An Application Programmer's Guide to UNIX at the University of Manitoba

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An Application Programmer's Guide to UNIX at the University of Manitoba An Application Programmer’s Guide to UNIX at the University of Manitoba by Gary F. Alderson Manager, Application Technologies Administrative Systems Version: 1.8 2002-03-03 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................2 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................4 The Shells........................................................................................................................................4 Interactive use of the Shell .............................................................................................................5 Command Aliases........................................................................................................................................6 Command History.......................................................................................................................................6 Command Line Editing ..............................................................................................................................7 Security and Permissions................................................................................................................9 The Basics ....................................................................................................................................................9 Setting File Creation Defaults....................................................................................................................9 Setting Permissions after Creation..........................................................................................................10 Security Groups.........................................................................................................................................10 Set Group-ID Permission .........................................................................................................................11 Set Userid Permission ...............................................................................................................................11 Save Text Image after Execution.............................................................................................................11 Directory Structure Set-up for Production Batch Applications..................................................12 Directory Structures for Development and Production WEB Servers........................................13 Why do we have multiple Web servers?.................................................................................................13 The Common Administrative Systems Web Server Directory Structure ...........................................14 Best Practices.............................................................................................................................................15 Writing Shell Scripts.....................................................................................................................16 Example 1 - A basic shell script. ..............................................................................................................16 Example 2 - A sample database load.......................................................................................................17 Example 3 - A script called by other scripts...........................................................................................19 Best Practices.............................................................................................................................................22 CronTab - Production Job Scheduling ........................................................................................23 Pipes, Redirection, Filters and Other Plumbing Fixtures ..........................................................25 Dataflow through Commands..................................................................................................................25 Redirecting Input and Output .................................................................................................................25 Filters..........................................................................................................................................................26 cat ................................................................................................................................................................................26 sort...............................................................................................................................................................................26 head..............................................................................................................................................................................26 tail................................................................................................................................................................................26 more or less..................................................................................................................................................................27 grep..............................................................................................................................................................................27 cut ................................................................................................................................................................................27 sed and awk..................................................................................................................................................................28 Page 2 tar.................................................................................................................................................................................28 gzip ..............................................................................................................................................................................28 find...............................................................................................................................................................................29 find /priv/adminsys/wwwprod –name \*.pl -print ........................................................................................................29 PERL - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language ..............................................................30 Perl Style Guide.........................................................................................................................................30 Example 1 - Using PERL to Substitute Text ..........................................................................................30 Example 2 - Preparing a file for a Sybase BCP Load............................................................................31 Example 3 - A Simple Report using Sybperl ..........................................................................................32 Example 4 - Updating a Sybase Table using Sybperl ............................................................................34 Source Code Management using CVS.........................................................................................38 Setting Up a CVS Repository...................................................................................................................38 Deciding on Project Granularity .............................................................................................................38 Automatic Documentation .......................................................................................................................38 Importing New Projects ...........................................................................................................................39 Checking Out Projects..............................................................................................................................39 Updating Projects......................................................................................................................................39 Watching Projects for Changes ...............................................................................................................39 Who is Watching You ?............................................................................................................................40 Adding Files to the Project.......................................................................................................................40 Removing Files from the Project.............................................................................................................40 Committing Project Releases...................................................................................................................40 Releasing Your Project Sandbox.............................................................................................................40 More Information is Available at ... ........................................................................................................41 Suggestions and Ideas for Improvement......................................................................................42 Page 3 Introduction In the world of Client/Server
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