not only of reducing the variability in his motor process for throwing the stone, but also Figure 2. A boy is shown dropping a stone into a puddle. of forming better predictions of the stone’s spatial By repeating this predictable activity, he may develop stored and temporal dynamics. representations of the properties of the external world from Following Ghajar, Susan Fitzpatrick (the James which accurate predictions of those properties can be formed. S. McDonnell Foundation) began her presentation with examples of the universality of certain aspects timing. Consider the hand-clapping game “Mary of play. Some childhood behaviors, such as play- Mack,” where there is an element of prediction: ing patty-cake, have ancient roots and are common movements must be synchronized so that hands in many cultures around the world. These obser- are in the right place at the right time. The game vations have led Fitzpatrick and others to speculate also builds on rhyming and song; children stand or on whether some of the experiences common to sit opposite one another and clap hands in tune to play contribute to the abilities children call on for the song. Timing is similarly important in “Double subsequent learning. It may be that some kinds of Dutch,” a game in which one or more players si- childhood activities should be considered a form of multaneously jump over two long jump ropes that species-typical behavior necessary for the develop- are turned in opposite directions. Predictive timing ment of some of the brain networks required for suc- is key to jumping rope. In order to avoid getting hit cessfully building the skills necessary for classroom by the rope, the jumper needs to know when it is learning. A first step in exploring these possibilities going to arrive and how long it will take to execute in future studies might be to determine the extent his/her jump. to which children engage in similar behaviors across Fitzpatrick closed her talk by posing additional cultures and whether play contributes to cognitive questions on how play could influence outcomes development. later in life. What might be the expected outcomes Fitzpatrick is particularly intrigued with the many for children who do not engage in species-typical types of childhood play that are dependent upon behaviors? When children are unable, for whatever

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 3 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. reasons, to take part in the informal activities that 60 infants confirms what we see in the video ex- might contribute to shaping the brain networks emplars: locomotion is distributed in short bursts called upon in more formal learning situations, such of activity, with longer periods of rest in between; as in a classroom, what kinds of activities could each burst occurs in a different physical and social constitute this crucial form of play? What are the context.4 Infants’ spontaneous play can be described necessary elements? Could some children, strug- as “repetition without repetition,” an expression of gling to make the transitions in early education, the late Soviet neurophysiologist, Nikolai Bernstein. benefit from play-based interventions? Is it possible Taken together, the above observations empha- that the way skills are developed informally could size that any theory of learning has to work be co-opted as a tool for building the skills required on multiple simultaneous streams of input. The for success in more formal learning environments? relationships among the morphological character- istics of infants’ bodies, motor skills, incoming sen- Overview lectures sory information, and subsequent learning are mul- Development of movement tidirectional and dynamic. Methodological biases, Karen E. Adolph (New York University) initiated the such as an overreliance on looking measures, may expert overviews with a presentation entitled “Play obscure the complexity of these issues and may di- and Human Development.” Adolph’s first point was vert attention away from the extraordinary richness that play occupies an immense part of an infant’s of babies’ behaviors. daily activity. Play—with objects, people, and fea- Adolph argued that researchers should not rely on tures of the environment—generates a wealth of in- visual observation alone or assume that they know formation. What are the opportunities for learn- what features of the behavior are important. Rather, ing within play? How does the information that in- they should objectively collect and measure data at fants generate during play lead to learning? What a number of levels, from eye tracking to walking. kinds of information do infants take in and what A case in point: using head-mounted eye tracking are the properties of that information? Adolph and during free play to determine whether babies actu- colleagues have worked to answer these questions ally look, and how often, at their mothers. Although within the context of locomotor, object, and social most researchers assume that infants look to their play. mothers’ faces, the data show that, in fact, infants The play of a typical toddler involves many differ- look at their mothers only 54% of the time follow- ent activities simultaneously: looking around, walk- ing mothers’ vocalizations; nearly half the time, they ing, holding objects, and interacting socially with continue looking at whatever they are already look- others in the room. As Adolph showed in a series of ing at.2 When infants do look at their mothers, they video exemplars, head-mounted eye tracking com- rarely look at their faces and instead look at their bined with video tracking reveals a complex set of bodies or hands. These findings were far more likely overlapping activities, with quick switches within to be revealed through the new technology of head- and between activities, changes in speed, and con- mounted eye tracking than with visual observation tinual starts and stops in locomotion.2,3 Eye gaze alone. frequently switches among the targets of these si- Spontaneous locomotor activity increases sharply multaneous forms of varied activity (e.g., from a from experienced crawlers to novice walkers, and ball on the floor, to an upcoming obstacle, to a care- continues to increase in walkers from 12 and giver’s hands and feet); infants may pause to focus 19 months of age. Toddlers walk a lot; the average on the yellow ball or the doll in the scene. toddler takes 2368 steps/hour, which corresponds to Locomotor play is also extremely varied. Typi- roughly 14,000 steps/day.4 They can travel immense cally, infants’ movements cover an entire room, all distances, about 701 m/hour, or the equivalent of 46 the while engaged in different activities and looking football fields/day. Object play is similarly varied, at many different things.4 A graphic rendition of distributed, and immense. They touch many differ- 10 minutes of spontaneous toddler activity reveals ent objects, often all at once. Infants are in contact a twisting path that covers most of the locations in with objects for more than 30 minutes out of every the room, with repeated loops through locations of hour, and there is a significant increase in object interest. A raster plot of spontaneous walking from play between the ages of 11 and 13 months.5

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 4 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning

The transition from crawling to walking affects A similar cascade of developmental changes re- what infants see. Thus, changes in motor skill lead lates to 3-D form —knowing what the to changes in play and corresponding changes in backside of an object is before you turn it around. the input. While crawling, infants keep their heads Since objects are self-occluding, one needs to know down and look at the floor; people, toys, objects, what should be on the other side to perceive its and the facing walls are out of view. While walk- 3-D form. A straightforward way to test 3-D form ing, the whole room comes into view.6 The tran- perception in infants is to habituate them to the sition from crawling to walking also has a signif- frontal view of an object by rotating it a few degrees icant impact on object carrying.7 Walking infants from side to side, and then test whether they look carry objects much more than crawlers do (e.g., one longer at an incomplete rather than complete ver- walker carried objects 144 times within one hour). sion of the object when it is rotated 360◦. If infants And although crawling infants also can carry objects look longer at the incomplete version, it can be in- (e.g., one crawler carried objects 20 times within one ferred that they perceived the full 3-D form during hour), they have a different way of doing it. Crawlers habituation.9 crawl while holding an object (e.g., under their arm Applying this task, one finds that the ability to sit or in their mouth) or while pushing it, or they bum- independently predicts 3-D form perception. Why shuffle while holding an object in their hands. might this be the case? Sitting frees infants’ hands, al- Developmental changes in posture affect how in- lowing them to rotate objects, transfer objects from fants share objects with their mothers and, more hand to hand, and finger the edges of objects. These generally, how infants and mothers interact.5 So- spontaneous play activities support the acquisition cial interactions emerge from object carrying. Do of a fuller representation of object form. In short, in- infants carry objects to share them with their moth- dependent sitting gives infants more opportunities ers? Yes they do. Crawlers share objects with their for visual–manual object exploration. Infants who mothers, but primarily from a stationary position. cannot yet sit rotate objects in the same frequency They typically sit in one place holding up an object, with and without looking at them, whereas infants and the mother has to come over to them to engage who can sit do much more exploration with looking. in the interaction. In contrast, walkers share objects The ability to explore objects by looking and touch- while mobile. They pick up the object and carry it ing leads to more sophisticated object knowledge.9 to the mother to engage in the interaction. Adolph closed by reviewing the central points of Differences in how objects are shared matter to her talk: play is repetition without repetition; infant mothers. Developmental changes in posture initiate play is complexandinvolves switching betweenmul- a developmental cascade, such that mothers’ verbal tiple parallel streams; developmental changes (e.g., responses to infants depend on how infants share.8 in posture, body growth, or skill) shape how infants When infants sit in one place and try to share an play, which thereby facilitates access to information. object by holding it up, mothers typically respond Before taking questions, Adolph answered one of by ignoring infants’ bids or affirming what they did, her own: Why do babies play?—because they can, such as by saying “thank you;” less frequently, they because it is fun, and because it is interesting. name the object, such as by saying “oh, an orange Fitzpatrick asked what happens if infants cannot ball;” sometimes they give action directives, such as play. Adolph said that there is much redundancy by saying “put the block in first.” In contrast, when to increase the likelihood that they will be able walkers carry objects to their mothers, the mothers to, but that if they cannot, they will not generate respond with more action directives than any other as much information for themselves, and oppor- type of response. It should be noted though that tunities for learning will be curtailed. Leah Krub- the difference in maternal responding is not merely itzer (University of California, Davis) commented due to an infant’s upright posture. In the few cases that play is the only thing that infants do and when crawlers carried objects to their mothers, the wondered whether adults continue to play as well. mothers responded primarily with action directives. Adolph responded by pointing out that adults do In other words, postural development affects how continue to play, but that much of infants’ play infants share objects, and how they share objects, in is novel. Devin McAuley (Michigan State Univer- turn, affects how mothers respond. sity) asked about 3-D form perception and whether

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 5 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. it is important that babies are actually rotating version of the Eriksen flanker task.13 By applying the objects. Adolph answered that passive expo- different cue and target conditions, the ANT allows sure to objects does not lead to the development for the quantification of orienting, alerting, and ex- of 3-D–object form perception; rotation is indeed ecutive attention. Measures of each are based on critical. how long it takes the brain to process different in- formation (i.e., by comparing reaction times). Development of attention An alerting cue can decrease the amount of time Bruce McCandliss () gave the it takes the brain to process information, in general, second overview lecture. He began by noting a de- by about 50 milliseconds.12 An orienting cue can lightful quote from Albert Einstein: “Understanding also accelerate information processing by facilitat- physics is child’s play when compared to under- ing the allocation of attention to a particular region standing child’s play.” McCandliss pointed out that of visual space, which lowers the time it takes to you could replace the second mention of child’s play process a target in that region.12 A set of targets that in this quote with attention, since, in his view, at- conflict, by contrast, can slow things down, perhaps tention is an incredibly complicated phenomenon. by demanding additional processing to resolve the McCandliss presented a series of questions: How do conflict.12 One way to think of the latter is in terms attentional networks relate to play? How do we learn of driving. If a global positioning system tells the to attend? How does that change over the course driver to go one way and a passenger in the car rec- of development?—which prompts the question of ommends going another way, it can take additional what matters in life experience. How would play time to process that kind of discordant information. impact these issues? Assuming play is important to McCandliss pointed out that the ANT has been the development of attention, how can we get more adapted for young children by replacing the stan- play into education? dard arrows used for adults with oriented cartoon- To answer these questions, one could isolate like fish.14 Results from the child version of the an attention-related activity in someone’s behav- ANT revealed a developmental progression for alert- ioral repertoire (e.g., how well they do in attend- ing and orienting attention between four and seven ing to something) and connect that to changes in years of age.14 This progression parallels the devel- their brain networks—exactly the approach that opment of the frontal system, which enables greater some labs have taken. McCandliss pointed out that cognitive control. Conflicting information, how- Michael Posner and Steven Petersen, then at Wash- ever, still generates significant problems for chil- ington University in St. Louis, wrote an influential dren in this age group.14 It can result in a doubling paper about attention that looked at how brain dam- in reaction times and a fivefold increase in errors. age relates to particular deficits in attention.10 They Related imaging work suggests that conflict is rep- proposed the idea that there might be different net- resented in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and works relating to different subsystems of attention the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC),15 struc- (i.e., different syndromes relating to different pat- tures that are late to develop and, in cases of parental terns of damage). They identified three, somewhat conflict, can cause greater challenges in adults. Re- distinct, subsystems of attention: alerting, defined cent work has also explored how event-related po- as achieving a state of readiness; orienting, defined tentials (ERPs) relate to developmental changes in as the selection of information from sensory input; young children.14 These results suggest that chil- and executive attention, defined as detecting and dren’s brains are more sensitive to conflict, and that resolving conflict between potential responses.11 this sensitivity is progressively diminished as they McCandliss continued by noting that a further develop into adulthood. innovation by Posner and colleagues came by de- McCandliss referred to work by Adele Diamond veloping a paradigm, the Attention Network Task showing that children can deal better with con- (ANT), that could be used to look at the principles flict if they engage in structured activities, espe- of attention by pushing around a simple decision.12 cially those augmented with contextual information The decision in the ANT is based on whether some- on the fly.16,17 Being engaged in something often thing is pointing one way or another, akin to judging leads to anticipation of when it is going to happen. the directions of pointed arrows in the arrow-based The neural correlates of such anticipation consist of

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 6 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning overlapping brain networks that are activated dur- which is based on an Atari arcade game of seven- ing the cue period of attention tasks (i.e., between man American football.21 In some experimental set- the presentation of the cue and the presentation of tings, children play the game simultaneously while the target).18 Different regions are activated for get- they are in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ting ready and for handling conflict. Anticipating an scanner. They chose different teammates, a process action that might have a conflict associated with it that can make some of them feel excluded. During evokes activity in the presupplementary motor area, the exclusion phase, there is activation of the ACC which is thought to be involved in creating a copy that is more similar to activity seen during emo- of what you are going to see and what is going to tional conflict than during typical attentional activ- happen. Such copies are continuously compared in ity. Activity in the subgenual ACC has been shown a flow state where people can adapt their behavior. to be related to depression in 13-year-old girls.22 Regions of the basal ganglia that facilitate millisec- McCandliss ended by emphasizing that despite ond timing are also thought to be involved. the above-mentioned insights, there is a period of In addition, contingent negative variation, an development wherein little is known about atten- ERP component, has been shown to relate to tional function, roughly between two and five years expectancy.19 It can be used to predict how quickly of age. someone is going to react to something, which there- Alison Gopnik (University of California, Berke- fore suggests that it is capturing some aspect of ley) cautioned that an assumption in the executive attention. McCandliss suggested that measuring attention literature is that if successful adults do contingent negative variation could be one way of something, it must be good for children to do the identifying the signature of a shift from more re- same thing. Gopnik added that for the child version active to more predictive processing. He expressed of the flanker task, if the focus is on getting the task the view that these aspects of the development of the right, then an observer would reach the conclusion temporal dynamics of attention are likely important that children do not perform well. But they may and yet remain largely unexplored. There could be be trying to do something else, such as inferring a shift in the ability to predict with play, where chil- a generalization of how many fish go in the same dren become more predictive, but additional work direction, and that they may be performing quite is needed to test this possibility. well, but doing so at the expense of the more adult- McCandliss pointed out that advanced go/no-go like objective of the task. In other words, infants may tasks, such as the AX version of the continuous per- have the capacity to do something much more broad formance tasks (AXCPTs), have been used as an- in relation to exploring their environment (than we other window into children’s .20 To cor- might first think). Issues of this kind can be thought rectly perform an AXCPT, a subject presses a key of as a trade-off between control and other factors, after a particular letter, such as X, which is pre- such as generalization. With this in mind, new tasks sented after another particular letter, such as A. The could be developed to push decision dynamics in subject presses a different key after the presentation new directions. Games could be developed that lack of all other letters. The time between presentations instructions, such as discovering as many fish as of letters varies but is predictable. Performance on possible. the AXCPT shows a developmental progression be- tween five and nine years of age. Children who are Learning to attend proactively engaging in the world differ in their per- Daphne Bavelier (University of Rochester and Uni- formance from those who are not. Nine-year-old versity of Geneva) gave the third overview lecture, children also show an expectancy wave—a predic- entitled “Learning to Attend: Lessons from Action tion of when each letter is going to show up, whereas Videogames.” Bavelier’s interest is in learning and younger children do not. Other signs of predictive brain plasticity, which she explores in the context ability on this task, such as pupil dilation, show up of action video games, and in particular, first- or around eight years of age. third-person shooter games. Action video games McCandliss changed directions and noted that may be thought of as quite mindless, consisting play can also have an element of cruelty. Cruelty simply of avatars running around shooting the bad has been seen in play in the virtual game , guy; but practicing them, in fact, imparts benefits

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 7 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. on a wide range of cognitive tasks.23 Playing ac- patches; the subject indicates whether the patch was tion video games can have beneficial effects that there in the first or second presentation. include transfer effects to basic aspects of attention Bavelier conducted a study in which contrast sen- and to many other skills. They can, for example, af- sitivity was measured before and after undergrad- fect visual attention and the efficiency of switching uate students played video games for 50 h over the between tasks. course of 10 weeks.25 Critically, participants were Bavelier listed a number of important questions: randomly assigned to an action video or a control How does playing action video games affect how game; in both cases, the games were selected from well one sees, or how well one can perform cognitive commercially available options that are known to processes like mental rotation? And why does such a be quite enticing. A major difference in the two wide array of skills appear to be modified by playing types of games is that the control game did not have these games? Are transfer effects a consequence of a the same level of dynamics, including fast pace, the general improvement in attentional control or, in- need for visuomotor control and divided attention, stead, the result of independent changes in each and as well as the meshing of many goals and subgoals at every function? Toward answering these questions, many different time scales. Bavelier confirmed that Bavelier’s working hypothesis is that playing action subjects who played action video games had higher games improves top–down attentional control and, contrast sensitivity than control trainees. She also in doing so, hones the ability of players to differen- alluded to related work by Ian Spence and Jay Pratt tiate signal from noise. As a result, gamers are able at the University of Toronto that employed a sim- to carry out more accurate inferences in the service ilar group design and that established that playing of decision making and thus show more skilled per- action games enhances mental rotation skills more formance on a variety of different cognitive tasks. than playing control games. Bavelier pointed out that her work follows the Transfer effects from playing action video games Bayesian brain approach in which the human ner- may be partly explained by changes in attentional vous system has as its main task to infer the most control. Data from Bavelier and others show that likely way to react given the information perceived, playing them sharpens top–down attentional con- the stated task goal, and previous knowledge.24 trol, such as selective attention over space, time, Loosely speaking, this view holds that the brain at all and objects.26,27 Bavelier and colleagues have found times predicts what the best decision should be given that habitual action video game players are better the present state of the world and past experiences. at suppressing distracting information and that the For example, while someone is speaking, a listener’s better the suppression, the faster the reaction time. brain will be engaged in predicting what the speaker This effect has been noted not just in young adults is going to say based on the speech stream heard up but also in children who engage in action video to a given point, as well as the context of the dis- game play, although the details associated with the cussion. Individuals who can make more accurate effects of playing at varying ages have yet to be ex- predictions will zoom in on the most appropriate plored. Bavelier mentioned that studies of child ac- decision faster. Bavelier’s lab has shown that, in- tion gamers show that although spatial attention deed, action video game play trains players to make is matured by seven years of age, playing shooter more accurate decisions. games can change its developmental time course. To illustrate how research in her lab proceeds, Of the three types of top–down attention tested in Bavelier presented a concise example from her work children, each had a different maturational curve, on changing vision for the better. Contrast sensitiv- but all were changed by action game play. Bavelier ity is the ability to distinguish small shades of gray; noted that given how ubiquitous video game play it is a fundamental aspect of vision that can, for ex- is among children in our society, what is called an ample, make the difference between crashing and experiment of nature is unfolding in front of our not crashing into the car in front while driving in a eyes, with possible repercussions on society that are thick fog. Measuring contrast sensitivity with small currently poorly understand. sine-wave gratings, termed Gabor patches,isacom- One of the techniques that Bavelier’s lab uses to mon approach in vision science. The standard task better understand the source of attentional enhance- consists of two brief presentations of small Gabor ment after action game play is called steady-state

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 8 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning evoked potentials and consists of presenting subjects to educational goals is also being considered; pri- with four different streams of visual information mary school children could use video game play to and measuring patterns of activation.28 By flicker- develop core abilities, such as number sense, ob- ing the information at different rates, each stream ject manipulation, or basic physics. More accurate induces a unique pattern of activation over the par- representations within these systems could translate ticipant’s scalp that allows one to measure, and into better school performance. follow, the fate not only of an attended stream of information but also of unattended, potentially dis- Development of the neocortex tracting information streams. Using a similar tech- Krubitzer gave the fourth overview lecture in which nique, Srinivasan and colleagues also concluded that she explored how cortical phenotypes develop action gamers excel at divided attention and actively across lifetimes, and how it changes within them.31 suppress distraction.28 In contrast, role game players Krubitzer’s lab considers the common features of efficiently enhance attended information but show brain organization in many different species due to no other changes. This and many other studies sug- homology. She also demonstrates that similar types gest that action gamers are not simply trigger-happy. of modifications have been made to the neocortex in Rather, they are dealing with incoming informa- a variety of different , suggesting that there tion more efficiently, whether visual or auditory. are significant constraints on how evolution builds ThemostrecentresearchthatBavelierdescribedex- the neocortex. Throughout evolution, brains change plores the possibility that by enhancing top–down in highly predictable ways, and Krubitzer’s lab works attentional control, action video game play also fos- to determine the factors that lead to specific pheno- ters the ability to learn more efficiently.24 typic characteristics. One approach to determining A key challenge for future research will be to deter- which factors specifically contribute to phenotypic mine the particular elements of action video games variability is to induce the types of changes to the that are necessary for these effects. Bavelier believes developing brain that are thought to be contribut- there is a need for much more research, as the impact ing to evolutionary changes, and then examine the of the technology currently used throughout soci- resulting brain organization. These types of studies ety is quite unintuitive. A recent study at Stanford allow one to postulate how transitions in phenotype University shows that undergraduates who report occur. multitasking between many different media have Of course both genes and the environment very poor attentional control when measured in the play significant roles in generating the changes lab; this is the case, despite these individuals be- observed in different mammalian brains. Other ing convinced they excelled at the laboratory tasks major factors that contribute to phenotypic dif- they were just evaluated on!29 In contrast, based on ferences across mammals are the morphological what Bavelier reported, playing action video games and sensory specializations of an animal and the enhances attentional control, despite prompting an species-specific behaviors associated with special- initial impression of being a mindless activity. ized body parts.32 This specialization leads to an Bavelier closed by pointing out that playing action enlargement of sensory domain allocation (the videogamesmaythusbeviewedasatoolforlever- amount of cortex devoted to processing inputs aging brain plasticity in various patient populations, from a particular sensory system) as well as cor- be it in amblyopia or in reversing the cognitive con- tical magnification (an enlargement of the repre- sequences of aging. Playing video games is already sentation of the specialized morphology within a under consideration as a training device/task for cortical field). Consider the duck-billed platypus specific kinds of work. For example, laparoscopic (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), a semiaquatic mam- surgeons that play action video games are better at mal endemic to eastern Australia, as a differ- performing surgery than colleagues who do not play ent, and more extreme, example of morphologi- them; they are more accurate and make fewer errors cal/behavioral specialization. When it interacts with than colleagues without video play but with more the world, it closes its eyes, ears, and nose. Thus, the experience in the surgery itself.30 Pilots or other only sensory inputs relaying information about the military personnel may similarly benefit from such environment are coming from touch and electrosen- video game play. The application of this research sory receptors on its bill, an extreme magnification

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 9 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. of which exists within its primary sensory cortex. In using the isotropic fractionator method,34,35 which fact, most of its neocortex in general is taken over involves homogenization of tissue, leaving cellular by inputs from its bill, roughly 75%.32 nuclei intact. Differential staining of these nuclei These observations indicate that remarkable with DAPI (labels all nuclei) and NeuN (labels neu- changes in the neocortex can be effected by alter- rons) allows one to quantify whether neuronal ver- ing peripheral morphology, sensory inputs, and the sus non-neuronal cell numbers have changed and types of behavior associated with a given sensory answer the question: Will there be more receptor system. The effects of altering peripheral in the enhanced brain and/or a greater density of morphology and sensory-driven activity on the cor- neurons? tical phenotype have been assessed in the South The role of early sensory experience in shaping American opossum.33 This approach consists of re- cortical organization has been underscored by com- moving all of their visual input and examining the parisons between the laboratory rat and the same effect of this loss on the functional organization and species of wild-caught rat, meaning one that lives connectivity of their neocortex. There is no change in a laboratory cage and one that lives out in the in the size of their cortical sheet. However, what natural world.35 Measurable differences have been would normally be primary visual cortex (identi- found in the size of their auditory and primary so- fied architectonically with myelin stains) becomes matosensory cortex and in the neuronal composi- very small, but does not disappear. This is similar to tion of the primary visual area. Laboratory rats have what is observed in blind mole rats, which have very a larger auditory and somatosensory cortex com- small eyes, covered by skin. They use their visual pared to wild-caught rats (senses that were probably system only for setting their biological clocks, not the least impacted by laboratory rearing). However, for navigating the environment. Thus, with the loss wild-caught rats have a greater density of neurons of visual inputs, sensory systems associated with the in their primary visual cortex. lost system contract but do not disappear. These results have led the Krubitzer laboratory to This complete loss of visual inputs in opossums examine the effects of natural differences in social also causes dramatic changes in the functional or- rearing in voles.36 Parenting styles of voles can be ganization of the neocortex; all of what would nor- naturally divided into parents that have a lot of tac- mally be visual cortex is taken over by the auditory tile contact with their young (high contact parents) and somatosensory systems, and neurons in this and those that have significantly less tactile contact area respond to somatosensory and auditory stim- with their young (low contact parents). This contact ulation. Further, this cortex that would normally occurs around the perioral facial area of voles (i.e., develop into visual cortex now receives connections around the mouth and nose). Voles reared by high from subcortical and cortical areas associated with contact parents have a greater amount of primary processing auditory and somatosensory inputs. somatosensory cortex devoted to processing inputs The question is whether it is possible to direct from the perioral facial region than those reared this cross-modal plasticity following early loss of by low contact parents. In addition, there are dif- vision. The Krubitzer laboratory is beginning to an- ferences in cortical connections between offspring swer this question by allowing opossums to develop reared by high versus low contact parents. in an enriched tactile environment following com- Genes also contribute to the cortical phenotype plete loss of vision, to determine if cortical plasticity and impact cortical sheet size, cortical field size, can be directed and enhanced based on the sensory cortical connections, and peripheral morphology. environment in which the individual develops. Will In addition, cellular mechanisms involved in plas- neurons be tuned to the enhancing stimulus? Will ticity can be genetically mediated. More compli- connections be modified such that inputs from so- cated environmental factors, such as social learning matosensory structures come to dominate the reor- and culture, also have a large impact and represent ganized visual cortex? Can tactile discrimination be complex patterns of interacting sensory stimuli that enhanced? In addition to examining the functional impinge on the developing brain, generate changes and anatomical differences that emerge with en- in cortical organization and connectivity, and ulti- hancement following sensory loss, the cellular com- mately influence subsequent behavior. In all, brains position of the reorganized cortex will be examined develop to match the sensory context in which they

