
The History of Cutting - The Birth of Cinema and

Primitive Cinema Which pioneer of early cinema “accidentally” discovered the jump ? ______He is also responsible for 3 other editing techniques:

   A tableau is a scene shot from the ______angle.

Beyond the Tableau: The Birth of the Edit Edwin S. Porter took ______footage and mixed it with staged scenes to create a narrative. Temporal Overlapse is: ______In The Great Train Robbery, Porter was able to cut between scenes without fades or dissolves, but most importantly without letting the scene reach it’s ______end. Editing has the ability to compress ______in favor of impact over reality. The basic unit of is the ______.

D.W. Griffith and Continuity Editing Griffith made ______films for Biograph between 1908-1911 He helped push cinema past the tableau mentality to the ______shot medium we know today. One of Griffith’s first inventions was the ______, used in the Greaser’s Gauntlet. Continuity Editing: ______180 Degree rule implies that you keep the camera on one side of ______Intercutting / Cross-cutting: ______Griffith’s film The Birth of a Nation is considered the first ______. Which of Griffith’s film was the influence on Soviet filmmakers to come up with Theory? ______

The History of Cutting - The Soviet Theory of Montage

The Birth of Soviet Cinema The Moscow Film School was founded in ______and became the world’s first film school. The news reels made here were for: ______& ______Lev Kuleshov brought new insight into the ______workings of motion pictures.

The Kuleshov Workshop His study group or workshop attracted ______film students. They de-constructed the film ______to see the impact of different edits. The : shots are exactly the ______, but audiences read ______in the actor’s face… ….it’s the same three shots, but the ______changes the ______. Kuleshov was proving that film can transcend ______& ______What does the word “montage” mean? ______

Sergei Eisenstein and the Theory of Montage What contribution did Eisenstein make as a pioneer of early editing? ______His film ______would be his most influential film, even though it was pure ______

5 Methods of Montage (from simplest to most complex) 1. ______: cutting to the beat

2. ______: concerned with the action in the shot

3. ______: concerned with the tone of the shot

4. ______: concerning how whole sequences play against each other

5. ______: creating abstract ideas by relationships of intellectual


Editing is pushed even more with montage in the 1950s by the ______and Hollywood visionaries, like .