Commercial Bank Examination Manual, Section 3000
3000—CAPITAL, EARNINGS, LIQUIDITY, AND SENSITIVITY TO MARKET RISK The 3000 series of sections address the super- asset quality (see the 2000 series major head- visory assessment of a state member bank’s ing), the CELS components represent the key Capital, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity to areas that examiners review in assessing the market risk (CELS). In addition to the review of overall financial condition of the bank. Commercial Bank Examination Manual May 2021 Page 1 Assessment of Capital Adequacy Effective date November 2020 Section 3000.1 PURPOSE OF CAPITAL financial crisis by helping to ensure that the banking system is better able to absorb losses Although both bankers and bank regulators look and continue to lend in future periods of eco- carefully at the quality of bank assets and nomic stress. In addition, Regulation Q imple- management and at the ability of the bank to ments certain federal laws related to capital control costs, evaluate risks, and maintain proper requirements and international regulatory capi- liquidity, capital adequacy is the area that trig- tal standards adopted by the Basel Committee gers the most supervisory action, especially in on Banking Supervision (BCBS). view of the prompt-corrective-action (PCA) pro- vision of section 38 of the Federal Deposit Applicability of Regulation Q Insurance Act (FDIA), 12 U.S.C. 1831o. The primary function of capital is to fund the bank’s Regulation Q applies on a consolidated basis to operations, act as a cushion to absorb unantici- every Board-regulated institution (referred to as pated losses and declines in asset values that a “banking organization” in this section) that is may otherwise lead to material bank distress or failure, and provide protection to uninsured • a state member bank; depositors and debt holders if the bank were to • a bank holding company (BHC) domiciled in be placed in receivership.
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