Congressional Record—Senate S2866

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Congressional Record—Senate S2866 S2866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 23, 2018 Cassidy Hoeven Portman [Rollcall Vote No. 107 Ex.] Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Collins Hyde-Smith Reed YEAS—72 Senator from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) Coons Inhofe Risch Cornyn Isakson Roberts Alexander Graham Murkowski and the Senator from Vermont (Mr. Cortez Masto Johnson Rubio Barrasso Grassley Murphy SANDERS) are necessarily absent. Cotton Jones Sasse Bennet Hassan Nelson The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Blunt Hatch Paul Crapo Kaine Schumer any other Senators in the Chamber de- Cruz Kennedy Scott Boozman Heitkamp Perdue Daines King Shaheen Burr Heller Peters siring to vote? Capito Hoeven Portman Donnelly Klobuchar Shelby The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 73, Durbin Lankford Cardin Hyde-Smith Reed Smith nays 23, as follows: Enzi Leahy Carper Inhofe Risch Stabenow Ernst Lee Casey Isakson Roberts [Rollcall Vote No. 108 Ex.] Sullivan Feinstein Manchin Cassidy Johnson Rounds Tester YEAS—73 Fischer Markey Collins Jones Rubio Alexander Grassley Gardner McCaskill Thune Coons Kaine Sasse Nelson Barrasso Hassan Gillibrand McConnell Tillis Corker Kennedy Scott Paul Bennet Hatch Graham Menendez Toomey Cornyn King Shelby Perdue Blunt Heitkamp Grassley Moran Udall Cotton Klobuchar Sullivan Peters Boozman Heller Harris Murkowski Van Hollen Crapo Lankford Tester Portman Burr Hoeven Hassan Murphy Warner Cruz Leahy Thune Reed Capito Hyde-Smith Hatch Murray Warren Daines Lee Tillis Risch Cardin Inhofe Heinrich Nelson Whitehouse Donnelly Manchin Toomey Roberts Carper Isakson Heitkamp Paul Wicker Enzi McCaskill Van Hollen Rounds Casey Johnson Heller Perdue Wyden Ernst McConnell Warner Rubio Cassidy Jones Hirono Peters Young Fischer Menendez Wicker Collins Kaine Sasse Gardner Moran Young Scott NAYS—5 Coons Kennedy NAYS—25 Corker King Shaheen Corker Rounds Schatz Cornyn Klobuchar Shelby Baldwin Harris Shaheen Merkley Sanders Cotton Lankford Sullivan Blumenthal Heinrich Smith Crapo Leahy Tester NOT VOTING—3 Booker Hirono Stabenow Cruz Lee Thune Brown Markey Duckworth Flake McCain Udall Daines Manchin Tillis Cantwell Merkley Warren Donnelly McCaskill Cortez Masto Murray Toomey The motion was agreed to. Whitehouse Enzi McConnell Durbin Sanders Van Hollen Wyden Ernst Menendez Feinstein Schatz Warner Fischer Moran f Gillibrand Schumer Wicker Gardner Murkowski Young NOT VOTING—3 Graham Murphy CLOTURE MOTION Duckworth Flake McCain NAYS—23 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Baldwin Gillibrand Schumer to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the vote, the yeas are 72, the nays are 25. Blumenthal Harris Smith Senate the pending cloture motion, The motion is agreed to. Booker Heinrich Stabenow Brown Hirono Udall which the clerk will state. f Cantwell Markey Warren The legislative clerk read as follows: Cortez Masto Merkley Whitehouse CLOTURE MOTION Durbin Murray CLOTURE MOTION Wyden The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Feinstein Schatz We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- NOT VOTING—4 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Senate the pending cloture motion, Duckworth McCain move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- which the clerk will state. Flake Sanders nation of Jelena McWilliams, of Ohio, to be The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the read as follows: vote, the yeas are 73, the nays are 23. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a CLOTURE MOTION The motion is agreed to. term of five years. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- f Mike Crapo, John Thune, Pat Roberts, ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the David Perdue, Michael B. Enzi, Lamar Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby EXECUTIVE SESSION Alexander, John Boozman, Thom move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Tillis, John Hoeven, James M. Inhofe, nation of Jelena McWilliams, of Ohio, to be Mike Rounds, Richard Burr, John Cor- a Member of the Board of Directors of the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR nyn, Tim Scott, John Barrasso, Jerry Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Moran. term of six years. clerk will report both nominations. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Mike Crapo, John Thune, Pat Roberts, The senior assistant legislative clerk imous consent, the mandatory quorum David Perdue, Michael B. Enzi, Lamar read the nominations of Jelena call has been waived. Alexander, John Boozman, Thom McWilliams, of Ohio, to be Chairperson Tillis, Tim Scott, James M. Inhofe, The question is, Is it the sense of the of the Board of Directors of the Federal Senate that debate on the nomination John Hoeven, Richard Burr, Mike Rounds, John Cornyn, John Barrasso, Deposit Insurance Corporation for a of Jelena McWilliams, of Ohio, to be Jerry Moran. term of five years; and Jelena Chairperson of the Board of Directors The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- McWilliams, of Ohio, to be a Member of of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- imous consent, the mandatory quorum the Board of Directors of the Federal poration, shall be brought to a close? call has been waived. Deposit Insurance Corporation for a The yeas and nays are mandatory The question is, Is it the sense of the term of six years. under the rule. Senate that debate on the nomination The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The clerk will call the roll. of Jelena McWilliams, of Ohio, to be a ator from Kansas. The bill clerk called the roll. Member of the Board of Directors of TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH MARTIN Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I want to are necessarily absent: the Senator tion for a term of six years, shall be take a moment to recognize MG Joseph from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) and the Sen- brought to a close? M. Martin and his outstanding military ator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN). The yeas and nays are mandatory career, which is made evident by a sig- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the under the rule. nificant milestone promotion to lieu- Senator from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) The clerk will call the roll. tenant general. Major General Martin is necessarily absent. The senior assistant legislative clerk is the commanding general of the 1st The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there called the roll. Infantry Division at Fort Riley, KS, any other Senators in the Chamber de- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators and assumed this command in October siring to vote? are necessarily absent: the Senator of 2016 when he took command of the The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 72, from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) and the Sen- Big Red One—the Army’s longest serv- nays 25, as follows: ator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN). ing, permanent division since 1917. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:41 May 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23MY6.002 S23MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE.
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