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Fluidization XV Proceedings

5-23-2016 recovery by means of tsa in a sound assisted fluidized bed of fine ca tivated carbon Raganati Federica Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione – CNR, Italy, [email protected]

Ammendola P Chirone R.Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione – CNR, Italy

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Recommended Citation Raganati Federica and Ammendola P, "Carbon dioxide recovery by means of tsa in a sound assisted fluidized bed of fine cta ivated carbon" in "Fluidization XV", Jamal Chaouki, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada Franco Berruti, Wewstern University, Canada Xiaotao Bi, UBC, Canada Ray Cocco, PSRI Inc. USA Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2016). 28

This Abstract and Presentation is brought to you for free and open access by the Proceedings at ECI Digital Archives. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fluidization XV by an authorized administrator of ECI Digital Archives. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CARBON DIOXIDE RECOVERY BY MEANS OF TSA IN A SOUND ASSISTED FLUIDIZED BED OF FINE ACTIVATED CARBON

Federica Raganati, Paola Ammendola and Riccardo Chirone

Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione (CNR) – P.le V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli (Italy).

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada MOTIVATION

20th century can be regarded as a century of explosive growth CO2 Emissions and in energy consumption and rapid increase in population Global Warming worldwide along with unprecedented speed of inventions of new technologies

All these epochal revolutions have created a new world that has become increasingly dependent on of hydrocarbon fuels, which produces CO2 as waste

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen to a Greenhouse Effect value of 370 ppm today, from the preindustrial value of 280 Increasing anthropogenic ppm greenhouse A warming trend is “unequivocal” and human activity has concentrations leads to the “very likely” been the driving force in that change over the warming of the earth last 50 years (IPCC) surface and lower atmosphere In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was ratified by most of the developed countries setting the stage for an international effort to reduce CO2 emissions

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada BAKGROUND – Adsorption by Sound assisted fluidization

Absorption Membranes

Cryogenics SOUND-ASSISTED CO2 separation Calcium looping techniques FLUIDIZATION


It has the potential to replace the current absorption technology due to its lower energy requirement

• By means of new materials whose physical and chemical properties can be tuned at the molecular level From Large Porous • Owing to their special size and shape, nanometric particles are Aggregates (hundreds particularly suitable to be easily tailored and/or functionalized of mm) on the surface with different ligands to induce significant changes To Small Fluidizable in their physical and chemical properties Aggregates

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada BAKGROUND – Adsorption by Sound assisted fluidization


Break-up mechanism Sound ON

SOUND ASSISTED TESTS Break-up mechanism  Continuous renewing of the exposed surface

• More regular pressure drop (DP/DP0=>1) • Higher bed expansion ratios The use of sound-assisted fluidization allows to maximize the gas– contact efficiency and, Ordinary fluidization: poor fluidization quality in turn, minimize the limitations to the intrinsic (channeling), as clearly confirmed by the fact that adsorption capacity of the sorbents. Acoustic asymptotic value reached by the pressure drops is lower than field positively affects adsorption efficiency in 1 (i.e. portions of the bed are not fully fluidized)1-3 terms of remarkably higher4-7

o Amount of adsorbed CO2 Sound assisted fluidization: achievement of a proper fluidization regime in terms of both pressure drops and o Breakthrough time expansion curves, and decrease of the minimum fluidization o adsorption kinetics velocity1-3 4Raganati, F., Ammendola, P., & Chirone, R. (2014). Applied Energy, 113, 1269–1282. 1Ammendola, P., Chirone, R., & Raganati, F. (2011). Advanced Powder Technol., 22(2), 174–183. 5Raganati, F., Gargiulo, V., Ammendola, P., Alfe, M., & Chirone, R. (2014). Chem. Eng. J., 239, 75–86. 2Ammendola, P., Chirone, R., & Raganati, F. (2011). Chem. Eng. Proc. 50(8), 885–891 6Raganati, F., Ammendola, P., & Chirone, R. (2014). Powder Technol., 268, 347–356. 3Raganati, F., Ammendola, P., & Chirone, R. (2015). KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 32(32), 23–40. 7Alfe, M., Ammendola, P., Gargiulo, V., Raganati, F., & Chirone, R. (2015). P. Combust. Inst. 35, 2801–2809. FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Regeneration – Desorption by TSA

For adsorption to be used as CO2 capture technique, an effective regeneration of the spent adsorbents is needed

Pressure Temperature

Pressure swing adsorption Temperature swing adsorption

Vacuum swing adsorption Electric swing adsorption

Applied to flue gas1 Applied to flue gas2,3 PSA: TSA: . Expensive compression of a large fraction of  Possible dilution effect inert N2  Directly/indirectly heating . Decrease of the sorbent selectivity for CO2 ESA: VSA:  extra consumption of electric energy . Costs of the vacuum pump (more than 70% of  depends on the availability of adsorbents the power consumed in VSA) with electric conductivity

It emerges that TSA by indirect heating is one of the best 1Xiao et al., 2008, Adsorption 14, 575–582 technological alternatives 2Plaza et al. 2010, Chemical Engineering Journal 163, 41–47 3Yu et al. 2012, Aerosol and Air Quality Research 12, 745–769 FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada In this work

TSA in a sound assisted fluidized bed of fine activated carbon to recover the captured Carbon dioxide

 Experimental Campaign  Desorption tests under ordinary and sound assisted fluidization conditions  Evaluation of the desorption efficiency  Study of the main operating variables, i.e. desorption temperature and

