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ORE Magazine

The official publication of the Mining Association

Uranium: Turning the lights on

The 100,000 km2 Haystack exploration continues in the . Powering up Predicted uranium demand is driving today’s investment.

SPRING/Summer 2013 Geophysics Publication Mail Agreement No. 42154021 What’s under there? 1 TABLESECTION OF CONTENTS 1 y ake mill. r 2013 r 25 VA E og l mme cClean L su e no r h u g/ in pr ec feat t The wonders of geophysics Photo Courtesy:Photo AR Drum area at M 4 19 21 27 28 25 32 30 TION TION S a 11 nt

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owering up g Associ g inin M FEAT Urani inv P n otash ction wa S P he y aughlin; painting the big picture

6 tc r L aribou a ka arth s resident, PC io y TLOOK r T rant Mc Sa o Summ long oodland C he B he he OU um CE ogan, P st : A : nto theE Y R t r e ONMEN f t f o v STR R KFO I o U R eophysics: giving exploration teams an extra eyes set of ounting W ounting ooking I rom high heels to a hard hat anium V RTh C Urani the in pipeline Tonnes D most valuable resources most A bumpy road to a bright future Moose Jaw’s G A Diversity: and Inclusion Taking Michael H F d eyon ECHNOLOGY A tion Contents Ur facts and figures about oneof Saskatchewan’s EN c IN T l g e WO B A Tagging a ic

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venue ff o RS E hoto p 9 r RTIS E | The | ommunications I ommunications is produced solely by 0 P 0R7 e ov ssociation. ll rights reserved. The contents of ax: (306) 569-1085 A this publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without consent of the copyright owner. C ORE ORE Mining Saskatchewan the A HEAD OFFICE Suite 1500 Victoria2002 A Providing clean energy growing for marketsglobal what that is developing - Saskatchewan’ts uranium deposits are about. This issue of ORE predicts a bright future. Regina, Saskatchewan S4 (306) 757-9505 Telephone: F www.saskmining.ca FOR CONTACT E ADV Tap C Tap 505-230 22nd Street E , Saskatchewan S7K (306) 373-7330 Telephone: [email protected] machines hard at work. machines hard at work. ® ewan’s growing mining industry. kramer.ca you will find Cat product line includes mining motor graders, large-haul trucks, trucks, product line includes mining motor graders, large-haul ® but a few of the many types of machines available.

the demands of Saskatch throughout our province-wide branch network to meet and exceed and exceed throughout our province-wide branch network to meet

At Kramer, we are proud to have the finest people, service, and tooling and tooling At Kramer, we are proud to have the finest people, service, underground mining equipment, and power generation systems to name systems to name underground mining equipment, and power generation Wherever there is drilling & digging, loading & hauling, grading & dozing, grading & dozing, Wherever there is drilling & digging, loading & hauling, The Caterpillar WHEREVER THERE’S MINING, WE’RE THERE. WE’RE MINING, THERE’S WHEREVER EDSECTIONITORIALS 33 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc Powerful Value. Delivered. Value. Powerful John Deere heavy construction equipment needs. mining and And as always, Brandt Tractor is your leading provider of all all of provider leading your is Brandt Tractor always, And as help you find your solution! find help you ka products, committed or smarter are to technology Brandt. We than s able to provide the Mining sector Mining the provide able to better with more solutions, reliable sectors. With that commitment and track record, no other company is is sectors. no company other record, track and commitment With that Sa customer focusedcustomer products industrial services and many and Mining, to Brandt has over 80 years of experience providing high quality, innovative, innovative, 80 experience of quality, years high over providing Brandt has 1-306-791-7562 [email protected] www.brandt.ca he establishment dedicated of a Mining team. f t f o tion Leveraging a long, successful history long, successful a servingLeveraging the Saskatchewan Mining industry, enhanced its longstanding has Brandt commitment Mining to through the Innovation a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | Mining ORE r r 2013 r mme ge su r g/ in pr sinesses! u eubu m Schwann are supportingare research identifyto the population status and trend of boreal caribou and what habitat is activities. their for critical and Technology The Innovation article explores the uses geophysics how physical properties of rocks deposits mineral discover to and related features; our AlongTagging feature gives you insight into a day in the life of a Safety/Training Boundary at Coordinator Dam and Bienfait coal mines near Estevan; the eARTh recent article a describes addition Moose to Jaw - the “City of Murals”; and our Beyond the Bio features President Hogan, Michael PCS , PotashCorp who “sailsthe seas” in the board. on prairies. Welcome potash section and on the committee. executive It has been a sincere pleasure share to some of my observations and thoughts columns. these in for great … Mining Saskatchewan! a d N i v TION TION S a r – P hewan B hewan o t t – Da ec r askatc en g Associ g inin M d m m n i turf for uranium producers companies; exploration and identify the benefits of drafting more women onto the mining team; and provide a national perspectiveon ’s miningleague. Additional articles in this edition of ORE explore safety issues. environment and When it comes safety, to everyone must be vigilant and underground the – prepared fire at PotashCorp Rocanville in September reminds us of that,2012 and takes readers behind the scenes as what to was happening during that event. Operating mines in an sustainable environmentally isway also incumbent on the industry. As you will read, companies member our procured northern from alone. businesses 2011 in have a greatWe opportunity successes the from learn to industry uranium the and of lessons these leverage to enhanceaboriginal to participation throughout economy. provincial our Over the past two years, I’ve serving of honour the had Saskatchewan’s mining industry as president of the SMA. like take I’d to this opportunity introduce to FortneySteve as the new association. the of president hasSteve a long history working within the potash sector and has for many with volunteered years the SMA, both within the o o e Di wa s r r e he iv t tc ka s reat for S for reat Sa ST Pr xecu he age f ssage f SSAGE e E f t f o A PA A E ining: G tion A m make up a large portion of northernthe Saskatchewan before Long economy. the term “corporate social used, responsibility” was uranium province’s our leading were companies creating in nation the opportunities employment northerners,for cultivating northern businesses, and partnering educational with in government and institutions education of development the programs. training and The efforts these of success is evident. The uranium sector is one of the largest aboriginal of employers almost Canada – in people or 42% of in 2011 1,600 the workforce. In addition, more than $460 million of services and goods were the players in the uranium junior the particularly game, companies, as exploration investors stayed out of the equity markets. As a result, a number of junior uranium “on longer no companies are or merged they as roster” the were acquired (M & A) last entrepreneurial those To year. companies and individuals who were part of the M & A landscape, your salute we enriching to contributions the of understanding the field. Basin playing Athabasca we As move throughwe 2013, look forward new to uranium Cigar the from production second world’s the mine, Lake after deposit richest uranium the McArthur River mine. This issue of ORE will explain why the Athabasca Basin is the world’s best home M A M SM SM a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | With all operations located in the Athabasca Basin, activities The Saskatchewan sector, mining uranium of sectors other to similar currently is industry, our experiencing strong projects new in investment extension or expansion and operations. existing of This past year was a difficult one for many of As Rider Nation gets ready season,for the this 2013 issue of ORE will provide you the “playbook” of uranium in Saskatchewan, the of lineup a including veteran and rookie players and an introduction the to FieldTaylor of uranium country – the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan – home theto world’s highest grade uranium deposits.



2 2 ORESECTION DEPOSITS 55 ap r 2013 r ighlights mme su g/ in ineral Resource map pr xploration and Digging Deeper: M http://www.economy.gov. sk.ca/mineralresourcemap E Development H http://www.economy.gov. sk.ca/sedh M Basin Athabasca http://www.economy.gov. sk.ca/GM2010-1 U working group site http://www.economy.gov. sk.ca/AthabascaUgroup ake mill. Photo Courtesy: TION TION S a Drum area at Key L

g Associ g inin M nconformity n rounded, there is rounded, is there between space commonly individual of grains the sandstone. sand in U between contact The younger and rocks older above sedimentary rocks them. The contact is a represent presumed to which during period time sedimentary rocks no deposited. being were Vein Minerals deposited into spaces in older rocks fluids. by Faults Planar breaks in the Earth’s crust. Movement of the rocks on either side of the breaks causes earthquakes. remains a world leader in the for production uranium ■ future. foreseeable wa he tc

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Sa he lossary terms of f t f o G Precambrian The time inEarth’s than older history 540 million years ago. Crystalline Rocks formed by mineral interlocking crystal. There is very between space little adjacent crystals in this type of rock. Igneous from crystallized Rocks originated that magma from deep below the Earth’s surface. Sandstone A rock formed when sand are of grains after together cemented they are buried in the Earth’s crust. As sand generally are grains tion , set be to in production will be in 2013, largest second world’s the helping to producer 2017, by ensure that Saskatchewan a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | The McArthur River mine prolific most world’s the is operation, producing uranium per cent of global14 supply. the that anticipated is It ORE

- r 2013 r mme contact basement su unconformity . The uranium g/ in pr unconformity ow much is uranium , starting at about 1.6 Precipitation ago. years billion typically nearwas focussed the of the crystalline overlying the and rocks sandstones deposits mined in the Athabasca Basin since 1975 are termed ‘ related deposits’ and are the the are and deposits’ related richest in the world. H there Saskatchewan? in Canada about contains 9 per cent of the world’s uranium recoverable known majority of vast resources, the Saskatchewan’s in are which Basin.Athabasca has which Saskatchewan, producer continuous been a contributed and 1953, since per centabout of the 17 is world’s uranium in 2011, Kazakhstan. to second only

. TION TION S a . The were Shield Shield rocks that rooted in the were saturated to graphite- to basement rocks rocks basement rocks. basement sandstones faults hewan: hewan: Precambrian g Associ g inin M n the and 1.50 between 1.75 billion years ago. The resulting depression a preserved in in the crystalline is now called the Athabasca Basin. The contact between the and sediments these crystalline underlying older, referred is rocks basement asto an unconformity sandstones scavenged that fluids with transportedand uranium from them and/or from the crystalline beneath the unconformity crystalline local chemical change A precipitation the caused of uranium from the fluids, mineralprimarily as the These uranium-bearing fluids traveled through the sandstones bearing wa

m in m in he tc ka s rocks of u Sa Shield of rocks were first he f t f o igneous mmary ow did uranium tion responsible per for 13.5 cent generated electricity the of rely countries Many globally. heavily on nuclear power. nuclear 2011 in example, For per 77 over provided power and electricity France’s of cent per15.3 cent of Canada’s. H deposits form? veins in hosted Uranium and introduced the to crystalline Precambrian northern Saskatchewan between and 1.80 1.95 billion years ago. Some were deposits these of Beaverlodge the at mined camp near Uranium City 1982. and 1953 between earlier the Subsequently, recycled was uranium formed during the deposition of sandy sediments on top of the crystalline a ic

