KLENOT Project 2002–2008 Contribution to NEO Astrometric Followup
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KLENOT Project 2002-2008 contribution to NEO astrometric follow-up Item Type Article; text Authors Ticha, J.; Tichy, M.; Kocer, M.; Honkova, M. Citation Ticha, J., Tichy, M., Kocer, M., & Honkova, M. (2009). KLENOT Project 2002–2008 contribution to NEO astrometric followup. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 44(12), 1889-1895. DOI 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01998.x Publisher The Meteoritical Society Journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science Rights Copyright © The Meteoritical Society Download date 26/09/2021 15:11:35 Item License http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/ Version Final published version Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/656652 Meteoritics & Planetary Science 44, Nr 12, 1889–1895 (2009) Abstract available online at http://meteoritics.org KLENOT Project 2002–2008 contribution to NEO astrometric follow-up Jana TICHA1*, Milos TICHY1, Michal KOCER1, and Michaela HONKOVA1 1Klet Observatory, Zatkovo nabrezi 4, CZ-370 01 Ceske Budejovice South Bohemia, Czech Republic *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (Received 23 November 2008; revision accepted 16 January 2009) Abstract–Near-Earth object (NEO) research plays an increasingly important role not only in solar system science but also in protecting our planetary environment as well as human society from the asteroid and comet hazard. Consequently, interest in detecting, tracking, cataloguing, and the physical characterizing of these bodies has steadily grown. The discovery rate of current NEO surveys reflects progressive improvement in a number of technical areas. An integral part of NEO discovery is astrometric follow-up crucial for precise orbit computation and for the reasonable judging of future close encounters with the Earth, including possible impact solutions. The KLENOT Project of the Klet Observatory (South Bohemia, Czech Republic) is aimed especially at the confirmation, early follow-up, long-arc follow-up, and recovery of near-Earth objects. It ranks among the world’s most prolific professional NEO follow-up programs. The 1.06 m KLENOT telescope, put into regular operation in 2002, is the largest telescope in Europe used exclusively for observations of minor planets and comets, and full observing time is dedicated to the KLENOT team. In this paper, we present the equipment, technology, software, observing strategy, and results of the KLENOT Project obtained during its first phase from March 2002 to September 2008. The results consist of thousands of precise astrometric measurements of NEOs and also three newly discovered near-Earth asteroids. Finally, we also discuss future plans reflecting also the role of astrometric follow-up in connection with the modus operandi of the next generation surveys. INTRODUCTION 22.0 mag. or brighter, i.e., whose estimated diameter exceeds about 140 meters. Currently, almost 1000 PHAs are known. There are various kinds of small bodies orbiting the Sun. NASA proposed the Spaceguard goal of discovering The near-Earth objects (NEOs) are the closest neighbors of 90 percent of all NEOs with a diameter greater than 1 km by the Earth-Moon system. NEO research is an expanding field the end of 2008. In 2007, the Spaceguard goal was modified of astronomy, important both for solar system science and for to detect, track, catalogue, and characterize 90 percent of all protecting human society from the asteroid and comet hazard. potentially hazardous objects (PHOs) larger than 140 m by NEOs are sources of impact risk and represent usually a low- the end of 2020. One can estimate that there may be about probability but potentially a very high-consequence natural 100,000 NEAs with diameters exceeding 140 m. hazard. Studies of NEOs contributed significantly to our Virtual impactors (VIs) are asteroids for which possible overall understanding of the solar system, its origin, and impact solutions, compatible with the existing observations, evolution. are known, and a very small but definitely non-zero, Near-Earth objects are asteroids and comets with probability of collision with Earth exists. Virtual impactors perihelion distance q less than 1.3 AU. The vast majority of are listed on the Sentry Impact Risk page hosted by the NASA NEOs are asteroids, referred to as near-Earth asteroids Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Chamberlin et al. 2001) and on the (NEAs). NEAs are divided into four groups (Amors, Apollos, NEODys Risk Page maintained by the University of Pisa Atens, and IEOs) according to their perihelion distance, which operates the impact risk monitoring system aphelion distance, and their semi-major axes. There are CLOMON2 (Milani et al. 2005). As new positional currently more than 5700 known NEAs. observations become available, the most likely outcome is Potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) are NEAs whose that the object’s orbit is improved, uncertainties are reduced, minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) with the Earth is impact solutions are ruled out for the next 100 years, and the 0.05 AU or less, and whose absolute magnitude H is H = object will eventually be removed from these lists. 1889 © The Meteoritical Society, 2009. Printed in USA. 1890 J. Ticha et al. Astrometric follow-up is essential also for targets of Minor Planet Center (MPC) (Marsden et al. 1998). Such NEO future radar observations, space mission targets and other candidates need rapid astrometric follow-up to confirm both observing campaigns. their real existence as a solar system body and the proximity The discovery rate of current NEO surveys reflects an of their orbits to that of the Earth. Some of new search incremental improvement in a number of technical areas, facilities produce discoveries fainter than m(V) = 20.0 mag. such as detector size and sensitivity, computing capacity and (for example, 1.5 m Mt. Lemmon, 1.8 m Spacewatch II) availability of larger telescope apertures. This has resulted in which need a larger telescope for confirmation and early an increase in the NEO discovery rate. There are currently a follow-up. A 1-meter-class telescope is also very suitable for dozen telescopes ranging in size from 0.5 to 1.8 meters confirmation of very fast moving objects and our larger field carrying out full or part time systematic surveying in both of view enables to search for NEO candidates having a larger hemispheres. Several new larger projects are in various stages ephemeris uncertainty. of preparation. An integral part of NEO discovery is rapid early follow- Follow-Up Astrometry of Poorly Observed NEOs up. Extensive follow-up on time scales of weeks and months is usually required for subsequent return recoveries, and may Newly discovered NEOs need astrometric data obtained become critical in ensuring that PHAs and VIs are not lost. over a longer arc during the discovery opposition when they Calculation of precise orbits and determination of impact get fainter. The highest priority has been given to virtual probabilities require enough precise astrometric impactors and PHAs. Special attention is also given to targets measurements covering appropriate orbit arcs. For brighter of future space missions or radar observations. It is necessary objects, many amateur volunteer observers use small or to find and use an optimal observing strategy to maximize moderate-size telescopes all over the world to help orbit improvement of each asteroid along with efficient use of accomplish this task. For fainter objects, just several observing time, because reasonable object selection is a key professional telescopes of 1 m class or larger are used part of the observation planning process. regularly for astrometric follow-up, mainly the JPL Table Mountain 0.6 m, Mt. John 0.64 m, Klet Observatory Recoveries of NEOs at the Second Opposition KLENOT 1.06 m, Spacewatch 1.8 m, and Mt. Lemmon 1.5 m telescopes (Larson 2007). For the determination of reliable orbits it is required to Considering the urgent need for astrometric follow-up of observe asteroids at more than one opposition. If the observed fainter and fast-moving objects, we decided to use resources arc in a discovery apparition is long enough, the chance for a of the Klet Observatory for building a 1-meter-size telescope recovery at the next apparition is good. If the observed arc at for such purposes. This KLENOT telescope was put into a single opposition is not sufficient and the ephemeris of operation in 2002 (Ticha et al. 2002). We report the results selected target is uncertain, then we usually plan to search obtained during six years of regular KLENOT operation as along the line of variation based on data from Minor Planet well as future plans based on technical improvement of the Center databases (Marsden, Williams, Spahr), Lowell KLENOT system and also inspired by the planned next Observatory databases (Bowell, Koehn), and Klet generation surveys. Observatory databases (Tichy, Kocer). For this purpose, a larger field of view is an advantage. KLENOT GOALS Analysis of Cometary Features The KLENOT project is a project of the Klet Observatory Near-Earth and Other Unusual Objects The majority of new ground-based discoveries of comets Observations Team (and Telescope). Our observing strategy comes from large surveys devoted, predominantly, to NEAs. is to concentrate particularly on fainter objects, up to a The first step in distinguishing these newly discovered limiting magnitude of m(V) = 22.0 mag. Reasonable object members of the population of cometary bodies consists of selection is a key part of the observation planning process. confirmatory astrometric observations along with detection Therefore.