Except for Chabad, High Holiday Services Will Be Held Online Jewish
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AUGUST 13, 2020 – 23 AV 5780
JEWISHVOL 44, NO 28 JOURNALJEWISHJOURNAL.ORG Except for Chabad, High Holiday Services will be held online
Courtesy Epstein Hillel Celebrating Sukkot at Epstein Hillel this school year, during a pandemic, may look very different. Shirat Hayam congregants will tune in online this year on the High Holidays to listen to Rabbi Michael Ragozin (right), and Cantor Alty Weinreb (left).
Jewish day schools work together By Rich Tenorio the High Holidays online,” JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT said Rabbi Michael Ragozin of to reopen their campuses this fall Congregation Shirat Hayam in When congregations across Swampscott. By Penny Schwartz and handwashing and other Schools across Massachusetts the North Shore closed in March, Of the seven spiritual lead- JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT hygiene practices that will now are facing these decisions at a they didn’t know how long ers interviewed by the Jewish be mandated. The newly pur- time when the state’s Covid- their doors would remain shut. Journal for this article, five said Open air tents. Beach-style chased open-air tents will allow 19 infection rate – which had Now, with the High Holidays they are holding High Holiday chairs equipped with armrests more time in outdoor learning. dropped dramatically since approaching and the coronavi- services online. Chabad of and a place to hold a clipboard Reopening the school build- the spring – has ticked upward rus pandemic continuing, local the North Shore is currently and water bottle. And stylish face ing in these perilous times is a again. religious leaders are making planning outdoor services in masks with the Epstein Hillel daunting responsibility, Epstein Eleven Jewish day schools plans for a most unprecedented Swampscott while providing School logo. That’s just part of Hillel Head of School Amy Gold from across the religious spec- start to 5781: Most services will alternatives for individuals who the Covid-era back-to-school told the Journal. But Gold and trum are part of a collaborative be held online. do not wish to attend in per- plan as the Marblehead Jewish her colleagues are not in it that formed last March. At that Because of the recent son. The Alevy Family Chabad of day school prepares to reopen alone. time, before Governor Charlie increase in Covid-19 cases in Peabody Jewish Center is plan- its building in September for Since March, Jewish day Baker closed all schools due to Massachusetts, plans call for ning both an indoor service and full time, in-school learning in schools across Greater Boston the pandemic, the day school Rosh Hashanah (Sept 18-20) outdoor options. Two temples the midst of a pandemic. have been working together to leaders decided collectively to and Yom Kippur (Sept. 27-28) – Tiferet Shalom in Peabody and Other new safety measures, address concerns, get expert close their schools and shift services to be held virtually, a B’nai Abraham in Beverly – did guided by advice from health advice, and share best practices to remote learning. Together, stark difference from sanctuary not respond to inquiries from care experts, include upgrad- as a way to sustain community the schools educate more than gatherings that usually attract the Jewish Journal. ing HVAC air filters; introduc- and bolster each school’s suc- 2,000 students. thousands on the High Holidays. In Marblehead, Rabbi David ing new arrival and dismissal cess as the vicious virus con- “For a lot of people, it will patterns to minimize contact; tinues to threaten residents. continued on page 11 be a new experience to have continued on page 11 JEWS ARE LIKELY TO STICK TO THEIR DEMOCRATIC ROOTS
By David M. Shribman though Obama recorded 78 per- the Jewish faith woven so deeply JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT cent of the Jewish vote in 2008). into my family.’’ Only one in seven Jews identi- The president and his team As the Republicans prepare fies with the GOP, according to a believe he may have made some for their quadrennial political Gallup poll taken last year. Hillary inroads by his actions and his conclave, they face several chal- Rodham Clinton took 71 percent words. But many Jews recoiled lenges. Their incumbent presi- of the Jewish vote in 2016 against at the notion of a Jerusalem dent lags in the polls. Their pros- Donald J. Trump. embassy, oppose the settlement pects of retaining control of the That does not mean that the movement, view Netanyahu with Senate are Republicans who are conducting skepticism at best, and, more- dimming. a Trump convention this month over, believe Trump is too toler- Opinion Their like- are not making an effort to win ant of intolerance. lihood of Jewish votes. Indeed, most experts believe attracting votes from minorities Trump has made enormous that former vice president Joe who, each election, comprise a efforts to court Jews, moving the Biden will attract the usual three- growing share of the population, American embassy to Jerusalem quarters of the Jewish vote in the is diminishing. And their chances (after a clutch of presidents general election. of capturing a large chunk of the balked at doing so) and embrac- “The Jews whom Trump is Jewish vote seem minimal. ing Benjamin Netanyahu (even appealing to are the ones he There are few constants in amid the Israeli prime minister’s appealed to in 2016,’’ said L. American political life more continuing political, legal, and Sandy Maisel, the Colby College robust than the Jewish affinity ethical crises). He abandoned the political scientist who was co- for the Democratic Party. Indeed, U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement. He editor of “Jews in American in all the elections of the 21st has supported Israeli settlements Politics,” a book published in century, the share of the Jewish in the West Bank. At a White 2001. “He didn’t win the Jewish vote that went to Democratic House Hanukkah party last year vote last time and there won’t Photo: Yad Vashem nominees varied little, from 79 the president, speaking of Ivanka be any improvement this time. Former Vice President Joe Biden at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Most percent (Al Gore in 2000) to 69 Trump and his grandchildren, experts believe that Biden will attract the usual three-quarters of the percent (Barack Obama in 2012, said, “I’m truly grateful to have continued on page 16 Jewish vote in the general election.
The Jewish Journal is a nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and charitable organizations. Email [email protected]. 2 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020
Lappin Foundation builds Jewish Youth Leadership with online seminar
By Rachel Ellis HaLevi, co-founder and director was really nice because I have of Soul Centered. not been able to see him lately, The Lappin Foundation During the third session, but I gained a greater appre- launched its new Robert Israel Weissman led students through ciation for the difficulties Jewish Lappin Jewish Youth Leadership a leadership journey, incorpo- veterans faced in terms of anti- Seminar for high school and col- rating stories from the Talmud Semitism.” lege students on July 13. More to teach emerging leaders about Several students are further than 70 students from 11 states the meaning of leadership and developing the leadership skills are enrolled in the virtual, six- differing leadership styles. they learned on the Lappin session seminar focusing on Weissman brings a new perspec- Foundation’s free Youth to Israel developing inspirational Jewish tive to the students by defining Adventure (Y2I). Alyssa Ardai leaders. leadership as a learned behav- of Malden, who now attends The seminar was inspired by ior instead of a personality trait. Merrimack College, said her par- the foundation’s founder, Robert He explained that leadership is ticipation in the seminar branch- (Bob) Israel Lappin, who passed about developing certain behav- es off from her experience in Y2I. away in April of 2020. “Bob iors and ways of thinking. “The Jewish Leadership Seminar Lappin inspired generations of “If they can learn to be allows me to further my Jewish young Jewish people to serve humble, learn to listen, learn Ariel Greenberg Sofia Vatnik education, and to connect with as leaders in the Jewish com- about themselves, and master other like-minded teens. I am munity,” said Deborah Coltin, self-awareness, I believe each of Weissman commended the and complete two indepen- glad to learn different ways I the foundation’s executive direc- them can become tremendous students on their commitment dent assignments: interviewing can be a leader, and use it with tor. “Beginning with the creation leaders,” explained Weissman. and engagement in the seminar. a Jewish leader and interview- my friends, education, and my of the Youth to Israel Adventure Ariel Greenberg, a high school “I’ve learned that young people ing a Jewish veteran. For many career,” said Ardai. 50 years ago, and the founda- junior from Hamilton, took the really do give a darn, and that students, these interviews have Sofia Vatnik, a high school tion’s current Jewish leadership advice to heart. “What I learned adults need to make space for been incredibly inspirational junior from Marblehead, and Israel advocacy seminars for from the seminar so far is that the younger people,” he said. and impactful. Ben Kahn, a high summed up the goal of the sem- teens, Bob Lappin’s legacy lives leaders aren’t always the most “If we give them the tools, they school junior from Marblehead, inar in a simple sentence, “It’s on.” popular or famous people,” she will take it from there. I’ve also shared that his interview with important for kids my age to The seminar, which meets said. “Leaders are people who learned that regardless of Jewish his grandfather, a Jewish war know leadership skills because weekly on Monday evenings have stepped up, taken chances, background, they appreciate veteran, brought them closer it will be useful in our future and on Zoom, is led by prominent sacrificed themselves for others, learning from text. Our tradi- together. “The Jewish war vet- we can use it as a way to advo- Jewish leaders, including: Noam and weren’t afraid to be them- tion has so much to offer in this eran interview was a great way cate for Israel and to stop anti- Weissman, senior vice president selves. Leaders are willing to regard. We should never sell to talk to him about his experi- Semitism around the world.” of education at OpenDor Media; learn, willing to fight, willing to them short.” ence in general, but especially Rabbi Marc Baker, president be alone, willing to take the criti- A certificate of achievement how his religious upbringing Contact Deborah Coltin at and CEO of Combined Jewish cism and the blame. Leaders are will be awarded to students who affected his life while serving 978-740-4428 or email dcoltin@ Philanthropies (CJP); and Ariela inspired and inspire others.” participate in all six sessions the United States,” Kahn said. “It lappinfoundation.org. Jewish Teen Initiative to spread its wings as part of CJP In a step to further engage “From its inception, JTI has Joseph Foundation, has become benefit even more teens across teens.jewishboston.com, the more youth and families in Jewish been a 21st century reimagining a local and national model.” Greater Boston through sus- digital platform that launched life, The Jewish Teen Initiative of what it looks like to engage Through this move, CJP will taining and enriching JTI’s core this year. Although the onset of (JTI) will move to Combined teens in Jewish life,” said Rabbi acquire the strong brand of functions. Covid-19 brought new, unfore- Jewish Philanthropies next Marc Baker, CJP president. Jewish Teen Initiative and a suc- “The real winners from this seen challenges, JTI staff quickly month. CJP has been investing “What began as an innovative cessful engagement strategy. It move will be our Jewish teens,” pivoted to ensure our communi- in JTI for many years, recogniz- start-up on the North Shore, will leverage and expand this said Somers, JTI Founder and ty continues to connect through ing its valuable role as an inno- thanks to the vision and sup- relationship-based approach board member. “As we know, robust virtual programs and vative leader in the teen space. port of Jerry Somers and the Jim to community engagement to teen engagement has proven to active social networks around be pivotal in helping to build a important topics such as mental strong committed Jewish com- health and resilience. munity. JTI started on the North JTI will continue to thrive Shore with a vision to engage under CJP. Associate Director more teens in meaningful ways Brett Lubarsky will join CJP’s with Jewish life. This vision was Teen Engagement Team next Epstein Hillel School implemented by an extraordi- month as director of the Jewish nary volunteer-professional Teen Initiative, reuniting with partnership led by Adam Smith, Smith, CJP’s associate vice Proud of our Leadership who fostered relational engage- president, Young Adult & Teen ment for teens. Most impor- Engagement and JTI’s founding tantly, its enthusiastic embrace executive director. Lubarsky will by so many teens demonstrated continue to manage the signa- Proud of our Faculty and Staff the success of the effort and the ture Peer Leaders Fellowship; importance of expanding its direct the adaptation and reach beyond the North Shore.” growth of teens.jewishboston. Proud of our Students and Families It’s been 12 years since the com with CJP’s jewishboston. Jim Joseph Foundation provided com team; support the grant the seed funding for the pilot administration of service days to venture, originally referred to community partners for popular as North Shore Teen Initiative. pipeline events; and continue Proud to be part of the Since then, JTI has brought to innovate in the space of teen significant positive attention social media. to Greater Boston as a “lead- “As CJP invests in a strong, EHS Community ing center of Jewish life and thriving pipeline of opportu- relational engagement.” More nities for Jewish learning and importantly, the initiative has action that begins with young had a meaningful impact on children, we continue to focus #EHSProud thousands of teens, inspiring on the teenage years as a criti- them to live active and vibrant cal stage of development on a For more information contact Mindee Greenberg Jewish lives. person’s Jewish journey,” said at [email protected]. This past year, JTI Boston Baker. “The JTI reputation and engaged 406 teens in 12 pro- approach will be a key next step grams, including four service in CJP’s efforts to ensure that days and four mental health and more teens across our com- wellness programs. The peer munity choose to participate engagement fellows connected in Jewish life and, as a result, with 554 teens in the Greater deepen their sense of connec- Boston community and thou- tion and belonging to the Jewish sands of teens, parents, and people. Our future, after all, is in Jewish professionals visited their hands.”