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What is U (U)Uranium heaviest the is occurringnaturally element (atomic weight 238.03) in crust, typically Earth’s the concentrated at about three parts per million (0.0003% U). Basin Athabasca The northernof Saskatchewan grade highest the contains the in deposits uranium world; the grade at the McArthur deposit, River about was mining, before per20 cent U. Uraninite UO dioxide, (uranium What is used uranium for? centuryIn the the 21st uranium of primary use clean of generation is process the as electricity gases. greenhouse no emits nuclear power was In 2011, most common ore mineral ore common most current Saskatchewan’s at operations.uranium

A S Provided by Sask Geological Survey, Ministry Sask Geological by Economy the Provided of Survey, Urani ORE

SECTION r o epo d e ts i s

4 4 COSECTIONVER STORY 77 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr 2 So far, AREVA’s exploration AREVA’s So far, team has investigated 3 out of a possible km km32 trend, using an technique innovative called drilling. directional processThis one sinks directs then hole, pilot underground drill from the multiple in hole pilot that resembling directions wheel. a on spokes the Thus, while the surface footprint drill has 12 at holes, underneath depths from 500 600 to metres, you will find about drill100 holes. “This is the only place in the world where you would see that kind of operation,” notes TION TION S k a c ­ration, 49 per cent g Associ g inin M n less metres than 100 from a deposit.known In western Athabasca, principally focusing is AREVA on the Shea Creek property as the majority owner and operator. The property is attractive for a number reasons, of including its fortunate position nownear AREVA’s to Cluffdecommissioned Lake property, with a highway leading right it. to “It is a massive mineralizing system,” according Graham to Thody, president and CEO of UEX Corpo owners. “It has enormous potential rival to the biggest deposits in the Basin in size.” wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion In the words of John Robbins, geologist project senior with AREVA Resources Canada, exploration is “the thrill of the chase, the sense of discovery, the future of the The company.” stakes are high, and unlike oil exploration where you know reservoirs oil are, the where with uranium exploration the common term is, “You’re drilling blind.” Even with all advancements scientific the (see story, Geophysics p. 25), a lot of it is still luck,” says Robbins’ colleague, Erwin Koning, AREVA’s west for geologist district Athabasca. newest AREVA’s discovered was deposit a ic al publ al ici aysta across northern 2 ff o he | The | t’s not easy finding uranium, but that’s not that’s but uranium, finding easy not t’s Saskatchewan. The Basin contains the world’s richest known deposits of . But how much more is up there, the “needles Precambrian the within lying fuel to ready haystack”, our world with carbon- hundreds for energy free of years come? to That question is being answered, kilometre kilometre, by the by and mining leading world’s exploration companies, along with junior exploration firms eager be to a player. ORE I companies and exploration mining stopping Athabascain Saskatchewan’s Basin. Starting at the Alberta border, the Athabasca some for stretches basin km 100,000 T km 100,000 H VA. E r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa Drill rig at Shea Creek in Western Athabasca Basin. Photo Courtesy: AR he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic al publ al ici ff o | The |



6 6 COSECTIONVER STORY 99 ). 8 O r 2013 r 3 U mme su g/ in hat happens to pr The produce from from produce The Saskatchewan’s mines and mills is a powdery substance yellow called “yellowcake”. It’s chemical name is uranium oxide ( It has undergo to further processing of outside plants at finally to Saskatchewan nuclear partbecome of fuel rods used in the electricity of production power nuclear at and Ontario in plants world. the throughout As the Canadian Nuclear Commission Safety points out on its “Canada’s website, non-proliferation nuclear establishes the policy which under conditions Canada may engage cooperation nuclear in partner selected with Canadian countries…. and materials nuclear to go only will equipment subject are that facilities IAEAto (International Agency) Energy Atomic other In safeguards.” Saskatchewan’s words, one has only uranium purpose: civil peaceful, applications. nuclear W our uranium ore? ­ ­ TION TION S a ■ g Associ g inin M n Fredericks, adding that, that, adding Fredericks, still “there however, are, Four overcome.” to hurdles of the major ones are the non- government’s federal ownership policy, which needs change to before Rio Roughrider; can mine Tinto further studies determine to if indeed there are enough ascert mine; resources to aining if other factors, such conditions, as ground make mining feasible; and economic uncertainty which Roughrider’s move might further down development Rio global Tinto’s list of is Tinto Rio priorities. addressing in alone not the regulatory issue in particular. “We are very support the pleased with have receivedwe from government provincial the Saskatchewan the and Association,” Mining “Saskat Fredericks. says chewan is a great place to business.” do president Ainsworth, Ben of Alpha Minerals Inc., agrees with Frederick’s Last assessment. Alpha November, announced discovery a at Patterson Lake which Ainsworth says, “is the discovery significant most of new mineralization in the Basin Athabasca southwest since Cluff Lake and Shea Creek.”Ainsworth added that, “The departments of government provincial the that regulate and support our work have been a key reason for our continued project.” this for enthusiasm Why all this activity and massive spending on uranium exploration? To help answer that question, turn the to next feature story on uranium, “Powering Up”, The world needs on p. 11. more energy, and less carbon emissions. Up in northern Saskatchewan the answers are there, as they have been for millions of years. just we Now, have to find them. wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion exploration. talking “We’re about small deposits in a vast area. Phoenix is A just 380 metres long 40 by metres wide six by metres deep – and it’s under 400 metres of barren sandstone.” For the past two years, Denison has been doing “definition the determine to drilling” exact size, but it’s worth the investment. Of the 26 properties that Denison owns in the eastern Athabasca region, about half of this millionyear’s $14.6 will be Phoenix. “There for targeted are very few super high- grade deposits like this in the world,” says A recent Blower. mineral resource update estimates that Phoenix pounds million 60 contains of uranium. mineral good there’s Where prospects, you are sure to find . The mining giant has several properties in the Basin, butthe only Roughrider, is deposit Hathor from purchased “ThisExploration in late 2011. will we year, have five rigs defining the deposit, as well as others in the vicinity, says of director Fredericks, Jay external relations, energy. “As a small exploration company, where on focused Hathor they found uranium. Rio Tinto has the resources to see what other deposits may be close It’s called by. an study’.” magnitude of ‘order They will also be putting in a temporary trail of 7 km connectto the site Hwy to and received907, regulatory approval proceed to at the beginning of this About year. 5 km of the trail already exists. Extending it will greatly reduce expenses by reducing if not eliminating the need for helicopters, and that will also make exploration Whensafer. the trail is no longer needed in the future, it resemble to reclaimed be will its natural state. Roughrider is, great “a potential asset Rio to Tinto’s energy portfolio,” notes a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | ORE first. Perhaps in another year or two, may we start mining McCleanthe deposits.” Besides working get to production into Lake Cigar and expanding itsother facilities milling and mining in Saskatchewan, (see p.11) Cameco Corporation is sharpening its exploration focus in the province. global shrinkingWhile its exploration budget in 2013 per cent, 10 5 to by the company is actually spending Athabasca the in money more Basin this year than it did in Cameco’s focus is on2012. near exploration brownfield its existing McArthur River and Rabbit Lake mines with additional find to goal the deposits low-cost high-grade, where ore can be hauled to processing, for mills existing according Darryl to Clark, vice-president Cameco’s exploration. That scenario is a good description of Cameco’s project, Millennium discovered in 2000, according Bob to Steane, operating chief Cameco’s describes Steane officer. Millennium, located just 21 kilometres off the Lake- Key McArthur River haul road, as a project that is “in the bullpen . . . still progressing, but at a pace matched to market opportunities.” For other mining companies, including some of the world’s biggest, the Basin is clearly the place be to if you are serious about adding or your increasing in uranium portfolio. Mines Denison its about excited most is Phoenix Deposit on its property. River Wheeler Exploration at Wheeler River has been going on for 30 years, so why wasn’t the discovered Deposit Phoenix until 2008? “Often, people don’t understand the exploration of challenges in the Athabasca Basin,” explains Steve Blower, of vice-president Denison’s r 2013 r mme su tally ­tally friendly.” g/ in pr (uranium oxide). “Very 8 O 3 Craig Cutts, AREVA’s exploration director, major no “There’s projects. clear- big no infrastructure, more much its and cuts, environmen On averagethere are 30 including site, on people subcontractors.about 20 Eventually, Shea Creek may underground but mine, an be not for some time. “We’ve on going projects major got in several areas,” says Cutts. In the Athabasca Basin, AREVA has an interest in several projects with known reserves including the Cigar under (currently deposit Lake anddevelopment, see p. 11) the Midwest and McClean Underground projects. UEX has a very strong relationship with AREVA. “They have excellent personnel,” says Thody. UEX itself, through its 49% ownership in Shea Creek and its 100% ownership in Hidden is involved Bay, in sixth-largest and largest the resources undeveloped in the Basin, representing over 80 million pounds of U few junior companies have developed N.I. 43-101 Basin.” the resources in other focusAREVA’s with is potential immediate more McClean Lake Underground. Known as “TheMcClean first the were they deposits,” beto identifiedback in the late ‘70s, but more attractive deposits were mined first. the McCleanToday, deposits are now within a brownfield site (roughly km from 1.5 the has pit) which open existing all of the infrastructure in place, making it much more development. for feasible AREVA has all the regulatory approvals in place, but has not set a target date for mining begin. to “We need to see the market improve,” says Corman, Jim vice-president of projects and operations at AREVA. “We want to process Cigar Lake’s ore TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o ake tion a offat L ic ake operation. ake, within Cameco’s VA E al publ al cClean L ici ake exploration project west of ff o cArthur River mine. Photo Courtesy: Cameco xploration camp at Fox L | The | E M larger Read L drill rig near the M Photo Courtesy:Photo AR Geologist Amber Doney at the M



8 8 FEASECTIONTURE 1111 p cumulative demand of of demand cumulative some 2.2 billion pounds of uranium oxide (the raw “yellowcake” called material produced its by mines) in the coming decade; so, too, is AREVA, the other uranium province.producer our in For both of these global leaders in the uranium the for optimism industry, long term is balanced comparatively today’s by ake project. Photo courtesy: Cameco Scoop tram in operation underground at the Cigar L world were following suit. following were world There opposite. the Quite are 64 reactors under China,construction in the United Arab Emirates, India and the United States. “We haven’t seen this much new heyday construction the since period of the late ‘70s and ‘80s,” notes Bob Steane, chief operating officer of His Corporation. Cameco company is investing now anticipated the meet to After the tsunami disaster disaster tsunami the After in Japan and that country’s announcement last its out phase to September there plants, power nuclear misconception growing a was countries the around that Powering U are producers uranium Saskatchewan’s demand. future meet to now investing r 2013 r mme 13-02-01 9:25 AM su g/ in pr Work for a for Work leader world in clean energy. . Great wages wages Great and benefits packages. TION TION S a

g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion careers a ic al publ al ici Opportunities training and for professional development. ff o re-opening notices. learn more, visit mars.isc.ca, email [email protected] To or call (306) 787-9030. The province’s new Mineral Administration Registry The province’s Saskatchewan (MARS) system allows you to register mineral claims online using up-to-date GIS information Services provided by on mineral land availability. MARS also include work assessment reporting, transfers, divisions, lease conversion and land Potential for for Potential advancement and growth. | The | arevaresources.ca/ OUR MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE IS YOU RESOURCE OUR IMPORTANT MOST Employees are at the centre of everything we do at AREVA. A career with AREVA not only includes competitive wages and benefits, but also opportunitiesfor professional development, a relaxed, inspiring work environment and a focus on balancing work and home life. today! Apply Experience career with real energy. a 6188 Sask Mining Magazine Ad v6.indd 1




10 10 FEASECTIONTURE 1313 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr www.lookmatters.com TION TION S a it’s an intrinsic approach to how an intrinsic approach it’s we set ourselves and our clients The results. up for rewarding marriage of business strategy and in a marketing strategy result game plan that is dialed stronger in to both the needs of the business, as well as the needs of your audience(s). It’s not just a slogan... ake head frame and load out area. g Associ g inin M Cigar L Courtesy:Photo Cameco n wa he tc ka s Sa ■ he f t f o Jim Corman says another major benefit is how northern-owned strong a businesses with aboriginal representation their leveraged have relationships with AREVA and Cameco create to skilledhighly companies that are now competing for contracts outside the Athabasca Basin. “We have come know to each other very Corman well,” says of relationships with these contractors and subcontractors. “We trust in their ability get to the done.” work tion a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | ORE current the pleased with in systems and technology place at McClean. “What tryingwe’re do to is replicate increase capacity.” to circuits Increased production, is not thehowever, only benefit of these mine experience The investments. and commitment best to practices has multiple stakeholders. all for payoffs emphasizes Steane Bob the advancements in safety Saskatchewan’s at practices mines, and the knowledge that our province’s companies now have when it comes northern to development. mine r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr (uranium mining commitment) Note that fourNote apply commitments all companies,to with four additional an uranium to applying companies.mining Performance these on be must commitments the reportedroutinely to government, provincial progress monitor to results. measure and of the richest uranium ore in the world. Cigar is the to key Cameco’s revised goal of 36 annual total pounds of million 2018. by supply Cigar Lake is of keen interest Resources AREVA to Canada, who owns 37 per cent. (Cameco, as the operator, owns 50 per cent.) The ore from Cigar will be transported kms the 70 to McCleanAREVA’s Lake mill, which has been on standby mode for more than a year delays previous because of in the development. mine’s Although the McClean Lake mill is fully capableof from supply the handling Cigar Lake when it comes has fall, AREVA this in rolling already started on a major scheduled with expansion, 2016. in completion “This will increase the McClean mill’s capacity from pounds per annum million 12 of uranium concentrate 18 to million 24 to pounds when it is finished,” says Jim Corman, operations of vice-president and projects at AREVA total final “The Resources. around be will investment $200 million.” He hastens addto that AREVA is very • Public Involvement



VA E Vitality g Associ g inin M Impacted Traditional Impacted Traditional Lease Holders commitment)mining Opportunity Forecasting (“Stay School in uranium – Program” commitment)mining (uranium mining commitment) n on its market,” to way says get thatSteane. to point, To Cameco will have invested over a billion dollars in what will be the newest mine in the some containing province, had to overcome serious serious overcome to had now is and problems flooding this later open to schedule on “Byyear. Q4, the first drum of processed Cigar Lake ore should be coming out of the McClean Lake mill and • Community • Compensation Other to • Business Participation and • Education Promotion • Employee Services wa he ake mill in northern Saskatchewan is tc ka s

cClean L Prior to shipping, yellowcake is packaged into special steel drums. Photo Courtesy: Cameco Sa and he VA’s M VA’s E undergoing a major expansion. Photo Courtesy: AR AR f t f o and Training and Job ForecastingJob tion mine, improvements are in in are improvements mine, long-term ensure progress to growth.production priority, top Cameco’s though, is Cigar Lake, which for more than 30 years. Steane is confident about its future. “I see no reason why it can’t be operating for another Throughout years.” 30 operations, Cameco’s including its Rabbit Lake been invested in northern services.and goods wages, the include not does This awarded scholarships many each northern students to or otheryear, corporate region.sponsorships the in arise These benefits which commitments from companiesmining must make in order operate to in northern Saskatchewan: • Employment • Employee Education a ic

8 O 3 al publ al ici annually by annually by 8 O ff o 3 orthern Commitment published in in published | The | he N he T from 2000 to 2012, and hasfrom 2000 2012, to sufficient sustain reserves to production until at least 2034. Cameco’s Lake Key mill has set the standard in operations milling uranium 2018, pending regulatory pending 2018, McArthur River approval. than more produced has 230 million pounds of U Cameco sees greatest greatest sees Cameco value over the short term production expanding by at its McArthur River mine, refurbishingand and expanding the Lake Key Known measuredmill. and indicated reserves at McArthur increased 19 by per cent million 378.9 to and thepounds in 2012, completed has company will that feasibility study a increase production see 22.0 to millionfrom 18.7 pounds U low market prices and and prices market low for reduced forecast a demand in the medium term. business resulting Their strategy is invest to in locations existing expanding sites” “brownfield called – – which takes advantage mines,existing mills of infrastructure until and the market can support development. “greenfield” According the to Northern Socio-Economic Benefits Summary close half to (47 2011, per cent) of all workers at Saskatchewan’s northern mines are from the north, with per 42 cent being Aboriginal descent.of This represented a total of $80 million in wages northern to annually paid employees. In addition, million $481 than more was spent on purchases/ contracts with northern ventures. joint and vendors In total, over year a 20 period, $4.3 billion had



12 12 SECTIONSafety 1515 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr irst mine, had been immediately immediately been had mine, called the to scene. shortly arrived Petracek after 2:00 a.m. “Everything went just the had we way trained spend We a lot for. of time training, so when happened, thing real the everybody exactly knew what do.” to That level of safety efficiency protects also the lives of trained first responders, who are on

TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n began. According to several accounts, the the from complaint biggest incident the miners about was the boredom while waiting for the all-clear. started just had fire The before 2 in the morning; the last of the miners were brought the to surface – after ensuring all was safe – at 8:30 that evening. began, Calvin fire the When emergency the Petracek, the for response coordinator afety F wa he tc ka s Sa he ing S ocanville mine last last mine ocanville f t f o c tion ceilings at Rocanville which made it difficult use to time, This flatbeds. wheeled transportation the though, distance was too great, friction prolonged the and started a fire. The alarm was sounded – and the training action. into kicked “Within thirty all minutes, personnel mine who the working throughout were the mine were in a refuge station and accounted for,” says Mark Fracchia, Vice President, Safety, Health and Environment at PotashCorp. very are stations refuge The large – roughly 200 feet 50by feet – with furniture, food, cabinets, first water, aid equipment and a phone. work Cell don’t phones the underground, each of but through patched miners was phone station refuge the on talkto their to friends and family, who had already been notified when the incident a ic

­ ti al publ al c ici ff o otashCorp’s R otashCorp’s ra | The | he rewards of of he rewards cies, and a constant constant a and cies, nsuring that happy result, however, didn’t didn’t however, result, happy that nsuring well. Through rigorous safetywell. strict programs, training ­ poli drive experience from learn to knowledge, that share and today’s mines exemplify an outstanding safety-first culture. Last September 25, 2012, – cable spools large three each about 6 feet in diameter 5 feetby high and weighing 2500 – were kg being transported on skid plates a locationto underground at the Rocanville mine. materials of Transportation on skid plates had been because used, commonly of the typically low 8-foot ORE heavy machines;Hundreds of infrastructure; thous of miles ands of workers; the fact is that in Saskatchewan’s mines, industrial any unlike not dealing are you environment, with potential risks. It’s how you deal with it that can make a huge difference, as the so proved incident Rocanville T p When a fire broke out underground underground out broke a fire When P at September, all of the 29 miners returned returned 29 miners the of all September, hours. 24 within unharmed surface the to E happen overnight. 12-02-03 12:50 PM

Y SC: Call 1-866-335-3369 or visit 0 lubricants.petro-canada.ca/mining Revision #: Revision Feb 3, 2012 Feb Date: Look to Petro-Canada to Look Lubricants And it’s lubricants like ours that keep it that way. that it keep ours that like lubricants And it’s RG When the world looks to you you to looks world the When It’s operations like yours that make Canada a world leader in mining. mining. in leader a world Canada make yours that like operations It’s Call a Petro-Canada representative today to discover top-performing how our lubricants will maximize uptime productivity and operation. for mining your Petro-Canada brings years over 30 experience mining of Canadian to the development of a full suite of products to keep help running mine consistently your profitably. and believe that We reducing downtime is more than a promise; it’s a commitment to Savings delivering Solutions Tangible our shift after shift.

