PARISH MAGAZINE All Saints' with St Cedd's Shrub End , Colchester

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PARISH MAGAZINE All Saints' with St Cedd's Shrub End , Colchester PARISH MAGAZINE All Saints’ with St Cedd’s Shrub End , Colchester October 2020 Price 35p or £3.50 per annum - 1 - CLERGY AND OFFICERS Vicar Vacant Churchwarden Robin Webb 10 Stuart House St Peter’s Street Colchester Tel: 860900 Sacristan Vacant PCC Secretary Brenda Pettit PCC Treasurer Brian Waller 16 Devon Road Colchester Tel: 540449 Gift Aid Officer Iain Hay 47 Gainsborough Road Colchester Tel: 545352 Electoral Roll Officer Frances Poulter 22 Halstead Road Colchester Tel: 532066 Parish Office Tel: 765145 SICKNESS LIST AND THE REGISTERS We continue to pray for all who are remembered on our Prayerslips – Rev Tony Rose, Ethel Munson, Angela Marsh, Gillian, Aidan Cooke, Angela, - 2 - Dawn and her family, Evelyn Sibley, John Barker, Christopher Browne, Ron Harden, Margaret, Chris Parkes and his family, Amy, Pat Rickard, Louise, Rachel and Shareen Rouvray, John Swinburne, Tabitha, Geoffrey Webb, Edward Wiles, Emma, Shirley and John Hall. Funerals in church – Pearl Ann Skeet (aged 78) - 18th September Roy Richard Rodd (aged 68) – 21st September Burial of Ashes – William F Platford – 10th September Doreen Thomson – 16th September Marilyn Banyard and Raymond Diles – 17th September SUNDAY READINGS FOR OCTOBER 2020 4th October – Trinity 17 (All Age Eucharist) Exodus 20: 1 – 4, 7 – 9 and 12 - 20 Psalm 19 Philippians 3: 46 to 4: 14 Matthew 21: 33-End 11th October - Trinity 18 (Morning Prayer) Isaiah 50: 4 - 10 Psalm 138 and 141 Luke 13: 22 - 30 18th October Trinity 19 (Holy Communion) Isaiah 35: 3 - 6 Psalm 147: 1 - 7 2 Timothy 4: 5 - 17 Luke 10: 1 - 9 25th October = Trinity 20 (Morning Prayer) Isaiah 59: 9 - 20 Psalms 119: 137 - 152 Luke 14: 1 - 14 NOTES FOR YOUR DIARY - OCTOBER 4th Trinity 17 SUNDAY 10.00 am Parish All Age Eucharist at S. Cedd’s 5th Monday 11.00 am to 13.00 Foodbank at St Cedd’s 11th Trinity 18 SUNDAY 10.00 am Parish Morning Prayer at All Saints’ 10.40 APCM at All Saints’ - 3 - 12th Monday 11.00 am to 13.00 Foodbank at St Cedd’s 18th Trinity 19 SUNDAY 10.00 am Parish Holy Communion at All Saints’ 19th Monday 11.00 am to 13.00 Foodbank at St Cedd’s 25th Trinity 20 SUNDAY 10.00 am Parish Morning Prayer at All Saints’ 26th Monday 11.00 am to 13.00 Foodbank at St Cedd’s RETURNING TO WORSHIP AT ST CEDD’S AND ALL SAINTS Arriving at Church - When you arrive, you will be welcomed by a steward and you will be asked to Hand Sanitiser your hands, hand sanitisers have been installed at both St Cedd’s and All Saints, and additional ones will be available. You will then be guided to a seat and your details taken to comply with track and trace legislation. Once seated we kindly ask you to remain in your seat until directed or an emergency should arise. Please do not be upset if you cannot sit with your friends or usual seats but obviously any families and bubbles are fine. Social Distancing - We are operating a 2 metre social distancing policy, so not all pews or seats are available, and seating positions on the pews and chairs have been spaced accordingly. Please do not move them. Face Coverings - These are now mandatory in all places of worship, however there are some exemptions for some individuals, if in doubt please ask and if you forget yours - masks will be available, but please take them home to safely dispose of. We as a parish continue to follow guidance and instructions given by the Church of England and the U.K government with regard to Covid 19 health and safety procedures. Further information can be found on the Church of England website. Further Worship Information - Unfortunately no singing of Hymns, no sharing of the Peace, and no cash collections. All services will be shorter. Holy Communion - will be in one kind only. At the beginning of the service the presiding Priest will give instructions as to how the congregation will receive communion. At the end of the service the stewards will direct you out of the exit doors. - 4 - As a result of the guidelines, it is with regret that there will be no tea or coffee permitted and no gatherings of persons are allowed on Church premises, inclusive of the car park. Information correct as at time of submitting for publication in magazine. If you wish to discuss any of these details please ring Brenda and Nigel on 522957. FROM THE CHURCH WARDEN Dear Fellow Parishioners, Wasn’t it wonderful to come to church and meet each other once again, even if we were two metres apart, wearing masks, washing our hands and not singing. We even started to open up St Cedd’s Church Community Centre to some activities! Then came the Government clamp down on social gatherings, limiting social groups to six people. But, despite it all the church is still open for Sunday services and for private prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays 9am to 2 pm. Because so little has been possible this year your PCC resolved in early September to continue in office for two years and postpone the APCM until April 2021, and clear this with the Diocese. Unfortunately the Diocese will not allow this easy and simple solution and have demanded that, even in these unique times, all the reports are completed in time to distribute to you all prior to the APCM to be held in All Saint’s Church on Sunday 11th October at 10.40, immediately following the service of Morning Prayer. While everyone is invited, the Covid-19 safe condition of the building limits attendance to around 16, so will you please telephone me on 01206 860 900 or E-mail me on [email protected] if you intend to come. If you have any comments on the Accounts or Reports please E-mail them to me well before the meeting. However long this pandemic lasts, do remember to follow Government guidelines to keep yourself and others safe. Do not go where you are not wanted but do not hold back from helping anyone who needs your help, and make sure that if God wishes to call you he will surely know where to find you. May God be with us all and bring us safely through this time of trial. Robin Webb - 5 - APCM NOTICE By order of the Diocese To be held in ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH At 10:40 On SUNDAY 11th October 2020 Attendance limited to 16 due to Covid-19 restrictions If you wish to attend please telephone or E-mail to book your place Telephone: 01206 860 900 E-mail: [email protected] NEWS FROM THE REVEREND RAY SAMS – HIDDEN DEPTHS Yesterday I was out and about on the road to attend a meeting – socially- distanced, of course - with some colleagues. We had a good and productive meeting: yes, good and productive meetings are possible. Afterwards, I stopped off at a local Co-op to pick up a snack to eat in the carpark before my next meeting. I chose a piece of quiche. It was horrible: a cold soggy mess which tasted of nothing and fell apart into my lap. I mean no disrespect to the good folks who work in the Co-op (or any other large grocery chain). They have played an absolute blinder over the last months keeping our bodies and souls together. But it reminded me of the best quiche I have ever had in my life. My son made it. He was then an actor, living with us "between roles". Out of the blue, he fancied making a quiche. He had never done it before, but he just thought he would have a go. Actors do this a lot, apparently. Not necessarily making quiches (though perhaps they do that as well), but spontaneously deciding to try new things. It is all to do with being creative people, I guess. Anyway, it turns out that my son has a real gift for quiche-making. Perfect hand-made pastry, none of your shop-bought stuff, and a light filling, chock-full of firm vegetables. Hidden depths he has, as Yoda might have said. The plants in my garden also have hidden depths. (I guess you’ve been wondering when I was going to start banging on about my garden again.) I was a biology teacher years ago. I know that plants have roots and stems, which have different functions and different structures. A stem can't act as a root, and vice-versa. But stems can make roots for themselves. I recently stuck a couple of broken bits of shrub in a pot of compost, just to see what happened, and what happened was … they grew! No rooting hormones or any other artificial assistance, they just grew. Now, all you expert gardeners out there are probably thinking ... so what? That is what cuttings do. - 6 - And I remember enough biology to explain the science behind it. But I still think it is amazing. And that is really the point of this letter. It seems to me that even the simplest and most ordinary things around us have hidden depths, because there is no such thing as a complete explanation of how and why things happen. My son made his quiche by following instructions in a recipe book. My cuttings struck because they did the same thing, only in their case the recipe is written in their DNA. I can find out the name of the person who wrote the recipe for the quiche; but who or what “wrote” her, or him? Their DNA, obviously.
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