52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1746.pdf MEASURING MAGNETIC FIELDS AT OCEAN WORLDS. J. R. Espley1, G.A. DiBraccio1, and J. R. Gruesbeck1 1NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (Code 695, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771,
[email protected]) Summary: Magnetic field measurements have selective way. Collaborative approaches between the been a vital part of Solar System exploration for spacecraft team and experienced magnetometer decades. Measuring magnetic fields at ocean worlds instrument teams can often allow for relatively easy will yield important science results. Magnetometers are magnetic cleanliness programs. Often times, the easiest very low resource instruments (even with magnetic approach is simply a relatively long boom to keep the cleanliness). We welcome interest in collaborations for sensor away from the spacecraft. Such booms do cost future missions. spacecraft resources (mass, volume, and budget) but Ocean World Magnetometer Science Topics: often these costs are very modest and allow Magnetic fields tell us about a world’s: comparatively lax magnetic cleanliness programs. In all plasma environment (magnetosphere, ionosphere) cases, the most appropriate solution will depend on the volatile escape (e.g. plumes, atmospheric erosion), science requirements. An experienced magnetometer distribution of conducting materials (e.g. water, instrumentation team can easily help craft this metal) appropriate approach and keep the overall impact of the Example Ocean Worlds Destinations: The magnetic investigation modest compared to the very potential future targets for magnetic field investigations significant science results. are abundant (figures 1a-d). As examples, we could detect and characterize subsurface water or magma oceans (e.g.