Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment A.1


1. Waste Water discharge Licence (Background) , Aras an Chontae, , Co. Mayo is making an application to the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) for a waste water discharge licence for the Waste Water Treatment Plant at Achill Sound and Agglomeration in compliance with the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 684 of 2007).

Under Regulation 5. (1), of the above Regulations, a water services authority shall at least 6 months before the date on which a waste water works becomes operational, make an application to the Agency for a licence authorising the waste water discharges from those works. The Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant falls under this category as it is currently under construction and is due to be commissioned/operational by May 2010.

Prior to the above plant no collection system or treatment plant existed in Achill Sound.

2. Description of Achill Sound Waste Water Works use. The Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) has been designed to treat wastewater from an equivalent population of 1,200 persons and will be operated by Response- other Group. Treated effluent from the Plant will be dischargedonly. to the Atlantic Ocean (Primary Discharge Point) SW1 (P). any for The scheme as a whole includes for the construction of a scheme of Main Sewers to collect foul effluent from the Achill Sound agglomerpurposesation and convey the flow via 5 No. Pumping Stations, to the new Waste Water Treatment Plant, the names of which are as follows: - required Pumping Station Unique Point Code Name inspection owner St. Finions PS1 For Sraheens No. 1 PS2 Sraheens No. 2 PS3 Achill Soundcopyright Bridge PS4 Old Railwayof PS5

The main treatment processes within the WWTP will be: Inlet Screens, Aerobic biological treatment (2 No. SequencingConsent Batch Reactors) followed by UV Sterilisation Chamber.

3. Sources of Emissions There will be 1 No. Primary Discharge Point (SW1 (P)), discharging to the Atlantic Ocean. This discharge will originate from the Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant. The treated effluent from the WWTP will discharge from the Tidal Tank to a Diffuser Head located 190m from the foreshore. This arrangement will allow the treated effluent to discharge only on high tides, when maximum dilution can occur.

There will be 6 other Secondary (emergency) Discharge Points discharging to the Atlantic Ocean. These discharges will originate from the WWTP Inlet Pumps and the 5 No. Pumping Stations (named in Table above), located throughout the catchment. Discharges from these Points are only anticipated if there is a prolonged power cut, pumping equipment breaks down or if maintenance work is required i.e. these points are emergency discharges only.

A.1 Page 1 of 2 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment A.1

4. Nature and Quantity of Foreseeable Emissions The wastewater treatment plant is designed to treat the wastewater to the standards required by the Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations i.e. BOD 25 mg/l, COD 125mg/l and SS 35mg/l.

The anticipated average volume discharged from the municipal effluent stream of the Treatment Plant is estimated at 215.78 m3/day (959 P.E. @ 225 l/P.E./day). This will be equivalent to an average daily discharge of 5.4 kg/day BOD, 7.55 kg/day Suspended Solids.

5. Technology for Prevention or Reduction of Emissions Emissions from the Wastewater Treatment Plant will be monitored and the treatment process will be constantly adjusted to maximise the efficiency of the plant in removing pollutants.

6. Supervision of Works The Wastewater Treatment Plant will be operated and supervised by Response-Group.

7. Measures planned to monitor emissions to the Environment It is proposed to carry out routine sampling six times a year, by Response-Group.use.

other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


A.1 Page 2 of 2 Includes Ordnance Survey data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary



Achill Sound




U N D Achill Sound use.

Illannamolt other


W L only. any


W H for


W H purposes



L na how nna Bu Gubbleannahooey required


M W L inspection owner




Bleannahooey Strand W

M Boleycloghagh Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Holy Trinity Church For (Dissused) C. Worsfold C. Scahill T.Reidy

GS Stn

M Achill W



Slipway Court House

HWM Sports Ground Glendarrary Achill Br. Cottages Gubanardmore Rev: Dorrary Point Drg. No:

H W M copyrightHotel

Slipway H W of M Map B.1. A L W M


M W College H Scale: Date: Achill Sound

Radharc na Mara

M 1 : 10,000 LW

rveen M ntyga HW Blea M LW (Inset 1 : 50,000) November 2009



Library W L

Hotel h g M u fl W n H Consent u a d id F Church

Health (Cath) Center Project:

Fire Community Station Nursing Unit

St Fionnans Close Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Community Nurseing Unit

School Drg. Title:

Health Centre

House of Prayer Gubnahamoda Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant

M HW Agglomeration

Bárr na Farraige

Mayo County Council

M W H Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar,

D UN Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398






L Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary


use. SBR 2 other only. SBR 1 any

Inlet Works for UV Sterilisation Chamber purposes

Sludge Thickening required / Storage Tank

Tidal Tank inspection owner Control Building Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: For C. Worsfold C. Scahill T.Reidy

copyright Drg. No: Rev: of Map B.2. A

Scale: Date: 1 : 1,000 November 2009 Consent Project:

Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title:

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Layout

Mayo County Council Water Services Section

M Aras An Chontae W The Mall, Castlebar, H Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 M

W L Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009.

U N D Legend

Achill Sound Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point Secondary ) (Emergency) Point

Pumping Station C F

Illannamolt use.


W L other only. any for purposes




H inspection owner Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy SW1(P) Drg. No: Rev: )! copyright of Map B.3. A SW2(E) Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500 November 2009 Consent Project:



L Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title:

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Primary Discharge Point SW1(P) 4.7

Mayo County Council

Resrvoir Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 27.6 Fax: 094 9047398

9.0 M

W L Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009.

U N D Legend

Achill Sound Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point Secondary ) (Emergency) Point

Pumping Station C F

Illannamolt use.


W L other only. any for purposes




H inspection owner Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T.Reidy SW1(P) Drg. No: Rev: )! copyright of Map B.4.1. A SW2(E) Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500 November 2009 Consent Project:



L Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title:

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point 4.7

SW2 (E) Mayo County Council

Resrvoir Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 27.6 Fax: 094 9047398

9.0 Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend

9 Agglomeration Boundary M W L

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point Secondary 11.2 ) (Emergency) Point




W M Pumping Station

Holy Trinity Church (Dissused)

9.8 use. 11.1 )SW4(E) Grave Yard 12.1

GS Stn



H other Achill only. any TK Slipway Court for House

4.9 Sports Ground Achill Br. purposes Dorrary Point


H W M requiredHotel

v 10k

Slipway SW3(E) ) H W inspection owner M 4.8 Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy L W M

Drg. No: Rev: copyrightLW M of Map B.4.2. A

Scale: Date: Achill Sound 1 : 2,500 November 2009

5.5 c na Mara Consent Project:

Waste Water Discharge Licence Application


Drg. Title:

PO Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point

M SW3(E) W L

5.9 Hotel

M Mayo County Council TK W H Water Services Section


Aras An Chontae

v The Mall, Castlebar, 0k 1 Co. Mayo, Ireland Community Tel: 094 9047454 Nursing Unit Fax: 094 9047398 Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under M


L OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend

Agglomeration Boundary 4.7

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point Secondary ) (Emergency) Point

27.6 Pumping Station




11.2 other




W only. M any Holy Trinity Church for(Dis sused) SW4(E) purposes 9.8 ) 11.1 Grave Yard required12.1

GS Stn Cemetery



H Achill 15.0 19.2 inspection TK owner 18.1 Slipway Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: Court For House C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy 4.9 Sports Ground Achill Br. Dorrary Point copyright Drg. No: Rev: 10kv Map B.4.3. A H W of M Hotel

v 10k Scale: Date: Slipway )SW3(E) 1 : 2,500 H W M November 2009 4.8 Consent Project:

L W M Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

LW M Drg. Title: College Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point

Achill Sound SW4(E)

5.5 Mayo County Council Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae een tygarv The Mall, Castlebar, Blean Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 PO L W M

Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under

LW OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. )SW7(E) M © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009.

Achill Sound Legend

5.5 Agglomeration Boundary Radharc na Mara

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

M HW ! Primary Discharge Point ) Secondary PO (Emergency) Point

8.5 TK

M Pumping Station

Library W L

5.9 Hotel


Church 7.6

Health (Cath) Center use. kv 10

Fire Community Station Nursing Unit 11.4 other St Fionnans only. Close 11.6 )SW5(E) any

11.1 for 13.9

15.7 Community Nurseing Unit purposes

required 8.0 14.0

School 14.0 inspection owner Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy

copyright Drg. No: Rev: House of Prayer Map B.4.4. A 11.3 Gubnahamoda of

Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500 November 2009 Consent Project:

14.6 Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Bárr na Farraige

6.0 Drg. Title:

12.3 Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point

SW5(E) Mayo County Council Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae M W H The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 18.4

Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. Health Centre © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. 19.3

19.7 House of Prayer 19.8 Legend

Agglomeration Boundary

18.6 16.8 16.4 Achill Sound Wastewater

kv 10 Treatment Plant Boundary


16.7 16.3 ! Primary Discharge Point 14.6 Secondary 22.2 ) 17.5 (Emergency) Point Bárr na Farraige

22.3 Pumping Station



use. 14.8 12.1

23.0 other only. any for

22.5 purposes


22.9 )SW6(E) inspection owner Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy

Drg. No: Rev: 14.4 3.8 copyright of Map B.4.5. A

Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500 M W L November 2009 M W Consent L 5.7 Project: 3.3

Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title: Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point

SW6(E) Mayo County Council Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Scrahaphollaun Fax: 094 9047398 Bleannahooey Strand

Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend

Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point Secondary ) (Emergency) Point Achill Br. Dorrary Point Pumping Station




Slipway )

use. 4.8

other SW3(E) only. )SW7(E) any for

purposes Achill Sound

5.5 Radharc na Mara required

M inspection ownerHW Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By:

For PO C. Scahill

8.5 TK


Library W L Drg. No: Rev: copyright5.9 Hotel M TK W of H Map B.4.6. Church 7.6

Health (Cath) Center Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500 kv 10 November 2009 Fire Community Station Consent Nursing Unit 11.4 Project:

St Fionnans Close Waste Water Discharge Licence Application 11.6 )SW5(E)

11.1 Drg. Title: 13.9 Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant 15.7 Community Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Point 10kv Nurseing Unit SW7(E)

8.0 14.0 Mayo County Council Water Services Section School 14.0

Aras An Chontae

18.4 The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Health Centre Fax: 094 9047398 19.3 MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL



It is hereby certified that:

1) Planning of the above Scheme has been fully completed. use. 2) We are satisfied as to the adequacy of the documents prepared. other only. 3) All preliminaries including land acquisitionany have been completed and the Scheme is ready to go to tender.for purposes


inspection owner For



DAfE 7 (? tJ (?C) bJ XI- -;[0 I-+~ N ~ If ~ (~Llv~ ~ pvl ~) Tt'






DATE: 11 tb April 2003 use. RE: ACHaL SOUND SEWERAGE SCHEME LOCAL GOVERNMENT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTother (REGULATIONS 2001), PART 8. only. any for In accordance with the above Regulations Mayopurposes County Council published the statutory notices and forwarded the planning documentation to the relevant public bodies. required Observations have been submitted by:- inspection owner (a) . The Department of Communication,For Marine and Natural Resources.

