Name of Deceased
ON Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claims (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given FRAMPTON, Winifred 11 Waddow Grove, Waddington, Yorks. 1st May Steele & Son, Castlegate, Clitheroe, Lanes, BB7 1AZ, Solicitors. (National Westminster 16th August 1971 May. 1971. Bank Limited.) (112) GREED, Edmund Tom ... Great Knowles Farm, Spaxton, Somerset, Fanner Christopher Rowe and Ash, 12 Northgate, Bridgwater, Somerset, Solicitors. (Tom 1st September 1971 (Retired). 13th April 1971. John Merchant and John Lester Watts.) 013) TALENT, Florrie 37 Stone Grove, Sheffield, Widow. 18th February Bingley, Dyson & Furey, 18 and 20 Norfolk Row, Sheffield 1, Solicitors. (Eric Wales 20th August 1971 1971. Smith and Doris Smith.) (114) W ORRELL, Mabel 440 Wortiey Road, Rotherham, Yorkshire, Widow. E. J. Twigg & Co., Imperial Buildings, Rotherham, Solicitors. (Midland Bank 30th August 1971 26th May 1971. Executor and Trustee Company Limited.) (115) i HALE, Olive Lily London House, Stockbridge, Hampshire, Spinster. Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 18 High Street, Southampton 20th August 1971 o 19th May 1971. (116) i RAVENHILL, Frederick S3 Norfolk Road, Sheffield, Company Director. 29th Slaiter, Elliott, Todd, Cooper & Co., 12 Paradise Square, Sheffield, SI 1UA, Solicitors. 16th August 1971 Oliver. January 1971. (Winifred Rose Giddins and Edward David Bryan Price.) (117) SN? SEARLS, Ethel Mary ... St. Augustines, Gladstone Road, Broadstairs, Kent, Barclays Bank Trust Company Limited, 72 Bank Street, Maidstone, Kent, or Emery, 23rd August 1971 W Widow. 10th May 1971.
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