N2 purge flow rate

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016- Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Experimental Apparatus S WG SP SG P A o Digital signal generator o Amplifier o Loudspeaker 40mm ID o Oscilloscope fluidization column Acoustic field SPL f dB Hz • A – Analyzer 140 80 • F – Feed Heating jacket • SG – Sound generation system

• P – Pump Adsorption Desorption • S – Stack QF CO2 Qp CO2 Tdes • SP – Sampling probe Nlh-1 %vol. Nlh-1 %vol. °C • WG – Sound wave guide 45.2, 67.8, 25, 40, 70, 100, 67.8 10 0 F 90.4 130, 150

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Results

Adsorption Desorption

Key Parameters ndes nads

• CO2 Recovery - R • Desorption time - td • CO2 purity - Cm

AC Norit – 140dB-80Hz Adsorb.  Q=67.8Nlh-1

C0=10%vol -1 Desorb.  Qp=67.8Nlh Tdes =70°C

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Results – Effect of sound application

Sound assisted conditions   12 80 Recovery vs td More regular desorption profiles 100 90 10 70 80 70 8 Ordinary 60 60 140dB-80Hz 50 Temperature Ordinary

Recovery, % Recovery, 40 6 Temperature 140dB-80Hz 50 Ordinary

C, % C, T, °C T, 30 140dB-80Hz 20 4 40 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

td, min Faster heating rate 2 30 Opposing8.5 trends under s.a. conditions CO2 purity vs td AC Norit 8.0 0 Adsorb.  Q=67.8Nlh20 -1 7.5 0 5 10 15 20 7.0 C0=10%vol -1 , % 6.5 t, min m Desorb.  Qp=67.8Nlh C 6.0 5.5 Both CO2 recovery and purity depends on the desorption time: Ordinary 5.0 140dB-80Hz Higher td leads to a decrease of desorption rate due to a lower driving force, 4.5 and, consequently, a larger purge volume is required to remove the residual 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 td, min adsorbed CO2, thus determining a dilution effect

25 10 Ordinary Ordinary 140dB-80Hz 140dB-80Hz 20 8 The application of the sound yields: 15 6

, %

, min ,


d • Faster desorption kinetics

t 10 C 4 • CO2 enrichment 5 2

0 0 50 60 70 80 90 50 60 70 80 90 Recovery, % t vs R Recovery, % vs dFLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - FairmontCm LeR Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Results - Effect of desorption temperature t vs T 30 d des AC Norit – 140dB-80Hz 60 Adsorb.  Q=67.8Nlh-1 25

C0=10%vol 20 -1 50 Desorb.  Qp=67.8Nlh 60 15 70

, min ,


t 80 90 10 40 Tdes 5

25°C 0 30 40°C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

C, % C, 70°C Tdes, °C 100°C vs 20 130°C Cm Tdes 150°C 35 10 30 C 25 0


0 , % m 60 0 5 10 15 20 C 15 70 80 90 t, min 10 5 ° Enhancement of the regeneration kinetics Tdes > 70 C 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 • decrease in CO2 adsorption capacity (i.e. T , °C T enhancing the desorption) des des T > 70°C are enough to obtain an enrichment • increase in both N2 and CO2 molecular des diffusivities of the recovered CO2 stream (i.e. Ci > 10%vol.).

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Results - Effect of purge flow rate

60 60 -1 5 16 45.2 lh -1 45.2 lh 12 -1 4 t vs Q 67.8 lh-1 67.8 lh d p 50 8

-1 , min

90.4 lh d -1 t 50 3 Recovery, % 4

90.4 lh , min

d 60 t 0 Recovery, % 2 40 70 18 80 15 60 1 90 , % 12 40 m 70 28 30 C

C, % C, 9 80 26 6 90 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 , % 24 Q -1 30 m p, lh


C, % C, 22 C vs Q 10 20 m p 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 -1 0 5 10 15 20 Qp, lh t, min 10 70°C

0 60 20 -1 0 5 10 15 20 45.2 lh 15 67.8 lh-1 50 -1 10

, min ,

90.4 lh d Recovery, % t AC Norit – 140dB-80Hz t, min 5 60 0 -1 130°C 40 Adsorb.  Q=67.8Nlh 70 12 80 10 90

, % 8 C =10%vol 30 m 0 C 6

C, % C, 4 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q -1 • Increase of Q has a positive effect on desorption kinetics: the time p, lh p 10 needed to obtain a desired CO2 recovery monotonically decreases 0 with Qp 0 5 10 15 20 t, min • For each Tdes and for each R, Qp has no influence on both the maximum and mean CO2 concentration, which are mainly affected by 40°C the Tdes FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada Conclusions

 The capability of sound assisted fluidization to enhance the CO2 desorption on fine powders has been proved. The application of the sound makes it possible to obtain:  more regular desorption profile,  to remarkably increase the desorption rate

 to enrich the recovered CO2 stream

 The main aspects influencing the CO2 adsorption process have been analyzed  Desorption Temperature: increasing temperatures yield faster desorption kinetics and more concentrated streams; desorption temperature higher than 70°C are enough to obtain streams more concentrated than the inlet stream

 Purge flow rate: increasing N2 purge flow rates yield faster desorption kinetics; on the contrary, it has no influence on the mean CO2 concentration


Federica Raganati, Paola Ammendola and Riccardo Chirone

Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione (CNR) – P.le V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli (Italy). Thanks for your kind attention

FLUIDIZATION XV - 22-27, 2016 - Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, Quebec, Canada