The Waynowne
..,..', ~, ','.,; t , -i' PrOptHiyof r I j'" , '~OG The,'>, ';:WaynowNE" , $l~gie Copy 7. 5¢ Sections - 4' "., Pages': 3~ ." J " .J , ' , Thursday, 'A~gust 13, 2009 133rd Year - No. 47 ,; " , ' ' "C' ',' '.,.' ' " j" , . "',, F;,'\';: • , ,".>,. " Wqyne's 196th birtnday cele~r(ltzona bighit, Teachers~ agreement.] is"approved By Lynn Sievers Of the Berald " " . The Wayne Community School's Board of Education met in regular$eS$ion Monday night, The f009-201Q negotiated agree ment between, the school board andLhe WEA (Wayne Education As~ociation) was discussed. 'School board member Rod Garwood made a motion to approve' the negotiated agreement pending approval of the teaching staff, board member Dr. Jeryl Nelson seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Among routine business reports and actions was the resignation of Kay Doin,~~h as full time kitchen staff and the hiring of Pam Ekberg for the position. School board member 'Mark Evetovich made a motion to approve the hiring of Ekberg, Wendi Consoli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. i Evetovich made a motion to approve the financial claims, Consoli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. MUo Meyer ConstructIon's gift of dirt work in the parking expansion project (Photos by Clara Osten behind the high school was recognized. The and Michael Carnes) city's concrete work for the parking area was also noted. Whether it was Cathy Var Administration reports were discussed. ley winning the Jaycees' Wayne High principal Mark Hanson gave Kiss The Pig contest, get the board information on a problem some ting your hand (and ev schools across the nation are having on sex erything else) dirty in ting, which is students sending classmates mud volleyball dr'showing , inappropriate photos via cellphones.: Be off your best beard and wanted the board to be aware of the term mustache, Wayne's Q-125 and activity and that it has been addressed celebration had plenty of in the student handbook Middle School principal Tim Krupicka good times to offer.
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