(b) The Western Health Board.copyright . I of (c) Duchas, The Heritage Service.

(A) The submissionConsent from the Department of Communication, Marine and Natural Resources refers to the requirement of the Local Authority to apply for and secure a Foreshore Licence from that Department, under the Foreshore Acts.


Mayo County Council has applied for a Foreshore Licence for the proposed development and all of the information re,9uested has been submitted to that Department.

(B) The submission from the Western Health Board refers to the need to have the St. Fionnan's Community Nursing Unit in Achill Sound connected to.the proposed new sewerage scheme.

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fi f.1PR I. 1 \...~ >J"~ t! ~ ~ "--')00 f .." ~


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This and all other existing developments in Achill Sound will be connected to the proposed new Sewerage scheme.

(C) Duchas, The Heritage Service

The submission from Duchas requires Mayo County Council to engage the services of a suitably qualified and licensed Archaeologist to monitor all topsoil

stripping associated with the development and to seek the advice of Duchas in the (' event of Archaeological material being found.

Duchas have also requested that they be furnished with a Report describing the results of the monitoring. use. Response: other Mayo County Council will comply in full with the requirementsonly. of Duch as. any I recommend that the Report be put before the members offor Mayo County Council for consideration and approval. purposes


inspection owner Brian O'Reilly, S.E., For Water Services, Capital Works. copyright B.O'R/MW of



TO: Mr. P Commons SEO Capital Works. DATE: 22/04/03 FROM: lain Douglas Senior Planner

SUBJECT: Achill Sound Sewerage Scheme Pt XI Report FILE: S/A2/l(B)

The following is the report on the proposed Sewerage Scheme for Achlll Sound required in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 Section 179(3).


The proposed development consists of the construction of a Wastewater collection system and Treatment Works at Achill Sound.

use. (B) CONSISTENCY WITH THE PROPER PLANNING AND SUSTAINABLE & DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA THE DEVELOPMENTother PLAN. only. 1. The proposed.development is in compliance with theany Goals, Policies and Objectives for of the Mayo County Development Plan 1992. In particular; purposes Section 3.8.1 Sanitary Services. and Pollution required Objective: It is an objective of the Council, as necessary finances become available, to implement the schemes listed below, (not necessarily in that order ofpriority) and other schemes that may arise due to possible development.inspection owner For Section 3.8.5 Pollution Controls POLICY: It is the policycopyright of the Council that the quality of the water resources be maintained to the standards laidof down in the various EC Water Quality Directives. In order to achieve this and to ensure that water quality is preserved the Council will use the powers given to it by the Local Govemment( Water Pollution )Act 1977 and all other relevant powers Consent

The proposed development conforms to the Development Obj ectives of the Draft County Development Plan for Mayo 2002. In partiCUlar; 2.5 TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AIMS.

To develop an environmentally sustainable water supply and sewerage infrastructure to facilitate economic and social development, particularly of the smaller towns and rural areas.



DF-RA 5 It is an objective ofthe Council to ensure the provision ofadequate infrastructure in the rural villages by way ofwater supply, sewerage, roads, footpaths and public lighting to serve the need oftheir communities and to provide for additional development in accordance with the Development Framework. WATER & SEWERAGE.

TI-WS 1 It is an objective of the Council to provide water and sewerage infrastructure throughout the county for domestic, industrial, agricultural and other uses and to implement the water and sewerage schemes identified in Appendix In

TI-WS 2 It is an objective of the Council to expedite the provision of water & sewerage infrastructure under the Serviced Land Initiative, Small Schemes Programme and CIar Initiative particularly those towns and villages under development pressure and which could play a strategic role in the Development Framework.

2. The proposed development is consistent the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, in that: (a) It contributes to the maintenance of a viable and sustainable community. (b) It will provide a higher standard of sewage treatment than currently exists at present (c) It will contribute to improvement of the aquatic environment in the seas around the village.

use. (C) LIST OF PERSONS AND BODIES WHO MADE SUBMISSIONS. other 1. Department of Communications, the Marineonly. & Natural Resources any 2. Westem Health Board for 3. Duchas - The Heritage Service purposes (D) SUMMARY OF ISSUES RAISED IN THE SUBMISSIONS RECEIVED AND required RESPONSE.

inspection owner Department of Communications,For the Marine & Natural Resources

Issue: copyright Requires compliance ofwith the Foreshores Act

Response: Consent A Foreshore Licence has been submitted to the Department of Communications, the Marine & Natural Resources and is currently under consideration by them.

Western Health Board

Issue: Connection of St. Fionnan's Community Nursing Unit connected to the proposed sewer.

Response: . St. Fionnan's Community Nursing Unit will be connected to the proposed sewerage scheme.

2 Duchas - The Heritage Service.

Issue: Due to the nature & extent of the development archaeological monitoring of the development is required.

Response: That the archaeological monitoring of the development required will be carried out.


Having considered • The documentation of the Part VID consultation • The observations and submissions received (as outlined above) and subject to the responses above being carried out it is recommended that the

development subject of this Part XI Report proceed. use.

other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


lain Douglas Senior Planner

3 /







required A Part 8 planning proposal in respect of the above was published in February 2003 to cover the following proposed developments. inspection owner A. Nature & Extent of DevelopmentFor

copyright of

Location Nature & Extent of Development Consent

Shraheens, The Scheme will include the following works: Achill Sound Provision of a Waste Water Collection System and Treatment Works, Construction of 6 No. Pumping Stations, an Inlet Pump Sump, Preliminary Units, Flow Splitting Chamber, 2 No. Aeration Tanks, Flow Diverting Chamber, 2 No. Settlement Tanks, 2 No. Pump Sumps, Sludge Thickening Tank, Sludge Dewatering Building, Control Building, Outlet Flow Measuring Flume, Tidal Balancing Tank, Associated Pipework and Ancillary Works and Sewage Collection System including Gravity Sewers and Rising Mains. B. Proper Planning & Development

It is considered that the proposed development is in keeping with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development is situate.

C. Objections/Submissions

. Observations were received from:

1. The Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. 2. The Western Health Board. use. 3. Duchas, The Heritage Service. other only. Copies of observations attached and copy of report in relationany to same dated 11 th April, 2003 from Mr. Brian O'Reilly, Senior Engineer,for as endorsed by 1. Beirne, Director of Services/County Engineer, and copy of report from Mr. ran Douglas, Senior Planner. purposes


D. Proposal to proceed with inspectionthe proposed owner development For

• It is proposed to proceedcopyright with the proposed development in the manner set out at A. above, which developmentof is in keeping with the proper planning and development of the area.

• The report to Consentbe submitted to the members of Mayo County Council in the course of compliance with Part 8 of the Local Government (Planning & Development) Regulations 2001 and the Local Government Act, 2001.

J. Beirne, Director of Servic"es & County Engineer SITE NOTICE


Applicant: Mayo County Council, Áras an Chontae, The Mall, Castlebar, .

Mayo County Council intends to apply to the Environmentaluse. Protection Agency for a Waste Water Discharge Licence, in accordance with the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 forother the discharge from; only. any Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plantfor and Agglomeration

The Achill Sound Waste Water Treatmentpurposes Plant, located at Pollranny, Achill

Sound, County Mayo (074212E, 300589N),required currently under construction, will comprise of a municipal treatment plant and associated collection network. inspection owner This application relates toFor the following proposed discharges; Primary Outfall SW1(P) (074012E, 300378N) and 6 No. Secondary (Emergency) Discharge Points namely; SW2(E) (074012E,copyright 300378N), SW3(E) (072933E, 299016N), SW4(E) (073348E, 299764N),of SW5(E) (073618E, 299504N), SW6(E) (073755E, 299835N) and SW7(E) (073950E, 299974N).

Primary, Secondary Consent& Tertiary (UV Sterilisation) treatment of waste waters will be provided at the above plant.

A copy of the application and information related to the application will be available for inspection or purchase at the headquarters of the Agency and at the offices of Mayo County Council, Áras an Chontae, The Mall, Castlebar, County Mayo as soon as is practicable after receipt.

Submissions in relation to the application may be made to the Agency at its headquarters: Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford.


