Advent Candle Readings - 2020

Advent Sunday #1 – November 29, 2020

Reader #1 During this Advent season, we are waiting and preparing for our celebration of , Christ’s birthday. We will light one candle for each of the four Sundays in Advent, and the center Christ candle on . The is round, reminding us of God’s never-ending love for us. The evergreens remind us of God’s great gift of life. Today we light the first of the candles of our Advent wreath. It represents the shepherds, who came to to see the baby .

(pause to light the first candle)

Common shepherds were watching their flocks of sheep at night. Suddenly they saw a great light. Angels appeared to them and told them that Jesus, the Savior of the World, was born in Bethlehem. They were so excited about this great news, that they ran to see the baby Jesus.

Now we will put the shepherds and the sheep in the creche here in front of our sanctuary.

(pause while someone puts the shepherds and the sheep in the creche.)

Reader #2 Let us pray. Our loving God, out of your loving heart, you sent Jesus to earth to be our Savior and Lord. Thank you for the witness of the shepherds who ran to see the baby Jesus. Help us this Advent season to draw near to you by faith. Give us the excitement of the shepherds. May this Advent season warm our homes, and fill our hearts with your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Advent Sunday #2 – December 3, 2020

Reader #1 During Advent, we will light one Advent candle each Sunday. It reminds us that Christmas is coming soon. Let us prepare our hearts for Jesus’ birth.

The first candle reminds us of the shepherds who ran to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus.

(pause to light the first candle)

The second candle reminds us of the animals in the stable where Jesus was born.

(pause to light the second candle)

Jesus was born in a stable in an out of the way town of Bethlehem. What animals were there in that stable where Jesus was born? Maybe there were cattle gently mooing. The cows were eating the hay from a manger, like the one where Jesus was laid. Maybe there were donkeys in that stable. Did one of those donkeys let Jesus ride on them three years later on Palm Sunday? Were the stable animals watching this heavenly birth that silent night?

Now we will put the animals in the creche here in front of our sanctuary.

(pause while someone puts the animals in the creche.)

Reader #2 Let us pray. O God, you created all living things. All creation waited in awe for this miracle birth of your Son, baby Jesus. All creation watched in the stable when you sent your Son to earth as baby Jesus. Thank you for sending Jesus to be born among common animals in an ordinary stable in an out of the way town. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Advent Sunday #3 – December 10, 2020

Reader #1 During Advent, we will light one Advent candle each Sunday. It reminds us that Christmas is coming soon. Let us prepare our hearts for Jesus’ birth.

The first candle reminds us of the shepherds who ran to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus.

(pause to light the first candle)

The second candle reminds us of the animals in the stable where Jesus was born.

(pause to light the second candle)

The third candle reminds us of the angels.

(pause to light the third candle)

When a child is born, messengers announce the birth. God sent his angels from heaven to announce his Son’s special birth on Christmas Day. The angel announced to Mary that she would be the mother of God’s holy Son. An angel told Joseph in a dream that Mary’s son would be the Son of God. Angels appeared to the shepherds while they were out in their fields at night watching their sheep.

Now we will put the angels in the creche here in front of our sanctuary.

(pause while someone puts the angels in the creche.)

Reader #2 Let us pray. Our great God in heaven, you sent your messengers to announce Jesus’ holy birth. Thank you for sending your angels to Joseph and Mary. Thank you for sending your angels to the lowly shepherds. We see the beauty and the majesty of heaven when we hear about your angels coming to earth. We feel a touch of heaven when we hear the angels’ message. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Advent Sunday #4 – December 17, 2020

Reader #1 During Advent, we will light one Advent candle each Sunday. It reminds us that Christmas is coming soon. Let us prepare our hearts for Jesus’ birth.

The first candle reminds us of the shepherds who ran to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus.

(pause to light the first candle)

The second candle reminds us of the animals in the stable where Jesus was born.

(pause to light the second candle)

The third candle reminds us of the angels.

(pause to light the third candle)

The fourth candle reminds us of Mary and Joseph.

(pause to light the fourth candle)

Mary was a young mother, who must have had a strong faith in God. God specially chose her for this special purpose, to be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. God also specially chose Joseph, to be Jesus’ stepfather, to raise Jesus in the Jewish faith. Mary and Joseph were chosen by God. They fulfilled Old Testament prophecy about the Savior of the World’s birth.

Now we will put Joseph and Mary in the creche here in front of our sanctuary.

(pause while someone puts Joseph and Mary in the creche.)

Reader #2 Let us pray. O God, full of power and full of grace, you chose two common people to be the earthly parents of your eternal Son, Jesus. Joseph and Mary remind us that you can use common, ordinary people, like us, to do extraordinary things for your kingdom. Guide our words and our actions, so that we can be used for special purposes for your holy will on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Christmas Eve Advent Candle Readings – December 24, 2020

Reader #1 During Advent, we will light one Advent candle each Sunday. It reminds us that Christmas is coming soon. Let us prepare our hearts for Jesus’ birth.

The first candle reminds us of the shepherds who ran to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus.

(pause to light the first candle)

The second candle reminds us of the animals in the stable where Jesus was born.

(pause to light the second candle)

The third candle reminds us of the angels.

(pause to light the third candle)

The fourth candle reminds us of Mary and Joseph.

(pause to light the fourth candle)

The fifth candle is in the center. It is the Christ candle. It is Jesus’ birthday candle. It reminds us that God sent God’s love to earth in the package of baby Jesus. We remember that Christ was born on Christmas Day. Just as the Christ candle is in the center of this Advent wreath, may we put Jesus in the center of our lives each day.

(pause to light the center, white, candle)

Now we will put the baby Jesus in the creche here in front of our sanctuary.

(pause while someone puts the baby Jesus in the creche.)

Reader #2 Let us pray. Our wonderful God, our Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your love to earth in the package of the baby Jesus. Jesus spent his whole life teaching us how to love you and to love one another. Jesus gave us the example of sacrificial love in dying on the cross for our salvation. Plant your love in our hearts tonight. In Jesus’ most precious name we pray, Amen.