San Sebastian

SSCC Sunday, June 24, 2018 Nativity of St.

Weekly Mass Schedule Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday - 8:00am Weekend mass Schedule : Vigil Mass Saturday at 4:00pm Sunday Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12noon (español) Confessions: Saturday 3:00pm - 3:30pm

Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor, Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Parochial Vicar, Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Fr. William Mooney, In Residence Deacon James Swanson, Deacon Santiago Rosado, Deacon Earl Kidwell 1112 State Road 16 St. Augustine, FL 32084 Church Office - 904-824-6625 Fax - 904-829-0459 Medical Emergency - 904-540-2265 Office hours: Monday - Friday 9am– 3:00pm

San Sebasan Facebook Page to access please go to: hps:www.facebook.comsansebasancatholicchurch/ Download the San Sebasan PARISH APP by to your App Store or Google Play and search for My Parish App, Or download from the website Check out the new look to our Mobile Friendly Web Site

Page 2 Nativity of St. John the Baptist June 24, 2018

JOHN THE BAPTIST Mass Intentions Since June 24 falls on a Sunday this year, the 06/23 Sat. 4pm - Bill Reagor + Church has the opportunity for a more intense celebra- 06/24 Sun. 8am - Donna Povia Willis tion of the birth of John the Baptist, who is often de- 06/24 Sun. 10am - Imelda Nwoga, Spec. Int. scribed as the last of the Old Testament prophets and 06/24 Sun. 12pm - Our Parishioners the bridge between Judaism and Christianity. More 06/25 Mon. No Mass commonly, John is known as the “precursor” of our 06/26 Tue. 8am - Janie Sherry, Spec. Int. 06/27 Wed. 8am - Sarah Severino, Spec. Int. Lord Jesus Christ. All the Gospels report John’s basic 06/28 Thur. 8am - Goodman, Spec. Int. message: Repent, the kingdom is near at hand. One 06/29Fri. 8am - Poor Souls in Purgatory + greater than I is coming. 06/30Sat. 4pm - Richard Peters + Though he was a wandering preacher who dressed 07/01 Sun. 8am - Tony DoRego + in camel skins and ate grasshoppers, John’s legacy is 07/01 Sun 10am - Elias Marin + one of true royalty. His origins are similar to those 07/01 Sun. 12pm - Our Parishioners foretold by God through the prophet : “You are 07/02 Mon. No Mass my servant, he said to me, Israel through whom I show 07/03 Tue. 8am - Poor Souls in Purgatory + my glory” (Isaiah 49:3). John’s humility—“I am not 07/04 Wed. 8am - Poor Souls in Purgatory + he”—was surpassed only by that of his Lord Jesus, the 07/05 Thur. 8am - Poor Souls in Purgatory + 07/06 Fri. 8am - Poor Souls in Purgatory + humble servant who followed. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. 07/07 Sat. 4pm - Karyl Sellinger +

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Liturgical Ministers Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, Sat. 4pm EM: C. Bandy, T. Clarke, F. Clarke, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 L. Curran, E. DiGrigoli, A. McCaffery, Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; L. Sais, P & D Shaffrey, B. Smith, Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 L. Tayloe, M. Tilger Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Lector: M. Mickler, N. Peters Mt 7:15-20 Server: C. Ammons Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8, 9; Sun. 8am EM: E. Brock, G. & M. Guevara, T. Shanklin Mt7:21-29 J. Slight, V. Vientos Friday: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; Lector: F. Sette, J. Rojas 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Server: M. & H. Gieselman, G. Dullard Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, Sun. 10am EM: D. Borrero, D. Borrero, L. Fleming, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 G Gilrain, C. Jones, J. Karamon, Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, L. Lachat, T. Robinson, M. Ruiz, 1-13; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 E. Urbina [5:21-24, 35b-43] Lector: S. DeAcustis, I. Costa

Server: C. Benyacko, A. Robillard, K. Mouhalus AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Monday: Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. Thursday: St. Friday: Ss. Peter and Paul Priest Schedules not available at this time Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament

Fridays, 8:30am - 6:00pm. due to vacations We currently have people devoted to one hour with Jesus throughout the day. We need addional parcipaon especially in

the aernoon between 12pm and This week’s Altar Flowers are in 4pm.Please contact Wilfredo Cardona Loving Memory of Ruth Dames. if you can devote 1 hour to “watch”. Altar flowers in honor of or in memory of a Jesus asks, “could you not watch one hour with me?” loved one for a stipend of $50 for both bouquets. Página 3 La Natividad de san Juan Bautista 24 de junio de 2018

