G E R a L D I N E C R A
GERALDINE CRAIG 111 Willard Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-3705 gkcraig@ksu.edu E DUCATION 1987 - 1989 M.F.A. Fiber, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI 1977 - 1982 B.F.A. Textile Design, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS B.F.A. History of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 1979 - 1980 University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland (Philosophy, Art History) P ROF E SSIONAL E X pe RI E NC E 2007 - Professor of Art Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Associate Dean of the Graduate School (2014-2018) Department Head of Art (2007-2014) Associate Professor of Art (2007-2014) 2001 - 2007 Assistant Director for Academic Programs Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI Developed annual Critical Studies/Humanities program; academic administration 2005 - Regional Artist/Mentor, Vermont College M.F.A. Program Vermont College, Montpelier, VT 1995 - 2001 Curator of Education/Fine and Performing Arts Wildlife Interpretive Gallery, Detroit Zoological Institute, Royal Oak, MI Develop/manage permanent art collection, performing arts programs, temporary exhibits 1994 - 1995 James Renwick Senior Research Fellowship in American Crafts Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1995 Executive Director Detroit Artists Market, (non-profit art center, est. 1932), Detroit, MI 1990 - 1993 Instructor Fiber Department, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI 1990 Instructor Red Deer College, Alberta, Canada 1989 - 1990 Registrar I Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI 1987 Associate Producer Lyric Theater, Highline Community College,
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