LIKE WHAT YOU’RE READING? Make a tax-deductible donation at MARBLEHEAD, MA | EPSTEINHILLEL.ORG | 781.639.2880 jewishjournal.org THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 3
In his latest book, Marblehead’s Dolin takes us on a whirlwind tour of the worst hurricanes
By Bette Keva ing, the Boston Harbor cleanup, China JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT trade – as narrative backgrounds looking through a particular lens. MARBLEHEAD – From his home office “A Furious Sky” depicts stories of hero- on a quiet street in Marblehead, Eric ism like the many ordinary people whose Jay Dolin has penned the latest of his courage in the face of death saved oth- nonfiction books, “A Furious Sky: The ers or, who, like Air Force Pilot Joseph B. Five-Hundred-Year History of America’s Duckworth, flew a single engine plane Hurricanes.” into a hurricane in 1943 to gather infor- Having hit bookstores the first week mation and prove the strength of his in August – hurricane season – the book aircraft during World War II. These stories opens with 51-year-old Christopher are interwoven with those of epic failures Columbus sailing on his fourth trip to like that of Admiral William F. Halsey, the New World in 1502, stopping off whose poor decision-making during the Spanish city of Santo Domingo in the war resulted in sunken destroyers, Hispaniola (modern day Dominican demolished planes, and the deaths of Republic and Haiti, an island in the Eric Jay Dolin 800 men off the Philippines in the Pacific. Caribbean) on June 29, 1502. Uncertain weather forecasts caused One of his ships was damaged and Furious Sky” an exciting read as it spans Halsey to “steam into instead of away he needed permission to enter port, but the history of America from this name- from typhoons,” Dolin wrote. more importantly, “He was convinced a less first storm until the present. In the There are unforgettable descrip- great storm was brewing,” Dolin writes. process, we are as captivated as when tions, including a quote from author The governor of Hispaniola, Nicolas de we’re on high alert watching a hurricane’s Ernest Hemingway about the Labor Day Ovando, refused Columbus’ request as he ominous trajectory on TV while waiting Hurricane on the Florida Keys in 1935. A was persona non grata on the island for for it to make landfall. resident of the region, Hemingway had many reasons. In the telling of the great hurricanes, volunteered to bring food, medicine, and “A Furious Sky: The Five-Hundred- Even so, Columbus issued a dire warn- including Galveston in 1900, Miami to collect the dead in the storm’s after- Year History of America’s Hurricanes” ing to Ovando not to allow a fleet of in 1926, the Florida Keys Labor Day math. Liveright (imprint of W. W. Norton), 2020 28 vessels to leave the island for Spain Hurricane of 1935, the Great New England “Saw more dead then I’d seen in one part because her late grandfather, Harry because of the grave danger posed by a Hurricane of 1938, Hurricanes Carol and place since the Lower Piave [River in Kemelman, who is best known for his looming storm. But Ovando, “derisive- Edna of 1954, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Italy] in June of 1918 … You can’t imagine popular series of rabbi mystery novels, ly labeling Columbus ‘as prophet and Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and Category it, two women naked, tossed up into trees also had a dream of becoming an author soothsayer,’ ignored him.” So, when an 4 Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, by the water, swollen and stinking … [I] while engaged in a more reliable but awesome hurricane struck on July 10 Dolin weaves a history of meteorological recognize them as the two very nice girls mundane occupation. Among other jobs, with mountainous waves and whipping innovation and ingenuity in the under- who ran a sandwich place and filling- Kemelman had run a hardware store in winds, 24 of the fleet’s vessels sunk along standing and predicting of the destruc- station three miles from the ferry.” Marblehead for years, “but he was always with scores of sailors. tive beasts that pummel us so ferociously. Dolin credits his wife, Jennifer writing on the side,” said Dolin. Forbidden to enter port, Columbus’ “I enjoy writing and telling stories. And (Rooks) Dolin, for supporting his dream Kemelman and his wife, the late Anne fleet nevertheless found shelter in a that’s why I started writing books – to of becoming a full-time writer. With an Kemelman, were well-known figures in secluded harbor and weathered the hur- share the stories that I find most intrigu- undergraduate degree from Brown, a the Jewish community. Jennifer’s parents, ricane without any loss of life. In the ing,” said Dolin, the best-selling author master’s in environmental management Ruth and George Rooks of Swampscott, aftermath, Columbus was accused of of “Leviathan: The History of Whaling in from Yale, and a doctorate in environ- are also active in the Jewish community. sorcery and using “magic arts” to exact America,” and many other award-win- mental policy and planning from MIT, Eric, Jennifer, and their two children revenge on Ovando. It was not witchcraft, ning books about the natural world. Dolin has held a variety of positions. His – Lily, 23, and Harry, 20, – attend Temple states Dolin’s book, but “a master mari- “You can tell a broader story about the last before becoming a full-time writer Sinai of Marblehead and have visited ner’s skill at learning from the natives, history of America through [personal] was as a policy analyst at the National Israel. reading the signs, and seeking shelter.” stories.” Marine Fisheries Service in Gloucester. Gripping tales revealing human fail- Each of his books uses the central Jennifer was supportive of his desire For more on Dolin’s books, visit ings in the midst of danger make “A topic – be it hurricanes, pirates, whal- to change careers, said Dolin, at least in ericjaydolin.com.
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www.chelseajewish.org 4 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 EDITORIAL JEWISH JOURNAL Steven A. Rosenberg PUBLISHER/EDITOR World War II: 75 years later eventy-five years ago, on Aug. 15, 1945, Looking back, the world would be a much World War II came to an end with the different place today if America had not Sannouncement by the Japanese emperor intervened and entered the war. The men and that the country had surrendered. Thus ended women who served in our military, and with the the deadliest and most destructive war in modern Allied forces, saved our democracy and prevented history. For Americans, the effort included 16.1 a world governed by fascism. According to Yad million men and 342,000 women. Of those Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, Americans who served, 406,000 men and 217 more than 10,000 American Jewish soldiers were women were killed in the war; another 671,000 killed in the war, and 36,000 received citations. were wounded. Throughout the world, the Today, 75 years after the war, we can learn casualty rates were staggering. According to the much from Germany’s actions and America’s National WW II Museum in New Orleans, 15 response. As fascism grips major countries million soldiers were killed on the battlefield, 25 throughout the world today, Americans would be million were wounded, and 45 million civilians well-suited if they looked back at what the brave were killed during the war. men and women fought for in World War II. They The war also ushered in an unprecedented wanted a better life for their families, and did not evil that led to the extermination of 6 million want their civil liberties eliminated. They fought Jews. Starting in 1933, the Nazis began to for a free world, and for democracy. They did build concentration camps and by 1945, had not stand by and let someone else take care of established more than 1,000 death centers. But it. They took action. They did not stand by when the implementation of Germany’s Final Solution, fascism threatened to swallow up the world. which called for the murder of world Jewry, did We honor them on this anniversary – for their not happen all at once. Long before the war, bravery and commitment to a better world. Their democracy began to erode in Germany. With actions saved a way of life, and what was left of Hitler’s rise, he introduced state-enforced racism. world Jewry. We offer thanks to the veterans who This led to deportation, and the calculated are still alive, and for those who have passed, may murder of much of European Jewry. their memory be a blessing. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Standing up to racial injustice A looming threat for all I have been reading the has been a significant uptick The recent Journal article ing covenants, some also wrote chant “Jews will not replace us,” Journal’s Letters to the Editor in anti-Semitism. But for some, headlined, “Anti-Semitism and or supported covenants forbid- and are happy to post George regarding Black Lives Matter being willing to separate the Black Lives Matter,” fails to ding housing in some subur- Soros conspiracy theories in very carefully. I can see that two injustices, is not downplay- acknowledge several important ban areas to non-Caucasian. support of Trump. Trump’s some writers have found cred- ing either. points. First, the fact that several Nor were Jews always innocent father, as many have noted, was ible reasons not to support the Perhaps a less divisive expla- individuals associated with Black in the practice and reaction to associated with a New York KKK Black Lives foundation and I nation is that some of us sepa- Lives Matter have expressed redlining in real estate. rally and as many have con- presume, the movement. Yet, rate the BLM brand, the BLM anti-Semitic ideas does not dis- Third, and shamefully to my firmed, including his niece, in accusing anyone of downplay- slogan, from the reality of racial credit the BLM organization or mind, some of the major donors this case a bruised apple falls ing the anti-Semitic vitriol com- injustice. Maybe someone can the broader social movement to Trump’s campaign and cre- not far from the tree. ing from the top down seems to prove me wrong, but I think it against police violence and sys- ators of some of the policies Finally, let there be no mis- downplay another reality. would be difficult to find a rabbi temic racism of which it is a part. that are antithetical to the val- take, ask the Southern Poverty Anti-Semitism is coming that will tell you that not stand- Second, while it is true that ues for which Herschel and King Law Center, the ADL, or any- from many organizations on ing up to racial injustice makes Jews have been significant marched over 50 years ago and one with open eyes or ears, the the political right and on the you a more righteous Jew. and important partners in the for which Judaism stands are greatest threat to American Jews political left. Surely, we do not Ann Navon fight against racism, it must be Jews. is not a few anti-Semitic peo- need the ADL to tell us there Swampscott acknowledged that Jews have Fourth, and most impor- ple of color, but the reelection also and sadly as individuals tantly, the greatest anti-Semitic of Donald Trump, his gangster and groups engaged in dis- threat comes from Trumpism, entourage, and the destruction A blessing at Temple Sinai criminatory behavior and racist its enablers in the disgraceful of our democracy. Temple Sinai in Marbleherad one to enter and leave safely; practices. In fact, just as Jews Republican Party, and the White Robert Shuman opened up for Shabbos “Live” mask requirements; over 10 were victims of restrictive hous- Nationalist anti-Semites who Marblehead services on Saturday, August feet distancing; reservations for 8. For someone who does not seating prior to attending, and Zoom on Shabbos, this was a wonderful ruach from Cantor Rabbi Steinsaltz: A Zionist appreciation G-dsend. David Aronson and a Torah After so many weeks ... lead- commentary on the Parsha By Moshe Phillips an educator. And the world was itual – by deciding that Israel is ing to so many months, I was from Rabbi David Henriquez, I Rabbi Steinsaltz’s student body. a Jewish State that has to find its “starved” for davening (praying) was transformed to a feeling of abbi Steinsaltz, who He spent decades teaching, strength in reconnecting to its on Shabbos in shul. complete peace and happiness. passed away August 7 in writing, publishing, lecturing, past, to a feeling of a mission. With the proper guidelines: We will survive. RJerusalem at the age of 83, mentoring, and organizing, and Army and economy may help Single bathroom availability; Rebecca Rosen was a rabbi in the most authen- all of this work was focused on but the state can exist only when unbelievable directions guiding Marblehead tic meaning of the word: he was bringing Jews closer to Judaism it is built on a dream.” and Jewish sources. While this may not have But, I think what Rabbi made Rabbi Steinsaltz a seem- Steinsaltz really was at his ingly conventional “Zionist” it essence was a dreamer. Rabbi does not matter. His life-long Steinsaltz dreamed of a world commitment to making Jewish where Jews cared more about unity marked him as a “Zionist.” each other, where ancient And his dreaming was clearly Jewish wisdom was accessible a Zionist trait as well. to all Jews, and where Jerusalem From Herzl’s dream of a regained its centrality in Jewish modern Jewish State, to Eliezer spiritual life for all Jews. Ben-Yehuda’s single-minded He was uniquely dedicated devotion to bringing about to creating a future where Jews, the revival of spoken Hebrew, wherever they were and what- to the dream of Jewish self- ever their background, may defense brought into reality develop a stronger attachment by Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Yosef to Jews, Judaism, and the Jewish Trumpeldor, to Rabbi Avraham State. In 2007, Rabbi Steinsaltz Yitzchak Kook enunciating wrote in Time Magazine, “The the theological imperative for only way to ensure the state (of a modern Zionist state, Israel Israel) is, strangely enough, spir- continued on page 5
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are welcome. Letters must be signed and include your name, address, and telephone number for verification purposes. Letters are limited to 300 words. Submissions are subject to editing for accuracy. Email submissions to: [email protected], subject “Letters.” OPINION THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 5
Fighting Covid-19: A wake-up call to the Israeli public
By Ronni Gamzu Ministry directives. I pledge to ensure they remain logical and fair to all sectors, ERUSALEM – This summer, I accept- taking into consideration their various ed the responsibility of heading the needs. Jeffort to reduce coronavirus mor- As for the protests taking place bidity in Israel. Many had warned me nationwide: such rallies are the heart beforehand that the Israeli public would and soul of democracy and every Israeli not cooperate, that politicians would seeking to protest can go out and do constantly interfere with my work, and so. But while the coronavirus outbreak that I should demand that my jurisdic- is raging, protesters must be cautious. tion over the matter be outlined in writ- They need to wear face masks prop- ing. erly and observe social distancing as the I was glad to learn that these fears locations allow. Every gathering, legal have been disproved, and I find that or illegal, bears the potential to cause everyone is cooperating with me in full. mass infections. The coronavirus does But I am first and foremost proud of the not differentiate between a wedding and public’s response and cooperation. a demonstration. For the past two weeks, I have been The politicians on the right and left – trying my best to lower the coronavi- despite the occasional jab – have faith in Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90 rus attack rate – the number of people A Magen David Adom medical team member handles a coronavirus test sample. me, and must continue to place reduc- infected by a single confirmed carrier ing morbidity and economic recovery as – to below one, thus reducing morbidity but it requires all of us to observe direc- The public has to have the confidence a top priority. without imposing a lockdown. tives very carefully. that this can succeed, because this is the All the politicians I spoke to this week, It is important to note that no country I strive, against all odds, to reduce only way for us to defeat the coronavi- including the prime minister, are reluc- has tried to counter this kind of morbid- morbidity without imposing a lockdown, rus. In order to succeed, every sector in tant to impose a lockdown. ity rate without shutting down public while encouraging the public’s coop- society must do its part and give a little They understand the socio-economic activity. Not even Sweden, where mor- eration and increasing its confidence; for the country’s sake. impact and the ongoing economic dam- bidity rates are lower than Israel’s but by integrating the IDF’s amazing capa- The Arab sector must take control of age, but they fear that not taking the Covid-19 mortality is far greater. bilities to train thousands of people to the epidemic in Arab townships. It must proper steps against this disease will By following and observing the conduct rapid, in-depth and advanced comply with social distancing directives impact our national resilience and glob- Health Ministry’s directives, the public epidemiological investigations. We are and forgo large parties. al standing. has been able to see the daily tally of focusing on cities with high morbid- The ultra-Orthodox sector and its This is a wake-up call to the Israeli confirmed coronavirus cases stabilize ity rather than shutting them down and leaders, spiritual and political alike, public. Let’s make the effort and defeat at 1,500-2,000 cases. But getting that giving local authorities the necessary must speak out and demand that the the coronavirus. We deserve to get back number down to a few hundred cases responsibility; we are also increasing mass gatherings and celebrations held to our normal lives as soon as possible. requires greater effort, and without a municipal and police enforcement. in clear violation of coronavirus direc- country-wide effort we simply won’t be The rationale that drives me is tives stop because they represent the Professor Ronni Gamzu is Israel’s able to do it. humane and simple: instead of order- loss of human life. Coronavirus Project Coordinator. This endeavor is likely to take several ing a top-to-bottom lockdown we are The general public must serve as an This article first appeared in Israel weeks and it will prevent a lockdown, encouraging order from the bottom up. example for full compliance with Health Hayom. Rabbi Steinsaltz from page 4 Lebanon and Beirut, then and now By Norvell DeAtkine JNS.org
hen I was in Lebanon from 1967 to 1970, it was an oasis of tranquility and sophis- Wtication visited by tourists from all over the world, including Arabs seeking relief from the continuing carnage in their own lands. The other students in my class at the American University in Beirut (AUB) were from all over the Middle East and the United States. The faculty was more open-minded than what you find on American Photo: JNS.org universities today. A massive stockpile of weapons-grade ammonium For instance, one textbook we used (From nitrate exploded in the Beirut port on Aug. 4. Golden River to Golden Road) was written by the famous ethnographer Raphael Patai. Patai is seen ening hastened by the “return of Islam” – in among elitist Arabs and Islamists today as one effect the radical Sunni movements who view the
Photo: Chabad.org of the most hated writers on Arab culture, not Shi’ites as infidels. The Shi’ites of Lebanon were Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz because he was wrong or denigrated Arabs, but always the country’s underclass, providing the basically because he was Jewish. They particularly maids and laborers for the rich Christians and exists because of dreamers 2011: “Everyone who lives in hate his book The Arab Mind – the best book ever Sunnis. This was aggravated by the presence of who gave all they had to make Jerusalem – especially those like written on Arab culture in English. Palestinian refugees fleeing the 1948 and 1967 sure that their dreams did not me who were born here – is in If one had to choose the specific date on which wars. They took control of the Shi’ite region of remain in the realm of dreams. love with the city, really in love. the Lebanese dream ended, it was in 1968 when Lebanon and treated the Shi’ites like indentured No one can question that For us, it is not just a place, not Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser bul- servants. This ultimately resulted in the April Rabbi Steinsaltz was a mere just a house; it is a home.” lied the weak Lebanese leaders into reaching an 1985 “War of the Camps” in which Shi’ite fighters dreamer: his prodigious writing Jerusalem is a home for all agreement with Yasser Arafat to use Lebanon as a roamed through Palestinian refugee camps killing alone proves that. But, Rabbi Jews. Let us do our part to make launching pad for attacks in Israel. The Egyptian everyone in sight. Steinsaltz did much more than sure it remains so and we should ambassador was known as Lebanon’s proconsul. Today, with Iran’s support, the Shi’ites of just write: He led. also strive to love her as much as The Lebanese government always acceded to his Hezbollah control Lebanon and their clerics have The Jewish people may not its residents do even if we do not demands. enriched themselves at the expense of the people. have his leadership now, but we live there. According to the agreement, the Palestinians As is the case almost everywhere in the Arab do have the words he left us to Rabbi Steinsaltz was the were allowed to use the “Arafat Trail” along the world, the “Israeli threat” has become a diversion help us move forward. recipient of the Israel Prize tops of Lebanese mountains to attack Israel. In used by the rulers to keep the people in somno- Rabbi Steinsaltz wrote the in 1988 and was awarded the return, it was supposed to keep armed Palestinians lence. following in 1995: “We speak President’s Medal in 2012, and off the streets. But of course, they did not, and French President Emmanuel Macron visited about continuity and about with these two distinctions he soon the streets of Beirut were swarming with Beirut’s harborside blast zone on Aug. 6, where he passing on our Judaism to the earned Israel’s highest civilian swaggering armed Palestinians. The Lebanese, as got a firsthand glimpse of the public fury toward next generation. What is this honors. always, acquiesced. Most ironically, prior to the the Lebanese leadership. A woman who hugged Judaism? In many cases, it is an There’s no doubt in my mind, agreement, the Lebanese army had bested the him later begged him not to send financial aid to empty word that doesn’t con- however, that Rabbi Steinsaltz Palestinian Liberation Organization in a series of the Hezbollah government or the political elite tain anything at all.” would rather we forget the clashes in the mountains. “because they will steal the money.” Others called It is our duty and obligation prizes that he was awarded The majority of the population of Lebanon did on France to govern Lebanon as a protector- to make sure that our Judaism and instead, we study his work not want to be part of the Arab world. Certainly ate, like it once did. The Christians, Sunni Arabs has meaning. Rabbi Steinsaltz and translate his teachings not the Maronite Christians or most of the Shi’ites, and other segments of the population, including helped to open the path for into everyday action to move who view “Arab unity” as a term for Sunni Arab a fairly significant number of Shi’ites, despise Jews in our time to more easily ourselves closer to the greatest domination. As an Iraqi scholar once famously Hezbollah and its sometime cleric and full-time understand what our Judaism is attachment to G-d, fellow Jews, said, “nothing divides the Arabs as much as the terrorist leader, Hassan Nasrallah. But with the and what it can be. Judaism, Jerusalem, and Israel question of unity.” However, in the years since the support of Syria and Iran, and a large proportion One way we can fulfill this that we can muster. Lebanese have had to genuflect, at least publicly, of Shi’ites in the ranks of the Lebanese army, it’s duty and obligation is to bet- at the altar of Arab unity – until it was overtaken not likely to be ousted from power. ter comprehend the gift we Moshe Phillips is national by an even more malevolent force: Iran. have in a unified Jerusalem. director of Herut North The Iranians were quick to take advantage of Norvell DeAtkine is a retired U.S. Army Rabbi Steinsaltz wrote in America’s U.S. division. the Shi’ite reawakening in Lebanon, a reawak- colonel. 6 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020
JEWISH JOURNAL Today in Israeli History AUG. 14, 1944 Publisher/Editor U.S. Refuses to Steven A. Rosenberg [email protected] Bomb Death Camps U.S. Assistant War Secretary Director of John J. McCloy writes to Leon Advertising & Marketing Kubowitzki, the head of the res- Lois Kaplan cue department of the World [email protected] Jewish Congress, to notify him that the U.S. military will not Senior Strategic bomb Nazi death camps and Media Manager their infrastructure. McCloy is Marcy Grand explicit that the United States [email protected] could conduct such missions but believes that air operations elsewhere would be a more Graphics, Web, John J. McCloy gave a negative Russian Chronicle Editor answer to a letter he received five effective use of resources to defeat Germany. Soldiers erect a barrier between Israel and the Gaza Strip as part of Yulia Zhorov days earlier. the disengagement. [email protected] disengagement from the Gaza Strip, as approved by the Knesset in February. Evacuation orders give settlers 48 hours to leave. “Believe Graphics, Web, Obituaries AUG. 15, 2005 me,” Sharon says in a speech, “the extent of pain that I feel at this Andrew P. Fleischer Gaza Evacuation Begins act is equal only to the measure of resolved recognition that it was [email protected] A day after the Aug. 14 deadline to evacuate, soldiers and police something that had to be done.” begin carrying out Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan for Israeli Editorial Cartoonist George Freedman AUG. 16, 1966 Israel Obtains Iraqi MiG-21 Board of Overseers non dairy Neil Donnenfeld, President certified Bob Blayer, *Rick Borten, kosher mk Andrew Caplan, Beverly Clark, Fred M. Cohen, David Gershaw, Marcia Glassman-Jaffe, Cara Hogan, Johanna Matloff, NOT JUST CHALLAH AND ROLLS Lynn Nadeau, Fresh baked Pastries packed and ready to go Donna Lozow Pierce, *Howard Rich, *Robert M. Rose, cookies ~ cakes ~ pies Stephanie Simon, John Smidt, "Whoopee Pie Party Platters" – 24hr notice Bradley J. Sontz, Ted D. Stux, NOW AVAILABLE Matthew Swartz, Spend $15 *Selma Williams • Montreal Bagels and receive a free *Life Board Members • Potato Knishes pack of cookies Past President • Vegetable Spring Rolls or our famous frozen dough Bradley J. Sontz • Delicious Muffins Publisher Emerita • Assorted Pound Cakes: blueberry ~ marble ~ chocolate Barbara Schneider Photo by Oren Rozen via Wikimedia Commons OPEN: Sun. 9-2; Mon–Wed 7-1; Thurs & Fri. 7-4 The MiG-21 from Operation Diamond is housed at the Israeli Air The Jewish Journal, ISSN Force Museum in Hatzerim. 1040-0095, an independent, 4 Lake St., Peabody | 978-535-5335 | zuckerfoods.com non-profit community Operation Diamond, the newspaper, is published plan to obtain a Russian- bi-weekly by North Shore Jewish made MiG-21 fighter jet, suc- Press, Ltd., P.O. Box 2089, TNT – LEADING THE WAY! ceeds when disillusioned Iraqi Salem, MA 01970. Offering online or in-person Religious School learning since 2018 Christian pilot Munir Redfa Periodical postage paid lands at Hatzor Air Force Base. at Salem, MA. Redfa, escorted in by two POSTMASTER: Send address Israeli Mirage fighter jets, cut changes to THE JEWISH a deal with the Mossad that JOURNAL, P.O. Box 2089, included a $1 million payment, Salem, MA 01970. Israeli citizenship for himself Circulation to Eastern and his family, and guaranteed Massachusetts and North employment. Israel had failed of Boston. The opinions of to bribe an Egyptian pilot to contributors do not necessarily steal a MiG-21. reflect those of the paper. The Jewish Journal assumes no financial responsibility AUG. 17, 1898 for typographical errors in advertisements, but will print in First Conference a subsequent issue a retraction of Russian Zionists and correction of that portion of an advertisement whose value Held has been affected. The Jewish A few weeks before the Journal does not endorse the We are the ONLY North Shore Second Zionist Congress, 160 goods and services advertised Religious School with the experience Russian Zionists from 93 cit- in its pages, and it makes no of online or in-person learning. We began ies and towns meet secretly in representation as to the kashrut our program offering the choice in 2018. Warsaw, where Ahad Ha’am of food products and services When the Covid-19 pandemic hit our rallies support for a Jewish cul- in such advertising. The Jewish community in 2020, we were prepared tural renaissance before Zionist Journal is the recipient of a and ready to continue educating political actions. Ha’am, who grant from Combined Jewish our students without pause. attended the First Zionist Philanthropies. Copyright © Congress but skips the second, REGISTER YOUR CHILD IN A SCHOOL writes to Yehoshua Ravnitzky The Jewish Journal (All rights WITH PROVEN VISION! reserved). that the young Zionists at the We provide a Jewish Warsaw meeting are excited P.O. Box 2089 “Conservative Curriculum” that is based GRADES K & 1: Sundays $350 that someone is standing up Salem, MA 01970 on tried and true learning components. * GRADES 2-7: Sunday/Tuesday $500 to political Zionists such as www.jewishjournal.org This curriculum infuses Jewish knowledge Theodor Herzl. GRADES 8-12: Hebrew High Weekday Evening $150 to our students in a fun and innovative continued on page 10 New families recieve first year membership at TNT for FREE! Phone 978-745-4111 stylem in person or online. * Dues paying member at other local synagogue $850 Fax 978-745-5333 CALL TODAY Subscriptions x121 READ THIS ISSUE AND FOR MORE INFORMATION. Website admin x172 MUCH MORE ONLINE. Calendar submissions: 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Visit [email protected] 978-532-1293 | www.Templenertamid.org jewishjournal.org COMMUNITY NEWS THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 7
The Millennials
Josh Levy, 28 By Michael Wittner JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT Job: Photographer, digital producer at SiriusXM What was your Jewish Hebrew name: Yaakov background growing up? Hometown: Marblehead I grew up very Conservative – I was very immersed in the Jewish community. I went to Cohen Hillel Academy Currently living in: Los Angeles for eight years, so that was all day, every day. I went to Alma maters: Epstein Hillel School ’06, Camp Bauercrest for 14 summers. After middle school, Marblehead High School ’10, Emerson College ’14 my parents made me do Prozdor, the Hebrew high school supplement, and I also was involved in organizations Favorite food: Breakfast burritos like USY. My parents actually wanted me to go to Gann [Academy] and I ended up wanting to go to Marblehead Favorite music: Phish, King Gizzard & High School. Post-living in Massachusetts, like the last the Lizard Wizard … Animal Collective, psyche- seven years or so, I would say I’m not a practicing, reli- delic rock, African psych rock, African jazz gious Jew. Like I don’t go to all the High Holidays, I’m not doing all that, but the morality, the history, just the way Favorite movies: “The Big Lebowski,” interviews in a radio studio, and also we have a perform- of living has been embedded in my life. Since we’re in ing space where people come in and either record ses- “Akira,” “Mad Max: Fury Road,” “In the Mood For quarantine, my old roommate had his parents ship Seder sions with or without video. Before the quarantine started Love,” “The Lighthouse,” “The Thing” plates and the Hagaddahs, so we did Passover this year; in January, I shot Coldplay, Beck, and a few other people always down to light the Hanukkah candles – it’s more of Favorite TV shows: “Twin Peaks,” – Foreigner. We’ve been producing new content in quar- a solidarity thing with Judaism than a religious, spiritual antine, like games with artists where we play their song “Cowboy Bebop,” “Fargo,” “Tim and Eric Awesome experience. backwards and make them guess what it is, or editing Show, Great Job!,” “Better Call Saul,” “Breaking How did you get into film? tutorial videos for listeners to learn guitar while they’re in Bad” quarantine. I got into that when I was in high school. I ended up “Dune,” “Cat’s Favorite books: taking all the video classes that I could, and I just fell in Before, you worked as a Cradle,” “American Gods,” “Blood Meridian,” “The love with it. I’m kind of a big nerd, I just soak in as much freelance cinematographer. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” “How to Be An entertainment as I can, and I realized all I wanted to do Going into college, I wanted to be a director. I just Antiracist” was tell stories and to make TV and film. Luckily, I had knew I wanted to make films. I’ve since found that I’m not Favorite travel destination: parents who were able to indulge me on this dream trip, a bad director, I’m just less confident in directing. While I and I applied to a bunch of different film schools across was in college I found that I was really into the technical Grand Tetons in Wyoming the country, and Emerson’s the only one who told me I aspect of cameras and lights, so that’s why I claimed that I Somewhere you’d like to go could put a camera in my hand as soon as I got into the was a cinematographer. And as I’ve been out here creating school. content for people and for myself, I’ve realized that I can’t next: Japan Where did that lead? really compete with these cinematographers. One of the Favorite North Shore spot: things about cinematography is all the equipment, and Right now I am a photographer and producer of video Old Town Marblehead that’s like hundreds of thousands of dollars. I slowly but content at SiriusXM Radio … the first question is always surely realized I wanted to be more of a writer and pro- Favorite Jewish holiday: why is a radio station shooting video. I work on their mar- ducer, especially in the wake of the George Floyd protests Rosh Hashanah keting team specifically, so it’s a lot of the ads and stuff and diversity in the industry, and personally through all that you’re seeing on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. of that I felt like – not that my voice isn’t worthwhile, but Favorite Jewish person not Right now in the pandemic, it’s all gotten shaken up a there are other voices that are more necessary here, and in your family: Rabbi David Cohen- little bit – I really just look at Zoom footage all day, and I would rather use my ability to make films and produce Henriquez it’s usually like interviews between a host and an artist. content for people of color who have ideas, but might not When we were in the office, I was actually shooting those be getting the attention they deserve.
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FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 EVENING MINYAN PRAYER us/j/138791839, Meeting ID: 138 791 6 p.m., Congregation Shirat Hayam of SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Sinai 839; One tap mobile: (929) 205-6099 ID: MORNING MINYAN PRAYER the North Shore; Zoom access: zoom. RENEWAL MINYAN, 9 a.m., onfacebook.com/david.cohenhenriquez 138 791 839# us/j/743285503, or dial in at: (646) 558- SERVICE, 7:30 a.m., Congregation Congregation Shirat Hayam of the LUNCHTIME, CRUNCHTIME, Shirat Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM 8656, Meeting ID: 743 285 503. North Shore, Zoom access: /zoom. EVENING MINYAN PRAYER access: zoom.us/j/824963167, or dial us/j/118471216; Dial in: (646) 558-8656, SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid at ARMS AND ABS! with Lisa Gillis, in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 824 SHABBAT SERVICE, 7 p.m.. Meeting ID: 118 471 216. templenertamid.org. 12 p.m., visit jccns.org/live-online- 963 167. Temple B’nai Abraham, contact office@ fitness-classes/ to join Zoom event. tbabeverly.org for zoom information. SHABBAT SERVICE, 9:30 a.m., SHABBAT SERVICE, 6:15 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid, templenertamid.org/ MONDAY, AUGUST 17 TEMPLE EMANU-EL SHABBAT SERVICE, 7:30 Temple-Emanu-El, led by Rabbi Meyer MORNING MINYAN PRAYER HAVERHILL VIRTUAL SUMMER at www.facebook.com/EmanuEl. p.m., Temple Tiferet Shalom, venue. SHABBAT SERVICE, 9:30 2020 AUTHOR MINI-SERIES, 4 SERVICE, 7:30 a.m., Temple Sinai on streamspot.com/f413f069 a.m., Temple Tiferet Shalom, venue. p.m. Larry Tye “Demagogue: The Life and Marblehead/ facebook.com/david.cohenhenriquez SHABBAT SERVICE, 8 p.m., Temple streamspot.com/f413f069. Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy.” , KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICE Ner Tamid, templenertamid.org/. STRONG WOMEN with Lara Larry Tye will discuss his most recent 6 p.m., Temple Sinai, www.facebook. SHABBAT SERVICE, 10 a.m., Goodman, 8:30 am., visit jccns.org/ book, a biography of the Wisconsin com/david.cohenhenriquez Congregation Shirat Hayam of the live-online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom senator, one of the most reviled figures North Shore, Zoom access: zoom. event. in U.S. history. This event is cosponsored us/j/118471216; Dial in: (646) 558-8656, FOREVER FIT WITH TABATHA by Temple Emanuel in Andover. Register PRIDE OF LYNN CEMETERY Meeting ID: 118 471 216. at tinyurl.com/LarryTye. More info: KEATING, 10 a.m., visit jccns.org/ [email protected]. AND CHEVRA MISHNA SHABBAT SERVICE, 10 a.m., live-online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom 89 LAKE SHORE ROAD, LYNN, MA 01904 Temple B’nai Abraham, contact office@ event. tbabeverly.org for zoom information. PILATES with Brigitte Karns, 5 p.m., Serving BoSton and the greater north Shore JewiSh & interfaith familieS CHAIR YOGA with Julia! (For visit jccns.org/live-online-fitness-classes/ Serving Boston and the Greater North Shore SHABBAT IN-PERSON SERVICE, seniors), 11:30 a.m., visit jccns.org/ to join Zoom event. ✡ Chapel builtJewish circa 1930and beinginterfaith restored families with since 1920.Chapel 10 a.m. Chabad of the North Shore, 44 live-online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom cathedral ceiling and stained glass windows, Fundraising Burrill Street, Swampscott. event. EVENING IN-PERSON MINYAN and renovated to include Handicapped GOAL PRAYER SERVICE, 7 p.m., Compassionate personalized service. Individual and HAVDALLAH PRAYER SERVICE, EVENING MINYAN PRAYER Accessibility and new year round HVAC Congregation Shirat Hayam of the multiple lots available with competitive $pricing.75,000 8:45 p.m., with Rabbi Yossi Lipsker, SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Sinai North Shore; ZOOM access: zoom. Chabad of the North Shore, facebook. on www.facebook.com/david. us/j/460715647, or dial in at: (646) 558- ✡ Chapel to be available for funerals and cohenhenriquez unveilingsASK ABOUT January 2021 OUR or as PRE-PLANNING SAVINGS. com/rebyossi . 8656, Meeting ID: 460 715 647 CDC/DPHCREMATION guidelines permit OPTIONS AVAILABLE. EVENING MINYAN PRAYER SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid at EVENING MINYAN PRAYER Please donateNo tosynagogue the Chapel or temple Restoration affiliation Fund required. templenertamid.org/ SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid at MORNING MINYAN PRAYER templenertamid.org/ today [email protected] your check payable to SERVICE, 9 a.m., Temple Sinai ETHICS OF OUR FATHERS (978)PRIDE 594-4249 OF LYNN CEMETERY, • www.prideoflynn.org on www.facebook.com/david. CLASS with Rabbi Sruli Baron, 7:30 ONLINE WATERCOLOR PAINT c/o Alan Gilbert, cohenhenriquez p.m., Chabad of the North Shore, Zoom NIGHT, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Presented access: /zoom.us/j/5321741889, Meeting 38 Lions Lane, Salem, MA 01970 SUNDAY MORNING STRETCH, by JCCNS. Join Lara Goodman for this ID: 532 174 1889; One tap mobile: (929) online Paint Night. Fee: $10. Contact with polcemetery @gmail.com (978) 594- 4249 FLOW AND MEDITATE 205-6099 ID: 532 174 1889#. Sara Ewing at [email protected]. Allison Swartz, 9:30 a.m., visitjccns.org/ www.prideoflynn.org You’ll need: watercolor set; container for live-online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom water;paper towels; masking tape; Pencil event. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 & eraser. The Pride of Lynn Cemetery is a 501 c 13 non-profit organization. MORNING MINYAN PRAYER All donations are fully tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. SERVICE, 7:30 a.m., Congregation Shirat Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM WED., AUGUST 19 access: zoom.us/j/824963167, or dial MORNING MINYAN PRAYER in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 824 , 7:30 a.m., Congregation 963 167 SERVICE V EVENT PLANNING V Shirat Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM CALISTHENICS STRENGTH access:zoom.us/j/824963167, or dial in TRAINING with Coach Jeff, 9 a.m., at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 824 963 visit jccns.org/live-online-fitness-classes/ 167. Donna Kagan’s THE PERFECT VENUE to join Zoom event. CARDIO, CONDITIONING AND COHEN FOR YOUR EVENT PRODUCTIONS 10 MINUTES OF TORAH with CORE with Lisa Gillis, 9 a.m., visit Elegant Touch Rabbi Yossi Lipsker, 11 a.m., Chabad of jccns.org/live-online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom event. EVENT PLANNING PROFESSIONAL the North Shore, Zoom access: zoom. 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Sunday 7AM - 4:00 PM, Monday –Wednesday 8AM - 7:00PM, Thursday 7AM - 7:00 PM, Friday 7 AM - 5/6 PM, Closed Saturday. Sunday 7AM - 4:00 PM, Monday –Wednesday 8AM - 7:00PM, Thursday 7AM - 7:00 PM, Friday 7 AM - 5/6 PM, ClosedSee Saturday.our specials and sale on our web site and facebook See our specials and sale on our web site and facebook CALENDAR THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 9
STRETCH AND CORE with Tabatha EVENING MINYAN PRAYER of the Jewish experience in the Catskills ONGOING FRIDAYS Keating, 10 a.m., visit jccns.org/live- SERVICE, 7 p.m., Congregation Shirat by examining the lives of local residents SABBATH SERVICES at online-fitness-classes/ to join Zoom Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM and resort owners, guests and workers MONDAYS Congregation Sons of Israel, twice event. access: /zoom.us/j/460715647, or dial in the Catskills summer resorts through monthly, 7 p.m. Email peabodycsi.org@ in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 460 the lens of the Holocaust. In this video RABBI DAVID’S TORAH STUDY comcast.net for Zoom information. MUSIC WITH MARCY 1 p.m. Join 715 647. Phil will talk about the Jewish experience CLASS, 7:30 p.m., after Minyan. RSVP for music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s with in the Catskills, from the first Jewish and request Zoom information by sending SATURDAYS Marcy Yellin via Zoom: Meeting ID: 842 TORAH WISDOM FOR A boarding house just before the turn of an email to Susan Weiner at: susan. 3863 0230; Password: 944290. MEANINGFUL LIFE with Rabbi the 20th century, through the decline [email protected]. SABBATH SERVICES, 9 a.m. and current transformation. Register at: Congregation Sons of Israel, email ONLINE SUMMER READING Srulie Baron, 7:30 p.m., Chabad of the North Shore, Zoom access: zoom. jewishheritagecenter.org. TUESDAYS [email protected] for Zoom SERIES Faculty, students and friends us/j/5321741889, Meeting ID: 532 174 LIVING ROOM LEARNING, information. of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish CULTIVATING RESILIENCY 1889; One tap mobile: (929) 205-6099 8 - 9 p.m. Presented by Young Jewish Studies will read a text that is important SUNDAYS ID: 532 174 1889#. AND HOPE IN OUR ROLE AS Professionals. Explore relevant and to them right now. Ariel Burger, Ph.D. EDUCATORS, 7:30 p.m. Teachers meaningful topics on Zoom. More info MORNING SERVICES at will present. Register at: bu.edu/ SUMMER BOOK CLUB WITH in Jewish schools are invited for a and register: yjpboston.org/yjp-academy. Congregation Sons of Israel at 9 a.m. jewishstudies/. IZZI ABRAMS professional development opportunity Email [email protected] for THURSDAYS GETTING READY FOR THE 7 p.m. Join Izzi for live discussions via with Dr. Noam Weissman, Senior Zoom information. Vice President of OpenDor Media, Zoom. Book “Unorthodox” by Deborah “THE SOUL EXPERIENCE” with JEWISH NEW YEAR, 7:30 on cultivating resiliency and hope in THROUGH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Feldman will be discussed. RSVP to Sara Rabbi B and Ariela HaLevi. 9 p.m., “The p.m. Join facilitator Ariela HaLevi, our students. In the world of Jewish Ewing at [email protected] for Zoom Soul Experience” is a virtual, spiritual and THE RIDE FOR FOOD, OFF THE Director of Healing at Soul Centered education, we place a lot of emphasis link. healing service incorporating Jewish- BEATEN PATH An annual fundraising on Zoom for a special rosh chodesh on exercising the muscles of resilience inspired prayer, meditation, and more. event that supports local hunger relief (new month) in preparation for Rosh “ANNE FRANK PARALLEL and grit with our students. What does Free. Join on Facebook: facebook.com/ efforts.Raise money for the JF&CS Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. STORIES,” 7:30 p.m. The movie Jewish tradition have to offer on this MySoulCentered. Family Table food pantry by participating Experience renewal through teachings, is now available on Netflix or at your topic, and what are some skills and ideas discussion, experiential learning, song in your preferred activity (cycling, local library. Watch the movie on your educators can use to consider our own 8 - 9 and tools to move you through the High KEEPING IN GOOD VOICE running, spinning, hiking, etc.) wherever own and join us for the discussion with resilience? Free. Register for the Zoom p.m. Presented by HaZamir Boston: The Holidays and beyond. Free. Register and whenever you like. Join the JF&CS Debbie Coltin, executive director of link on LappinFoundation.org. International Jewish High School Choir. at lappinfoundation.org or contact Family Table Team or make a donation Lappin Foundation, Holocaust Educator An intergenerational vocal warm-up [email protected] for by visiting jfcsboston.org.rideforfood, or and Temple member who will facilitate with Marla Aviva Betley, conductor of additional information. WED., AUGUST 26 contacting [email protected] or the discussion. Free and everyone HaZamir Chicago. More info: hazamir.org. 781-693-5593. EVENING MINYAN PRAYER is welcome. Contact Miriam Pett at BOOK DISCUSSION: “SNOW SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid at [email protected] or Beverly Bookin IN AUGUST” by Pete Hamill, 7 p.m. templenertamid.org. at [email protected] with any Presented by Temple Sinai. Larry Weiner questions. Register for a Zoom link: will be leading the discussion. At the EVENING MINYAN PRAYER lappinfoundation.org/2020/08/06/zoom- end of the meeting we will talk about SERVICE, 7 p.m., Congregation Shirat discussion-of-annefrank-parallel-stories. future books. Please come prepared Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM to contribute one suggestion for future Seniors access: zoom.us/j/460715647, or dial FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 readings. To register and for Zoom Af for da ble Se nior Hous ing For Over 30 Ye ars in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 460 information, contact Susan at susan. social activities • small pets oK 715 647 MORNING MINYAN PRAYER [email protected]. SERVICE, 7:30 a.m., Congregation Cle an, qui et, Af for da ble. KNITTING KNIGHTS AT THE J, 7 Shirat Hayam of the North Shore; ZOOM THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 – 9 p.m. Zoom Meeting ID: 510 795 968, access: /zoom.us/j/824963167, or dial Password: 496225. in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 824 TEL AVIV’S COLORFUL STREET COMING HOME, ROSH 963 167. ART SCENE, 7:30 p.m. Graffiti Tour of Tel Aviv for Adults. Between Tel Aviv HODESH, Elul Experience, 7:30 p.m. KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICE, Visit JCCNS.ORG to register and Jaffa where dusty streets are dotted 6 p.m., Temple Sinai, www.facebook. with carpentries and garages, lies graffiti TEMPLE SINAI BOOK CLUB com/david.cohenhenriquez heaven. Join us as we tour the alleys 4 loCA tions: invites you to discuss “Snow in August” SHABBAT MINYAN PRAYER where everything is covered by splashes by Pete Hamill, 7:30 p.m. Brotherhood of spray and color. We’ll explore visual danvers • salem SERVICE, 7 p.m., Congregation is purchasing a limited number of books dialogues on politics, temporary art, and peabody • beverly Shirat Hayam of the North Shore; Zoom for those who do not have a copy or Israeli society, and learn about the people access: zoom.us/j/460715647, or dial cannot obtain one. One book per family. behind the art. What motivates them and in at: (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 460 If you will be participating in the book what are they trying to tell us – and why 715 647. discussion and need a copy please rsvp in the street? Visit jccns.org ––for more to: Susan at the Temple office - susan. SHABBAT MINYAN PRAYER information and Zoom link. [email protected] by: Wednesday SERVICE, 8 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid at EQU AL HOUS ING August 5th. Join Zoom: us02web.zoom. templenertamid.org. OP POR TU NI TY A POAH Community us/j/81542015575?pwd=eW1DMFUrS Preservation Housing Community Management, LLC EJhOENXTEV0TWsyQ2lGQT09; Meeting ID: 815 4201 5575 / Password: 347753. SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 LET’S HAVE A BLAST! 10 a.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 Get your shofar and join for a community blast on Zoom as we get ready for Rosh MORNING IN-PERSON Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. If you MINYAN PRAYER SERVICE, don’t have a shofar, come and listen 7:30 a.m., Congregation Shirat Hayam of anyway. Sgn-up on LappinFoundation.org the North Shore; ZOOM access: zoom. for a link. For more information contact us/j/824963167, or dial in at: (646) 558- Sharon Wyner at 978-565-4450 or 8656, Meeting ID: 824 963 167. [email protected]. ONLINE WATERCOLOR PAINT Now more than ever, NIGHT with Lara Goodman, 6:30 – 8:30 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 p.m., rsvp to Sara Ewing at sewing@ JEWS IN THE CATSKILLS community matters. jccns.com for the Zoom link; fee: $10 DURING AND AFTER THE EVENING MINYAN PRAYER HOLOCAUST., 4 - 5 p.m. Back by SERVICE, 7 p.m., Temple Ner Tamid popular demand, historian and sociologist attemplenertamid.org. Phil Brown follows his June discussion There’s comfort in being part of a strong community like Brooksby Village on the North Shore. We’re managed by Erickson Living,® a national leader in senior living and health care. During good times and tough times, you can count on Chestnut us to be here for you. Gardens Apartments “ We were well cared for during this crisis with meals, 301 Essex Street, Lynn, MA 01902 • 781-592-1246 mail, and essentials delivered right to our doors.” –Mike B., a community resident Spacious, Modern Affordable Apartments Social Activities 24 hr Emergency Maintenance Learn more. Call 1-800-614-6998 or visit BrooksbyVillage.com for your free brochure. Now Taking Applications for Senior Housing 100 Brooksby Village Drive, Peabody, MA 01960
One & Two Bedroom Apartments • Off Street Parking Available 14156927 BrooksbyVillage.com 10 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 Today in Israeli History from page 6
3300 B.C.E.) in the Golan, dies at age 88 at Kibbutz AUG. 19, 1856 Ginossar. She began her archaeological work at Michah Joseph Berdichevski Is Born Susita, an ancient Roman city near Kibbutz Ein Scholar and writer Michah Gev, where she lived, as an assistant to Michael Joseph Berdichevski is born in Avi-Yona during the War of Independence. She Ukraine. He writes short stories, didn’t pursue a doctorate until the 1960s. novels and essays in Yiddish and German, but he is best known for his Hebrew writings, including a lengthy debate with Ahad Ha’am about the nature of Hebrew lit- erature. Berdichevski’s insistence on the value of secular Hebrew lit- erature inspires younger writers.
Central Zionist Archives photo He also spends years recording (Clockwise from bottom left) Yehoshua Ravnitzky, Jewish folklore. After his death, Mordechai “Ben-Ami” Rabinowich, Hayim Nachman his wife and their son Emanuel Bialik and Ahad Ha’am are shown in 1926. Bin-Gorion translated some of his works into German, among them Die Sagen der Juden (“The Michah Joseph Berdichevski AUG. 18, 2000 Legends of the Jews”) and Der spent the last years of his life Archaeologist Claire Epstein Dies Born Judas (“The Well of Judah”), compiling Jewish folklore. Photo by Michael Eisenberg published in six volumes. Archaeologist Claire Epstein, a London native Claire Epstein led excavations of the ancient city of whose excavations in Israel included the discovery Hippos (Susita) on the eastern shore of the Sea of of the culture of the Chalcolithic Period (4500 to Galilee in the 1950s. AUG. 20, 1920 Yishuv Publishes First Medical Journal The first Hebrew-language medical journal in Palestine, Harefuah (Medicine), begins publishing on a quarterly schedule under the auspices of the Jewish Medical Association of Palestine. The editor is ophthalmologist Aryeh Feigenbaum, who as a teen- ager in Poland told a friend that he would become a doctor, move to Palestine and found its first medical journal in Hebrew. The Israel Medical Association now publishes the journal monthly.
is pest free. The Hebrew medical journal Harefuah has been published in the Land of Israel for a century.
– Items are provided by the Center for Israel Education (israeled.org), where you can find more details.
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Except for Chabad, High Holiday services will be held online from page 1
Meyer of Temple Emanu-El said the beach with a shofar blast 5781 virtually – including Ahavat Achim follows a vol- the decision to hold virtual High and “the most important Rosh Temple Ner Tamid of Peabody untary dues model and has Holiday services was “not a sur- Hashanah songs,” the rabbi said. and Temple Ahavat Achim in never sold High Holiday tickets. prise to anyone.” Rabbi Yossi Lipsker of Chabad Gloucester. “It’s less of an issue for Ahavat In a normal year, Emanu-El of the North Shore said the cur- Rabbi Richard Perlman of Ner Achim than it might be for other would hold six services on Yom rent plans are to hold outdoor Tamid noted that the virtual ser- congregations where the High Kippur, each one geared to dif- services in Swampscott. He vices have the support of the Holidays are an important fea- ferent groups, with the largest noted that these plans are “not majority of congregants. He said ture of the budget,” Lewis said. such gathering drawing between concrete yet.” that when congregants were sur- At Temple Sinai, Cohen- 900 to 1,000 attendees. At the moment, Chabad in veyed last month, almost three- Henriquez said that while things “Obviously there’s no way to Swampscott aims to hold “mul- quarters were comfortable with are “worrisome,” he’s hopeful do that safely indoors,” Meyer tiple outdoor services options,” the idea. people will purchase tickets for said. Lipsker said, adding that all He said that he has explained the online services as if it’s a In an attempt to limit the will “adhere to social distanc- to the congregation “the diffi- donation. Rabbi Richard Perlman of Ner spread of the coronavirus, ing guidelines” and require sign- Tamid noted that the virtual ser- culty of bringing hundreds of “The reality is that many, Governor Charlie Baker last ups. vices have the support of the people into the building,” noting many temples have a huge, big week reduced the limit on out- “We might be having a more majority of congregants. He said the state’s restricted occupancy percent of their income from door gatherings from 100 to traditional, somewhat truncat- that when congregants were sur- rules. Beyond that, he said, other the High Holidays – 50 percent 50 people. The limit for indoor ed, abbreviated traditional ser- veyed last month, almost three- issues arose, such as restroom sometimes, from sales on tick- gatherings remains at 25 people. vice in the morning,” Lipsker quarters were comfortable with access and entering and exiting ets or renewals of membership, At Temple Sinai in said, “do that perhaps two to the idea. the building. usually around Rosh Hashanah,” Marblehead, the leadership ini- three times in the course of the Perlman indicated that if Cohen-Henriquez said. “It tially hoped to have hybrid High morning, then plan to do some- for the High Holidays: a small, coronavirus cases do not go up affects many temples if people Holiday services, but that didn’t thing as well later in the morn- traditional indoor service and in Massachusetts, there might be don’t sign up and contribute as work out due to state regula- ing or early afternoon, for a more three other services, all in an out- a possibility of a soft opening for a donor for High Holiday tickets tions, according to Rabbi David child, family-friendly [experi- door tent: a morning service, a Shabbat later this year. However, this year.” Cohen-Henriquez. ence].” second service, and a family ser- he said, “the High Holidays this Asked about such concerns, Instead, Temple Sinai decid- The rabbi said “If someone vice led by Schusterman’s wife, year are out of the question.” Lipsker said, “A lot of that ed to have live-streamed ser- can’t make it to the alternatives Raizel Schusterman. All services At Gloucester’s Ahavat Achim, remains to be seen. As we start vices over a shorter time period. we are offering this year and will have masks and social dis- Rabbi Steven Lewis explained getting closer to a season that is “We will adapt the service, remains at home, we are going to tancing and attendance will be the plan to hold virtual services traditionally a season of tzeda- cutting here and there – it’s very be offering [options] for people capped at each. on the synagogue website, punc- kah, obviously Jewish organiza- painful,” Cohen-Henriquez said. to do, to the best of their ability, “We think it’s important tuated by a shofar blast. “We’ll tions are the recipients of that “[For] some parts and tunes, to be able to observe the High to have an in-person option try to find ways for people to tzedakah. I certainly would hope people come once a year … Holidays in their own homes.” available for people,” Rabbi connect to the community, even those in a position to contribute [Deciding] what to include and Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman said. “We don’t though we’re not physically or do tzedakah will hopefully do take out [took] some time.” Schusterman of the Alevy Family have Zoom on Shabbat or holi- together,” Lewis said. so this year.” There will be one in-person Chabad of Peabody is currently days. Zoom is not an option for He noted that “in a real, phys- In the end, there are other event, a Tashlich service on planning four separate services us.” Noting that “many prefer” a ical service, people have all sorts concerns that outweigh finan- traditional service, he said, “We of interactions,” including talk- cial ones, said Ragozin of Shirat see it as part of our mission for ing to people and sitting next to Hayam. Although he said “We those who feel comfortable with them. hope people will respond very Jewish day schools work together it.” However, he added, “Elderly “You lose all that,” he said of generously,” he also said it has to reopen their campuses this fall or otherwise compromised peo- the online experience. been a difficult time for many from page 1 ple should consider not partici- Some synagogues also are because of Covid-19. pating until [things are] more wrestling with the economic “I think there is going to be a under control or there’s some impact of the shutdown and the deep sense of loss,” Ragozin said. “It was a shared deci- Rather than each school get- kind of vaccine.” loss of membership dues and “The question is, can we create sion,” Rebecca Lurie told the ting advice from its own health Other North Shore syna- tzedakah during a normal High something new … through the Journal. Lurie, head of Solomon care experts, the collaborative gogues will welcome The Year Holidays season. use of virtual services? Schechter Day School of established a working group Greater Boston in Newton, said that draws on guidance from a school leaders recognized there field of infectious disease spe- was an advantage to pooling cialists, pulmonologists, and their expertise and experience. other authorities from the area’s “The power will be in all of us top hospitals and universities. WELCOME HOME! together,” she recalled. Nearly 300 faculty and staff Since then, the school participated in a recent forum heads have spoken weekly in the collaborative organized remote conversations with sup- with its health care specialists. port from Combined Jewish More than 220 questions were Philanthropies of Greater submitted in advance. Boston. Gold said the collabora- In addition to Hillel Epstein tive hopes to arrange a similar and Solomon Schechter, forum for parents. the group includes New The fact that the schools are England Hebrew Academy in being guided by medical pro- Brookline; MetroWest Jewish fessionals is reassuring, espe- Day School in Framingham; cially at a point when there is Boston’s Jewish Community so much uncertainty, according Day School in Watertown; to Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe, a teacher Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael in Chestnut and part-time administrator at Hill; The Rashi School in the Maimonides School. Faculty Dedham; Gann Academy in concerns vary. Some may be Waltham; Maimonides School at risk, others have children in in Brookline; Shaloh House schools with remote learning Jewish Day School in Brighton; who will remain at home, said and Striar Hebrew Academy in Jaffe, who was speaking only for Sharon. himself. While the schools are collab- Gold acknowledged the orating, each school is deciding Jewish school leaders are not independently about whether approaching these decisions to open in-person, remotely, lightly. WINTHROP or for some hybrid-schedule to As of now, that school will Two contemporary town homes built to take full advantage of the breathtaking best meet the distinct needs of open with remote learning only, their community. with the possibility of moving and unprecedented water views of Boston Harbor, the City of Boston, the Winthrop In response to the pandemic, to a hybrid format. Yacht Club, and the Atlantic Ocean. Winthrop is conveniently located only minutes CJP is funding a $400,000 schol- As September approaches, from downtown Boston, Logan Airport, and the Seaport, with miles of beaches arship program for day school and public school plans are still and lots biking and walking trails. 3 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, and a roof top deck families impacted by the virus emerging, interest in the area’s to enjoy the magnificent sunrises and sunsets. Fabulous kitchen and tons of as well as a kindergarten incen- day schools has spiked. tive program. The schools were Enrollment at Epstein Hillel entertainment spaces. Two special properties! From $955,000 provided a $15,000 Personal is expected to increase from 58 Protective Equipment grant students last year to more than 300 Salem St., Swampscott as well as $10,000 for security 80 this fall. In one recent week, 781.593.6111 enhancements, according to Schechter had inquiries from 12 One Essex St., Marblehead Kimberlee Schumacher, CJP’s new families. MetroWest antici- 781.631.8800 vice president of partnerships pates similar interest from new saganharborside.com and services. families. 12 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 OBITUARIES
Natanielle Blue, 31, of Beverly Robert Fox, 83, of Marblehead Natanielle Blue, 31, of Beverly, and nephew, and many loving Funeral Service, 151 Washington Robert Fox, of Marblehead, member of the Marblehead passed away on July 31, 2020. cousins and relatives. Ave., Chelsea, MA 02150. entered into rest on August 2, Yacht Club. Bob will be deeply Beloved spouse of Nicole Private services and intern- Sharing written remem- 2020 at the age of 83. missed by his family and friends. Labrecque-Blue. Devoted parent ment were held at Ezrath brances and condolences dur- Beloved husband of Judith Due to regulation imposed of Rory. Loving child of Adrienne Israel Cemetery in Danvers. ing this time will be essential in Fox, with whom he shared 55 by the Coronavirus pandemic, and Yitzhak Blue of Lynnfield. Contributions in memory helping the Blue family remi- years of marriage. Devoted a private graveside service will Sibling of Phillip and Miriam of Natanielle may be made nisce, celebrate, and heal. We father of Isadora Fox. Cherished be held at Beth Olam Cemetery Blue of Lynnfield. Grandchild of to Rory’s college fund via encourage you to share your grandfather of Sasha Kleinman in Middletown, R.I. In lieu of Chaya and the late Moshe Blau GoFundMe, or to the charity of memories by visiting torffuner- and Dvora Kleinman. The lov- flowers, expressions of sympathy and the late Barbara and Harry your choice. Assisting the family alservice.com. ing brother of Stephen Fox. Dear may be made in Bob’s memory to Gloss. Also survived by a niece with arrangements was the Torf son of the late Isadore and Clare the Alzheimer’s Association (alz. (Kessler) Fox. org). Arrangements were han- Born on July 12, 1937, Bob dled by Stanetsky-Hymanson Freda (Shaievitz) Cutler, 76, of Delray Beach, Fla., grew up in Revere and was a Memorial Chapel, Salem. For formerly of Malden and Everett longtime resident of the North more information or to regis- Shore. He was active in the sail- ter in the online guestbook, visit Freda (Shaievitz) Cutler, late brother Charlie Greenberg. She ews Howard, David, and Robert ing community and a longtime stanetskyhymansonsalem.com. of Delray Beach, Fla., formerly of leaves behind her stepdaughters Greenberg. She also leaves Malden and originally of Everett, Audrey Dantowitz, her husband behind her many close and very entered into rest on July 30, 2020, Elliot, and their daughter Willow, dear friends. Suzanne Degen Tabasky, 68, of Malden two days shy of her 77th birth- and Andrea Cutler. She is sur- Donations in Freda’s memory Suzanne Degen Tabasky, 68, Islamorada, Fla., in the Florida day. vived by her foster-son David may be made to the Alzheimer’s entered into rest peacefully on Keys. She was predeceased by her Weisman, his wife Lisa, and their Association (alz.org), or your August 6, 2020. Suzanne was a passionate parents Rose and Jake Shaievitz, son Joey, along with her niece choice of organization. Suzanne grew up in Malden, Zionist and activist and facili- her husband Warren, and her Susan Swartz, and her neph- the daughter of Neicei and Jerry tated Holocaust education and Degen. In her youth, she devel- awareness. She was a partici- oped her lifelong love for ani- pant in the Shoah Foundation’s mals, gardening, and music. recordings of survivor testimo- The Jewish Journal prints INDOOR SHOWROOM She attended UMass Boston ny. brief notices for free, if space HUNDREDS OF MEMORIALS and studied at the University She was a hot ticket, seek- allows. Biographical sketches of Tel Aviv, graduating with a ing adventure and a bit of mis- NO SUB-CONTRACTING up to 200 words cost $100; degree in botany. She opened chief in all she did. In living true IN-HOUSE DESIGN & MANUFACTURING longer submissions will her own plant shop, Plantique, in to herself, she enabled others be charged accordingly. Maplewood Square in Malden, to do the same. Suzanne’s lust Photographs cost $25 each; where she sold rare and tropical for life carried her through a O’ROURKE BROS. MEMORIALS emailed photos should be houseplants and flowers. labyrinth of health complica- 73 North Street, Salem, MA ~ 978-744-0871 sent as jpeg or tiff files. It was at Plantique that she tions in her later years. Her wit Submissions are subject to met her husband-to-be, Jerry, and unexpected quips regaled when her mother and future her family, friends, and won- editing for style and space sister-in-law schemed to set derful care teams with laughter ABATE MONUMENTS limitations. For further 82 Elliott Street, Beverly, MA ~ 978-922-0517 them up. Jerry, sent in to buy on many occasions. She will be information, contact your an orange tree, was smitten. A remembered for her strength local funeral home, or email couple of dates and a shared and perseverance, which knew www.obmemorials.com [email protected]. Blizzard of ’78 lock-in later, they no bounds. married in 1979. Together they Suzanne is survived by her “Serving the Jewish Community since 1890” raised a family in Melrose and mother Neicei Degen, her daughters Rebecca Tabasky and Ella Tabasky, Ella’s husband Josh Jackson, her stepson Steve PRIDE OF LYNN CEMETERY Tedrick and his wife Amy and AND CHEVRA MISHNA their children Ethan and Ari, her 89 LAKE SHORE ROAD, LYNN, MA 01904 brother Josh and his wife Amy Degen, and her brothers-in- Serving Boston and the Greater North Shore law and sisters-in-law Sam and Jewish and interfaith families since 1920. Bunny Tabasky and Billy and Cynthia Tabasky. She was pre- Compassionate personalized service. Individual and ceded in death by her beloved multiple lots available with competitive pricing. husband Jerry. Family-owned and operated since 1933 She requested that in lieu ASK ABOUTASK ABOUT OUR OUR PRE-PLANNING PRE-PLANNING SAVINGS. SAVINGS. of flowers, donations be made in her memory to the United TRADITIONAL BURIAL AND INURNMENT (CREMATION) AVAILABLE. CREMATION OPTIONS AVAILABLE. States Holocaust Memorial No synagogue or temple affiliation required. Museum or the National Kidney Foundation. [email protected] See you later, SuSu. Next year (978) 594-4249 • www.prideoflynn.org in Jerusalem. NOTICES
BACKER, Ruth Yanofsky, 89 – late of Woodbridge, Conn., formerly of Marblehead and Saugus. Died on August 6, 2020. Wife of the late Larry Backer. Mother of David and Sharon Backer. Daughter of the late Jeanette and Benjamin Yanofsky. (Stanetsky- Hymanson)
PLATCOW, Gloria, 91 – late of Pompano Beach, Fla., formerly of Marblehead and Danvers. Died on August 7, 2020. Wife of the late Richard Platcow. Mother of Ellen Zavell, Joanne Robbins, Daniel Platcow, and the late Michael Platcow. Grandmother of James Robbins, Jessica Robbins, Alec Zavell, Sophie Platcow, Ethan Platcow, and Eric Platcow. Sister of David Germaine and the late Irwin Germaine. Daughter of the late Henry and Frances Germaine. (Stanetsky- Hymanson) OBITUARIES THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG –AUGUST 13, 2020 13
One of Judaism’s great Janet Linda Wiseman, 70, of Boynton Beach, Fla., formerly of Peabody Janet Linda Wiseman, age 70, half-full, never half-empty. She their company and comerade- commentators, Rabbi Adin of Boynton Beach, Fla., formerly was a positive force with great rie. We have been blessed with of Peabody, passed away on July insight. wonderful friends who have Steinsaltz, dies at age 83 29, 2020. Janet is survived by her Janet earned her Bachelor’s become our family. Janet was husband Alvin Rosenblum, and degree at Salem State University, known for her wit, her intellect, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel her brother Edward Wiseman of and her Master’s degree at and her warmth. Our love was Steinsaltz, one of Judaism’s Andover. Simmons University in Boston. a constant and continued to exceptional modern-day com- Janet was very warm-hearted, She was an overachiever in her grow. After 26 years together, we mentators, died in Jerusalem full of life. Her big smile wel- business career as an account were still on our honeymoon. after suffering from acute pneu- comed friends into her life. executive, consistently earn- She was the light in my life. I’ve monia. He was 83 years old. She had a passion for garden- ing her companies highest been blessed to have Janet by Steinsaltz was born in ing and enjoyed a green thumb. “President’s Achievement” my side. Jerusalem on July 11, 1937. She was in awe of the little award. She will always be in my heart His scholarship was noted at things like the birds, butterflies, Janet always looked for the and soul. May she rest in peace an early age. He studied math- the flowers. Her glass was always positive in people, enjoying and her memory be a blessing. ematics, chemistry and phys- ics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and after gradu- Sylvia (Schwartz) Toby, 83, of Peabody ating began his career as an Sylvia (Schwartz) Toby, of competitor at Mahjong, hosting educator and a school principal Peabody, entered into rest on and attending games at friends’ in Jerusalem. It was also the August 5, 2020 at the age of 83. homes and always remem- beginning of his writing a great Beloved wife of Martin Toby. bering to have plenty of treats many varied Jewish books. Devoted mother of Bruce Toby around. You could always count Photo courtesy of the Steinsaltz Center In 1965, in conjunction with Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz and his wife Jean of Essex, on Sylvia to have Hershey’s the Government of Israel, he (holding Torah scroll). Beverly Toby and her husband kisses and Reese’s peanut butter founded the Israel Institute for Michael of Middleton, and Alan cups on hand at all times, and Talmudic Publications, later ates from Bar-Ilan University, Toby and his wife Lisa of Boston. putting lots of sweet and salty the Steinsaltz Center, which Ben-Gurion University of the Cherished grandmother of snacks out while entertaining at became his life’s work – help- Negev and Yeshiva University in Julia Toby, step-grandmother her pool every summer. She was ing to make Judaism and the New York. of Jayne Barrett and Jonathan a wonderful listener who had a heritage of Israel accessible The U.S. Library of Congress Stanton, and great-step grand- kind and generous spirit, and by translating and explaining recently announced the accep- mother of Riley, Carter, and she always made people feel at the Babylonian Talmud to the tance into its catalogue of an Jude. She was the dear daugh- home. whole world. English translation of an exten- ter of the late Minnie and Carl Sylvia will be dearly missed Steinsaltz is considered one sive work about the Steinsaltz Schwartz. by her family and friends, and of the most important con- Center and its work. Sylvia grew up in we pray that she is now resting temporary Jewish religious The Steinsaltz Center in Northampton and gradu- her family. She was full of energy in peace with her beloved Marty. commentators and thinkers. Jerusalem has served as an ated from Northampton High and spunk, and could talk about Due to regulation imposed by His writings and philosophi- umbrella organization, coordi- School. After marrying and any subject – from books, mov- the Coronavirus pandemic, a cal works have been translated nating the rabbi’s various activi- moving to Peabody, she worked ies, and what the stars wore at private graveside service will be into dozens of languages to the ties and initiatives, and it will in the family business side-by- the Oscars – to local sports, cur- held at Ezrath Israel Cemetery, benefit of millions of people all continue to do so in his mem- side with her husband Marty of rent events, and the latest politi- Danvers. over the world. He authored as ory. The organization includes 39 years. Marty was the love of cal debates. In lieu of flowers, please many as 60 books on various a publishing house, and works her life and her best friend. In While she was very active in consider donating in Sylvia’s topics, including guides to and to establish educational insti- their spare time, they were dedi- her community, most impor- memory to the Masconomet commentaries on the Talmud, tutions- and promote informal cated members of the Temple tant to Sylvia was being with Healthcare Center, 123 High the Torah, Jewish mysticism, education projects. The center Ner Tamid in Peabody, where her family. She especially loved St., Topsfield, MA 01983, or Chassidism, Jewish philosophy remains dedicated to promot- they volunteered for over 30 spending time with her cher- to a charity of your choice. and more. ing the rabbi’s vision of mak- years. ished daughter Bev while taking Arrangements were handled He later took on the name ing Jewish learnings and Jewish Years later, Sylvia became trips to Ogunquit, going to the by Stanetsky-Hymanson Mem Even-Israel (“Stone of Israel”). culture accessible to all. a welcoming face at Costco, theater, and shopping for great orial Chapel, Salem. For more One of the rabbi’s most Steinsaltz is survived by his where she worked for over 10 finds at Home Goods. Sylvia information or to register renowned and significant proj- wife, Sarah; their three children; years and was affectionately also made countless friendships in the online guestbook, visit ects was the Steinsaltz-Talmud, and many grandchildren. called the “Queen of Costco” by over her years. She was a fierce stanetskyhymansonsalem.com. a translation from the original Aramaic, alongside an annotat- ed explanation to all 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud. Four years ago, the rabbi HEALTH SERVICES finished his commentary on the Torah (The Pentateuch), HOME CARE SENIOR CARE HOME HEALTH CARE as well as on the writings of the Prophets Jeremiah, Isaiah The First Choice for Loving, Compassionate and Ezekiel, and on the book of Home Care on the Psalms. In recent years, he went North Shore on to complete the full com- Specializing in Companionship, Meal Prep, Transportation, 781-639-4759 mentary of the Old Testament, Bathing & Hygiene, Mobility & Toileting Assistance in both English and Hebrew, www.confidentialcareathome.com 781.691.5755 Specializing in Home Health Service since 1997 while his commentary on the NorthShore.FirstLightHomeCare.com six books of the Mishnah are “WHERE CARING COMES FIRST” due to be published in the com- CAREGIVER ORTHODONTIST ing months. His work earned him recog- Caregiver with over 20 years nition and praise in Israel and of experience looking for a full-time or part-time job around the world. Time maga- ASSISTED LIVING SHORT-TERM REHAB zine called him a “once-in-a- working with elders. DR. BUCK WEAVER millennium scholar,” while the Exceptional references AND MEMORY SUPPORT AND LONG-TERM CARE DR. 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Home Care Needs! Chelsea Jewish Hospice and Palliative Care | 617-889-0779 Delivering Excellence in Chelsea Jewish Visiting Nurse Agency | 617-889-8744 Directory, call Your gift supports Home Care for Over 100 Years! 978-745-4111 the continuity of Jewish life 781-598-2454 chelseajewish.org in our communities. www.allcare.org 14 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 COMMUNITY NEWS
Редактор выпуска [email protected] Юлия Жорова Русская Хроника ~ Russian Chronicle 978-745-4111 доб. 172 рекламно-информационный выпуск, том 44, номер 28 Любительский Театр Andover Outing Community Theater приходит в наши дома
Когда пандемия Корона- смогли использовать ZOOM вируса практически останови- как инструмент по усилению ла нашу повседневную жизнь, комического эффекта и и такие слова как “карантин”, подчеркнуть психологию “самоизоляция”, “социальное каждого персонажа. дистанцирование” плотно Комедия – любимый жанр вошли в наш лексикон, это Улановской, чья первая не остановило созидательный постановка была адаптацией процесс. Как это ни пьесы Нила Саймона “Plaza парадоксально, но именно Suite,” затем последовала творческие, талантливые и оригинальная пьеса “Murder деятельные люди быстрее on the Titanic Two,” и готовилась других нашли выход своей премьера продолжения креативной энергии. В “Титаника,” но пандемия массовой культуре произошел распорядилась по другому… виртуальный поворот, кото- ZOOM-спектакль был рый спровоцировал расцвет встречен зрителями с нового жанра – онлайн- энтузиазмом и аплодис- Верхний ряд (слева направо): Ольга Ревзина; Михаил Гомер; Елена Улановская; Борис Акодес спектакля. Театр быстро ментами. После просмотра Средний ряд (слева направо): Виталий Ревзин; Светлана Равина; Михаил Слепой; Алина Тверская среагировал на вызов времени зрители не “ушли” с экранов, Нижний ряд (слева направо): Диля Коган; Илья Ярославский; Евгения Турикова; Катя Багси и принял неожиданные формы, задавали вопросы и делились продиктованные вынужден- большого количества героев к коллективу мне представ- Слепой), а также клиенты, своими впечатлениями и ной изоляцией и переходом и изобилия телефонных лялось, что я более или менее требующие к себе постоянного выражали восхищение игрой жизни в онлайн режим. Ритуал разговоров. Но оказалось, что знаю, что такое театр. Но внимания (Виталий Ревзин и актеров. праздника похода в театр эта пьеса прекрасно подходит за два года мне открылись Катя Багси). Примечательно, Те, кто не смог при- плавно перешел в ритуал, для ZOOM-спектакля, а ее совершенно новые аспекты насколько органично соче- соединисться к трансляции когда театр приходит к тебе. сценические недостатки стали этой реальности. В общем, таются роли с характерами спектакля, могут посмотреть Этот тренд подхватил достоинствами для онлайн наш театр для меня – как и темпераментами актеров, две серии “Театрального Любительский театр Andover формата. глаз кошки: окно в другую Большая заслуга Елены Агентства” на YouTube: youtu. Outing Community Theater и Andover Outing Community Вселенную.” Улановской и ее творческого be/8ZH0OZdTOG8 и часть 2-я: преподнес своим зрителям Theater возник несколько коллектива и в том, что они youtu.be/W2nXTyF12wk. именно такой виртуальный лет назад на основе Andover ...И вот зрители, не выходя праздник. В течение двух Outing, где люди самых разных из своих домов, оказались в вечеров артисты во главе с профессий, объединенные хаотичном мире турагентства: С Днем Рождения! драматургом, писателем, любовью к театру и порой телефоны разрываются, продюсером, режиссером ничем не уступающие на клиенты недовольны: кто-то Еленой Улановский, при- сцене профессиональным застрял в Эфиопии, кто-то ходили на экраны наших актерам, получают радость по ошибке улетел в Париж, компьютеров, а мы, зрители, от репетиций, совместного группе ортодоксальных ев- удобно расположившись на творчества и щедро делятся реев “приписали” тур-гидом диванах и креслах, перено- плодами своего труда с сногсшибательную блондинку. сились в иную реальность друзьями и близкими. Это Но и в самом офисе интриги, трудовых будней Израильско- особенно оказалось важным в романы, драма, а также го туристического агентства. ситуации карантина. феерический парад типажей, “Что дает мне наш комедийных ситуаций и Почему именно турагент- Андоверский Театр? Преж- веселых мизансцен – плод ства? “До переезда в Америку, де всего – общение. У нас богатой фантазии Елены – объясняет Улановская, – я прекрасная труппа. Все Улановской: расчетливая много лет проработала в Хайфе очень умные, веселые незамужняя, знающая се- в престижном туристичес- и замечательные люди. бе цену и в поисках состо- ком агентстве, где моими Общение с ними приносит ятельного мужа Ализа (Алина клиентами были богатые мне огромное удовольствие. Тверская); брошенная мужем и весьма преуспевающие и Леночка [Улановская] миловидная мать двоих известные люди. Работать проделала огромную работу, детей на шестом месяце Слева направо: Женя, Катя, Инна, Julia, Aaron, дед Петя, баба с людьми, избалованными чтобы собрать нас и сплотить. беременности (Светлана Мира, Володя; на ковре справа: Регина, Лариса, Reed деньгами было тяжело, но и Мы стали одной большой Равина); харизматичный Карантин карантином, но дни рождения никто не отменял. очень интересно. Ничто так семьей. Наши репетиции любимец сотрудниц и клиен- Недавно большая и дружная семья Столерманов отметила не отодвигает собственные дают мне заряд хорошего тов женского пола Мишель день рождения своего патриарха Петра Григорьевича. проблемы на задний план, как настроения и энергии. В это (Михаил Гомер); менеджер С поздравительным адресом выступил сын Володя: клиент, который рыдает, если нелегкое время наши ZOOM- агентства, властная Хава (Диля место в бизнес классе оказа- встречи скрашивают быт, Коган); восторженная, наивная Папе и деду Пете в день его 89-летия посвящается... лось не у окна или если в номе- помогают не думать о плохом, и влюбленная Лили (Евгения 89 – в математике это простое число, на английском это ре семизвездочной гостиницы забыть на время все проблемы Турикова); прижимистый и prime number – т.е. число, которое делится только на само себя нет джакузи. Безумные, пол- и просто погрузиться в мир расчетливый хозяин агентства и на один – потому оно и особенное! ные неожиданных сюрпризов театра” – сказала Светлана Диди (Борис Акодес); эго- Но в английском языке слово prime еще употребляют по дни туристического агента Равина, одна из ведущих истичная, капризная и мани- отношению к возрасту, когда говорят что человек в своем prime вдохновили меня на написа- артистов труппы и ассистент пулятивная клиентка Эстер age, т.е. в расцвете сил. У кого-то этот расцвет раньше, у кого-то ние этой пьесы.” продюсера спектакля. (Ольга Ревзина); супер-ак- позже, у кого-то короче, у кого-то длиннее, но по отношению к Поставить на сцене Актер Илья Ярославский, тивный бизнесмен Ронен нашему папе и деду можно сказать с уверенностью – он полон спектакль “Туристическое обладающий бесспорным (Илья Ярославский); наглый энергии и любви к жизни, и к своей уже разросшейся в Америке Агентство” оказалось комедийным даром сказал: и самоуверенный сын Хавы семье! Мы все его очень любим и желаем ему здоровья и затруднительным из-за “Пока я не присоединился и наркодилер Алон (Михаил бодрости на многие годы!
СОТНИ ОБРАЗЦОВ English PRIDE OF LYNN CEMETERY Summary МЕМОРИАЛЬНЫХ ПАМЯТНИКОВ AND CHEVRA MISHNA 89 LAKE SHORE ROAD, LYNN, MA 01904 мы осуществаляем дизайн и непосредственное 89 LAKE SHORE ROAD, LYNN, MA 01904 In this week’s issue of the изготовление памятников Предоставляем ритуальные услуги Journal’s Russian Chronicle, we в нашей мастерской без суб-подрядчиков Serving Boston and the Greater North Shore Еврейской Общине Северного Берега с 1920 года review an online Zoom play put Jewish and interfaith families since 1920. together by the Andover Outing O’ROURKE BROS. MEMORIALS Community Theater that was CompassionateИндивидуальный personalized подход service. Individualи сервис and performed over two evenings. 73 North Street, Salem, MA ~ 978-744-0871 Compassionate personalized service. Individual and multiple lots available with competitive pricing. The play was written and pro- Предварительное планирование включает duced by Elena Ulanovsky, a религиозные и светские похоронные услуги. ABATE MONUMENTS ASK ABOUTASK ABOUT OUR OUR PRE-PLANNING PRE-PLANNING SAVINGS. SAVINGS. community organizer, writer and playwright. 82 Elliott Street, Beverly, MA ~ 978-922-0517 TRADITIONALПродажаCREMATION местBURIAL на AND кладбище OPTIONSINURNMENT по (CREMATION)AVAILABLE. доступным AVAILABLE. ценам. CREMATION OPTIONS AVAILABLE. We also wish a happy and www.obmemorials.com No synagogueНе требуем or temple членства affiliation в синагоге required. healthy birthday to a well- [email protected] known member of the Russian- [email protected] speaking community. Обслуживаем Еврейскую Общину Северного Берега с 1890 года (978) 594-4249 • www.prideoflynn.org PEOPLE THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 15
Chulsky’s welcome Shterna Sara Happy Birthday! Tziporah and Leib (Jonathan) With joy, we announce Chulsky of Paris, France are the celebration of our family happy to welcome their daugh- matriarch. On Aug. 26, Evelyn ter Shterna Sara born July 31 Rivka (Dogem) Bernstein (10 Av). The girl is also wel- celebrates 98 years of defy- comed by her big brothers ing the fates. She emigrated David Yeshayahu, Yosef Yitzhak, as a Russian speaker at the Avraham Yehezkel, Menachem age of 6. She attended Lynn Mendel, and Shmuel, and big public schools, graduating sister Chaya Mushka. Irina and from Lynn Classical – with Mark Chulsky of Swampscott no hint of an accent! Evelyn’s are the proud grandparents. social life revolved around the Janna Zazovsky is the delighted Yiddish-speaking commu- great-grandmother. nity of the Workmens Circle in Lynn and Dorchester- Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary (JWVA) installs auxiliary officers Mattapan. Eventually, Evelyn wed a wandering sailor. They On July 29, Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary had two daughters and settled Evelyn Rivka (Dogem) Bernstein (JWVA) National President Sandra Cantor in Mattapan. Evelyn loves the- (Texas) administered the oath of Office to ater, movies, and Classical music. She has retained her sharp wit JWVA MA North Shore Auxiliary 220 President and enjoys her nightly white wine. In retirement, she resides with Charlotte Gross and her newly elected staff her husband in an over-55 community in Peabody. via video conferencing. Fifteen JWVA/JWV She is much-loved and respected by her daughters and son-in- Members from across the Commonwealth law, six grandchildren, and three great-greatchildren. We lift our participated in the online ceremony. JWVA glasses to our Grandma Evie. In the words of the noted author National President Cantor thanked JWVA Sholom Aleichem, “alevay bis hundert un tsvantsik!” Immediate Past Auxiliary President Dorothy Katz for her years of dedicated service to the Auxiliary and our veterans and welcoming incoming JWVA 220 President Charlotte Gross and her staff for a successful and productive future. Within the last six months, JWVA North Shore Auxiliary 220 has recruited nine new members. For further information about joining JWVA, please contact JWVA 220 Senior Vice President Leslie Emack at 617-797-4730.
Hebrew College launches interfaith program for high school students
NEWTON– The Betty Ann and debate when necessary.” collaboration with leaders and Greenbaum Miller Center The program, an outgrowth educators from houses of wor- Now open for for Interreligious Learning & of the Interfaith Youth Initiative ship, schools, and civic orga- Leadership of Hebrew College is (IFYI) previously run through nizations throughout the city. inside and outside dining launching the Dignity Project, a the Cooperative Metropolitan The Miller Center coordinates 10-month fellowship program Ministries and funded by a similar programs for under- to train outstanding high school grant from The Carpenter graduate students (the Boston students from Greater Boston Foundation, is being developed Interfaith Leadership Initiative) to serve as interreligious and by the Miller Center team in and emerging professionals. We are offering cross-cultural leaders who CURBSIDE engage diverse communities, ORDER ONLINE AT: foster understanding across dif- PICK UP www.fantasyislandsalem.com ference, and build bridges of Call us at collaboration. 978-745-1700 516 Loring Avenue, Salem The program, which to place an order. Tel: (978) 745-1700 launches in late-August, will Fax: (978) 740-9121 bring together a group of 15 teens from different spiritual, ethical, secular, and religious backgrounds, including stu- dents from Hebrew College’s Prozdor high school program. The fellows will be mentored by graduate students and youth educators from a variety of spiritual and ethical traditions and will meet (virtually and/or tent sale in person) to build community through interactive dialogue, workshops, narrative-sharing, and community initiatives Thursday-Sunday, August 13-16 only throughout the year. Extended hours! Thursday-Saturday 9:30am-6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm “The overarching goal of this initiative is to provide the fel- lows with the experience, skills, EVERY ITEM UNDER THE TENT WILL BE and support to act as bold and empathic leaders, committed 6O% • 7O% • 8O% off to the flourishing of an ethos no exclusions • all items final sale • alterations extra of human dignity within and across their communities,” said including Canali • Peter Millar Rabbi Or Rose, director of the WORLD FAMOUS BRANDS Brioni • Tommy Bahama • Eton • Oxxford • Robert Talbott Miller Center. “In this time of widespread illness, increased Hickey Freeman • Barbour • Robert Graham • Hugo Boss polarization, and resurgent Giorgio Armani • Johnnie-O • Canada Goose • Paul & Shark intolerance, we need to help famous maker shoes and many other favorite brands! young people develop the abil- ity and sensibility to find com- 85 Andover Street, Route 114, Danvers mon ground when possible, and 978.774.4080 giblees.com to engage in dignified discourse JOEL WEINGARTEN Mortgage Solutions PRIVATE MORTGAGE BANKER customized to your NMLS ID#395556 personal lifestyle
429 & 315 Harvard Street, Brookline, MA 02446 (978) 479-4689 (Mobile) • (844) 259-6608 (eFax) • [email protected] 16 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 13, 2020 COMMUNITY NEWS
Jews are likely to stick to their Democratic roots from page 1 There are loads of Jews who are coalition. Ralph E. Reed Jr., the theorist at the Hoover Institution concerned about Netanyahu and former executive director of the at Stanford University, said in an are certainly not going to move Christian Coalition, extended a interview. “If Biden gets in there away from the Democrats right hand of welcome a quarter-cen- as president, a lot of Jews will now.” (Full disclosure: I wrote a tury ago when he vowed to move be very worried. They may not chapter and the prologue in the religious conservatives “beyond be ready to say they will vote for Maisel book.) the pain of the past and the Trump – but I wouldn’t be sur- Like many immigrant groups, uneasy tolerance of the present prised if one in three Jews ended Jews have been drawn to the to genuine friendship.” up going for Trump.” Democrats across the genera- That remains the (unfulfilled) That would approach the tions, an allegiance hardened in hope of Republican strategists vote harvested by Mitt Romney the New Deal years (1933-39) and who eye the Jewish vote as a in 2012, whose 30 percent of by the party’s emphasis on social potential addition to the party’s the Jewish vote is the largest justice. “This political love affair coalition. amount any Republican has won of American Jews with the left,” But it has been a third of a cen- in the 21st century. (The largest wrote Edward Shapiro, a Seton tury since Alan J. Steinberg, a self- Republican vote in modern times Hall University expert on Jewish described “Reaganite conserva- came in 1916, when Supreme Office of Sen. Kamala Harrs history, “has persisted despite tive Republican’’ and “pro-Zion- Court Justice Charles Evans Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) in 2017 signing the guestbook at Yad rapid economic and social mobil- ist Orthodox Jew” who worked Hughes took 45 percent of the Vashem as her husband, Doug Emhoff, looks on. ity, suburbanization, and the for George W. Bush, called for Jewish vote against incumbent changing focus of the left from American Jews to “enter into a President Woodrow Wilson.) But Biden picks Kamala Harris economic issues involving taxes new covenant, a covenant with many political professionals and and the regulation of business to political conservatives.” It hasn’t scholars believe Jews’ allegiance as Democratic running mate cultural issues concerning status happened – and, moreover, to the Democrats is too strong and identity.” Steinberg himself ended up vot- for the Republicans to pierce it, By Jackson Richman ate committees. Which is not to say that ing for Hillary Clinton and will especially in 2020. JNS.org Harris, who ran for president Jews will forever be a part of vote for Biden this fall because “I can’t see Trump increasing but dropped out in December, the Democratic coalition. As “I could not support a candidate his Jewish vote,’’ said Thomas E. The presumptive Democratic has long been a supporter of Jews moved from being visitors like Trump who had a record of Patterson, a Harvard Kennedy 2020 nominee, former U.S. Israel and has visited the coun- in America to being part of the racism, nativism, xenophobia, School scholar. “Some of it is sim- Vice President Joe Biden, try. Harris married Jewish law- American host community, they and issue ignorance and whose ply legacy. People don’t give up announced on Tuesday that he yer Douglas Emhoff, 55, in 2014 have acquired some of the clas- mendacity exceeded that of their loyalties that quickly. And has picked Sen. Kamala Harris in a ceremony that included sic indicators of conservatism, almost every public figure I had most of the Jewish voters are in (D-Calif.) as his running mate. the smashing of the glass to including a stake in the status ever encountered.” line with the Democrats on social The decision comes a week remember the destruction of quo and positions in the com- And yet Republicans cling to welfare questions. That is a place before the Democratic National the First and Second Temples manding heights of the economy, the hopes that Jews – especially where they are at home, a place Convention, which will be vir- in Jerusalem, in addition to the the academy, and the media. the Orthodox, but perhaps oth- where they are comfortable.’’ tual after the scheduled four-day suffering the Jewish people have Those who believe Jews are ers as well – will align themselves event in Milwaukee was can- endured throughout history. ripe for the picking for conserva- with the GOP, in part in reac- David M. Shribman received celed due to the coronavirus Emhoff has two children from a tism and Republican allegiance tion to the leftward drift of the the 1995 Pulitzer Prize for his pandemic. previous marriage. cite the group’s emphasis on hard Democratic Party. writing on American political cul- Harris, who is 55, grew up in In 2017, she addressed the work, family, prayer, and tradi- “The identity politics, left, ture. A North Shore native, he was Oakland, and served as District annual American Israel Public tion – all vital elements of con- revolutionary, anti-Israel people executive editor of the Pittsburgh Attorney of San Francisco. Affairs Committee Policy servatism. At the same time, the in the Democratic Party, have Post-Gazette for 16 years and led She also served as California’s Conference, where she talked warmth that religious conserva- become emboldened, and it the newspaper’s coverage of the Attorney General. She was elect- about growing up in the Bay Area tives have for Israel provides a is kind of getting scary,’’ Victor Tree of Life massacre that won the ed senator in California in 2016. and even collecting donations bridge to a vital part of the GOP Davis Hanson, a conservative 2019 Pulitzer Prize. She is a member of several sen- for the Jewish National Fund.