Week/Wythnos 30 July/Gorffennaf 21 - 27, 2012

Pages/Tudalennau: 2 The Royal Welsh Show 2012 3 Olympics 2012: Women’s Football 4-6 Pobol y Cwm

Places of interest/Llefydd o ddiddordeb:

Builth Wells 2 3, 4, 5 Whitland 2

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NOTE TO EDITORS: All details correct at time of going to press, but programmes are liable to change. Please check with BBC Cymru Wales Communications before publishing. NODYN I OLYGYDDION: Mae’r manylion hyn yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg, ond mae rhaglenni yn gallu newid. Cyn cyhoeddi gwybodaeth, cysylltwch â’r Adran Gyfathrebu.

THE ROYAL WELSH SHOW 2012 Monday-Thursday, July 23-26, BBC Two Wales, 7.30pm

The Royal Welsh Show attracts over 200,000 visitors each year to its showground at Llanelwedd near Builth Wells and is the biggest and best attended agricultural event of its kind in Europe.

This week BBC Two Wales will be offering viewers a flavour of the colour and excitement from the showground in a series of special programmes presented by Royal Welsh regular Sara Edwards. Sara will be joined at the showground by Rachael James, presenter of BBC Radio Wales‟ Country Focus and Dr Rhys Jones from the BBC Cymru Wales series Rhys to the Rescue.

Among the many highlights of the week, the programme will follow Rhys as he takes up the challenge of preparing some of the best dairy cows in Britain with the Davies family from Whitland. There will be a report from the final of the „Royal Welsh World Mounted Games‟ as eight teams from eight countries fight it out for the championship and Sara catches up with a familiar voice at the show, main ring commentator Charles Arch. Plus all the news from the competitions and sections at the show.

Nigel Partridge

OLYMPICS 2012: WOMEN’S FOOTBALL Wednesday, July 25, BBC One Wales, 3.30pm

The first sporting action of the 2012 London Olympics is due to kick-off at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff on Wednesday, July 25, when Team GB women take on New Zealand.

Full live action from the game can be seen on BBC One Wales in Olympics 2012: Women’s Football from 3.30pm (KO 4pm) introduced by Gabby Logan with Sue Smith and Faye White. To mark the first Olympics to be held in Britain since 1948 BBC Radio Wales will have live outside broadcasts from the Big Screen on the Hayes in the centre of Cardiff throughout the day including Good Morning Wales, Jamie Owen & Louise Elliott, Roy Noble and Good Evening Wales. BBC Radio Cymru will also have live outside broadcasts from the city centre as the Olympics hit Cardiff.

In the first of a special series running throughout the Olympics Fran Donovan on BBC Radio Wales will have all the highlights from the day‟s action from 7.30pm.

Nigel Partridge

ERTHYGL NODWEDD POBOL Y CWM Llun-Gwener, Gorffennaf 23-27, BBC Cymru ar S4C, 8pm

Pan fu farw Brandon, bron i flwyddyn yn ôl, roedd llawer o ddyfalu ymysg trigolion Cwmderi yngl‏‏ŷn â phwy yn union a‟i lladdodd. Yr un a gadwodd y gyfrinach yna‟n gelfydd o gudd am chwe mis, oedd Gwyneth. Ond gyda mwy yn dod i wybod mai hi wnaeth ddechrau‟r tân, mae‟r rhwyd yn dechrau cau amdani. Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd i‟r fam ifanc yn ddiweddar, rhwng ymladd yn erbyn ei chydwybod a derbyn triniaeth am ganser y groth. Ond yr wythnos hon ar Pobol y Cwm, sy‟n gynhyrchiad BBC Cymru Wales ar S4C, mae awgrym bod llawer gwaeth i ddod. “Mae Gwyneth wedi bod yn teimlo‟n euog ofnadwy a dyna pam ddwedodd hi wrth Yvonne. Roedd hi‟n meddwl ei bod hi‟n cael ei haeddiant... rhyw fath o karma,” meddai Llinor ap Gwynedd, sy‟n chwarae rhan Gwyneth yn y gyfres boblogaidd. Mae Llinor yn byw dafliad carreg o stiwdios newydd BBC Cymru ym Mhorth y Rhath lle caiff Pobol y Cwm ei ffilmio, ynghyd â chyfresi Casualty a Doctor Who. Mae Gwyneth yn hollol ymwybodol fod rhywun arall yn gwybod am ei chyfrinach, gyda llythyrau cas, di-enw yn cyrraedd, ond a oes ganddi syniad pwy? “Dyw Gwyneth ddim yn credu mewn gwirionedd mai un o‟r Monks sy‟n gwneud. Petai nhw‟n gwybod, bydde nhw‟n dod yn syth ati, gan wneud ei bywyd hi‟n amhosib. Oherwydd difrifoldeb beth ddigwyddodd, hynny yw ei bod hi wedi lladd eu brawd nhw, nid dyna fyddai eu steil nhw, dwi‟n siwr y byddai‟n ddial tipyn mwy enbydus. “A dyna sy‟n peri‟r mwyaf o ofid, bod rhywun mas yna‟n gwybod beth wnaeth Gwyneth. Pa dystiolaeth sydd ganddyn nhw a beth yw eu bwriad?” Dial yw‟r un peth sydd wedi bod ar feddwl Garry a Britt Monk ers colli eu brawd ac o feddwl bod pawb ym myd y Monks yn cael eu haeddiant ymhen hir a hwyr, beth sy‟n pryderu Gwyneth fwyaf? “Wy‟n credu ei bod hi‟n ofan Garry, hynny yw, mae unrhyw un â bach o synnwyr yn gwbod y bydde fe‟n dial ac yn ymateb mewn ffordd gas. Y posibiliad o ddial dros amser sy‟n creu‟r ofn a‟r paranoia yna,” meddai Llinor, sydd wedi bod yn rhan o gast Pobol y Cwm ers bron i ddeng mlynedd. “Mae hi‟n caru Garry a Britt yn ei ffordd ei hun. Er fod ganddi berthynas ryfedd â Garry, mae hi‟n ei barchu fel tad i‟w phlentyn, Gwern. Er, mae‟n ffin agos rhwng cariad a chasineb. “Ond mae Britt yn fwy ymfflamychol ac mae‟r ddwy yn wirioneddol agos. Ro‟n nhw‟n gariadon ar un pwynt, mae yna rhyw bond gyda nhw ac yn sicr, dyw hi ddim ishe siomi‟r un o‟r ddau ohonyn nhw.” Felly heb gosb am ei gweithredoedd, a‟r bygythiadau di-enw, mae Gwyneth yn byw mewn ofn ac yn edrych dros ei hysgwydd gan boeni beth a ddaw nesaf. Ond ai cleisiau meddyliol yn unig fydd ganddi dros yr wythnos neu ddwy nesaf?

POBOL Y CWM FEATURE Monday-Friday, July 23-27, BBC Wales on S4C, 8pm

When Brandon died, nearly a year ago, the identity of the culprit was a real mystery to the residents of Cwmderi. The one who managed to keep her murderous secret close to her chest for six months, was Gwyneth. But with more and more people finding out the truth about who started the fire, the net is beginning to close.

It‟s been a difficult time for the young mother, between battling with her conscience and being treated for ovarian cancer. And this week on Pobol y Cwm, a BBC Cymru Wales production for S4C, there‟s a suggestion that there‟s even worse to come. “Gwyneth has been feeling guilty and that‟s why she confessed to Yvonne - she believed she was only getting what she deserved... some sort of karma,” says Llinor ap Gwynedd, who plays the role of Gwyneth in the popular series. Llinor, who lives near BBC Cymru Wales‟ new Roath Lock studios, where Pobol y Cwm is filmed, alongside Doctor Who and Casualty, says that Gwyneth knows that someone‟s watching her, but she has no idea who. “Gwyneth doesn‟t think for a second that it‟s either of the Monks. If they knew, they would be straight there making her life hell. Because of the seriousness of the situation, being that she killed their brother, hiding their feelings wouldn‟t be their style. I‟m sure their reaction would be much more extreme. “And that‟s what‟s causing her concern; that someone knows what she did, but what evidence do they have against her and what are their intentions?” Avenging their brother‟s death is crucial to Garry and Britt, since in their world, everyone gets their comeuppance in the end. But what is Gwyneth most afraid of? “I think she‟s scared of Garry… anyone with any kind of sense knows that he would seek revenge in the most horrible way. He would probably take his time to create the most misery and paranoia,” says Llinor, who‟s been a part of the Pobol y Cwm cast for nearly ten years. “She loves both Garry and Britt in her own way. Although she has a strange relationship with Garry, she respects him as the father of her child, Gwern. But there‟s a fine line between love and hatred. “With Britt, she‟s more of a fiery character and there is a true closeness between them. They were lovers at one time so the bond remains and she doesn‟t want to hurt either.” So, not having been punished for her actions and with the continual reminder that someone else knows, Gwyneth is living in fear and constantly looking over her shoulder. But will it only be mental scarring that she suffers over the coming weeks?

POBOL Y CWM Llun-Gwener, Gorffennaf 23-27, BBC Cymru ar S4C, 8pm Monday-Friday, July 23-27, BBC Wales on S4C, 8pm bbc.co.uk/pobolycwm

Wedi cael llond bol ar y post bygythiol, mae Yvonne yn mynd ati i ddarganfod pwy sy‟n codi ofn ar Gwyneth. Mae hi‟n hollol ffyddiog mai Garry sy‟n gyfrifol ac aiff ati i gasglu tystiolaeth yn ei erbyn. Pan wêl daleb o siop flodau ymysg ei eiddo, cred ei bod wedi taro‟r hoelen ar ei phen a dywed wrth Gwyneth mai Garry sydd wrth wraidd y cyfan. Mae hyn yn gryn ergyd i Gwyneth, sydd, er gwaethaf eu gwahaniaethau, yn parchu Garry fel tad ei phlentyn. Aiff i lygad y ffynnon i gael eglurhad, gan fynnu atebion gan Garry. Ond caiff ei hun yn gwneud cyfaddefiad annisgwyl.

Mae Courtney yn rhoi cynnig arall ar ymweld â „Llyr‟ a chaiff syndod mawr pan sylweddola pwy yw mewn gwirionedd. Ymateb cyntaf Courtney yw mynd yn syth am adref ond llwydda ei ffrind newydd i‟w pherswadio i aros, ac yn sicr mae Courtney yn mwynhau‟r sylw. Yn lle bod yn wyliadwrus, mae‟n trefnu i‟w gyfarfod eto yn fuan.

Mae‟n amlwg bod Gaynor yn ansicr am briodi Hywel, ond wedi sawl camddealltwriaeth, daw‟r ddau i gytundeb bod y briodas am barhau - newyddion da i‟r mwyafrif o‟r pentrefwyr ond nid yw pawb yn hapus. ‟Dyw Macs ddim yn gallu anghofio am ei brynhawn gyda Gaynor ac mae‟n erfyn arni i newid ei meddwl.

Having had enough of the hate mail, Yvonne begins her search for the culprit. She’s confident that it’s Garry and sets about finding proof. When she finds a flower shop receipt amidst his things, she’s sure she has enough evidence, and tells Gwyneth. This comes as a bolt out of the blue because, despite their differences, Gwyneth still respects the father of her son. Needing confirmation of the truth, she confronts him and finds herself making a surprising confession.

Courtney tries again to meet ‘Llyr’ and is shocked to find his true identity. Her first instinct is to go straight home, but her new friend manages to persuade her to stay, and Courtney is enjoying the attention. Rather than listen to the alarm bells, she arranges to meet him again soon.

It’s quite obvious that Gaynor has her doubts about marrying Hywel, but after all the misunderstandings, the wedding’s back on. This is good news for most of the village, but not everyone is happy. Macs can’t get his liaison with Gaynor out of his mind, and pleads with her not to go ahead.

Meleri Thomas