JUAN EL BAUTISTA Ministerio Hispano Ya que el 24 de junio de este año cae en domingo, la Iglesia tiene la oportunidad para una celebración más vi- Ministros: M. Avellan. F. Arguello, J. Guevara, brante del nacimiento de Juan el Bautista, a quien se le P. Cosme, E. Gálvez, V. Gálvez Lectores: M. Bunnell, H. Puentes describe como el último de los profetas del Antiguo Tes- Ministros: Monaguillo: D. Reyes, A. Reyes, A. Reyes tamento y también como el puente entre el judaísmo y el Lectores: Ujieres: S. Ursino, J. González, O. Vega, Monaguillos: cristianismo. Comúnmente a Juan se le conoce como el E. O’farrill “precursor” de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Todos los evan- Ujieres: gelios narran el mensaje básico de Juan: Arrepiéntanse, el Reino de Dios está cerca. Uno más grande que yo está Preparación para el Bausmo….Los padres y los cerca. padrinos deben registrarse para las clases de prepa- Aunque él era un predicador itinerante, vestido con ración en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para las clases, piel de camello, que comía saltamontes; el legado de Juan favor llamar a la Rectoría para ponerse de acuerdo es uno de verdadera realeza. Sus orígenes son parecidos a con la fecha y la hora. Si los padres o padrinos no aquellos anunciados por Dios por medio del profeta Isaías han asisdos a una clase de preparación anterior- “Tú eres mi siervo, Israel; en ti manifestaré mi gloria”. La mente, estas clases son necesarias para el baus- humildad de Juan, “Yo no soy él”, fue superada por la de mo. su Señor Jesús, el siervo humilde a quien siguió. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Bauzos en Español ……. Es un requisito para pa- dres y padrinos que no han tomado las clases ante- LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA riormente parcipar en ellas. Favor de llamar a la Lunes: 2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5, 12-13; Rectoría. Los bauzos se celebran después de la Mt 7:1-5 misa en Español. Martes: 2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Bodas…...Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia Miércoles: 2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37, 40; con 8 meses de antelación Tel: 824-6625 Mt 7:15-20 Comunión para los Enfermos …..Las personas que Jueves: 2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29 deseen recibir la Comunión en sus casas, favor lla- Viernes: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9; 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 mar a la oficina de la Parroquia, o hablar con un ministro eucarísco después de misa. Sábado: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:15-17 El Coro para Adultos en Español ..Se invita a todos Domingo: Sab 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; los que sienten el deseo de servir al Señor con su 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mc 5:21-43 voz o con un instrumento musical, favor hablar con [5:21-24, 35b-43] María Hernández después de la misa de 12:00p.m.

Para Ofrendas Durante las Misa ...Si deseas que se LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES mencione durante la misa el nombre de un familiar Domingo: La Natividad de san Juan Bautista o amigo ya fallecido o que esté gravemente enfer- Lunes: Decimosegundo Semana del Tiempo mo, favor llamar a Clarita Opiela, Tel: 824- Ordinario Miércoles: San Cirilio de Alejandria Diácono Jim visita cada lunes el Flagler Hospital. Si Jueves: San Ireneo sabes de algún familiar o amigo – miembro de la Viernes: Santos Pedro y Pablo parroquia que está en el hospital favor llamar al la oficina de la parroquia (904 824-6625) o avísanos Sábado: Santos Protomártires de la santa Iglesia antes o después de las misas durante el fin de se- romana; Santa María Virgen mana.

Exposición del Sansimo Para información sobre las flores del altar en Sacramento nombre de un ser querido, por favor, Adoracion al Sansimo communíquese con la officina al 824-6625. Todos los Viernes 8:30am-6pm El costo es de $50.00 por los dos arreglos. “Nuestro Compromiso Fundamental en le vida es crecer espiritualmente en la presencia de la Sagrada Eucarisa.” Papa Juan Pablo II Page 4 PARISH EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS June 24, 2018

Mark your calendar for a Farewell Party for Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Sunday July 29, 2018 from 3:00pm - 6:00pm The church is providing the meal and Music. We will be accepng Donaons of Soda, Sweet and Unsweet Tea beginning Saturday July 21st. For more informaon please contact Wilma Rosado at the Spanish mass or Tyra at the church office at 904-824-6625 ext. 102

If you would like to donate to the refinishing of Fr. Heriberto’s Chalice. Please place your donation in the special envelopes located in the church.