PLANNINGNOTICE PLANNINGNOTICE PLANNINGNOTICE MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL DalganDemesne Td., , Nymphsfleld, Cong, Cabragh,Castlehill, Co. Mayo. Co. Mayo. , Co. Mayo. Retentionplanning permissionis I, Mr. Tim Regan,intend to apply I, Annette Harney,intend to apply TRADITIONAL & being sought on behalf of Aoife for permissionfor developmentat for permissionfor developmentat CONTEMPORARY DESIGNS Geraghtyto retain dwellinghouse, Nymphsfield,Cong, County Mayo. this site Cabragh,Gastlehill, Cross­ septiCtank, and percolation area The developmentwill consist of alongwith all associatedservices Co. PLANNING SERVICES 12 no. housesand 1 no. commer­ molina, Mayo.The development at the aboveaddress. Please note cial unit, comprising offices and will consistof the constructionof a dwellinghouse previously granted dwelling house,domestic garage, FREE SITE APPRAISAL a creche, together with the pro­ full planning permission under proprietaryeffluent treatmentunit planning ret. no. 00/1269. vision of ancillary services. be and percolationarea and new site EXTENSIONS FROM €450 This planning application may be This .planning application may inspected or purchased at the inspected or purchased at the accesstogether with all ancillary Tommie Cafferkey, offices of the Planning Author­ site developmentworks. Lakeside, and Cashel Achill. ONE OFF HOUSE PLANNING offices of the Planning Author­ ity, Mayo County Council, Aras ity, Mayo County Council, Aras This planning application may be Tommie's wife Nora, sons Jonathan and Liam, daughter Sarah FROM€1360 an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, inspected or purchased at the brother John Anthony,sisters Mary and Bridgie, brothers-in-law, during its public opening hours, during its public opening hours, offices of the Planning Author­ sisterS-in-law, nieces, nephews, grandchildren Aoife and Ethan 3D VISUAUSATION Mondayto Friday. A submission Mondayto Friday. A submission ity, Mayo County Council, Aras and extendedfamily would like to e.xpress their sincere gratitude or observation in relation to the or observation in relation to the an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, and appreciationto all those who offered their sympathieson the application may be madein writ­ application may be made in writ­ during its public opening hours, recent and tragic loss of a dearly loved husband,father, grandfa­ ing to the Planning Authority on ing to the Planning Authority on Monday to Friday. A submission ther and friend. Thank you to all who were with Tommieat the paymentof €20, within five weeks paymentof €20, within five weeks or observation in relation to the scene of the accident, and to all who attended our home,funeral, of receipt of the applicationby the of receipt of the applicationby the application may be made in writ­ RequiemMass and burial, and to those who travelled long dis­ PlanningAutbority. PlanningAuthority. Signed: DonalMcCormack, DMC ing to the Planning Authority on tances to be with us. We acknowledgewith gratitude those who \, PLANNINGNOTICE Signed:Tim Regan. DeSign,Corn market, . paymentof €20, within five weeks telephoned, sent Mass cards, perpetual enrolments, letters and MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL of receipt of the applicationby the cards of sympathyand floral arrangements. Weare forever grate­ Tonatanvally,Achilllsland, PlanningAuthority. ful to our family, neighboursand friends who gave so much sup­ Co. Mayo. PLANNINGNOTICE PLANNINGNOTICE Signed: Maughan& Associates, port and helped in every way - your kindness and generosity will An application is being made to MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL Mayo .County Council on behalf Doon,Westport, 18 DMEKCentre, Teeling Street, alwaysbe appreciated.We gratefully acknowledgeand appreciate Eskerlevally, , of DominicMcNulty for full plan­ Co. Mayo. Ballina. Dr EdwardKing and Or PaddyLineen for their kindness and care. Co. Mayo. ning permissionto retain the use I wish on behalf of R. Needham A special word of thanks to Fr Michael Gormally,Fr~ Tom Kearney, I, Noel Vahey,intend to apply to of an asphalt boiler along with all to apply to Mayo County Council Fr. RonnieBoyle Fr. John Kennyand Fr. McHale for the beautiful other ancillary site works and to for planning permission to con­ MayoCounty Council for planning PLANNINGNOTICE Mass offered and for making the whole ceremonyso meaningful constructa newsite gateentrance struct dwelling house, proprie­ permissionto construct dwelling WESTPORTTOWN COUNCIL and special. Thanksto Monica, the choir, altar servers and sac­ on this at the aboveaddress. tary effluent treatment unit, sep­ houseand domesticgarage, sew­ Carrowbeg, Lodge Road, ristan John. We will forever appreciatethe presenceof the offic­ tic tank and percolation area at eragetreatment unit and percola­ This planning application may be Westport, Co. Mayo. ers of the GAAand the Guardof Honourprovided by Achill G.A.A. the aboveaddress. tion beds together with ancillary inspected or purchased at the 'I, John Corrigan,intend to applyto Club. Sincere thanks to the gravediggers and Margaret Lavelle, This planning application may be site works at the aboveaddress. offices of the Planning Author­ Westport Town Council for plan­ funeral director, and staff. Thankyou, to Billy, Tina and staff of the ity, Mayo County Council, Aras inspected or purchased at the This planning application may be offices of the Planning Author­ ning permiSSionto retain the fol­ StrandHotel and all who helpedon the day.As it would be impossi­ an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, inspected or purchased at the ity, Mayo County Council, Aras lowing: 1. Extrafloor areain exist­ ble to mentionand thank everybodyindividually, please accept this during its public opening hours, offices of the Planning Author­ an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, ing building used as veterinary acknowledgementas a token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacri­ Mondayto Friday. A submission ity, Mayo County Council, Aras during its public opening hours, consultancy.2. AdvertisingSign to fice use.of the Mass has been offered for your intentions. or observation in relation to the an Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, Mondayto Friday. A submission during its public opening hours, front of property. 3. Small animal application may be madein writ­ or observation in relation to the Mondayto Friday. A submission exercise/monitoringareas to rear ing to the Planning Authority on application may be made in writ­ or observation in relation to the of veterinary practice. 4. Covered paymentof €20, within five weeks ing to the Planning Authority on other exercise area for exercise/moni­ DEATHNOTICE of receipt of the applicationby the paymentof €20, within five weeks application may be madein writ­ toring smallonly. animals, located at KELLY(nee Gibbons),Hazelrock, Ayle, Westport, died November PlanningAuthority. of receipt of the applicationby the ing to the Planning Authority on Signed: Keith O'Connell,B.Eng, PlanningAuthority. paymentof €20, within five weeks the above addre~s.any 4, 2009, peacefully in her 92nd year at the MayoGeneral Hospital, C.Eng,MIEI, Design Associates, Signed:Michael Conway, of receipt of the applicationby the This planning application may be Castlebar, Mary, very deeply regretted by her loving sons Richard Cox'sYard, Distillery Road, ConwaySurvey and Design, PlanningAuthority. inspected or purchasedfor at the (Furnace,Newport), John (London),daughters Ann (Butler, Hazel­ Westport. Cashel,Ayle, Westport. Signed: N. Vahey. offices of the PlanningAuthority, rOCk),Eileen (London), granddaughters, grandson her sister Annie Westort TownCouncil, Altamount and brother Tom,relatives, neighboursand friends. Remainswere purposesStreet, Westport, Co. Mayo, dur­ removedto SI. Patrick's Church, 'on Thursdaylast and ing public opening hours Mon­ burial took place after RequiemMass on Fridayin Killawalla ceme day to Friday and a submission tery. Rest in peace. orrequired observation in relation to the aboveapplication may be madeto the Authorityin writing on payment APPLICATIONTO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION of the prescribedfee of €20 within O'ConnellDesign Associates inspection the period of five weeks begin­ Cox's Yard, Distillery Road,Westport AGENCYFOR A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE LICENCE owner ning on the date of receipt by the HousePlans, Planning Applications, foundation DeSign,Home extension For Authority of the application. plans,BER energy certificates Applicant: Mayo CountyCouncil, Signed: John Corrigan. KeIIh O'ConneII,Charterad Engineer 087-90424211098-50177 Aras an Chontae, The Mall, Castlebar, County Mayo. copyright PLANNINGNOTICE MayoCounty Council intends to applyto the EnvironmentalProtection Agency for WasteWater Discharge BAUINA TOWNCOUNCIL Conway Survey & Design 13 Ashbourne Grove, Licences,in accordancewith the WasteWater Discharge(Authorisation) of Regulations 2007 for th~ following WasteWater Treatment Plant and Agglomeration: Kilmoremoy, Ballina, CASIlEL, AYLE, WESTPORT Co. Mayo. Design & Planning Consultants; LOCATION DESCRIPTION PRIMARY I, KieranHolmes, intend to applyfor House Plo.nsPrepared/Extensions; DISCHARGE permissionfor developmentat this Planning Applications Submitted; Site Suitability Assessment Achill Sound site, 13 AshourneGrove, Kilmore­ TheAchill SoundWaste Water Treatment Plant, located at Pollranny,I Atlantic Ocean For a Professional, Efficient Service Contact Micheal at: WasteWater Achill Sound,County Mayo {074212E,Consent300589N}, currently under moy,Ballina, Co. Mayo. The devel­ Treabnent construction, will comprise of a municipal treatment plant and opment will consist of the con­ TeIJFax.: (098) 35931 Mobile: (086) 3417478 Plant and associatedcollection network. struction of a pitched roof extens­ tion to existingdwelling house and Agglomeration This application relates to the following proposed discharges; alterations to elevations. PLANNINGNOTICE Primary Outfall SW1{P)(074012E, 300378N) and 6 No. Secondary (Emergency)Discharge Points namely; SW2{E) (07 4012E, 300378N), This planning application may be MAYOCOUNTY COUNCIL SW3{E)(072933E, 299016N), SW4{E) (073348E, 299764N), SW5(E) inspected or purchased at the Keel West, Achill, Co. Mayo. (073618E,299504N), SW6(E) (073755E, 29983SN) and SW7(E) offices of the PlanningAuthority, Application is being made to Mayo County Council for full planning (0739S0E,299974N). BallinaTown Council, Arran Place, permission to construct dwelling house with connection to associ­ Ballina, Co. Mayo,Monday to Fri­ ated public services along with all necessarysite works and ancillar­ day,9.00am-S.00pm, closed 1.00- ies at the aboveaddress. Primary,Secondary Tertiary (UV waste be provided the & Sterilisation) treatment of waters will at 2.00pm. A submission or obser­ This planningapplication may be inspectedor purchasedat the offices aboveplant. vation in relation to the applica­ of the PlanningAuthority, MayoCounty Council, Aras an Chontae,The A copy of the application and information related to the application will be availablefor inspection tion maybe madein writing to the Mall, Castlebar,during its public openinghours, Mondayto Friday.A or purchaseat the headquartersof the Agencyand at the offices of Mayo CountyCouncil. Aras an PlanningAuthority on paymentof submissionor observation in relation to the application may be made Chontae,The Mall, Castlebar, CountyMayo as soon as is practicableafter receipt. a fee of €20 within the period of in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of €20, within five five weeksbeginning on the dateof weeks of receipt of the application by the PlanningAuthority. Submissionsin relation to the application may be madeto the Agencyat its headquarters: receipt of the planningapplication Signed:Michael McNamara. by the PlanningAuthority. EnvironmentalProtection Agency, Signed: Maughan& Associates, Johnstown Castle Estate,Co. Wexford. 18 DMEKCentre, Teeling Street, Ballina. U N D

