921 bus time schedule & line map

921 Reading Station - Lower via University View In Website Mode

The 921 bus line (Reading Station - via University) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Lower Earley: 3:22 PM (2) Reading Town Centre: 7:29 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 921 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 921 bus arriving.

Direction: Lower Earley 921 bus Time Schedule 20 stops Lower Earley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Street Foot, Reading Town Centre 35-39 London Street, Reading Tuesday Not Operational

Crown Street, Wednesday Not Operational

Kendrick Student Village, the Mount Thursday Not Operational Kendrick Road, Reading Friday 3:22 PM

Crown Place Passage, the Mount Saturday Not Operational

Morgan Road, the Mount

Vicarage Road, the Mount 921 bus Info Christchurch Green, Direction: Lower Earley Shineld Road, Reading Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 27 min Reading University, University Of Reading Line Summary: London Street Foot, Reading Town Centre, Crown Street, Katesgrove, Kendrick Student Pepper Lane University, University Of Reading Village, the Mount, Crown Place Passage, the Mount, Pepper Lane, Reading Morgan Road, the Mount, Vicarage Road, the Mount, Christchurch Green, University Of Reading, Reading Harcourt Drive, Earley University, University Of Reading, Pepper Lane University, University Of Reading, Harcourt Drive, Wychwood Crescent, Earley Earley, Wychwood Crescent, Earley, Brerewood, Earley, Chalfont Way Circle, Lower Earley, Rosemary Avenue, Lower Earley, Ryhill Way, Lower Earley, Brerewood, Earley Chatton Close Asda, Lower Earley, Faygate Way, 23 Elm Lane, Reading Lower Earley, Beech Lane, Lower Earley, Mareeld, Chalfont Way Circle, Lower Earley Lower Earley, Chilcombe Way, Lower Earley Chalfont Way, Reading

Rosemary Avenue, Lower Earley Hilmanton, Reading

Ryhill Way, Lower Earley 18 Wickford Way, Reading

Chatton Close Asda, Lower Earley 3 Carland Close, Reading

Faygate Way, Lower Earley Rushey Way, Reading

Beech Lane, Lower Earley Rushey Way, Reading

Mareeld, Lower Earley Swepstone Close, Reading

Chilcombe Way, Lower Earley Direction: Reading Town Centre 921 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Reading Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Chilcombe Way, Lower Earley Tuesday Not Operational Felixstowe Close, Lower Earley Whitton Close, Reading Wednesday Not Operational

Kitwood Drive, Lower Earley Thursday Not Operational Burniston Close, Reading Friday 7:29 AM

Easington Drive, Lower Earley Saturday Not Operational Barholm Close, Reading

Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley The Delph, Reading 921 bus Info Sellaeld Way, Lower Earley Direction: Reading Town Centre Bridport Close, Reading Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 40 min Mareeld, Lower Earley Line Summary: Chilcombe Way, Lower Earley, 8 Barkby, Reading Felixstowe Close, Lower Earley, Kitwood Drive, Lower Earley, Easington Drive, Lower Earley, Hawkedon Beech Lane, Lower Earley Way, Lower Earley, Sellaeld Way, Lower Earley, Rushey Way, Reading Mareeld, Lower Earley, Beech Lane, Lower Earley, Faygate Way, Lower Earley, Chatton Close Asda, Faygate Way, Lower Earley Lower Earley, Ryhill Way, Lower Earley, Rosemary 1,3,5,7,9,11 Faygate Way, Reading Avenue, Lower Earley, Chalfont Way Circle, Lower Earley, Brerewood, Earley, Wychwood Crescent, Chatton Close Asda, Lower Earley Earley, Harcourt Drive, Earley, Pepper Lane University, 14 Chatton Close, Reading University Of Reading, Reading University, University Of Reading, Chancellors Way, University Of Reading, Ryhill Way, Lower Earley Christchurch Green, University Of Reading, Vicarage 31 Beauchief Close, Reading Road, the Mount, Morgan Road, the Mount, Crown Place Passage, the Mount, Kendrick Student Village, Rosemary Avenue, Lower Earley the Mount, Crown Street, Katesgrove, London Street Rushey Way, Reading Foot, Reading Town Centre, Kings Road, Reading Town Centre, Street, Reading Town Centre, Chalfont Way Circle, Lower Earley St Marys Butts, Reading Town Centre, West Street, Reading Town Centre, Blagrave Street, Reading Town Brerewood, Earley Centre Elm Lane, Reading

Wychwood Crescent, Earley Elm Road, Reading

Harcourt Drive, Earley 1 Falstaff Avenue, Reading

Pepper Lane University, University Of Reading Pepper Lane, Reading

Reading University, University Of Reading

Chancellors Way, University Of Reading

Christchurch Green, University Of Reading Whitley Lane, Reading

Vicarage Road, the Mount Sutherland Avenue, Reading

Morgan Road, the Mount

Crown Place Passage, the Mount

Kendrick Student Village, the Mount Kendrick Road, Reading

Crown Street, Katesgrove

London Street Foot, Reading Town Centre 35-39 London Street, Reading

Kings Road, Reading Town Centre Duke Street, Reading

Minster Street, Reading Town Centre Earley Place, Reading

St Marys Butts, Reading Town Centre 8-9 St Mary's Butts, Reading

West Street, Reading Town Centre West Street, Reading

Blagrave Street, Reading Town Centre Railair coach road, Reading 921 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved