A Guide to File Extensions You will find attached a list of the extensions you might find on your pc, floppy or the internet. The list includes the extension, description, whether it's text, and the likely programs to use to view the contents. Because I included the internet there are unix, mac, … files included - where possible I've include PC programs which will read them. Some of the programs will only read or write or only accept certain variants of the file so even though a program is listed it doesn't mean it will read your particular version of the file. I have done my best to keep this accurate but this is supplied on a all care but no responsibility basis.

Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer

$$$ Used by OS/2 to keep track of Archived files ?

*KW Contains all keywords for a specific letter in the ? RoboHELP Help project Index Designer. Where * is a letter eg AKW will contain the index for works starting with the letter A.

@@@ Screen files used in the installation and instruction on ? use of such applications as Codeview for C

\ FoxPro Memo File for a Label (See LBL Extension) FoxBase, Foxpro

~DF A backup of a DFM file. (See the DFM File Extension) ?

~DP A backup of a DPR file. (See the DPR File Extension) ?

~PA A backup of a PAS file. (See the PAS File Extension) ?

~xx usually a backup file ?

001 Hayes JT Fax format Bin PhotoImpact

00n Used to signify a backup version of a file. It should be Either ? fine to remove them.

01 Mime Compressed Archive Bin ?

10X Gemini 10x printer graphics Bin pbmplus, pbmto10x

123 Lotus 123 97 file (See file 123 file extension) Bin ?

12M Lotus 123 97 Smartmaster file (See file 123 file Bin ? extension)

2GR VGA Graphics driver/configuration files under Bin ? Windows (See 3GR file extension)

301 Brooktrout Fax Mail file format Bin ?

386 Windows 386 Enhanced Mode Driver file Bin ?

3DM Apple 3d Metafile (See extension 3DMF) Bin ?

3D NURBS modeller from Rhino ?

3DMF The Apple 3d Metafile format used by Quickdraw 3D Bin ? (See extension 3DM)

3Dn (3D, 3D2, 3D4) Used by Sterio Cad 3D for the Bin ? Atari ST. The File Format can store up to 40 Objects containing Liting and Colour palettes.

3DS Autodesk 3D Studio Animation file for the PC. Bin 3D Studio

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 1 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer 3DX Designed to give optimised display modes for clips and Bin ? animation.

3GR VGA Graphics driver/configuration files under Bin ? Windows (See 3GR file extension)

4GE Informix 4GL compiled code (See 4GL file extension) Bin ?

4GL Informix 4GL (See 4GE file extension) ?

669 Unis composer music file Bin ?

A Object code Library Bin ?

IMG Set Image ?

A4P Authorware file packaged without runtime (See AnM Bin ? and AnW file extensions)

A8 Cubicomp PictureMaker files are used in broadcast- Bin Alchemy quality three dimensional modeling and animation. PictureMaker images have either three or four separate files per image: a red file, a green file, a blue file, and an optional alpha channel file. This File format is the optional Alpha channel image data. (See R8, G8, B8 File Extensions)

AAM Mediashockwave Image (See AAS file Extension) Bin ?

AAS video Ascii ?

Authorware shocked Packet (See AAM file extension) Bin ?

ABC Abc flowcharter Chart File Bin AbcFlowcharter

ABEKAS Digital Video file Bin DeBabelizer

ABF Adobe Systems binary screen font format. Binary Bin ? version of BDF file extension. One font information stored in 8, 16, or 32 bit words of big or little indian format. (see also BDF file extensions)

ABK CorelDraw Autobackup Bin Corel Draw

ABR Photoshop Brushed file format. (See also AMP, ACT, PhotoShop ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ACAD AutoCAD database file Bin pbmplus, ppmtoacad

ACC Altamira Image Composer Bin ?

ACCOM Graphics Image Format Bin DeBabelizer

ACE Compression file format - Ace Archiver Bin ?

ACF Photoshop Custom Kernel. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 2 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer ACFM Adobe font metrics file format file. AFM is adobes file Ascii ? format for storing font metric data. This format is also known as Adobe multiple font metrics (AMFM) and Adobe Composite font Metrics (ACFM). One AFM file is used per master design of a font containing base or composite font information. AMFM files contain control and global font information for a group of AFM files. ACFM contain global metrics of the composite font program. (See AFM, and AMFM Extensions) Specs can be got from ADOBE.

ACL Lotus Notes Access Control List Bin ?

Corel Draw 6 Keyboard accelerator ?

ACM Used by windows in the system Directory ?

Photoshop command buttons file. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ACO Photoshop colours file format. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ACP MS Office Actor Preview file Bin ?

ACR American College of Radiology file format. This file Bin ? format is a standard for ACR-NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) medical image files.

ACT FoxPro Documenting Wizard Action Diagrams ?

Ms Office Assistants Actor file Bin Excel, MS Access, MS Office, MS Word

Photoshop Colour Table (See also AMP, ABR, ACO, PhotoShop ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ACV OS/2 driver that and decompress audio data ?

Photoshop Curves file. (See also AMP, ABR, ACT, PhotoShop ACO, ACM, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

AD After Dark screen saver Module. (See ADR ADM file Bin AfterDark extensions)

ADA ADA source text (Non GNAT) (See ADB, ADS file ? extension)

ADB ADA source text (GNAT) (See ADB, ADS file ? extension)

Appointment database used by HP 1100LX organiser Bin ?

ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process Bin ?

ADE Project Extension Bin MS Access

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 3 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer ADEX ADEX files are used by the ADEX Corporation Bin ? ChromaGraph series of graphics cards. Some ADEX files don't contain a ; in those cases there's usually a second ADEX file which contains the palette to be used. (4,8 bit) (See IMG RLE file Extensions)

ADF Disk File ?

ADI AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter format. Bin MS Word Generated by AutoCAD as monochrome .

ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver (See AD ADR ? file extensions)

Windows 95 or NT system policy Templates. In Ms System Policy Editor Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, you can use the System Policy Editor to configure client computers from a central location by creating a single system policy file that resides on a server. When users log on to the network, client computers use the system policy file to modify local copies of the Windows registry.

ADO Photoshop Duotone file format. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ADP Used by Faxworks to do modem interaction ?

Astound Dynamite file ?

Microsoft Access Project Bin MS Access

ADR AfterDark Randomiser screensaver (See AD ADM file ? extensions)

ADS Ada source text (GNAT) (See ADA, ADB file Ascii Notepad extension)

ADX Approach Database index. Bin Approach

AF2 Abc flowcharter Chart File Bin AbcFlowcharter

AF3 Abc flowcharter Chart File Bin AbcFlowcharter

AFM Adobe font metrics file format file. AFM is adobes file Ascii ? format for storing font metric data. This format is also known as Adobe multiple font metrics (AMFM) and Adobe Composite font Metrics (ACFM). One AFM file is used per master design of a font containing base or composite font information. AMFM files contain control and global font information for a group of AFM files. ACFM contain global metrics of the composite font program. (See AMFM, and ACFM Extensions) Specs can be got from ADOBE.

Adobe Font Map - Bitstream Fontware 3.x Postscript Bin ? Font. (See PSB, PSO)

AFT Abc flowcharter Template File Bin AbcFlowcharter

AFW Abc flowcharter workspace File Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 4 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer AHS Photoshop Halftone screens. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

AI Native format of the Adobe Illustrator program. A Bin Illustrator, Picture Publisher variation of the .eps format. (Vector/Metafile)

AID Apple AIFF format (equivalent to Windows ). Bin Naplayer, SoundPlayer

AIF Audio . This sound format is Bin Naplayer, SoundPlayer, Wham predominantly used by Silicon Graphics and applications. (equivalent to Windows WAVs). (See AIFF and AIFC Extensions)

AIFC Audio Interchange File Format. This sound format is Bin Naplayer, SoundPlayer predominantly used by Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications. (equivalent to Windows WAVs). (See AIFF and AIF Extensions)

AIFF Audio Interchange File Format. This sound format is Bin Naplayer, SoundPlayer, Wham predominantly used by Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications. (equivalent to Windows WAVs). (See AIF and AIFC Extensions)

AIM AOL Instant message Launcher ?

AIS VelvetStudio Instruments ?

ACDSee Image Sequence file ?

ALAW European telephony format audio Bin ?

ALB JASC Image Commander album Bin ?

An Album for Photoworks. This holds pointers to PhotoWorks thumbnails and Images

ALL Arts & Letters Library Bin ?

ALS Alias Raster Image file format ?

ALV Photoshop levels file format. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

AMFM Adobe font metrics file format file. AFM is adobes file Ascii ? format for storing font metric data. This format is also known as Adobe multiple font metrics (AMFM) and Adobe Composite font Metrics (ACFM). One AFM file is used per master design of a font containing base or composite font information. AMFM files contain control and global font information for a group of AFM files. ACFM contain global metrics of the composite font program. (See AFM, and ACFM Extensions) Specs can be got from ADOBE.

AMP Photoshop Arbitary map. (See also ABR, ACT, ACO, PhotoShop ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

AMS Extreme's Tracker module format Bin ?

Velvet Studio music module (MOD) file (See AIS ASE ? file extensions)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 5 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer AMS Photoshop Monitor Setup. (See also AMP, ABR, ACT, PhotoShop ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable ? list of pattern colors

ANI Window's 95 Animated Cursor Bin AniEdit

ANM unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file. Where n is 3 or Bin ? 4. (See A4P and AnW file extensions)

DeluxePaint Animation file DeluxePaint

Ann When ARJ archiver make a multi-disk compressed file Bin arj241.exe the subsequent disks are of the Format A02, A03, ... A99. (See ARJ extension)

ANS MS-DOS ANSI File - A text file Bin Notepad

ANT saved game file in the original SimAnt for Windows ?

AnW unpackaged Authorware windows file. Where n is 3, 4 , ? or 5 (See AnM and A4P file extensions)

API Photoshop Ink colour setup file format. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

APP FoxPro Generated Application or Active Document file Bin Foxpro

APR Approach Database application. Bin Approach

APS Autodesk animator Scriptor ?

Microsoft Visual C++ file ?

ARC Pkarc Compressed File. Using Pkarc you compress files Bin PK361.exe, WinZip for transmission.

ARI Aristotle audio file Bin ?

ARJ ARJ compressed file. Arj is a shareware file archiver Bin arj241.exe, WinZip built by Robert Jung. It is one of the top 5 most commonly used PC archivers because it offers good speed and compression. When ARJ is spread over multiple disks subsequent files usually have the extension A02, A03, ... A99. (see Ann file Extension)

ART Xara Studio drawing Bin ?

Used by AOL to designate files compressed using the ? Johson-Grace compression algorithm

Canon Crayola art file ?

First Publisher ART files are black and white Alchemy, First Publisher, images used as clip art by First Publisher. (1 bit) Workshop, Internet Explorer Used with ART Ray tracer in VORT Unix package. Pov-ray

AS$ AS$ is a compressed version of ASM file (See ASM Bin Unpack (Ms) Extension)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 6 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer ASA MS Visual Studio Site Selection application file MS Visual Studio

ASAX Global Application Class. Sometimes called an asax ? file, this file allows you to write code to handle global ASP.NET application-level events such as Session_OnStart and Application_OnStart. The file has a name of global.asax, which you cannot change.

ASC PGP armored encrypted file Bin ?

ASCII text file (See TXT extension for a larger list of Ascii asciitopgm, Notepad, pbmtoascii, readers) rletoascii


ASD In Microsoft Word for Windows version 2.0, the Bin MS Word Autosave feature saves open files at specified intervals. Word does not save changes to documents that have previously been saved, but instead saves the changes to a temporary files with an .ASD file extension in the event you want to save the changes to a different file name.

ASE Velvet Studio sample Bin ?

ASF Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format file Bin ?

ASM Assembly language source. Ascii Notepad

ASMX A Web component that provides the ability to exchange ? messages using std protocols. Works with VB or c#.

ASO Astound Dynamite Objects (See ASP, AST File ? extension)

ASP Astound Presentation file (See ASO, AST file ? extensions)

Procomm Plus setup and connection script ?

Active-X Server Page File. This is a server side script MS Visual Studio run by Microsoft Internet server to dynamically develop pages.

Photoshop separation Setup files. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, AST, ATF file extensions)

ASPX A data for for creating web applications. (.net) Works ? with VB or c#.

ASR Photoshop Scratch Area file. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

AST Microsoft Site Server Active Server Template ?

Astound multimedia file Bin ?

Claris Works "assistant" file ?

Photoshop Separation Tables files. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, ATF file extensions)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 7 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer

ASV DataCAD Autosave file Bin ?

Photoshop Selective Colour file. (See also AMP, ABR, PhotoShop ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

ASX Cheyenne Backup script ?

Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector file ?

ATF Photoshop transfer Function files. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST file extensions)

ATK Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file Bin atktopbm, pbmplus, pbmtoatk

ATT AT&T Group 4 Raster Image file Format Bin Hijaak

AU NeXT and Sun audio file format. Audio U-law Bin Naplayer, SoundPlayer (pronounced mu-law) file format. This sound format is most populous on the Internet and boasts small file sizes.

AVB Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file ?

AVI Microsoft Interleaved Audio Video file format. Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, Windows multimedia video format that interleaves Ifranview, Media Player, waveform audio and digital video. Microsoft Video 1, SuperMac , Video for Windows, xanim

AVR Audio Visual Research file format. Audio format used Bin SoundPlayer to play Macintosh sound files.

AVS Application Visualization System format. High quality Bin , imconv digital video format most often indicating a Digital Video Interactive (.dvi) file that can only be viewed by an appropriate Action Media II adapter.

AWD Ms Fax Image file format Bin Wang Image for Win95

AWR Telsis file extension format for digitally stored audio. Bin ?

AXT Photoshop Replace Colour/Colour Range file format. PhotoShop (See also AMP, ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

B* CubicComp Picturemaker Image format. Bin ?

B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file ?

B64 Base64 MIME encoded file format. Most likely a Unix Ascii WinCode, WinZip file origin.

B8 Cubicomp PictureMaker files are used in broadcast- Bin Alchemy quality three dimensional modeling and animation. PictureMaker images have either three or four separate files per image: a red file, a green file, a blue file, and an optional alpha channel file. This File format is the Blue channel image data. (See R8, G8, A8 File Extensions)

BA$ Compressed BAS file (See BAS Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 8 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer BAC Binary Backup file format. Bin ?

BAK Backup File. Usually can be deleted with minimal Either Notepad impact.

BAS Source code file for one of the versions of the Basic Either Gwbasic, Notepad, Qbasic, Visual language. Basic

BAT Batch File - script to Automate a task. Ascii Notepad

BBM Image file Format Bin Pizzazz

BBNBG BBN BitGraph terminal Display Data DPD Bin pbmtobbnbg sequence file format

BCK VMS Backup file format. This type of file format Bin ? contains a backup performed on a VMS/VAX system.

BDB MS Bob database file format Bin ?

BDF NuGraf DBF 3D modelling File Format Bin ?

Adobe Glyph Distribution Format. A file Ascii ? format for storing Adobe screen fonts. The name was renamed from Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format to meet the agreed industry terminology. This is the ascii equivalent to the Binary ABF format. ASCII-based file format used to store Adobe screen fonts as human- readable data. Specs can be got from ADOBE.

BFC Win 95 Briefcase File format Bin ?

BG Backgammon for Windows game ?

BGA OS/2 Warp Graphic file format. Can store multiple Bin Graphics Workshop images. Is a derivative of BMP.

BGL Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery files ?

BHX Type of File Compression Bin WinZip

BI Binary Include file Bin C, Qbasic,

BI$ BI$ is a compressed version of a BI file (See BI File Bin Unpack (Ms) Extension)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 9 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer BIF Binary Information Files - Created by Handmade Ascii Alchemy Software, Inc. There are quite a few programs which produce image files which contain just pixel data. These image files do not have a header and hence do not include enough information to read them. BIF files are a method which can be used to read these images. BIF files can also be created to allow images to be read by software which expects images to be just . Since required information, such as the height and width of the image, are not present in these files - you must supply it. .bif For ASCII file describing image. .raw For actual image data. (See RAW File Extension) The first line contains the letters BIF, which identifies the file as a BIF file. Each of the rest of the lines in the BIF file consist of an information followed by the information. Tags

Tag Description filename The name of the file containing the binary data. width The width of the image data, in pixels. height The height of the image data, in pixels. planes The number of planes of image data (1, 2, 3, or 4). A 1 plane image is assumed to be gray-scale, a 2 plane image is a gray-scale image with an alpha channel, a 3 plane image is an RGB image, and a 4 plane image is an RGB image with an alpha channel. header The size of the header, in bytes. This many bytes are skipped when reading the file. leftpadding The number of bytes to remove from the beginning of each scan line. rightpadding The number of bytes to remove from the end of each scan line. order The order of the pixels. For 2 channels either ga or ag(g=gray, a=alpha). For 3 channel images, this can be any sequence of r, g, and b: rgb, rbg, grb, gbr, brg, or bgr (r=red, g=green, b=blue). For 4 channel images, this can be any sequence of a, r, g, and b (a=alpha). The defaults are g, ga, rgb, and rgba, depending on the number of planes. interleave The type of interleaving of the pixel data: 0: No interleave RGBRGBRGBRGBRGBRGB... 1: Line interleave RRR..GGG..BBB..RRR..GGG..BBB.. 2: Plane interleave RRRRRR...GGGGGG...BBBBBB... The default is 0, no interleave. upsidedown The presence of this tag indicates that the data in the file is recorded from the bottom of the screen up to the top of the screen. Comments Lines beginning with a # are treated as comments. Palette files If the binary file has a palette available.


BIF width 640 #skip past header header 32 filename sample.raw planes 3

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 10 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer #the tags below aren't actually needed, order rgb interleave 0

Binary Image File format. The BIFF format defines a Bin Vpic number of 2D image bands. Every band may have its own size and pixel type (even allowing the pyramid representation). Each band specifies it's own position and magnification. Any amount of Ascii Text may also be stored. (See Also BIFF)

BIFF Binary Image File format. (See Bif extension) Bin ?

BIG Chinese Text Bin Chinese Viewer

BIL SPOT image files are high resolution satellite image Bin Alchemy produced by SPOT Image Corporation. There a 2 formats: GIS TAPE : (8 bit) which uses the following file extensions :- HDR: Header file, BIL: Pixel Data, CLR: Palette Data (opt), STX: Statistics and CCT (CDROM) format (8, 24 bit) which uses a DATfile extension . (See CLR, DAT, HDR, SPOT File Extensions)

BIN Macbinary II encoded file format. Compressed format Bin ? used by the Macintosh platform.

BIORAD Biorad confocal file format. Bin bioradtopgm

BK used to denote backup versions ?

BK$ used to denote backup versions ?

BKS An IBM BookManager Read bookshelf ?

BM Image Format (See XBM extension) Bin ?

BM1 Apogee BioMenace data file ?

BMF Binary Material File format. Format that is similar to Bin ? .bmp files used by several Corel programs.

BMK A bookmark file ?

BMP Windows or OS/2 Device independant Bitmap Graphics Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, file format. (An enhanced "DIB" file format) - Raster DeluxePaint, FrameMaker, (1, 4, 8, and 24 bit RGB (raw), RLE4, and RLE8 files.) Graphics Workshop, Ifranview, Ms Photo Editor, MS Word, Paintbrush, Paintshop, PhotoImpact, PhotoWorks, Viewer

BNK AdLib Instrument ID Audio file format. Bin ?

BOB BOB Image file format (8bit) Bin DeBabelizer

BOO BTOA compressed Archive Bin ?

Bootstrap file format. Developed especially for ? distribution of Kermit binaries over networks, e-mail, and communication lines.

BOX A mailbox in Notes ?

BPA Oracle Business Process Modeller file Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 11 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer BPL Borland Delphi 4 packed library Bin ?

BPOLY Side Effects BPOLY format is used for it's database Bin ? modeler. (See POLY file extension)

BQY BrioQuery file ?

Apple II computers use .BLU and BLU228 for the Bin ? packing process.

BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD format Bin ?

BRUSH Xerox Doodle Brush file format Bin brushtopbm, pbmplus

BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options ?

BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file ?

BSC MS Developer Studio (MSDev) browser informatio file ?

BSP Quake map ?

BT$ Compressed Batch File (See BAT Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

BTM Norton NDOS Batch to Memory File format. Similar to Ascii Notepad, Write Batch files BTMs are used with nortons 4dos command.com replacement.

Image file Format Bin Pizzazz

BUD Backup disk for Quicken ?

BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle file (a MIDI program) Bin ?

BW SGI Black and White image file ?

BYU Brigham Young University Movie BYU file format Bin frompic, sgitools

C source code for one the the versions of the C Language. Ascii Borland C, Ms C, Notepad c$ Compressed C source code file (See C$$, C extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

C$$ Compressed C source File (See C extension) Unpack (Ms)

C01 Typhoon wave files Bin ?

C3D Chem3D Format - Chemical formula Drawing software Bin Chem3D from CambridgeSoft

C64 Commodore 64 image file Bin DeBabelizer

CAB Win95 - Compressed installation files. Highly Bin ? efficient method of compression and distribution based on Lempe-Ziv compression.

CAD used by the drafting program "Drafix Cad">by Softdesk Bin ?

CAL DCS-460 calibration file. ?

Calender File - Windows 3.1 applet Bin Calender

US Gov. CALS file (Raster) - See CALS extension Hijaak, PhotoWorks

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 12 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CALS Computer aided Acquisitions and logistics Support Bin Alchemy, Hijaak, PhotoWorks Raster format. CALS files are black and white images used by the US Government as part of their transition to electronic media. Black and white 1 bit. Cals Type I stores single images in CCITT Fax Group 4 standard. Cals Type II may store multiple images. The images may be tiled and tiles may be stored as raw or Fax group 4. This is a military standard developed by the US Defense Logistics Agency for the US Department of Defence. (Raster)

CAM Casio Digital Raster Image Format. They are Bin Graphics Workshop almost JPEG files however the aspect ratio (rotate/Resize) is slightly different. Native bitmap format of the Casio QV series software.

CAP Capture file; used by many communications programs. Ascii Notepad

CAS Comma-delimited ASCII file (See CSV File extension) Ascii Excel, Notepad

CAT IntelliCharge categorization file used by Quicken ?

CB Microsoft clean boot file Ascii Notepad

CBI Column binary formatted file (used in IBM mainframe Bin ? systems)

CBK CheckBook file from MS Bob (see also CEK) Bin ?

CBT Computer-Based Training; used by a number of ? programs.

CC1 Lotus ccmail file ?

CCA CCMail Data file Bin ?

CCB Visual Basic Animated Button configuration ?

CCF Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2 ?

CCH Corel Chart ?

CCM Lotus CC:Mail "box" (for example, INBOX.CCM) Bin ?

CCO CyberChat data file ?

CCRF Calcomp CCRF file (See CRF file Extension) Bin Alchemy

CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave cast ?

CDA CD Audio Track Bin Cdplayer

CDB Clipboard Graphic file Bin Graphics Workshop

CDF Cyberspace Description format is used to describe Ascii ? cyberspace decks and virtual worlds. CDF is based on Autodesk's Cyberspace development kit, however that is proprietary while this is an open industry standard. The format describes objects including their initialisation, state, scheduling and simulation. (http://vrml.wired.com/proposals/cdf/cdf.html)

Microsoft Channel Definition file - The file that defines ? Internet Explorer Active Channels

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 13 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive file format. (See IFF Bin DeBabelizer file extension)

CDR Corel Draw Graphics. (Vector/Metafile format) Bin Corel Draw, Graphics Workshop, Hijaak, MS Word, Pagemaker, Paintshop, Picture Publisher, Viewer

CDT Corel Draw template ?

CDX FoxPro Compound index file - contains multiple index Bin ? entries called tags

Corel Draw template ?

Compount IIndex files for FoxPro 2.0 have extensions Bin Ms Fox Pro of *.idx and those for FoxPro 3.0 and above have extensions of *.cdx.

CE Image Format should be identical to LBM. Computer Bin Pizzazz Eyes file format. Image files created on a DOS platform with the Computer Eyes video scanner board. (See IFF, LBM)

CEK CheckBook file from MS Bob (see also CBK) Bin ?

CEL Created by Time Arts for Lumena CEL file (Autodesk Bin Alchemy animated file). Early version of a single frame FLC. (15, 32 bit)

CER Certificate file passed for site validation (MIME x-x509- ? ca-cert)

CFB Comptons Multimedia file ?

CFG Configuration file Bin Notepad

CFM Cold Fusion template files ?

CGI Common Gateway Interface script file Ascii Notepad

CGM Computer Graphics Metafile format. The American Bin Hijaak, MS Word, Pagemaker, Standards Institute created this format as a Unversal Paintshop, Picture Publisher Std. The Vector side of the standard has been used but the Raster part is rarely used. Ambiguities in the Standard have caused some incompatibilities between viewers. The format does not support all features. (Vector/Metafile formats) (http://speckle.ncsl.nist.gov/~lsr/cgm_std.htm) (See GMF file extension)

CH OS/2 config file ?

CH$ CH$ is a compressed chart file (See CHT extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

CH3 Harvard Graphics Image Bin ?

CHAT iCHAT audio file Bin ?

CHK File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or Bin ? ScanDisk

CHM ChemDraw Format - Chemical formula Drawing Bin ChemDraw software from CambridgeSoft

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 14 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CHM Compiled HTML Help file Bin Internet Explorer

CHP Ventura chapter file. Ventura Publisher

CHR Character Sets (Font files) ?

CHT Harvard Graphics Graphs Bin Harvard Graphics, Powerpoint

Chart File - VB - Powerpoint Powerpoint

CIL Clip Gallery Download Package - Ms Office Clipart Bin ArtGalry (Ms Office) Gallery Web File

CIM Sim City 2000 file ?

CIM Keyfile Bin ?

CIN OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI ? file

CIS CIS Mail Ascii Notepad

CIT Ingr CCITT Fax Group 4 Image File Format. CCITT Bin ? Fax Group 4 Image File format can also be stored as a TIFF

CKn iD/Apogee Commander Keen data file. Where n is the Bin ? save number.

CLASS Compiled java code. Bin ?

CLL Crick Software Clicker File ?

CLP The CLP file format is used by the Windows Clipboard Bin Paintshop, PhotoImpact, Windows viewer. These files may be saved or loaded into the Clipboard viewer clipboard. The clipboard supports many different internal formats. - (Metafile Format) (1,4,8,24 bit)

CLR SPOT image files are high resolution satellite image Bin Alchemy produced by SPOT Image Corporation. There a 2 formats: GIS TAPE : (8 bit) which uses the following file extensions :- HDR: Header file, BIL: Pixel Data, CLR: Palette Data (opt), STX: Statistics and CCT (CDROM) format (8, 24 bit) which uses a DATfile extension . (See BIL, DAT, HDR, SPOT File Extensions)

CLS Visual Basic Class Module ?

CLW This file is used by ClassWizard to store information Ms C about the classes in yourMS C++ project

CM Puzzle Image Format used by a unix supplied puzzle Bin Alchemy program. (8 bit) (See PZL, PUZZLE file extensions)

CMD Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT ? file), OS/2

CMF CodeWarrior Make File (Related to C compiler) ?

Creative Music Format. Very similar to the .midi Bin ? format, except the instrument patches are stored inside the file and are designed for the FM synthesizer only.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 15 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CMP Image file based on JPEG image format ?

Document specific Dictionary File - MS Word, … Bin ?

Lead CMP Image File. Based on JPEG file format. PhotoWorks

CMR CMR Video format Bin ?

CMU CMU Window Manager bitmap file See CMUWN Bin cmuwmtopbm, pbmplus, Extension pbmtocmuwm

CMUWM CMU Window Manager bitmap file See CMU Bin cmuwmtopbm, pbmplus, pbmtocmuwm

CMV Corel Move animation Bin ?

CMX Corel Draw ClipArt Bin Corel Draw, Paintshop, Picture Publisher

CNF Conference Link file Bin ?

Configuration file; used by many programs. Either Notepad

CNM Windows application menu options and setup file ?

CNQ Compuworks Design Shop file ?

CNV Word for Windows file format converter. Bin ?

CO$ Compressed Executable program (See COM Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

COB Calgari TrueSpace 3D modelling Software (See SCN Bin ? extension)

COD Microsoft C compiler output as displayable machine ? language/assembler with original C as comments

Lightening Strike Image format. Bin ?

COM Command file format. A raw binary executable with a Bin ? file size of under 64K.

CORE Core Software Tech CORE IDC file Bin ?

CPD Corel PrintOffice file (drawing) ?


Fax Cover document ?

CPE Fax Cover document ?

CPI Microsoft MS-DOS code page information file ?

CPL Corel colour palette ?

Control Panel applet file. Bin ?

CPO Corel Print House file ?

CPP This file is the main MS C++ program source file. It Bin Ms C creates one object of the class CPrjnameApp (which is derived from CWinApp) and overrides the InitInstance member function.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 16 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CPR Corel Presents Presentation ?

Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

CPT Compact Pro file format. Used for compression and Bin ? archiving on Macintosh machines.

Corel Photo Paint format. Native file format of Corel Graphics Workshop Photo Paint images. Corel Paint Graphic max 24 bit. This format can preserve Objects.

CPX Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing ?

CRD Guitar/Piano Chord file ?

Cardfile database. Bin Card File

CRF Calcomp CCRF Image Files are used by Calcomp ? thermal transfer and electrostatic printers. Formats sub- types are : Uncompressed, White Space Suppression, Run Length Compression, 8 bit compression units, 16 bit compression units, 32 bit compression units. The default is Thermal transfer, uncompressed. (See CCRF File Extension) (Raster)

CRH Low resolution golf course for MS Golf (See CRH) Bin Ms Golf

CRP Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation ?

CRS Low resolution golf course for MS Golf (See CRH) Bin Ms Golf

CRT Internet Security Certificate (See DER) ?

CS A code file that contains a class declaration. Used by Bin C, Visual Basic VB, C, …

CSC Corel Script ?

CSH Unix ?? ?

CSLM Zeiss CSLM file Bin pbmplus

CSM Chemical Structure Markup Language (See CSML) Ascii Notepad

CSML Chemical Structure Markup Language (See CSM) Ascii Notepad

CSP PC Emcee On-Screen image ?

CSS Cascading Style sheet fir text displayed in a site MS Visual Studio selection Application for MS Visual Studio

CST Macromedia Director "Cast" (resource) file ?

CSV Comma Separated Variables used by a variety of Ascii Excel, MS Access, MS Word, programs. Notepad

CT CT Mammography Raw image (See also MRI, RAW, Bin ? ST4 file extensions) 256x256 16 bit grey scale.

CT$ Compressed CTX file (See CTX Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

CT2T Scitex Raster Image format (See SCT) Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 17 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer CTL Used in general to mean a file containing control Either ? information. FAXWorks uses it to keep information about each fax sent and received.

CTX VB User Control compiled file Bin ?

Ms Tutorial support File ?

CUBE Cubicomp/Vertigo image file Bin cubitorle, fromcube, Rasterfile Toolkit, sgitools

CUBI Cubicomp/Vertigo image file See CUBE Extension Bin cubitorle, fromcube, Rasterfile Toolkit, sgitools

CUE Cue Cards - Like Help Files Bin ?

CUR cursor image file Bin imconv, PhotoImpact

CUT The CUT format comes from the Dr. Halo program. Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics The CUT format does not contain palette information. Workshop, Hijaak, Paintshop, Vpic The palette information for a CUT file is contained in a PAL file that has the same name (but with the PAL file extension). If no PAL file with the same name is contained in the same directory, the file is assumed to be a greyscale image. (8 bit) (See PAL file extension)

CV Microsoft CodeView information screen ?

Corel Versions archive Bin Corel Draw

CVS Canvas Graphic (Mac or PC) Bin Canvas

CWK Claris Works data file ?

CWS Claris Works template ?

CXT Macromedia Director protected (not editable) "Cast" ? (resource) file

CXX C++ source code file ?

CY Cyberware Range Map files used by 3D digitisers and Bin ? scanning software

CYMK Cyan Magenta Yellow Back Image Bin ?

DA$ Compressed DAT file (see DAT Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

DAT WordPerfect Merge Data ?

Data file - used by many programs. ?

SPOT image files are high resolution satellite image Bin Alchemy produced by SPOT Image Corporation. There a 2 formats: GIS TAPE : (8 bit) which uses the following file extensions :- HDR: Header file, BIL: Pixel Data, CLR: Palette Data (opt), STX: Statistics and CCT (CDROM) format (8, 24 bit) which uses a DATfile extension . (See CLR, DAT, HDR, SPOT File Extensions)

MPEG extension Media Player

DB Paradox Database Bin Paradox

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 18 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer DBC Microsoft's Visual Foxpro Database container Bin FoxBase, Foxpro

DBF Act Personal Information Data Bin Act, MS Outlook

Dbase Database Table File Dbase, FoxBase, Foxpro

DBG Foxpro Debugger configuration file ?

DBK Dbase Database Backup Bin ?

DBT FoxBASE+ memo file FoxBase

DBX Microsoft's Visual Foxpro Table Foxpro, Foxpro

Databeam Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

DC5 DataCAD Drawing files ?

DCA VB Active Designer Cache ?

DCR Director format. This is what happens to a Macromedia Bin ? Director (.dir) file after it has been "shocked" by Macromedia Afterburner in preparation for the Web. (See DIR, DXR, FHn, FHC, SPL, SWF file extensions)

DCS Quark Desktop Colour Separation EPS file. This format Bin PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, Picture is an extension of the standard EPS format developed by Publisher Quark. It saves the file into five separate EPS documents which can be read by applications such as QuarkXPress

DCT Dictionary file (many programs). Bin ?

Microsoft's Visual Foxpro Database memo container Foxpro

DCU Delphi Compiled Unit. This is the compiled version of Bin ? a .pas file and will be linked into the final executable. (See DPR, DFM, PAS, DFO, DRF, RES, DCU file extensions)

DCX Intel SatisFAXtion - Multipage PCX Images. Bin Alchemy, Graphics Workshop, Generally generated by fax software. (See PCX, PCJ, PhotoImpact, Wang Image for P13 File Extensions) Win95

Microsoft's Visual Foxpro Database index container Foxpro

DDE Dynamic Data Exchange Bin ?

DDF BTRIEVE database ?

DDIF DEC DDIF can store a variety of application data; Bin pbmplus, pnmtoddif. including documents; graphics; spreadsheets; audio; and tables; and can store such data locally or remotely as well as storing links to the applications that process such data. In addition; DDIF provides an integration structure for multimedia data; which in the future may include video; 3D graphics; and N-dimensional tables.

DE$ Compressed DEF File (See Def Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

DEF Definition file; used by many programs. ? If the project is for a DLL, this is the module-definition file for the project. For a control it provides the name and description of the control, as well as the size of the run-time heap.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 19 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer DEFI Oracle 7 de-install script Ascii Notepad

DEGAS Atari ST Image format Bin DeBabelizer

DEM Digital Elevation Model - 3D Cad. The US Geological ? Survey Office developed this format to consist of a sampled array of elevations for ground positions.

3D modeling format used by programs such as Vistapro Bin ? and USGS DEM. Digital Elevation Model. Info on this standard can be obtained from the Earth Science Information Centre (ESIC) - US Geological Survey Centre.

SCI Fax image format PhotoImpact

DEP VB Package and Deployment Wizard dependency file ?

DER Internet Security Certificate (See CRT) ?

DES Description format. Used to describe Delphi data in a Ascii Delphi format understandable both by the user and the program.

DEWF Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument Bin ? format

DFM this file stores information about forms. Each form will Either Delphi, Notepad have a .dfm and a corresponding .pas file with it. (See DPR, PAS, DFO, DRF, RES, DCU file extensions)

DFO this file contains the selected options for a project. (See Ascii Delphi DPR, DFM, PAS, DRF, RES, DCU file extensions)

DGN Microstation Design File Bin ?

Microstation95 CAD drawing file ?

DIB Device Independent Bitmap - Raster Bin DeBabelizer, FrameMaker, A DIB consists of two parts: the bits themselves and a Graphics Workshop, Ifranview, header that describes the format of the bits. The header Paintshop, Picture Publisher, contains the color format, a color table, and the size of Viewer the bitmap. The current DIB format supports four color resolutions: 1 bit, 4 bit, 8 bit, and 24 bit. In 1-bit, 4-bit, and 8-bit DIBs, the pixels are defined by indexes (of the appropriate bit resolution) into the color table; 24-bit pixels are described as 24-bit values, 1 byte each for red, green, and blue.

DIC Device independent colour specification. Because 2 Ascii Acroread.exe, Notepad scanners can scan a picture differently DIC is used to define which colours to use. - See Adobe Acrobat,…

Dictionary file (many programs). MS Word, Notepad

DIF Spreadsheet Data Interchange Format. Excel

DIG Sound Designer I audio file Bin ?

Digilink format ?

DIR Director format. Native movie file format of the Bin ? Macromedia Director program. (See DCR, DXR, FHn, FHC, SPL, SWF file extensions)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 20 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer DISCO Static Discovery File. An optional file that acts as a ? discovery mechanism for the XML Web service. The .disco file is not automatically created for an XML Web service.

DIZ Directory Information Ascii Notepad

DL Movie Video Bin xanim

DL$ Compressed DLL File (See DLL Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

DLG Digital Line Graphic - 3D Cad. Info on this standard can ? be obtained from the Earth Science Information Centre (ESIC) - US Geological Survey Centre.

C++ Dialogue Script ?

Windows SDK dialog editor data file. Bin Windows SDK

DLL Dynamically Linked Library format. A library which is Bin Graphics Workshop, Viewer linked to application programs when they are loaded or run rather than as the final phase of compilation.

DLS DownLoadable Sound Bin ?

DMF X-Trakker music module (MOD) file Bin ?

DMS Disk Masher System file format. An Amiga-specific Bin ? compression system for storing floppy disks as one file which can then be transfered via bulletin boards or the Internet for decompression by the reciever. No longer widely used.

DOB VB User Document form file (See dox file format) Ascii ?

DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document Bin ?

Word for Windows document also used by other WP MS Word, Viewer programs.

DOS Dos Auto file - Win 95 version of autoexec & config Ascii Notepad

DOT Word for Windows template. Bin MS Word

DOX Microsoft VB User Document binary form file. ?

DPL Borland Delphi 3 packed library Bin Delphi

DPR Delphi Project file. This file contains info about forms, Ascii Delphi units and their initialisation. (See DFM, PAS, DFO, DRF, RES, DCU file extensions)

DPX DPX file. Digital Moving Picture Exchange Bin DeBabelizer format. Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers standard file format for Digital Moving Picture Exchange.

DRAW 's object-based vector image file ?

DRF This is a file used with Delphi packages. (See DPR, Bin Delphi DFM, PAS, DFO, RES, DCU file extensions)

DRV Windows Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 21 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer DRW Micrografix Designer Graphics (Vector/Metafile Bin MS Word, Pagemaker, Paintshop, formats) Picture Publisher, Viewer

Lotus Freelance Powerpoint

DSF Micrografx Designer v7.x Designer

DSG DooM saved game Doom

DSK Editor window view for Delphi ?

DSM Dynamic Studio music module (MOD) file Bin ?

Delphi compiler generated file ?

DSN A DSN file stores information about a Database ? connection and by default resides in the PROGRAMFILES/COMMON FILES/ODBC/DATA directory.

DSP This is the project file used within the development Bin Ms C environment. In previous versions of Visual C++ this file extension was .MAK. It stores the information specific to your project. There will be a separate .DSP file for each project you create. .DSP files are not compatible with NMAKE. You must export a makefile to build with NMAKE.

DSQ Corel QUERY file ?

DSR Ms VB Active Designer file (See file extension DSX) ?

DST Embroidery machines graphics file Bin ?

DSW This is the workspace file used within the Ms C++ Ms C development environment. It organizes all the projects into a single workspace.

DSX MS VB Active Designer binary file Bin ?

DTD SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file Ascii Internet Explorer, Notepad

DTED Digital terrain elevation data (geographic data format) ?

DTF Symantec Q&A relational database data file Bin ?

DTM DigiTrakker module Bin ?

DTn Brother's Keeper Data Files Bin Brother's Keeper

DUN Dial-up Network Export File Ascii Notepad

DV Digital video file (MIME) Ascii ?

DVI Digital Video Interactive format. Proprietary movie Bin ? format utilized by the Action Media II adapter.

special TEX Text file. Device Independent file format. Ascii Notepad Like files, only smaller.

DWD Diamondwave Digitalised Audio Bin ?

DWG An AutoCAD vector format, used internally, and stored Bin ? in binary format.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 22 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer DX DEC-DX file ?

DXB AutoCAD Drawing eXchange Binary. This is the Bin pbmplus, ppmtoacad Binary equivalent to the DXF format. Used by drawing programs such as AutoShade supplying simple geometric input to AutoCAD. (See DXF File Extension)

DXF AutoCAD Drawing eXchange Format; The File contains Ascii Designer, Hijaak, MS Word, numbers and commands in Ascii. The numbers are Pagemaker, Paintshop, Pov-ray based on floating point arithmetic and can cause variation when loaded using integer arithmetic. Supports 3D Objects, curves, text, associative dimensioning. The DXB format is the binary equivalent but smaller. (Raster/vector metafile formats) (See DXB File Extension)

DXR Macromedia Shockwave Image file (See DCR, DIR, Bin ? FHn, FHC, SPL, SWF file extensions)

EARTH Earth Resources Mapper file Bin ?

ECF Although MS Outlook recognizes, loads, and runs MS Outlook extensions that conform to specifications for Microsoft Exchange Client extensions, you can improve the performance of an extension and increase its functionality under Outlook by providing an ECF. Using an ECF, Outlook anticipates the contexts under which the extension needs to be loaded, what commands the extension contributes, the Outlook modules to which the extension applies, and so on. That way, Outlook can delay loading the extension until the extension is needed.

ECO Ecco Personal Information Manager Data Bin Ecco, MS Outlook

EDA Ensoniq ASR (See file extension EFA) Bin ?

EDD Element Definition Document (FrameMaker+SGML Ascii Notepad documents)

EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image (See file extension EFE) Bin ?

EDK Ensoniq KT disk image (See file extension EFK) Bin ?

EDn Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

EDQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image (See file extension Bin ? EFQ)

EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image (See file extension EFS) Bin ?

EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image (See file extension EFV) Bin ?

EFA Ensoniq ASR file (See file extension EDA) ?

EFE Ensoniq EPS file (See file extension EDE) Bin ?

EFK Ensoniq KT file (See file extension EDK) Bin ?

EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file (See file extension EDQ) Bin ?

EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file (See file extension EDS) Bin ?

EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file (See file extension EDV) Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 23 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer EIDI Electric Image EIDI file Bin DeBabelizer

ELI MS Encarta '95 Article List ?

EMD ABT Extended Module ?

EMF Enhanced Metafile format. Next generation Windows Bin Ifranview, MS Word Metafile. EMF files are not supported by the 16-bit Windows and OLE environments. (See WMF)

MS Systems Management Server SMSEvent MIF files Ascii Notepad (See MIF, UMF, JMF, PMF Extensions)

EML Internet E-Mail Message ?

EMT Microsoft Media Producer Project Bin ?

ENC Mpeg Video file Bin ?

Encore file ?

ENFF Extended Neutral File Fformat - 3D Object rendering. ? (See MTV,NFF extension)

ENV Envoy Document ?

EPHTML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML (Unix) ?

EPI Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file (See EPS, EPSI file Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, extensions) imagemagick, imconv, PhotoShop

EPS Adobe's Encapsulated PostScript file - EPS is a device- Ascii Alchemy, Corel Draw, independent page description language for both text and DeBabelizer, FrameMaker, graphics. EPS is a subset of Postscript. The result of imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, the device independence allows the files to cross PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, platforms and produce identical output on any PhotoWorks PostScript printer. The language is very complex with an ability to include more than just graphics. Below is a list of Subtypes: : No preview, Unix newlines : Device independent preview, Unix newlines : TIFF preview, Unix newlines : No preview, Mac newlines : Device independent preview, Mac newlines : TIFF preview, Mac newlines : No preview, MSDOS newlines : Device independent preview, MSDOS newlines : TIFF preview, MSDOS newlines : No preview, Unix newlines, no showpage : Device independent preview, Unix newlines, no showpage : TIFF preview, Unix newlines, no showpage : No preview, Mac newlines, no showpage : Device independent preview, Mac newlines, no showpage : TIFF preview, Mac newlines, no showpage : No preview, MSDOS newlines, no showpage : Device independent preview, MSDOS newlines, no showpage : TIFF preview, MSDOS newlines, no showpage (Vector/Raster images) (1, 4, 8, 24 Bit) (See EPI and EPSI file Extensions)

EPSF Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file - See EPS Extension Ascii Corel Draw, DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, PhotoShop

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 24 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer EPSI Encapsulated PostScript style preview file (See EPI, Bin Alchemy, pbmplus, pbmtoepsi EPS file Extensions)

EPSON Epson printer graphics file Bin pbmplus, pbmtoepson

ER1 ERWin file (See file extension ERX) ?

ERR Compilation Error File - Generated from most Ascii Notepad compilers - Foxpro, …

ERS ER Mapper files are used by ER Mapper satellite Bin Alchemy image analysis software. Developed by Earth Resource Mapping. ER Mapper files are actually two files, one with the extension .ers and the other without any extension. The .ers file contains header information and the non- extensioned file contains the actual image data. The Files are multi channel files and it is possible to select a single channel (grey-scale) or 3 channels (24 bit colour image) when reading a multi-channel ER Mapper image. (Raster)

ERX ERWin file (see file extension ER1) ?

ESL Visual Foxpro support Library Bin ?

ESPS ESPS audio files Bin ?

ETX Structure Enhanced Text file format. Simple ASCII text Ascii MS Word, Notepad file format used on the Internet.

EUC Extended Unix Code. A method of encoding Japanese Bin ? Kanji characters in a text string.

EUI Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image ?

EVY Envoy document Bin ?

EWL Microsoft Encarta document ?

EX$ Compressed Executable file (See EXE extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

EXC ? Ascii ?

EXE Executable Program File Bin Graphics Workshop, Viewer

F Freeze for Unix Bin ?

Fortran source code files Ascii Notepad

F2R Farandoyle linear module format ?

F3R Farandoyle blocked linear module format ?

FAC UNIX Faceserver image file (See FAC file Extension) Bin ?

FACE UNIX Faceserver image file (See FAC file Extension) Bin sgitools

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 25 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer FAL Japanese Q0 image file commonly used by graphics Ascii Alchemy hardware/software to store 24bit images. The format is actually 2 files 1 with .RGB or Q0 extension and the other with a .FAL extension. The Q0 or RGB file contains the actual image data while the FAL file contains the header information. (See FAL, Q0 file extensions)

FAQ Frequently asked Questions text file Ascii Notepad

FAV Outlook Bar Shortcuts MS Outlook

FAX Group 3 FAX file - Std used by Fax machines. See G3 Bin g3topbm, imagemagick, pbmplus, pbmtog3, PhotoImpact

FBM Fuzzy Bitmap. Native format of Fuzzy pixmap image Bin ? manipulation and conversion toolkit. Code to manipulate various images including FBM can be found at ftp://nl.cs.cmu.edu/usr/mlm/ftp/fbm.tar.z .

FCT FoxPro Catalog memo file Foxpro

FDF Acrobat Forms Format File Acroread.exe

FFIVW File Format for Interchange if Virtual Worlds. Ascii ? Object Orientated format for describing virtual objects and worlds. It is designed as a interchange format between VRMLs. See http://vrml.wired.com/proposals/ffivw.html.


FHC Macromedia Shockwave Image format. (the lowercase Bin ? n signifies a numeric 4,5,7) Macromedia Shockwave Image file (See DCR, DIR, FHn, DXR, SPL, SWF file extensions)

FHn Macromedia Shockwave Image format. (the lowercase Bin ? n signifies a numeric 4,5,7) Macromedia Shockwave Image file (See DCR, DIR, DXR, FHC, SPL, SWF file extensions)

FHS Used by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft for VR software ?

FIF Fractal Image format. The system allows images to be Bin Fractal Imager, Graphics compressed to very small while retaining High image Workshop quality. Compression ratios upto 100:1 can be obtained. Compression is processor intensive however decompression can be quite fast.

FIN Compactor1 Mac compression software Bin ?

FIT Flexible Image Transport System file - See Fits Bin Graphics Workshop, extension imagemagick, pbmplus

FITS Flexible Image Transport System file (NASA/OSSA) Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, Used to store images from telescopes and other imagemagick, pbmplus Astronomical sources. It can contain no more than 8 bits of Greyscale. AS expected it stores images in a 3 dimensional format.

FKY FoxPro Macro File containing saved macro sets Foxpro

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 26 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer FLC AutoDESK Animator Pro movie animation file format. Bin AAPlay, Graphics Workshop, Very quick format that uses existing parts of previous Media Player, xanim frames to allow for faster transition between frames. (see FLI, FLX file extensions)

FLI AutoDESK Animator Pro movie animation file format. Bin AAPlay, Graphics Workshop, Very quick format that uses existing parts of previous xanim frames to allow for faster transition between frames. (see FLC, FLX file extensions)

FLL Visual FoxPro DLL (See DLL) ?

FLO RFFlow Flowchart Files Bin RFFlow

FLP Video: (Wavefront Flipbook file) Bin Wavefront Technologies

FLT A 3D format used by Multigen & ModelGen flight Bin ? simulation software.

Import Filter for Word for Windows; Aldus; some ? others.

FLX Flex file format. File used with Flexmail software to ? process data in form requests.

Animator FLIC video format. AutoDESK Animator Pro Bin ? movie animation file format. Very quick format that uses existing parts of previous frames to allow for faster transition between frames. (see FLC, FLI file extensions)

FM Framemaker Document Bin FrameMaker

FMB Oracle Forms in binary Format - Transferrable across Bin Oracle Developer 2000 platforms. (See FMT, FMX)

FMT Win 95 Schedular plus - Print format Bin ?

Fox pro Screen Format files FoxBase, Foxpro

A FMT is the Ascii version of an Oracle Form (FMB). Ascii Oracle Developer 2000 Although in Text form the file will still contain Hexidecimal strings which represent graphics. (See FMB, FMX)

FMV FrameVector Pagemaker

FMX An executable version of an Oracle Form. This module Bin Oracle Developer 2000 is compiled to be platform specific. (See FMB, FMT)

FND Win 95 Saved Search File Ascii Notepad

FNT Font file. Bin FontView

FO$ Compressed Font File (See FON extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

FON MS Font File Bin Fontview

FOP Freedom of Press is a PostScript interpreter from Bin Alchemy Custom Applications that converts PostScript files to raster files. The Freedom of Press format is one of the file types it can create. Freedom of Press images are actually two files, a data file and an info file. Freedom of Press images are 1-bit CMYK.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 27 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer FOR Fortran Source Code File Ascii Notepad

FOT Windows True Type Font ( Styles File ) Bin ?

FOX FoxBase Compiled program file Bin FoxBase

FPC Fox Pro Catalog Foxpro

FPQ FoxPro Wizard generated Updatable Query Foxpro

FPT Foxpro Table Memo File Foxpro

FPX Kodak FlashPix Image Standard has a number of key Bin Ms Picture it, PhotoImpact features * stores the image multiple times at different resolutions which enables applications to select the best resolution each purpose. * stores the images into 64 x 64 tiles enabling any portion of the image to be reached quickly. * behaves much like a file system within a file. Developers can add their own features and functions to the file while remaining compatible with other applications. * allows three compression options - JPEG compression, uncompressed and single-colour compression. * supports calibrated and uncalibrated versions of RGB, Photo YCC and monochrome colour space definitions. * supports non-image information including: file source, owner, picture description, camera/scanner description, camera/scanner settings for each picture, ... * supports Image views stored as separate files, and linked electronically to the original file. This means a different version of an image can be very small by storing only an image view or a link to the original image.

The Internet Imaging Protocol (IIP) is designed to take advantage of FlashPix's features across the Internet.

FR$ Compressed FRM file (See FRM Extension) Unpack (Ms)

Compressed FOR File (See FOR Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

FRM Foxbase Report Format File FoxBase, Foxpro

Visual Basic form (also used by dBASE). Either Notepad, Visual Basic

FRR WinFax Image file Bin WinFax

FRS WinFax Lite Image Bin WinFax Lite

FRT FoxPro memo file associated to FRX report format file Foxpro

FRX Fox Pro Report Format File Foxpro

Visual Basic Form Stash File. Bin Visual Basic

FRZ Freeze Compression Archive format Bin ?

FS Usenix FaceSaver file Bin fstopgm, pbmplus, pgmtofs

FTI Lotus Notes Full Text Index Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 28 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer FTS Flexible Image Transport System file - See FIT/FITS Bin Graphics Workshop extensions

FW3 Framework III file ?

FXD Winfax File format (See FXR, FXS file Extensions) ?

FoxDoc Supporting Files ?

FXP FoxPro compiled program file Foxpro

FXR Winfax File format (See FXD, FXS file Extensions) ?

FXS Winfax File format (See FXD, FXR file Extensions) ?

G3 Group 3 FAX file (See FAX) Bin g3topbm, imagemagick, pbmplus, pbmtog3

G8 Cubicomp PictureMaker files are used in broadcast- Bin Alchemy quality three dimensional modeling and animation. PictureMaker images have either three or four separate files per image: a red file, a green file, a blue file, and an optional alpha channel file. This File format is the Green channel image data. (See R8, B8, A8 File Extensions)

GAL Corel Web Gallery Bin Web Gallery

GCA IBM GOCA Vector Image Format Bin Hijaak

GDS Graphic Design System format. A mask file format in ? binary for integrated circuit masks. Also known as Calma stream. This McDonnell-Douglas format is used by atleast 1 CAD system.

GED GEDCOM Genealogy Source File. Recognised as the Ascii Brother's Keeper, Gedcom, standard for interchange between Genealogy programs Notepad

Raster Image file Format Bin Hijaak

GEM Ventura Publisher GEM Raster/Vector metafile Bin DeBabelizer, gemtopbm, Graphics file (See Img) Pagemaker, Paintshop, pbmplus, pbmtogem, Ventura Publisher

GEO WaveFront 3D Model Format Nurbs or Polygonal Bin ?

GEOM Application Visualisation Systems - 3d rendered Bin ? animation. (see prop, scr extensions)

GFO This Silicon Graphics format is the format of barcelona Ascii ? database.

GID A global Index file(GID) is created by win95/98 when Bin ? you open a help file not in the win95 format. The conversion occurs so that it can store data such as last window position and pointers to all topics and entry points within the file. If you delete the file it will recreate the file next time but will lose the positioning..

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 29 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer GIF Gif files were designed for Compuserve to make Raster Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, images as small as possible for uploading and FrameMaker, Gif Construction downloading from BBS's. there are atleast 2 Versions Kit, Graphics Workshop, 87a, 89a. Both versions accept interlacing - saving an Ifranview, Internet Explorer, image in 4 passes - so that you can tell if you want the Lview Pro, Ms Photo Editor, MS image before downloading all of it. Both formats can Word, Paintshop, PhotoImpact, also hold more than 1 image per file - this is one way of Vpic, WinGif producing a basic animation. Programs like the Gif Construction set can take advantage of transparency and animation features to build nice Animations. The LZW compression algorithm is the basis for the images compression. (1, 4, 8 bits)

GIS EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file: Erdas file. Bin Alchemy According to the specification gray-scale files should have the extension .gis and true colour files should have the extension .lan but this is not always adhered to. 1 band files are read in as gray-scale images. 3 band files are read in as true colour images.The default colour mapping between RGB and bands1, 2, and 3 is Red=Band 1, Green=Band 2, and Blue=Band 3. ( 4, 8, 16 bit files) (See LAN File Extension)

GKS Graphics Kernel System is a standard specifying I/O Bin ? primatives for displaying 2D & 3D graphical Data. CGM is the closest associated format. Although .gks has no native file format, the .cgm format is often closely associated with its use.

GL Graphical System for Presentation movie file. An Bin xgrasp, xviewgl animation archive format created by the GRASP (Graphical System for Presentation) program that generates large files and is resolution-dependent

GLC GLC Object file Format ?

GLY Word for Windows glossary. Bin MS Word

GM Autologic Image Format. Autologic files are black and Bin Alchemy white or gray-scale files for use with Autologic typesetting equipment. Graphics modes of 2 (black/white) and 4 (gray-scale) are supported. (See GM2, GM4 image Formats)

GM2 Autologic Image Format (See GM, GM4 image Formats) Bin Alchemy

GM4 Autologic Image Format (See GM, GM2 image Formats) Bin Alchemy

GMF Computer Graphics Metafile. Another file extension Bin ? used interchangeably with CGM.

GO GraphOn graphics file Bin pbmplus, pbmtogo

GOE NOAA satellite data file. (See GOES File Extension) Either Alchemy

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 30 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer GOES NOAA satellite data file. Either Alchemy There are 2 Sub-Types to this format GARS format and McIDAS format with the default normally GARS format. This format was developed by the University of Wisconsin National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS) for used by Various satellite image processing software, including the McIDAS system. The GARS format is a 7680 bytes per block, Motorola byte-order, EBCDIC format while the MCIDAS format is a continuous data, Intel byte-order, ASCII format. GOES images are always grayscale GOES images contain a lot of information which is not part of the image data. This information includes the time and date the image was captured, the satellite which captured the image, the type of instrumentation used, etc. ( 8, 16, and 32 bits) (See GOE File Extension)

GOULD Gould scanner file Bin gouldtoppm., pbmplus

GRA MS Graph Chart Bin MS Graph

GRAY Image in RAW Gray Bytes format (See GRY file Bin ? extension)

GRB HP Graphics Object Image format files are used by HP- Either Alchemy 48sx calculators. The default type is Binary however Ascii versions do exist. (1 bit)

GRF ABC Flowcharter Data ?

GRIB World Meteorological Organization FM 92-VIII Ext. Bin ? GRIdded Binary file

GRP Windows Group File Bin ?

GRY RAW Gray Bytes Image format (See GREY file Bin ? extension)

GX2 StoryBoard Raster Image Bin ?

GZ Gnu unix compression Bin WinZip

H C Header. Ascii Notepad

H$ compressed C Header File (See H extension) Unpack (Ms)

HA Compressed produced by HA Bin ?

HAM Commodore Amiga HAM Graphics File. Hold and Bin DeBabelizer Modify version of ILBM file format. Originally only available in 320x200 or 320x400 pixels but some converters cater for other sizes.

HBF Hanzi Bitmap Font. Bin ?

HD Hierarchical Data File Bin imconv

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 31 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer HDF Hierarchical Data File. Bin imconv HDF is an Object Orientated file format used to transport images between different hardware. Both 8 and 24 bit raster images are supported. RLE, Incomp and Jpeg compression are supported.

HDR SPOT image files are high resolution satellite image Alchemy produced by SPOT Image Corporation. There a 2 formats: GIS TAPE : (8 bit) which uses the following file extensions :- HDR: Header file, BIL: Pixel Data, CLR: Palette Data (opt), STX: Statistics and CCT (CDROM) format (8, 24 bit) which uses a DATfile extension . (See CLR, DAT, HDR, SPOT File Extensions)

Header File used to Identify subsequent files Either Notepad

HEX HEX file Format Bin ?

HGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language. Orignally Ascii Pagemaker, Paintshop developed to control plotters it is a very basic format. When all else fails some people resort to this format. (Raster/Vector Metafile) (See HPGL)

HIPS Human Information Processing Laboratory file Bin pbmplus

HITACHI Hitachi raster file Bin ?

HL$ Compressed Help File (See HLP Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

HLB Help Library file for use on a VMS system. Bin ?

HLP Program on-line Help File Bin WinHLP32

HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (Vector) (See Ascii Paintshop HGL)

HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language. Bin ? Pcl is capable of rendering both raster and vector images.

HPX Compressed file archive created by HPAK. Bin HPAK

HQX binhex 4.0 Mac files encoded into 7 bit text files so it Ascii binhex.exe, WinZip, xbin23.zip can be safely transferred. (Mac ascii encoded file)

HRC Softimage 3D rendering file format Bin ?

HRF Hitachi Raster Format (HRF) files are black and Bin Alchemy white images used by CADCore. Used to store scanner output data.

HRZ SSTV Graphic. This is a specialised format for Slow Bin Graphics Workshop scan Television. Images are always 24 bit 256 x 240 pixel Raster Images.

HSS Photoshop Hue/Saturation file format. (See also AMP, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF file extensions)

HT HyperTerminal File (Win95) HyperTRM

HTA HTML Applications Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 32 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer HTM Hyper Text Markup Language file (See HTML) Ascii Any web browser, Internet Explorer, Netscape, WORDIA

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language file - See HTM Extension Ascii Internet Explorer, Netscape, Notepad, WORDIA

HTX Internet HTML Extensions Ascii Notepad

HYP Compressed file archive created by HYPER. Bin ?

HZ Hanzi format. A data format for exchanging files of Bin ? arbitrarily mixed Chinese and ASCII characters

IAX Image Access eXecutive file: IAX files are used by Bin ? some mainframe and workstation imaging systems

IBG PDS Labeled Image (See IBQ, PDS file extensions) Bin ?

IBL Sound Blaster Instrument - format for defining a ? multiple instruments (See SBI)

IBQ PDS Labeled Image (See IBG, IMQ, PDS file Bin Alchemy extensions)

IC$ Compressed Icon file (See ICO Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

ICA IMB MOCA Raster Image Format (used in OS/2 ?) Bin Hijaak

ICB Targa 23bit image format (See TGA, VDA, VST)_ Bin ?

ICC These ICC profiles are used to communicate the color Bin ? information of each device through the Image Color Matching (ICM) API. Applications that call ICM API functions will be able to accurately display, print, and pass colors on to other users and applications.

Kodak ICC printer file ?

ICL Icon Library File Format ?

ICM Kodak ICC printer file Bin ?

ICN Windows Icon File - See ICO Bin AniEdit, Hijaak, imageedit, imconv

ICO Windows Icon File (Raster Format) Bin AniEdit, Graphics Workshop, Hijaak, Ifranview, imageedit, imconv, PhotoImpact

ICON Sun Icon and Cursor file. (1 bit) Bin Alchemy, icontopbm, imconv, pbmplus, pbmtoicon

ICR NASA Telnet Raster Image Format ?

NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file Bin pbmplus, ppmtoicr

IDB Visual C Compiler state file, containing dependency Bin Visual C information between source files and class definitions, which can be used by the compiler during minimal rebuild and incremental compilation.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 33 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer IDC Core Software Tech CORE IDC file used by their GIS Bin Alchemy software. 1 band files are read in as gray-scale images. 3 band files are read in as true colour images. The default colour mapping between RGB and bands 1, 2, and 3 is Red=Band 1, Green=Band 2, and Blue=Band 3.

Internet Database Connections - See MS Access, … Ascii MS Access

IDF MIDI Instrument Definition ?

IDL Visual C interface definition language file. Used by Visual C Visual C during the compiling stage.

IDX Stork files are CMYK images used by Stork colour Alchemy proofing machines. The are either compressed with Run length coding or uncompressed. Stork images are made up of 3 files: IDX: Header, PRE: Image data, TAB: colour lookup table. (16, 32 bit) (See file extensions PRE,TAB)

Index file - usually associated with a database like Either Dbase, Ms Fox Pro Dbase - MS FoxPro

IFF File format from for the Amiga - files Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics can contain images and multimedia. PBM is a sub-class Workshop, Hijaak, Paintshop, of IFF. To compress the images as planes it can be PhotoImpact, Vpic, xanim stored as a ILBM file extension. The format was Created by Commodore-Amiga Corp to be used in Amiga . (1, 4, 8 bits) (Raster Format) (See LBM, CE, HAM, ILBM)

Sun TAAC Image File Format See VFF, TAAC, DeBabelizer, imconv SUNIFF extensions

Amiga Sound File Wham, Wplany

IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification is an American Bin ? Standard. It is a neutral format for exchange between Cad and other vector formats. IGES includes a set of protocols for transfer via a telephone or computer network. It does not define and new formats as such, instead uses existing formats such as CGM is encapsulate graphics.

IGF Raster/Vector Image Format Bin Hijaak

IGI Inset Systems Raster Graphic Bin ?

IGS Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES). 3d Bin Pagemaker modelling format.

ILBM Image Interchange File Format ?

Amiga Interchange File Format [IFF] InterLeaved Bin DeBabelizer, DeluxePaint, BitMap [ILBM] file (See LBM, CE, IFF) pbmplus, PhotoShop

ILK Incremental link file. Used by Visual C as part of the Bin Visual C linking process.

IM The IM format is a simple format developed for testing Alchemy purposes by the Silicon Graphics IRIS Performer engineering team.

IMA Imagine 3D Rendering software file format Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 34 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer IMA Win Image - Copy of a so that it can go onto Bin WinIMAGE another floppy in the same bit pattern as it was on the original disk

IMG The Img Software Set is a collection of tools for Bin Alchemy manipulating graphic images freely available for various UNIX workstations. Created by Paul Raveling to be used by Img Software Set to process 8 and 24 bit images.

This file format was created Steven B. Coy for Vivid a Alchemy shareware ray-tracer for MS-DOS computers. (24 bit RLE files) (See VIVID File Extension)

IMG files were designed to work with the GEM Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics environment. The files were originally the result of the Workshop, Hijaak, Paintshop, GEM Paint program. Since the application Ventura pbmplus, PhotoImpact, Ventura Publisher worked in the GEM environment, it also Publisher supported the IMG file format. This image format is used in order to maintain compatibility with various desktop publishing applications. (1, 4, 8, 24 bits) - only greyscale (Raster Format)

Win Image - See IMA Extension WinIMAGE

IMJ IMJ was developed by Pegasus Corporation as a Bin ? variation of the JFIF format. IMJ is essientially a JFIF file with a MS BMP header and enhanced palette optimisation. This format is used in several screen savers and by organisations such as Delrina.

Imn Sun Unix Rasterfile Bin Alchemy, imagemagick, imconv where N = 1, 8, 24, or 32

Type 0 - Old Style (1, 8, 24, 32 bits) Type 1 - Modem Style (1, 8, 24, 32 bits) Type 2 - Experimental ( See RAS, IM, IMn file extensions)

IMQ PDS Labeled Image (See IBG, IBQ, PDS file Bin Alchemy extensions)

IN$ Compressed INI file (See INI Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

compressed INC File (See INC extension) Unpack (Ms)

INF Information file; often used by installation programs and Either Notepad, Viewer other applications. The INF files are text files that contain information about all the Setup files involved in an installation. This information includes the following: * Where a file is located and its default attributes * Whether a file is to be appended to an existing copy * Whether a file is to be backed up, renamed, or copied * Whether a file supports English or another language

INI Initialising file; contains list of settings used to set up Ascii Notepad, Viewer Windows and various Windows applications.

INS Internet Communications Settings (See ISP) Ascii Notepad

INT FoxPro code Page and collation sequence file ?

Delphi Source ascii Notepad

IOCA IOCA Bitmap image format Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 35 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer IQY Ms Excel Web Query File Ascii Notepad

IRIS SGI RGB image file Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, xv

IRTP This format is used by Topgen database modeling and ? Graphicon-2000.

ISH Compressed file archive created by ISH Bin ?

ISP Internet Communications Settings (See INS) Ascii Notepad

IV Used by Silicon Graphics IRIS Inventor 3D graphics ? toolkit. Inventor format is a superset of the VRML networked graphics data format (See VRML)

IVB Truevision Targa image file Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, imconv, pbmplus, pbmplus, PhotoShop, PhotoShop, sgitools, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

IVT Ms Visual Studio Infoviewer Title File MS Visual Studio

IVY Vxtreme Livescreen video Bin ?

IXA Isys Database index file (See IXB, IXC) Bin ISYS - ISYSWeb

IXB Isys Database index file (See IXA, IXC) Bin ISYS - ISYSWeb

IXC Isys Database index file (See IXA, IXB) Bin ISYS - ISYSWeb

J6I J6I is a JPEG file with a proprietary header. This format Bin ? is used with Ricoh digital .

JAS JAS Compressed Graphic File - Jas was used before Bin ? JPEG became a standard. Jas is now obsolete but supported for conversions to JPEG. (8, 24 bits)

JAVA Java Source Code Ascii Notepad

JBF Paint Shop Pro Browser File Bin PSPBRWSE

JBIG JBIG Image interchange format. Joint Bilevel Image ? Group format. A lossless method for compressing black and white (1-bit) raster image data.

JFF Agreed standard for JPEG image storage See JIF Bin PhotoWorks Extension

JFIF Agreed standard for JPEG image storage See JIF Bin DeBabelizer, Internet Explorer, Extension Paintshop

JIF Agreed standard for JPEG image storage (8, 24 bit) Bin Paintshop Because Data is lost when storing the image make sure the quality loss is acceptable while you still have the original source. (See JPEG)

JIS Japanese Industry Standard. Japanese code conversion ? program for text.

JMF MS Systems Management Server JobDetails MIF files Ascii Notepad (See MIF, EMF, UMF, PMF Extensions)

JPC Japan Pic image format. A Type of bitmap ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 36 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer

JPE Joint Photographics Experts Group- JPEG Extension. Bin cjpeg, DeBabelizer, djpeg, Graphics Workshop, imagemagick, Internet Explorer, Lview Pro, PhotoShop, Picture Publisher, xv

JPEG Joint Photographics Experts Group Bin Alchemy, cjpeg, DeBabelizer, JPEG compression discards "extra" data; that is; djpeg, imagemagick, Internet information beyond what the human eye can see. Explorer, Lview Pro, MS Word, Because it discards data; the JPEG algorithm is referred Paintshop, PhotoShop, Picture to as "lossy." This means that once an image has been Publisher, xv compressed and then decompressed; it will not be identical to the original image. In most cases; the difference between the original and compressed version of the image is indistinguishable. One advantage of JPEG compression is that you can select the quality when compressing the image. The lower the quality; the smaller the image but the more different it will appear than the original. Since JPEG compression was designed for use with continuous tone images (such as those produced by a scanner or digitizer), poor results can be expected when compressing line drawings. NOTE: JPEG refers to compression algorithm not the storage format so it is possible to have 2 images stored in different ways. JFIF - JIF is the JPEG standard for the File storage format. (Use JIF to store images where possible. You should also check stored images to confirm the data loss is acceptable before you remove the original image.) (8, 24 bit colour)

JPG Joint Photographics Experts Group - See JPEG Bin cjpeg, DeBabelizer, djpeg, Extension. Graphics Workshop, Ifranview, imagemagick, Internet Explorer, Lview Pro, Ms Photo Editor, MS Word, Paintshop, PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, PhotoWorks, Picture Publisher, Wang Image for Win95, xv

JS Jscript File Ascii Notepad

JSE Jscript Encoded Script file ?

JSQL Java SQL could be linked to Oracle Java compiler Ascii Notepad

JTF JTIF Image Format Bin PhotoWorks

K25 Kurzweil 2500 sample ?

KAR Karaoke MIDI file (text+MIDI) Bin ?

KBD Microsoft Keyboard mapping files for win3.1. Used Bin ? with the code page and country settings.

KDC Kodak Digital Camera Raster Image Format. (DC40, Bin Graphics Workshop DC50)

KE$ Compressed KEY file (See KEY Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

KEY DataCAD Icon toolbar file Bin ?

Ms Editor Key definition ?

KFX KoFax Group 4 Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 37 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer KIZ Kodak Digital Postcards. Uuencoded HTML Text and Bin WinZip JPEG images.

KKW Contains all K-keywords in the RoboHELP Help project ? Index

KMP Korg Trinity KeyMaP file ?

KQP Konica Digital Camera proprietary mutations of the Bin ? JPEG standard.

KRn Kurzweil 2000 sample - multi-floppy (where n is the ? floppy number) (See KRZ file)

KRZ Kurzweil 2000 sample (single file) (See KRn file ? extension)

KSF Korg Trinity Sample File ?

KYE Kye game data ?

LAN EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file: Erdas file Bin Alchemy According to the specification gray-scale files should have the extension .gis and true colour files should have the extension .lan but this is not always adhered to. 1 band files are read in as gray-scale images. 3 band files are read in as true colour images.The default colour mapping between RGB and bands1, 2, and 3 is Red=Band 1, Green=Band 2, and Blue=Band 3. ( 4, 8, 16 bit files) (See GIS File Extension)

LANDSAT EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file: Erdas file Bin ?

LANSAT EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper data file See TM, Bin ? LTM file extensions

LATEX Unix Ascii Notepad

LBL FoxBase Label Definition File FoxBase, Foxpro

LBM Amiga Deluxe Paint Graphics - Uses Run length Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, encoding (1, 4, 8 bit) Linear Bitmap Graphics format. Paintshop, Vpic Used in Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint package.

LBX FoxPro Label Format File Foxpro

LDB Access database Control file. - Record Locking Bin ? Information

LDF This is a Microsoft SQL Server Data file. I suspect it Bin MS Access contains the locking options. (See MDF file extension) Can be developed through MS Access 2000

LDL Corel Paradox Delivered library (See LSL file extension) ?

LES Logitech Entertainment system game profiles ?

LEX Used by a number of programs for dictionaries and Bin ? spelling files.

LFT 3D Studio (DOS) loft file ?

LGO Logo file; displayed when Windows is loaded. Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 38 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer LHA LHArc file; version 1.compressed files. Bin LHA213.exe

LI$ Compressed LIB file (See LIB Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

LIB Library file: a collection of routines used by executable Bin C, Cobol, Delphi, Fortran programs.

LIC License file; containing information about your software Ascii Notepad license.

LIN DataCAD Line type file ?

LIS Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting ? (SQR) program

LISPM Lisp Machine file Bin pbmplus

LIT LIT video file format ?

LJ HP Laserjet file ?

HP LaserJet graphics file Bin pbmplus

LLX Laplink Exchange Agent ?

LN03 DEC LN03+ SIXEL Image file format ?

LNK Windows 95 shortcut link File Bin ?

LOG Win 95 Log Autofile - Audit Trail Ascii Notepad

LP Lightscape 3D rendering software ?

LPD Helix Nuts and Bolts file ?

LPK Licence Pack file. Various packages use this extension ? for files where registry keys are encoded.

LRC Intel Video Phone file ?

LS Lightscape format.Is designed for accurate simulations ? of complex 3D environments. (See LSA and LSB file extensions)

LSA Lightscape format.Is designed for accurate simulations Ascii ? of complex 3D environments. (See LS and LSB file extensions)

LSB Lightscape format.Is designed for accurate simulations Bin ? of complex 3D environments. (See LSA and LS file extensions)

LSL Corel Paradox Saved library (See LDL file extension) ?

LSP AutoLISP, CommonLISP, and othe LISP language files ?

LST Foxpro Documenting Wizard List file ?

Audio playlist for MS Cd Player Ascii Notepad

LTM EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper data file See TM, Bin ? LANSAT file extensions

EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file: Erdas file ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 39 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer LU ThoughtWing Library Unit file ?

LV LaserView Raster Image Bin ?

LVL Parallax Software's Miner Descent/D2 Level Extension ?

LW Lightwave 3D modelling software file format Bin ?

LWLO Lightwave Layered Object file (See LWOB file ? extension)

LWOB Lightwave Object file (See LWLO file extension) ?

LWP Lotus Wordpro 96/97 file Bin ?

LWSC Lightwave Scene file ?

LYR DataCAD Layer file ?

LZH Yoshi LHArc file; version 2. - compressed files Bin LHA213.exe, WinZip This compression algorithm is also used for GIF Graphics.

LZS Skyroads data file ?

M1V MPEG See MPEG Extension Bin Mpegplay

M2V See MPEG-2 Extension Bin mpeg2dec (Decoder), mpeg2enc (Encoder), mpeg2play (Player)

M3D CorelMotion 3D video scene Bin ?

M3U Audio Playlist ?

MA$ compressed MAK file (See MAK Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

MAC Apple Macintosh MacPaint file. When Mac files started Bin Graphics Workshop, imconv, migrating from the Mac to the PC a header was added. Paintshop, painttorle, pbmplus, Images must be 576 pixels wide x 720 pixels high. (1 PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, bit) (Raster Format) (See PNT PNTG MPNT MACP PhotoWorks, rletopaint, sgitools, PAINT MPT extensions.) Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Vpic

MACP Apple Macintosh MacPaint file. - (See PNT PNTG Bin imconv, Paintshop, painttorle, MPNT MAC PAINT extensions.) pbmplus, PhotoShop, rletopaint, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Vpic

MAD Microsoft Access Shortcut Module Bin ?

MAF Microsoft Access Shortcut Form Bin ?

MAG Magic file format. One of the formats in which Carafe Bin ? can read and write circuit descriptions. Also the same format as the Berkeley Magic file format used by the layout editor, Magic.

MAGIC Magic Mail Monitor configuration file ?

MAK C, Visual Basic, Delphi Bin ?

MAM Microsoft Access Shortcut Macro Bin ?

MAN Manual file format. Formatted text files used with Unix ? online manuals.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 40 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MAP Colourmap Image intensities and Indicies ?

Map file format. A simple ASCII text format used with Ascii ? online image maps on the Web.

linker map file - Generated by Delphi Compile - Notepad optional for serious debuging

MAQ Microsoft Access Shortcut Querie Bin ?

MAR Microsoft Access Shortcut Report Bin ?

MAS Lotus Freelance Graphics Smartmaster file ?

MAT Matrix file format. A matrix data file in which the ? matrix elements are mapped onto discrete levels which are represented as characters. These level are mapped to colors in the corresponding map file.

Raw Matte Bytes Image File Format (See MATTE file Bin ? extension)

Microsoft Access Shortcut Table ?

MATTE Raw Matte Bytes Image File Format (See MAT file Bin ? extension)

MAUD MAUD sample format ?

MAX OrCAD layout file ?

KINETIX's 3D Studio MAX file format ?

Visioneer Paperfort Max/PC image file Bin Visioneer

MAZ Hover maze data ?

Division's dVS/dVISE file format ?

MB1 Apogee Monster Bash data file ?

MBFAVS AVS X image file - See also MBFX Ext Bin imagemagick, imconv

MBFX AVS X image file - See Also MBFAVS Ext Bin imagemagick, imconv

MBOX Berkeley Unix mailbox format ?

MBX Extension Microsoft Outlook adds to saved email, Bin ? Eudora mailboxes

MCC Dialer10 calling card ?

Shortcut to Microsoft Network Bin CCDialer

MCF Xspace Image format ?

MCI Multimedia Command Interface file. High level Bin ? programming interface for controlling multimedia devices.

MCR DataCAD Keyboard macro file ?

MCS Vector Image Format Bin Hijaak

MCW Word for Macintosh 4.0 Bin MS Word

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 41 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MD Machine Description file format. A file containing ? instruction patterns for target machines.

MD$ Compressed Access Database (See MDB extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

MDA Microsoft Access Addins Bin MS Access

MDB Access database. Bin MS Access

MDE Microsoft Access MDE Database. A MDE is a Bin MS Access compiles version of a MDB database. The File has source code removed so that you can not modify the Forms, Reports, modules. (See MDB file extension)

MDF Microsoft SQL Server Database File. This is the Bin MS Access primary database record. (See LDF File Extensions) Can be developed through MS Access 2000.

MDL Quake model file Bin ?

Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file ?

MoDeL - Moray modeler format ?

HTML Text Ascii MS Word, Notepad

MDN Microsoft Blank Database Template Bin ?

MDT Microsoft Access Wizard Datafile Bin ?

MDW Microsoft Access WorkGroup information Bin MS Access

MDX dBASE multiple index file. Bin Dbase, Foxpro

MDZ Microsoft Access Wizard Template Bin ?

MED Music Editor, OctaMED music module (MOD) file Bin ?

MEDIT Medit Productions database modeling file format Bin ?

MEM FoxPro Memory Variable save files ?

MEME Meme commercial virtual reality system from Bin ? Immersive Systems. (See RWX extension)

MER Spreadsheet interchange format Bin ?

MET Vector Image Format Bin Hijaak

Caere Document Format Omnipage Pro

MFA Report definition file for Microsoft Report writer - an ? analysis tool for Internet Site server.

MGF Materials and Geometry Format. ASCII-based 3D Ascii ? rendering format designed to model surface geometry and materials for the purpose of visible-light simulation and rendering. Similar to Wavefront's .OBJ file format.

MGR MGR bitmap file Bin mgrtopbm, pbmplus, pbmtomgr

MIC Graphic from pre windows 3 - bitmap - Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, available in 2 versions. (1 bit) (Raster Format) Hijaak, Paintshop, PhotoImpact, PhotoWorks

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 42 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MIC Microsoft Image Composer File Format. Microsoft Bin Ms Image Composer proprietry format. Image composer stores backgrounds and sprites. Sprites are images which float on top on the picture.

MID Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A sound file Bin Media Player format that allows transmission of data between electronic music instruments. (See MIDI File Extension)

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A sound file Bin ? format that allows transmission of data between electronic music instruments. (See MID File Extension)

MIF Adobe FrameMaker "Maker Interchange Format" is a Ascii FrameMaker group of Ascii statements that parsed together create the Text, Graphics, formatting, and layout constructs recognised by all maker products.

A MIF file is a text file that uses the MIF format to Notepad describe computer components. MS Systems Management Server uses six types of MIF files to provide information to the SMS database: · Personal Computer MIF files (*.MIF) · SMSEvent MIF files (*.EMF) · UserGroup MIF files (*.UMF) · JobDetails MIF files (*.JMF) · PackageLocation MIF files (*.PMF) · Custom architecture MIF files (*.MIF)

MIFF Magick image file format Bin imagemagick A bitmap image format native to the ImageMagick tool which runs under x windows.

MIM A multipart file in the Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Ascii ? Extensions (MIME) format; often created as the result of sending e-mail with attachments in AOL. The files in a multipart MIM file can be "opened" (unarchived and separated into individual files) using Winzip or a similar program. (See MME file Extensions)

MIME Messaging Standard for Transfering Bin files as ASCII Ascii Eduora Pro

MITSU Mitsubishi S340-10 color sublimation printer file Bin pbmplus

MIV MPEG - See MPEG Bin Media Player

MIX Image Format Bin Ms Picture it

MKI Japan MKI Image format Bin ?

MLB FoxPro for Macintosh Library File ?

MLI MS Encarta '95 Media List ?

3D Studio's Material-Library file format Bin ?

MMB Oracle Forms Menu file stored in Binary Format. This Bin Oracle Developer 2000 is a Binary representation of a menu structure that is transportable between systems. (See MMX, MMT)

MME Mime Compressed archive Ascii ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 43 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MME A multipart file in the Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Ascii ? Extensions (MIME) format; often created as the result of sending e-mail with attachments in AOL. The files in a multipart MME file can be "opened" (unarchived and separated into individual files) using Winzip or a similar program. (See MIM file Extensions)

MMF Meal Master Format, a recipe catologing format Bin ?

Microsoft Mail File ?

MMM MacroMedia Movie. Bin Media Player

MMP Microsoft Music Producer File Format Bin MS Music Producer

MMT This file is a text version of an Oracle forms Menu Ascii Omnipage Pro, Oracle Developer structure. Although a Text file it may contain 2000 hexidecimal strings. (see MMB, MMX)

MMX This is an executable version of a Oracle forms Menu. Bin Oracle Developer 2000 This is a platform specific file. (See MMB, MMT)

MN2 Descent2 Mission File Bin ?

MND Mandelbrot for Windows Image Format (see MNI) Bin ?

MNG Multiple Network Graphics format. Proposed multiple- Bin ? image extension of the .png (Portable Network Graphics) format. (See PNG file extension)

MNI Mandelbrot for Windows Image Format (see MND) Bin ?

MNT Foxpro Menu memo file Foxpro

MNX FoxPro Menu definition file Foxpro

MNY Microsoft Money Bin Money

MOD Amiga/PC tracker module Bin ?

Microsoft Multiplan spreadsheet ?

FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker (etc.) music ?

Modules. A sound file format that originated on the Bin ? Amiga computer and migrated to the Web and various other platforms.

WaveFront Object - 3D Model Format ?

MOOV Quicktime Movie (See MOV MOVIE file Extensions) Bin ?

MOV Quicktime Movie (See MOOV MOVIE file Extensions) Bin Graphics Workshop, Player, QtforWin

MOVIE video/x-sgi-movie Bin ?

Quicktime Movie (See MOV MOOV file Extensions) ?

MOZ Netscape temp save Either ?

MPA Mpeg Video File Bin ?

MPC Microsoft Windows Project Calendar Bin MS Project

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 44 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MPE Another MPEG Extension - See MPEG Bin Graphics Workshop, mpeg, Mpeg_encode, Mpegplay, Win95 Media Player

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group movie file Mpegplay; Bin Graphics Workshop, mpeg, mpeg (creates an MPEG movie from images in YUV Mpeg_encode, Mpegplay, Win95 format.); mpeg_encode (creates an MPEG movie from Media Player images of various formats)

MPEG2 MPEG-2 is similar to the MPEG (or MPEG-1) format Bin mpeg2dec (Decoder), mpeg2enc but includes extensions to cover a wider range of (Encoder), mpeg2play (Player) applications.

MPG Moving Picture Experts Group movie file - See MPEG Bin Graphics Workshop Extension

MPn Mpeg Layer Audio stream where n indicates 1, 2, or 3 Bin ? layer.

MPNT Apple Macintosh MacPaint file (See MACP, PNTG, Bin imconv, painttorle, pbmplus, MAC, PAINT extensions) PhotoShop, rletopaint, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

MPP CAD drawing file format Bin ?

Microsoft Windows Project Project MS Project

MPR Foxpro Generated menu program ?

MPT Microsoft Windows Project Template Bin MS Project

MacPaint (See MAC PNT PNTG MPNT MACP Pagemaker PAINT extensions.)

MPV Mpeg1 Video Bin ?

Microsoft Windows Project View MS Project

MPW Microsoft Windows Project Workspace Bin MS Project

MPX Foxpro compiled menu program ?

Microsoft Windows Project Bin MS Project

MRB Windows Help multiresolution bitmap. MRB files Bin Multi-Resolution Bitmap contain one or more SHG files each rendered at Compiler (MRBC), WinHLP32 different resolutions. Winhelp will read the MRB file and choose the bitmap which most closely matches the screen resolution. (See the SHG file extension)

MRI MRI image scans. Raw 256 x 256 x 16 bit grey scale. Bin ? (See also CT, RAW, ST4 file extensions)

MS moviesetter (Amiga MovieSetter animation file) Bin xanim

MSA Magic Shadow Archive Bin ?

MSC Microsoft Compressed archive Bin ?

Microsoft Common Console Document ?

MSDL MSDL specification for 3d object rendering was Bin ? developed by University of Manchester Computer Graphics Unit. ftp.mcc.ac.uk/pub/cgu/MSDL/

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 45 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer MSG Message; used by many programs. ?

Ms Outlook Item MS Outlook

MSI Package ?

MSN Microsoft Network Document ?

Descent Mission File Bin ?

MSP Windows Installer Patch ?

Old Raster Format 1 bit Black and white. Created by Bin MS Paint, Paintshop Microsoft for use in the Windows version 2.0 Paint program.

MST Visual Test Source File ?

MTM MultiTracker Module format. Music format supporting Bin ? up to 32 channels.

MTV Created by Mark T. VandeWettering to be used by Bin Alchemy, imagemagick, pbmplus MTV Raytracer files. It is the same format as NFF with the exception of polygonal patches must be triangles. MTV is a public domain ray-tracer available free of charge via anonymous ftp from drizzle.cs.uoregon.edu. (24bit) (See NFF extension)

MUL Ultima online file format Bin ?

MUS Music Bin ?

MUS10 Mus10 audio file format Bin ?

MV SGI IRIS Movie Format file mv2frames (extracts Bin Graphics Workshop, makemovie, frames into SGI RGB format); makemovie (makes moviemaker, movieplayer, mpeg, movies from image and audio files); capture (records Mpeg_encode, Mpegplay, movies and sounds from a camera.); moviemaker mv2frames, Win95 Media Player (Allows you to edit an SGI movie); movieplayer (Allows you to view an SGI movie)

MV1 SGI IRIS Movie Format file - See MV Extension Bin Graphics Workshop, mpeg, Mpeg_encode, mpeg2dec (Decoder), mpeg2enc (Encoder), mpeg2play (Player), Mpegplay, Win95 Media Player

MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer file Bin ?

MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster file Bin ?

MX$ Compressed MXT File (See MXT Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

MXT Ms Basic extension - Real Mode (see PXT) Bin ?

NAN Nanoscope files (Raw Grayscale) Bin ?

NAP NAP Metafile Bin ?

NAPLPS NAPLPS is a protocol for transferring ASCII based Ascii ? graphical information to remote terminals via a communications channel. NAPLPS is used by many videotext services and prodigy.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 46 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer NCB This is the No compile Browser file. It contains Ms C information generated by the parser which is used by ClassView, WizardBar, and Component Gallery. If the file is accidentally or deliberately deleted, it is automatically regenerated.

NCD Norton Change Directory ?

NCF Netware Command File ?

Lotus Notes internal clipboard ?

NCSA Hierarchical Data File Bin imconv

NDO 3D low-polygon modeler, Nendo Bin ?

NDX dBASE single index file. Bin Dbase, Foxpro

NEO Atari NeoChrome image file Bin DeBabelizer

NETCFD network Common Data Form ?

NEWS NeWS image file Bin sgitools

NFF Neutral File Format - 3D Object rendering. This format Either Pov-ray is a minimal scene description language written by Eric Haines. It was designed to test various rendering algorithms and efficiency schemes. It is used by a variety of public domain raytracers. (See MTV,ENFF,WTK extension) (www.mediatel.lu/mmedia/render/h_nff.html

NFO Information Connected the the Windows 98 Information MS Info utility

NIF Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

NIL Norton Icon Library file (EasyIcons-compatible) Bin ?

NIST NIST Sphere audio Bin ?

NITF National Imagery Transmission Format. A collection of Bin ? military standards documents.

NLB Oracle 7 data Bin ?

NLM Netware Loadable Module Bin ?

NLU Norton Live Update E-Mail Trigger file ?

NRG Norton Registration Entry NRegEdit

NS3 Replicated version of a Lotus notes database. Usuallty Bin ? Version 3. (See NSF extension)

NSF Notes Server File. Lotus notes Database. (See NS3 Bin ? extension)

NST Noise Tracker music module (MOD) file Bin ?

NTF Lotus Notes database template Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 47 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer NURBS Nonlinear Linear Rational B-splines. Developed by Ascii ? Computer science Department of University of Utah. Spline surface models using Alpha_1 geometry

NWC Noteworthy Composer song file Bin ?

NWS Microsoft OutlookExpress news message (MIME ? RFC822)

O01 Typhoon voice file Bin ?

OB$ Compressed Object File (See OBJ extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

OBD Microsoft Office Binder MS Office

OBJ Compiled machine language. Many compilers create an Bin ? object file as an intermediary between compiling and linking. Once the file is linked usually the obj file is no longer needed.

WaveFront Object 3D Model Format Ascii Pov-ray

OBT Microsoft Office Binder Template ?

OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard ?

OCA Ms VB Control Typelib Cache ?

OCT Radience radiosity files are converted from ascii format Bin ? to this binary octree file format for rendering. (See file extension RAD)

OCX Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding custom Bin ? control

ODIF Open Document Interchange Format. Data stream ? interchange format associated with the Open Document Architecture (ODA).

ODL This file contains the Object Description Language Ms C source code for a control type library. This file is used by Visual C++ to generate a type library.

ODS Microsoft Outlook Express mailbox file ?

OFF In 1986 Digital developed this format for interchange Ascii ? and archiving of 3D Objects. (ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/)

OFN Other Office Documents (Win95) Bin ?

OFT MS Outlook Template Bin MS Outlook

OKT Oktalyzer music module (MOD) file Bin ?

OLB OLE Object Library Bin ?

OLD Used to signify an old copy of a file Ether ?

OMF Open MediaFramework Interchange file format. A file Bin DeBabelizer format utilizing open standards that facilitates the transfer of digital media.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 48 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer OOGL File Format desgined to be used with Geomview and ? similar 3D rendering software. Object Orientated Graphics Library. See also (OFF, List, Tlist, grp, quad, mesh, inst, bez, and vect file extensions.

OPL Organiser Programming Language source file - ? Psion/Symbian (See OPO,OPX file extension)

OPO OPL output executable file (See OPL, OPX file Bin ? extension)

OPT Delphi project options Bin ?

Microsoft Developer Studio file ?

This is the workspace options file used within the MS Ms C C++ development environment. It stores all the user options you create for your workspace, so that each time you open the project workspace it has the look and feel you want and includes any customizations you have made.

OPX OPL extension DLL (See OPL, OPO file extension) Bin ?

OR2 Lotus Organiser datafile Bin ?

ORA Oracle initialisation files. Usually associated with Ascii Notepad Developer 2000 configurations

ORC Oracle 7 script Ascii ?

OSS Ms Office Search Results Ms Finder

OST Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Offline file Bin ?

OTL Super NoteTab template file ?

OVL Program Overlay - eg Vet Programs Bin ?

P IMG Software Set Image Format Bin ?

P10 Vector Image Format Bin Hijaak

P13 P13 files a pallete data for a PCJ files which is a Bin Alchemy variation of the 256 colour PCX file format where the palette has been separated out. (See DCX, PCX, P13 File Extensions)

PA$ Compressed Pascal Source File (See PAS Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

PAB Personal Address Book Bin MS Word

PAG Ms VB Property Page file ?

PAINT Apple Macintosh MacPaint file - (See PNT PNTG Bin imconv, painttorle, pbmplus, MPNT MACP MAC extensions.) PhotoShop, rletopaint, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

PAK Pack format. An MS-DOS compression format. Can Bin ? create self-extraction archives.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 49 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PAL Dr. Halo CUT images are actually two files. The pal Ascii Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Notepad, file contains the Pallette information for the image. Paintshop The Colour Palette; Format: Header: "JASC-PAL" Version: "0100" Number of Colours: "16" (number of lines of data after) Data: "0 0 0" (Black) "255 255 255" (White) "255 0 0" (Red) 3 numbers are Red, Green, Blue intensity (0-255)

PAS Pascal or Delphi source code. Some units are associated Either Delphi, Notepad, Pascal with forms others just hold Functions and Procedures. (See DPR, DFM, DFO, DRF, RES, DCU file extensions)

PAT Graphics files for CorelDRAW. Bin ?

A Hybrid format of HTML used in ISYSWeb. This file Ascii ISYS - ISYSWeb, Notepad contains part of the Formatting instructions for the Search results of an IsysWeb search. It will contain Html formatting as well as veriable markers for identifying where to insert the results.

PBK Microsoft Network PhoneBook ?

PBM PBMPlus Portable BitMap was developed by Jef Either Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Poskanzer. imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, A lowest common denominator monochrome file pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile format originally designed to make it reasonable to mail Toolkit, xv bitmaps between different types of machines. Now it serves as the common language of a large family of bitmap conversion filters. This is an interim format generated from the PMBPLUS toolkit. Predominately used on UNIX systems. PNM : Portable aNyMap (1,8,24 Bit) PBM : Portable BitMap (1 bit) PGM: Portable GrayMap (8 bit Greyscale) PPM: Portable PixelMap (24 bit) (See PGM, PPM, PNM file extensions)

PBMPLUS PBM Portable aNy Map file - See PBM Extension Bin imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv

PCC PC Paintbrush file - (See PCX File Extension) Bin DeBabelizer

PCD Kodak’s Photo CD format. This allows photographs to Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, be placed on CDs. Five different sizes of each Raster Hijaak, hpcdtoppm, Ifranview, image are placed on the CD. When you open a PCD file imagemagick, Ms Photo Editor, you will be prompted for which of the five sizes you MS Word, Paintshop, pbmplus, would like to open. PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, Picture FORMAT SIZE (Pixel) SIZE (K) Publisher Wallet 128x192 90 Snapshot 256x384 324 Standard 512x768 1,224 Large 1024x1536 4,753 Poster 2048x3072 18,720 It should be noted that there is a 16meg memory limit in Win3.1 so you can never load the largest image. Normal file naming is IMGxxxx.PCD. (8, 24 bits) - Raster

PCH precompiled header (.PCH) file used in MS C++ ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 50 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PCJ PCJ files are a variation of the 256 colour PCX file Bin Alchemy format where the palette has been separated out into a file with the P13 file extension. (See DCX, PCX, P13 File Extensions)

PCL HP graphics file (Raster Format) - PCL5 is one of the Bin Alchemy, Hijaak, pbmplus Default Laser printer standards. Sub Types are made up of a combination of the following options: Portrait, Landscape, LaserJet 4, uncompressed, RLE compressed, TIFF compressed, and Delta Row Compressed files. In addition to raster images, PCL files can include text and vector graphics information. The only resolutions allowed in PCL files are 75 DPI, 100 DPI, 150 DPI, and 300 DPI (and, in the case of LaserJet 4 type files, 200 DPI and 600 DPI) and the X and Y resolution are the same. Not all PCL compatible printers can print all types of compressed PCL file. Specifically, LaserJet II, IID, and earlier printers can print only uncompressed PCL files. LaserJet Iip printers can print only uncompressed and RLE compressed files. LaserJet III, IIID, IIIp, IIIsi, and 4 printers can print all types of compressed PCL files. (1 bit per pixel, black and white.)

PCM Pulse Code Modulation format - Raw audio file format Bin ?

PCP PC Paint Image file (Black & White) Bin DeBabelizer

PCT Macintosh Pict File (Raster/Vector) (See PICT) Bin Hijaak, Pagemaker, Paintshop, (1,4,8,16,24,32 Bit Raster) PhotoImpact, PhotoWorks, Picture Publisher

PCX Zsoft Paintbrush Graphic File. Version 3 does not Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics contain a palette so images are depend on the palette Workshop, Ifranview, your viewer specifies. PCX became a default std. Even imagemagick, imconv, Ms Photo though there is only five standards one person identified Editor, MS Word, Pagemaker, over 120 variants of the file format but in most paint, Paintbrush, Paintshop, cases the changes did not affect reading. If you can read pcxtoppm, PhotoImpact, a pcx with one viewer try another. PCX is efficient with PhotoShop, PhotoWorks, simple graphics images with large areas of constant ppmtopcx, xv tone, however it is usually inefficent with scanned images and can result in negative compression. This format is not suitable for Professional use because it can't handle colour correction tables, CMYK or HSI colour correction (Ver 1 - 1bit, Ver 2 & 3 - 1,4 bits, Version 5 - 1, 4, 8, 24 bits) (Raster Format) (See DCX, PCJ, P13 File Extensions)

PDF The Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit Tools and ? Utilities include Package Definition Files (PDF) that allow you to create packages for installing Office 97 on user computers throughout your organization using Microsoft Systems Management Server. These PDF files replace the standard PDF file included on the Office 97 CD.

Adobe's Portable Document Format. This format is Bin Acroread.exe, Alchemy, refered to as electronic paper. In theory if you use the Read32b1.exe adobe reader whether in Win 3.1, Win 95, Win NT, MAC, Unix, .. You will be able to view or print the document as if it was originally printed to paper. The readers are free from www.adobe.com and is at atleast version 4.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 51 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PDS Planetary Data System format. Bin Alchemy This format was created by NASA to store solar, lunar, and planetary data whether collected on earth or via space craft. Nasa distributes CD roms containing files in this format. Images can be uncompressed or use the Huffman compression. (See IBG, IBQ, IMG file extensions) (1,8 bit greyscale)

PDW Metafile Image Format Bin Hijaak

PDX ODBC Database File ?

When you define and build an index in Adobe Acrobat, Ascii Notepad Catalog gives the index-definition file a PDX extension and creates an index support folder with nine subfolders and the same name as the PDX file. It places the PDX file and the support folder in the same folder.

PF$ Compressed PFM file (See PFM extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

PFA PostScript font Bin ?

PFB PostScript font Bin ?

PFM HP Soft Fonts (See SFP) Bin ?

PostScript Font Metric. ?

PFX Amiga PageFlipper Plus F/X file Bin xanim

PGL Hewlett-Packard plotter Graphics (vector formats) Bin ?

PGM PBMPlus Portable Graymap. Either Alchemy, DeBabelizer, PNM : Portable aNyMap (1,8,24 Bit) imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, PBM : Portable BitMap (1 bit) pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile PGM: Portable GrayMap (8 bit Greyscale) Toolkit, xv PPM: Portable PixelMap (24 bit) (See PBM, PPM, PNM)

PGX Ms VB Binary Property Page file Bin ?

PHD This format was created to describe the geometric ? polyhedron definitions derived mathematically. This format describes only the shape, it provides no spec for colour, texture, lighting, ..

PI Japan Image format Bin ?

PI$ Compressed PIF file (See PIF Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

PI1 Atari Degas file Bin DeBabelizer, pbmplus

PI3 Atari Degas file Bin DeBabelizer, pbmplus

PIC IBM Picture Maker files are used by IBM presentation Bin Alchemy software. Used by IBM Storyboard Live! Picture Maker files may be either 320x200 or 640x480 in 16 or 256 colours.

SOFTIMAGE image file DeBabelizer, Paintshop

Pegasus Imaging Corporation format. Graphics Workshop, Paintshop, PC Paintbrush Graphic File (1, 4, 8 bits) or 123 vector PhotoImpact, Vpic graphics. (Raster/vector Metafile formats) (GlPaint, Pegasus format)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 52 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PICIO The PIXAR format is designed specifically for Bin DeBabelizer, html, imconv, exchanging files with PIXAR image computers. PIXAR PhotoShop workstations are designed for high-end graphics applications such as 3D images and animation.

PICS Planetary Image Cartography System Bin ?

Macintosh PICS file DeBabelizer

PICT The PICT format is widely used among Macintosh page Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, layout and graphics applications as an intermediary file imagemagick, imconv, MS Word, format used for transferring documents between pbmplus, PhotoShop, sgitools applications. The PICT format is especially effective at compressing images that contain large; flat areas of color alpha channels often have large; flat areas of white or black. Can produce unpredictable results on a PC. Fonts and fills a common problem. Adding a MacBinary header to a MacPaint file will allow the Macintosh to automatically recognize the file as a MacPaint file. (Vector/Raster) (See PCT, PNT PNTG MPNT MAC PAINT) (1,2,4,8,16,32 bit)

PICTOR PC Paint/Pictor Page Format Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer The Pictor format was designed by John Bridges. It is optimised so that an image can be loaded into various IBM PC graphics adapters very quickly; it does this by almost exactly duplicating the organization of the graphics adapter memory. This makes the format hardware dependent. Sub Types: 320x200x4 CGA*, 320x200x16 PCjr/Tandy*, 640x200x2 CGA*, 640x200x16 EGA, 640x350x2 EGA, 640x350x4 EGA, 640x350x16 EGA, 720x348x2 Hercules*, 640x350x16 VGA, 320x200x16 EGA, 640x400x2 AT&T/Toshiba*, 320x200x256 VGA/MCGA, 640x480x16 VGA, 720x348x16 Hercules InColor*, 640x480x2 VGA/MCGA, 800x600x2 EGA/VGA, 800x600x16 EGA/VGA, 640x400x256 SVGA, 640x480x256 SVGA, 800x600x256 SVGA, 1024x768x2 SVGA, 1024x768x16 SVGA, 360x480x256 VGA, 1024x768x256 SVGA. The default is 640x480x256 SVGA.

(See PIC)

PIF Windows 3.1 Program Information File. The file stores Bin PIF Editor information needed by windows to run a file. It contains setting ranging from memory allocation thru to the icon to use on the desktop.

PIT Macintosh PackIt format. Archives that were pioneers in Bin ? Macintosh file compression and archiving but today are obsolete.

PIX Alias image file (Raster/Vector formats) Bin DeBabelizer, imconv, sgitools

PIXAR The PIXAR format is designed specifically for Bin DeBabelizer, imconv, PhotoShop exchanging files with PIXAR image computers. PIXAR workstations are designed for high-end graphics applications such as 3D images and animation.

PIXELPAI Macintosh PixelPaint Professional image file Bin DeBabelizer, PhotoShop

PJ HP PaintJet or PaintJet XL PCL graphics file Bin pbmplus

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 53 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PJT FoxPro memo file associated to a project Foxpro

PJX Foxpro Project File - a special database ?

PJXL HP PaintJet or PaintJet XL PCL graphics file Bin pbmplus

PK Packed format font file Bin pbmplus

PL Perl script or Plain Text Ascii Notepad

PLA PLASMA Fractal Image Format (See PLASMA file Bin ? Extension)

PLASMA PLASMA Fractal Image Format (See PLA file Bin ? Extension)

PLB FoxPro for Dos - API Routine library file ?

PLD A Text version of an Oracle forms Portable Link Library Ascii ? (PLL)

PLL A portable library of Oracle Forms procedures and Bin Oracle Designer 2000, Oracle functions. It may or may not contain the source code Developer 2000 depending on how it was created. (see PLD).

PLOT Unix plot5 file Bin pbmplus

PLT Autocad Plot Format OR HP Plotter print File Bin MS Word

PLY Used by the zipPack polygon mesh zippering package ? written by Stanford university. (www- graphics.stanford.edu/software/zippack)

PM PM is a defacto standard for storing monochrome, grey- Bin ? scale, and colour pixmap data to disks under a x- windows system. (See XPM, X11 file Extensions)

PMF MS Systems Management Server - Package Location Ascii Notepad See (MIF, JMF, UMF, EMF Extensions)

PMn PageMaker date file (the 'n' indicates the version). (See Bin Pagemaker PUB)

PMP PMP is a JPEG file with a proprietary header. This Bin ? format was developed for digital Cameras.

PNG Portable Network Graphic.(pronounced Ping) Designed Bin DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, to be the successor to GIF. Gif is a technology owned Ifranview, Ms Photo Editor, MS by a company and comes at a cost to the developers. Word, Paintshop, PhotoImpact PNG was developed as an open low cost alternative. It allows all the Gif features - 24bit colour, interlacing, and has slightly better compression than GIF. (1,4,8,16,24,32bit Raster)

PNM PMBPlus Portable aNy Map file Bin Alchemy, imagemagick, imconv, PNM : Portable aNyMap (1,8,24 Bit) pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile PBM : Portable BitMap (1 bit) Toolkit, xv PGM: Portable GrayMap (8 bit Greyscale) PPM: Portable PixelMap (24 bit) (See PBM, PGM, PPM)

PNT Apple Macintosh MacPaint file Bin Hijaak, imconv, painttorle, pbmplus, PhotoShop, rletopaint, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 54 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PNTG Apple Macintosh MacPaint file - (See PNT MAC Bin Hijaak, imconv, painttorle, MPNT MACP PAINT extensions.) pbmplus, PhotoShop, rletopaint, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

PO PowerObjects Source file ?

POA Oracle PowerObjects Application Object Bin Oracle PowerObjects

POG Print Shop Deluxe. Graphics - bitmap Bin Print Shop

POL InnovMetric Software Polygon Models format. A 3D Bin ? format for storing multi-contour, simple, planular, and polygons developed by Innovmetric Software. Questions to Marc Soucy [email protected]

Oracle Power Objects Library Oracle PowerObjects

POLY Side Effects POLY format is used for it's database Ascii ? modeler. (See BPOLY file extension)

POS Oracle PowerObjects Session Object - Defines a Bin Oracle PowerObjects database connection

POT MS Powerpoint Template Bin Powerpoint

POV Povray 3D scene description language. Persistence of Ascii Pov-ray Vision Raytracing. Filtering for Povray can be performed thru the SPD package available from www.eye.com/triwrld/Free/freebies.htm. PC, mac,UNIX, and Amiga versions of this software are available.

PPA Ms PowerPoint Add-in Bin Powerpoint

PPM PBMPlus Portable Pixel Map Either Alchemy, DeBabelizer, PNM : Portable aNyMap (1,8,24 Bit) imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, PBM : Portable BitMap (1 bit) pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile PGM: Portable GrayMap (8 bit Greyscale) Toolkit, xv PPM: Portable PixelMap (24 bit True Colour) (See PBM, PGM, PNM)

PPn Picture Publisher Version n Bin Picture Publisher

PPS MS Powerpoint Slides Bin Powerpoint

PPT Microsoft Power Point Slide presentation Bin PowerPoint Viewer

PR Sun Icon and Cursor image file. Bin ?

PR$ Compressed PRE File (See PRE Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

PRD Ms Printer Definition Bin ?

PRE Initialisation file for Ms Programmers WorkBench ?

Stork files are CMYK images used by Stork colour Bin Alchemy proofing machines. The are either compressed with Run length coding or uncompressed. Stork images are made up of 3 files: IDX: Header, PRE: Image data, TAB: colour lookup table. (16, 32 bit) (See file extensions IDX,TAB)

Freelance for Windows Powerpoint, Viewer

PRF Microsoft Site Server Personalisation rule file ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 55 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer PRF Profiles detail user electronic mail (e-mail) settings and MS Outlook services, and are usually configured by double-clicking the Mail and Fax icon in Control Panel.

PRG dBASE program source. ?

Program File Bin FoxBase, Foxpro

PRN File formatted for printing. Bin ?

PROP Application Visualisation Systems - 3d rendered Bin ? animation. (see geom, scr extensions)

PRT Printer File ?

PRX FoxPro Screen Format File Foxpro

PRZ Lotus Freelance Presentation Package Bin ?

PS Postscript file Ascii DeBabelizer, Ghostscript, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, Postscript printer, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv

PSB part of Bitstream Fontware 3.x Postscript Font. (See Bin ? AFM, PSO)

PSD PhotoShop native bitmap format - RGB, Greyscale and Bin Graphics Workshop, Paintshop, colourmapped. (1,8,24 bit Raster) (See also AMP, PhotoImpact, PhotoShop ABR, ACT, ACO, ACM, ACV, ADO, AHS, HSS, API, ACF, ALV, AMS, AXT, ASR, ASV, ASP, AST, ATF)

PSF Image Format Bin Ms Picture it

PSID Adobe Postscript Image format ?

PSO Party of Bitstream Fontware 3.x Postscript Font. (See Bin ? AFM, PSB)

PST Email Personal Storage (MS Bob) Bin ?

Ms Office Outlook Data file MS Outlook

PTR OS/2 PTR file Bin ?

PTU Performer Terrain Utilities. A file format developed by ? silicon graphics for their 3D rendering software.

PTX Printronix graphics file Bin pbmplus

PUB Aldus Pagemaker for the Mac (See PMn) Bin ?

Ms Publisher file Ms Publisher

PUZZ X11 Puzzle file Bin pbmplus

PUZZLE Puzzle Image Format used by a unix supplied puzzle Bin Alchemy program. (8 bit) (See CM, PZL file extensions)

PWD Hijaak Draw program - Metafile Bin ?

PWM PhotoWorks Thumbnail Image Bin PhotoWorks

PWZ MS Powerpoint Wizard Bin Powerpoint

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 56 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer

PX Paradox Primary index. Bin Paradox

PX$ Compressed PXT File (See PXT, MXT Extensions) Bin Unpack (Ms)

PXR Pixar Image Format Bin PhotoImpact

PXT Ms Basic Extension - Protected Mode (See MXT) ?

PZL Puzzle Image Format used by a unix supplied puzzle Bin Alchemy program. (8 bit) (See CM, PUZZLE file extensions)

Q0 Japanese Q0 image file commonly used by graphics Bin Alchemy hardware/software to store 24bit images. The format is actually 2 files 1 with .RGB or Q0 extension and the other with a .FAL extension. The Q0 or RGB file contains the actual image data while the FAL file contains the header information. (See RGB, FAL file extensions)

QDT Quicken Financial file Bin Quicken

QDV QDV is a file format created by Steve Blackstock to be Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer used with Giffer a macintosh program which displays and converts image files. (8 bit)

QL$ Compress Quick Library (See QLB Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

QLB Quick Basic Library Bin Qbasic

QPR Foxpro Generated query file ?

QPX FoxPro Compiled Query program ?

QRT QRT Ray Tracer file - Screen description file. (24 bit) Bin Alchemy, pbmplus, Pov-ray (See Raw File Extension)

QRY Microsoft Query msquery

QT Quicktime. A video animation format developed by Bin QtforWin, xanim Apple. The viewer is available for free.

QTL Quantel Raster Image Format (see QTM) Bin ?

QTM Quantel Raster Image Format (see QTL) Bin ?

QTVR QuickTime Virtual Reality. Bin ? Apple developed this format for cd's and the web. Photographic and computer-generated VR objects can be rendered within scenes.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 57 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer R8 Cubicomp PictureMaker files are used in broadcast- Bin Alchemy quality three dimensional modeling and animation. Note that this format is not the same as IBM Picture Maker. Cubicomp PictureMaker does not work with images which are not of the exact size. If either the X or Y dimension is larger than 512 or 488, respectively, that dimension will be truncated. If either dimension is smaller than 512 or 488, the image will be padded on the right-hand side or bottom, as necessary, with black. PictureMaker images have either three or four separate files per image: a red file, a green file, a blue file, and an optional alpha channel file. The File formats are .r8 (Red channel image data), .g8 (Green channel image data), .b8 (Blue channel image data) and optionally .a8 (Alpha channel image data). (See G8, B8, A8 File Extensions)

RA RealAudio file format. Used to listen to music in real Bin RAPlayer, RealAudio time on the Web. (See RAM file Extension)

RAD A public Domain format for Radience radiosity Ascii Pov-ray predominately used from unix. The ascii format is converted to a binary octree file format for rendering. (See file extension OCT)

RAM RealAudio file format. Used to listen to music in real Bin RAPlayer, RealAudio time on the Web. (See RA file Extension)

RAR A file or Files compressed by the Russian Archiver. It Bin Russian Archiver takes longer to compress that zip (2 to 4 times) but it does achieve a slightly better compression.

RAS Sun Unix Rasterfile. RAS supports images upto 32 bit Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics pixels and supports rle compression. Workshop, Ifranview, ( See RAS, IM, IMn file extensions) imagemagick, imconv, Paintshop, pbmplus, PhotoImpact, PhotoWorks, Picture Publisher, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv

RAST Sun Unix Rasterfile is the native bitmap format for Sun Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics Unix workstations. BGR, RGB and RLE encoded files. Workshop, imagemagick, imconv, Type 0 - Old Style (1, 8, 24, 32 bits) Paintshop, pbmplus, Picture Type 1 - Modem Style (1, 8, 24, 32 bits) Publisher, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Type 2 - Experimental Toolkit, xv ( See RAS, IM, IMn file extensions)

RAW Raw unencoded pixel data. Flexible file format for Bin Alchemy, Paintshop transferring image documents between different applications and platforms. (8bit Grey or 24bit colour Raster) (See QRT file extension)

RAX RAX Image File Format ?

RAY Raydream commercial animation package native file Bin ? format

Format developed for Rayshade ray tracing software. Ascii Pov-ray (MSDOS) The format is a native screne description language.

RC RC Source code Ascii Notepad

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 58 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer RD3 Ray Dream Designer 3 graphics Bin Corel Draw, Ray Dream Designer 3

REC Recorder macro files. Bin macro Recorder

REG An export of All or part of the Registration database Ascii Notepad, Regedit file; used by Windows 95, ... A branch of or the entire Registry can be restored by importing a .REG file that was created by exporting the Registry. In rare circumstances when the Registry is badly corrupted, you can start the computer using the Windows 95 startup disk. Then you can use the real- mode REGEDIT.EXE utility on the startup disk to import a .REG file. In this case, the following command syntax can be used at the command prompt. regedit [/L:system] [/R:user] file1.reg, file1a.reg... regedit [/L:system] [/R:user] /e file3.reg [regkey] regedit [/L:system] [/R:user] /c file2.reg

Parameter Description /L:system Specifies the location of SYSTEM.DAT. /R:user Specifies the location of USER.DAT. file1.reg Specifies one or more .REG files to import into the Registry. /e file3.reg Specifies the filename to which the Registry should be exported. Regkey Optionally, specifies the starting Registry key from which to export a portion of the Registry. If no value is specified, regedit /e exports the entire Registry. /c file2.reg Specifies the .REG file to use to replace the entire contents of the Registry.

REP Report; many programs. Either Notepad

RES Pascal/Delphi Resource File. This file contains amongst Bin Delphi other things the icons used by the project. Delphi continually updates and changes the file during compilation. Direct modification should not be attempted. (See DPR, DFM, PAS, DFO, DRF, DCU file extensions)

RESX A file used to edit and define application resources for ? .net web services.

REX IBM's Rexx language source. Ascii Notepad

RF Sun RF Image Format Bin Pagemaker

RGB Japanese Q0 image file commonly used by graphics Bin Alchemy hardware/software to store 24bit images. The format is actually 2 files 1 with .RGB or Q0 extension and the other with a .FAL extension. The Q0 or RGB file contains the actual image data while the FAL file contains the header information. (See RGB, FAL file extensions)

Red Green Blue Silicon Graphics Inc Image format. DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, RGB pixel compressed image file. Not well supported imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, xv outside SGI Unix boxes. (See SGI file Extension)

RIB Renderman Interface Bytestream. RIB 3d Modeling Pov-ray File Format. RIB is the native format for Pixar's product, Renderman.

RIF Fractal Painter bitmap. Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 59 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer RIFF microsoft Resource Interchange File Format. Bin DeBabelizer

RIX RIX Softworks Paint Tool ColoRIX file. (Raster) (4, 8 Bin Alchemy, Vpic bit) (See SCX File extension)

RLA Wavefront raster image file Bin DeBabelizer, imconv, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

RLB Wavefront raster image file Bin DeBabelizer, imconv, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

RLC Raster Image Format Bin Hijaak

RLE Run Length Encoded The RLE format comes in two Bin Alchemy, Alchemy, DeBabelizer, types; Windows and CompuServe. The CompuServe Graphics Workshop, Hijaak, format is very limited in what it can hold. Images must Ifranview, imconv, Paintshop, always be 1 bit-per-pixel and the size of the image must PhotoImpact, Viewer, xy be either 256 by 192 or 128 by 96. Windows RLE files are Windows "DIB" files that use one of the RLE compression routines. Saving an image as a DIB or BMP, using one of the RLE compressions would produce an identical file as saving the image as an RLE file. The only difference would be the file name extension. An RLE image file may be used as a replacement opening screen for Windows Compuserve format -(1 bit) Windows format - (4, 8 bits) (Raster)

RMI Windows alternative synthesised sound. Bin Media Player

RMT Microsoft Media Producer Title Bin ?

ROL AdUb synthesised music. Bin ?

RPM Real Audio Player Plug-in Bin ?

RPT Report; many programs. (Crystal Repts) ?

RRS Game Road Rash Save Files BIN RoadRash

RTF Rich Text Format This format can include styles (bold; Ascii MS Word, Viewer tabs; colours and suchlike). Rich Text Format. A method of encoding formatted text and graphics for easy transfer between MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 95, OS/2, and Apple Macintosh applications. (Some of the more complex formating will be lost from files like word)

RTL Raster Transfer Language Image files are used by HP Bin Alchemy colour raster printers and plotters. Subtypes: PaintJet, PaintJet 300XL, PaintJet 1200C uncompressed 650C and HP7600 uncompressed 650C and HP7600 TIFF compressed HP7600 planar, uncompressed HP7600 planar, TIFF compressed HP7600 planar, Group III compressed DesignJet 600 and 650C on-the-fly, uncompressed DesignJet 600 and 650C on-the-fly, TIFF compressed PaintJet 300XL and PaintJet 1200C TIFF compressed NovaJet TIFF compressed (CMYK, or Black and white, 1 bit per pixel.)

RTRACE Rtrace 3D ray tracer. (See SCN, SFF file extensions) ?

RTX Rich Text File Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 60 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer RWX Meme commercial virtual reality system from Bin ? Immersive Systems. (See MEME extension)

Renderware script file. Renderware is owned by Ascii Pov-ray Criterion Software Ltd.

S1K the S1000 format was developed by the US army for ? simulation of armoured vehicles for training.

S3M Scream Tracker 3.x sound format. Edits up to 32 digital ? tracks, 255 instruments, allows for 16 bit ADPCM packed stereo samples, 9 Adlib FM channels (only playable on SB or SB Pro) and 8 octaves.

SAF Standard Archive Format. Bin ?

SAM Arni Pro document Bin Amipro, MS Word, Viewer

SAV Backup File - Normally can be deleted Either Notepad

SBI Sound Blaster Instrument - format for defining a single Bin ? instrument (See IBL)

SBP IBM StoryBoard Picture (Raster) Bin Hijaak

SC SC Image File Format Bin ?

SC$ Compressed SCN file (See SCN Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

SC2 Scheduler Plus File ?

SCAN Thunderscan image file Bin DeBabelizer

SCC Source Safe File format - A library system for Version Bin ? control of Code.

SCD Developed for Agfa/Matrix slide recorders. 2 formats , Bin Alchemy scalable and non-scaleable. 8 and 24 bit run-length coded images. Non-scalable images are normally 2000x1366 or 4000x2732 pixels. (8, 24 bit)(Raster) (See SCD file extension)

Scheduler Plus Data MS Word

SCENE Native file format for Sculpt3D on the Amiga. ?

A format for storage and exchange of 3D geometric ? information.

SCH Scheduler Plus File ?

SCI SCIFAX Image File format ?

SCITEX Scitex Continuous tone Image Bin ?

SCM Lotus Screencam movie Bin ?

SCn TrueSpace 3D modelling Software (See COB extension) Bin ?

Various Screen Capture File Formats ?

Rtrace 3D ray tracer. (See SFF, RTRACE file Pov-ray extensions)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 61 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer SCn ColourRIX/EGA paint Bin Vpic

SCODL Developed for Agfa/Matrix slide recorders. 2 formats , Bin Alchemy scalable and non-scaleable. 8 and 24 bit run-length coded images. Non-scalable images are normally 2000x1366 or 4000x2732 pixels. (8, 24 bit)(Raster) (See SCD file extension)

SCP Dial-Up Networking Script Ascii Notepad

SCR Application Visualisation Systems - 3d rendered Bin ? animation. (see geom, prop extensions)

Sun Rasterfile DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv also used by various communications programs; such as Either Notepad Telix and WinCIM; for logon scripts.

Screen Saver module. These are actually renamed exe Bin Windows files and can be executed under windows.

SCT Windows Script Component ?

Fox pro Memo File associalted with a SCX File Foxpro, PhotoImpact

Scitex Continuous Tone CT2T image file Bin PhotoShop, sgitools

SCX File designed to be used ith Colorix software. (4, 8 bit) Bin Alchemy (See RIX file extension)

Foxpro compiled Fox Database File Foxpro

SDB SideKick Database file format Bin ?

SDD The SDD File Format is the native format of UniPOPS Bin ? for storing and retrieving spectrum information for Radio telescopes.

SDF System Data Format; text format used by many Ascii Notepad programs.

SDL Scene Description Language file. ? Used by the Alias commercial highend animation package.

SDML SDML is a spatial description language used for storing Ascii ? CAD and GIS data. The old format is derived from Silicon graphics CLRview and Polytrim. The new format released in 95 is revised to also cater for CLRMosaic.

SDN Shareware Distribution Network format. Archive format. Bin ?

SDSC Synu image file - See SYNU Extension Bin imconv

SDTS A language for communicating spatial information. ? Developed by US geographical Survey to share spatial data between US Federal Agencies. (See also TVP file extensions)

SDW Amipro Raster Graphic format Bin Amipro

SEA Self Extracting Archive file format. A Macintosh file Bin ? format similar to the PC .exe file format.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 62 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer SET Saved Settings - eg - Omnipro Bin ?

SF Stream Format. A record format read and written to by Bin ? CAD programs. (See GDS format extension)

SF$ Compressed SFP file (See SFP extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

SFF Simple file format. ? The first version of Rtrace 3D ray tracer was SFF. This format is now superceded. (See SCN, RTRACE file extensions)

SFO Bitstream Fontware. Bin ?

SFP HP Printer Soft Font (See PFM) Bin ?

SFW Seattle Filmworks Image Format. It appears the Bin PhotoWorks company has taken the existing open JPEG format and modified it sufficiently to stop most programs accessing it.

SG ABC Snap Graphics Bin ABC SnapGraphics

SGF Standard Graphics Format. SGF is used by United ? States Naval academy for geometric data. (See SPF file format)

Smart Game File Format. Store chess games Ascii Notepad

SGI Silicon Graphics Inc Image format. Either raw Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics Greyscale, RGB pixel, or RLE compressed image file. Workshop, imagemagick, imconv, Native file format of the limage image library found on pbmplus, xv Silicon Graphics workstations. Also known as .rgb format. Not well supported outside SGI Unix boxes. (8,24 bit) (See RGB Ext)

SGO Silicon Graphics Object format is a simple file format ? which only supports four sided polygons.

SGT ABC Snap Graphics Template Bin ABC SnapGraphics

SGW ABC Snap Graphics Workspace Bin ?

SH Unix ?

SHAR Unix Shell Archive Bin toadshr1., unshar2.0

SHB Shortcut into a Document Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 63 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer SHG Windows Help hypergraphic bitmap Bin MS Help Author, PhotoImpact, A hypergraphic is a picture containing one or more hot WinHLP32 spots. Like bitmap hot spots, hypergraphics let you use graphics instead of text to create links to other topics, display information in pop-up windows, and execute Help macros. The difference between bitmap hot spots and hypergraphics is that, using hypergraphics, you can define multiple hot spots within the same picture to perform all these operations. In this way, creating hypergraphics extends the usefulness of graphics in your Help file. Conceptually, a hypergraphic consists of two layers: * A Windows bitmap or metafile * One or more rectangular hot spots superimposed on the bitmap

If you selected the option to install the graphics tools when you install MS Help Author, Hotspot Editor will be included. (see MRB file extension)

SHK Apple II file compressed with Shrinkit Bin ?

SHS Windows 95 Scrap Object Bin ?

SHW Harvard Graphics Slideshow format Bin Harvard Graphics, PMViewer, Powerpoint

SIM Telix For Windows ?

SIR Solitaire file Bin pbmplus

SIT Stuff It file format. Common Macintosh archiving and Ascii unsit30.zip compression format.

SIX DEC LN03+ Sixel file (See SIXEL file Extension) Bin pbmplus

SIXEL DEC LN03+ Sixel file (See SIX file Extension) Bin ?

SLC Telix For Windows - Compiled Salt Script (Macro) Bin ?

SLD AutoCAD slide file Bin pbmplus

SLI Slide show file format ?

SLK IBM's Multiplan SYLK format Excel sln Solution. Organizes projects, Bin ? project items and solution items into the solution by providing the environment with references to their locations on disk.

SLP Pro/Engineer 3D model Render file format Bin ?

SLT Telix For Windows - Salt Script (Macro) Ascii Notepad

SMM Ami Pro macro file. Bin Amipro

SMP Samplevision Audio file format Bin ?

SND Mac/Amiga sound. Bin NaPlayer

SO$ Compressed SOB file (See SOB Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 64 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer SOFT Native format for Softimage 3D modeling, animation ? and rendering package

SOL Native format for Clip3D graphics package from ? Enabling Technologies.

SPC Atari compressed Spectrum file Bin DeBabelizer, pbmplus

Ascii File Ascii Notepad

SPD Bitstream Speedo. Bin ?

SPF Simple Polygon Format is used at US Naval Academy. ? (See the SGF file extension)

SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format. Intended to Bin ? replace the .jfif file format, adding features (more colorspaces, a recognized way of including text blocks, etc.), and provding a backwards-compatability allowing SPIFF files to be read my most JPEG/JFIF decoders.

SPL Macromedia Shockwave Image format. (See DCR, Bin ? DIR, FHn, FHC, DXR, SWF file extensions)

SPOT SPOT image files are high resolution satellite image Bin Alchemy, pbmplus produced by SPOT Image Corporation. There a 2 formats: GIS TAPE : (8 bit) which uses the following file extensions :- HDR: Header file, BIL: Pixel Data, CLR: Palette Data (opt), STX: Statistics and CCT (CDROM) format (8, 24 bit) which uses a DATfile extension . (See BIL, CLR, DAT, HDR File Extensions)

SPR Foxpro Generated Screen Program ?

SPRITE RiscOS Archimedes Sprite file Bin ?

SPU Atari compressed Spectrum file Bin DeBabelizer, pbmplus

SPX Compiled Screen program Bin ?

SQL Source code for Database scripts Ascii Notepad

SQZ Squeeze It format. A file compressor and archiver that Bin ? supports security envelopes, list files and creates self- extracting archives.

SR Sun Rasterfile Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv

SSF Enable Spreadsheet file format Bin ?

SSK SSK Image file format Bin ?

SST AVHRR Satellite File format. Developed by National Bin Alchemy Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS). (8 and 11 bit Greyscale.) AVHRR images contain a lot of information which is not part of the image data. This information includes the time and date the image was captured, the satellite which captured the image, the type of instrumentation used, etc.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 65 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer STEP STandard for Exchange of Product mode data. ? Step is a set of standards for exchanging of engineering data. It is one of the few model exchange formatsused in Europe.

STF The STF file is the primary tool for configuring MS ? Setup. It specifies the installation process for each installation mode, and determines the nature, sequence, and extent of user input. It determines which options to install, where to install them, and how to respond to current configurations and user input. The STF file consists of data in a tree-structured table. Setup takes different paths through the tree based on options that the user selects or based on the environment in which Setup is run. For example, Setup takes one path through the tree if it finds a previous version of Office installed, and a different path if it does not.

STL StereoLithograph 3D modeling File Format. Either ? STL is the native format for SLA CAD software. Files may be ASCII or Binary however Binary is most common due the the file sizes. It may get a STLA extension to delimit an ASCII extension.

STn Santa Barbara Instruments Group. 192 x 165 x 8 bit Bin ? greyscale image. (where n is 4-8) (See STX format). Older 4 format is 192 x 165 8 bit grayscale RAW image file, while later formats are 16 bit gray scale. The files are generated from CCD astronomy cameras.

STX Santa Barbara Instruments Group. (See STn format). Bin ? The files are generated from CCD astronomy cameras.

STY Arni Pro template (stylesheet); also used by other Bin Amipro programs; including Word for DOS.

SUN Sun Rasterfile Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, xv

SUNIFF Sun TAAC Image File Format See IFF, VFF, TAAC Bin DeBabelizer, imconv extensions suo Microsoft Visual Studio Solution User Options ?

SV Superviewer. One of the database formats available to ? I3DM modler developed for silicon graphics.

SVF Simple Vector Format ?

SVG Scalable Vector Graphic format (Bitmap/Vector) was Bin ? ratified by the WC3 as a SWF and GIF replacement. It is based on XML tags similar to postscript.

SVR Viscape Virtual World file format Bin ?

SVX Amiga IFF-8SVX Audio file format Bin ?

SWF Macromedia Shockwave Image format. (See DCR, Bin ? DIR, FHn, FHC, DXR, SPL, file extensions)

Vector based movie format. ?

SWP Swap file. Win386.swp is the MS Windows 3.1, 95 Bin ? swap file. If you delete this file you will potentially not be able to start windows.

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 66 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer

SY$ Compressed System File (See SYS Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

SY3 Harvard Graphics Image file format Bin ?

SYNU Synu image file - See SDSC Extension Bin imconv

SYS Device Driver System File Bin ?

T3D 3D data description used by raytracers. Contains 3D ? Object definitions. Stores data as chunks in IFF format. ( See IFF, TDDD file extensions)

TAAC Sun TAAC Image File Format See IFF, VFF, SUNIFF Bin DeBabelizer, imconv

TAB Stork files are CMYK images used by Stork colour Bin Alchemy proofing machines. The are either compressed with Run length coding or uncompressed. Stork images are made up of 3 files: IDX: Header, PRE: Image data, TAB: colour lookup table. (16, 32 bit) (See file extensions PRE,TAB)

TAR Tape Archive. Used for archiving files on a UNIX Bin tar.exe, WinZip system. .tar is not used for compression purposes. (See also Z GZ and TGZ Extensions)

TARGA Truevision Targa image file (See TGA) Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, PhotoShop, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

TAZ tar.Z file--both archived and compressed in unix Bin tarz.exe, WinZip

TBK Toolbook registration file ?

FoxPro Memo File Backup Foxpro

ToolBook File Bin Toolbook Runtime

TBL Table; many programs. Either Notepad

TDDD 3D data description used by raytracers. Contains 3D ? Object definitions. Stores data as chunks in IFF format. Used by Turbo Silver for 3D rendering data. The files contain object and (optionally) observer data. ( See IFF, T3D file extensions)

TDF Speedo font metric. Bin ?

TDI TDI image file - WaveFront program Bin ?

TEX Mathematical word processing format Ascii Notepad

TFM Packed format font file Bin pbmplus

TG4 Ingr Tiled CCITT Fax Group Image format Bin ?

TGA Truevision Targa image file. Developed by Truevision Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics for their Targa and Vista Video products. Supports Workshop, Ifranview, compressed or non-compressed Run Length Encoding. imagemagick, imconv, Ms Photo (8, 15, 16, 24, 32 bits) (Raster Format) (See Targa) Editor, MS Word, Paintshop, pbmplus, PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, PhotoWorks, Picture Publisher, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Vpic

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 67 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer TGF Transportable Graphics Format ?

TGZ Compressed Unix File Bin Winzip

THEME Win95 Plus - Theme - Default screen setup Ascii Themes Notepad

THM Picture Publisher. Graphics - bitmap Bin Picture Publisher

TIF Tagged-Image File. - See TIFF Extension Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics Workshop, Hijaak, Ifranview, imagemagick, imconv, Ms Photo Editor, MS Word, Pagemaker, Paintshop, pbmplus, PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, PhotoWorks, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Vpic, xv

TIFF Tagged-Image File. The standard, originally developed Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Graphics by Microsoft and Aldus, is so flexible there is an infinite Workshop, Hijaak, imagemagick, number of ways to store images. (Raster Format)Below imconv, MS Word, Paintshop, are the main common formats: pbmplus, PhotoShop, Utah TIFF No Compression (1, 4, 8, 24 Bits) Rasterfile Toolkit, Vpic, xv TIFF Huffman (1 Bit) TIFF Pack Bit (1, 4, 8, 24 Bits) TIFF LZW compression (1,4,8,24 Bits) TIFF Fax Group 3 RLE (1 Bit) TIFF Fax Group 4 RLE (1 Bit) CCITT RLE Multi-Image Tiled Motorola (MM) JPEG ZIP CMYK

TIL Tile Image with texture (See TILE file extension) Bin ?

TILE Tile Image with texture (See TIL file extension) Bin ?

TLB Dynamic Link library file Bin ?

TM EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper data file See LTM, Bin ? LANSAT file extensions

EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file: Erdas file ?

TMP Temporary file. These files are occasionally created by Either ? programs during setup procedures and similar operations.

TNL Thumbnail Image file format Bin ?

TPL Template format. Used as a standard for other similar Either ? files to follow.

TRI Alias Triangle 3D modelling file format ?

TRIF Tiled Raster Interchange Format. Developed by the Bin ? Tiling Task Group at the National Institute for the interchange of tiled raster data.

TRM Windows 3.1 Terminal communications settings file. Bin ?

TRN Training file for Omnipage Pro Bin Omnipage Pro

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 68 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer TTF TrueType font format was developed by Apple and is Bin FontView used on Mac and Windows 3 operating systems.

TVP A language for communicating spatial information. ? Developed by US geographical Survey to share spatial data between US Federal Agencies. (See also SDTS file extensions)

TX$ Compressed Text file (See TXT extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

TXT Common name for text file containing no formatting Ascii Amipro, Any web browser, Excel, codes. Lotus 123, Lotus Symphony, Ms Publisher, MS Word, Notepad, Pagemaker, Qbasic, Quattro Pro, Ventura Publisher, Viewer, WordPerfect, Write Vector Image Format Bin Graphics Workshop, Hijaak

TZ Compressed File Bin WinZip

U subsampled raw YUV files Bin pbmplus

UB Raw unsigned byte (8-bit) data Bin ?

UC2 Ultra Compressor II format. Data compressing archiver Bin ? with separate graphical shell. Can create multivolume self-extracting archives.

UD User Dictionary - OmniPage Pro Bin Omnipage Pro

UDF Windows NT Uniqueness Database File Bin ?

UDW Raw unsigned doubleword (32-bit) data Bin ?

UIL Motif UIL icon file Bin pbmplus

ULAW US telephony format (CCITT G.711) audio Bin ?

ULT Ultratracker music module (MOD) file Bin ?

UMF MS Systems Management Server UserGroup MIF files Ascii Notepad (See MIF, EMF, UMF, JMF, PMF extensions)

UNC University of North Carolina Walkthrough format. ? Developed for geometric data in an architectural walkthrough application.

UNI MikMod UniMod formatted file Bin ?

UNK Unknown - Programs like Lotus CCMail use this Either Lotus CC Mail extension for unknown file formats.

URL Internet Shortcut Bin ?

URT Utah Run length encoded image file. Native format of Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, the Utah Raster Toolkit. imconv, xv

USE MKS Source Integrity file ?

UTF Unicode File Format ?

UTP LetterWriter file for MS Bob Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 69 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer UU Uuencoded file (encoded ascii) a way of transferring Ascii WinZip Binary files across a Ascii transmission. (See UUE)

UUD uuEncode, uuDecode. Converts binary data to text for Ascii ? transmission over email or Internet news.

UUE Uuencoded file (encoded ascii) (GWS decodes images) Ascii Graphics Workshop, WinZip, 7 bit transmission encoded file. wncod261.exe

UW Raw unsigned word (16-bit) data Bin ?

UWF UltraTracker Wave file Bin ?

UYVY 16 bit interlace YUV image file format Bin ?

V subsampled raw YUV files Bin pbmplus

V8 Covox 8-bit audio file Bin ?

VAP Annotated speech Bin ?

VB VBScript File Ascii ?

VBE VB Script Encoded Script File ?

VBP Visual Basic Project Definition Visual Basic

VBR Visual Basic Custom Control. Bin Visual Basic

VBS MPEG-1 Video file format Bin ?

VBScript Script file ?

VBW Microsoft Visual Basic workspace Bin ?

VBX Visual Basic Custom Control. Bin Visual Basic

VCE Natural MicroSystems (NMS) unformatted voice file Bin Cool Edit (See VOX file extension)

VCF Vevi configuration file; defines objects for use with ? Sense8's WorldToolKit

Virtual card file Netscape

VCT Microsoft FoxPro class library (See VCX file extension) ?

VCX Microsoft FoxPro class library (See VCT file extension) ?

Visual Class Library Foxpro

VDA Truevision Targa image file Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, imconv, pbmplus, pbmplus, PhotoShop, PhotoShop, sgitools, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

VDI GEM VDI file Bin ?

VDU Detailer (Fractal Design) Bin ?

VEW Approach view file. Approach

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 70 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer VFF Sun TAAC Image File Format See IFF, suniff, taac Bin DeBabelizer, imconv extensions

VGA OS/2 or Windows Bitmap Image file format Bin ?

VI Virtual Instrument file from National Instruments ? LABView product

Jovian VI files are created by the Jovian Logic video Bin Alchemy capture boards. ( 1, 4, 6, 8 bit gray-scale images, 4, 8,16, 24 bit true colour images.)

VIC PDS/VICAR file. Video Image Communication and Bin ? Retrieval (VICAR) format. A general purpose image processing software system designed to digitally process multi-dimensional imaging data. Developed primarily to process images from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's unmanned planetary spacecraft. It is now used for a variety of other applications including biomedical image processing, cartography, earth resources, astronomy, and geological exploration. (See VICAR file extension)

VICAR PDS/VICAR file Bin imagemagick, xv Vicar is used to store planetary image data. Similar to FITS and PDS format. (See VIC file extension)

VID YUV12C M-Motion frame buffer format is used by Bin ? IBM M-Motion video capture adaptor. Typically VID files store 12 bit YUV data

VIFF Khoros Visualization image file. Native format for X- Bin imagemagick, imconv windows package Khoros. (Raster)

VIK VIKING file format. ?

VIR File identified as a virus-infected file by Norton Bin ? AntiVirus and possibly others

VIS Input Visibility file. Used in simulations for Bin ? scenery/map files. Used in Strata StudioPro 3D modeling

VIT VITec files are used by VITec image processing. 8 bit Bin Alchemy grayscale and 24 bit colour files.

VITEC VITec tiled image file Bin ?

VIV VivoActive Player streaming video file Bin ?

VIVID Image output ?

VIVID This file format was created Steven B. Coy for Vivid a Bin Alchemy, Pov-ray shareware ray-tracer for MS-DOS computers. (24 bit RLE files) (See IMG File Extension)

VIZ Division's dVS/dVISE file ?

VL DSI Compressed Audio File Format Bin ?

VLB Venturer Publisher Library Bin Ventura Publisher

VMD Visual Molecular Dynamics ?

VMF FaxWorks audio file Bin ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 71 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer VMG Image Format Bin Pizzazz

VOC Creative Voice. A proprietary recorded sound format for Bin Wplany various Sound Blaster sound cards.

VORT VORT raytracer image file: Very Ordinary Rendering Bin Vort Toolkit

VOX Dialogic ADPCM Audio file format Bin ?

Natural MicroSystems (NMS) formatted voice file (See Cool Edit VCE file extension)

VP Venturer Publisher Bin Ventura Publisher

VPF Vector Product Format. ? Format, structure, organisation for large geographic databases based on georelational data. Used for encapsulation of geographical data for transmittion.

VPP Virtual Places ?

VQE Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator file (see VQF, VQL file ? extensions)

VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ file (see VQE, VQL file extensions) ?

VQL Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator file (see VQE, VQF file ? extensions)

VRF Oracle 7 configuration file ?

VRML Vector Product Format. Standard format, structure, and Ascii Internet Explorer, Netscape organisation for large geographic databases that are based on a georelational data model. Primarily used for organising and encapsulating such digital geographic databases for transmission.

VRT Viscape Virtual World (Image ) file format ?

VSD Visio drawing. (vector formats) Bin Visio

VSDISCO Dynamic Discovery Document. An XML-based file ? used by ASP.NET's dynamic XML Web service discovery process, which uses this file to identify searchable paths on the Web server.

VSL GetRight Download list file ?

VSS Visio Stencil file ?

VST Targa Truevision Image Format (See TGA,VDA, ICB) Bin ?

VSW Visio Workspace file Bin ?

VUE Scheduler Plus Views ?

View File from FoxPro Environment FoxBase, Foxpro

VXD Windows Virtual Device Driver Bin ?

WAB Microsoft Outlook file ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 72 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer WAD This file is adata file used by many "first Person" 3d Bin Doom games such as DOOM. There are various doom editors available.

WAV Resource Interchange File Format Waveform Audio Bin Media Player, Wham, Wplany Format. A proprietary sound format sponsored by Microsoft and IBM.

WBK Microsoft Word Backup Bin MS Word

WBL Argo WebLoad II upload file ?

WBn Quattro Pro notebook. / Quattro Pro Graph Bin Excel, Quattro Pro, Viewer

WBR Crick Software WordBar File ?

WBT Crick Software Wordbar Template Bin ?

WCM WordPerfect macro file. Bin WordPerfect

WDB Works Database Files Bin Viewer

WEB CorelXara Web document ?

WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank (Maui/Rio/Monterey) ?

WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey) ?

WFN Windows 3.0 Font File Bin ?

symbols for use in Corel Draw ?

WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Program (Maui/Rio/Monterey) ?

WGP Wild Board Games data file ?

WHIP WHIP file Bin DeBabelizer

WHT MS Netmeeting Whiteboard File WB32

WID Ventura width table ?

WIL WinImage File Bin ?

WIN FoxPro Windows File ?

Image Format Bin Pizzazz

WIZ Microsoft Word for windows Wizard Bin MS Word

WKC WKCC file format ?

WKn Lotus spreadsheets Bin Excel, Lotus 123, Viewer

WKQ Quattro Pro. Bin Excel, Quattro Pro

WKS Lotus Worksheet File / Ms Works 2.0 Bin Excel, Lotus 123, Viewer

WLD REND386/AVRIL file ?

WLF Argo WebLoad I upload file ?

WLG Microsoft Win98 Dr Watson Log Files MS Dr Watson

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 73 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer WLL Microsoft Word for Windows Add in Library Bin ?

WMF . This is a universal std within Bin Graphics Workshop, Hijaak, windows however because the files are designed for Ifranview, MS Word, Pagemaker, speed and not size it is used for transferring between Paintshop, PhotoImpact, windows programs while running and not commonly PhotoWorks, Picture Publisher, used as a storage format. It does not support the full set Viewer of vector features. Bezier curves and Fountain fill 2 obvious exceptions. (vector\Metafile formats) - (1, 4, 8, 24 Bits) (See EMF)

WMP Microsoft Site server Analysis Web Map ?

WNF Corel Draw font Bin Corel Draw

WOW Grave Composer music module (MOD) file ?

WP Multiplan Bin Excel

WordPerfect document WordPerfect

WPD WordPerfect 6.1 Bin MS Word, Viewer

WPF Enable Word processing Bin ?

WPG WordPerfect Graphics metafile: Contact WordPerfect Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, and get the Developer's Toolkit. The format is DrawPerfect, Graphics Workshop, proprietary and isn't available elsewhere. In addition to MS Access, Pagemaker, raster images WordPerfect files may contain vectors and Paintshop, Perfect Presentations, text information. (1, 4, 8, 24 bits) PhotoWorks, WordPerfect

WPS Works Wordprocessing Files Bin Viewer

WPT Wordperfect Template Bin ?

WPW Perfectworks Bin ?

WQn Quattro Pro Spreadsheet File Bin Quattro Pro, Viewer

WR1 Lotus Symphony Bin ?

WRI Write format. Native file format of Microsoft Write, a MS Word, Viewer, Write text editor.

WRK "Works in progress". Native file format of Cakewalk, a Bin ? program used to create digital audio.

Lotus Symphony. Lotus Symphony

WRL VRML 3D Geometry (See WRZ) Bin Netscape

WRN Warnings Generated by a compiler - eg Acrobat distiller Ascii Notepad

WRZ VRML 3D Geometry (See WRL) Bin Netscape

WSC Windows Script Component ?

WSD Wordstar 2000 document ?

WSF Windows Script File ?

WSH Windows Scripting Host Settings File ?

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 74 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer WSn Wordstar for windows (Where n is a number between 1 Bin ? and 7)

WTD WinTune 95 Document - See WTX ?

WTX Webtracks Sound file format ?

WinTune 95 Document - See WTD ?

WVL Compressed Bitmap ?

X Direct X file Format Bin ?

AVS X image file imagemagick, imconv

X11 X Window System window dump image file (See Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, XPM, PM File Extensions) imconv, pbmplus, sgitools

X16 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 16 bit (See Bin ? X32 file extension)

X32 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 32 bit (See X16 Bin ? file extension)

XAR Corel Xara drawing Bin ?

XB X11 bitmap file Bin DeBabelizer, imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, sgitools, xv

XBM Created by MIT, XBM files are used by the X Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, Windowing System. XBM files are C source code files imagemagick, imconv, pbmplus, which can be read and written by various X utilities and sgitools, xv are designed to be included in C source code for use as icons and other bit-mapped graphic images. (1 bit) (See XPM file extension)

XDM XDMA Audio/Video Format Bin Wnetview

XDP Xdataplot. These files contain only the name of the data ? file to which they refer. This allows viewing of large sequential datasets like those generated by electrophysiological recording.

XI Instrument sample file for ScreamTracker Bin ?

XIF Xerox Image Format Bin Wang Image for Win95

XIM X11 Xim Toolkit file Bin pbmplus

XL$ Compressed XLM file (See XLM Extension) Bin Unpack (Ms)

XLA Excel add-in. Bin Excel

XLB Excel WorkBook. Bin Excel

XLC Excel chart Bin Excel, Viewer

XLD Excel Dialog File Bin Excel

XLK Excel Backup File Bin Excel

XLL Excel Add-in Library Bin Excel

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 75 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer XLL Extented Link Language. A iunternet file formats to Ascii Internet Explorer, Notepad descibe linking methods for XML documents. (See XML, XSL file extensions)

XLM Excel macro. Bin Excel

XLS Excel spreadsheet Bin Excel, MS Access, Viewer

XLT Excel template. Bin Excel

XLV Excel VBA Module Bin Excel

XLW Excel workbook. Bin Excel

XM Extended Module format. Used by UNIX-type OSs for Bin ? music. Also known as Fasttracker II format.

XMB X-window bitmap Bin Graphics Workshop, Internet Explorer

XML Extended Markup Language. The next generation of Ascii Internet Explorer, Notepad HTML. A derived subset of SGML it allows pages to be marked up describing their content not format. Format and links are defined in separate files. (See XLL, XSD, XSL, XSTL file extensions)

XNK MS Exchange Shortcut Bin MS Outlook

XOS Xaos Tools image file Bin ?

XPM X11 pixmap file. Created by MIT, XPM is a defacto Bin Alchemy, imagemagick, pbmplus, standard for storing monochrome, grey-scale, and xv colour pixmap data to disks under a x-windows system. XPM like XBM are C source code files with each pixmap defined as static Char arrays. (8, 24, 48 bit colours) (See PM, X11, XBM file Extension)

XR1 Epic MegaGames Xargon data file ?

XSD XML Schema Definition. A file for defining how to Ascii Notepad create a XML schema with DataSet classes

XSL Extensible style language. These files describe how a Ascii Internet Explorer, Notepad XML file should be formatted. (See XML, XLL, XSTL file extensions)

XSTL Extensible style language. These files describe how a Bin Internet Explorer, Notepad XML file should be formatted. (See XML, XLL, XSL file extensions)

XTP XTree data file ?

XV Khoros Visualization image file Bin imagemagick, imconv

XVE Microsoft Media Producer Exported scene Bin ?

XWD X Window System window dump image file. Devised Bin Alchemy, DeBabelizer, by MIT for storing and restoring contents of Unix imagemagick, imconv, Pagemaker, screen windows. (Raster) (1, 4, 8, 24 bits) pbmplus, sgitools

XWF Yamaha XG Works file (MIDI sequencing) Bin ?

XX XXEncoded Compressed Archive (See XXE file ? extension)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 76 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected] Extension Description Ascii/Bin Viewer XXE XXEncoded Compressed Archive (See XXE file ? extension)

Xxencoded file (encoded ascii) Ascii wncod261.exe

XY3 XYWrite III document (See XY4, XYP, and XYW file ? extensions)

XY4 XYWrite IV document (See XY3, XYP, and XYW file ? extensions)

XYP XYWrite III Plus document (See XY3, XY4, and ? XYW file extensions)

XYW XYWrite for Windows 4.0 document (See XY3, XY4, ? and XYP file extensions)

Y Yabba format. Compression file for UNIX operating Bin ? systems.

subsampled raw YUV files pbmplus

YAL Arts & Letters clipart library Bin ?

YBK Microsoft Encarta Yearbook Bin ?

YBM Face filepbmplus Bin ?

YUV Abekas Raster Image file Bin DeBabelizer, pbmplus, sgitools, Utah Rasterfile Toolkit

YUV3 CCIR 601 Image file Bin imagemagick

Z Unix compression pack; sometimes gnu zip Bin u16.zip, WinZip

ZCN This file is related to a Zone control in Omnipage Bin OmniPage Pro

ZEISS Zeiss CSLM file Bin pbmplus

ZIF Folder containing Zip files Bin ?

ZINC Zinc Interface Library icon file Bin pbmplus

ZIP Pkzip Contains 1 or more files/directories compressed. Bin pkzip(V2.04), WinZip It is possible the data is compressed into multiple files to go over floppies. This Archiver developed by Phil Latz of PKWare although not the fastest or best compression has become the default standard in the PC world.

ZON OCR Zone Template - OmniPage Pro Bin OmniPage Pro

ZOO compressed file. The first archiving program to Bin zoo210.exe allow for PCs and mainframes to work together using a universal compression routine. (LZ77-based compression)

Saturday, 15 June 2002 Copyright Wayne Corbin (1997 - 2002) Page 77 of 77 Any additional information or Corrections happily received := [email protected]