4.8 9.4 Achill Sound Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. 10.3 © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. 12.0

C F 14.8 Legend


Illannamolt 19.8 28.7 Agglomeration Boundary

M 23.9 W L Achill Sound Wastewater

25.2 Treatment Plant Boundary

! Primary Discharge Point


CR Secondary 20.7 )

M (Emergency) Point



19.9 Pumping Station

SW1(P) Location of Site Notice

)! 18.5 SW2(E)







24.8 other 4.7 only.

18.4 Resrvoir any Site Notice




M W L purposes

18.8 26.0

11.2 required M





19.2 Holy Trinity Church (Dissused) SW4(E) 10.6

9.8 inspection

11.1 Grave Yard owner

19.2 ) 12.1 Site Notice Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: GS Stn Cemetery

M W Achill H 3.0 15.0 For 19.2 TK C. Worsfold T. Reidy 18.1 C. Scahill

Slipway Court House

4.9 HWM Sports Ground Achill Br. Gubanardmore Drg. No: Rev: Dorrary Point copyright Graveyard 10kv

H W M Hotel Map B.8 A v 10k of

Slipway H W ) M 4.8 Scale: Date:

L SW3(E) W 1 : 5,000 M November 2009


M W Consent College H

Achill Sound Project:

5.5 Waste Water Discharge Licence Application M LW

rveen M ntyga HW Blea M LW Drg. Title: PO

M Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant W L 5.9 Hotel Location of Site Notice M TK W H

kv 10

Community Nursing Unit Mayo County Council Water Services Section )SW5(E) Aras An Chontae Community Nurseing Unit The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland 8.0 Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment B.10


Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Scheme is currently under construction and is due to be commissioned June 2010.

The funding was allocated to the Scheme under the Water Services Investment Programme 2007 - 2009 (see attached).


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


B.10 Page 1 of 1 Mayo

Water Services Investment Programme 2007 - 2009

Schemes at Construction W/S Est. Cost Ballina Sewerage Scheme (H) S 20,000,000 Ballina Water Supply Scheme (Ext. to Crossmolina) (H) W 4,460,000 Castlebar Environs Sewerage Scheme (excl. Advance & Outfall)(H) S 49,028,000 73,488,000

Schemes to start 2008 Achill Sound Sewerage Scheme S 5,377,000 Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme (Storage/Mains)(H) W 10,500,000 Regional Water Supply (Ext. to ) W 2,791,000 & Shrule Water Supply Scheme W 5,572,000 Sewerage Scheme S 9,393,000 Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme (Ext. Shrah to Westport and Ext. to Treatment Plant at Tourmakeady) W 21,350,000 Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme (Ext. to Kiltimagh) use.W 7,200,000 Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme (Ext. to Louisburg) W 6,330,000 Mayo Towns and Villages Sewerage Scheme (Charlestown, Cross, The Neale, other only. Ballyheane, and Crossboyne Sewerage Schemes) any S 6,252,000 74,765,000 for Schemes to start 2009 purposes / Sewerage Scheme S 21,420,000 required Sewerage Scheme S 5,572,000 Mayo Sludge Management (H) S 7,354,000 inspection owner 34,346,000 For Serviced Land Initiative /Derrymore Sewerage Scheme copyright S 305,000 Charlestown Sewerage Scheme of S 222,000 527,000

Rural Towns & Villages InitiativeConsent Newport Sewerage Scheme S 9,000,000 9,000,000

Schemes to Advance through Planning Ballina Regional Water Supply Scheme (Treatment Plant Upgrade) (H) W 6,000,000 Cong Water Supply Strategic Study W 300,000 Lough Conn - East Mayo Regional Water Supply Feasibility Study (incl. ) W 500,000 6,800,000

Water Conservation Allocation 6,132,000

Asset Management Study 120,000

Programme Total 205,178,000

(H) Refers to a Hub as designated in the National Spatial Strategy l Dated this d-"IwY day of ~\~J 2006


One part




other Second Partonly. any for purposes


inspection owner For





NATURAL RESOURCES, of Leeson Lane, in the City of Dublin, (hereinafter called "the

Minister" which expression shall include his Successors or Assigns where the contract so

requires or admits),of the One Part and MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL of Aras an

Chontae, Castlebar, Co. Mayo (hereinafter called "the Licensee"),ofthe Other Part.

WHEREAS the Licensee has applied to the Minister for a Licence to use and occupy that

part of the Foreshore described in the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter called "the

Scheduled Property."), for the purpose as set out in the Second Schedule hereto (hereinafter

use. called "the Development"). other AND WHEREAS the Minister, in exercise of theonly. powers vested in him by Section 3 of the any Foreshore Act,1933, as amended by Section 2 of thefor Foreshore (Amendment) Act, 1992, purposes hereby grants to the Licensee Li~ence to use and occupy the said Scheduled Property on the required terms and conditions following:- inspection owner 1. This Licence shallFor remain in force for the term of thirty five years from the date

hereof except as hereinaftercopyright provided. of 2. The Licensee shall comply with the Site Specific requirements stipulated by the

Minister as Consentset out in the Third Schedule hereto.

3. The Licensee shall pay to the Minister the sum of € 7,485. 50 (seven thousand four

hundred and eighty five euro and fifty cent ) on the execution hereof (receipt of ,.'

which is hereby acknowledged) 'and the annual sum of €1 (one euro) if demanded

and thereafter any additional sum that may be imposed as hereinafter provided, such of of July in every year during the continuance payments to be made on the first day to be made on the signing hereof. this Licence the first of such payments in accordance with placed, maintained and constructed 4.· The Development shall be to, and approved by the Minister. the plans which have been submitted subject matter of this part of the Scheduled Property, the 5. The Licensee shall use that and for no other purpose thereof. Licence, for the purpose of said Development keep the said during the continuance of this Licence, 6. The Licensee shall, at all times satisfaction of state of repair and condition to the Development in a good and proper lands not be injurious to navigation, the adjacent the Minister and ensure that it will

or the public interest. use. the Minister, their and keep indemnified the Stateother and 7. The Licensee shall indemnify only. any costs, against all actions, loss, claims, damages, Officers, Agents and Employees for purposes in connection with the demands, arising in any manner whatsoever expenses and required of the the said Development or in the exercise construction maintenance or use of inspection owner granted. permission hereby For this Licence by giving to the shall be at liberty at any time to terminate 8. The Minister copyright of ending on any day, and upon determination Licensee three months notice in writing deemed to be pennission hereby granted shall be of such notice, theConsent Licence and by liability for the payment of any compensation revoked and withdrawn without the

the Minister to the Licensee. twelve months after required by the Minister, within 9. The Licensee, shall, if so at of this Licence from any other cause, receipt of such notice, or on detennination to the satisfaction of the Minister, its own expense remove the said Development the said to do so, the Minister may catis~ and, if the Licensee refuses or fails from be entitled to be paid by and to recover Development to be removed and shall by him in State all costs and expenses incurred the Licensee as a civil debt due to the

connection with such removal and restoration. by the Licensee of non-performance or non-observance 10. In the event of the breach, this the Minister may forthwith terminate any of the conditions herein contained,

Licence without prior notice to the Licensee. the Post Office Minister may be transmitted through 11. Any notice to be given by the known address. addressed to the Licensee at its last

I assignable and the I . is personal to the Licensee and not 12. The benefit of this Licence use. may only be exercised by the Licensee.other rights given hereunder only. any for purposes

required THAT: AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED inspection owner that this is an Instrument to which purpose of the stamping of this Instrument 1. For the For the reason Finance Act,1999, do not apply for the provisions of Section 53 of the copyright contain of involved comprises Foreshore and that the entire of the Scheduled Property

no Buildings. Consent Act, 1989, 1995 and the Family Law (Divorce) 2. The Family Law Acts of 1976, 1981,

1996, do not affect the Property. SECOND SCHEDULE

For the purpose of the construction, usage and maintenance of an outfall pipe and diffuser at Acbill Sound, in the County of Mayo.


