Replenish Health and Weight Loss Wellness Center

Replenish Office DOCTOR ROBERT J. AQUINO AND NICOLETTA RASIZZI, RN, BSN Welcome to Replenish Health & Wellness

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” – Linus Pauling, 2 time Nobel Prize Laureate Congratulations on your decision to start your weight loss journey with us here at Replenish Health & Wellness Center! We are excited to have you as part of our practice and look forward to helping you reach your goals. To help you get started, we put together some information that we feel all patients would benefit from knowing so that we can insure your success.

Thank you for choosing our physician(s), registered nurses and our team to participate in your healthcare. We look forward to providing you with personalized, comprehensive care focusing on wellness and prevention. As continuity and coordination of patient care is essential in meeting your healthcare needs, our physician(s), nurses, and office staff work closely in a “team approach” to support your patient care.

It is our goal to help you live longer and more vibrantly. At Replenish, we offer a multidisciplinary, integrated and scientifically-based approach to discover the cause of your symptoms.

Our approach is a truly patient-centered healthcare, not sick care. We are here to support you on the path to achieving and sustaining optimal health, wellbeing and weight loss.

Our many different programs that we offer here at Replenish, enables us to custom tailor a unique wellness plan to help you achieve a higher level of optimal health.

To start your weight loss journey, you will meet with a Registered Nurse to explain our program and what is the process step by step what we are offering to you as a package. Along with personalized treatments via injections and IV infusions, there are also other modalities that we are incorporating in the program. This is not only a weight loss program it is also a wellness program. We are incorporating , , abdomen cupping, sauna, specialized tea and a personalized App will be part of the 12 week program.

Once the 12 week program is completed, you will then be lead to continue your lifestyle change and keep the weight off with a nutritionist. We want you to be on track and not gain that weight back. You have a choice of coming back once a month or once every other month to do a maintenance of MIC infusions/injections, reiki, acupuncture and at a special discounted price.

You will be followed up with the Nurse Navigator and an acupuncturist once a week to review your progress which will then be discussed with the Doctor to further refine your individualized treatment plan.

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9:30am-5:30pm. Every effort is made to see our patients during daytime hours. Please note that our schedulers are available every day and will do their best to accommodate you. Booking an appointment is essential to ensuring all patients receive the time they require for quality care.

As you can see, optimal health takes knowledge and commitment. For now, take time for you. It’s time to “Replenish” and “Give your body what it deserves”.

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Your Name

Do you wish to get on the right path to your health? Let us help you heal your body to its fullest potential.

You may simply want guidance how to incorporate your wellbeing in your personal life to compliment your treatment. Certain treatments do not always lead to long-term health. START YOUR WELLNESS JOURNEY WITH BABY STEPS. TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH! ENHANCE YOUR WELL BEING AT REPLENISH. LET US CREATE A LIFE CHANGING PLAN FOR YOU THAT WILL BRING YOU TO YOUR BEST SELF, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY.

Our healthcare team approach puts your individualized needs first. Our program will show you how to implement all of the discoveries and principles that we have that is based on to empower yourself and reclaim health outside the traditional medical office.

Our Healthcare team approach sets us aside from other wellness facilities. Each client is under the care of Medical Doctor(s), Registered Nurses and integrative team. This team approach lets us treat our clients with the fullest potential of individualized care.


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If you are new to the concept of intravenous vitamin , you might be wondering why you’re suddenly hearing so much about it; why people are talking about this innovative treatment approach from West Coast to East Coast. Intravenous vitamin therapy represents an exciting new concept in Integrative and allowing us to both prevent and help treat a wide variety of conditions safely and effectively.

Who administers and supervises my IV vitamin therapy?

Your IV therapy is administered by Registered Nurses under the supervision of our Medical Director, Dr. Robert Aquino. They have extensive expertise in administering all types of intravenous nutrient therapy. Your treatment is designed and directly supervised by highly skilled Physician and certified registered nurses.

Where do I actually have my IV vitamin therapy? I don’t like feeling like I’m in a hos p i t a l .

Our IV treatment room is comfortable and relaxing. It’s very much like a relaxing oasis, and does not look or feel nothing like a hospital. Many of our patients enjoy reading a book, listening to music, or using their laptops while they have their IV nutrient therapy session.

Does it hurt?

Because of our nurses’ expertise, there is only a pinprick sensation when entering the vein. Most patients say they hardly even notice it.

How long will my IV nutrient therapy take?

It varies. Depending on your specific treatment, you may have a quick “IV push,” which takes just a few minutes, or a longer-lasting IV drip, which may take 15-90 minutes sometimes even longer depending upon what is prescribed.

Will my insurance cover treatment?

In many cases, unfortunately insurance does not cover these treatments.

How many treatments of IV vitamin therapy will I need?

Every case is different. It all depends on your particular condition and your individual response to treatment. Chronic diseases often require chronic treatment. However, many of our patients report feeling symptomatic relief, more , and an overall sense of well-being after two sessions of intravenous vitamin therapy!

