WHO IS TULASI * Tulasi devi is a most intimate friend and an advanced devotee of Lord Sri . Krishna shares loving pastimes with His most advanced devotees. •In Goloka, Tulasi Maharani is known as Vrinda Devi. She is an expansion of and intimate companion of Srimati Radharani. •Vrinda Devi is the embodiment of the lila sakti, and is the organizer of the divine pastimes of Sri Sri Krishna. She, along with many maid servants, is always busy working to bring ’s pastimes to total satisfaction. •According to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, in Caitanya Siksamrta, Vrinda Devi, under the directions of Paurnamasi (personified Yogamaya), makes all arrangements for the union of Radha Krishna, because she is in charge of the forest. •In Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami’s book Vraja Vilastava, Vrndadevi is responsible for waking up Radha Krsna when They are performing Their pastimes in the forest at night. Before sunrise, She hastens Them to Their homes ( nandagram and Javat) so that Their elders wont able to detect Their absence. WHO IS TULASI DEVI

* Vrndadevi delivers to Sri Krishna Radharani’s love notes and her gifts of flowers garlands and earings. •Vrndadevi, with her many maid servants, uses her artistic ability to tastefully decorate the groves and bowers where Radha Krishna play and enjoy. •She helped during Rasa dance each night by enchancing the pastimes of Radha Krishna. •Srimati Radharani and Her friends made an arrangement where They allowed Vrndadevi and Krishna sit together and Srimati Radharani Herself performed the marriage ceremony for both of Them. •Unless one receives the mercy of Vrndadevi, one cannot enter the intimate pastime of Radha Krsna. When one enters the boundaries of vrndavan, that is clear indication that he has received the grace of Vrndadevi. LIFE OF TULASI MAHARANI

Initially Tulasi was a cowherd girl in Goloka. Very dear to Lord Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani. During rasa dance, Lord got intimate with her and out of excessive joy, she fainted. Radharani saw this and got angry and cursed her to be born as human on earth. Lord Sri Krishna assures her of her return to Goloka after her next birth. Vrndadevi took birth as Tulasi devi in India as the child of Dharmadhvaja and Madhavi. She remained in mothers womb for one hundred celestial years. Vrndadevi was a partial incarnation of Goddess Laksmi, and took birth on full moon day in the month of Kartika. Tulasi devi was very beautiful and started doing austerities to get four handed form of as her husband. Lord appeared and gave her the boon to get marry to Sankhacuda in this life.


Was a cowherd boy in his previous life,Sudama. Close friend of Lord Sri Krishna. Got a curse from Srimati Radharani and got birth as a demon on the planet earth. He was a son of Damba( Vipracitti→ Danu (Kashyap’s wife)→ grandson of Brahma ) Very beautiful and handsome looking Danava king. Did austerities and got the boon from Lord Brahma to get marry with Tulasi and be the conqueror of the world. (Got the divine amulet )


On the orders of Lord Brahma, Tulasi devi married to Sankhacuda by the Gandharva rites.


Sankhacuda enjoyed his kingdom for one (4,320,000 years). Gained control over demigods. Lord gave his trident to Lord to fight against Sankhacuda and promised demigods that he will break the chastity of tulasi devi which is the protection for sankhacuda. Lord Vishnu disguised as Old poor Brahmana and approached Sankhacuda and requested for his amulet as a wish. Sankhacuda, devotee of the Lord, gave divine his amulet to a Brahmana. Lord Vishnu, now assumed the form of Sankhacuda and went to Tulasi Devi’s palace. Sankhacuda was killed in the battle by Lord Shiva by Vishnu’s trident. TULASIDEVI CURSES LORD VISHNU Tulasidevi suspect Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu revealed Himself Tulasi devi cursed Lord to become a stone because His heart is like a stone. Tulasi devi was crying and lamenting. Lord Vishnu consoled her. Time to go to spiritual world. Marry to me. Your hair will assume the shape of a plant. Worship by all. Known as Tulasi Purifying, wish fulfilling. Leaves and flowers will be offer to me. Body will become a famous river known as Gandaki, pure virtuous and transparent.

Lord Vishnu betowed blessings on Tulasi devi : •Worship can only be completed with the offering of Tulasi leaves and flowers. •Lord Hari will be pleased with one leaf of Tulasi only. •Gave the position in goloka, on the coast of Viraja river. Lord Vishnu will be present with her in the form of Salagrama. Tulasi Devi returned to Spiritual world and enjoyed with Lord Hari. Lord Hari gave her the position equal to Goddess Laksmi and Goddess Ganga.

Worship of Tulasi Maharani Starting Tulasi Plant from Seed

•Put the seeds in the bed of soil in a container and sprinkle soil finely above them- the amount of soil should be equal to the diameter of the seed. Not planted too deep nor should be seen on top. They should receive light. •Water so that the soil gets moistened. ( Recommended : put the pot in the container containing water, water should be absorbed from the bottom of the pot.) •No direct light. Warm environment. •3 to 5 days to germinate but can take long. •First 2 leaves from the seed: seedling ( see the leaves getting purple or leaves are bending over, stem is brown or piched : fungus : air circulation, humidity reduce, sprinkle fine, hot sand on top soil.) •Transplant time: Tulasi seedling has another set of 2 more leaves and then another 2 or more. Roots coming out from the bottom of the pot. •Transfer Tulasi plant to new pot bigger than before. ( keep in shade; gradually increase light.)

Staking Pinching Pruning and Types of

Staking time : fairly long Tulasi. (Leaves use of . bamboo sticks or plastic coated steel rods.) Pinching time: top become heavy, terminate her upward growth. *Apical growing point on the top of the stem. Braches: again pinching apical growing points. Result: compact Tulasi Plant. •Pruning: Never PRUNE Tulasi Plant. Only done when there is need to save her life. It is offensive to cut a living Tulasi branch, and Lord Krishna feels this as a pain in His heart. •Manjaris: cluster of flowers. •Collection of Tulasi leaves and Manjaris.

Changing Soil and Pot Every six months change the soil. March and October best months. How to change and when to change: Light

Tulasi devi develops and is maintained best in natural sunlight. Best: morning and early afternoon sunlight. 3 to 5 hrs of direct light daily. Insufficient light: weak stems; long stemmed branches between leaves; large pale green leaves, few or no flowers; leaves fall or branches die. Turn tualsi pot daily in order her to grow straight. When no direct sunlight, use lamps or tubes. Tulasi need warm climate. Winters: keep her in enough light and warm. * No direct heaters or air conditioners.

Water and Bathing Water gently Tulasi Devi, ideally in early morning. Purified or distilled water. Put water overnight in a vessel, and then water in the morning. Water completely Tulasi Devi once a week. Some of the water should come out from bottom of the pot. Keep her moist. Too much water cause fungal disease. Winter: 5 to 6 days Summer: 3 to 4 days Tulasi can be kept clean. Give her bath or spray her gently with a hose to remove dust and insects from her leaves. Temperature and Humidity Best Temperatures: 80 degree F (day); 65 degrees F (night). High temperature tolerable: 100 degree F Low temperature tolerable: 50 degree F Filter light in case of too much heat. Could not tolerate cold weathers. Not near windows and direct air. Tulasi leaves are curling or the edges dying, becoming brown and crisp: Low humidity Buds drying up, shriveled : low humidity. Solutions: raise the pot on slats above the gravel so that the air can circulate. Spray her mildly Green house

Soil and Nutrition Tulasi thrives well in sterilized commercial potting soil. Soils : Miracle grow, organic soil, topsoil etc. Avoid brands that are sawmill by- products. No’s: garden soil, earthworms, sludge Turn over top soil for maximum air circulation. Tulasi need additional nutrients to replace those she uses. Nitrogen is the first nutrient that requires replacement. Food sticks or Natural food: Cow manure. Worship Of Tulasi Devi

Presiding diety of Tulasi Maharani at .

Tulasi Pranama : chant 3 times vrndayai tulasi-devyai priyayai kesavasya ca krsna--prade devi satyavatyai namo namah

TRANSLATION I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrnda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Kesava. O goddess, you bestow devotional service to Lord Krsna and possess the highest truth.

Tulasi / aarti: Kirtana/ aarti translation: namo namah tulasi! krsna-preyasi (1) O Tulasi, beloved of Krsna, I bow before you again and again. My desire radha-krsna-seva pabo ei abhilasi is to obtain the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna. 2 (2) Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. Bestowing your je tomara sarana loy, tara vancha purna hoy mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vrndavana. krpa kori’ koro tare brndavana-basi (3) My desire is that you will also grant me a residence in the pleasure groves 3 of Sri Vrndavana-dhama. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the mor ei abhilas, bilas kunje dio vas beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krsna. nayane heribo sada jugala-rupa-rasi (4) I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja. 4 Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own ei nivedana dharo, sakhir anugata koro maidservant. seva-adhikara diye koro nija dasi (5) This very fallen and lowly servant of Krsna prays, “May I always swim in 5 the love of Sri Radha and . dina krsna-dase koy, ei jena mora hoy sri-radha-govinda-preme sada jena bhasi Pradaksina Mantra: Pradaksina mantra transalation: By the circumambulation of Srimati Tulasi-devi all the sins that one may have yani kani ca papani committed are destroyed at every step, even the sin of killing a brahmana. brahma-hatyadikani ca tani tani pranasyanti pradaksinah pade pade Tulasi cayana mantra: this mantra is continuously uttered while plucking up the leaves or manjaris of Tulasi devi. tulasy amrta janmasi sada tvam kesava-priya kesavartham cinomi tvam varada bhava sobhane “O Tulasi, you were born from nectar. You are always very dear to Lord Kesava. Now, in order to worship Lord Kesava, I am collecting your leaves and manjaris. Please bestow your benediction on me.”

Ksama Prarthana mantra: this mantra should be chanted after finishing the plucking the leaves. cayanodbhava-duhkham ca yad hrdi tava vartate tat ksamasva jagan-matah vrnda-devi namo 'stu te “O Tulasi-devi, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. Kindly forgive me if I have caused you pain by picking your leaves and manjaris, O mother of the universe.”

Eight Names Of Tulasi Devi Vrndavani – One who first manifested in Vrindavan. Vrnda – The goddess of all plants. Visvapujita – One who the whole universe worships. Puspasara – The topmost of all flowers, without whom Krishna does not like to look upon other flowers. Nandini – She gives happiness to everyone. Krsna-Jivani – The life and soul of Lord Krishna. Visva-Pavani – One who purifies the three worlds. Tulasi – One who has no Its very important to keep the Tulasi Devi’s area comparison clean and collect the fallen leaves regularly. In order to get devotion for Lord Hari, please Tulasi Maharani and render complete services unto Her. TULASI MAHARANI KI JAYA!!!!!