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of



of this 1. (i) The Licensee shall use that part of the foreshore the subject matter maintaining the Licence for the purpose of laying, constructing, using and plans and aforementioned outfall pipe and diffuser in accordance with the detailed Marine drawing as submitted to, and approved by, the Minister for Communications, and Natural Resources and for no other purpose whatsoever. necessary for (ii) The Licensee may also use adjacent foreshore but only to the extent and shall the purpose of laying, constructing, and maintaining the said structures use. restore the said foreshore to its proper condition immediately after such

2. The Licensee shall; certification by a (i) prior to commencement of works on the foreshore, provide i accordance with I I Chartered Engineer stating that the works have been designed in I ! for strength, relevant Irish or British Standard Specifications or Codes of Practice and safety stability and durability, taking into account current building regulations legislation; and use.

certification by a Chartered Engineer within twoother months after completion (ii) provide only. works have been completed in accordance with the of the said works, that the any approved of by the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural drawing*, for Resources and with the said Specifications or Codes of Practice; purposes & Co. Ltd, *(Drawing Number 002026/011101 provided by Patrick J Tobin Consulting Engineers.) required (Fax:0044 1823 (iii) advise the British Admiraltyinspection Hydrographic owner Office, Taunton, U.K of the location and nature of the proposed 284077, email: [email protected]),For development; copyright newspaper (iv) arrange for the pUblication of a local marine notice in a locally read of and giving a general description of works and approximate dates of commencement completion; Consent (v) apply to the Commissioners of Irish Lights (Fax: (01)6618094 email: of [email protected]) for sanction of new navigational aids/buoyage and/or alteration existing navigational aids/buoyage. with a special (vi) ensure that the location of the outfall pipe diffuser shall be marked Communications, mark agreed with the Marine Survey Office of the Department of Marine and Natural Resources. 3. The Licensee shall ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with applicable environmental laws.

4. The Licensee shall seek the advice of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on finding any material of an archaeological nature in the licensed area or in the surrounding area, shall cease all works in those areas until the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government agree that works may be resumed, and shall comply with any conditions specified by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in relation thereto.

5. The dry weather flow discharge shall not exceed 457 m3/day. The effluent discharged shall have a maximum 5-day B.O.D. concentration of 25 mg/I and a maximum suspended solids concentration of 35 mg/I, on a 95% basis. The B.O.D. loading discharged per day shall not exceed 122kg/day.

6. The Licensee shall provide a level of treatment, including disinfection by ultraviolet treatment or an equivalent treatment system, which shall ensure the following effluent quality at the inspection chamber in the channel downstream of the treatment plant: use. (a) The geometric mean of faecal coliforms per 100ml. of effluent shall be 250 fc or less. This limit may be reviewedother in the event of variation of effluent inputs. Complianceonly. with this clause shall be measured on the basis of a 50 sample rolling programme,any as applicable. for (b) 95% of all samplespurposes shall be less than 1,000 fcll OOml of effluent. In the event of a result of over 1,000 fell 00 ml., the Licensee shall immediately contact the requiredDepartment of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources to agree necessary corrective action. inspection owner (c) In the event of a viral health problem arising in the adjacent oyster productionFor areas, the Licensee shall carry out an objective study of the source of contamination and determine the contribution, if any, by the treated effluentcopyright to the contamination. The standards laid down at (a) and (b)of above shall be reviewed, as necessary, by the Minister with a view to addressing the health issues accordingly.

(d)Consent Should a standard viral classification system be laid down for molluscan production areas, the licence shaH be amended to take this into account.

7. (a) Testing of the effluent for faecal coliforms shall be on a weekly basis or as otherwise directed by the Minister. The levels of Small Round Structured Viruses (SRSV) in the effluent shall be measured on a monthly basis or as otherwise directed by the Minister.

(b) When storm overflows are brought into operation, spot samples at the outfal1 point should be taken during normal working hours and analysed for the following:

(i) BOD (ii) SRVC (iii) Faecal Coliforms

1 r i i. by an approved (c) The analyses shall be carried out In an accredited laboratory methodology. Division of the (d) The results of the analyses shall be submitted to Sea Fisheries Control immediately on Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources receipt.

shall be borne by the (e) The cost of all the aforementioned sampling and monitoring Licensee. treatment system is 8. The Licensee shall ensure that any breakdown of the effluent Department of notified immediately to the Sea Fisheries Control Division, can be contained. Communications, Marine and Natural Resources so that any problem immediately at (01) 9. The Licensee shall notify the Irish Coast Guard by telephone occurring below 6782301 or (01) 6782302 in the event of any spillage or accident high water mark the high water mark of ordinary or medium tides or above the of this lease, which may impact on the foreshore as a result of the works, the subject or during operations following the completion of these works. use. of this Licence. 10. All works shall be completed within five years of the granting other Licence keep the said 11. The Licensee shall at all times during the continuanceonly. of this of the structures in a good and proper state of repair and conditionany to the satisfaction that they Department of Communications, Marine and Naturalfor Resources and ensure navigation, the adjacent lands or the public interest. will not be injurious to purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of

Consent IN WITNESS whereof the Licensor has caused his seal of Office to be hereunto affixed and the Common Seal of the Licensee has been affixed hereto the day and year first above


PRESENT when the Seal of Office of the MINISTER FOR ) COMMUNICATIONS, MARINE, AND ) NATURAL RESOURCES, was affixed and ) was authenticated by the


A person authorisedother under only.Section 15(1) any of the Ministers and Secretariesfor Act, 1924, purposesto authenticate the seal of the Minister. required

inspection owner For

copyright of

Consent PRESENT when the Common Seal ) ) . . of the Licensee was affixed ) ) hereto: . ) ) ) ) ) ) )


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of

Consent FORESHORE LICENCE FOR .. Surveyed 1837-1838 OUTFALL PIPE & DIFFUSER IN Revised 1912-1997 Rural PLACE Map CONNECTION WITH ACHILL SOUND levelled ~1~~----~~~~------Y~-':r------~~~~--~~~~Jm~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~.#YAr.:.""· ...... ,,~./'v".J SEWERAGE SCHEME AT ACHILL IT~ CENTRE PT COORDS SOUND,CO.MAYO 473682,799727 REF: MS51/13/305



6 inch LENGTH: 182m M0055 M0065 ~ ,?, .,; 1".- WIDTH: VARIES FROM 1m WIDE ALONG PIPELlNS TO 6.3m use. WIDE AT DIFFUSER AREA: 0.021 HECTARES other only. WE CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED any OUTFALL PIPE & DIFFUSER AT ACHILL SOUND WILL BE LOCATED for AS SHOWN HIGHLIGHTED IN RED Ama 1IiomIU ...... lhoIIskiagS~ ON THEATIACHED MAP. 0ftIINiI &.Inn. Pairc., fI'ionrUsce, _IhCWII,&'. purposes CcnpiIed Ind ~ by 0.-.:. SlIMy 1rHnd, PIIoeNlCPIrt, D.IIlIn 8, In!IIRl SIGNED: snlav1 ..... ~~ ShirtIheI!I!Idl 0rd8nIis ~ agus required Rilllasnah£'_ u~~wmgesomance s..r.., InIIand IIId GoIIIerMe1I d In!iInd ~ ~;L~ GacII oaad 1tCI*IIIINI. NI c:eactmach _ David Mel/ett BE HDip Env.Eng MIEI dll1l11ai1seac11M_lc:/IOip5!II •• ~n6 inspection • t.du .. .,., thoirm'" ar aan bt1e*:h 11"" owner c:aad IICIItItinn IIIimh .. 6U1niirf III ch/ipd1il All rV*' ___ No jIIII cl Ills p!dca1ian mllY DATE: 13th December, 2005 be QlIlied. reproducad or r.nmtIiIId in..., ronn For orby...,_~l1epiar"'" pamiaion "'''''' alI¥iIIl'ICMIIII1 NlIioreMbtIhIr,beaIecIlnllCllltn.bheith .. ." ~eeolgUS"""~". The~CX1i11Sll1llld.lUld.hd< orfoalplltl\isnote"liclenDed""'e>istIIlced copyright a Iif1I "'way. of Cl S~acttI Ordandia Eir-vl. 2005 Cl Ordnance Survey I, 2005 N 29Mffi~--~--~~------~L------~~~~~~~--~~~~--LJ--~29~ ~ o 200 400 600 800 1,000 Metres ~ Scale:- 1:10,560 I Plot Ref. No. 349478_1_2 I, ! ! ! I I ! I I I I Consent Scilla:- 1:10,560 1"11111111 I I I I Plot Date 05-DEC-2005 o 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Feet A

Cliem: MAYO COUNTY COUNCIL Consulting, and Structural Engineers, Market Square, Castlebar. 1. FIGURED DIMENSIONS ONLY TO BE TAKEN FROM Co. Mayo, Ireland. THIS DRAWING tel: +353-(0)94-9021401 tax:+353-(0)94-9021543 2. ALL DRAWINGS TO BE CHECKED BY THE Date: e-mail: ieW\W\ CONTRACTOR ON SITE 12.12.05 Itor«l In ony Ntrievol ryttr::! of cny nature without the wrm.n c;,7rm1 ..lon Project Director: or Putrfelt J. Tobln & Co. Ud. copyright holder except agreed for Issue.' 3. ENGINEER TO BE INFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR Title: we on the projeot fOf' whldI thea. document wo. originally "_d.a. OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE ANY WORK MAP FOR FORSHORE LICENCE M. GARRICK COMMENCES A 12,12.05 ISSUED TO MAYO OM OM COUNTY COUNCIL MS51/13/305 Scale@A3: Dra~ngNo .: 1377/FS/603 A L ALL lEVELS SHO'M'J RELATE TO ORDNANCE SURVEY Issue Date Descnptlon By Chkd. AS SHOWN IATUM AT MALlN HEAD Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment C.1


1.0 General description of Achill Sound Waste Water Works Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Scheme is currently under construction and is due to be commissioned May 2010. The following is a description of the proposed treatment process, however certain elements of the works have yet to be approved and constructed. Therefore all details should/will to be verified at a later date.

The scheme as a whole includes for the construction of Main Sewers to collect foul effluent from the Achill Sound agglomeration and convey the flow via five Pumping Stations to the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.

