81B bus time schedule & line map

81B Lancaster - Via Halton, Caton, View In Website Mode Brookhouse, Wennington, Melling,

The 81B bus line (Lancaster - Kirkby Lonsdale Via Halton, Caton, Brookhouse, Wennington, Melling, Nether Burrow) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Hornby: 6:15 PM (2) Kirkby Lonsdale: 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM (3) Lancaster City Centre: 10:15 AM - 6:15 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 81B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 81B bus arriving.

Direction: Hornby 81B bus Time Schedule 33 stops Hornby Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:15 PM

Monday Not Operational Bus Station, Lancaster City Centre Damside Street, Lancaster Tuesday Not Operational

Our Ladys Rchs, Wednesday Not Operational

Aldrens Lane, Skerton Thursday Not Operational Aldrens Lane, Lancaster Friday Not Operational

Daisy Street, Skerton Saturday Not Operational Daisy Street, Lancaster

Hill Road, Skerton Hill Road, Lancaster 81B bus Info The Green, Beaumont Direction: Hornby Wilton Close, Lancaster Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 29 min Woodlands Road, Beaumont Line Summary: Bus Station, Lancaster City Centre, Pollard Place, Our Ladys Rchs, Skerton, Aldrens Lane, Skerton, Daisy Street, Skerton, Hill Road, Skerton, The Green, Kellet Lane, Beaumont Beaumont, Woodlands Road, Beaumont, Kellet Lane, Beaumont, Halton Camp, Halton, War Memorial, Halton Camp, Halton Halton, Community Centre, Halton, Forgewood Drive, Halton, Lune Bridge, Caton, Road, Caton, War Memorial, Halton Station Hotel, Caton, Beckside, Caton, Lane House, Brookhouse, Four Winds, Brookhouse, Black Bull, Community Centre, Halton Brookhouse, Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse, Caton Green Road, Brookhouse, Nursing Home, Forgewood Drive, Halton Brookhouse, Brickworks, Claughton, Meadowside, Low Road, Halton-With-Aughton Claughton, Fenwick Arms, Claughton, Farleton Old Road, Farleton, Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats, Lune Bridge, Caton Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats, Day Nursery, Hornby, Wenning Stores, Hornby, War Memorial, Hornby, Quernmore Road, Caton Royal Oak, Hornby, Swimming Pool, Hornby

Station Hotel, Caton

Beckside, Caton Beck Side, Brookhouse

Lane House, Brookhouse

Four Winds, Brookhouse Brookhouse Road, Brookhouse

Black Bull, Brookhouse 6 Sycamore road, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse Kirk Beck Bridge, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Caton Green Road, Brookhouse

Nursing Home, Brookhouse

Brickworks, Claughton

Meadowside, Claughton

Fenwick Arms, Claughton

Farleton Old Road, Farleton

Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats B6480, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats

Day Nursery, Hornby

Wenning Stores, Hornby 26 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

War Memorial, Hornby 74 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Royal Oak, Hornby

Swimming Pool, Hornby Melling Road, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish Direction: Kirkby Lonsdale 81B bus Time Schedule 55 stops Kirkby Lonsdale Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:15 AM - 4:15 PM

Monday Not Operational Bus Station, Lancaster City Centre Damside Street, Lancaster Tuesday Not Operational

Our Ladys Rchs, Skerton Wednesday Not Operational

Aldrens Lane, Skerton Thursday Not Operational Aldrens Lane, Lancaster Friday Not Operational

Daisy Street, Skerton Saturday Not Operational Daisy Street, Lancaster

Hill Road, Skerton Hill Road, Lancaster 81B bus Info The Green, Beaumont Direction: Kirkby Lonsdale Wilton Close, Lancaster Stops: 55 Trip Duration: 54 min Woodlands Road, Beaumont Line Summary: Bus Station, Lancaster City Centre, Pollard Place, England Our Ladys Rchs, Skerton, Aldrens Lane, Skerton, Daisy Street, Skerton, Hill Road, Skerton, The Green, Kellet Lane, Beaumont Beaumont, Woodlands Road, Beaumont, Kellet Lane, Beaumont, Halton Camp, Halton, War Memorial, Halton Camp, Halton Halton, Community Centre, Halton, Forgewood Drive, Halton, Lune Bridge, Caton, Quernmore Road, Caton, War Memorial, Halton Station Hotel, Caton, Beckside, Caton, Lane House, Brookhouse, Four Winds, Brookhouse, Black Bull, Community Centre, Halton Brookhouse, Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse, Caton Green Road, Brookhouse, Nursing Home, Forgewood Drive, Halton Brookhouse, Brickworks, Claughton, Meadowside, Low Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish Claughton, Fenwick Arms, Claughton, Farleton Old Road, Farleton, Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats, Lune Bridge, Caton Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats, Day Nursery, Hornby, Wenning Stores, Hornby, War Memorial, Hornby, Quernmore Road, Caton Royal Oak, Hornby, Swimming Pool, Hornby, St Margarets Ceps, Hornby, War Memorial, Hornby, Station Hotel, Caton Institute, Hornby, Day Nursery, Hornby, Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats, New Inn, Wray, Police House, Wray, Tatham Hall, Tatham, Raw Ridding Farm, Tatham, Beckside, Caton Wennington Station, Wennington, Nether View, Beck Side, Brookhouse Wennington, St Wilfrid Ceps, Melling, Gillison Close, Melling, Station Cottages, Melling, Road End, Lane House, Brookhouse Wrayton, Lunesdale Arms, Tunstall, The Highwayman, Nether Burrow, Luneeld Drive, Kirkby Four Winds, Brookhouse Lonsdale, New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale, Abbotsgate, Brookhouse Road, Brookhouse Kirkby Lonsdale, Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale, Kirkby Lonsdale Booth'S, Kirkby Lonsdale Black Bull, Brookhouse 6 Sycamore road, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse Kirk Beck Bridge, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Caton Green Road, Brookhouse Nursing Home, Brookhouse

Brickworks, Claughton

Meadowside, Claughton

Fenwick Arms, Claughton

Farleton Old Road, Farleton

Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats B6480, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats

Day Nursery, Hornby

Wenning Stores, Hornby 26 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

War Memorial, Hornby 74 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Royal Oak, Hornby

Swimming Pool, Hornby Melling Road, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

St Margarets Ceps, Hornby

War Memorial, Hornby 74 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Institute, Hornby 26 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Day Nursery, Hornby

Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats

New Inn, Wray Lane Head, Wray-With-Botton Civil Parish

Police House, Wray Gars End, Wray-With-Botton Civil Parish

Tatham Hall, Tatham

Raw Ridding Farm, Tatham

Wennington Station, Wennington Wennington Bridge, Wennington Civil Parish

Nether View, Wennington

St Wilfrid Ceps, Melling

Gillison Close, Melling

Station Cottages, Melling Road End, Wrayton

Lunesdale Arms, Tunstall

The Highwayman, Nether Burrow

Luneeld Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale 1-4 Green Square, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish

New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale 9 New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish

Abbotsgate, Kirkby Lonsdale New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish

Queen Elizabeth School, Kirkby Lonsdale Kendal Road, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish

Kirkby Lonsdale Booth'S, Kirkby Lonsdale Dodgson Croft, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish Direction: Lancaster City Centre 81B bus Time Schedule 56 stops Lancaster City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:15 AM - 6:15 PM

Monday Not Operational Kirkby Lonsdale Booth'S, Kirkby Lonsdale Dodgson Croft, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish Tuesday Not Operational

Market Place, Kirkby Lonsdale Wednesday Not Operational 2-4 Market Square, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish Thursday Not Operational Luneeld Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale Friday Not Operational 1-4 Green Square, Kirkby Lonsdale Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational The Highwayman, Nether Burrow Woodman Lane, Burrow-With-Burrow Civil Parish

Lunesdale Arms, Tunstall 81B bus Info Road End, Wrayton Direction: Lancaster City Centre Stops: 56 Station Cottages, Melling Trip Duration: 52 min Line Summary: Kirkby Lonsdale Booth'S, Kirkby Melling Hall Hotel, Melling Lonsdale, Market Place, Kirkby Lonsdale, Luneeld Melling Brow, Melling-With-Wrayton Civil Parish Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale, The Highwayman, Nether Burrow, Lunesdale Arms, Tunstall, Road End, Gillison Close, Melling Wrayton, Station Cottages, Melling, Melling Hall Gillison Close, Melling-With-Wrayton Civil Parish Hotel, Melling, Gillison Close, Melling, St Wilfrid Ceps, Melling, Nether View, Wennington, Wennington St Wilfrid Ceps, Melling Station, Wennington, Bridge Inn, Tatham, Proctors Farm, Wray, New Inn, Wray, Ingleborough View, Butt Nether View, Wennington Yeats, Day Nursery, Hornby, Wenning Stores, Hornby, War Memorial, Hornby, Royal Oak, Hornby, Wennington Station, Wennington Swimming Pool, Hornby, St Margarets Ceps, Hornby, Wennington Bridge, Wennington Civil Parish War Memorial, Hornby, Institute, Hornby, Day Nursery, Hornby, Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats, Bridge Inn, Tatham Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats, Farleton Old Road, Farleton, Fenwick Arms, Claughton, Meadowside, Proctors Farm, Wray Claughton, Brickworks, Claughton, Nursing Home, Brookhouse, Caton Green Road, Brookhouse, New Inn, Wray Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse, Black Bull, Brookhouse, Four Winds, Brookhouse, Lane House, Brookhouse, Lane Head, Wray-With-Botton Civil Parish Copy Lane, Caton, Station Hotel, Caton, Quernmore Road, Caton, Lune Bridge, Caton, Forgewood Drive, Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats Halton, Community Centre, Halton, Greyhound Hotel, Halton, War Memorial, Halton, Training Camp, Day Nursery, Hornby Halton, Kellet Lane, Beaumont, Woodlands Drive, Beaumont, The Green, Beaumont, Hill Road, Skerton, Wenning Stores, Hornby Daisy Street, Skerton, Owen Road, Skerton, Red 26 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish Cross, Skerton, Parliament Street, Lancaster City Centre, Sainsburys, Lancaster City Centre, Bus War Memorial, Hornby Station, Lancaster City Centre 74 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Royal Oak, Hornby

Swimming Pool, Hornby Melling Road, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish St Margarets Ceps, Hornby

War Memorial, Hornby 74 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Institute, Hornby 26 Main Street, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Day Nursery, Hornby

Ingleborough View, Butt Yeats

Lunesdale Court, Butt Yeats B6480, Hornby-With-Farleton Civil Parish

Farleton Old Road, Farleton

Fenwick Arms, Claughton A683, Claughton Civil Parish

Meadowside, Claughton

Brickworks, Claughton

Nursing Home, Brookhouse

Caton Green Road, Brookhouse

Kirkbeck Close, Brookhouse Kirkbeck Close, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Black Bull, Brookhouse Littledale Road, Caton-With-Littledale Civil Parish

Four Winds, Brookhouse Brookhouse Road, Brookhouse

Lane House, Brookhouse

Copy Lane, Caton Brookhouse Road, Brookhouse

Station Hotel, Caton

Quernmore Road, Caton

Lune Bridge, Caton

Forgewood Drive, Halton

Community Centre, Halton

Greyhound Hotel, Halton 10 Low Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

War Memorial, Halton

Training Camp, Halton

Kellet Lane, Beaumont Woodlands Drive, Beaumont Langton Close, England

The Green, Beaumont Wilton Close, Lancaster

Hill Road, Skerton

Daisy Street, Skerton

Owen Road, Skerton Owen Road, Lancaster

Red Cross, Skerton

Parliament Street, Lancaster City Centre 32 Parliament Street, Lancaster

Sainsburys, Lancaster City Centre 23-25 North Road, Lancaster

Bus Station, Lancaster City Centre Lancaster Bus Station, Lancaster 81B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved