E1726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 21, 2018 children described as a ‘‘kid at heart.’’ A man my delay in making it to the House floor, I First Step Act of 2018 Yea; Roll Call 449 Yea; who loved music, Christmas lights, and the old would have supported this legislation due to Roll Call 450 Yea; Roll Call 451 Yea; Roll Call car which he used to give rides to students the reforming of decades old policies that 452 Yea; Roll Call 453 the Victims of Child and take his family on road trips. have plagued our criminal justice system. Abuse Act Reauthorization Act Yea; Roll Call ‘‘Chief’’ Wilson never met a stranger, and he f 454 Yea; Roll Call 455 Yea; Roll Call 456 remembered his students when he crossed Yea; Roll Call 457 Yea; Roll Call 458 Yea; paths with them years later. A faithful member HONORING CHIEF MICHAEL Roll Call 459 Yea; Roll Call 460 Yea; Roll Call of Washington Shores Presbyterian Church, a DONOVAN 461 Yea; Roll Call 462 Yea; Roll Call 463 homeowner in the Washington Shores com- Yea; Roll Call 464 Yea; Roll Call 465 Yea; munity for over 50 years, and a charter mem- HON. MIKE THOMPSON Roll Call 466 Yea; Roll Call 467 No; and Roll ber of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., his OF CALIFORNIA Call 468 No. roots were deep. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f He will be missed by all. But I know that his Friday, December 21, 2018 positive influence will live on in his students, THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF DAVID his program, and his incredible legacy for Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, FATTAH, SR. years to come. I rise today to recognize Chief Michael Dono- f van’s forty-two years of service in California HON. DWIGHT EVANS Law Enforcement. OF PENNSYLVANIA RECOGNIZING SERGEANT WILLIAM Chief Donovan was born in Oceanside, Cali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES M. BAYS fornia in 1961 and has dedicated his life to public service. He earned his Bachelor’s De- Friday, December 21, 2018 HON. JAMES COMER gree in Human Resources Management and Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF his Master’s Degree in Business Administra- honor and pay tribute to an influential and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion in 1989, both from California State Poly- dedicated man from Philadelphia, David technic University, Pomona. His commitment Fattah, Sr., a devoted servant of the commu- Friday, December 21, 2018 to public service and law enforcement has nity and his family. Mr. Fattah passed away on Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to made all the communities he has served, in- December 5, 2018. I’d like to include in the recognize the life of Sergeant William M. cluding our community of Napa, California, a RECORD the eulogy delivered by Ralph E. Bays, a beloved father and respected Amer- safer and better place to live. Blanks, Interim Pastor of Vine Memorial Bap- ican hero who lost his life on June 10, 2017. Over the course of his career, Chief Dono- tist Church in West Philadelphia. Born October 17, 1987, in Barstow, Cali- van has served in many different law enforce- ‘‘David Fattah, Senior has written the fornia, Sergeant Bays valiantly rose through ment capacities. He was a police officer at the autobiography of his life. Today, we have the ranks since enlisting in the United States Sierra Madre Police Department, an Investi- read selected excerpts and pages from his life Army in 2009, eventually serving as a squad gator at the Baldwin Park Police Department story. What a life extraordinaire as he and leader with D Company, 1st Battalion, 187th and the Assistant Chief Investigator, and later his beloved soulmate, Queen Mother Falaka Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team Chief Investigator, at the San Bernardino Fattah made a difference in the lives of countless boys and girls thru the House of of the 101st Airborne Division. County District Attorney’s Office. Since 2011, Umoja. Umoja, a Swahili word that means to Sergeant Bays’ reputation of steadfast self- Chief Donovan has served as the Chief Inves- strive and maintain unity in the family, lessness, along with the numerous awards he tigator at the Napa County District Attorney’s community, nation and race. The opposite of earned for his service—including the Bronze Office. Chief Donovan is active in the law en- unity is division and division is one of the Star and Purple Heart—are evidence of his re- forcement community. He currently sits on the weapons the devil has used for ages to divide lentless dedication to safeguarding our na- California District Attorney Investigators’ Asso- us mentally, physically, and spiritually. This tion’s freedoms and values. His patriotic spirit ciation Board of Directors as the Treasurer is why a race divided against itself cannot and dedication to his country were rivaled only and Chair of the Training Committee. He also stand. The more united we are, the stronger we become. The more divided we are, the by his fervent commitment to his family and serves on the California District Attorneys’ As- weaker we become. Today, David Fattah’s his enthusiasm for serving others. sociation Legislative Committee. Additionally, life reminds us to do all things necessary to I join with his family and loved ones—includ- Chief Donovan is an active member in the unite and stay united. If we don’t do it, it ing his wife, Jasmin Bays, his children, and his local Napa Rotary Club and volunteers at won’t get done!!! There are some things that extended family—in celebrating his accom- many Rotary Club sponsored events. only we can do for us, by us, with us and to plishments and recognizing his noble service Chief Donovan has remained dedicated and us!!!! to our nation. His outstanding legacy of patri- motivated throughout his long career in law Hear the words of the Lord speaking to us otism and compassion lives on in each mem- enforcement and public service. He is always for this time as recorded in the book of the Prophet Isaiah chapter 58 verses 10,11,12: ber of his family and in all those who knew willing to take on difficult projects and help him. others in the office. He draws on his depth of If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall I am grateful for the Kentucky General