The main treatment processes within the WWTP will comprise of the following:  Foul sewage pump station with inline emergency holding capacity & screened overflow  Influent automatic screening with bypass coarse screen  Influent flow measurement & auto-sampling  Aerobic biological treatment process (2 No. Sequencing Batch Reactors, SBR’s)  Low pressure UV radiation of final effluent use.  Effluent flow measurement & auto-sampling  Effluent storage and tidal discharge other  Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) flow measurementonly.  WAS storage and thickening any  Supernatant return pump station for  Supernatant return flow measurement purposes 2.0 General Process Overview required 2.1 Inlet pumping station Raw sewage will gravitate to the inlet pumping station. The inlet pump will consist of a wet inspection owner well with duty/standby submersible pumps capable of forwarding 3DWF. These pumps will lift wastewater to the inlet screensFor from which screened wastewater will gravitate to the SBR’s via flow divert chamber. copyright The inlet pumps will be inhibitedof when neither of the two SBR’s are in Fill mode. The inlet wet well will store wastewater during these periods and the level in the wet well shall be allowed to rise and occupy the emergency storage volume provided.

During high inflows, flowsConsent in excess of the capacity of the plant design will overflow the inlet pump station. The emergency overflow outlet will be fitted with course bar screens to retain floating debris within the inlet pump station. Bypass flows will combine with treated effluent downstream of the UV system and final effluent sampler. Bypass flows will be directed to the tidal tank.

After fine and course screening and sampling the sewage will gravitate to a flow divert chamber. This chamber will direct the screened sewage to whichever of the SBR tanks is in Fill mode.

2.2 Sequence Batch Reactors (SBR’s) A Sequence Batch Reactor (SBR) is a batch-feed, batch-discharge activated sludge system for wastewater treatment. Wastewater is added as a single batch, treated to remove undesirable components and discharged as a treated batch. Equalisation, aeration and clarification area achieved in a single tank.

C.1 Page 1 of 3 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment C.1

Sequencing is added to Batch Reactor when more than one batch reactor is utilised, i.e. the treatment phases are managed to optimise treatment capacity. This will be the system used at Achill Sound WWTP as 2 No. SBR’s are proposed.

Two identical SBR tanks will provide four stages of biological treatment and clarification of the screened sewage as follows:  Fill (2.42hr at 3DWF)  React (0.35hr at 3DWF)  Settle (0.8hr at 3DWF)  Decant (1.27 at 3DWF)

While one SBR is in React, Settle or Decant mode the other will be in Fill. By use of operation set-points, Fill will be divided into two as follows:

 Anoxic Fill (aeration off, mixer on/off) (0.61hr at 3DWF), split into Static Anoxic Fill and Mixed Anoxic Fill  Aeration Fill (aeration on, mixer off) (1.81hr at 3DWF)

2.3 UV Disinfection & Effluent Sampling use. An in-line UV disinfection system will be provided down stream of the SBR. During Decant step effluent will flow through the UV system to the effluent sampling station and onto the other tidal tank. only. any 2.4 Tidal Tank for Final effluent will be stored in the tidal tank. The tank’s capacity (1.5DWF) will allow for discharge under average flow conditions andpurposes over a fixed period on every outgoing tide. An actuated penstock valve will be provided on therequired tank discharge, which is controlled by a SCADA based tidal-clock and level transmitter. Should the tidal tank outlet valve fail to move into position, an alarm will be generated. inspection owner 2.5 Sludge Thickening HoldingFor Tank The excess sludge will be thickened and stored in the sludge holding tank. copyright 2.6 Plant Control of Equipment will be controlled from the main control panel housed in the Control Building and in some instance remote panels relaying signals back to the main control panel. The SCADA control system is designedConsent to provide fully automatic plant operation.

C.1 Page 2 of 3 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment C.1

C.1.1 Storm Water Overflows The proposed Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Scheme is designed as a separate system, therefore no storm water will convey through network.

C.1.2 Pumping Stations The following table includes operational details of the proposed Pumping Stations and there associated Discharges:-

Pumping PS PS PS No. pumps Location Discharge Station Unique Location Storage duty Secondary Unique (PS) Point co-or’s Capacity stand-by Discharge(E) Point Code Name Code (E, N) outfall co-or’s 3 m * hrs duty standby (E, N) St. PS1 072904E 1.51 2 1 1 072933E SW3 (E) Finions 299096N 299016Nuse. Sraheens PS2 073389E 3.24 2 1 1 073348E SW4 (E) No. 1 299709N 299764N other Sraheens PS3 073610E 12.67 2 1only. 1 073618E SW5 (E) No. 2 299521N any 299504N Achill PS4 073754E 14.76 2 1 for 1 073755E SW6 (E) Sound 299834N 299834N Bridge purposes Old PS5 073954E 20.16 2 1 1 073950E SW7 (E) Railway 299970N required 299974N * Emergency Storage Volume in Pumping Station plus network also utilised (E) - Emergency (P) - Primaryinspection owner

For See map in Attachment B.4 for pumping station locations.

In the event of power failure the copyrightstorage capacity as outlined above, in the pumping stations and the spare capacity in the networkof will be utilised until such time as power is restored. In the event of a long term power outage once all spare capacity is utilised the wastewater will, through the emergency overflow, discharge to the Atlantic Ocean. The frequency of such events is predicted as rareConsent and will only occur when there is a prolonged power outage.

C.1 Page 3 of 3 Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009.


Raw Wastewater

Flow to UV Chamber

Final Effluent

Secondary Emergency Overflow

Return Liquors

Sludge % Waste Sludge

SBR No. 2 use.

other only. Tidal Tank UV Sterilisation % % Chamber any for

purposesSBR No. 1 % % required %

% inspection % owner Drawn By: Checked By: Approved By: For To C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy Marine Outfall copyright Drg. No: Rev: of Map C.1. Sludge Thickening Scale: Date: Tank Inlet Works Raw NTS Wastewater November 2009

% Inlet Consent % Transported Project: to Westport WWTP Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title:

Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant

Process Flow Diagram

Mayo County Council Water Services Section

Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment C.2


The following table includes details of the primary discharge point (SW1(P)) and the secondary (emergency) discharge points (SW2 – SW7(E)).

Discharge Discharge Originates Design & construction Details Unique outfall Point Code Co-or’s (E,N) SW1(P) 074012E WWTP Tidal Tank Marine outfall from tidal tank – 300378N (Treated effluent) 300mmǾ HPPE pipe enters Diffuser Head through 300mm rubber riser dispersers through 2 no. 200mm tidal flex diffuser valves SW2 (E) 074012E WWTP Inlet pumps Bar screen & baffle plate at entry to 300378N 225mmǾ overflow pipe which flows into Tidal Tank prior to discharge through diffuser head described above SW3 (E) 072933E St. Finions Pumping Bar screen & baffleuse. plate at entry to 299016N Station 225mmǾ open-ended overflow pipe SW4 (E) 073348E Sraheens No. 1 Bar screen & baffle plate at entry to other 299764N Pumping Station only.225mm Ǿ open-ended overflow pipe SW5 (E) 073618E Sraheens No. 2 Bar screenany & baffle plate at entry to 299504N Pumping Station 225mmfor Ǿ open-ended overflow pipe SW6 (E) 073755E Achill Sound Bridge Bar screen & baffle plate at entry to 299834N Pumping Stationpurposes 225mmǾ open-ended overflow pipe SW7 (E) 073950E Old Railway Bar screen & baffle plate at entry to 299974N Pumping Station required300mm Ǿ open-ended overflow pipe

(P) – Primary inspection owner (E) – Emergency, which is onlyFor anticipated if there is a prolonged power cut, the pumping equipment breaks down or if maintenance work needs to be carried out.

All of the above discharges willcopyright enter into the Atlantic Ocean, at Pollranny & Sraheens Townlands in Achill Sound. of

See Maps in Attachment B.4 for outfall locations. Consent

C.2 Page 1 of 1 WWD Licence Application

Agglomeration details

Leading Local Authority Mayo County Council Co-Applicants Agglomeration Achill Sound Population Equivalent 1200 Level of Treatment Tertiary / UV Sterilisation Treatment plant address Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant Polranny, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 074212 / 300589 EPA Reference No:

Contact details

Contact Name: Paddy Mahon use. Contact Address: Director of Services Ballina Town Council other Civic Offices only. Arran Place any Co. Mayo for Contact Number: 096 76100purposes Contact Fax: 096 76199 required Contact Email: [email protected] inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 1 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(i)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Primary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-1

Local Authority Ref No: SW1(P) Source of Emission: Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant Location: Pollranny, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 074012 / 300378 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: None Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. Receiving waters are coastal therefore no flow rate commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 215.78 m3 Maximum/day 647.33for m3 Maximum 26.97 m3 Period purposesof emission 60 min/hr 6 hr/day 365 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0.0025 m3/sec

inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 2 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(i)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Primary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-1

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 3 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(i)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Primary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-1

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 4 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-2

Local Authority Ref No: SW2 Source of Emission: Inlet Pump Sump WWTP Location: Pollranny, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 074012 / 300378 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: None Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. Receiving waters is coastal waters therefore there is no commentary on zero flow or other flow rate information deemed of value) This discharge will be an emergency outfall only therefore no period of emmissions. use. Emission Details: other only. any (i)Volume emitted for 3 3 Normal/day 0 m Maximum/daypurposes 0 m Maximum 0 m3 Period of emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 5 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-2

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 6 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-2

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 7 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-3

Local Authority Ref No: SW3 Source of Emission: St. Finions Pumping Station Location: Sraheens, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 072933 / 299016 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: Shellfish Waters Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. This dischange point is emergency only commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 0 m3 Maximum/day 0for m 3 Maximum 0 m3 Period purposesof emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec

inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 8 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-3

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 9 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-3

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 10 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-4

Local Authority Ref No: SW4 Source of Emission: Sraheens Pumping Station 1 Location: Sraheens, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 073348 / 299764 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: None Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. This discharge points is emergency only commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 0 m3 Maximum/day 0for m 3 Maximum 0 m3 Period purposesof emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec

inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 11 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-4

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 12 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-4

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 13 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-5

Local Authority Ref No: SW5 Source of Emission: Sraheens Pumping Station 2 Location: Sraheens, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 073618 / 299504 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: Shellfish Waters Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. This discharge point is emergency only commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 0 m3 Maximum/day 0for m 3 Maximum 0 m3 Period purposesof emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec

inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 14 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-5