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Vitamin infusions work two different ways. It depends on what you are looking for. Based on your needs, you can receive an infusion if:

PATIENT INFORMATION The MIC Weight loss Infusion and Injections

The goal of the weight loss drip is to ultimately assist in weight loss by reducing body fat. The vitamin concoction in the weight loss drip includes B vitamins and three fat burners that make up what is known as MIC.

So how do all of these work synergistically to help with weight loss?

B Vitamins are essential in the formation of new, healthy cells in the body. They also boost energy. As your energy levels increase, you become more active and as a result your body will be able to burn more calories helping to increase metabolism. B vitamins are also important for the functioning of the nervous system, which helps with the body’s ability to cope with stress. Stress often leads to weight gain. By helping the body’s response to stress, it is possible to prevent stress induced weight gain.

Methionine acts as a lipotropic agent. Lipotropics are necessary for maintenance of a healthy , and for burning the exported fat for additional energy. Methione prevents excess fat buildup in the liver and the body, is helpful in relieving or preventing fatigue and may be useful in some cases of allergy because it reduces histamine release.

Inositol is related to the B-vitamin family and is closely associated with choline. It aids in the metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol. Inositol participates in the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to control mood and appetite. A decrease in your appetite make dietary changes a whole lot easier.

Choline promotes the breakdown of fat by transporting dietary fats throughout the body to your cells so they are promptly burned for energy. Choline is a -soluble nutrient that is related to the B- vitamin family. However, it is not technically a vitamin, but is essential in many functions in the body. Recent studies have found that an intake of choline above and beyond the recommended intake is able to promote weight loss and a reduction in body fat percentage.

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When you are relaxing in a Good Health Sauna, your body is actually working for you. This passive cardiovascular conditioning increases rate and metabolism, produces sweat, pumps blood, and burns calories – resulting in sauna weight loss!

Because far Infrared heat generated in a sauna penetrates deep into your body (up to 2 inches deep), it assists in the infrared sauna weight loss by causing a heating effect deep in your muscles and organs. Your body then reacts by increasing your metabolic rate and raising your pulse as you start to sweat. This profuse sweating helps to increase your basal body temperature, which also puts your metabolism to work. And then as the body starts to cool itself, there is an increase in heart rate, cardiac output, and overall metabolic rate. With a higher metabolism, your body converts food into energy at a faster rate. Typically, when you have a slower metabolism, the body will start to store the energy in fat tissues, and, if not released through diet and exercise, will remain in the tissue and weight will be gained. Therefore, infrared sauna for weight loss control is a real thing!


Since an infrared sauna helps generate two to three times the sweat produced in a hot-air sauna, the implications for increased caloric consumption is large. Typically, people using saunas can burn up to 500 calories in a session (however, this number varies and isn’t guaranteed). When compared to sports and exercise, listed below are calories a 150-pound person normally burns up in 30-minutes of exercise:

*Sport/Calories Burned: Marathon Running/593 Vigorous Racquet Ball/510 Swimming (crawl )/300 Jogging/300

Tennis (fast game)/265 Cycling (10 mph)/225 Golfing (without a cart)/150 Walking (3.5 mph)/150 Bowling/120

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Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Our body uses 23 amino acids, connected in different patterns to build protein molecules. Why is this important? Because your whole body is made of protein. It is used in the synthesis of muscle (actin, myosin), and connective tissues (collagen), enzymes (digestion of food) and hormones (insulin, growth hormone, thyroid hormone).

Amino acids are even used to make neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and GABA, which influence our moods, carvings and behaviors.

It goes without saying that we need a constant supply of amino acids to maintain optimal health. The problem is many people don’t get enough amino acids despite eating abundant amounts.

When this happens your body doesn’t have the raw materials required to synthesize compounds that build your body and keep you healthy. This IV is designed to begin to solve that problem. It is the fastest and most effective way to deliver amino acids directly into your circulation, boosting your reserves and sending them to your cells in high concentration.

We recommend advanced testing to see which amino acids may need replacement, although testing is not necessary to begin therapy. Repeated infusions of higher amounts of amino acids and customized amino acid therapy may be needed to relieve chronic deficiency.

How acupuncture helps with weight loss?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles at specific body points or “energy pathways.” The inserted needles act to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” hormones. This can create a calming, relaxing effect, which counteracts the need for excessive eating brought about by increased stress, frustration or anxiety. In this respect, acupuncture can calm those so afflicted and help them lose weight without resorting to drugs.

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Recent studies have shown that when acupuncture is combined with traditional methods of weight loss, patients lose more weight. In these cases 6-12 acupuncture weight loss sessions can be safe and effective in helping people achieve reasonable weight loss goals.

Acupuncture affects the neuroendocrine system by blocking harmful neurochemicals to restore the natural balance of hormones and neurotransmitter levels. The resulting release of endorphins helps to reduce stress, which in turn helps to prevent the urge to over eat.

