It's a Topsy-Turvy Year We're Having Cambridge Bt Oxford
Easter 2020 It’s a topsy-turvy year we’re having Cambridge bt Oxford (virtually) We began the year with the optimism born out of the successful Ospreys vote the previous year, Organised by Power2Inspire, on 13th June Cambridge and and indeed the presence of the Ospreys has begun to show that increase in trade that we were Oxford competed in a virtual Boat Race. Two inclusive crews hoping for, until everything was cut off by the Virus. Not so much lockdown, more a case of lock- of 8 from around the world competed on rowing machines to out. The Clubhouse is closed, and we have made use of available government grants and put see who could row the 6.8Km in the fastest time. staff into furlough. It would be nice to think that we can reopen in September, but at this point, The teams were to be as inclusive as possible - 4 men and 4 who knows whether we will be able to. women in each boat, and one of each to be disabled. This was Moving forwards: the (not so) assembled Cambridge crew: However we are not letting the grass grow under our feet, and we’re taking the opportunity to Sophie Paine Jan Helmich review every aspect of the business to see what we can do, not just to improve the current 2020 Boat squad Para-rowing situation, but also to future proof the business as far as we can. In this respect we have been led by Michael Phillips, in his second year as President, ably Wolfson Trinity Hall seconded by this year’s Secretary, Matyas Molnar.
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