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 15 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-5

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 16 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-6

Local Authority Ref No: SW6 Source of Emission: Achill Sound Bridge Pumping Station Location: Sraheens, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 073755 / 299835 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: None Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. This discharge point is emergency only commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 0 m3 Maximum/day 0for m 3 Maximum 0 m3 Period purposesof emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec

inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 17 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-6

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 18 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-6

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 19 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(a): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-7

Local Authority Ref No: SW7 Source of Emission: Old Railway Pumping Station Location: Pollranny, Achill Sound Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 073950 / 299974 Name of Receiving waters: Atlantic Ocean Water Body: Coastal Water Body River Basin District Western RBD Designation of Receiving Waters: None Flow Rate in Receiving Waters: 0 m3.sec-1 Dry Weather Flow 0 m3.sec-1 95% Weather Flow Additional Comments (e.g. This discharge point is emergency only commentary on zero flow or other information deemed of value) use. Emission Details: other only. (i)Volume emitted any Normal/day 0 m3 Maximum/day 0for m 3 Maximum 0 m3 Period purposesof emission 0 min/hr 0 hr/day 0 day/yr rate/hour (avg) required Dry Weather Flow 0 m3/sec

inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 20 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(b): EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-7

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement pH pH Grab = 0 Temperature °C Grab = 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ 25°C) µS/cm Grab = 0 Suspended Solids mg/l Grab = 0 0 Ammonia (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Nitrogen (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrite (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Nitrate (as N) mg/l Grab = 0 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) mg/l Grab = 0 0

Sulphate (SO4) mg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Phenols (Sum) µg/l Grab = 0 0 other only. For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filterany paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. for purposes


inspection owner For

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WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 21 WWD Licence Application Annex I

Table D.1(ii)(c): DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE EMISSIONS TO SURFACE/GROUND WATERS - Characteristics of The Emission (Secondary Discharge Point)

Discharge Point Code: SW-7

Substance As discharged Unit of Sampling Method Max Daily Avg. kg/day Measurement Atrazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Dichloromethane µg/l Grab = 0 0 Simazine µg/l Grab = 0 0 Toluene µg/l Grab = 0 0 Tributyltin µg/l Grab = 0 0 Xylenes µg/l Grab = 0 0 Arsenic µg/l Grab = 0 0 Chromium µg/l Grab = 0 0 Copper µg/l Grab = 0 0 Cyanide µg/l Grab = 0 0 Flouride µg/l Grab = 0 0 Lead µg/l Grab = 0 0 Nickel µg/l Grab = 0 use. 0 Zinc µg/l Grab = 0 0 Boron µg/l Grab = 0 other 0 Cadmium µg/l Grab only. = 0 0 Mercury µg/l Grab any= 0 0 Selenium µg/l Grab for = 0 0 Barium µg/l Grab = 0 0 purposes

For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filteredrequired on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA Standard Method 6240, or equivalent. inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 22 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Licence Application Attachment D.2

D.2 Tabular Data on Discharge Points


Mayo County SW1(P) Primary Council Ocean Atlantic None 74012 300378 Y Secondary Mayo County use. SW2(E) (emergency) Council Ocean Atlantic None 74012 300378 Y other only. Secondary Mayo County Shellfish Watersany SW3(E) (emergency) Council Ocean Atlantic 2009 for 72933 299016 N purposes Secondary Mayo County SW4(E) (emergency) Council Ocean Atlantic requiredNone 73348 299764 N

Secondary Mayo County inspection owner SW5(E) (emergency) Council Ocean ForAtlantic None 73618 299504 N

Secondary Mayo County copyright of SW6(E) (emergency) Council Ocean Atlantic None 73755 299835 N

Secondary Mayo County Consent SW7(E) (emergency) Council Ocean Atlantic None 73950 299974 N WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE E.1(i): WASTE WATER FREQUENCY AND QUANTITY OF DISCHARGE – Primary and Secondary Discharge Points

Identification Code for Discharge point Frequency of discharge (days/annum) Quantity of Waste Water Discharged (m³/annum) SW-5 0 0 SW-1 365 78759.7 SW-3 0 0 SW-2 0 0 SW-4 0 0 SW-6 0 0 SW-7 0 0


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 23 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Identification Code for Discharge Frequency of discharge Quantity of Waste Water Complies with Definition of Storm point (days/annum) Discharged (m³/annum) Water Overflow


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 24 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment E.2


Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed to treat municipal wastewater to the standards required under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001. Response Group (environmental consultants) has been awarded the Operational Contract for the Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant. It is envisaged that Response Group will commission the Plant once the construction phase is nearing completion. Details of the monitoring and sampling regime will be available at that stage.

The mechanical and electrical contract includes for two electromagnetic flowmeters and two flow proportional composite samplers at locations (see attached Map E.2) suitable to measure and sample the influent and effluent discharges.


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


E.2 Page 1 of 1


Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under Achill Sound 4.8 OSi Licence number 2009/17 CCMA / Mayo County Council. © Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2009. Legend

Agglomeration Boundary

Achill Sound Wastewater

C Treatment Plant Boundary F

SBR 2 ! Primary Discharge Point Secondary Illannamolt SBR 1 ) (Emergency) Point UV Sterilisation Chamber Inlet Sampling Point Inlet Works Outlet Sampling Point Pumping Station M

W L Tidal Tank Sludge Thickening / Storage Tank

Control Building use.

other only. any for



H SW1(P) purposes


)! inspection owner Drawn By: For Checked By: Approved By: C. Worsfold C. Scahill T. Reidy

copyright Drg. No: Rev: SW2(E) Map E.2.

M of


L Scale: Date: 1 : 2,500

C F November 2009 Consent Project: 24.8

4.7 Waste Water Discharge Licence Application

Drg. Title: Resrvoir Achill Sound Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sampling & Monitoring Points

27.6 Mayo County Council Water Services Section 9.0

M W L Aras An Chontae The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland 18.8 26.0 Tel: 094 9047454 Fax: 094 9047398 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Licence Attachment E.3

E.3 Tabular Data On Monitoring And Sampling Points PT_CD PT_TYPE MON_TYPE EASTING NORTHING VERIFIED SP1 Inlet Sampling Point S 074236 300594 N SP2 Outlet Sampling Point S 074183 300581 N aSW1a Ambient Monitoring Point M **


other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Licence Application Attachment F.1


The Primary Discharge Point SW1(P), will not discharge directly into a Designated Site however Designated Shellfish Waters (2009) are located 550m north and 1200m south of the proposed Primary Discharge Point.

To minimise the impact on the nearby Shellfish Waters, it is proposed to include UV Disinfection of the wastewater prior to entering the Tidal Tank. This was a condition of the Foreshore Licence granted 2nd August 2006. This level of treatment is required to polish/treat wastewater further after secondary treatment, to minimise risks to receiving waters to ensure that shellfish beds are not impacted.

The outfall design also takes in to consideration the sensitive surrounding waters by utilising a diffuser arrangement which greatly improves initial dilution values. Initial dilution is the dilution of a buoyant effluent as it rises from the discharge point from near the seabed to the sea surface. As the effluent rises to the surface, sea water is entrained at the periphery of the effluent plume. This entrainment reduces the concentration of the effluent and increases the width of the plume. This ensures that the buoyant plume rises and dilutes over the depth of the water column, rather than falling to the sea bed.

use. One out of the six Secondary (emergency) Discharge points (SW2(E) – SW7(E)), will discharge directly into the Designated Shellfish Waters. This discharge point is associated other with an emergency overflow from St. Finions (SW3(E))only. Pumping Station. The frequency of discharge from this point is predicted as extremely rare andany will only occur when there is a prolonged power outage. for

Mayo County Council will carry out an “appropriatepurposes assessment” if required, in accordance with – Note on Appropriate Assessments for the purposes of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 684required of 2007) as part of the Waste Water Licensing Discharge process for Achill Sound. inspection owner For

copyright of


F.1 Page 1 of 1 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Primary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-1 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-1a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: WWTP currently under construction therefore no existing discharge to monitor of These are dummy dates and values as no monitoring taken place


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 25 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Primary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-1 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-1a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: WWTP currently under construction therefore no discharge to monitor These dummy dates and valuescopyright as monitoring taken place of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 26 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-2 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-2a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: These are dummy dates and values as no monitoring taken place of These are dummy dates and values as no monitoring taken place


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 27 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-2 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-2a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: These are dummy dates and values as no monitoring taken place These are dummy dates andcopyright values as no moitoring has carried out of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 28 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-3 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-3a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 29 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-3 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-3a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 30 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-4 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-4a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 31 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-4 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-4a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 32 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-5 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-5a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 33 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-5 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-5a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 34 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-6 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-6a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 35 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-6 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-6a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 36 WWD Licence Application Annex I


Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-7 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-7a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (mg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 pH = 0 Grab 0 Temperature = 0 Grab 0 Electrical Conductivity (@ = 0 Grab 0 25°C) Suspended Solids = 0 Grab 0 Ammonia (as N) = 0 Grab 0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab 0 Chemical Oxygen Demand = 0 Grab use. 0 Dissolved Oxygen = 0 Grab 0

Hardness (as CaCO3) = 0 Grab 0 other Total Nitrogen (as N) = 0 only. Grab 0 Nitrite (as N) = 0 any Grab 0 Nitrate (as N) = 0 for Grab 0 Total Phosphorous (as P) = 0 Grab 0 OrthoPhosphate (as P) = 0 purposes Grab 0

Sulphate (SO4) = 0 Grab 0 Phenols (Sum) = 0 required Grab 0

inspection owner For Orthophosphate: this monitoring should be undertaken on a sample filtered on 0.45µm filter paper For Phenols: USEPA Method 604, AWWA StandardFor Method 6240, or equivalent.

copyright Additional Comments: of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 37 WWD Licence Application Annex I

TABLE F.1(ii)(b): SURFACE/GROUND WATER MONITORING (Dangerous Substances)

Secondary Discharge Point

Discharge Point Code: SW-7 MONITORING POINT CODE: aSW-7a Grid Ref (12 digits, 6E, 6N) 000000 / 000000

Parameter Results (µg/l) Sampling Limit of Analysis method Quantitation method / technique 01/01/50 Atrazine = 0 Grab 0 Dichloromethane = 0 Grab 0 Simazine = 0 Grab 0 Toluene = 0 Grab 0 Tributyltin = 0 Grab 0 Xylenes = 0 Grab 0 Arsenic = 0 Grab 0 Chromium = 0 Grab use. 0 Copper = 0 Grab 0 Cyanide = 0 otherGrab 0 Flouride = 0 only. Grab 0 Lead = 0 any Grab 0 Nickel = 0 for Grab 0 Zinc = 0 Grab 0 purposes Boron = 0 Grab 0

Cadmium = 0 required Grab 0 Mercury = 0 Grab 0 Selenium = 0 Grab 0 inspection Barium = 0 owner Grab 0 For Additional Comments: copyright of


WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 38 Achill Sound Waste Water Discharge Application Attachment G.1


Achill Sound Waste Water Treatment Plant and Agglomeration were planned and designed in such a way that the emissions from the agglomeration would comply with /not result in the contravention of all relevant Council Directives listed below.