Production Artist: loss or damage any shall not be held liable for “JKM”) as to referred (collectively and agents its employees JAN Kelley Marketing, suffered by you, or by any third party, from the use of these marketing materials (the “Materials”) if they have been modified, modified, been if they have “Materials”) (the the use of these marketing materials from party, third by any or you, by suffered the once party in whole or in part party with third or manipulated distorted, combined any by content, other than JKM. Further, party third you or any by loss or damage suffered any JKM shall not be liable for you, by of the Materials has been approved proof a party by their reproduction arising from alleged or actual way other than JKM. any defect in the Materials or in any arising from

Trademark of Suncor Energy Inc. Used under licence. Trademark TM Petro-Canada is a Suncor EnergyPetro-Canada business 7142-PCS-P-037-2012-E.indd 1 SECTIONsafety 1717 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a us g Associ g inin M n wa S Potash Canada. We’re building S PotashWe’re Canada. he + tc ka s Sa he . ks-potashcanada.com f t f o tion a ic the Legacy Project and we have hundreds of positions to fill. of positions to hundreds Project have the Legacy and we us. It the highest is priority for globally, ProjectThe Legacy is, that is what it us. Be part means to of the legacy, our legacy, + you not unless it’s K+S because it’s choose your employer. You deserve great pay and benefits. pay great deserve You employer. choose your You growth. incredible be part to want of Saskatchewan’s You should join our team at K al publ al ici you ff o For career opportunities career visit For | The | 13KPCS007_ORE Ad ORE Magazine (no bleed) x 10” 7” Spring/Summer 2013 ORE 100 95 75 25 5 0 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr more areas were upgraded upgraded areas were more supply water additional with fightto fires. shared also is information The with companies other through Mine provincial the reports to through and Unit, Safety Mining Saskatchewan the particularlyAssociation, itssafety committee (see Along,Tagging p. 35). cooperation great “There’s industry mining when the in it comes sharing to best first-hand and practices ■ Fracchia. notes knowledge,” TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n everyshift, and themine including – teams rescue one crew that had come from Mosaic Potash at Esterhazy helpto out. Because the followed had everyone procedures,right mine no put was member team rescue into a dangerous situation. procedures safety The rescue the with end didn’t of the miners. learn “You experience,” every from says Fracchia. “We closely analyzed the incident see to could improvements what be made.” As a result, the procedure for the use of skid and amended was plates wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | In front of one of the PotashCorp stations. refuge Rocanville’s Courtesy:Photo PotashCorp



16 16 ENVSECTIONIRONMENT 1919 u o b disturbance has nothing activity human with do to and everything do to with Saskatchewan’s natural explained history,” fire forest Mining Saskatchewan executive Association director Pam Schwann. caribou woodland “That northern in exist currently evidence is Saskatchewan that they can exist in a been has that landscape fire by modified significantly over a very long time.” This was a point that Schwann would stress repeatedly at meetings with provincial and federal both officials and government public Saskatchewan the and most of throughout 2011 as Environment Canada2012 worked produce to a final for recovery strategy national caribou as required woodland under Canada’s Species At Risk Act (SARA). “It was clear that if didn’t we of shortcomings the identify

Saskatchewan is related humanto activity, including roads, of development corridors, line mines power and the footprint of northern communities. So if not human activity, how does the far north Saskatchewanof get assessed as being per 57 habitat? disturbed cent The answer is that the vast majority of the disturbance is from natural forest fires that past the occurred within have 40 years. Because Environment Canada included natural in fire disturbances like development model, their in northern Saskatchewan, jobs and investment including mines, new potential from jeopardy. in be may “This is tragically ironic, as is northern Saskatchewan one of the least developed areas in all of Canada. The high level of habitat

habitat in the far north of Saskatchewan is unique areas most compared to Canada.of Canada Environment categorized the various herds that exist across Canada and rated their chances self-sustaining being of or disappearing. Using Canada’s Environment was which model, recovery based on areas of high human activity in Quebec, the caribou population woodland in any given region could survive only if 65 per cent of the animal’s natural categorized were habitat as “undisturbed.” perWith cent 57 of the boreal Saskatchewan by categorized area shield Canada as Environment region the habitat, disturbed appears be to a long from way meeting the criteria outlined in strategy. recovery national the In fact, less than 3 per cent of the disturbance in northern nting Unless you follow only sports, it would have been difficult in the past year avoid to the increasingly debate polarized in Canada over whether the resources natural country’s the at developed being are environment. the of expense One sure of way even further emotional the elevating to is debate this in element Canadian iconic an suggest animal found on the back quarter Canadian the of is at risk of disappearing The habitat. of loss a from woodland caribou, a cousin of the barren ground caribou, was identified as being “threatened” in 2002, which development the triggered Environmentby Canada of a National Recovery Strategy, as required the by Species at Act. Risk While the automatic people many from assumption the is loss habitat that is the activity, human of result caribou woodland of issue Cou woodland Cari will year next for planned study A comprehensive address how caribou and northern development province. our in flourish can both r 2013 r mme 12-11-06 9:15 AM su g/ in pr . TION TION S tomorrow a where we’ll be be we’ll where g Associ g inin M n wa athabascabasin.ca he We startedWe years ten ago,working together so that all seven communities in the Athabasca could participate in the opportunities generated by the local mining industry. we ownership have in companies ten Today, that provide services for the mining industry, employ over 1,400 people and generate millions in consolidated revenues. a proud aboriginalWe’re success story, creating opportunities for Saskatchewan’s communities and as we look forward, we’ll continue grow to and create a bright future. Just imagine tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic Still Growing Strong al publ al ici ff o Applied_Sask Mining Ad March 2013 Final.eps 1 07/03/2013 4:35:28 PM Applied_Sask Mining Ad March 2013 Final.eps 1 07/03/2013 | The | ABD-7F ORE Mag_AD.indd 1 ORE



18 18 INDUSTRSECTIONY OUTLOOK 2121 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr reach $2000/oz in the copper while short term both strength, retains supporting multi-metallic Canada. across operations historically with Even prices, factors buoyant demand and supply beyond for roles larger played in products mined some The certain jurisdictions. example, for nickel, of price has tripled over the last k/t. decade $17.7 to production when However, increases cost are input factored in – such as oil and coal up 349 and 296 per cent respectively – the Canada, In change. facts labour additional when TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n and metals, is unlikely run to out of gas overnight. moderately- these Despite reduced growth projections, the prices of certain key remainedproducts buoyant, even if volatile at times. For prices ore example, iron slumped per 42 cent from a high in April a three- to year low of $87 m/t, only m/t reboundto $110 to in September as Chinese anticipated investors stimulus domestic increase the measures to Potash, steel. for demand also has buoyant, though peaks price from descended in recent years. Meanwhile, will gold speculate some wa re he tc ka s tu Sa he u f t f o y road to a a to road y tion China, enormous an minerals and consumer of metals, and driver of growth in the mining sector, made headlines in March by cutting annual its growth target from 8 per cent, its 2005, since place in goal per cent. 7.5 to In October, suit, IMFthe followed growth its reducing also put China. for projections To these figures in perspective: per cent growth7.5 is China still and robust, still accounts for upward of 40 per cent of global base metal demand, compared 5 to per cent in the 1980s. If the past is the best indication of the future, then China, as a minerals for demand driver a p ic m al publ al ici ff o right f right | The | 13-166-012 – Making a Difference Ad ORE Magazine Ad – Spring/Summer edition 1/2 Page Horizontal 4C no bleed (7” x 4.875”) Brendan Marshall Economic Affairs,Director, Mining Association Canada of b ORE bu A It was an active year for the China’s industry. mining current weaker demand for mined products as well as forces market global other fluctuations price sent mined several through commodities. continued The adversely crunch credit exploration affected prospects. Resource rear to continued nationalism its head as miners’ number These worldwide. risk one events shaped the past year in mining, and have affected Although 2013. forecasts for remains outlook industry’s the long- the over favourable term, there is no shortage of challenges face to over the coming year. r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr nvironment Canada model. That’s because Environment because Environment That’s recovery national Canada’s areas categorizes strategy burned forest by fire as 40 for habitat disturbed years, Schwann explains. If she unchanged, goes that says it will be difficult for Saskatchewan’s far north to sufficient recovery see ever a levelto of 65 per cent habitat. undisturbed “Tracking a number of these animals will help caribou woodland determine areas identify populations, critical habitat their of and better describe how the caribou are adapting habitatto that has been disturbed fire,” by Schwann will study “This concluded. better inform everyone how carried be can activities out so they mitigate risk to and caribou populations allowing while habitat their ■ opportunities.” development

TION TION S a Fire burned areas are considered “disturbed” for 40 years in the E area of the 2 g Associ g inin M n woodland caribou in the boreal shield as well as learn predators natural about more bears) black and (wolves information more gain and caribou habitat how about respond populations and highto fire, but low man- made, disturbance. started being “This research is with no assumptions for better or worse on how the faring,” is population caribou McLoughlin explained. “It a is hope we that project scientific will also be supported other by aboriginal including methods traditionalor knowledge.” involve research will The studies,ground animal capture caribou of collaring radio and over a 40,000 km boreal shield region. shield boreal Questions remain as to caribou recovery the whether impact still could strategy development economic future in Saskatchewan’s north. wa he

tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion northern Saskatchewan required. was province In response, the has begun the urgent task compiling and acquiring of this information. research provincial The early in begin program will companies, Mining 2014. Mining Saskatchewan the Associationand SaskPower partners the among that are have committed funding to province the with working and Canada on Environment and this five-year study. It is being McLoughlin, Philip Dr. by led an expert in population associate and ecology professor in the Department University the at Biology of of Saskatchewan. about McLoughlin excited is the scope of next year’s study which will, for the first establish to attempt time, for trend population the a ic al publ al ici ff o that was released was that | The | Saskatchewan’s unique situation was acknowledged in the Recovery Final Woodland for Strategy Caribou the draft recovery strategy draft strategy recovery the government, federal the to development future then of any kind in northern Saskatchewan would have been at risk under Canada Environment the said strategy,” recovery “ThisSchwann. would mines, included new have but also any new roads. Even power lines would threatening disallowed, be the possibility of new hydro First some developments Nations communities considering.” are It in October 2012. shield boreal the identified region in Saskatchewan as an “outlier” their to model, the on information more and trends and status population of the woodland caribou in



20 20 INDUSTRSECTIONY OUTLOOK 2323 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | ORE

r 2013 r M etallurgy and mme su ). M ining, M g/ in pr agazine, Dec. 2012/Jan.2013, poised surpass to NAFTA. concerns,Despite particularly over Chinese growth rates, sector’s Canadian mining the future is bright. Proactive preserving as measures, such and attractive Canada’s regulatory domestic stable environment, investment and international enhancing while growth opportunities through trade multi-lateral and bi- industryexpansion, provides Canada with in working a degree of certainty and time. volatile a in flexibility Growth, even if at a more is pace, moderately-reduced likely remain to strong over the long-term. As a country rich in mineral resources and mining talent, Canada has the opportunity capitalize to on a even sector, mining growing on bumps some are there if the way. ■ the way. Originally published in CI M Vol. 7 – No. 8. Reprinted with permission of the Canadian Institute of M Petroleum (CI Petroleum TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n andcoal mining profits – is jurisdiction no that proof phenomenon. this to immune are Examples this as such spurring companies mining heightened exercise to in precautions investing when projects. Canada’s future But expansion trade aggressive increase both helped has flexibility investment and resource-richsecurity in Examplescountries. from bi-lateral include 2012 China, with agreements strategic other and Tanzania partners, and the Trans Partnership, whose Pacific importance and scope are wa he tc ka s Sa Canada has the the has Canada he “ on a growing mining mining a growing on f t f o opportunity to capitalize sector, even if there are are there if even sector, tion some bumps on the way.” the on bumps some Finally, resource nationalism resource nationalism Finally, remained the number one risk Ernst miners to according to most the Perhaps Young. & Australia’s is example glaring July 1 Senate approval of a 30 per cent tax on iron ore uncertainty, the adverse adverse the uncertainty, uncertainty this has impact on the ability raise to funds, crucial exploration the and role that junior companies significant present play, industry, the to challenges especially considering the proven in decline marked base Canadian probable and reserves.metal a ic

al publ al ici ff o | The | In Canada, the significantly significantly Canada,In the of reduced availability capital is a challenge for prospectors. Although it is also true for some majors, has environment today’s demanding particularly been companies. junior for risk-averse current The investors, among sentiment uncertainty to linked about global economic endure to likely is strength, U.S. Europeanuntil and fluctuations economic is prospect This stabilize. Canadian many for difficult companies, and one that may carry on for some time the Ambiguity over yet. economic global of length costs (up per 26 cent), (up consumer price index per25 cent) and dollar value (up 56 per cent) decade the over changes in, factored also are reality becomes the do prices high clearer: necessarilynot equal profits. high



22 22 TECHNOLOGYSECTION 2525 geophysics have been in the the in been have geophysics volumes “huge of collection of high quality data, and our processingcapability that of data for quicker and more interpretation.” accurate One of way collecting this data is the airborne Goldak, Ben owner survey. Goldak of president and Airborne Surveys, says this type of survey is used to “the picture.” bigger get

from within boreholes. The boreholes. The within from properties of the rocks that include measure can we magnetic porosity, density, conductivity, susceptibility, sulfide velocities, sonic radioactivity.” and content is geophysicist The for only responsible not collecting this data, but also it. interpreting goesWood on explain to that in advancements major the techniques,” explains Garnet explains techniques,” geophysics manager, Wood, Corporation, Cameco at which has collected and of type every virtually trialled data. “Changesgeophysical in geology at depth, or of same geological feature the at depth, result in variations in the physical properties of the rocks. Exploration mapping about is geophysics air, the from changes these on the earth’s surface, or arth ooking The science geophysics of an teams exploration gives eyes. of set extra L the into E In mining, exploration asks exploration In mining, principal question:one “What’s under there?” The only not determines answer where mine, to but also how mine to – the risks and the rewards. The answer, in comes measure, large geophysics. from to used is “Geophysics map the earth’s subsurface through application the of remote sensing survey r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr at Rocanville Headframe expansion expansion Headframe TION TION S a

g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic Building potashBuilding capacity today. capacity At PotashCorp, we’re more than a global company helping to feed the future. the future. helping to feed than a global company more PotashCorp, we’re At of our communities and the potential strength in the neighbour who believes a We’re of our people. our operational just increasing isn’t program Our $8.2 billion potash expansion growth also fueling economies, driving employment and generating it’s capability, in our communities. community commitment, visit us at PotashCorp.com. about PotashCorp’s To learn more our communitiesBuilding day. every al publ al ici ff o | The |



24 24 SECTIONeARTh 2727 - - ■ aughlin. r 2013 r L c mme su g/ in osaic pr osaic Place by Grant M was. Construction and about decisions management the mural meant he couldn’t get started until late summer. “I did the painting over ten days, as it had beready for early in opening building’s the 2012.” September Growing up on a farm, Grant theme. mural’s the appreciates connec another also is There tion: “While I was an art student many years ago, I spent a sum mer working at their mine.”

ural at M Photo courtesy:Photo M M TION TION S a lace ding process.” ding g Associ g inin M n large public mural displays. displays. mural public large “My personal work often the of themes involves nature, and prairies, people and when I can use my combine artistic to vision and passions,two sculpture painting, in an art piece, it’s ­ rewar a Mural painting is also process. challenging a Although weather wasn’t an issue for the Mosaic Place mural, indoor timing wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion mine in the background. the in mine connection the represents It between agriculture and to according potash mining, Grant. “The idea was chosen from a photo, but style my ‘painterly’ more look it makes photographic.” than Grant has become one of mural large prolific most the province, the in painters prominent is work his and city a Moose Jaw, throughout that has made a tradition of The Mural at Mosaic P Mosaic at Mural The a ic h al publ al ici ff o | The | ART ORE e their in people most To community, Mosaic Place is known as “the home of the but Warriors” Moose Jaw thanks the to work of local artist Grant McLaughlin, as commissioned The by there’s Mosaic Company, impressivea new, mural to collection. city’s the to add Painted on a smooth solid wall approximately feet by 16 44 feet, the mural depicts a the colorful in canola crop foreground, with a Mosaic

r 2013 r mme Prairie Evaporite Winnipegosis Interlake / Winnipeg Deadwood Basement Devonian Carbonates Cretaceous Shales Manville Sand su g/ in pr infrastructure and the the and infrastructure process.milling It’s not hard see to why the important an is geophysicist member of any mining and Considering team. exploration the into and millions the today’s dollars that of billions the companies invest, pictures of the earth painted worth are geophysicist the by many times their weight in uranium…and gold…and ■ more. potash…and have demonstrated that that demonstrated have can tomography muon identifysuccessfully orebodies underground. This has led project to co-funding millionof $1.8 from Western are Muons Diversification. very likely be to the newest creating in advancement 3D images of dense deposits. mineral

TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n images you’ll find anywhere in the world. “It’s all about the frequency you can get into the earth and the frequency you get back,” explains Funk. you frequency the “The higher get back, the better the image have.” you resolution PotashCorp is also working radar, ground-penetrating on used within the mine to operations mining guide people, to threats detect and of The Guardian Guardian The of don’t but newspaper, harmless. they’re worry – In fact, they’re proving to be very advantageous to understanding.human On its website, Advanced Solutions Physics Applied they announced that collaborator, their and Resources, Breakwater wa SL -400m -800m -1200m he tc ka s Sa he ay hello to the to muon hello ay f t f o S Just when some some when Just we’d thought physicists along all, it discovered particle new a comes –called the “muon” – raining down on us from our solar system. muons Hundreds of head your through go according every minute, Butterworth John to ”). A mining room is labeled. Image courtesy: PotashCorp L Mining Room tion A typical seismic image, showing the cross-section of a potash mine. The numerals show the depth in metres below sea-level (“S is extremely efficient at finding those anomalies,” says Funk. honed“We’ve the technique to the point where can we make decisions.” production subtle Funk and his team are don’t because they fortunate contendhave to with shallow coal layers, such as those Alberta, in found which, “soak up the seismic waves likesponge.” a The result is some of the best seismic a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | A typical seismic survey dollars of millions costs butover a year, it’s well worth it. The 3D images echoes the by produced as such identify anomalies “collapse zones” and other problematic areas that could lower workers, endanger the grade or destroy the “Seismic geophysics mine. For ground geophysical ground For surveys on a much larger scale, you would head to potash-rich southern the and central areas of the carefully where province, controlled, strategically placed small amounts of detonated are explosives sendto energy into the ground, and record to the This ensue. that echoes is the domain of seismic was which geophysics, and oil the pioneered in gas industry and is now by extensively used also Craig mineral industry. the chief Funk, PotashCorp’s main their says geophysicist, surveys seismic for purpose is identify to anomalies – – peculiarities or changes and mine around them. “We ground any into mine don’t until done we’ve seismics,” Funk.says Thatpicture can be on a scale of hundreds of kilometres, as square such in Goldak done has those the Athabasca Basin. He radiometric in specializes measures which mapping, radiation emitted uranium by deposits, and magnetic measures which mapping, indicate that variations the Other deposits. mineral in specialize companies airborneelectromagnetic surveys which require planes big enough carry to needed equipment large the generateto a signal the to bounced which is ground back and measured. The results of an airborne survey often result in a ground concentrates which survey on a particular, much area.smaller