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 10 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning develop and generate appropriate, context-specific Newcombe pointed out that according to the Wai behaviors. et al.37 study, teachers in K–12 tend to have lower spatial ability while they are in high school. In other Development of educational ability words, students who will become K–12 teachers tend Nora S. Newcombe (Temple University) gave the to have lower spatial ability than their peers. This fifth and final overview lecture, entitled “Play and presents a problem: How do we get teachers to de- Educational Outcomes.” Newcombe discussed how velop scientists? Newcombe described five activities early spatial learning is important in subsequent en- that students can do that can help develop spatial try into STEM fields (i.e., science, technology, en- abilities, including spatial books and poems, puzzle gineering, and mathematics) and how spatial abili- play, paper folding, block play, and shape sorters. ties can be improved. Newcombe reviewed evidence Spatial language is very important for nurturing from Wai, Lubinski, and Benbow37 on the abili- spatial development. Istvan Banyai’s Zoom is an ex- ties of high school students and predictions of their ample of a book that can facilitate spatial learning by occupational interests and paths. Factoring out ver- applying and exchanging spatial language. There are bal and mathematical ability and other background no words in the book and parents have to talk about factors, the likelihood that people pursue certain what they are seeing in different scenes. The scenes occupations has been shown to relate to their spa- are shown from different perspectives and unfold at tial ability. Students who subsequently enter STEM different scales, so there are many opportunities to fields have higher spatial skills. use spatial language to continuously explain what is In collaboration with David Uttal, Newcombe38 going on.39 performed a meta-analysis of training effects for Jigsaw puzzle play can also foster spatial devel- five different classes of spatial skill. Disembedding, opment, something that may differ by gender; par- the ability to look for some specific pattern and pull ticularly between two and four years of age, gender it out, has the smallest effect size, and spatial per- differences can be seen. The quality of puzzle play ception (i.e., discern horizontal and vertical, with has been found to be higher in boys. For example, respect to gravity) has the largest. However, all of they can do more difficult puzzles, their parents are the effect sizes from their analysis are large enough more engaged, and they use more spatial language. to have practical importance. Their analysis leads However, the quality of the puzzle has a greater im- to the following question: How high, in terms of pact on girls. Whereas boys perform higher regard- spatial ability, do people have to be to major in less of puzzle quality, girls perform better if they are STEM disciplines? Assuming the threshold for en- given harder puzzles. This hints at a complex inter- tering STEM disciplines remains the same, shifting action where what children bring to the interaction the distribution with training may increase the pro- is important.40 portion that can enter these disciplines. Additional Play with blocks is also important. Blocks can be work is needed to establish whether improvements arranged in different ways, which allows for com- in spatial ability actually have this effect when ex- parisons between free play, play with prebuilt struc- amined in rigorous randomized control studies. tures, and guided play. In free play, the blocks are OneapproachtakenbyNewcombehasbeento just there to play with, whereas in guided play, there compare men and women with high and low spatial is a defined structure to work towards and an assem- ability who did or did not play over the course bly diagram. Results suggest that if parents interact of a semester. Both women and men with high spa- during play with blocks at all, they will use more tial ability improve more rapidly initially than they spatial language, but they increase spatial language do later, although both continue to improve and do even more in the guided play condition. In other not generally reach a ceiling. Women with low abil- words, the mere presence of blocks increases the use ity initially improve more slowly than they do later. of spatial language, and in correlational and longi- Comparing two groups that are equal on pretest as- tudinal studies, spatial language is associated with sessments shows that the training group beats the higher spatial skill.41 other group on posttest assessments and on retests. Newcombe, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (Temple Univer- Newcombe and colleagues have shown that these sity), and graduate student Justin Harris have de- effects are durable. veloped an assessment of spatial folding that works

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 11 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. for young children. Their results show that children of mental rotation skills. The general idea is that the do not usually perform above chance when they richness of the environment within a game is impor- are younger than five years of age. However, en- tant and may determine the amount of transfer that gaging in this kind of activity more systematically can result from practice. Tamis-LeMonda pointed might enhance spatial skill. Shape sorters are an- out that speed of learning and transfer can be in other important tool for improving and assessing opposition. spatial ability. Work with shape sorters shows that Ghajar asked about time constraints in Tetris children often see only typical shapes; for example, and in shooter games. He asked whether there are they do not see a hole in a triangle. Typically, kids are differential effects of play for engaging spatial ability shown only equilateral triangles; the result is they within limited time constraints. Is there a separation can think that all triangles are like these. A survey between learning how to mentally rotate things of the kinds of triangles that children are shown and doing them in a very short time frame? Ghajar in math books up to the age of four years shows also asked about what is transferring. Do players that they are all conventional triangles (i.e., equi- anticipate better and show reductions in reaction lateral triangles). In comparing guided play, didac- time or do they do something else? Newcombe tic instruction, and enriched free play, Kelly Fisher replied that the only related work that she is aware has shown that guided play does the best in getting of related to these questions is on gender differences them to learn the correct definition of shapes.42,43 in mental rotation. The results of this work suggests Catherine Tamis-LeMonda (New York University) that if timing pressure is eliminated, women are commented that a combined effort by a child and a equal to men. But that turns out not to be true parent would allow a child to quickly reach the right according to other studies, implying that there is answer, but that the child would not then show sig- more going on than just timing. Adolph added that nificant transfer. infant control and anticipation are some the most Bavelier pointed out that people improve on dif- important issues researchers are working on. ferent spatial skills with 10–20 hours of practice. She Bavelier pointed out that action video games have mentioned that there is other work on expert Tetris arichtemporalstructure.Playershavegoalsatmany players suggesting that they excel at rotating Tetris- different time scales and are effective at taking all of like shapes but not other shapes. Tetris experts may them into consideration. Many action video games not engage any longer in the effortful process of are built to allow the player a good scaffolding of mental rotation, but rather use lookup tables, hav- knowledge and, at the same time, always keep the ing learned the mapping of shapes to board. This players in a world where they are challenged. In or- pattern of behavior suggests that transfer may be a der to have a good game, it is important for players U-shaped function. During the early phases of ac- not to be able to develop a routine by which they quiring an effortful task, the need for attention and can know what will happen next. Also, the video executive control may train such domain-general re- game industry has figured out how to build games sources and benefit others, relatively different tasks with such a delicate balance, a feature that may make allowing broad transfer. Yet when expertise devel- them not only maximally interesting, but also good ops, the complexities of the task are learned at a learning tools. The notion of just-right challenges in more procedural level, releasing effortful process- the field of learning is not new, but it is very hard to ing and enabling expert performance. The price to quantify, and is clearly individual-dependent, mak- pay is that the knowledge is now much more specific, ing its implementation quite delicate. implying only limited transfer. Scott Eberle (Strong National Museum of Play) Newcombe replied to Bavelier by pointing out closed the discussion on time and anticipation by that there are a limited number of shapes in Tetris, pointing out that there are other variables to con- and that there are different routes for performance sider, and that changing them may provide some improvement. One approach is to memorize all the insight into what it means to be playful. Chess play- shapes in all possible positions, which has a partic- ers sometimes turn their back on the board, relying ular signature in ERP. This is the route that most on their of piece position. Puzzle players people would take to becoming expert Tetris play- sometimes turn a puzzle upside down so they can- ers, but there may still be some generalized transfer not see the picture, relying on shape alone to fit

