11992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 8, 2005 children in Sierra Leone who die every year tennial Project, the Carlsbad Hosp Grove Pic- since 2000 and is our Nation’s most decorated of preventable malaria. Nothing more to nic Area. The project included a cleanup of battleship, having heroically served in three train and pay teachers so 11-year-old girls in the grove, the planting of 1,000 trees and the major conflicts: World War II, Korea, and Viet- Kenya may go to school. And not a cent more to help Ghana develop the programs it donation of picnic tables and benches, a very nam. needs to get legions of young boys off the welcome amenity to the city. The volunteers of the USS New Jersey are streets. In addition, the Second Annual Hi-Noon Ro- responsible for many things on the ship, in- Mr. Blair, who will be the host when the G– tary golf tournament fundraiser was success- cluding restoration and maintenance, giving 8, the club of eight leading economic powers, fully completed and the funds dedicated to tours, clerical work, and educating the commu- holds its annual meeting next month, is try- providing scholarships to local high school stu- nity about the ship and its history. Volunteers ing to line up pledges to double overall aid dents, a Rotaract Club has been established, work 7 days a week, rain or shine, and have for Africa over the next 10 years. That extra and the Annual Oktoberfest fundraiser spon- logged over 300,000 hours of volunteer time. $25 billion a year would do all those things, In 2000, they won the Governor’s Vol- and much more, to raise the continent from sored in conjunction with the Carlsbad dire poverty. Before getting to Washington, Evening Rotary Club completed a record year. unteerism Award for their extraordinary work. Mr. Blair had done very well, securing The 26,000 of proceeds was donated to the Below are the names of the dedicated vol- pledges of large increases from European Women’s Resource Center, the Boys and unteers of the USS New Jersey: Union members. Girls Club of Carlsbad and Community Youth Mike Aaron, Edward Adams, Harry Aharon, According to a poll, most Americans be- Services. The Oktoberfest was a project origi- Edwina Alber, John Alberta, Ricardo Alciniega, lieve that the spends 24 per- nally initiated by the Hi-Noon Rotary Club. Craig Allen, Adam M. Allibone, April Allstaedt, cent of its budget on aid to poor countries; it Mike’s leadership is also making a dif- Bob Allstaedt, Joshua Allstaedt, Ryan actually spends well under a quarter of 1 per- ference to people in need of a helping hand. Allstaedt, Tyler Allstaedt, Anthony Altadonna, cent. As Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia Univer- David M. Ambrosio, Frank C. Annaloro, The- sity economist in charge of the United Na- He initiated a program to provide financial aid tions’ Millennium Project, put it so well, the to the Store Front, a organization resa E. Annaloro, Ricardo Arciniega, Carl A. notion that there is a flood of American aid dedicated to helping homeless children get a Arzillo, Gus W. Augustin, William Bacon, John going to Africa ‘‘is one of our great national fresh start in life. During Mike’s tenure a num- P. Bader, William J. Baehr, Christina Baessler, myths.’’ ber of other projects were completed which Arlene Baker, Cameron M. Balaban, Charles The United States currently gives just 0.16 enhanced public safety, provided volunteers B. Ball, Sam Ballinger, Thomas Banit, Elaine percent of its national income to help poor and supplies to do maintenance and repair Barnes, Clifford Barr, Albert Beatty, Don R. countries, despite signing a United Nations work for the elderly and needy in the commu- Beck, John C. Becker, Harry P. Becky, Pat A. declaration three years ago in which rich Becky, Frances Bender, Paul A. Benner, Sam countries agreed to increase their aid to 0.7 nity, to distribute food, clothing and toys to percent by 2015. Since then, Britain, France needy families in conjunction with he Carlsbad Bennett, Bill Berman, Art Beyer, Jim Bibbo, and Germany have all announced plans for Christmas Bureau, and sponsored a Christ- Bob Bieber, Ed Bilger, Randy K. Binter, Bill how to get to 0.7 percent; America has not. mas party and dinner for elementary school Bittner, Richard J. Blash, William Blazer, Mi- The piddling amount Mr. Bush announced children of very low income families. chael K. Boggess, Peter Bomm, Abel Boney, yesterday is not even 0.007 percent. During Mike’s tenure, in an effort to promote David Boone, Steven A. Borkowski, Cathy What is 0.7 percent of the American econ- literacy, a Dictionary Distribution program was Bosley, Charles Bosley, Tom E. Boughton. omy? About $80 billion. That is about the initiated and the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotarians Mike R. Bowser, Joe Boyle, Fred Branyan, amount the Senate just approved for addi- Norm Branyan, Frank J. Brennan, Robert tional military spending, mostly in . It’s distributed English and Spanish dictionaries to not remotely close to the $140 billion cor- needy elementary school children. Bretz, Ralph A. Bringhurst, Steven A. porate tax cut last year. On the international front, Mike also pro- Bromhead, Eric A. Brown, Kimberly A. Brown, This should not be the image Mr. Bush vided extraordinary leadership by establishing Rob Brown, Robert Brown, William V. Brown, wants to project around a world that is in- a Model UN Program, exposing high school Jr., Harry V. Bryant, Dave Buchanan, David R. tently watching American actions on this students to world affairs, led the way to pro- Burgess, Margaret D. Burgess, Charles Burns, issue. At a time when rich countries are vide sponsors for exchange students from for- Walt Burshtin, Dan Bush, