Natural Areas in the Region

helping to set the regional agenda for nature


egional strategies and policy The conservation of nature is a key local and national priorities for nature documents are being drawn test of policy in all three facets of into the Regional decision-making R up by the newly-created sustainable development, the social, framework. It contains information of Regional organisations. These are the economic and the environmental. direct relevance to the development required to encompass the protection While its role in the environment is of Regional Planning Guidance and and management of the environment self evident, it also has social Single Programming Documents to by applying the principles of implications through the spiritual, support the delivery of European sustainable development. cultural and recreational value of Union Structural Funding, people’s experience of the natural regeneration funding and other This document has been produced world; and economic implications economic and social programmes. by English Nature, the Government through the provision of exploitable body that promotes the conservation resources and the attractiveness to The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries of wildlife and natural features investors of high quality and Food, the Environment Agency, throughout . It is for use by environments. the country forestry organisations, the Regional Development Agency, local authorities and statutory and the Government Regional Office If we are serious about achieving other agencies involved in land use and the Regional Chambers, when sustainable development, then and land management issues will also making Regional policy. We hope understanding the priorities for the find it relevant and, we hope, of value. that it will provide a starting point conservation of the biodiversity and for discussion with our network of Earth heritage resource of the Region We envisage that this document can Regional Lead Teams, who can is therefore essential. This report is a therefore be used at a number of key provide valuable support, and links first step towards that understanding, points within the Regional strategy- into wider partnerships. and provides the basis for integrating making and planning process.

Peveril Castle, Castleton, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Introduction 3 Natural Areas as a Regional framework for nature English Nature has divided England into a series of Natural Areas. Their boundaries are based on the distribution of wildlife and natural features and the land use patterns and human history of each area. They do not follow administrative boundaries but relate instead to variations in the character of the landscape. They reflect our cultural heritage and are central to English Nature’s organisational strategy Beyond 2000.

We worked with the Countryside Commission (soon to become the Countryside Agency) to identify a joint approach to the characterisation of the countryside into locally distinctive units called character areas. Where the wildlife and natural features are similar between adjacent character areas we have merged them into one Natural Area - so, a Natural Area may contain several character areas that are considered to be different landscape types.

Natural Areas offer a more effective framework for the planning and achievement of nature conservation objectives than do administrative boundaries. Although they are not formal Claxby Chalk Pit, Lincolnshire. Jane Ostler/English Nature designations they are now recognised in Government Planning Policy Guidance Relevant Government Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) (PPG) and other statutory advice.

PPG 7: The Countryside: environmental quality and economic and Within this framework, we have, with social development our key partners in the Region, PPG 9: Nature Conservation identified the chief threats to, and PPG 11: Regional Planning Guidance opportunities for, nature conservation. PPG 12: Development Plans and Regional Planning Guidance Together, we have defined a range of (presently under review) issues, and set associated objectives PPG 13: Transport that we believe provide a starting point for Regional action to protect and Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Policy Guidance: Policy manage our biodiversity and geological appraisal and the environment (DETR, 1998). assets. These objectives are set out in the sections which follow.

East Midlands Region Introduction 4 Objectives for Regional boundary 34 North sustainable 23 Southern Lincolnshire Magnesian Coversands development and Limestone and Clay nature conservation in Vales 25 Dark 101 Bridlington Peak to Skegness the East Midlands 24 Coal Region Measures 32 35 Lincolnshire 29 South Sherwood Wolds West Peak 36 Lincolnshire The East Midlands is a region of Coast and dramatic, and often sharp, contrasts. Marshes Dense urban populations can be 30 White found in and around the major Peak 33 102 Trent The metropolitan centres of Derby, Valley & Wash Rises Leicester, Northampton and 38 Lincolnshire and 24 Nottingham, traditionally linked to 40 Needwood 39 Charnwood Limestone and South coal, textiles and the heavy industries. Derbyshire 37 The Fens Claylands The East and West of the Region are rural, and Lincolnshire is one of the 31 Derbyshire 45 Rockingham Peak Fringe Forest most sparsely populated counties in and Lower Derwent England. Agriculture is the dominant 52 West Anglian land use and underpins the rural Plain 44 Midland Clay base. For instance, the East Midlands Pastures 54 Yardley-Whittlewood Region produces 30% of the national Ridge vegetable crop and 40% of the bulbs and flowers. Natural Areas covered in the East Midlands Region report

The diverse landscape supports a wildlife, and sit within the farmland generations, we need to look at how characteristic combination of wildlife which dominates the East Midlands we can act to maintain and improve and geological heritage. The Region landscape - where a number of both our local and global varies from the rugged upland moors important species such as brown hare environments. There is no doubt and limestone dales of the Peak and lapwing can be found. that work at the Regional level can be District, through the a powerful force in steering local Nottinghamshire coalfield, the great The distribution of wildlife and the agendas for environmental action, clay vale of the Trent, the ridges of texture of the landscape are the whilst providing strong links to the Lincoln Cliff limestone and the product of complex interactions. national and international chalk of the Wolds, to the flat fertile The basic physical qualities of the programmes. silts of the Lincolnshire Coastal rock, soil and climate have set the Plains and the sand dunes of the scene, but the detail has been, and Sustainable development requires Lincolnshire coast and the Wash. will continue to be, shaped through integration, rather than balance or human activity which is driven by trade off. Decision makers need to The Peak National Park in the west economic, social, and environmental build environmental and social and the Lincolnshire coast and the forces. criteria into the heart of their Wash in the east, have an outstanding policies and programmes - and diversity of special wildlife habitats Our ability to exploit the ensure that they are given the same and species that are very rare, and of environment for economic gain is weight as economic considerations very high quality, of which the Region beginning to jeopardise our present at the beginning of the process. This can be justifiably proud. Rutland and future well-being. Since our is what is meant by integration, and Water and Sherwood Forest are also decisions can have far-reaching contrasts with the more familiar of international importance for their effects on present and future situation, where proposals are drawn

East Midlands Region Introduction 5 up against economic criteria alone land as much as possible, while predominantly part of agricultural and are only weighed against their ensuring that the quality of towns or management systems. Farmland environmental impact when they are cities is maintained or improved. therefore provides a major about to be implemented. The challenge will be to determine source of opportunity for habitat which patterns and locations of creation and maintenance, and The basic means for many of the development prove most species protection and Regional level structures and sustainable. enhancement. Its importance is organisations to act will be through reflected in the issues and the planning process for built Conserving and enhancing nature objectives that are listed at the development and infrastructure. can be compatible with development start of each section. Planners have a key role in and, whilst the built environment has incorporating economic, fewer designated sites, Local Nature The intensification of agriculture, environmental and social factors into Reserves, pocket parks, green space and associated decline in traditional decisions about where to put homes, and even private gardens, are the land management, combined with jobs, shops and leisure facilities. In only contact the majority of people the huge growth of the major towns this way, demands on land, the have with nature. They are also and cities, has resulted in the environment and nature can be important reservoirs of biodiversity. reclamation and loss of much of the managed more sustainably. lowland semi-natural habitat of value Regional Planning Guidance will be Another essential role will be played to wildlife in the East Midlands written to help with this process. by those charged with the design Region. The semi-natural habitats and implementation of policy and that remain are often small and Current government policy programmes for forestry, agriculture, isolated and are adversely affected by encourages investment in urban water and recreation. Farming is agricultural practices and pressure areas and existing centres rather the East Midlands Region’s major from development, including the use than out of town sites. This means land use. The habitats described in of pesticides and fertilisers, run-off of re-using previously developed urban the following chapters are pollutants from industrial and housing estates, and the lowering of water tables through drainage and abstraction. Similar pressures of agricultural intensification, notably overgrazing, inappropriate burning regimes and a move from traditional grassland management, are applied to the wildlife of the uplands.

The populations of birds, mammals and plants which rely on the agricultural systems themselves have also plummeted. Major priorities therefore include: the sensitive management of existing habitats; increasing the area of existing habitats and re-establishing the links between them; and restoring the conditions in which the wildlife of cereal fields and pasture can also thrive.

Rutland Water. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Introduction 6 Glossary How the contents of the report may be applied BAP: Biodiversity Action Plans for habitats and species.

Specific Relevant Biodiversity: Simply means the variety of life on application contents earth. It covers everything from human beings to oak trees, bacteria to blue whales. Many Regions have Sustainable We have sought to set biodiversity already produced or are working on Biodiversity development and Earth heritage in the context Audits and Action Plans which begin to catalogue and of sustainable development - and summarise their wealth of wildlife. This document to define the latter as a process of complements these and other initiatives, including integration. work on Local Agenda 21 and Local Biodiversity Action Plans, and existing Nature Conservation Strategies. Providing Descriptive text which outlines the context natural character of the Region. Earth heritage: We have a rich and diverse heritage of rocks, fossils, minerals and land forms. The Identifying Specific issues and objectives protection and management of these features is an issues and written for direct inclusion in integral part of nature conservation. objectives policy documents and/or distillation into policy to protect European Union Habitats and Birds Directives and enhance nature. requires the Government to designate and protect some of the most important areas for wildlife. They are or will be classified as Special Protection Areas Links to Key Natural Areas are named in (SPAs) and/or Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). international each section in order to ensure These sites are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest site designations that national priorities for habitat (SSSIs) but meet specific criteria for international and biodiversity conservation are taken into importance. In the case of marine SACs the SSSI account. They are identified as designation only applies down to the low water mark. supporting nationally important concentrations of a habitat or Habitat: is the natural home of any plant, and where Earth heritage feature and/or animals feed, breed and rest. international sites (Special Protection Areas and Special Areas Statutory guidance from the Secretary of State of Conservation) and biodiversity to the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) habitats and species. includes: Sustainable Development; Rural Policy; Regional Economic Strategies. White Papers Benchmarks A checklist is provided (Annex 1) include: Building Partnerships for Prosperity; The for nature to make an assessment of the Sustainable Development Strategy; contribution of policies, projects Rural White Paper; Urban White Paper. and programmes to the delivery of sustainability in relation to nature. Sustainable development: was defined by the 1987 World Commission Report on Environment and Development as “development which meets the needs Key contact The English Nature contact of the present without compromising the ability of points addresses are provided for the future generations to meet their needs”. It is often Region, including the Regional described as a ‘three legged stool’ whose legs comprise Lead Team, together with a list of environmental, economic and social. If any one of sources of information (Annex 2). them is missing as a consideration in decisions, the stool will topple.

East Midlands Region Introduction 7 Earth heritage

he Southern Magnesian richest sites in Britain for fossilised Key issues and Limestone area is mammals, fish, birds and evidence of T characterised by a prehistoric man. Upper Carboniferous objectives Magnesian Limestone escarpment rocks dominate the landscape of the which runs from south of Sheffield Coal Measures which was further to the Durham coast. Characteristic shaped by the extensive mining Issue: site protection gorge and cave deposits contain industry based on numerous coal ● Protect sites from the threat evidence of human occupation seams which were formed from of landfill. making this a key area for examining ancient peat deposits. Clays, sands ● Review proposals for the early habitation of the British and gravels deposited during recent aggregate extraction and vein Isles. Creswell Crags is one of the glaciations cap the landscape. mineral working against nature conservation objectives. ● Discourage cliff-top development which may require future damaging coast protection works.

Issue: maintenance of existing resources ● Maintain existing geological sites by: ◗ agreeing the conservation of exposures in working and disused quarries with extraction companies; ◗ ensuring appropriate management of sites (e.g. by removing overgrowth).

Issue: recreation and education ● Encourage local caving organisations to be responsible for cave systems by undertaking cave conservation plans. ● Promote responsible fossil collection and protect vulnerable sites. ● Promote the geological resource by: ◗ explaining the influence of geology on local habitats and scenery through on site interpretation using signboards, leaflets and trail guides, etc; ◗ assessing and promoting the educational and research value of sites. Beacon Hill, . Steve Clifton/English Nature

East Midlands Region Earth heritage 8 Main Earth heritage 30. White Peak features of key Natural ● Exposures showing 23 Areas Carboniferous stratigraphy 24 ● Karst features such as cave 25 23. Southern Magnesian systems and dry valleys Limestone ● Mineralisation of the 30 ● Permian Magnesian 33 Carboniferous limestone 37 Limestone of the Yorkshire ● Influence on the landscape and 24 Province scenery 39 52 ● Pleistocene stratigraphy and vertebrates 33. Trent Valley and Rises ● Early settlement by ● Precambrian rocks, Caledonian 39. Charnwood palaeolithic man igneous rocks and associated ● Precambrian fossils and rocks mineral veins 24. Coal Measures ● Caledonian igneous rocks and ● Exposures of Triassic rocks associated mineral veins ● Namurian and Westphalian ● River Trent terraces and ● Precambrian hills and stratigraphy and associated river gravels and associated summit tors sedimentology fossils ● Deep river gorges ● Economic resource - Westphalian Coal Measures 37. The Fens 52. West Anglian Plain ● International importance - ● Upper Jurassic clays and proposed stratotype and ● Fossil rich limestones and clay associated deposits with established type localities ● Oxford Clay exposures in important fossil faunas ● Plant fossils brickpits of importance for ● Upper Jurassic fossil-rich palaeontology and stratigraphy limestones including coral reefs 25. Dark Peak ● Quaternary river terrace gravels and associated deposits at with important fossil faunas ● Upper Carboniferous Upware stratigraphy and sediments ● Complex sequence of Holocene ● Landslips and their geological deposits representing varied context environments and recording a ● Quaternary development of detailed story of recent sea level the Pennines and climatic changes

The Bridlington to Skegness coast is sandstones, ironstones and clays. The distinctive White Peak scenery, almost entirely underlain by fine The Chalk is only well exposed on of which the dales and caves are grained limestones, however the the south bank of the Humber. notable features, results from the nature of the area has been Lower and middle Jurassic limestone weathering and erosion of the determined by the thick layer of overlain by clays and a semi- underlying Carboniferous clays and gravels deposited on top of continuous sheet of wind-blown Limestone. Volcanic activity during the limestone during the last Ice sand characterise the northern part the Carboniferous Period resulted in Age. The Lincolnshire Wolds, of the North Lincolnshire the production of a number of lava Lincolnshire Marsh and Coast and Coversands and Clay Vales, to the flows. Later volcanic activity during Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone south the sands are absent and only the Permian resulted in the are all characterised by a thick thin bands of limestone are found in emplacement of several sills, while deposit of Chalk overlying the clays. heated metal-rich brines produced

East Midlands Region Earth heritage 9 the mineral veins in the rock. To the north of, and forming a horseshoe around the White Peak limestones are the high moors of the Dark Peak and South West Peak. These sandstones formed in great river deltas. Subsequent glaciation in the South West Peak and Dark Peak has resulted in the distinctive gritstone scenery. The Derbyshire Peak Fringe and Lower Derwent has numerous ridges and dales as a result of its mix of limestones, shales and sandstones of Carboniferous Age.

The Sherwood area is characterised by a low sandstone escarpment running from north to south, underlain by the East Pennine Coalfield. This sandstone extends under the Needwood and South Derbyshire Claylands where it is covered by thick deposits of clays resulting in a generally low-lying landscape.

The peaks of Charnwood are formed from ancient Precambrian rocks which are internationally famous for their soft-body fossils. Volcanic activity in the area resulted in the injection of diorites which form the basis for the Leicestershire quarrying industry. Later erosion under semi- arid conditions led to the formation of red sandstone rocks and the whole area has been lowered by river erosion. Precambrian rocks extend under the Trent Valley and Rises where they have been intruded by granites. The Precambrian rocks and intrusions are overlain by the Sherwood Sandstone, and subsequent glacial deposits now form the low-lying flat landscape of the area.

The Midland Clay Pastures are Charnwood Lodge, Leicestershire. Peter Wakely/English Nature underlain by clays, silts, sands,

East Midlands Region Earth heritage 10 Dovedale, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature limestones and ironstones which Oxford Clay, internationally famous have been extensively quarried. for its fossil fauna. The Fens are also The limestone is blanketed by thick dominated by clays, and underlain glacial deposits which form the by Oxford Clay. Of particular note is heavy clay soils characteristic of an isolated mass of richly Rockingham Forest and the Yardley- fossiliferous limestone containing Whittlewood Ridge. coral reefs. Glacial activity scoured out the Fen basin and the Wash, The West Anglian Plain is leaving a deposit of sands, gravels characterised by ancient river-terrace and clays. Recent Holocene deposits gravels and underlain by Jurassic created the uniform peat or silt soils clays, the uppermost of which is the that characterise the area today.

East Midlands Region Earth heritage 11 Freshwater

Key issues and objectives

Issue: water quality

● Maintain high water quality by: ◗ improving sewage treatment where necessary; ◗ preventing contamination from minewater; ◗ safeguarding all watercourses, particularly mesotrophic water bodies, from agricultural and urban run-off. River Lathkill, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature

ivers and streams are a The rivers in the south of the Issue: water quantity significant feature of the Region, for example the Ise in East Midlands Region, Rockingham Forest and the Nene in ● R Maintain river levels and particularly the Rivers Trent and The West Anglian Plain, have a flows by: Soar which characterise the Trent characteristic clay river flora. ◗ reducing abstractions; Valley and Rises. Their many Charnwood is notable for its fast- ◗ restoring historic flows. tributaries flow across adjacent flowing, acidic streams with shingle Natural Areas, and one, the River banks and stream margins, which Eye, is an SSSI for its plant support nationally scarce Issue: lack of or inappropriate communities. invertebrates. management Chalk-rich rivers and streams are a Natural Areas where the rivers have ● Manage water and waterside priority BAP habitat. Those that rise been over-managed and are a less habitats appropriately by: in the Lincolnshire Wolds support a valuable wildlife resource, include ◗ re-establishing natural rich fauna. Some cross the North the Yardley - Whittlewood Ridge, waterside habitats; Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone ◗ reducing grazing of Vales before feeding the Humber, and Sherwood. waterside margins. most notably the Rivers Bain and ● Balance recreational and Ancholme. The Region has outstanding open wildlife objectives, waters which are predominantly particularly in canals and The characteristic upland streams of reservoirs and gravel pits. These are lakes. the Dark Peak and South West Peak on an important route for migrating ● Protect plant and animal are important water resources, often birds and are key locations for communities from the controlled by reservoirs. The few wintering wildfowl. The largest, influence of introduced rivers of the White Peak are of high , is a Special species. water quality but subject to low Protection Area for wintering summer flows. These are the only gadwall and shoveler and regularly sites in the world for the Derbyshire supports over 20,000 waterfowl. feather moss, a BAP species. The River Lathkill in the White Peak is an Many lakes and flooded quarries SSSI. throughout the Region are important

East Midlands Region Freshwater 12 eutrophic standing waters and populations in Britain, and the south provide a refuge for waterfowl of the Region are of high priority for (unless under high recreational water vole conservation. Water pressure). voles also occur in The Fens and Trent Valley and Rises but are Mesotrophic standing waters in the scarce and declining elsewhere. North Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay Vales, Southern Magnesian The River Dove in the White Peak 33 Limestone, Trent Valley and Rises forms part of the Peak District Dales 37 and Charnwood are valuable for candidate Special Area of their wetland plant communities and Conservation (SAC) for its pillwort, the nationally scarce population of white-clawed crayfish. aquatic fern. The head waters and tributaries of the Soar and rivers in The Fens and Characteristic habitats of Ditches feature strongly in the Midland Clay Pastures also support key Natural Areas Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes and populations of the white-clawed The Fens where they are important crayfish. Elsewhere in the Region it 33. Trent Valley and Rises for their flora. Once common field has declined rapidly following the pools and dew ponds have now introduction of the American signal ● Significant rivers and streams declined. crayfish. ● Man-made reservoirs (mesotrophic and eutrophic Naturally fluctuating water bodies The brook lamprey and bullhead are standing waters) are a priority BAP habitat and occur both found throughout the Region. ● Flooded gravel pits, in the Lincolnshire Coast and The spined loach has an important predominantly along the Marshes. The Tetney Blow Wells stronghold in the Trent Valley and Trent (mesotrophic and are a nationally important example. Rises in habitats ranging from rivers eutrophic standing waters) to gravel pits. ● Numerous canals Canals are a valuable standing water habitat in the East Midlands Region. Other BAP species found 37. The Fens In the Trent Valley and Rises the throughout the Region include Grand Union, Ashby, Chesterfield great-crested newts, with important ● Large, slow-flowing rivers and and Grantham Canals are all SSSIs. populations in the Fens, West drains Canals also occur in the Derbyshire Anglian Plain and the White Peak, ● Ditches and drains within wet Peak Fringe and Lower Derwent. and pipistrelle bats, which are grasslands, some of botanical Some canals in the South West Peak particularly associated with ponds significance and the Coal Measures support the and rivers. The ribbon-leaved ● Occasional ponds and borrow floating water-plantain, a priority water-plantain is found in The Fens pits (some mesotrophic standing BAP species. and the grass-wrack pondweed in waters) the Derbyshire Peak Fringe and ● Flooded gravel pits (some The White Peak, which formerly had Lower Derwent and Trent Valley mesotrophic standing waters) one of the highest water vole and Rises.

Candidate Special Areas of Conservation ● Peak District Dales (White Peak)

Special Protection Areas ● Rutland Water (Trent Valley and Rises) NB Priority BAP habitats in italic

East Midlands Region Freshwater 13 Inland rock

he most important inland habitats ideal for lichens, mosses, Key issues and rock habitats of the East liverworts and ferns. TMidlands Region are objectives confined to the White Peak, Dark Limestone screes are a feature of Peak and the South West Peak, with many dale sides in the White Peak the White Peak being the most and support a diverse range of plants Issue: rock removal significant Natural Area. There are and animals that are adapted to many disused quarries throughout survive extreme water stress: species ● Avoid extensive use of stone the Region that provide open rock include the limestone fern and pill and scree for creating new footpaths and walls.

Issue: recreation

● Control rock and boulder climbing and scree running to protect rock surfaces, their vegetation and nesting birds. ● Consider the impact of footpaths and new tracks on inland rock habitats.

Issue: agriculture

● Establish grazing regimes which: ◗ benefit the vegetation; ◗ minimise damage to rock surfaces, particularly scree.

Gang Mine, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Inland rock 14 30

Characteristic habitats of key Natural Areas

30. White Peak

● Extensive limestone screes and rock faces ● Scattered metal-rich spoil

Alport Castle, Peak District National Park. Tony Warne/English Nature heaps supporting ‘calaminarian’ grasslands woodlouse, Armadillidium pulchellum. species Brachythecium appleyardiae, The development of vegetation on an English endemic. the screes is influenced by the size of NB Priority BAP habitats in italic the rock fragments and their Metal-rich or ‘calaminarian’ stability. Succession to ash scrub is grasslands occur on soils with levels wide variation in aspect and soil a problem on larger sizes of scree of heavy metals that are toxic to toxicity. Floristically this is the and on screes where grazing occurs most plant species. In this Region richest such site in the UK, the animals can physically damage such sites are associated with past characterised by spring sandwort, the habitat. mining activities. In the White Peak, alpine pennycress, moonwort and a many former lead mines and their range of specialised lower plants and Limestone cliffs are also associated spoil heaps support these invertebrates. characteristic of the White Peak. grasslands but reworking for With their sheer, fissured faces and different minerals is reducing their The gritstone edges and boulder inaccessible ledges they support number every year. The most slopes of the Dark Peak and South nationally scarce plants such as the significant site is Gang Mine, a West Peak are home to the Killarney rustyback fern, wall whitlowgrass, candidate Special Area of fern (a priority BAP species) and an Jacob’s-ladder and the BAP moss Conservation (SAC), notable for its assemblage of lichens some of which are nationally scarce. The peregrine falcon and the raven, dependent on Candidate Special Areas of Conservation secluded edges for nesting, are ● Gang Mine (White Peak ) found both in the Dark Peak and the White Peak. Special Protection Areas None Outcrops of igneous rock in Charnwood support regionally important lichen communities.

East Midlands Region Inland rock 15 Bog, fen and swamp

ragments of fen are found most but not all of the Region. Key issues and throughout the Region, most The many invertebrates, breeding F notably in the Lincolnshire waders and plants associated with objectives Wolds, where there is fen meadow, bog, fen and swamp communities in and The Fens where the only the Region, and particularly The remaining areas of peat fen occur. Fens, include the BAP species greater Issue: loss of habitat This is dominated by purple moor- water-parsnip, reed bunting, bittern, grass and is often species rich. the longhorn beetle Oberea oculata, ● Re-establish bog, fen and Reedbeds are associated with fens the ground beetles Pterostichus swamp habitat by: and reservoirs, particularly at aterrimus and Panageus crux major, ◗ restoring the water levels; Rutland Water in the Trent Valley Desmoulin’s whorl-snail and a leaf ◗ creating large, wet and Rises and at disused quarries, beetle, Cryptocephalus exiguus. reedbeds; clay and gravel pits in, for instance, ◗ removal of encroaching the Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes trees and scrub. and the West Anglian Plain. Small Baston Fen, Lincolnshire. areas of swamp occur throughout Allan Drewitt/English Nature Issue: inappropriate management

● Manage existing bog, fen and swamp by: ◗ reducing burning and grazing of blanket bogs; ◗ cutting reedbeds to benefit rare species associated with them (e.g. bittern).

Issue: water

● Enhance water quality and soil water levels through: ◗ control of agricultural drainage and reduction in fertiliser run-off; ◗ sustainable management of water abstraction.

East Midlands Region Bog, fen and swamp 16 37

Characteristic habitats of key Natural Areas

37. The Fens

● Small, scattered areas of relict fen ● Purple moor-grass and rush Aylestone Meadows, Leicester. George Barker/English Nature pastures Flushes and springs are small areas The flushes associated with the ● Small areas of marsh, saw- of emerging ground water found cloughs and river valleys of the sedge, swamp and reedbed throughout the Region among bogs, South West Peak, Dark Peak and habitats wet grassland, upland heath and fen. Derbyshire Peak Fringe and Lower They are highly vulnerable to Derwent are predominantly acidic changes in water quality and with mosses, soft-rushes and small quantity. The most species-rich sedges. The BAP species reed flushes are those fed by the basic bunting is associated with these springs associated with limestone, flushes. Flushes and their associated NB Priority BAP habitats in italic supporting plant species such as fen habitats are an important giant horsetail, meadowsweet, resource in the White Peak but are West Peak. Long-term overgrazing, opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage, scarce due to the pervious quality of burning, drainage, acid rain and marsh marigold and important the limestone. Elsewhere in the pollution have led to reduced invertebrate communities. These Region they are very restricted. diversity of plant and animal base-rich flushes occur in the communities, increased areas of peat Lincolnshire and Rutland Extensive areas of blanket bog, a erosion and the loss of some species Limestone, Lincolnshire Wolds, priority BAP habitat characterised that are characteristic of more Southern Magnesian Limestone and by hare’s-tail cottongrass with natural ecosystems. Nevertheless the Lincolnshire Coversands and heather and wavy hair-grass, occur these upland areas are of Clay Vales. across the Dark Peak and South international importance for a range of birds. Red grouse, curlew and Candidate Special Areas of Conservation golden plover still breed there and None part of the South Pennine Moors Special Protection Area is found in Special Protection Areas the Dark Peak and South West Peak. ● South Pennine Moors (Dark Peak; South West Peak) Raised bog, also a priority BAP habitat, only occurs in a small area in the Dark Peak.

East Midlands Region Bog, fen and swamp 17 Woodland

he East Midlands Region as characterised by lowland oak and Key issues and a whole is not well wooded, mixed deciduous woods. Sessile oak T and woodland is virtually is generally found on thinner, lighter objectives absent from the Fens, Lincolnshire soils and is associated with species Coast and Marshes and Lincolnshire such as small-leaved lime and birch. Issue: loss of habitat Wolds in the east, and the Dark Peak Pedunculate oak with ash and hazel ● Create new broadleaved in the west. The Region is tends to occur on deeper, wetter soils. woodland around existing blocks and link small, isolated fragments (e.g. along river corridors). ● Protect ancient and semi-natural woodland.

Issue: commercial woodland ● Restructure large conifer plantations through: ◗ design plans to improve conservation value; ◗ restoration of native broadleaved trees on ancient woodland sites. ● Identify appropriate areas for new commercial woodland which: ◗ enhance landscape character and ecological interest; ◗ avoid conflict with other conservation aims.

Issue: management ● Encourage appropriate woodland development through: ◗ promotion of the Forestry Commission Woodland Grants Scheme; ◗ transfer of arable and improved grassland to forestry; ◗ encouraging local use of products from semi-natural stands (e.g. charcoal). ● Encourage establishment of deer management groups. ● Promote recreational activities which are sensitive to nature conservation objectives.

Issue: loss and neglect of hedges ● Protect existing hedgerows using legislation. ● Restore and re-establish hedgerow boundaries to link existing fragments using locally native species.

Veteran oak, Calke Abbey, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Woodland 18 Ancient woodland occurs in relatively high density throughout Characteristic habitats of Charnwood, the east of the Trent key Natural Areas 23 Valley and Rises, Coal Measures, 24 Yardley - Whittlewood Ridge, 23. Southern Magnesian Rockingham Forest and Southern Limestone 34 Magnesian Limestone. The woods 30 ● Fragments of lowland oak and on the Southern Magnesian 33 mixed deciduous woods Limestone include species at the ● Lowland wood pasture and southern edge of their range such as 24 parkland 52 baneberry. Those at the northern ● Small areas of wet woodland edge of their range include green- 54 with alder flowered helleborine, wood barley and the nationally scarce large- 34. North Lincolnshire 24. Coal Measures leaved lime. Coversands and Clay Vales ● High density of lowland oak ● Important concentrations of The North Lincolnshire Coversands and mixed deciduous woods lowland oak and mixed deciduous and Clay Vales are sparsely wooded with ash and lime wood, particularly limewoods in the north, but have a relatively ● Extensive conifer plantations ● Extensive conifer plantations in high density of ancient woodland in ● Locally important lowland wood the north of the area the south, of which the small-leaved pasture and parkland ● Wet woodland including oak/alder lime woods around Bardney are a ● Some areas of wet woodland woods on riversides and fen-edge National Nature Reserve (NNR). associated with alder gravels The Birklands and Bilhaugh ● Significant hedgerows ● Ancient semi-natural woodland woodland in Sherwood includes a on Coversands remnant of the historic Sherwood 30. White Peak ● Significant hedgerows Forest. The site is a candidate ● Upland lime-ash daleside Special Area of Conservation (SAC), woodland 52. West Anglian Plain being one of the most important examples of old oak woodland on ● Lowland oak and mixed 33. Trent Valley and Rises sandy soil in the UK. Both the deciduous wood pedunculate oak and sessile oak are ● Scattered fragments of ancient ● Numerous ancient coppice woods present in mixed-age stands. The semi-natural woodland site also has a notably rich including lowland oak and 54. Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge mixed deciduous wood invertebrate fauna and a diversity of ● Extensive lowland oak and mixed ● Nationally important lowland fungi. The remains of other ancient deciduous woodland wood pasture and parkland forests occur in Rockingham Forest ● Ancient lowland wood pasture and ● Widely distributed wet woodland and at Leighfield Forest in the Trent parkland Valley and Rises. with alder, willow and ash ● Significant hedgerows NB Priority BAP habitats in italic There are areas of lowland wood pasture and parkland throughout the centre and south west of the Region especially in the Trent Valley and Candidate Special Areas of Conservation Rises, Charnwood and Sherwood. ● Peak District Dales Woodland (White Peak) Many of these, such as Clumber ● Birklands and Bilhaugh (Sherwood) Park in Sherwood and Calke Abbey in the Trent Valley and Rises, Special Protection Areas contain very old ‘veteran’ trees of None significance for bats, invertebrates

East Midlands Region Woodland 19 and lichens. Charnwood has good rivers, streams and lake margins in dormouse, which has a particular examples of sessile oakwoods and all Natural Areas throughout the association with large ancient parkland on the more acidic soils. Region except the West Anglian woodlands. Plain and Yardley-Whittlewood There are areas of upland mixed oak Ridge. Hedgerows occur throughout the and upland mixed ash woodland in East Midlands Region. Those of the the valley sides and cloughs of the Some extensive areas of conifer Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes, White Peak, Dark Peak and South plantation are present in the Region, Trent Valley and Rises and West Peak. The most notable is the particularly in the Coal Measures, Charnwood are considered the most Peak District Dales Woodland in the Sherwood and North Lincolnshire significant. Hawthorn is generally White Peak which is a candidate Coversands and Clay Vales. the main constituent of hedgerows, SAC for the lime-ash ravine forest. Although largely consisting of with associated species varying This is a habitat dominated by ash introduced conifers these can across the Region. For example, in with wych elm, lime and sycamore provide habitats for some native Sherwood gorse, broom, bracken and is typically found on coarse species, particularly birds of prey and large oaks are characteristic. scree, steep rocky slopes and in such as goshawk. Some plantations Hedgerows and their margins are a ravines. This site has rich contain the remains of former key habitat for wildlife such as birds, invertebrate and plant communities, heathland and support nightjar. bats, butterflies and moths. BAP including species such as rock They are ideal potential areas for bird species which depend on whitebeam. Upland mixed oak is a heathland re-creation. hedgerows and occur in the Region priority BAP habitat and small areas are the linnet, bullfinch, tree sparrow are also found in the Derbyshire BAP species associated with and song thrush. Peak Fringe and Lower Derwent. woodland in the Region include spotted flycatcher, pipistrelle bat, Wet woodland characterised by alder barbastelle bat, lesser horseshoe bat, Birklands and Bilhaugh, Nottinghamshire. and willow is a feature of many argent and sable moth and the Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Woodland 20 Sherwood Forest Country Park. Rob McGibbon/English Nature Ancient oaks, Bradgate Park, Leicestershire. English Nature

East Midlands Region Woodland 21 Lowland grassland and heath

owland heath has become a communities of Sherwood are Key issues and nationally and characterised by a mosaic of L internationally rare habitat heathers (including local variants objectives after changes in agriculture have such as hoary ling), acid grassland, seen large areas of heathland bracken and acid shrubs such as converted to grassland, arable land petty-whin and dwarf gorse. Most Issue: opportunities for habitat or conifer plantations. There are of the heath in the North creation nationally important heath Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay communities in Charnwood, Vales is associated with parched acid ● Create or restore grassland Sherwood and the North grassland, sand dunes and and heaths on farmland and Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay calcicolous grassland. These sites secondary woodland, Vales, that are different both from provide an important habitat for particularly where this links each other and from the heathlands lichens, mosses and invertebrates, existing fragments. of southern England. The heath particularly beetles, flies and moths ● Implement existing heathland re-creation strategies.

Issue: lack of appropriate management

● Promote appropriate management through: ◗ extensive, low-intensity grazing on grasslands and heaths; ◗ controlled burning or scrub clearance on heaths; ◗ sensitive water management on wet sites.

Issue: pressure for agricultural intensification

● Avoid further loss of habitat due to agricultural intensification by: ◗ encouraging traditional, low-intensity agriculture; ◗ promoting the uptake of agri-environment and other environmental support schemes; ◗ creating cereal field margins to halt decline in arable plant species.

Bagthorpe Meadows, Nottinghamshire. Steve Clifton/English Nature

East Midlands Region Lowland grassland and heath 22 such as the Portland Moth. The Charnwood heaths, which lie on hard Characteristic habitats of acidic rocks, include upland species key Natural Areas 32 such as bilberry and crowberry. The Coal Measures, Trent Valley and 30. White Peak Rises and Lincolnshire and Rutland 34 ● Extensive lowland calcareous Limestone have small but distinct, 30 (limestone) grassland scattered areas of heath. Dry lowland 33 ● Some areas of tall herb heath is absent from the rest of the 37 grassland on limestone Region. ● Scarce unimproved neutral grassland Small areas of wet heath characterised ● Some areas of lowland dry acid by cross-leaved heath, purple moor- grassland grass and cottongrass occur on the 32. Sherwood North Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay Vales, Sherwood and ● Scattered mosaics of lowland Charnwood. Wet heath is very rare The priority BAP species associated heath and lowland dry acid throughout the rest of the Region. with heathland in the Region include grassland the Deptford pink and nationally ● Small amounts of wet heath important numbers of breeding nightjar and woodlark. 33. Trent Valley and Rises ● Significant areas of floodplain Across the Region most of the grazing marsh including a grassland has been agriculturally group of important lowland improved by fertilisers and drainage hay meadow sites and is no longer species-rich. The ● Dry and wet unimproved remaining grassland can be broadly neutral grassland classified into four categories; limestone grassland, wet grassland, 34. North Lincolnshire neutral grassland and acidic grassland. Coversands and Clay Vales Of these the limestone grassland is the ● most species-rich, both for plants and Significant areas of parched insects such as beetles, flies and (dry) acid grassland ● moths. The White Peak is of Extensive, nationally outstanding importance for its important lowland heath ● grassland communities, particularly Small areas of lowland on limestone and BAP species found calcareous grassland associated with disused quarries Red hemp-nettle. there include the chalk carpet moth ● Significant, fragmented areas Chris Gibson/English Nature and light-feathered rustic moth. of species-rich dry neutral grassland

Candidate Special Areas of Conservation 37. The Fens ● Peak District Dales (White Peak) ● Wet neutral grassland, ● Barnack Hills and Holes (Rockingham Forest) including washlands and ● Grimsthorpe Park (Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone) floodplain grazing marsh ● Some unimproved neutral Special Protection Areas grassland None NB Priority BAP habitats in italic

East Midlands Region Lowland grassland and heath 23 Green-winged orchids, , Leicestershire. Peter Wakely/English Nature The Peak District Dales in the Disused quarries across the Region which are of value for their White Peak are a candidate Special can be important sites for limestone conservation, historical and Area of Conservation (SAC) for grassland. landscape features. The important their extensive surviving areas of ‘washlands’ of The Fens are species-rich chalk and limestone Wet grasslands and floodplain deliberately flooded to prevent grassland. The Southern Magnesian grazing meadows often have a dense rivers, such as the Nene, Ouse and Limestone area is notable for having network of ditches and a distinctive Cam, from overtopping. The a substantial proportion of the vegetation which can withstand Needwood and South Derbyshire nationally scarce Magnesian being waterlogged. They support a Claylands have notable wet Limestone grassland which differs wide variety of invertebrates and are grassland associated with the Rivers from other limestone grassland in important for breeding and Trent and Dove. Elsewhere there the Region, for example in the White wintering birds. The Trent Valley are still important wet grasslands Peak, being characterised by blue and Rises supports relatively large associated with river valleys such as moor-grass. The losses of lowland areas of species-rich floodplain that of the lower Soar. Such limestone grassland have been grazing meadow, particularly at grasslands continue to be drained considerable, and only small areas Loughborough Big Meadow which and converted to arable land. now remain. Nevertheless, the is the third largest site of this type in Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone England and is a mediaeval Lammas Dry neutral grassland includes old has nationally important areas, meadow. Significant areas of wet permanent pasture and traditional including Grimsthorpe which is a grassland remain along the hay meadows which are species-rich candidate SAC for the early gentian, Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes and now very scarce nationally. here at its most northerly location. between Cleethorpes and Skegness Lowland hay meadows are found

East Midlands Region Lowland grassland and heath 24 scattered throughout the Region, particularly in the White Peak, West Anglian Plain and the Trent Valley and Rises where Muston Meadows is an NNR. Some enclosed hay meadows and pastures remain in the Midlands Clay Pastures and the Needwood and South Derbyshire Claylands.

There are considerable areas of acidic grassland in Charnwood, Sherwood and the North Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay Vales, often in association with lowland heath. It also occurs on the poor soils of dale sides in the White Peak. In the Lincolnshire Coversands the acid grassland occurs on wind-blown glacial sands.

The cereal field margins in the Region are generally poor for wildflowers. The Natural Area having the highest number of wildflower species associated with arable land is the West Anglian Plains, where the moss Weissia rostellata, a BAP species, is found. The red hemp-nettle, cornflower, small-flowered catchfly and shepherd’s-needle are other BAP arable plants found in the Region. BAP animals associated with cereal field margins and grasslands in the Region are the grey partridge, skylark, turtle dove, corn bunting, tree sparrow and the brown hare for which the south and east of the Region is of high importance.

Some arable land on the Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes is of national importance for birds, particularly pink-footed geese and wigeon, which feed in cultivated fields, and golden plover and lapwing, which feed and roost here in winter. Heathland, Lincolnshire. Steve Clifton/English Nature

East Midlands Region Lowland grassland and heath 25 Upland grassland and heath

here are three upland Upland dry heath, developed as a Key issues and Natural Areas within the result of woodland and scrub T East Midlands Region, the clearance followed by rotational objectives Dark Peak, the White Peak and the burning and grazing. The dominant South West Peak. The moorland vegetation is heather associated with landscape comprises a mosaic of dwarf shrubs such as bilberry and Issue: habitat fragmentation habitats of which the upland western gorse in the more species- grasslands and heathlands are an rich areas, and with grasses in the ● Protect against inappropriate important component. The moors poorer areas. The Dark Peak and development. of the South West Peak and the Dark South West Peak are notable for ● Re-create upland grasslands Peak form part of the South Pennine their extensive dry heath. and heaths especially where Moors Special Protection Area Agricultural improvement has this would link existing (SPA), as they are internationally reduced upland heath to scattered, fragments. important for their breeding isolated fragments in the White Peak ● Restore and extend wet population of golden plover, short- and in the higher areas of the pasture land for breeding eared owl and merlin. Additionally Derbyshire Peak Fringe and Lower birds. they support nationally important Derwent. However, there is still the populations of curlew and ring ouzel potential to support BAP species, and significant populations of red such as nightjar, which is already Issue: inappropriate management grouse, peregrine and twite. present in the Dark Peak, by ● Control overgrazing by reducing stocking levels. ● Encourage sensitive burning regimes (follow the ‘Heather and Grass Burning Code’). ● Restore a variety of traditional management regimes, particularly for hay meadows and pastures.

Issue: pressure for agricultural intensification

● Avoid further agricultural intensification by promoting the uptake of agri- environment and other environmental support schemes.

Lathkill Dale, Derbyshire Dales. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Upland grassland and heath 26 29

Characteristic habitats of key Natural Areas

29. South West Peak

● Fieldscape near High Peak, Derbyshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature Extensive dry upland heath ● Species-rich upland acid increasing the areas of heath and nationally-scarce lichen Cladonia grassland linking the fragments. fragilissima also occur. The White ● Limited ares of wet upland Peak has a very limited upland acid heath Upland wet heath, characterised by grassland resource. cross-leaved heath, cranberry and bog asphodel is very restricted and Bracken is associated with some only found in parts of the South areas of species-poor acidic NB Priority BAP habitats in italic West Peak and Dark Peak. This is grassland which, in association with also a priority BAP habitat. heather moorland and pasture, support breeding birds such as twite, Upland acid grasslands are especially ring ouzel and whinchat. well developed in the United Kingdom. The South West Peak The northern brown argus butterfly, and Dark Peak have extensive areas a priority BAP species, is associated of upland acid grassland including with upland grassland and heath in areas that are species-rich. These the White Peak. are of high conservation value and are characterised by grasses, such as Other species-poor areas of upland sheep’s fescue and common bent, grassland are generally of low con- sedges, fungi and wildflowers, like servation status but there is potential harebell. In the Dark Peak the for restoration to a more valuable priority BAP species skylark and the heath or upland woodland habitat.

Candidate Special Areas of Conservation None

Special Protection Areas ● South Pennine Moors (South West Peak; Dark Peak)

East Midlands Region Upland grassland and heath 27 Maritime

he East Midlands Region’s such as Gibraltar Point, a candidate Key issues and coastline, which includes Special Area of Conservation (SAC) T parts of the Wash and the for its sand dune habitats. objectives Humber Estuary, is characterised by Substantial parts of the coast, such sandy and muddy beaches with as the Wash, Gibraltar Point and the Issue: maintenance of coastal processes saltmarsh and sand dunes. Much of Saltfleetby and Theddlethorpe ● Allow natural, dynamic coastal this coastline is of international Dunes, are designated as National processes to operate by: importance for waterfowl, for which Nature Reserves. The Wash is one ◗ avoiding hard sea defences it is classified as a Special Protection of the most extensive estuarine where these would interrupt Area (SPA), and for coastal habitats systems in the UK and is a candidate the natural flow of sediments and destroy habitats, except where important settlements and economic concerns are identified; ◗ developing soft engineering options such as managed realignment and creation of saltmarsh/mudflat; ◗ safeguarding offshore sediment sources through limiting or reducing marine aggregate winning and minimising navigational dredging and ensuring that uncontaminated dredged sediment is not removed from the system; ◗ protecting areas of high biodiversity and fragile reef structures from offshore development and exploitation.

Issue: water quality ● Maintain high water quality by: ◗ reducing inputs of untreated sewage effluents; ◗ reducing contamination from industrial discharges and agricultural run-off.

Issue: recreation and tourism ● Avoid detrimental impacts on key wildlife features by promoting recreation and tourism that are environmentally sensitive.

Issue: fisheries ● Work towards sustainable fisheries management, especially in sensitive areas.

The Wash. Peter Wakely/English Nature

East Midlands Region Maritime 28 101 102

Characteristic habitats of key Natural Areas Saltfleetby, Lincolnshire. Mike Henchman/English Nature

SAC and an SPA. Despite historic a first line of flood defence and 101. Bridlington to Skegness land claims the Wash, together with important wildlife habitats. the North Norfolk Coast, forms one ● Sandy beaches fringe most of of the most important estuarine Saltmarshes form on sheltered coasts the coast habitats in the UK. and the Wash has more saltmarsh ● Continuous coastal sand dunes than any other estuarine system in ● Extensive soft cliffs at Cliffs are not a strong feature of the the country. The entire range of Holderness coastline. Low chalk cliffs at saltmarsh is represented, from ● Substantial intertidal sand and Hunstanton provide a breeding pioneer glasswort beds, through mudflats along the north ground for seabirds, such as fulmar, middle marsh to upper saltmarsh, Lincolnshire coast and support a narrow fringe of where sea-lavenders and sea-purslane ● Some, but not extensive, diverse cliff-top grassland. The soft form a saltmarsh scrub at the high saltmarsh and small coastal cliffs of the Bridlington to Skegness water mark. This scrub zone also vegetated shingle structures coast are continually eroding and supports sea wormwood, a food ● Small area of saline lagoons provide 40% of the sediment in the plant for the larvae of the scarce pug- Humber Estuary and also supply moth. Transitions are often sediment for the coastline as far truncated by man-made sea 102. The Wash south as Skegness. This process is defences, particularly in the Wash ● Very large areas of intertidal fundamental to the maintenance of where the amount of upper saltmarsh sand and mudflats features such as saltmarsh which are is restricted. Extensive areas of ● Extensive areas of saltmarsh ● Sand dune systems at the mouth of the Wash including Candidate Special Areas of Conservation calcareous dunes at Gibraltar ● North Norfolk Coast and Gibraltar Point Dunes (The Wash; plus Point Old Hunstanton to Sheringham in the East of England Region) ● Small area of saline lagoons ● The Wash and North Norfolk Coast (The Wash; plus Old ● Sand and coastal vegetated Hunstanton to Sheringham in the East of England Region) shingle on the shorelines ● Widely distributed Sabellaria spinulosa reefs Special Protection Areas ● Scarce seagrass beds ● The Wash (The Wash) ● Humber Flats, Marshes and Coast (Bridlington to Skegness; plus Humber Estuary in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region) NB Priority BAP habitats in italic

East Midlands Region Maritime 29 characteristics of such lagoons where saltwater influences are exerted. Small areas of saline lagoon are found along the Wash and on the Bridlington to Skegness coast.

The coastline is characterised by shallow seas, mainly less than 20m deep, with the sea bed from Bridlington to Skegness gradually dipping to the East. The subtidal communities are diverse and are mainly on sands and gravels. Extensive reefs formed by the sand worm Sabellaria spinulosa are found offshore. In the Wash, where the seabed communities in the deeper, central part are more diverse, there are also important nursery grounds Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire. Peter Wakely/English Nature for plaice, cod and sole. middle and pioneer saltmarsh are on damp dune slacks. Coastal dunes present. Although these are not very are also important for their The sandflats and mudflats, rich botanically they provide grazing invertebrate populations which saltmarsh, grazing marsh, shingle for large flocks of wintering birds and include numerous rarities such as the and reedbeds of the East Midlands shelter for breeding birds, and are dune tiger beetle and starwort moth. coastline are of outstanding part of the SPA. Saltmarshes are not At Gibraltar Point and Snettisham ornithological significance. The very extensive along the open Spit, shingle ridges support Wash supports the largest numbers Bridlington to Skegness coast. specialised vegetation of national of migrating and wintering waterfowl importance. of any site in the UK and is one of The sand dunes which form an the most important staging and extensive system along the North The Wash has the second largest wintering sites on the east Atlantic Lincolnshire Coast from Cleethorpes area of intertidal sandflats and flyway network. The Humber to Saltfleetby and Theddlethorpe are mudflats in the UK. Sandy Estuary is one of the top ten wildfowl part of the Humber Flats, Marshes intertidal flats predominate and sites in Europe. Birds which occur in and Coast SPA. The sand dunes at include extensive fine sands and internationally important numbers the mouth of the Wash and at drying banks of coarse sand. Softer are breeding little tern and Gibraltar Point are part of the Wash mudflats occur in the upper flats and overwintering dark-bellied brent and North Norfolk Coast and sheltered areas inshore. Marine geese, pink-footed geese, golden and Gibraltar Point Dunes candidate invertebrate communities here are grey plovers, shelduck, knot, dunlin, SAC. The priority BAP species characterised by polychaete worms, bar-tailed godwit, pintail, redshank, natterjack toad occurs at Gibraltar bivalves and crustaceans, whilst oystercatcher and curlew. Point and at Saltfleetby - unusual plant communities include Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR. The seagrass beds. Donna Nook, on the Lincolnshire dunes are characterised by sea coast, is an important site for grey sandwort, sea rocket, prickly saltwort Saline lagoons provide a specialised seals with common seals also and the rare rock sea-lavender. The habitat where species such as the recorded. About 80% of the British dunes change from mobile wind- rare lagoon sand worm, lagoon sand population of common seal breed in blown sand on the foreshore to shrimp and spiral tasselweed are the Wash. Both grey and common stabilised systems with dune slacks, found. Natural saline lagoons are seals are BAP species. Harbour often rich in orchids. The dune very rare, but many other pools porpoises are occasionally seen off thread-moss, a BAP species, is found behind sea defences have Gibraltar Point.

East Midlands Region Maritime 30 Annex 1: Benchmarks for nature

he conservation of nature is plan, nature conservation strategy Biodiversity and Earth a key test of sustainable or priority setting document for heritage T development. The list nature; any Government Planning below provides a set of questions to Policy Guidance or Regional ● Will any areas with be applied as positive indicators for Planning Guidance; Local local/national/international biodiversity and Earth heritage, Development Plans/Unitary designation for nature where relevant strategies, policies, Development Plans/Structure conservation be affected or projects and programmes are under Plans/etc? directly damaged? consideration. These may include ● Is there active contribution to the ● Is there scope for the developments such as agricultural resolution of Natural Area issues enhancement of biodiversity improvement or intensification, and the delivery of UK, Regional through the provision of: coastal and flood defence works and and Local Biodiversity Action Plan opportunities for achieving the water abstraction, as well as built targets and Natural Area objectives? targets for priority habitats and development or infrastructure such ● Has there been an appraisal of the species in the context of UK, as roads, rail and energy. environmental impact of policies, Regional and Local Biodiversity plans and programmes within Action Plans; improved habitat regional strategic documents? and/or the creation of additional Policy links (See: the eight step approach in habitat for plants and animals, ● Is there compatibility with Department of the Environment, appropriate to the local character? relevant policies within: any Transport and the Regions Policy ● Will any non-designated habitat local/regional Biodiversity Action Guidance: ‘Policy Appraisal and such as woodland, grassland and Plan, sustainable development the Environment’, DETR 1998) other vegetation, linking habitats

Children at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire. English Nature

East Midlands Region Annex 1 31 such as trees, hedges, grass strips, development that impacts on ditches, that may be destroyed, or natural processes; etc.) fragmented be fully ● Is there scope for the enhancement compensated/mitigated for? of geological interest? (e.g. ● Do any plant and tree planting Through the improvement of programmes use an appropriate geological exposures or features; mix of species native to the the creation of additional geological Natural Area in question? exposures or features, etc.) ● Will any habitat be in danger of abandonment, under management, change or intensification of Environmental good management? (e.g. Overgrazing, practice for nature loss of crop rotations and arable- ● Has an environmental impact pasture mosaics; shift from spring assessment been carried out? sown to autumn sown cereals, loss ● Will post implementation impacts of winter stubbles, application of be assessed and managed by artificial fertiliser, etc. - leading to regular review and monitoring impacts on associated farmland programmes? species) ● Will any habitat be in danger of a secondary or indirect damage? (e.g. Community Wetland or aquatic habitats and ecosystems in danger of drying out, involvement for nature loss or degradation as a result of ● Will all sections of the community over-abstraction of surface and be consulted as part of the Rushup Edge, High Peak, Derbyshire. groundwaters, pollution and decision making process? Peter Wakely/English Nature eutrophication of surface and ● Have the needs of local to gain access to nature and groundwaters; development in a communities for access to, and wildspace? flood plain which may require experience of, nature been taken ● Will there be a contribution to canalisation of watercourses into account? improving the quality of life by impacting on river valley wetlands ● Does the project help vulnerable, local inhabitants, for example: and aquatic ecosystems; coastal disadvantaged or excluded groups through improved general access to nature, but in particular on foot or by public transport? Designated areas ● Will local distinctiveness for National/International Nature Conservation Designations: nature be valued, and community Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and cultural identity be National Nature Reserves (NNR) strengthened? Special Protection Areas (SPA) ● Will community enterprises for Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) nature be encouraged? Ramsar Sites Local Nature Conservation Designations (often non-statutory but recognised in local plans, PPG and other similar documents): Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC - locally other terms may be used) Local Nature Reserves (LNR) Regionally Important Geological/Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) (Modified and adapted from a document Non-statutory nature reserves produced by the Environment & Energy Management Team, Government Office for the South West).

East Midlands Region Annex 1 32 Annex 2: Sources of information

ach Natural Area has an English Nature. In prep. Overview of Porley, R. and McDonnell, A. 1997. associated profile which coastal habitats by Natural Area. Rare and scarce vascular plants and E contains the issues and English Nature, Peterborough. bryophytes in Natural Areas. English objectives specific to that ecological Nature Research Report No. 267. unit. These have already been Gardiner, A.J. 1996. Freshwater English Nature, Peterborough. passed on to our key partners, wetlands in England. A Natural including local authorities. The Areas approach. English Nature Reid, C.M., Kirby, K.J. and Cooke, complete set of profiles for England Research Report No. 204. English R.J. 1996. A preliminary assessment is available from English Nature’s Nature, Peterborough. of woodland conservation in England local teams on a CD-ROM. by Natural Areas. English Nature Research Report No. 186. English Grice, P.V., Brown, A.F., Carter, I.C. Nature, Peterborough. National overviews of habitats, and Rankine, C.A. 1994. Birds in species and earth heritage England: a Natural Areas approach. Sanderson, N.A. 1998. A review of English Nature Research Report No. Brown, A.E., Burn, A.J., Hopkins, the extent, conservation interest and 114. English Nature, Peterborough. J.J. and Way, S.F. (Editors). 1997. management of lowland acid The Habitats Directive: selection of grassland in England. Volume I: Special Areas of Conservation in the Jefferson, R.G. 1997. Lowland Overview. English Nature Research UK. Joint Nature Conservation grassland in Natural Areas. National Report No. 259. English Nature, Committee Report No. 270. Joint assessment of significance. English Peterborough. Nature Conservation Committee, Nature Research Report No. 171. Peterborough. English Nature, Peterborough. Sanderson, N.A. 1998. A review of the extent, conservation interest and Drake, M., Clements, D., Eyre, M., King, A., Glasser, N., Larwood, J., management of lowland acid Gibbs, D. and Kirby, P. 1998. Littlewood, A., Moat, T. and Page, grassland in England. Volume II: Invertebrates and their habitats in K. 1996. Earth heritage County Descriptions. English Nature Natural Areas. Volume 1: Midland conservation in England: a Natural Research Report No. 259. English and Northern Areas. English Nature Areas perspective. English Nature Nature, Peterborough. Research Report No. 298. English Research Report No. 158. English Nature, Peterborough. Nature, Peterborough. All available free from the Enquiry Service, English Nature, Drake, M., Clements, D., Eyre, M., Kirby, K. and Reid, C. 1997. Northminster House, Peterborough Gibbs, D. and Kirby, P. 1998. Preliminary nature conservation PE1 1UA Tel. 01733 455101 Invertebrates and their habitats in objectives for Natural Areas. Fax. 01733 568834. Natural Areas. Volume 2: Southern Woodland and forestry. English Areas. English Nature Research Report Nature Research Report No. 239. Natural Areas CD-ROM. No. 298. English Nature, English Nature, Peterborough. Peterborough. Available, priced £15, from Telelink Ltd., PO Box 100, Fareham, Michael, N. 1996. Lowland Drewitt, A.L., and Manley, V.J. Hampshire PO14 2SX Tel. 01329 heathland in England. A Natural 1997. The vegetation of the 331300 Fax. 01329 330034. Areas approach. English Nature mountains and moorlands of Research Report No. 170. English England. English Nature Research Natural Area Profiles Report No. 218. English Nature, Nature, Peterborough. Peterborough. The individual profiles used in this Mitchell-Jones, A.J. and Gent, A.H. report are available from the Local English Nature 1997. Wildlife and 1997. Priority Natural Areas for Team, address and telephone number fresh water, an agenda for sustainable mammals, reptiles and amphibians. shown on the back cover, or can be management. English Nature, English Nature Research Report No. found on English Nature’s web page Peterborough. 242. English Nature, Peterborough. at

East Midlands Region Annex 2 33 1 98


5 3 120 99 6 9 4 11 10 7

119 17 100 8 18

16 118 12 15 19 20 13 14 21 117 24 22 101 26 23 25 34 35 36 30 27 29 32 103 28 31 33 102 47 41 40 38 104 48 24 39 37 Key 42 46 43 45 County boundary 58 Character Area boundary (Natural 57 44 50

Areas consist of one or more 52 51 49 105 59 56 54 Character Areas) 60 61 53 55

64 65 66 106 116 63 67 62 79 68 115 70 86 84 85 69 87 78 107 87 80 86 88 73 86 72 71 83 74 93 89 77 75 90 114 81 76 108 94 92 82 82 109 Grid 111 North 95 91 110

96 113 97 112

1 North Northumberland Coastal Plain 25 Dark Peak 49 Suffolk Coast and Heaths 73 Low Weald and Pevensey 97 The Lizard 2 Border Uplands 26 Urban Mersey Basin 50 East Anglian Plain 74 South Downs 98 Northumberland Coast 3 Solway Basin 27 Meres and Mosses 51 East Anglian Chalk 75 South Coast Plain and Hampshire Lowlands 99 Tyne to Tees Coast 4 North Pennines 28 Potteries and Churnet Valley 52 West Anglian Plain 76 Isle of Wight 100 Saltburn to Bridlington 5 Northumbria Coal Measures 29 South West Peak 53 Bedfordshire Greensand Ridge 77 New Forest 101 Bridlington to Skegness 6 Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau 30 White Peak 54 YardleyƒWhittlewood Ridge 78 Hampshire Downs 102 The Wash 7 Tees Lowlands 31 Derbyshire Peak Fringe and Lower Derwent 55 Cotswolds 79 Berkshire and Marlborough Downs 103 Old Hunstanton to Sheringham 8 Yorkshire Dales 32 Sherwood 56 Severn and Avon Vales 80 South Wessex Downs 104 Sheringham to Lowestoft 9 Eden Valley 33 Trent Valley and Rises 57 Malvern Hills and Teme Valley 81 Dorset Heaths 105 Suffolk Coast 10 Cumbria Fells and Dales 34 North Lincolnshire Coversands and Clay Vales 58 Clun and North West Herefordshire Hills 82 Isles of Portland and Purbeck 106 North Kent Coast 11 West Cumbria Coastal Plain 35 Lincolnshire Wolds 59 Central Herefordshire 83 Wessex Vales 107 East Kent Coast 12 Forest of Bowland 36 Lincolnshire Coast and Marshes 60 Black Mountains and Golden Valley 84 Mendip Hills 108 Folkestone to Selsey Bill 13 Lancashire Plain and Valleys 37 The Fens 61 Dean Plateau and Wye Valley 85 Somerset Levels and Moors 109 Solent and Poole Bay 14 Southern Pennines 38 Lincolnshire and Rutland Limestone 62 Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges 86 Mid Somerset Hills 110 South Dorset Coast 15 Pennine Dales Fringe 39 Charnwood 63 Thames and Avon Vales 87 Exmoor and the Quantocks 111 Lyme Bay 16 Vale of York and Mowbray 40 Needwood and South Derbyshire Claylands 64 Midvale Ridge 88 Vale of Taunton and Quantock Fringes 112 Start Point to Land’s End 17 North York Moors and Hills 41 Oswestry Uplands 65 Chilterns 89 Blackdowns 113 Isles of Scilly 18 Vale of Pickering 42 Shropshire Hills 66 Basin 90 Devon Redlands 114 Land’s End to Minehead 19 Yorkshire Wolds 43 Midlands Plateau 67 Greater Thames Estuary 91 South Devon 115 Bridgwater Bay 20 Holderness 44 Midland Clay Pastures 68 North Kent Plain 92 Dartmoor 116 Severn Estuary 21 Humber Estuary 45 Rockingham Forest 69 North Downs 93 The Culm 117 Liverpool Bay 22 Humberhead Levels 46 Breckland 70 Wealden Greensand 94 Bodmin Moor 118 Morecambe Bay 23 Southern Magnesian Limestone 47 North Norfolk 71 Romney Marshes 95 Cornish Killas and Granites 119 Cumbrian Coast 24 Coal Measures 48 The Broads 72 High Weald 96 West Penwith 120 Solway Firth

Based upon the Ordnance Survey 1:10000 maps with permission of the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright Revised to December 1996 0NeedwoodandSouthDerbyshire 40 Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01743709303 Tel. 01743709611 SY4 4TW Shropshire Shrewsbury Attingham Park West Midlands Team 102 The Wash 39 Charnwood LincolnshireandRutlandLimestone 38 LincolnshireCoastandMarshes 36 35 Lincolnshire Wolds NorthLincolnshireCoversandsand 34 Trent Valley andRises 33 32 Sherwood Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01476570927 Tel. 01476568431 NG31 6BH Lincolnshire Grantham Wharf Road The Maltings (Regional LeadTeam) East MidlandsTeam Claylands Clay Vales English NatureLocalTeams intheEastMidlandsRegion and NaturalAreasforwhichtheylead ISBN 185716452 0©EnglishNature1999 Web site: English Nature,NorthminsterHouse, PeterboroughPE11UA This isoneofarangepublications publishedbyPublicity&Marketing, natural featuresthroughoutEngland. English Natureisthegovernment agencythatchampionswildlifeand 1 DerbyshirePeakFringeandLower 31 30 White Peak 29 South West Peak 25 Dark Peak Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01629815091 Tel. 01629815059 DE45 1JE Derbyshire Bakewell Over Haddon Manor Barn Team Peak DistrictandDerbyshire 54 Yardley-Whittlewood Ridge West AnglianPlain 52 45 Rockingham Forest MidlandClayPastures 44 37 The Fens Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01733394093 Tel. 01733405850 PE2 5UR Peterborough Orton Waterville Nene Park Ham Lane Ham LaneHouse and NorthamptonshireTeam Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire Derwent Humber To PenninesTeam Bridlington toSkegness 101 Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01904435520 Tel. 01904435500 YO10 5ZQ York Heslington University Road Science Park Genesis Building1 North andEastYorkshire Team 24 Coal Measures SouthernMagnesianLimestone 23 Natural Areasforwhichtheylead: Fax. 01924201507 Tel. 01924387010 WF1 3BJ Wake Northgate Bullring House fi eld

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