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 12 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning pieces together. It may be that altering a game in a words, these elements may add drive when working way that is novel and surprising is what it means to out a problem. Variability and repetition may also be playful. Playfulness, therefore, may be a way of be particularly important for fostering play that will expanding expertise to new abilities. develop attention. Gopnik connected things back to the definition Specific kinds of play may connect to specific of play. There seems to be two different dimensions kinds of attention. Pretend play may, for exam- that are often conflated: (1) play is something that ple, facilitate the ability to consider someone else’s children are engaged in independently or is some- perspective and to switch between different tasks, thing that involves others and has a didactic or ped- whereas puzzle play may facilitate sustained at- agogic component; and (2) play is designed to ac- tention to a difficult assembly task. Similarly, dif- complish a particular goal or is broad ranging and ferent aspects of attention may relate to different exploratory. These are very different dimensions. activities in classroom learning. Sustained attention Results suggesting that kids do better in guided play may, for example, connect to listening to the teacher than in free play may in part be a consequence of throughout a lesson. Task switching that is facilitated tapping into something where developing a spe- by play would allow for working on one problem cific skill is what is best for an individual; but one set and then another without a big drop in perfor- could arrive at a different result if doing something mance. Similarly, planning ability from play would broader was beneficial and more specificity was allow for such things as picking up particular objects limiting. while in the process of assembling a model toy. A related observation is that planning becomes more Working group sessions abstract as children develop. They begin to use rules In the working group sessions, the participants were to plan their play, and this transition would seem assigned to one of four groups, and three topi- to, at least in part, relate to the development of the cal questions were provided to them by the work- frontal system. shop organizers. Following a discussion period, Other evidence on the connection between play, each group’s spokesperson provided a summary and attention, and learning comes from comparisons opened discussion with all workshop participants. of curricula and outcomes of Montessori education The posed questions and selected points from the with those of the Tools of the Mind curriculum. discussions are provided below. Montessori centers on self-construction by means of interaction with the environment and on the Question 1: What current research evidence idea of an innate path of psychological develop- is there to connect play activities and the ment. Montessori programs allow children to make development of attention to the ability to learn their own choices within structured environments. in formal settings, like the classroom? Montessori emphasizes keeping activities challeng- Dima Amso’s (Brown University) group added to ing. Once a task becomes easy, the child goes on earlier discussions about the definition of play and to the next level. This is repeated until they mas- which aspects of attention might be important for ter a skill, at which point they move on to some- classroom learning. Play is an active and emergent thing else. Although Montessori may undervalue process of interaction with the outside world. It social interaction, it facilitates the development of encompasses exploratory processes, which subse- attention even into adolescence. Tools of The Mind quently give rise to either serendipitous or inten- centers on the development of self-regulation (i.e., tional discovery of something that may be impor- executive function). Executive function can be de- tant. Additional bouts of exploration within play fined as the ability to regulate social, emotional, may follow in a cascade, as one comes into con- and cognitive behaviors. Certain interventions with tact with the world and discovers additional things young children promote executive function, which to work on. There is a balance between mastery in turn correlates with children’s achievement in lit- and exploration, with novelty engaging attention. eracy and mathematics. In comparison to Montes- Motivation, reward, and pleasure are also likely to sori,childrenhavemuchmoretimeforpretendplay, be involved, because they all foster play and may which may be particularly important for developing support sustained attention on one task. In other executive function.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 13 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al.

Bavelier’s group added another definition of play: ing the kinds of situations or activities that increase activities that are fun, voluntary, and flexible. Such the likelihood of play and whether they encourage activities involve active engagement, the absence of the exploration of variability and the causal mecha- extrinsic goals, an element of pretend, and are usu- nisms for initiating play. Species that use learning as ally done in an environment where there are very one of their core survival mechanisms tend to have few consequences. Bavelier’s group pointed out that more extended play over the course of their devel- there is very limited evidence connecting play to opment. Play allows for the opportunity to learn to cognitive ability, including attention, if the above make predictions and to reason about variability and definition of play is applied. However, evidence sug- causality in the world. In addition, in linking cer- gests that children who engage in free play have bet- tain types of play to certain types of improvements, ter self-control, an observation that connects more play that involves a lot of social interaction will lead to Montessori than to Tools of The Mind. The lat- to improvements in social interaction, whereas play ter is more contained and takes place in a restricted that includes a focus on causality will show trans- environment. In light of this point, Bavelier’s group fer to other processes involving reasoning about also pointed out that it would be helpful to know causality. what would happen if children played in an envi- Newcombe’s group pointed out that there are ronment designed mostly by themselves. many different kinds of play (e.g., puzzle play, swing- Bavelier’s group continued by discussing other ing on a swing, pretending to be a fireman) that may observations that suggest that if children engage in have effects on attention. In fact, each type of play an activity frequently during free play, they will get would seem likely to have an impact on what fol- better at it. Play that involves a lot of language inter- lows in substantive ways. Yet, importantly, little is actions will, for example, make children all the more known about the transfer problem in most cases. For ready for language tasks. Play that involves organiz- example, it is not known, even from correlational ing objects by number or by manipulation into dif- analyses, whether children who are more likely to ferent groups will, for example, build a better sense become firemen as adults spend their playtime in of numbers and numeracy. A similar link among activities such as bouncing around playing a drum. attention and executive control does not seem to Also, a distinction should be made between extreme have been developed, although related work on environments and normal variation. discovery-based learning suggests that it can be im- Suzanne Gaskins (Northeastern Illinois Univer- portant to ensure that children understand the un- sity) pointed out that attention could be defined derlying conceptual framework of a problem rather differently than it usually is within the cognitive neu- than just knowing how to solve it. This approach, roscience community. Instead of the three subtypes with an emphasis on concepts, takes a long time, measured in the ANT, attention could be considered which is consistent with a trade-off between knowl- to be something one does to survive in the street edge acquired and time spent on a task. A final point of a poor neighborhood. This alternative notion is that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation could be of attention connects to well-known work by Wal- important factors. There are cultures in which chil- ter Mischel, Yuichi Shoda, and Monica Rodriguez dren are not allowed to play by themselves in that at Columbia University on delay of gratification. It all aspects of play are directed. may be that for those people who develop in a low Julie A. Fiez’s (University of Pittsburgh) group in- socioeconomic status or a war zone, it would make troduced a third definition of play, one that takes a sense for them to “take the cookie” (i.e., not to delay more comparative species approach and which can gratification). Tothe extent that an educational pro- be described in terms of specific criteria: activity cess emphasizes, or draws upon, certain abilities that that is not immediately functional; is pleasurable; may be practiced within play, play may confer ben- occurs in a relaxed field; is repetitive, but not stereo- efits. Yet evidence for this on play in the classroom typed; and is spontaneous in nature. Each of these is not available. Questions to be explored include criteria can be evaluated across different species and whether children learn better from play than from along a developmental trajectory within one species. direct instruction, and how structured play relates This definition prompts a number of issues, includ- to learning.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 14 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning

Question 2: What is the role of timing (i.e., that the dopamine pathway is important not just rhythm and cadence) in play activities, and for getting rewarded for getting something right but how might this influence the development of for intrinsic reward as well. Predicting which reward attention and learning? is expected releases dopamine at the time of the pre- Amso’s group pointed out that rhythms that are in diction, not at the point of experiencing the actual the world include repetition, something that may rewarding event. be important for learning. Repetition provides a Although the link between timing in play and lot of information that may obviate the need for learning is, in some cases, clear in the opinion of sophisticated attention systems early in life. It may Bavelier’s group, the link between timing in play be significant that the repetition that is exploited and attention is not. Studies on training with an in children’s play can span multiple modalities. For interactive metronome, for example, do not make example, patty-cake, the game in which two players a connection to attention. Similarly, although there clap hands while singing an English nursery rhyme, is an important push in social interactions for syn- involves synchrony across motor, auditory, tactile, chronicity (e.g., in joint attention), it is not known and proprioceptive inputs. This multimodal source whether such synchronicity actually leads to greater of repeated information may be particularly impor- joint attention. To this point, there is some evidence tant for learning. that interactions that seek to draw attention together Input following a regular temporal pattern may aremorecommonincultureswheremotherspay allow children to build up a structure for process- less attention than in cultures where they pay more ing incoming information. Pervasive and persistent attention—in other words, in cultures where chil- temporal patterns allow for predictions, which in dren are used to receiving attention. And although turn allow for the creation of error signals, a key it is unclear how this translates to effects on differ- element of learning. That which is external may be- ent aspects of attention and learning, it suggests that come internalized, and may help make predictions context is going to be important and is paying off in about what is going on. This can be thought of in the timing of the interaction. terms of cascades of “I know this is coming up and Fiez’s group asked whether timing is particularly then it did.” Related work by Michael Goldstein and special for play or whether it is just a pervasive ele- colleagues at Cornell University emphasizes the role ment for species living in an environment. Some that social interactions play in learning and timing. consensus went toward the latter, but it was ac- If a mom has headphones on and cannot hear what knowledged that play that centers on timing and her baby is saying but still responds at the right cadence does tend to be particularly attractive and times, the baby will still learn, thus emphasizing the may be especially engaging. Language play, for ex- significant role that timing and cadence play in the ample, may be likely to involve play where timing is early environment. An open question is whether this important, although this type of reasoning starts to sort of timing requires motor patterns. become teleological, blurring what is causing what. Bavelier’s group agreed that timing is important A similar idea was discussed on the connection of in play and that it helps to structure it. For example, play to learning and attention. Skills that children play allows for social interactions to become highly practice through play will lead to improvements in structured. As above, timing makes play more re- those skills, but that is not a special benefit only for warding by facilitating the creation of scaffolding timing. The basal ganglia system stands at the in- for performing cycles of prediction, error predic- tersection of timing prediction and reward or plea- tion, and error measurement. In other words, it al- sure signals. To the degree that this system supports lows for the collection of feedback. But timing is a biological clock, individual differences in timing not the only thing that can be used for structuring and in the ability to synchronize timing may be im- play; spatial information plays a significant role as portant in maintaining interindividual play interac- well. Bavelier’s group pointed out that related work tions. From research in rats and playground behav- suggests that the dopamine pathway is important ior of children, it seems plausible that this could be for controlling reward-based learning and decision an important mechanism for generating productive making. An interesting element from this work is play experiences.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 15 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al.

Newcombe’s group pointed out that timing is Center at the University of California, San Diego obviously important for play activities and the suggests that training in Gamelan drumming can development of attention and learning; almost ev- impact attentional ability. erything has a temporal component: neuronal ac- tivity changes in time; rhythms are known to help Question 3: How can we apply what we memory and guide the temporal allocation of atten- currently know about the relationships tion; rhythmic movements begin at the fetal stage; between play, attention, and learning to better and contingent timing helps attribute agency to design early interventions for children with apartner.44,45 McAuley added that understanding attention and learning disabilities? the role of timing and cadence in play, and the Amso’s group suggested that, assuming that there consequences for development, requires consider- is sufficient evidence linking play to development, ation of the range of rates (tempos) in which a one approach to answering this question would be child is able to perceive cadence and track events to look at different trajectories following different in time. Notably, we live in a particular temporal kinds or amounts of play. One advantage to using world where if successive events are too separated play as a means of improving particular skills is that in time, they are perceived as isolated events; for it is fun and often more engaging than straightfor- adults, this temporal integration window is about ward practice. Tamis-LeMonda added that even if 2–3 s, whereas for children, this window seems to research confirms the importance of play, bringing becloserto1second. it to public policy is going to be incredibly difficult: Moreover, within this temporal integration win- convincing schools or therapeutic teams that they dow, children are generally tuned in to faster tempos should switch from practice to play would be diffi- than are adults, with preferred tempo slowing across cult and something the field would need to tackle. the life span. The implication for play and attention Bavelier’s group described a different approach here is that if a child has a narrower range of tempos to this question, which is to consider a specific dis- within which she can connect two events in time and order (e.g., autism), and ask what is known about a faster preferred tempo, this places developmental the effects of play interventions. Of relevance to this constraints on how well a child will be able to track approach are experiments using the game Second events in time. In this regard, rhythmic play activi- Life, which requires identifying with avatars and in- ties may serve an important function because they teracting with others. A player identifies with an have the potential to entrain attention to the time avatar that he creates from scratch and hence can scale of the engaged play. Hierarchically structured be whatever he wants (e.g., a little boy can become play activities, including those involving music, have a woman with long eyelashes). One idea proposed the added advantage that they may help bootstrap putting autistic people “on their own island” and the development of attention to increasingly longer recording their interactions (i.e., how much they are time spans. looking at each other); in fact, over a period of six Discussion of this question closed by connecting months they become more social. Bavelier’s group to a different question: Is there a reason to think added that other results suggest that autism is not a that an activity such as rhythmic training (with problem of attention and not related to play in any music training as a specific type) could be help- way, but instead, that it may involve a lack of mat- ful in developing attention or in learning? Could uration of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) such training expand the trainee’s temporal win- receptor during critical developmental periods. As dow of integration (i.e., the time scale with which a consequence, the GABA receptor ceases to be ex- they connect and track events)? Work on these citatory, which may be associated with the devel- questions suggests that music training can slow opment of autism. There are intriguing studies sup- preferred tempos,46 which is to say the speed at porting this in which antidiuretics are given to autis- which information processing is optimal changes tic children; these drugs act on the GABA cascade and becomes more matured. Related work by Nina and have been argued to confer significant improve- Kraus and colleagues at Northwestern University ments within a few days of taking them. Consider- suggests that musical training can impact learning; ing another disorder, dyslexic children suffer from and work at the Temporal Dynamics of Learning phonological problems, but they also seem to have

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 16 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning attention-related problems. Video games have been using scooters to move around, which has wide- used to retrain attention of dyslexic children. The ranging cognitive effects. This highlights the im- approach to this research is to first work on atten- portance of understanding the nature of any par- tion and the child’s phonological learning. ticular disability and its consequences on normal Bavelier’s group pointed out that another related development. Discussion also included ADHD and area is the field of play therapy, which would ben- the consensus that the specific causes of ADHD are efit from carefully controlled assessments. Work in not yet fully understood, and that it seems unlikely this area includes studies in which children who that undifferentiated play would provide much help. have difficulty focusing and do not enjoy reading Children with ADHD may actually need more struc- are supported by a reader robot. The robot asks tured environments than those without ADHD. An- open-ended questions, which soothes the children other issue to consider is that cultures or institutions and facilitates learning. Rigorous studies based on can have different definitions of attention or differ- these kinds of approaches, however, have not yet ent ideas of how attention manifests, leading to dif- been done. Fiez’s group added that more basic sci- ferences in the number of children who are classified entific research to address these issues would be in- as atypical. A final point is that a large longitudinal formative, but also that such science should move study should provide greater insights into how play toward building bridges between them. Specific relates to learning and attention. funding that focuses on bridging these issues could Conclusions be helpful, but there is some doubt as to whether, at this stage, a given funding review board would The participants of this workshop considered many be able to differentiate among the issues to deter- aspects of play, essentially different compositions of mine what is informative and whether it is likely what play accomplishes. Play is an active and emer- to bear fruit. Fiez’s group commented that in dis- gent process of engagement with the world, which cussing intervention, their impression was that a lot encompasses exploratory processes. It is repetitive, of intervention work is not conducted rigorously but not stereotyped, and is spontaneous in nature. and may be prone to the Hawthorne effect in which Along with play there are transitions in body size and observed effects are not a consequence of changes sensorimotor development, each of which could fa- in a group’s behavior, but are actually related to the cilitate a reciprocal developmental process during social situation of the experiment and the treatment play. the group receives. It may also be that certain elements of play gen- Despite these limitations, there are good clues eralize, whereas others do not. Evidence was re- that could guide the choice of interventions that are viewed that shows that improvements in playing cer- likely to be effective. Focus should be placed on the tain games generalize, probably by sharpening top– zone of proximal development, the space between down attention. Longitudinal studies that look at what learners can do with assistance and what they trajectories following different kinds or amounts of cannot do, and on play that taps into content or play could provide crucial insights on many of these ability that is desired. Structured play activities may issues. A first question might be to explore what be particularly likely to yield benefits that general- happens if children cannot play, or cannot play very ize and are worth exploring further. Discussion on much. Observing children in their natural environ- these issues also included consideration of a differ- ment and developing ways to quantify play behav- ent approach where children are simply provided ior would be key to knowing how play varies across with more opportunities for play. For example, in contexts. the Finnish educational system, children have more Timing in play was considered in relation to the time to play, an approach that has been applied in development of attention and the ability for subse- the corporate world and for adults at companies like quent learning. Dynamic temporal patterns, such as Google, which provide less structured time in order cadence in speech, could be important for learning to promote innovation and efficiency. and repetition. Timing is such a pervasive function Newcombe’s group mentioned work by Cole Gal- that teasing out its contribution could be difficult. loway at the University of Delaware on children di- Certainly, performance improvement with practice agnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) who benefit from involves transitioning from reactive to predictive

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 17 Play, attention, and learning Hedges et al. r timing, so different kinds of timing need to be Howdoneuralnetworksthatsupportanticipa- considered. tory timing (i.e., those that underlie contingent There was some agreement that play could be r negative variation) develop? used as an intervention in severe learning disor- What are the differential contributions of spa- ders. Playing certain immersive reality games has tial and temporal regularities in structuring improved the social abilities of young people diag- r play? nosed with autism, who have reduced social play and Does movement need to be connected to tem- impaired predictive timing abilities. There was also poral elements in play in order to drive any some agreement that unstructured play may not effects on learning and on the formation of be beneficial for children diagnosed with ADHD. internal temporal representations? While some evidence exists for the utility of play in- tervention therapy in pathological conditions, there Play as an intervention is little work describing the specific play dynamics r that were necessary for therapeutic efficacy. How can the abilities that children typically develop through play be modified to facilitate Questions for future work improved learning in more formal environ- The workshop identified a number of important r ments? questions, which could be the focus of upcoming Would children with attention or learning dis- research: r orders benefit from play-based interventions? Theroleofplayindevelopment Would rhythmic training facilitate improved r attention and learning abilities? How is the development of attention and learn- ing influenced by play, and by structured and Acknowledgements r unstructured play in particular? How are the development of the cerebellum We thank Kurt Fischer and Richard Ivry for bring- (e.g., granule cell migration and synaptogen- ing the workshop “Play, Attention, and Learning: esis) and the formation of cerebellar–cortical How Do Play and Timing Shape the Development r connections influenced by play? of Attention and Facilitate Classroom Learning?” How does play that is composed of particular together as members of the steering committee; combinations of activities relate to the devel- the workshop participants Neil Albert, Alison Gop- opment of a particular combination of abilities nik, Marc Bornstein, Stuart Brown, Scott Eberle, r later in life? Kurt Fischer, Suzanne Gaskins, Asif Ghazanfar, Usha What are appropriate metrics for assessing at- Goswami, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, David Kanter, Al- r tention and learning in young children? ice Luo Clayton, Susan Magsamen, Bruce McCan- In what cases would children learn better from dliss, Brian Rakitin, Philippe Rochat, Stephen Siviy, play than from direct instruction? Catherine Tamis-LeMonda, and Martin Wiener; Brooke Grindlinger, Sonya Dougal, and Melinda Variationinplay r Miller of the New York Academy of Sciences for r How does play vary across cultures? developing, participating in, and conducting the Which elements of video games are important workshop; and Douglas Braaten, editor-in-chief for improving attention and, if possible, gen- of Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, r eralizing to other cognitive functions? for helping to prepare this summary. The con- What are the effects of playing video games on ference was presented by the New York Academy r attention and social skills? of Sciences and the Brain Trauma Foundation What is the role of play in an evolutionary and supported by educational grants from the context? Leon Levy Foundation and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Play and timing r Conflicts of interest How does play facilitate a transition from re- active to predictive sensory processing? The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2013) 1–20 C 2013 New York Academy of Sciences. 18 Hedges et al. Play, attention, and learning

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