As- knowledge and experience in his profession to your light rise in the darkness and your sembly’s dedication of this roadway in the 1st help others in his field. Mr. Speaker, it is gloom be as the noonday. And the Lord will District of Kentucky, as it will serve as a testa- therefore fitting and proper that we honor him guide you continually and satisfy your desire ment to his extraordinary sacrifice, which is here today. in scorched places and make your bones worthy of our deepest respect and admiration. f strong; and you shall be like a watered gar- f den, like a spring of water whose waters do PERSONAL EXPLANATION not fail. And your ancient ruins shall be re- PERSONAL EXPLANATION built; you shall raise up the foundations of HON. many generations, you shall be called the re- ´ pairer of the breach, the restorer of the HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ OF CALIFORNIA streets to dwell in. OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. tells of a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, December 21, 2018 time when two street gangs were about to go Friday, December 21, 2018 to war and David drove up in a banged up, Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, on December 19, beat up police cruiser. Jumped out and stood Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- 2018 and December 20, 2018 I was absent for in the gap between the two gangs and carried avoidably absent from the chamber on Thurs- several roll call votes in order to attend the fu- out shuttle diplomacy in the ‘‘hood’’. day, December 20, 2018. Had I been present, neral of a family member. Had I been present A husband, father, grandfather, patriarch, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on roll call votes I would have voted in the following manner. social engineer, community activist and 448, 455, 461, 466, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, Roll Call 437 Yea; Roll Call 438, the BOLD today we add ‘‘restorer’’ to describe David. Restore means to bring back into exist- 479, 480, 481, and 482. I would have voted Infrastructure for Alzheimers Act Yea; Roll Call ence; to use or reestablish; to bring back to ‘‘nay’’ on roll call vote 467. 439 Yea; Roll Call 440 Yea; Roll Call 441 a state of health, soundness or vigor. The Specifically, for roll call vote 448, the First Yea; Roll Call 442 Yea; Roll Call 443 Yea; communities and neighborhoods are calling Step Act, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ enthu- Roll Call 444 Yea; Roll Call 445 Yea; Roll Call out for someone like David to stand in the siastically in support of this legislation. Despite 446 No; Roll Call 447 No; Roll Call 448 the gap and restore civility, bring back respect,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:57 Dec 22, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21DE8.006 E21DEPT1 December 21, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1727 reestablish order and common sense which Jesus said in Matthew 25: throughout the nation. He has been named an ain’t very common these days. Come, you who are blessed by my Father, Executive Board Member of the Washington David was a restorer of life because his life inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs, served pointed people to the life of Jesus. That’s the foundation of the world. For I was hun- what it means to be a restorer of life. Your as a Commissioner of the Washington State gry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and Criminal Justice Training Commission, and life points people to the ultimate restorer of you gave me a drink, I was a stranger and life, Jesus Christ. you welcomed me, I was naked, and you has been nominated for the Ferris E. Lucas Let your light shine before others, so that clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I Award for National Sheriff of the Year. John they may see your good works and give glory was in prison and you came to me. has also been an active member of the Walla to your Father who is in heaven. There is no separation between the cross Walla community, participating in the Walla If you pour yourself out for the hungry and and social justice. If we go into the neighbor- Walla Noon Rotary Club and as an active satisfy the soul of the oppressed, then shall hood and live out the gospel—two things will member at Blue Mountain Community Church. your light rise in the darkness and your happen. People and places will change. We John’s work on behalf of Walla Walla Coun- night will become like the noonday. are called to be restorers of life and of the ty will be remembered by all, but especially by Notice the Lord does not say, if you give streets. his colleagues in the Sheriff’s office, who ap- the hungry some food, but rather He says if David Fattah, husband, father, community you give yourself!!! It’s easy to give folk preciate his work in turning the sheriff’s office activist, restorer of the streets was called into a high quality, well respected law enforce- some food, but to give up your house, your from earthly labors to heavenly reward the comforts, your privacy, your money, your other day. The heart that gave so much to so ment agency. clothes, your space...... , your living room/ many just stopped!!! But the Creator said I appreciate John’s work on behalf of the dining room becomes the meeting room, the I’ve got a new heart for you over in Sheriff’s office and of Walla Walla County and gathering room, the prayer room filled with Gloryland!!!! David is done with the troubles the honorable role he filled as Sheriff. I wish desks, chairs, computers and other office of this world, he has gone home to be with him the best in his retirement. equipment. His God!!! No more crying, weeping and wail- Jesus said, if you try to hang on to your f ing, no more sickness, heartache or break. life, you will lose it. But if you give up your PERSONAL EXPLANATION life for my sake and for the sake of the Good He’s done with the troubles of the world. Listen as David speaks parting words: News, you will save it. Mark 8:35 Folks are just as hungry today as they Do not stand at my grave and weep for me, HON. JOHN H. RUTHERFORD were 45 years ago-physically hungry, men- I am not there. I do not sleep!!! I am every OF FLORIDA tally hungry, spiritually hungry; hungry for boy and girl fighting for life. I am every par- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES love, hungry for acceptance, hungry for fam- ent struggling with rebellious kids! I am ily, hungry for a sense of home and belong- every teacher demanding your best. I am Friday, December 21, 2018 ing. standing in the gap connecting warring fac- Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Speaker, I was If you are generous, extravagant with the tions. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I held up by Committee business. down and out, your lives will began to glow am not there, I did not die. Had I been present, I would have voted in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be If I can do my duty as a good man ought ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 449 and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll bathed in the sunlight. Listen to what the If I can bring back beauty to a world up Lord says He will do in your life when you wrought Call No. 456. pour out, give extravagantly to the last, the If I can spread love’s message as the Mas- f least, the lost, the struggling...... ter taught Then my living shall not be in vain CELEBRATING THE RETIREMENT ...... I will always show you where to go, I’ll OF BETSY WRIGHT AND COM- give you a full life in the emptiest of places, David Fattah, Sr., husband, father, grand- firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be a well- father, patriarch, social engineer, restorer of MEMORATING HER DEDICATION watered garden, a gurgling spring that never the streets and community has done his TO THE CHAUTAUQUA MEDICAL runs dry. You’ll use the old rubble of past work, has sung his song, now he has gone COMMUNITY lives to build to build anew, rebuild the foun- home where he belongs!!!! To God be The dations from out of your past, you’ll be Glory!!!!!!! HON. known as those who can fix anything, restore The 2nd Congressional District of Pennsyl- OF NEW YORK old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the vania extends gratitude to David Fattah, Sr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community livable again. for his dedicated support and service to the Who will stand in the gap? Who will be Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Friday, December 21, 2018 known as the restorers of the streets, of the Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cele- community? Will you make a commitment f brate the service of Betsy Wright to UPMC today? Then sign off on the Imani Pledge HONORING SHERIFF JOHN TURNER that Queen Mother and David developed: Chautauqua, formerly WCA Hospital, and con- Whereas over 44 years ago in 1974, the gratulate her on her retirement. youth in the City of Philadelphia took the HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS For the last twenty years, Betsy Wright has bold step forward to ensure that following OF WASHINGTON served as the President and Chief Executive generations would not have to experience the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Officer of UPMC Chautauqua. Her dedicated self-destruction and agony of gang warfare. service has ensured the high levels of em- Friday, December 21, 2018 We honor them for this and for keeping their ployee engagement and community support word. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, that the hospital enjoys today. Whereas in as much as our ancestors, par- I rise today to honor the career of John Tur- With more than thirty-five years in the ents, teachers, caregivers, elder community ner, Sheriff of Walla Walla County. John is re- members and others that have shed blood healthcare industry, Betsy’s insight is highly that we might acquire an education. We give tiring as Sheriff of Walla Walla County on De- respected by the New York State Department our word to refrain from fighting during cember 31, 2018, after serving as Sheriff of Health, the Office of Mental Health, and the school, after school and inside school, and we since 2011. Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Serv- encourage those that we know to do the John first became a member of law enforce- ices. Policy makers at all levels of healthcare same. ment after joining the Manhattan Beach, Cali- know Betsy for her tireless work to improve Whereas we too are a generation that is fornia police department in 1984, followed by care of patients in the community. proud and want to succeed. On this day, I a sixteen-year stint with the Los Angeles Po- Betsy’s leadership in the healthcare commu- sign this document to let it be known wher- lice Department. After a stint outside of law ever it needs to be known that I care deeply nity does not end with UPMC Chautauqua. about our community and will do all in my enforcement, John was elected Sheriff of She also is a member of the executive com- power to return us to our traditional great- Walla Walla County in 2011, and won reelec- mittee of the Healthcare Association of New ness. Let my word be my bond. In honor of tion to that position in 2014. With his election, York State and a past Regent of the American David Fattah, Sr., I pledge to stand in the John became the 32nd Sheriff of Walla Walla College of Healthcare Executives. Throughout gap as a restorer of the streets and commu- County since its founding in 1859. Aside from her career, Betsy has been recognized many nities. his work with various law enforcement agen- times by Buffalo Business First as one of Some of you are asking right now: pastor, cies, John is a graduate of both the University ‘‘Western New York’s Most Influential People’’. are you asking me to sign up for another so- cial justice movement. In Jesus’ church, of Southern California, and Southwestern Uni- As Betsy moves forward with the next chap- there can be no separation between the cross versity School of Law, where he received a ter of her life, we applaud her tireless effort to and social justice. There is no separation in Juris Doctorate degree in 1996. improve the quality of healthcare for the citi- Scripture between the two—no pain no gain, During his time as Sheriff, John has been zens of Chautauqua County and we wish her no cross no crown!!!! recognized both in Washington State and all the best in her retirement.

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