Weight gain, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is caused by body imbalance. That imbalance, according to ancient teachings, can be caused by a malfunctioning:

• liver • spleen • • thyroid gland • endocrine system

So, for weight loss, acupuncture treatments commonly target these areas of the body.

What is ?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of in which an acupuncturist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction or sliding method in which the acupuncturist applies lubrication on the skin and the cups are not retained. Cupping is used for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, deep-tissue massage and weight loss.

How does cupping therapy help with weight loss?

The suction created helps to reach fat located in the deeper level, and separate it from the fibers. Then it will liquify and all its wastes will be flushed out through the lymphatic system.

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Does cupping hurt and does it leave marks?

To begin, cupping marks are not . A is an area of skin discoloration resulting from tissue damage and broken blood vessels due to impact trauma. It hurts when you touch a bruise. Bruise start out reddish and progress to bluish, then purplish that fades to brown, then green to yellow before dissipating. It takes nearly 2 weeks to resolve a bruise.

On the other hand, cupping marks are not painful when you touch them. As a matter of fact, cupping marks fade quicker if you massage them. Cupping mark skin discoloration has a shorter clearance cycle. On average, cupping marks resolve in just 4 days. For mild discoloration of pink to scarlet red marks, they generally do not leave marks or take only a day or two for the color to dissipate.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping marks are the result of being drawn out from the tissues. These toxins can then be expelled by the body through the natural processes.

Chinese Weight loss Tea

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Drink the tea 2 x daily 1 hr AFTER your meal. Helps to eliminate unwanted and leftover, hard-to -digest fats. Reduce fat and lose weight, help your body to metabolize fat.

It's suggested to drink tea after your meal so it burns the fat and helps metabolize. Whereas, if you drink it before your meal, it'll make you eat too much and gain weight.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese method of healing using energy to balance the body and mind. It is believed to improve physical health, emotional well-being, increase mental clarity and relieve stress. What happens during a Reiki session?

Reiki is a Universal healing energy that flows through the Practitioner to the client. During the treatment, the practitioner places her hands on or near the clients’ body focusing on areas where the body needs it the most.

Clients may experience warmth, tingling, coolness or other sensations during the treatment. How long does a Reiki session last?

A session can last from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the clients’ needs. The weight loss program has the option of free 30 minute Reiki sessions that is only available on Monday’s and Wednesday’s with our Reiki Master and Registered Nurse Karyn. What are the Benefits of Reiki?

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Reiki promotes relaxation and stress reduction, which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system), aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health.

Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including medications, surgery, psychological care and any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.

Reiki helps bring about inner peace and harmony.

It helps to relieve physical pain and discomfort.

Reiki encourages one to let go of tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings, to promote a state of well-being.

Regular Reiki treatments can improve overall health.

By helping to maintain a state of physical and emotional balance, Reiki does not only treat problems, but may even prevent them from developing.

Custom 12 Week Package Created For: Frank Johnson

Date: 04/01/2019 WEEK 1: DATE:

• RN CONSULT to go over the program and APP • MIC IV INFUSION: DAY ‘A’ : 30 minutes • MIC INJECTION: DAY ‘B’: 5 minutes • CONSULT WITH ACUPUNTURIST AND TREATMENT SAME DAY: EITHER ON DAY ‘A’ OR DAY ‘B’ : consult with treatment is an hour and ten minutes • (ACUPUNCTURE ONLY AVAILABLE ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS)

Registered nurse will look into the Weekly updates of the app program

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• RN WEIGH IN AND DISCUSSION OF THE APP LOG • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Mondays or Wednesdays


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex

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• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 hydration with amino acid and B-complex WEEK 8: DATE:

• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex

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• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex


• RN WEIGH IN • MIC IV INFUSION/Infrared Sauna- TX time will be one hour • MIC INJECTION then ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT- TX time one hour • Option of free 30 minute reiki treatment available only Monday or Wednesday -OR- 250 ml hydration with amino acid and B-complex

Package Total: Call to inquire

Pay in 2 Installments Pay in 3 Installments

*Care Plan/Protocol are subject to change by Dr. Robert Aquino based on diagnostic tests and/or symptomatology

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TapMango Points

Each time you receive a treatment in your customized program, you enter your name in our system and you accrue points. As the reward points increase your $10-$30 dollar discounts can be applied to any other service outside of the customized program excluding consults with the Doctor.

If you decide to pay in full, we enter the total amount in TapMango. If you decide to pay in installments, you enter it as you go along.

You can redeem points but the rewards only go towards your maintenance services if you would like or any vitamin drip IV infusion.

You may email and call front desk and any nurses to navigate you during your treatment plan. Below are a list of emails that you can contact if you have any questions.

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Office Manager of Operations: Jeanine Aquino: [email protected] Front Desk Coordinator : Bianca Reiss: [email protected] Clinical Nurse Director: Nicoletta Rasizzi: [email protected] Staff Nurse: Karyn Brodala: [email protected] Danielle Fazio: [email protected]

Replenish phone number: (631) 547-4100

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