The Aegean Chapter Viii the Decorative
H. J. Kantor - Plant Ornament in the Ancient Near East, Chapter VIII: The Decorative Flora of Crete and the Late Helladic Mainland SECTION II: THE AEGEAN CHAPTER VIII THE DECORATIVE FLORA OF CRETE AND THE LATE HELLADIC MAINLAND In the midst of the sea, on the long island of Crete, there dwelt a people, possessors of the fabulous Minoan culture, who are known to have had trade relations with Egypt, and with other Near-Eastern lands. Still farther away towards the north lies the Mainland of Greece, a region that proved itself to be a very hospitable host to the graft of Minoan culture. Before the close of the LH period the ceramic results of this union were to be spread over the Near East in great profusion and it becomes necessary to define the extent of Aegean influence on those traditions of Near-Eastern art that lie within the scope of our topic. Before this is possible a concise summary of the plant ornamentation of the Aegean must be presented.1 This background forms a necessary basis without which the reaction of Aegean plant design on the main development of our story, be it large or small, cannot be determined. 1 A great deal of interest and work has been devoted to the study of Minoan decorative art almost since the beginning of its discovery, and full advantage of this has been taken in the preparation of the present survey. The chief treatments of the subject are as follows: Edith H. Hall, The Decorative Art of Crete in the Bronze Age (Philadelphia, 1907); Ernst Reisinger, Kretische Vasenmalerei vom Kamares bis zum Palast-Stil (Leipzig, Berlin, 1912); Diederich Fimmen, Die Kretisch-Mykenische Kulture (Leipzig, Berlin, 1924), Alois Gotsmich, Entwicklungsgang der Kretischen Ornamentik, Wein, 1923); Frederich Matz, Frühkretische Siegel (Berlin, 1928), covering a much wider field than is indicated by the title; Georg Karo, Die Schachtgräber von Mykenai (Munchen, 1939).
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