 Dangerous Substance Directive 2006/11/EC  Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC  Birds Directive 79/409/EEC  Groundwater Directive 80/68/EEC & 2006/118/EC  Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC  Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC  Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC  Environmental Liabilities Directive 2004/35/EC  Bathing Water Directive 76/160/EEC  Shellfish Directive 79/923/EEC

See attachment F.1, which outlines measures to be implemented in relation to minimising the impact on the nearby Shellfish Waters, designated in the 2009 Shellfish Regulations. use.

other only. any for purposes


inspection owner For

copyright of


G.2 Page 1 of 1

WWD Licence Application Annex II

Annex 2: Check List For Regulation 16 Compliance Regulation 16 of the waste water discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 684 of 2007) sets out the information which must, in all cases, accompany a discharge licence application. In order to ensure that the application fully complies with the legal requirements of regulation 16 of the 2007 Regulations, all applicants should complete the following.

In each case, refer to the attachment number(s), of your application which contains(s) the information requested in the appropiate sub-article.

Regulation 16(1) Attachment Number Checked by Applicant In the case of an application for a waste water discharge licence, the application shall - (a) give the name, address, telefax number (if any) and telephone number of the Section B.1 Yes applicant (and, if different, of the operator of any treatment plant concerned) and the address to which correspondence relating to the application should be sent and, if the operator is a body corporate, the address of its registered office or principal office, (b) give the name of the water services authority in whose functional area the relevant Section B.1 Yes waste water discharge takes place or is to take place, if different from that of the applicant, (c) give the location or postal address (including where appropriate, the name of the Section B.2, B.3, B.4 Yes townland or townlands) and the National Grid reference of the location of the waste water treatment plant and/or the waste water discharge point or points to which the application relates, (d) state the population equivalent of the agglomeration to which the application relates, Section B.9(i) Yes (e) specify the content and extent of the waste water discharge, the level of treatment Section B.2, B.3, B.4; Yes provided, if any, and the flow and type of discharge, Attachment D.1 (f) give details of the receiving water body, including its protected area status, if any, and Attachmentuse. D.1(i)(a), Yes details of any sensitive areas or protected areas or both in the vicinity of the D.1(ii)(a), F.1 discharge point or points likely to be affected by the discharge concerned, and for discharges to ground provide details of groundwater protection schemes in place for other the receiving water body and all associated hydrogeological and geologicalonly. assessments related to the receiving water environment in the vicinity of the discharge. any (g) identify monitoring and sampling points and indicate proposed arrangements for forthe Attachment E.2 & F.1 Yes monitoring of discharges and, if Regulation 17 does not apply, provide details of the likely environmental consequences of any such discharges, purposes (h) in the case of an existing waste water treatment plant, specify the sampling data Not Applicable Yes pertaining to the discharge based on the samples taken in the 12 months preceding the making of the application, required (i) describe the existing or proposed measures, including emergency procedures, to Attachment C.1 & C.1.2 Yes prevent unintended waste water discharges andinspection to minimise the impact on the environment of any such discharges, owner (j) give particulars of the nearest downstreamFor drinking water abstraction point or points Not Applicable Yes to the discharge point or points, (k) give details, and an assessment of the effects, of any existing or proposed emissions Attachment F.1 Yes on the environment, including any environmentalcopyright medium other than those into which the emissions are, or are to be made, and of proposed measures to prevent or eliminate or, where that is not practicable, to oflimit any pollution caused in such discharges, (l) give detail of compliance with relevant monitoring requirements and treatment Attachment G.1 &F.1 Yes standards contained in any applicable Council Directives of Regulations, (m) give details of any work necessaryConsent to meet relevant effluent discharge standards and Not Applicable Yes a timeframe and schedule for such work. (n) Any other information as may be stipulated by the Agency. Not Applicable Yes Regulation 16(3) Attachment Number Checked by Applicant Without prejudice to Regulation 16 (1) and (2), an application for a licence shall be accompanied by - (a) a copy of the notice of intention to make an application given pursuant to Regulation Attachment B.8 Yes 9, (b) where appropriate, a copy of the notice given to a relevant water services authority Not Applicable Yes under Regulation 13, (c) Such other particulars, drawings, maps, reports and supporting documentation as are Included Yes necessary to identify and describe, as appropriate - (c) (i) the point or points, including storm water overflows, from which a discharge or Attachment B.3 & B.4 Yes discharges take place or are to take place, and (c) (ii) the point or points at which monitoring and sampling are undertaken or are to be Attachment E.2 Yes undertaken, (d) such fee as is appropriate having regard to the provisions of Regulations 38 and 39. Section B.9 Yes

WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 39 WWD Licence Application Annex II

Regulation 16(4) Attachment Number Checked by Applicant An original application shall be accompanied by 2 copies of it and of all accompanying documents and particulars as required under Regulation 16(3) in hardcopy or in an electronic or other format as specified by the Agency. 1 An Original Application shall be accompanied by 2 copies of it and of all Included Yes accompanying documents and particulars as required under regulation 16(3) in hardcopy or in electronic or other format as specified by the agancy. Regulation 16(5) Attachment Number Checked by Applicant For the purpose of paragraph (4), all or part of the 2 copies of the said application and associated documents and particulars may, with the agreement of the Agency, be submitted in an electronic or other format specified by the Agency. 1 Signed original. Included Yes 2 2 hardcopies of application provided or 2 CD versions of application (PDF files) Included Yes provided. 3 1 CD of geo-referenced digital files provided. Included Yes Regulation 17 Attachment Number Checked by Applicant Where a treatment plant associated with the relevant waste water works is or has been subject to the European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 1989 to 2001, in addition to compliance with the requirements of Regulation 16, an application in respect of the relevant discharge shall be accompanied by a copy of an environmental impact statement and approval in accordance with the Act of 2000 in respect of the said development and may be submitted in an electronic or other format specified by the Agency 3 2 CD versions of EIS, as PDF files, provided. Not Applicable Yes 1 EIA provided if applicable Not Applicable Yes 2 2 hardcopies of EIS provided if applicable. Not Applicable Yes Regulation 24 Attachment Number Checked by Applicant In the case of an application for a waste water discharge certificate of authorisation, the application shall – (a) give the name, address, telefax number (if any) and telephone number of the Not Applicableuse. Yes applicant and the address to which correspondence relating to the application should be sent and, if the operator of the waste water works is a body corporate, the address of its registered office or principal office other (b) give the name of the water services authority in whose functional area the only.relevant Not Applicable Yes waste water discharge takes place or is to take place, if different from that of the any applicant, for (c) give the location or postal address (including where appropriate, the name of the Not Applicable Yes townland or townlands) and the National Grid reference of the location of the discharge point or points to which the application relates, purposes (d) state the population equivalent of the agglomeration to which the application relates, Not Applicable Yes required (e) in the case of an application for the review of a certificate, specify the reference Not Applicable Yes number given to the relevant certificate in the register, (f) specify the content and extent of the waste waterinspection discharge, the level of treatment Not Applicable Yes provided and the flow and type of discharge, owner (g) give details of the receiving water body, itsFor protected area status, if any, and details of Not Applicable Yes any sensitive areas or protected areas, or both, in the vicinity of the discharge point or points or likely to be affected by the discharge concerned, (h) identify monitoring and sampling points and indicatecopyright proposed arrangements for the Not Applicable Yes monitoring of discharges and of the likely environmental consequences of any such discharges, of (i) in the case of an existing discharge, specify the sampling data pertaining to the Not Applicable Yes discharge based on the samples taken in the 12 months preceding the making of the application, (j) describe the existing or proposedConsent measures, including emergency procedures, to Not Applicable Yes prevent unauthorised or unexpected waste water discharges and to minimise the impact on the environment of any such discharges, (k) give particulars of the location of the nearest downstream drinking water abstraction Not Applicable Yes point or points to the discharge point or points associated with the waste water works, (l) give details of any designation under any Council Directive or Regulations that apply Not Applicable Yes in relation to the receiving waters, (m) give details of compliance with any applicable monitoring requirements and treatment Not Applicable Yes standards, (n) give details of any work necessary to meet relevant effluent discharge standards and Not Applicable Yes a timeframe and schedule for such work, (o) give any other information as may be stipulated by the Agency, and Not Applicable Yes (p) be accompanied by such fee as is appropriate having regard to the provisions of Not Applicable Yes Regulations 38 and 39.

WWD Licence Application - Achill Sound - Page: 40