Body Lies in NY Armory
1 turn, tcapentu* tf. Partly dndy W^jr, Ufh la te Sfe, T*. BED BANK TODAY •ttt, ctatfy, dunw cf rfwwm, 23,600 tow M. Twawrsw, tetr, Ugh it *• Mt. ThaUty, Itii md CML Urn VMtfaer, ***• t DIAL 741-0010 Utatd «tu;. Ibn4u> Ihnash Fittir. SMOB« CUM Pwitp PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 200 P«M tt tUd B4nk ul U Mdllloaai M*Uln» Otflet*. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 7c PER COPY GOP Maps Mac Arthur•« Go-It-Alone Fiscal Study Body Lies In TRENTON (AP) - The Republican majority of tha New Jersey Legislature has decided on a go-it-alone policy in setting up an economy study of state government. Republican leaders of the Senate and Assembly met yester- day and decided to reject Gov. Richard J. Hughes' suggestions about the study, made in a conditional veto last month. The N.Y. Armory decision also eliminates chances of a $50,000 appropriation (or the study commission, since the Democratic governor's ap- NEW YORK (AP)-A shriveled Washington after three major op- conflicts as World War I and II. proval ^s required for such spending. yet somehow majestic figure in erations. Yesterday the body lay at the Senate Majority Leader William E. Ozzard, R-Somerset, simple sun tan uniform lay in a Clergymen expected to pray at Universal Funeral Chapel, Lex- laid the commission would operate on funds scraped up from history-laden armory today, a the casket in the armory on Park ngton '.ve. and 52nd St., not far the Legislature's regular budget.
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