People of faith are commied to serving others in God’s love in healthcare, child welfare, migraon and refugee resele-ment, educaon, and more. Religious freedom protects the space in which we can connue to serve. Religious Freedom Week begins June 22, the Feast of Sts. & . Join Catholics across the country to pray and act for the freedom to serve faithfully and with integrity. Learn more at! Office of Religious Liberty “Freedom” to 377377 Copyright © 2018, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. The San Sebasan Respect Life Commiee will be planning a Mass for Religious Freedom July 4th. Divine Mercy Novena, starng June 26 and a movie “Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace”, a story of love, courage & sacrifice, Sunday July 1, 2:oopm in the CHURCH “[Religious] freedom remains one of America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good cizens, to pre- serve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it.” - Francis


(only 1 day a week for either Lunch or Dinner) temporarily for our priest in the rectory

1) LUNCH - Monday - Friday serving at 1pm for 4 priest

Lunch Ideas; Soup, Sandwiches, Salads, Fruit, etc.

2) DINNER - Monday - Friday serving at 6:00pm for 6 priest. Dinner ideas; Entrée Meat, Vegetables, Rice or Potatoes. Casseroles & Salads, and Dessert. Please contact Tyra Rousseau at 824-6625 ext 102 for details, scheduling and food cost reimbursement. Page 5 PARISH EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS June 24, 2018

he eligious ducation nrichment enter T R E E C Funds Needed - $ 1,233,500.00

Collected to date - $ 922,087.04 Expenses to date- $ 51,089.63

• Please use the GREEN BORDER ENVELOPES FOR Income Expense ALL DONATIONS FOR THE REEC, Except Pledge $ 1,233, 500 $1,200,000 payments. Please use the YELLOW BORDER FOR ALL PLEDGE PAYMENTS $ 1, 000,000 • Both Envelopes are available at the display in the $ 800,000 gathering space. $ 900,000

$ 500,000 REEC Update: Our Parishioner, Steven Stratton is donating his $ 100,000 equipment & labor from his business to clear the site. Our Contractor is J. C. Harward & Associates, Fleming Island, FL . The Bid was accepted at $1,233,500.00 $ 50,000

Spirit Night at Jimmy’s Pizza every 3rd Sunday , July 15, from 4pm - 9pm Mention you saw this information in the church bulletin and 25% of what you spend will be donated to the San Sebastian Religious Education Enrichment Center. Jimmy’s Pizza is located at: 100 Center Creek Spirit Night #101 St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-217-0092.

Last Spirit Night In May raised $54.41 for the REEC

Fundraiser for the Religious Education Enrichment Center Began the First day of Summer on June 21st YOBE Frozen Yogurt in Cobblestone Village, 200 CBL Dr #103 St. Aug. FL 32086 Every Thursday from 5:00pm –7:30pm . Just let the cashier know that you are there for the San Sebastian Catholic Church Fundraiser. 20% of your purchase will go back to San Sebastian Catholic Church for the REEC.

Please pick up a copy of a weekly message from Fr. Mooney, “Faith and Reason” located on the bulletin table in the gathering space. Father Mooney is available for Spiritual Direction and Confession During the week, Please call the rectory for an appointment. 904-824-6625


Extra tickets for the San Sebastian 500 club still available in Church office The 500 club drawings will be Saturday’s thru August 11th

April 28, 2018 $ 100.00 - Sheila Steighner June 23, 2018 $ 100.00 - June 30, 2018 $ 100.00 - May 05, 2018 $ 100.00 - Barbara Edwards

May 12, 2018 $ 200.00 - Dmitri Romero July 07, 2018 $ 200.00 - May 19, 2018 $ 100.00 - Connie Bandy July 14, 2018 $ 100.00 - May 26, 2018 $ 100.00 - & Suzanne Faulkner July 21, 2018 $ 100.00 - July 28, 2018 $ 100.00 - June 02, 2018 $ 200.00 - St. Gerard Campus June 09, 2018 $ 100.00 - Leaugeay McKean August 04, 2018 $ 100.00 - June 16, 2018 $ 100.00 - Veronica Gunderman August 11, 2018 $ 200.00 -

Join us for a 12 week Bible Study Beginning Thursday June 28,2018 from 9:45am - 11:15am In the Fr. Rene Robert Knights Of Columbus Hall For more information please contact Mickey at 904-377-4749

Welcome New Parishioners: 1. Rachel Lebon 6/17/18 . 2. Jeanette Prejna and Jeffrey Cormier 6/16/18 3. Mark and LuAnn Kachelein 6/19/18 4. Mildred Wampler 6/08/18

Congratulations on your Baptism: 1. Acelyn Gray Jutte 6/17/18

Friday August 3, 2018 at 6:00pm

In the San Sebastian Parish Dining Hall

Honoring our Seminarian Matthew King. Pre sale of Dinner ticket prices are: $15.00 per person -$25.00 per couple, Children under 12 - $5.00

Dinner ticket price at the door: $17.00 per person $30.00 per couple Children under 12 - $5.00

MENU: Baked Ziti, Lasagna, Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad, Soft Drinks, Tea & Dessert, Beer and Wine available for donations Tickets available after weekend masses or in the church office Ticket sales using Credit or Debit available in the church Gift Shop Sponsored by the Fr. Rene Robert Knights of Columbus Council #11046 Page 7 PARISH MINISTRIES & ACTIVITIES June 24, 2018 San Sebastian Vacation Bible School July 16-20, 2018 - 8:45am-12:00pm Theme; Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus. Registrations will end July 1, 2018 First come first enrolled (limited space)

Still Seeking Adults to help lead & assist!!. High school & middle school Volunteers positions are all filled

Adult volunteers 18 & up must complete fingerprint/background check & Protecting God’s Children. Contact Kelly Emilio for info [email protected]

Religious Education has been suspended for Summer Vacation.

Contact with any questions, Religious Education Director, Susan Donlon 824-6625 ext.107 315-1352 Or [email protected]

The San Sebastian Warriors Youth Group Grades 6 - 12 Youth Group has been Suspended for the Summer. For Information please contact Susan Donlon at 904-824-6625/ 904-315-1352/ [email protected]

THE HIGH SCHOOL GROUP (9th thru 12th Grades)

The High School Group has been suspended for the summer.

info contact Susan Donlon at 904-824- 6625-ext 107 / 904-315-1352 or email [email protected]

Children’s Choir Rehearsals For information on Children’s Choir & Children’s Home School Choir, contact Lynne DuPont 824-1334 or email [email protected]

The Columbian Squires Circle 5367 (young men of Knights of Columbus) Michael Ryan, Chief Counselor, Columbian Squires 5367 904-797-7418 / or email [email protected] Next meeting to be announced.


Fr. Rene Robert Knights of Columbus Council 11046 - Event Schedule Knights Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Knights Hall. Monthly Pot Luck Dinner Social, Everyone invited, 4th Tues. of the month. Joining The Knights of Columbus or transferring into our Council, call Grand Knight Bob Grimaldi at 904-495-5055 or [email protected] Pancake/Waffle Breakfast, 2nd & 4th Sun. of month / 8am & 10am masses. Knights of Columbus -Squires, Meets 6pm in the K of C Hall. Next Meeting Sunday July 1. For Information contact Mike Ryan at 797-7418.

The San Sebastian Ladies Guild will not have a meeting in July. We are planning a Dinner Off Site in August more details To come. All women of the parish are always welcome. For Info call Ladies Guild Interim President Tyra Rousseau at church office 824-6625 ext.102 or email [email protected]

New Summer Bible Study/Discussion Group will begin Wednesday June 27th at 7:00pm in the Knights hall. The subject is the Holy Spirit by Fr. Dave Pavonka. The series of vidios is call “The Wild Goose”. For more informaon please contact JoAnn Roy at 904-570-0156 or [email protected]

Moms AcƟvity Group (MAG). This group is for all busy moms and ladies of the Parish who want to take a break during the month, and enjoy acvies with others. No commitment! Please contact Sarah Laboran cell (865) 313-5566 or email

Ministry of Caring Our Mission is: No member of our Parish Family will grieve alone; We pray, visit the sick & bereaved; host funeral receptions in the parish hall. If you are interested in joining this ministry or are in need of assistance, contact Orpha Wiseman at 904-824-5748. Next meeting to be announced.

STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE - Next Meeng to be announced In church library. The Stewardship Commiee has been formed to publicize our opportunies within the parish and encourage greater parcipaon by everyone. Bishop Estevez stated, "Stewardship is the means by which we, as a diocesan family, make the invisible love of God visible, integrang all things into the sacraments of the faith". For more Info call Tom Clarke 904- 540-3728 / [email protected]

Music Ministry Sat. 4pm mass Choir rehearsals Sat. 3pm in Church Sun. at the 8am & 10am masses, Choir rehearsals Tues. 7pm in Church. Sun. 12 noon Spanish Choir rehearsals Thurs 6pm in the Church. Children’s Choir OFF FOR THE SUMMER

The San Sebastian Gift Shop - Visit the Gift shop during the week after daily mass or after masses on the weekend. If you would like more information about volunteering 1 hour a month after any mass on the weekend, Contact Donna McNary 904-806-2844 / [email protected]

Prayer Blanket Ministry Our parishioners generously make and donate hand made blankets for those sick and in need of comfort & compassion. Now available : PRAYER CLOTHS for our Troops to carry with them in their pockets. Prayer cloths are available depicting: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force or a generic with the American Flag. Items available at the church office. Leaugeay McKean at 824-6625 / [email protected] Page 9 PARISH MINISTRIES & ACTIVITIES June 24, 2018

Parish Monthly Food Drive 3rd weekend of the month. Please bring in tea bags, sugar, sweetener, creamer, coffee, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, instant oatmeal, canned stew, spam, corn, beans, peas, carrots, soup, boxed milk, jelly, canned fruit, mashed potatoes, pasta & sauce, dog food, cat food, or gift cards. Food is distributed to those on fixed incomes & elderly 4th Friday of the month, 1:00 pm during Food & Fun Friday. Volunteers are welcome to participate in helping cook the meal, set up & serve the meal & clean-up & just enjoy spending time with these special people.

FOOD AND FUN FRIDAY is a meal for elderly & those on fixed incomes the 4th Friday of the month. If you could volunteer to cook, set-up, serve, clean-up or just spend time in fellowship with these great people contact Susan Donlon 904-824-6625 ext 107 / [email protected]

Altar Society JUST SHOW UP…..Mondays from 8-9am we meet in the church to: change & clean altar linens, restock votive candles, clean, dust, water flowers, & straighten pews.

Library located in the Gathering Space: Books, tapes, movies, & music, for young & “old”. Open during church hours. Please return items within 2 weeks. Susan Donlon, 315-1352

Power of Prayer Group Intercessory Prayer Group meets on Thursdays after the 8am mass in the Library. If you have a prayer request contact us Joann or Roy Lansing 904-571-0156 / [email protected]

Parish Finance Council If you have a knowledge of Balance Sheets, Income State- ments & interested in serving, Gerri Sexsion, 904-309-3889 / [email protected]

Ushers NEEDED Sat. 4pm, 10am & 12 pm Terry Pacetti, 669-6000 / [email protected]

The Maryknoll Northeast Affiliate Chapter - The Maryknoll Northeast Florida Affiliate Chapter meets at San Sebas- tian Catholic Church, 1112 FL 16, St. Augustine, For more information and meeting schedule Please contact Mary Moritz 904.536.0356 /[email protected]

INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC??? RCIA has day and evening sessions. Contact Susan Donlon 824-6625 / 315-1352 / [email protected]

FOOD SHARING Meal preparation at 2:00pm in the Parish Hall followed by serving the Homeless of St. Augustine, downtown. Donations of Meat always appreciated. 3rd Tuesday of the month. Team A - Lydia Quiles 687-8169 / [email protected]. Team B - Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 / [email protected].

Respect Life Committee We stand and pray at “All Women’s Choice” aboron facil- ity 4131 University Blvd. So. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month with 3 one hour teams: 10am-11, 11am-12n, 12n-1pm. Call or email if you need a ride; Lane Campau 904 823-8887 / [email protected] We prays the Rosary every Friday at 2:pm in the church during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Meetings are held the second Saturday of the month 9:00am in the San Sebas- MEN’S Prayer Group tian Knights Hall. Wilfredo Cardona 824-1822/Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451.

Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Group 2nd and 4th Sundays each month at 2pm in Mary’s Garden. Leaugeay McKean at [email protected] Page 10 Weekly Event Calendar & Weekend Collections June 24, 2018

June 23– July 1, 2018 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS FOR June 16-17

Weekly $ 8,845.10 06/23 Sat 3:00pm Confessions Weekly On Line Giving $ 1,435.00 4:00pm Mass Weekly Offertory Collecon Goal $12,400.00 5:00pm Gift Shop Open Church Mortgage $ 142.00 5:00pm Wine and Cheese Our Monthly Mortgage is $20,250.00 ______06/24 Sun 8:00am Mass Religious Education Center $ 61.00 9:00am Pancake/Waffle Breakfast Building & Maintenance(2nd Collection) $ 2,468.95 9:00am Gift Shop Open Liturgical Support & Supplies $ 000.00 10:00am Mass - sign language 10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word Insurance Subsidy $ 127.00 11:00am Gift Shop open Support for Religious Ed. $ 105.00 11:00am Pancake/Waffle Breakfast 12:00pm Misa en Español 2:00pm MMP, garden 2:00pm Youth Group rehearsal

