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1. 4 Types of Conflict 1) vs. character 7. character 2) character vs. self vs. society 3) character vs. nature (sometimes 4) character vs. society seen as man vs. 2. A character or force in conflict with the society) main character.

3. Character a person, animal, or creature who takes part in the of a literary work.

4. character vs. character (sometimes seen A character has a conflict or problem with some as man vs. man) element of society - the school, the law, etc.

8. Most exciting moment of the story; turning point. This is where things will end well or poorly for the main character.

9. Conflict

Two friends are against each other.

5. character vs. nature (sometimes seen as man vs. nature)

A struggle between opposing forces. Characters in conflict for the basis of the story, , poem, or . There are two kinds of conflict: internal (character against self) and external A dramatic struggle between a character (character against another individual or nature). and something that is caused by nature A story may have both.

6. character vs. self 10. Dynamic A character who grows, learns, or changes as a (sometimes seen Character result of the story's action as man vs. self) 11. A narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances.

12. External Conflict

where the character's main problems exist within him or her self.

A struggle between a character and an outside force

13. Falling Events after the climax, leading to the resolution Action

14. Initiating It is the start of the conflict. It is when the Event problem is first introduced 15. Internal 22. Rising A series of events that builds from the conflict. It Conflict Action begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax.


a struggle within the mind of a character.

16. Time and Place of a story. The setting can also impact the mood and . For example, present day in Sterling, Va.

24. Static A character that does not change from the Character beginning of the story to the end


Feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader The main idea or point of the story. It is also the 17. Narrative Parts of a story. The way a writer builds the Structure story. overall message. Stories can have more than one theme. Readers uses clues from the story and 18. Parts of looks at the conflict in the story and what the the character learned from their experience to figure out the theme. Some common themes might be: -Treat others the way you would like to be treated. -slow and steady wins the race -love conquers all -don't lie

26. Tone

exposition, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

19. Plot

Attitude a writer takes toward the , a subject, or a character

27. Types of vs Antogonist The sequence of events in a literary work. Characters

20. Protagonist Main character in a dramatic or narrative work, usually trying to accomplish some objective or working toward some goal. This character drives the story and is changes in the story.

21. Resolution Conflict is resolved, the story is ending.