3.2 Zoning and Development

3.2.1. Introduction ...... 14 3.2.2. Considerations for Proposals ...... 14 3.2.3. Proposals and Recommendations ...... 16 Proposal 1: Densification of existing zoned areas ...... 20 Proposal 2: Development of Central Business District (CBD) ...... 21 Proposal 3: Densification along transit corridors through Transit Oriented Zone ..... 24 Proposal 4: Development around existing zoned areas to incentivize affordable housing ...... 26 Proposal 5: Development in Growth Centers ...... 27 Proposal 6: Development around village gamtals ...... 30 Proposal 7: Introduction of Prime Agriculture Zone to preserve agriculture land .... 30 Proposal 8: Special Planned Area Development Zones (SPD) ...... 31 3.2.4. Recommended Actions for implementation ...... 33

3.2. Zoning and development

3.2.1. Introduction Today urban areas within AUDA limits are home of about 60 lakh people. As this number continues to grow and the city continues to prosper, additional supply of land and built spaces will be required to provide places for living, working, shopping, education, entertainment, healthcare, gardens, infrastructure and many such needs. Also, it would be crucial to organize this growth in a manner that maintains the quality of life and livability standards within the area while keeping it economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable. This development plan aims to satisfy these needs through various tools and mechanisms available under the existing legal frameworks and in a manner that is consistent with the overarching vision and principles of this plan.

Zoning is one of the important planning tools to manage growth, regulate density and organize land uses within the urban area. By regulating land uses it helps to segregate incompatible uses, increase livability and create desirable character for different areas for the city. Zoning combined with development regulations determines the supply of developable land and built space in various zones. However, before arriving at various proposals to accommodate growth and organize land uses, it is important to first understand the demand for development and various considerations to organize land use and densities.

3.2.2. Considerations for Proposals It is important to understand following considerations that were taken into account while deriving and formulating proposals included in this section. ƒ Existing Growth pattern and trend ƒ Population projections for 2021 and 2031 ƒ Comprehensive assessment of existing conditions, land uses, development typologies, socio‐economic parameters etc ƒ Existing supply of buildable land in zoned areas ƒ Availability of land suitable for urbanization ƒ The overarching vision for 2021, the planning and growth management principles including

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 14

compact growth, land use ‐transportation co‐ordination, green network, sustainable environment and affordable development ƒ Study of State and Central Government policies and working group reports such as Integrated mobility plan, City Development Plan(CDP), Tourism policy, Heritage policy, Hospital policy, slum redevelopment and rehabilitation population, etc ƒ Incorporation of comments and suggestions from Working group and stakeholder meetings

Assessing Future Demand and Existing Supply: Estimating demand for development is crucial to understand how much of additional zoned land will be required to accommodate growth in the coming decades. Currently, Ahmedabad urban areas are home of about 60 lakh people. This population is expected to grow to 88 lakh by year 2021 and to 108 lakhs by 2031. This means there will be about 21 lakh additional people living in the urbanized area of AUDA by 2021 and about 30 lakhs by 2031.

Now, if existing trends of development patterns and densities in various zones continue, Ahmedabad will require about 94.5 million sq.m. of built space and about 84 sq km of zoned land by 2021; and 135 million sq.m of built space and about 120 sq km of zoned land by 2031.

At present the city has 372.7 sq km of zoned area. Of which, about 137 sq km of zoned area is still vacant and available for development. Some of this additional growth can be accommodated in this vacant zoned area. However, still there is a need to fulfill the demand by providing options for development in different areas.

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 15

Map 3.2‐1 : Population projection in AUDA area (2021‐2031)

90 83.9 80 68.7 70 60 55.9 lakhs


50 45.2 40 34.3 30 25.0

Population 17.6 16.6 20 14.0 5.8 7.5 10 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 6.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011P 2021P 2031P

AMC Rest of AUDA Growth centers

Source: Census, AUDA

3.2.3. Proposals and Recommendations In order to encourage compact city form and to enhance mobility through transit oriented development. The zoning proposals are prioritized in the following order i) Incentivize development in existing zoned area ii) Encourage compact development in the central areas and transit corridors iii) Organize development in Growth Centers iv) Allow for natural growth around villages while preserving prime agricultural land

Below is the proposed zoning map along with the area table for Revised Development Plan 2021 incorporating various zoning proposals identified in this section. The zoning map uses an improved nomenclature that simplifies and organizes some of the zoning categories to better reflect the uses they are intended for. The table includes zoning categories and areas incorporated under each zone.

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 16

Map 3.2‐2 : Proposed Zoning Map 2021

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Table 3.2‐1 : Proposed Zoning of AUDA area for 2021 Zones Codes Area in sq.m % 1 Residential Zone I R1 248 13.3% 2 Residential Zone II R2 42 2.2% 3 Residential Zone III R3 44 2.4% 4 Residential –Affordable Housing RAH Zone* 75 5 Core Walled City CW 4 0.2% 6 Gamtal GM 23 1.2% 7 Gamtal Extension GME 57 3.1% 8 Central Business District CBD 2 0.1% 9 Transit Oriented Zone* TZ 16 10 Commercial and Logistics Zone C 43 2.3% 11 Industrial Zone ‐ General IG 100 5.4% 12 Industrial Zone ‐ Special IS 3 0.2% 13 Knowledge and Institutional Zone KZ 20 1.1% 14 Parks and Gardens PO 2 0.1% 15 General Agricultural Zone A1 497 26.7% 16 Prime Agricultural Zone A2 569 30.5% 17 Special Planned Development (SPD) SPD‐1 Zone‐ Riverfront Development 6 0.3% 18 SPD ‐ Science Park SPD‐2 4 0.2% 19 SPD‐ Gandhi Ashram Special SPD‐3 Development Area 1 0.1% 20 Airport and Cantonment** 9 0.5% 21 Road and Rail** 86 4.6% 22 Waterbodies** 85 4.6% 23 Other areas** 19 1.0% TOTAL 1866 100% Note: * Areas for RAH and TZ are not included in the total area as they are overlay zones. ** These are not zones

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 18

Table 3.2‐2 : Proposed FSI for various zones of AUDA area for 2021

Zones Codes FSI‐ FSI‐Chargeable FSI‐ Permissible Maximum (Base) Permissible 1 Residential Zone I R1 0.9 – Within SP Ring Road 2.7 1.8 0.45 – Outside SP Ring Road 2.25 2 Residential Zone II R2 0.6 – Within SP Ring Road 1.8 1.2 and for Bopal TP1, TP3 Nil – Outside SP Ring Road 1.2 3 Residential Zone III R3 0.3 Nil 0.3 4 Residential –Affordable RAH 1.8 0.9 2.7 Housing Zone 5 Core Walled City CW 2.0 Nil 2.0 6 Gamtal GM 2.0 Nil 2.0 7 Gamtal Extension GME 1.2 Nil 1.2 8 Central Business CBD 1.8 3.6 5.4 District 9 Transit Oriented Zone TZ As per Base As applicable 4.0 Zone 10 Commercial and C 0.9 – Within SP Ring Road 2.7 Logistics Zone 1.8 0.45 – Outside SP Ring Road 2.25 11 Industrial Zone ‐ IG 1.0 Nil 1.0 General 12 Industrial Zone ‐ IS 1.0 Nil 1.0 Special 13 Knowledge and KZ 1.8 Nil 1.8 Institutional Zone 14 Parks and Gardens PO As As Nil applicable Applicable 15 General Agricultural A1 As As Nil Zone applicable Applicable 16 Prime Agricultural Zone A2 As As Nil applicable Applicable 17 Special Planned SPD‐1 Development (SPD) As As Zone‐ Sabarmati Nil applicable Applicable Riverfront Development 18 SPD‐2 As As SPD ‐ Science Park Nil applicable Applicable 19 SPD‐ Gandhi Ashram SPD‐3 As As Special Development Nil applicable Applicable Area Note: Zoning table above is for illustrative purpose only. Please refer to GDR for details . In case of any discrepancy, the General Development Regulations shall prevail.

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 19

Map 3.2‐3: Distribution of Area by Zones

Residential Zone I

Residential Zone II

Residential Zone III

0.1% 0.5% 1.0% Core Walled City 4.6% 4.6% 13.3% 0.2% 2.4% Gamtal

0.3% Gamtal Extension 2.2% 0.2% Central Business District 1.2% Commercial and Logistics Zone 3.1% 0.1% 2.3% Industrial Zone ‐ General

5.4% Industrial Zone ‐ Special Knowledge and Institutional Zone

Parks and open spaces

General Agricultural Zone 0.2% Prime Agricultural Zone 1.1% Special Planned Development (SPD) Zone‐ Sabarmati 30.5% 0.1% Riverfront Development SPD ‐ Science Park

SPD‐ Gandhi Ashram Special Development Area

Airport and Cantonment 26.7% Road and Rail


Other areas

Proposal 1: Densification of existing zoned areas Based on inventory of existing land uses (Chart 3.2‐2), currently, there is about 65 sq.km. of vacant land in esidential Zones R1 and R2. Also, there are areas with old development that need to be redeveloped. In order to optimize the utilization of this zoned areas and to encourage development on this serviceable land, it is essential to provide incentives for densification. The table below identifies the incentives in terms of payable FSI that would help encourage development and redevelopment within this area.

Table 3.2‐3: Proposed increase in FSI within SP Ring Road Existing FSI Proposed FSI Zone Base FSI Payable FSI Total FSI Base FSI Payable FSI Total FSI R‐1 1.8 0.45 2.25 1.8 0.9 2.7 R‐2 1.2 Nil 1.2 1.2 0.6 1.8

Below is a scenario developed to illustrate how much of additional development potential can be generated through utilization of this vacant land.

Scenario Illustration: Based on the existing land use analysis, presently nearly 65 sq.km of land is vacant and available in residential zones. If approximately half (50%) of this vacant land is developed due to the development demand and FSI incentives, around 33 sq.km of vacant land

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 20 may be developed in the combined area of R1 and R2 zones. Further, if this land area develops at the rate of 60% of the permissible FSI presently and 20% of plots undergo redevelopment in R1 zone, nearly 38 million sq.m of built space is made available in the zoned areas.

Table 3.2‐4: Realizable potential of the existing vacant land

Development of vacant land Redevelopment (in sq.km) Total Total (in sq.km) land Total 50% of Permissible Potential % of Plot BUA Total Population available‐ Vacant the FSI Built Area generated potential that can be 2011 (in Land Vacant (proposed) Floor Assumed to due to BUA(in accommo‐ sq.km) Available land Space be Redevelop sq.km) dated (in (in generated Redeveloped ment sq.km) sq.km) R1 174.5 49.4 24.7 2.7 66.69 20% 94.23 160.92 3,576,000 R2 25.3 15.5 7.75 1.8 13.95 0 0.00 13.95 310,000

Recommended Action: Local area planning needs to be introduced for densification of existing zoned areas, which will act as a micro level planning tool. This shall include preparation of a Local Area Plan that would provide

comprehensive guidance to enhance livability of the area through coordinated improvements in transport, physical and social infrastructure taking into account the existing character, land uses and activities taking place in the area. Local Area Plans shall help implement the vision of Development Plan at local area level taking into account the

needs of the existing ward/ neighborhood or any area within AUDA. Refer Appendix 3.2.A for further details.

Proposal 2: Development of Central Business District (CBD) Figure 3.2‐1 : Bus mall along the CBD This new zone is carved out from the existing zone to create a high density district with a distinct character and a clearly identifiable urban form. The land uses in this central commercial core would include a mix of offices, retail and other business uses, along with some residential developments. CBD should be strengthened by a transit shuttle route to serve the CBD and to connect with BRTS and metro stations at the northern and southern ends.

This zone will provide a distinct character and form to the central area of Ahmedabad and enhance the skyline in conjunction with the Development.

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 21

Figure 3.2‐2 : Illustrative representation of the envisioned new skyline

Existing skyline

New skyline

This zone will promote and incentivize regeneration and rejuvenation of city’s central area and transform it into a vibrant, mixed use, transit oriented, walkable CBD that is attractive for business, entertainment and tourism. This zone will include the areas along between and on the western side of the river and the area between Gandhi bridge and Dudheshwar bridge along the riverfront on the eastern side of the river.

The base FSI in this zone is 1.8. However, the additional chargeable FSI of 3.6 is made available to incentivize the development in this zone bringing total permissible FSI to 5.4. Also, height restriction is removed to allow maximum height as approved by Airports Authority of (AAI).

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 22

Map 3.2‐4 : Proposed Central Business District zone

Map 3.2‐5: Proposed Central Business District zone

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 23

Recommended Action: Development of Central Business District would require detailed assessment, careful planning and a phased approach for implementation. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare Local Area Plan that would provide comprehensive guidance to enhance livability of the area through coordinated improvements for walkability, parking management, transport, physical and social infrastructure upgradation taking into account the existing character, land uses and activities taking place in the area. Refer Appendix 3.2.A for further details.

Proposal 3: Densification along transit corridors through Transit Oriented Zone In order to promote compact transit oriented development in the city and to coordinate land use and transportation, Transit Oriented Zone is introduced. Transit Oriented zone is an effective tool to promote compact, transit oriented development within the walking distances of public transit routes such as BRTS and Metro. This zone takes precedence over underlying R1, R2, commercial and General agriculture zones by encouraging compact mixed use development. Sustainable transit oriented densification could be achieved through incentivizing development of additional floor space along the transit corridors and station areas.

The proposed Transit Oriented Zone includes the following areas as delineated on the map i) Metro Transit Corridor (200m on both sides along BRTS) ii) BRTS Transit Corridor (200 m along metro route) iii) Eastern high density corridor (between Narol‐ Highway (NH‐8) and 132 feet road on eastern side of the city (in the north, east and south zones of AMC)

The Transit Oriented Zone covers about 16.4 sq.km of area that are superimposed on the base zones. The base FSI in this zone shall be provided as in the base zone, i.e 1.8 in R1, 1.2 in R2, etc. However, the maximum permissible FSI in this zone shall be 4.0. The difference from the base FSI shall be availed as chargeable FSI as per the GDR. Further details regarding the development allowed in this zone is proposed in GDR.

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 24

Map 3.2‐6 : Proposed Transit Oriented Zone

Recommended Action: Implementation of Transit Oriented Zone requires detailed assessment, careful planning and a phased approach for implementation. Therefore, it is recommended to implement this zone based on recommendations identified in Local Area Plans.

Step 1: Prepare Local Area Plan for Transit Oriented Zones: It is recommended to first prepare a Local Area Plan for Transit Oriented Zone which will assess existing conditions and identify improvements for better accessibility, amenities, infrastructure, land use and urban environment. The local area plan should be consistent with the vision and principles of the Development Plan and should include specific recommendations for implementation.

Step 2: Implementation: Depending on the type of recommendations various approaches for implementation can be identified. For example, specific recommendations related to providing certain amenities and improving infrastructure can be implemented through capital projects. However, if a large scale improvement and plot reconfiguration is required, revising TP scheme shall be considered. Some of the recommendations of Local Area

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 25

Plan can be implemented through various improvement projects. The revenue generated from sale of payable FSI and land resources generated through TP Scheme can be useful resource to recover the cost of improvements within the area. Refer Appendix 3.2.A for further guidelines on Local Area Plan and its implementation.

Proposal 4: Development around existing zoned areas to incentivize affordable housing In order to enhance the supply of affordable housing, a new overlay zone RAH is identified within 1 km wide stretch on the outer side of SP Ring Road covering around 75 sq.km of land area. This overlay zone shall be applicable only for development of affordable housing with unit sizes upto 80 sq m. All other developments shall be permissible as per the existing zones only. The RAH overlay zone shall take precedence over the underlying R1, R2, R3, Commercial and Agricultural zone.

The base FSI for affordable housing in this zone shall be 1.8 with chargeable FSI of 0.9 at reduced rates as specified in GDR. For all other developments the FSI shall be permissible as per the provision of the base zone as identified in GDR.

Recommended action: Local area planning shall be introduced in areas RAH Zone which will act as a micro level planning tool. This shall include preparation of a Local Area Plan that would provide comprehensive guidance to enhance livability of the area through coordinated improvements in transport, physical and social infrastructure taking into account the existing character, land uses and activities taking place in the area. Local area plans shall help implement the vision of Development Plan at local area level taking into account the needs of the existing ward/ neighborhood or any area within AUDA. Refer Appendix 3.2.A for further details.

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 26

Map 3.2‐7 : Map showing Proposed RAH zone

Proposal 5: Development in Growth Centers As new industrial areas, special Investment Regions (SIR) and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are being developed on large tracts of land around the urban areas of Ahmedabad, it is important to develop additional centers that can accommodate future population in nearby areas. Keeping the principles of compact growth and sustainable development in focus five Growth Centers are identified around the city in AUDA areas. They are Sanand, Mahemdabad, Kalol, Dehgam and Bareja.

Keeping the principles of compact growth in focus, growth centers are planned in order to support/accommodate population in various SEZs, SIRs and industrial clusters around Ahmedabad.

The Revised Development Plan 2021 provides for additional land in Residential zones (R1 and R2) and commercial zones around growth centers. The table below indicates zoned areas in various growth centers by zoning categories

Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 27

Table 3.2‐5 : Proposed land area allotted for growth centers Land Area sanctioned under DP 2021 for Growth Centres (in Hectares) Zones Sanand Mahemdabad Kalol Dahegam Bareja 1 Residential zone 1 1858 664 846 861 212 2 Commercial 11 31 15 ‐ 1

3 Industrial 153 96 91 126 4 4 Gamtal 65 31 43 35 36 5 Public Purpose 59 19 14 ‐ ‐ 6 Garden & open 23 26 6 ‐ ‐ spaces 7 Agriculture zone 1630 307 557 1512 1637 8 Water body 123 96 26 67 55 9 Others 124 105 126 91 93 TOTAL 4046 1374 1724 2692 2038

Map 3.2‐8 : Growth centers of AUDA

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 28

Map 3.2‐9 : Maps of Growth Centers Sanand Mahemadabad

Kalol Dehgam


Draft Comprehensive Development Plan 2021(Second Revised) : Part II 29

Proposal 6: Development around village gamtals The growth around village should be accommodated in immediate vicinity of the village Gamtal in contiguous manner. Therefore a buffer of 200 is provided around Gamtals having population less than 5000 and 300 m around Gamtals having population of more than 300 m where specific regulations and uses may be permitted according to GDR.

Map 3.2‐10 : Map showing Gamtal buffers

Proposal 7: Introduction of Prime Agriculture Zone to preserve agriculture land In order to improve primary sector in AUDA area and to preserve fertile double cropping land, zoning of appropriate agricultural land Prime Agriculture Zone has been introduced through this development Plan having an area of 569 sq.km. Further, to protect the prime agricultural land, necessary regulations have been framed. However, along with agricultural activities development of agro‐based industries, processing units etc. is allowed in order to support activities like farming and livestock as per the development regulations.

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 30

Map 3.2‐11 : Prime Agriculture Zone

Proposal 8: Special Planned Area Development Zones (SPD) Special Planned Area Development Zones are large areas identified for focused development around important structures and to control specific uses. They may have their own zoning classification and may have special DCRs. Also new SPDs may be planned /included in future. i) Front Development The Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project is an environmental improvement, social uplift and urban rejuvenation project that will renew Ahmedabad. The project encompasses 11km along both banks of Sabarmati making the riverfront accessible to the public. The approach is to bring about an overall environmental improvement along the Riverfront and its surrounding areas. Following are the specific aspects that the project proposes to address: ƒ Urban and Environmental improvement ƒ Creating high quality public open spaces ƒ Providing adequate public access to the river ƒ Rehabilitating the slums and informal economic activities ƒ Providing city level infrastructure ƒ Creating vibrant urban neighbourhoods

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Map 3.2‐12 : The Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project

ii) Gandhi Ashram Special Area Development Gandhi Ashram and its surrounding area has high historic and national significance. A special planned development zone is identified to preserve the character and environment within this area. Further, it is recommended to make this zone a No Honking Zone and enhance it with pedestrian network.

Map 3.2‐13 :Gandhi Ashram Special Area Development Zone

Chapter 3.2 : Zoning and Development 32 iii) Science City and Science park Science City is being developed in a phased manner and conceptualized on hexagonal grid patterns that house various theme pavilions. The first phase of the Science City is consisting of the India’s First IMAX 3D Theatre, Hall of Space, Hall of Science, Energy Education Park, Children Activity Centre, Musical Fountain, Amphitheatre, LED Screen, Life Science Park, Planet Earth Pavilion, Wetlands Park, Simulator, Earth Station, Auditorium and basic amenities like parking, cafeteria etc.

Map 3.2‐14 : Science City and Science Park special area development zone

3.2.4. Recommended Actions for implementation

ƒ Prepare Guidelines for Local Area Plans ƒ Prepare Local Area Plans for CBD, Transit Oriented Zone, RAH, and specific wards and villages etc ƒ Prepare Guidelines for TP schemes

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