Security track

Footprinting for security auditors

Jose Manuel Ortega @jmortegac

Footprinting for securty auditors Agenda • Information gathering • Footprinting tools • Port scanning with nmap • Nmap scripts

Footprinting for securty auditors Security auditing phases Footprint Analysis Who is DNS Lookup Search Engines Enumeration Scanning Analyze publicly Machines available Ports Exploitation Applications information. Set Buffer Overflows scope of attack Check for Spoofing and identify key Password vulnerabilities Rootkit targets. on each target Attack targets Damage resource “Owning” IP Theft, using library of Blackmail, Defacing, tools and Espionage, techniques Destruction, DoS

Footprinting for securty auditors Security Track

Information Gathering

Footprinting for securty auditors Information gathering

Footprinting (gather target information) passive ➔ names, addresses, system types, ... passive Fingerprinting (identify topologies & systems) or ➔ network layout, operating systems, services active active Sniffing (collect network traffic) ➔ addresses, names, information (passwords, ...)

Enumeration (collect access information) ➔ list of user accounts, share names, …

Scanning (detect systems and services) ➔ response from network stack, applications, ...

Footprinting for securty auditors Footprinting

• Identify locations, domain names, IP address ranges, e-mail addresses, dial-in phone numbers, systems used, administrator names, network topology. • Using public information. • Without network /physical connection to the target.

Footprinting for securty auditors Security Track


Footprinting for securty auditors Kali

Footprinting for securty auditors Whois Online Tools

• Get information about domains, IP address, DNS • Identify the domain names and associated networks related to a particular organization • • • • • • Footprinting for securty auditors Netcraft


Footprinting for securty auditors Whois

Footprinting for securty auditors Whois command

Footprinting for securty auditors Host command

• Ge IPv4,v6,mail server

Footprinting for securty auditors Network tools


Footprinting for securty auditors NETWORK Tools


Footprinting for securty auditors Footprinting for securty auditors Robtex

• Provides graphical information from DNS and Whois •

Footprinting for securty auditors Robtex

Footprinting for securty auditors Nslookup

• Query DNS server in order to extract valuable information about the host machine. • Find names of machines through a domain/zone transfer • Nslookup -d→ list all associated records for the domain

Footprinting for securty auditors Dig /DNS Resolver

Footprinting for securty auditors Dnsmap

Footprinting for securty auditors Dnsenum

Footprinting for securty auditors DnsRecon

Footprinting for securty auditors Zone Transfer

• How does one provide security against DNS Interrogation? • Restrict zone transfers to authorized servers. • Set your or router to deny all unauthorized inbound connections to TCP port 53 • Best practice to restrict Zone transfers is review file configuration /etc/bind/named.conf.local

Footprinting for securty auditors Subdomains


Footprinting for securty auditors The harvester

• Catalogue email address and subdomains from a specific domain. • It works with all the major search engines including Bing and Google. • The objective is to gather emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers and SHODAN computer database.

Footprinting for securty auditors The harvester

Footprinting for securty auditors The harvester

Footprinting for securty auditors Maltego

Footprinting for securty auditors Maltego

∙ Company Stalker (this gathers email information)

∙ Footprint L1 (basic information gathering)

∙ Footprint L2 (moderate amount of information gathering)

∙ Footprint L3 (intense and the most complete information gathering)

Footprinting for securty auditors Maltego

Footprinting for securty auditors Shodan

Footprinting for securty auditors

Footprinting for securty auditors Mr looquer

Footprinting for securty auditors Web robots

• •

Footprinting for securty auditors Web Archive

Footprinting for securty auditors Spider foot

Footprinting for securty auditors Spider foot

Footprinting for securty auditors Scanning tools

• Active footprinting • Number and type of opened ports • Type of services running in the servers • Vulnerabilities of the services and software • Nmap is a great tool for discovering Open ports, protocol numbers, OS details, firewall details, etc.

Footprinting for securty auditors Security Track


Footprinting for securty auditors Nmap

• Unix-based port scanner • Support for different scanning techniques • Detects of remote hosts • Many configuration options - timing - scanned port range - scan method • Various front ends for easier handling Footprinting for securty auditors Zenmap Port Scanner

Footprinting for securty auditors Zenmap Port Scanner

Footprinting for securty auditors Sparta

Footprinting for securty auditors Nmap whois

Footprinting for securty auditors Guessing the Operating System • We can use the --osscan-guess option to force Nmap into discovering the OS.

Footprinting for securty auditors Banner Grabbing nmap -p80 -sV -sT

Footprinting for securty auditors Nmap Script Engine

• Simple scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks • Are written in Lua programming language.

• Network discovery • Vulnerability detection • Backdoor detection • Vulnerability exploitation Footprinting for securty auditors Nmap Script Engine usr/local/share/nmap/scripts

Footprinting for securty auditors Nmap Script Engine

• scripts

Footprinting for securty auditors Banner grabbing with nmap script nmap --script banner

Footprinting for securty auditors http-enum script nmap -v --script http-enum.nse

Footprinting for securty auditors ↘mysql-databases nmap -v -d -p3306 --script mysql-databases.nse --script-args='mysqluser=root'

Footprinting for securty auditors ↘mysql-databases

Footprinting for securty auditors Find vulnerabilities with nmap

•XSS / SQL Injection

↘nmap -p80 –script http-unsafe-output-escaping

↘ safe-output-escaping.nse?rev=28293 ↘ ml

Footprinting for securty auditors Security Track

Vulnerability Scanner

Footprinting for securty auditors Vulnerability Scanner

Footprinting for securty auditors Arachni Vulnerability Scanner

Footprinting for securty auditors Links & References

• work-footprinting. • • • •

Footprinting for securty auditors Books

Footprinting for securty auditors Security track

Thank you!

Jose Manuel Ortega @jmortegac

Footprinting for securty auditors