26 26 WOSECTIONRKFORCE 2929 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o NEED INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS? NEED INTEGRATED JUST ASK GOLDER. regulatory processes to drive a potash mine from environmental and Understanding the social, Associates’ independent consulting, Golder can be challenging. initial scoping to operation at every stage information to tackle challenges and construction solutions provide the design, of a potash project. Integrity. Earth’s Preserving Development, Engineering Earth’s Canada + 800 414-8314 [email protected] www.golder.com tion a ic al publ al ici ff o | The | executives appoint to and also to and women, promote well are women that ensure companies` on represented executive boards and in positions. executive senior There was also a clear recognition multi- that are strategies dimensional women’s increase to needed participation. Strategies included transforming workplace culture by encouraging collaboration women, and men between that policies HR creating balance, work-family improve and promoting a positive industry the of image careersthrough awareness campaigns. In recognition of the size of this task, some participants suggested leadership and training could programs mentorship helpful. be Measuring progress was important, as seen also industry- enabling eventually wide progress be to tracked. Somewhat linked the to incentivizing concept of promoting in management diversity was the idea that performance measurement should managers for scores on impact their reflect increasing diversity. The takeaway key from all of this is that industry needs to I Sinceact now. June 2011, have been working with eight members of companies, all ActionThe for Take Diversity Network, developing, in measuring and implementing plans inclusion and diversity literallyto ‘change the faces of mining’ at companies and sites. Leading change isn’t easy, but in just a year some companies have made great strides not by only stating that inclusion is part of their also, but strategy, corporate taking by importantly, more action. A report on this work will be made available in April on www.mihr.ca2013 ■ ORE , osaic r 2013 r mme R su tion tion g/ in Photo courtesy:Photo M The Pathway Forward Pathway The pr was held recently at Carleton meeting The University. senior together brought to industry representatives the facing challenges discuss industry recruiting mining in and women, retaining and to strategies explored issues. these address In strong conversations these support and commitment from the top was seen as essential. Suggestions senior included incentivizing report TION TION S a iversity al g Associ g inin M n 15 per cent 15 for the past 14 years) is much lower than sectors. other What’s behind this? Sure, we can blame this on poor public perceptions, a lack of young that schedules or people, extreme for pose challenges families. our is truth the But sector does have the means investto in change. ‘CriticalA Conversations’, session, that resulted in the c wa aking Ac he tc ka s etention and Transition, MiH and Transition, etention Sa he f t f o tion The business case for business caseThe for is diversification workforce recent most persuasive; our the that research forecasts industry require mining will over 140,000 workers despite the Yet 2022. by are shortage, women labour of all in underrepresented employment industry’s the opportunities, entrance from leadership/ to positions roles. In management senior in employment women’s fact, industry mining (approx.the a ic sion and D sion u

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Director of Attraction, R of Director As the Director of Attraction, at Transition and Retention Industry Mining Humanthe Resources Council a and in Women the of member Board Canada’s Mining of Directors, I’ve had the opportunity be to part of forward- interesting, many discussionsthinking and diversity to related initiatives industry mining Canada’s in keep that barriers the and being from sector our inclusive. Melanie Sturk



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­unities al publ al ici ff o | The | ORE has taken him the to Arab Jordan, in Company Potash which is per 28 cent owned PotashCorp,by and to operations PotashCorp’s in New Brunswick. The three years in Jordan were a “wonderful for experience” “Many times children. his after home come would I work and our home would be like the United Nations, around teenagers from with the world.” The Hogans’ time in NewBrunswick resulted in, among other things, a Mike that sailing passion for and his wife pursue during have They vacations. their New in home summer a taking love and Brunswick, catamaran 36-foot their along the St. John River. sailed with have also They Mediterranean the friends in Caribbean. and love of sailingMike’s and his enthusiasm for his new PCS of president as role Potash bring mind to the old saying, “Ships in a harbor are safest; but then, that’s not what ships are meant for.” Whether it is taking onnew careerresponsibilities his in waters, new in sailing or Mike,to “Challenges are opportopportunities – to grow as an individual, growto as an individual, and opportunities grow to the ■ company.” r 2013 r mme su g/ in ­chewan mining pr from his days in the mine. make have to time to “You stay connected,” he says. “I was at the Corey mine have to yesterday. You opportunities the create getto out of your office and into the mills. and mines when That’s you can talk to to face people face – and more you importantly, opportunity the get are Those listen. to bestmy days.” In addition the to Saskat career Mike’ industry, TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n are opportunities advance to based onmerit and work ethic.” up moving though, Mike, To the corporate ladder does not farther away moving mean wa he tc ka tash s unities to grow as an grow to ­unities o Sa he grow the company.’” n f t f o a “Whether it is taking on new CS P ‘Challenges are‘Challenges opportunities – opport responsibilities in his career or sailing in new waters, to Mike, individual, andindividual, opportunities to tion of the main reasons why he has been happy stay to in mining, and with PotashCorp. “It’s given me the ability to PCSgrow. is not too big, but it is not too small, so there a P ic t en al publ al el Hog el ici

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| The | re

The ongoing opportunity to advance his career is one Being the newly-appointed newly-appointed the Being president of PCS Potash can make forsome long days. At 5 a.m., Mike Hogan is already in the gym, and 6 a.m.by usuallyhe’s in his office, preparing for the many aspects of running in mines PotashCorp’s New and Saskatchewan Brunswick. He started his new role as of January 1, after years 23 with PotashCorp, where he has since advanced steadily beginning his career as a the at engineer mine senior Allan mine in 1989. P In each edition of ORE, we go beyond the official bios to give our readers insight insight readers our give to bios official the beyond go ORE, we of edition each In companies. exploration and mining mineral Saskatchewan’s of leaders the into Mi Beyond the Bio Beyond



30 30 TAGGINGSECTION ALONG 3333 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a DEMANDING DEMANDING JOBS POWERFUL SOLUTIONS g Associ g inin M HEAVY DUTY ENGINES, DUTY ENGINES, HEAVY AND TRANSMISSIONS, POWER GENERATION SERVING THE MINING WITH INDUSTRY 28 LOCATIONS CANADA ACROSS n wa he tc ka nt s Sa me he ■ it s 1.866.458.0101 1.800.881.9828 smsequip.com f t f o mm tion course, with Level Two year. this launching “Working in the safety/ training field for over 20 years has opened my mind the to realities of the concludes. she workplace,” characteristic visible “A in our safety culture is the to workers willingness of bring up any health and safety concern. like I’d thinkto this is a natural talkingconsequence of ‘with’ people about safety – not ‘to’ them. It is always our challenge raise to the profile of safety across the site, daily.” a Co ic Eastern Region: 100% PROVEN Western Region: r Solution

Ou al publ al ur ici Yo ff o – Komatsu Electric Drive Haul Trucks – Komatsu Electric Drive Haul When it comes to building electric drive trucks that rugged enough to stand up to the day-to-day are demands of mining operations, one manufacturer deliver the reliability to track record has the proven you need to compete — Komatsu. With over 40 locations to serve you across Canada, SMS Equipment is your local equipment and solutions provider. | The |

ORE operator. Through my and my my and my Through operator. the in employment husband’s children our industry, mining summer by benefited have university employment, employment and scholarships at other mine sites. It’s not around talk mining unusual to table.” dinner the Her esteem for the industry by demonstrated also is her role as chair of the safetySMA’s committee. She is proud of the SMA’s safety, mine to contribution close that out pointing supervisors mine 700 to the attended already have introductory Association’s Industrial Supervisor safety SMSPRT12_53 r 2013 r mme Mine su t i g/ in a pr made the four-hour round trip round four-hour the made Reginato attend to a Dale Carnegie course. However, she’ll tell you one of the most important qualifications for her job isn’t having a course diploma – it’s being well- understanding and organized, the impact of your actions others. on decisions and She may not have known when about mining much she started, but she knows “Miningit now. has been very good family. my to dragline a is husband My TION TION S /Bienf a or am at in g Associ g inin M ry D ry n d In addition reports, to safety Anita coordinates programs including training new sessionsorientation for contractors, and workers communications updating workplace, the throughout and rewarding safety with accomplishments incentives such as the annual safety awards banquet. Anita has taken advantage of training opportunities offered through Sherritt, as well as other courses. Every week day evening for one she year, wa da he tc ka s Sa he ALONG f t f o l, Boun l, m a e ining Coor ining tion shift change.” After checking for any reports, accident then she follow- on focuses usually incident any regarding up reports. monitors also She the results for regulatory reports. corporate and A big believer in the maxim, “If it’s important, write it down,” Anita uses an access ensure to system database that corrections are made and procedures followed. supervisors at the 7 a.m. a s a ic Co tt al publ al y/Tr ici

ff o Kjer ta

t fe

| The |

a herri

As safety/training Anita Kjersem coordinator, is on the highway heading workto at 6:45 in the morning. It’s a 15-minute drive from her home in Estevan her to office at Boundary Dam, with the Bienfait mine just 10 minutes farther on. “I’m my by greeted normally the manager, general and supervisor, training start who advisor safety their day even earlier,” says Anita. “It’s an ideal time talkto with workers and S less far what industry, mining the of knowledge previous no I had I started, “When administrative a strong have however, I did, set. skill my match could it within position jeans and – blue now me at look sales, but in “downtown,” worked I had background. a hard hat!”




32 32 REFESECTIONRENCE 3535 r 2013 r mme su brine) 2 g/ in

pr % # # $ # 21. Foam Lake project # Axe Lake oil sands deposit 5. 4. limestone deposit 18. Kronau potash project 19. Melville potash project Lake deposit 9. Vincent 10. Snakehole Lake plant (closed) East deposit Verlo 11. 12. Ceylon Lake (Salt Lake) deposit 13. Chaplin Lake plant (Sask. Minerals) 14. Frederick Lake (Bishopric) plant (closed) 15. Horseshoe (Shoe) Lake plant (closed) 16. Sybouts East (East Coteau Lake) plant 3. Bainbridge nodular manganese deposit 2. Pasquia Hills oil shale deposit 1. Deep Bay graphite deposit MISCELLANEOUS OCCURRENCES 4. Star Kimberlite 3. Fort à la Corne kimberlite field Roy Lloyd Mine - Bingo deposit (Golden 17. Roy Lloyd Mine - Bingo deposit Band Resources Inc.) 18. North Lake deposit 19. Contact Lake Mine (closed) A, B, C and 20. Preview North and South, PAP 2. Candle Lake SW deposits SW 21. Sulphide Lake deposits Lake (GEM) deposit 22. Lynx 23. Seabee Mine (Claude Resources Inc.) 24. Porky Lake and Pigeon Lake showings 25. Santoy 8 Mine (Claude Resources Inc.); Minemilled at Seabee ore 26. Georges Lake showings 27. Prongua Lake showings 28. Brownell Lake showings 29. Manson Bay (Schotts Lake) deposit 30. Eccles Lake (Dolly) deposit 31. Graham Mine (closed) and deposit 32. Robinson Creek deposit Albert (Monarch) Mine (closed) 33. Prince 34. Laurel Lake deposit Bootleg (Rio), and Henning- 35. Newcor, mines (closed) Maloney 36. Phantom Lake and McMillan mines 37. Anglo-Rouyn tailings 38. Simmie paleoplacer showing COPPER-ZINC 1. Campbell River showings 2. Janice Lake showings 3. Jansem showings 4. Stackhouse Bay showing 5. Elephant Lake deposit 6. Discovery Lake deposits 7. Brabant Lake PEG/McKenzie deposit 8. Borys Lake deposit 9. Elizabeth Lake deposit 10. Anglo-Rouyn Mine (closed) Pitching Lake deposit 11. 12. SAD Zone (HBED Zone) deposit 13. Hook Lake (Gee Lake) deposit 14. Brownell Lake deposit 15. Bigstone Lake deposit 16. Miskat Lake deposit 17. McIlvenna Bay deposit 18. McDermott Lake (Balsam Zone) deposit 19. Ramsay (Quandt/Keputch) deposit 20. FON Zone deposit 21. Schotts Lake deposit 22. Otonadah Lake deposit 23. Black Prince showing 24. Flin Flon and Callinan mines (closed) 25. Birch Lake and Flexar mines (closed) 26. Konuto Lake Mine (closed) 27. Coronation Mine (closed) FORMATION IRON 1. Fish Hook Bay showing deposit 2. Triana 3. Spence Lake showing 4. Nyberg Lake (VH) deposit 5. Ithingo Lake showing 6. Dot Lake showing 7. Kelsey Lake deposit 8. Choiceland deposit OCCURRENCES RARE EARTH 1. Hoidas Lake - Nisikkatch Lake (+ uranium and thorium) 2. Bear Lake (+ uranium and thorium) 3. Alces Lake (+ uraniium and thorium) 4. Oldman Lake 5. Archie Lake (+ thorium) 6. Maw REE Zone 7. Douglas River 8. Kulyk Lake (+ uranium and thorium) KIMBERLITE OCCURRENCES 1. Sturgeon Lake 16. Greywacke deposit GOLD 1. Neeley Lake deposit Athona deposit and 2. Box mine (closed), showing Adit Frontier deposit 3. ELA 4. Pine Channel showings 5. Nirdac Creek showing 6. Ithingo Lake deposit Lake deposits Zone and Wedge 7. Twin 8. Golden Heart deposit Mine (Golden Band Resources Inc.) 9. EP and Komis deposit 10. Corner Lake (Augustus) deposit and Oven Lake showing East and Memorial deposits Tower 11. 12. Niko deposit, Kaslo and Birch Crossing showings 13. Jojay deposit (closed) 14. Star Lake and Jolu mines 15. Jasper Mine (closed) 20. Muskowekwan potash project † (closed) 5. Red Deer River silica sand quarry (Red Deer Silica Inc.) 4. Hanson Lake silica sand quarry (Preferred Sands Unlimited) Wapawekka Lake silica sand deposit 3. Wapawekka 2. Nipekamew River silica sand deposit % 1. Bow River silica sand deposit SILICA SAND SILICA Eldorado Dubyna mines 8. Hudson Bay cement rock deposit Waskwei River cement rock deposit 7. Waskwei 6. Amisk Lake red marble (dolomite) building stone 5. McNally Lake buckskin marble (dolomite) building stone Mystic Lake "Verde Antique" marble (veined amphibolite) building stone Antique" marble (veined amphibolite) 4. Mystic Lake "Verde % 3. Deschambault marble (dolomite) quarry (Graham Construction) 2. Sahli green granite building stone 1. Neyrink Lake black and grey granite (diorite) building stone BUILDING MATERIALS

7. Bienfait Coal Mine (Prairie Mines) 6. Boundary Dam (Shand, Costello, and Utility) Coal Mine (Prairie Mines) 5. Poplar River Coal Mine (Prairie Mines) 4. Hudson Bay area coal deposits Carrot River peat moss plant (Premier Tech Horticulture) Tech 3. Carrot River peat moss plant (Premier % Carrot River Peat Moss Mine (Premier Tech Horticulture) Tech 2. Carrot River Peat Moss Mine (Premier 1. Lac La Ronge lignite (sub-bituminous) deposit COAL AND PEAT COAL 15. Willow Bunch clinker quarry (Colored Shale Products Inc.) 14. Wilcox bentonite plant (Canadian Clay Products Inc.) Truax bentonite Products Inc.) quarry (Canadian Clay 13. Truax A.P. Green Claybank brick plant (closed) 12. A.P. 11. Readlyn ball clay deposit and Willows clay pit (refractory and ball clay) 11. St. Victor bentonite deposit (swelling bentonite) 10. St. Victor 9. Rockglen clay pit (brick clay) 8. Gollier Creek kaolin mine (closed) 7. Flintoft clay pit (refractory and ball clay) (closed) Wood Mountain - Fir Mountain kaolin prospect 6. Wood 5. Frenchman clay prospect % 4. Eastend clay deposit 3. PR-1 and PR-3 clay deposits (stoneware) % Ravenscrag clay quarry (brick) (I-XL Industries Ltd.) Industries 2. Ravenscrag clay quarry (brick) (I-XL 1. Saskatoon clay quarry and plant (Cindercrete Products Ltd.) CLAY RESOURCES CLAY Beechy plant (Touchwood Resources) 1. Beechy plant (Touchwood % MAGNESIUM SULPHATE MAGNESIUM 2. Big Quill Lake plant (Compass Minerals) 1. Alsask Lake plant (closed) POTASSIUM SULPHATE SULPHATE POTASSIUM TION TION S

8. Ingebrigt Lake plant (closed) 7. Bitter Lake deposit 6. Little Manitou Lake deposit 5. Berry Lake deposit % 4. Muskiki Lake deposit Lydden Lake deposit deposit Lake 3. Lydden 2. Whiteshore Lake (Palo) deposit 1. Aroma Lake deposit SODIUM SULPHATE SODIUM SULPHATE 17. Milestone potash project 16. Legacy potash project % 15. M & J potash project Wynyard potash project 14. Wynyard 13. Burr potash project Jansen potash project 12. Jansen potash project a 11. Saskatoon chloride-based chemical plant (ERCO Worldwide) 11. 10. Unity solution salt mine and plant (Compass Minerals) (processes waste salt from potash mine) (Canadian Salt Co. Ltd.) 8 9. Belle Plaine potash solution mine () and fine salt plant 8. Rocanville Division potash mine (PotashCorp) and salt plant (NSC Minerals) (Compass Minerals) 7. Esterhazy K-1 and K-2 potash mines (The Mosaic Company) and salt plant 6. Lanigan Division potash mine (PotashCorp) 5. Colonsay potash mine (The Mosaic Company) % 4. Allan Division potash mine (PotashCorp) 3. Patience Lake Division potash solution mine (PotashCorp) 2. Cory Division potash mine (PotashCorp) (by-product CaCl Vanscoy potash mine (Agrium Inc.) and salt plant (NSC Minerals) 1. Vanscoy POTASH AND SALT POTASH Western Nuclear Mine (closed) Nuclear Mine 6. Western 5. Fable Lake showing # 4. Sito Lake deposits 3. Deception Lake showing 2. George (Brakewell) Lake deposit 1. Johnson Lake (Marina) showing LEAD-ZINC 15. Namew Lake Mine (closed) (in Manitoba) 14. Kipahigan Lake deposit 16 13. Hidden Lake deposit 12. Uskik Lake deposit KEY TO NUMBERED MINERAL DEPOSITS MINERAL NUMBERED TO KEY 11. Knife (Mokoman) Lake deposit 11. 10. Howard (Little Clam) Lake deposit 9. Nemeiben Lake (Dunlop) deposit Triangle Lake deposit 8. Triangle 7. Gochager Lake deposit 6. Rottenstone Mine (closed) 5. Dumas Lake deposit # 4. Axis Lake and Rea Lake deposits 3. Currie Lake deposit % 2. Dinty Lake deposit 1. Dianne Lake deposit COPPER-NICKEL AND COPPER-COBALT AND COPPER-NICKEL COPPER-COBALT 63. La Ronge Mine (closed) 62. Duddridge Lake (Thor) deposit 61. Burbidge Lake (BURR) deposit 60. Harrigan Zone deposit 59. Christie Lake occurrence Wolverine occurrence 58. Wolverine 50 Miles 102° 57. Candle occurrence 5 56. Phoenix deposit 55. Gumboot occurrence 54. Black Lake showing 53. Centennial deposit % 52. Millennium deposit showings 51. Moore Lake - Maverick deposit; 525 and 527 75 Kilometres 16.667%) processing McArthur River Mine 16.667%) ore 83.333%; AREVA Resources Canada Inc., AREVA 83.333%; # deposits (mined out); mill (Cameco Corp., 13 50. Key Lake Mine - Gaertner and Deilmann 36 49. McArthur River - BJ Zone deposit 35 Canada Inc., 30.195%) 7 (Cameco Corp., 69.805%; AREVA Resources AREVA (Cameco Corp., 69.805%; 24 48. McArthur River Mine - McArthur River deposit West Bear deposit 47. West % Wolf Lake and Sand Lake deposits Lake and Sand 46. Wolf TEPCO Resources Inc., 5%; start-up 2013?) Uranium Exploration Canada Ltd., 7.875%; AREVA Resources Canada Inc., 37.1%; Idemitsu AREVA 45. Cigar Lake Mine (Cameco Corp., 50.025%; 44. Paul Bay Ore Shoot 43. La Rocque Lake deposit 15 42. Horseshoe and Raven deposits Eagle Point Mine ore 4 41. (mined out); mill processing 40. Collins Bay 'A' and 'B' Zone deposits (mined out) 39. Eagle Point Mine (Cameco Corp.) # # Tamarack deposit 38. Tamarack Mines Inc., 22.5%; OURD (Canada) Co. Ltd. 7.5%) OURD Mines Inc., 22.5%; (AREVA Resources Canada Inc., 70%; Denison (AREVA deposits (mined out); McClean, Caribou, Sue D deposits (mined out); McClean Lake Mine - JEB, Sue A, B, C and E 37. McClean Lake Mine - JEB, Sue 36. Dawn Lake deposit 4 35. Roughrider deposit and J Zone 9 # [Canada] Co. Ltd., 5.67%) 69.16%; Denison Mines Inc., 25.17%; OURD 69.16%; Denison Mines (not producing) (AREVA Resources Canada Inc., (not producing) (AREVA Midwest Mine - Midwest and Midwest A deposits A 34. Midwest Mine - Midwest and Midwest Shea Creek - Anne, Kianna and Colette deposits 33. Shea Creek - % and EX Pods) deposits and EX Pods) deposits Claude and Dominique-Janine (North, EX OP, UG UG Claude and Dominique-Janine (North, EX OP, 5 (closed) - D, Dominique-Peter, Lake Mine (closed) - D, Dominique-Peter, 32. Cluff % 31. Corrigan Lake showing 30. Nisto Mine (closed) 29. Fisher-Hayes and Paisley Lake deposits % 28. Higginson Lake (Dianne) deposit Row, West Row and ART deposits ART Row and West 27. Row, # 26. Mozzie Lake deposit 25. Leo deposit 24. Spreckley Lake, Charlebois Lake and David deposits 23. Fond-du-Lac deposit 22. Matthews Lake deposit # 21. VIC Claims deposit 23 20. Hawker Lake deposit 19. Maurice Bay deposit 18. Stewart Island deposit # 17. Johnson Island deposit 16. Gunnar Mine (closed) 7 15. Gulch Mine (closed) mines (closed) mines 14. Consolidated Nicholson Bay and Fish Hook Bay $ Black Bay/Murmac Bay Mine (closed) 13. Black Bay/Murmac Bay Mine # 6 12. Lorado Mine (closed) and Uranium Ridge deposit Cayzor Athabasca mines (closed); St. Michael deposit Cayzor Rix-Athabasca, Smitty, Leonard, Cinch Lake and Rix-Athabasca, Smitty, 11. 10. Martin Lake Mine (closed) 8 and Beaverlodge mines and Bolger Open Pit (closed) and Beaverlodge mines # 30 Eldorado Verna, Ace-Fay, Nesbitt Labine (Eagle-Ace) Nesbitt Ace-Fay, 9. Eldorado Verna, (closed) and Strike deposit (closed) 8. National Explorations and % # Eldorado Eagle Mine (closed) and ABC deposit 7. Eldorado Eagle Mine (closed) and Eldorado HAB Mine (closed) and Baska prospect 6. Eldorado HAB Mine (closed) 5. Beta Gamma Mine (closed) 4. Pitch-ore Mine (closed) # 32 3. Arty Lake deposit YORKTON 22 2. Don Henry deposit 3 Dewdney Island and Laird Island deposits 1. Dewdney Island URANIUM 50 FLIN FLON # % # # 27 26 25 # # # 14 25 # 31 106 60° 7 34 21 33 29 Lake 9 Cumberland Lake % # 102° BAY 25 Amisk

20 SANDY 3 %

Reindeer FLIN FLON FLIN 4 SCALE 6 Lake KISSEYNEW 18 ESTEVAN # 19 135 % # % # 19 # HUDSON BAY 1 # # %

5 0 0 6 11

17 PETER LAKE PETER 2 $ 16 2 1



$ Reindeer # SOUTHEND River # % MELVILLE 25 15 2 # 27 # # 1 4 % # # % # # 25 Lake 12 25 26 3 # g Associ g inin M 13 3 Wollaston Mine = Past, present, and test producing mines Deposit = Deposits (calculated reserves - resources not 43-101 compliant in all cases) and developed prospects (drilling delineated mineralization) Showing = Mineral occurrence with assays 14 This map is available from: Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy Publications Office 200-2101 Scarth Street 2H9 Regina, SK Canada S4P (306) 787-2528 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: Internet download: www.er.gov.sk.ca/mineralresourcemap # 13 3 † 21 WEYBURN 42 40 # # 7 Hatchet Lake # 12 # % # n # # 23 # 39 24 8 5 # # 28 # # 2 6 41 # # # 10 # #

36 5

# Souris 18 17 7 905 # KISSEYNEW 14 Lake R i v e r # % % % # 37 # # 35

# 11 #

MUDJATIK # 9 % 3 GLENNIE Deschambault 43 wa # 38 14 # 15 2 47 11




Qu'Appelle River # % # 39 1 # River Saskatchewan 20 # 7 BATHOLITH 12 % Quill Lakes % 46 13 # 1

8 16 26 58

6 # MELFORT 63 #

% 6


# #

# %

# % he 4



% %

Lake % %

% % 106 45

25 3


% % 12

20 %

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14 Waterbury 21

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# % # # # # 19 # % 59 % # # # # 2 55 7 27 2

10 Lac La


51 8 9 3 # Pasfield Lake 57 # 22

# ROTTENSTONE Ronge 29 % 13 # # Black Lake % 1 Last Mountain Lake % 61 48 REGINA % 9 HUMBOLDT 6 % 3 % 55 % 5 ka # 30 5 12 # # 56 % # 1 16 # # 9 2 6 # 2 % 15 s 8 % 50 # % # Montreal Lake 2 6 # % # 15 DODGE 4

C h u r c h i l l SYMBOLS Edge of Precambrian Shield Major bounding shear zone Major fault City Town Precambrian domain boundary and name Road LA 52 RONGE 4 5 10

# 11 %

2 4 # River


% Scott Lake 14 % TANTATO

Cree % 2 # 54 WOLLASTON 10 165 # 5 1

% Sa




STONY RAPIDS % 2 % JAW MOOSE # % 1 5 1 PRINCE ALBERT 9 Old Wives Old Wives Lake 4 62


8 15 % 3 # South Saskatchewan River 11 Saskatchewan South 3 % # % he Cree 3 % 914 Lake 1 7 % % % Fond du Lac ASSINIBOIA Pinehouse Lake % 13 6 11 % $ # 23 %

4 #

TRAIN LAKE River Saskatchewan North 2 6

f t f o MUDJATIK % 165 PINEHOUSE 1 Lake Diefenbaker 5 Dore Lake 55 # ATHABASCA BASIN ATHABASCA # BEAVERLODGE # 6 # # 2 53 # 1 21 1 Lac Ile-a-la- Crosse 918 # 22 # 20 5 # % 4 SASKATOON 3 # # # 7 4 155 tion 9 Oil pool Gas pool Oil sands potential Coal field Potash and salt resource area Carnallitic region (magnesium) Frobisher Lake 1 6 8 3 13 2 # SWIFT CURRENT a # 14 # # # # # 4 # # 2 # # # 16 1



# 38

# 1 # # 4 TALTSON 18 # 15 1 % Tazin Lake Tazin 16 % # 2 3 Wasekamio Wasekamio Lake 17 CARSWELL CARSWELL STRUCTURE NOLAN Frenchman River % 155 % 1 % Peter Pond Lake BUFFALO NARROWS 11 5 ZEMLAK 10 7 Lake Athabasca URANIUM CITY %

955 Battle River # LOCHE # 32 LA # 19 # Beaver River 7 TALTSON MEADOW LAKE 10 33 4 % # 110° % % KINDERSLEY 2 21 9 5 al publ al 60° % $ 3 Lac La Loche 8 % 2 Lake % Primrose ici MAPLE CREEK 21 LLOYDMINSTER 1 LEGEND Uranium potential Base metal potential Gold potential Diamond potential Major peat resource potential Carbon dioxide (CO ) resource potential 1 % % 7 21 ff o 13 or inaccuracies that may be included in, or derived from, this map. the Economy and the Government of Saskatchewan do not accept liability for any errors, omissions, and all persons who rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk. The Ministry of and all persons who rely on the information contained herein do so at their own risk. Although the Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy has exercised all reasonable care in the compilation, interpretation, and production of this map, it is not possible to ensure total accuracy, 110° 49° | The | ORE r 2013 r mme su A DIVISION OF: g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he www.pepperindustrial.ca f t f o revent. ou P tion a ic redict, Y e P W WORK WITH A RELIABILITY WITH A WORK MAINTENANCE BASED TEAM VIBRATION ANALYSIS VIBRATION our Risk Management Experts. P: 306.744.2675 F: 306.744.2788 [email protected]. INFRARED THERMOLOGY Y ULTRASONIC DETECTION ULTRASONIC al publ al PRECISION LASER ALIGNMENT ici ff o MAIN OFFICE 416 Box SK Saltcoats, S0A 3R0 | The |



34 34 SECTION ® 37 r 2013 r mme su g/ in pr TION TION S a g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa The work that Mosaic does in Saskatchewan has an incredible impact around the world. work The and crop nutrients we produce here help create new agricultural potash The economies in places where once, little would grow. are We either. economy done too badly at improving Saskatchewan’s haven’t We currently spending 6 billion dollars to grow also our business in the province. We which is employ nearly 2,300 people in jobs with incredible benefits. Not the least of helping to end world hunger. Learn more about Mosaic, visit our website today. mosaicco.com he f t f o tion a ic al publ al Helping feed 7 billion around the world. Helping feed ici ff o | The | Investing $6 billion here.Investing $6 billion ORE r 2013 r mme su o 7 g/ in R pr m you! ictoria P 0 4 TION TION S a egina S r fro love t d love a is intended for readers all for from is intended e venue, R venue, uite 1500, 2002 V uite 1500, We’ h ORE Saskatchewan throughout life, of walks your appreciate and abroad. We stories. for suggestions to suggestions Please your send [email protected] us at write or S A g Associ g inin M n wa he tc ka s Sa he f t f o tion a ic P ERSHI al publ al B ici ff o

| The |

MEM PartnershipAgrium AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Construction Mining Associated BHP Billiton Boart Longyear Cameco Corporation Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. (The) CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. Claude Resources Inc. Denison Mines Corp. Corp. Energy Fission CorporationForan Mining Forum Uranium Corp. Golden Band Resources Inc. Great Western Minerals Group Ltd. Minerals HudBay Hudson Bay Minerals & Smelting Co. Ltd. JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Ltd. K+S Potash Canada GP Kitsaki Procon Joint Venture La Ronge Gold Corp. The Mosaic Company Plaine Belle Mosaic Mosaic Colonsay Mosaic Esterhazy North Atlantic Potash Inc. PotashCorp PotashCorp Allan PotashCorp Cory Lanigan PotashCorp PotashCorp Patience Lake PotashCorp Rocanville Inc. Group Uranium Purepoint Rio Tinto Coal Sherritt Shore Gold Inc. ThyssenMining Construction of Canada UEX Corporation Limited Canada Potash Vale Energy Westcore Western Potash Corp. Ltd. Co., Resources Canada Yancoal SMA



36 36

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