Wildlife A Bitter Pill to Swallow: China’s flagrant trade in leopard bone products April 2020 Wildlife ©EIAimage We would like to thank ABOUT EIA EIA UK 62-63 Upper Street, Ximporae.EIA would Utlike aut to fugitisthank restithe ut atia We investigate and campaign against London N1 0NY UK nobitfollowing ium foralici their bla conesupport: consequam Network environmental crime and abuse. T: +44 (0) 20 7354 7960 cusfor Social aci oditaquates Change, Ernest dolorem Kleinwort volla Our undercover investigations E:
[email protected] vendam,Charitable consequo Trust and molor The sinRufford net expose transnational wildlife crime, eia-international.org fugitatur,Foundation. qui int que nihic tem with a focus on elephants and asped quei oditaquates dolorem tigers, and forest crimes such as volla vendam, conseqci oditaquates EIA US illegal logging and deforestation for dolorem volla vendam, consequo PO Box 53343 cash crops like palm oil. We work to molor sin net fugitatur, qui int que Washington DC 20009 USA safeguard global marine ecosystems nihic tem asped quei oditaquates T: +1 202 483 6621 by addressing the threats posed dolorem volla vendam, consuo molor E:
[email protected] by plastic pollution, bycatch sin net fugitatur, qui int que nihic eia-global.org and commercial exploitation of tem asped que n nes ape verrovid whales, dolphins and porpoises. maximolorera doles magni tet ea Environmental Investigation Agency Finally, we reduce the impact of voluptas enis as de evel ipsam (UK) Ltd. Company Number: 7752350 climate change by campaigning dolendit, voluptam endusci psunto VAT Number: 440569842. Registered to eliminate powerful refrigerant quibusandit, sitaque enture inEnvironmental England and Investigation Wales Agency UK greenhouse gases, exposing related UK Charity Number: 1182208 illicit trade and improving energy Company Number: 07752350 efficiency in the cooling sector.