______Second Collections: 06/25 Mon NO MASS June 24, Religious Ed Enrichment Center 8:00am Altar Society July 1, Mortgage Fund 7:00pm Knights 4th degree July 8, Outreach for the Poor ______06/26 Tue 7:45 am Fortnight for Freedom Novena 8:00am Mass Diocesan Collection/Non Parochial Collection: 6:00pm RCIA adults A portion of our regular collection will go to 7:00pm Knights Social June 24, Peter’s Pence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~———~ 06/27 Wed 7:45 am Fortnight for Freedom Novena 8:00am Mass 7:00pm ALPHA 2pm –5pm Youth Group Rehearsal

______06/28Thur 7:45 am Fortnight for Freedom Novena SIGN UP TO GIVE 8:00am Mass ONLINE 8:45am Prayer Group 9:45am Mary & The Bible 6:00pm Spanish Choir 1. Visit 7:00pm Misa en Español And click - Donate Online

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/29 Fri 7:45 am Fortnight for Freedom Novena 2. Click on the collection you wish to donate to 8:00am Mass 8:30am-6:pm Exposition of the 3. Click Recurring Donation, enter your donation Blessed Sacrament ______amount and frequency. 06/30 Sat 3-3:30pm Confessions 4:00pm Mass You can also access giving online from the parish 5:00pm Gift Shop Open app on your mobile device by press the Giving Icon 5:00pm Wine & Cheese Social

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 07/01 Sun 8:00am Mass 9:00am Coffee & Danish Use Your Envelopes or use On-Line Giving 9:00am Gift Shop Open 9:45 am Fortnight for Freedom Novena We encourage everyone to use their envelopes or On 10:00am Mass - sign language Line Giving. Think of your envelopes or on-line giving as a 10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word gift to God. You take the time to thoughtfully, prayerfully 11:00am Gift Shop open choose your gift, wrap it and present it eagerly to our 11:00am Coffee & Danish Lord. Many times families will ask for a letter stating that 12:00pm Misa en Español they are registered, participating members of San Sebas- 2:00pm Religious Freedom Movie “Bonhoeffer, Agent of Grace” a story tian in order to become a Godparent, Confirmation of love, courage & sacrifice Sponsor or simply to enroll in Catholic Schools. Using 2:00pm Youth Group Rehearsal your envelope or Online Giving makes our easier and 6:00pm Squires allows us to say “Yes! this family is registered & participating here at San Sebastian. “ Page 11 Prayer List and Ministry Contact List June 24, 2018

Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of : Michael Power and Todd Christopher Burchfield To add names to prayer list call office at 824-6625 or email

LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo Sgt. Evan Burgess Sgt Dusty Davis, Marcos Rios, Spec Jason Polly Lt Col Dr. Eric J. Colon 1st Lt Vito John Errico Lt. Betsy Hoyos “Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Jr Maj. David Pasquale Col. Dave Francis Cpt. Nestor L. Lugo Lt. Col Sean Navin PFC Justin Peeples Lt Victor A. Ramos Cpl Julia A. Taylor Pvt Zachary Thompson AM2 Omar Samanamud Sgt Julian R. Taylor , PFC Robert Young Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe CDR. Mark M. Walstead, Lt. Paul Jeffrey Mouhalis

Week 1 Doug Connell Vonda Coleman* MINISTRY CONTACT LIST Doug Conlon* Wayne Holt* Adoration/ Wilfredo Cardona………………...824-1822…..…………[email protected] Tommy Kynard* Ken Mullen* Altar Servers/Susan Donlon………………….824-6625………. [email protected] Ada Nackashi* Belinda C. Rose* Altar Society/Christine Thompson…………...826-4368…….……[email protected] Rick Schroeder* Fran Tucker* ALPHA / JoAnn Roy…………………………...571-0156………...... [email protected] Allen McCaffery Baptism Preparation…………………………..824-6625…………[email protected]

Bread Pick Up/Church Office…………………824-6625…………[email protected] Week 2 Dan Burkhardt* Audrey Burnett* Bible Study / JoAnn Roy…..………………….571-0156………...... [email protected] Colleen Caro* Domnick Caro* Bulletin Request– Marietta Moser....………...217-7270……………[email protected] Caitlin O’Connell* Children’s Choirs-Lynne Dupont……………..824-1334……………[email protected] Jennifer Demshock* Cindy Fessler* Confirmation-Adults or Youth-Susan Donlon 824-6625………[email protected] Fabian P. Funk* Charles Hall* Choir Director - English Judy Bernhard……..540-4605…………..…[email protected] Rita Kreuter* Madison Masters* Choir Director—Spanish Maria Hernandez...347-8902……………[email protected] Barbara Ann Miller* Curt Moser* Extraordinary Ministers/ Jenene Karamon….501-9912……………..jenenekaramon@yahoo,com Maureen Patrick* Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery………….824-6625……………[email protected] Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon ……………824-6625………[email protected] Week 3 Theresa Columbus* Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles ………..687-8169……………[email protected] Sr. Anne Haarer* Jenny Harvey* Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy……..824-3403……………[email protected] Zaelie Grace Haber John Kotlinski* Gift Shop / Donna McNary…………………....806-2844.……………[email protected] Cecelia Lavinghouse* Finance Council /Gerri Sexsion……………....309-3889……………[email protected] Shirley Macdonald* Jane Schroeder* Holy Name Society/Charlie Judice……..………………………………[email protected] David Shields* Dee Vanta* Holy Orders/ Fr. David Ruchinski.……………262-3200……………...Diocese of St. Augustine Cathy Wood* Santa Ynoa Homeless Donations/Linda & Bob Curran…..827-1050……………[email protected] Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…824-6625………...... [email protected] Week 5 Skeeter Butler* Marcella Butler * Intercessory Prayer Group/ Jo Ann Roy……..571-0156………...... [email protected] Maureen Lively* Raul Maldonado* Knights of Columbus / Bob Grimaldi...……. ..495-5055………...... [email protected] Byron Merwin* Krista Morris* K of C Squires / Mike Ryan…………………...797-7418…………….. [email protected] Kaden Morris* Connie Mosher* Ladies Guild / Tyra Rousseau .....……………466-0356……………[email protected] Frank Perry* Pat Prater * Lectors/Susan Donlon………………………... 824-6625………[email protected] Valerie Roberts* Lansing Roy* Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean 824-6625………[email protected] Stephen Thomas* Becca Timan* Emily C. Urbina* Sally Walton* Marriage Preparation…………………………..824-6625……………t [email protected] Nancy Wishard* Jane Young* Men’s Fellowship/Deacon Earl Kidwell……….819-5451……………[email protected] Ministry of Caring/ Orpha Wiseman………….824-5748……………….no current e-mail Week 5 Moms Activity Group/ Sarah Laboranti…865-313-5566………………[email protected] Francisco Arguello* Andy Butler* Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau……..824-6625………...... [email protected] Camille Carrubba* Linda Flister * Office Español Clarita Opiela…………………824-6625………[email protected] Anita Guevara* Rebecca Law* Church Office (Español) Doriana Borerro……824-6625….…[email protected] Phyllis Markowitz* McLeod* Parish Advisory Council / Charlie Judice……..………………………[email protected] Fred Meeks* Denise Orr* Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625...…[email protected] Norman Pickett* Sheila Steighner* Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau…………….824-6625….………[email protected] Bernie Torres* John Uvegas* Religious Education/Susan Donlon…………..824-6625………[email protected] Respect Life/Lane Campau……………………823-8887……………[email protected] Week 6 Jen Brown* Austin Bradock* RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… …...824-6625………[email protected] John Busketta* Rose Busketta* Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon………………...824-6625………[email protected] Zosimo (Sonny) Cadiz* Sacrament of Baptism/ Susan Donlon……….824-6625………[email protected] Catherine Dailey* Justin Dennish* Sacrament of Marriage—church office……….824-6625…………[email protected] Rich Jackman* Audrey Largent* Stewardship Committee - Tom Clarke………..540-3728……………[email protected] Mary Lockwood Lockwood Sunday Communion Service/St. Aug. Rehab..806-1331…………….Mary Tilger [email protected] Carmen Medina* Violeta Michta* John Michta* James Watcke* Ushers/Terry Pacetti……………………………669-6000……………[email protected] Youth Group (The Warriors) Susan Donlon…315-1352………[email protected]

Vacation Bible School/ Kelly Emilio……...919-630-7964……………[email protected] Wine and Cheese/Anne Gagliardi…………….825-0367……………[email protected] Page 12 How to Help In Our Community June 24, 2018

Box Tops for Education - Look for the official Box Top for Education on different food products. We also accept coke re- ward Codes, Sunny D Labels, & Kellogg's Family Reward Codes. contact Karen Town 940-6877* Diaper Drive diapers & wipes to be donated to St. Gerard House. No opened packages, please.* Volunteers Needed -The Miquel O’Reilly House Museum of meless historic treasures. 32 Avilles St. St. Augusne. Sr. Bernard Jo- seph, 904-826-0750/[email protected] Food Drive - Please bring non-perishable food items for needy families in our community every 3rd ( third) weekend of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity.* Food & Fun Fridays - 4th Friday of the Month - San Sebastian hosts a meal from 1pm–3pm for elderly and those on fixed incomes. If you have a neighbor or friend who would benefit from this, invite them to join us. To Volunteer, contact Susan Donlon 824-6625 ext 107. Food Sharing of St. Augustine - An evening meal for the homeless in St. Aug. is prepared the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. To volunteer for this great community outreach. Lydia Quiles 687-8169 /[email protected]. or Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 / [email protected]. Homeless in St. Augustine - small travel sizes: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, washclothes, combs, socks, hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, Neosporin, tweezers, nail clippers, razors, sunglasses, sunscreen* Prison Ministry - contact Fr. Thomas Walsh at 824-6625 Recycling Program - ALUMINUM CANS (Beer & Soda cans only) behind the Knights Hall. Paper Dumpster available in the front parking lot. No phone books, no plastic bags. St. Gerard Campus is in NEED of Volunteers Call - 904-829-5516- A pro-life pregnancy crisis center for free pregnancy tesng, free sonograms, and adopon services. Program that provides Free diapers and wipes, accredited college prep high school for 30-32 pregnant teens and teen mothers. Licensed 14-bed 24 hour maternity home residence. Free licensed daycare for the young mothers while they aend school. Volunteers always needed for the front desk, pregnancy center, thri store and more. For informaon 904-829-5516 / 1405 US HWY 1 South, St. Augusne, FL 32084. Mail Donaons to: St. Gerard Campus, PO Box 4382, St. Augusne, FL 32085 St. Johns County Pet Adoption & Holding Center - needs: pet foods, treats, blankets, towels, & toys.* St. Augustine Humane Society Resource Center, 1665 Old Moultrie Road. Contact Mike Murphy, Volunteer Program Manager at 904-829-2737 ext 111 or email [email protected]. St. Vincent de Paul Society - Part-time Positions and Volunteers needed. Some of our workers have gone north for the summer. We have part-time positions available of four hours a day for as many as a few days a week. Please think about the time you might be able to spend at St. Vincent de Paul to make a positive difference in so many lives. Debbie Mahoney at 904-824-3333 Used or New CATHOLIC PAPERBACK Bibles St. Johns County Jail Has inmates who attend a Saturday Bible Study. They have requested Paperback Catholic Bibles. Donation Basket in the church Gathering Space. Wildflower Clinic! Our mission in St. John’s County is to offer free Dental & Medical care, Women’s Clinics, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Mental Health, Dermatology & Vision Screening to low income residents. We are always looking for doctors and dentists to volunteer their services. Please call for information and scheduling if you are in the low income category. 904-829- 1962, address 268 Herbert St. St. Augustine 32084 / * Donation baskets for all items are located in the Gathering Space.

STAY CONNECTED WITH THE PARISH APP MANTENGANSE INFORMADO CON PARISH APP Daily & Weekend Readings, Catholic Prayers, Bulle- Lectures diarias y dominicales, Oraciones, WeShare, tin, WeShare, Notifications of changes & much more notificaciones y mucho más lo encuentra en el APP de are available on the San Sebastian Parish APP. la Parroquia de San Sebastian. Descargue la aplica- Download the app by going to Google Play or App Store & ción usando Google Play o App Store y busque MY Parish search for My Parish App. Or search the internet Mypari- APP, o busque en el Internet Esta applica- ***This App also gives you the capability of ción le da la capacidad de buscar información sobre todas searching info on all the catholic Churches within the Dio- las Iglesias católicas dentro de la Diócesis de San Augustine. cese of St. Augustine.

If you are a registered parishioner of San Sebastian Parish and you are not receiving the Diocese of St. Augustine Catholic Magazine. Please contact the Diocese of St. Augustine at 904-262-3200 Ext 207 /or email

Teachers Needed for Religious Education Please contact Director of Religious Education Susan Donlon At 904-824-6625 ext 107, 904-315-1352 or [email protected]