J Two Flying Machines SZ J
A. Riehardson. Jr.; Docey \y„ lini Alice M. Dow as Flora and Stella JfOK by Bingen, A W. Wit bee. llangur; Brown, who holds the office of < eres. ^"fU> Gilbert «3ssf?»a3as5SBKS!ss!55:<i Society Todd, lig by Todd, Charles as lady assistant steward. Commit- 'T^rlctiHiTiil Steward: Cordon .... Russell, by Guy /\x- tee on applications, \V. It. Hafey, ('• I worthy, J. Robt. Clark, Weterville; C Cleveland, W. IS. Whittier, who re- bin v Holotta, by Bingen, George R. Pal- ported favorably on the names of sev- mer, Sangerville; Peter J., in ,A,r rrnsK $20. bg by Pet- en applicants who were instructed er the Great, S. J. Parker. St. Al- Hie admitted to h ' Har Pomona degree and BIGGER K BETTER In Ruth Merrinmn, rnt I V'b* bans; by Merri- Tfcls with the open- i »!■1. Lightning membership. man C, P. 1). Nelson, Dexter; »: ? W"’ in tnlim. ( lull ! Georgia, ing ceremonies occupied the morning Inn, P. D. Nelson, I M II Richard- j Spaundler, Dexter session. *»slu'y:,rI'. 2.B5 TROT AND PACK, I TUSK ses- » \.■■-xa.nlro, li. j $150 At the opening of the afternoon « Somerset Central si Prince Dell, bg. Asa Grant; Golden res- 'Sa j sion the officers occupied their Agricultural Society 'Xk"'^ <:nan.VK I Seal, clis by I’ddie Tory, Harry Clukey; pective chairs executing the offi- ■ Dr D. by fv K I- I Baroness Marjorie, by Baron Review, cers' drill. were adopt- l‘f c.i, !.v Twilling- ; Resolutions S .....:<s A. Riehardson, Van Gain, rs liv ====_===_ ■*.
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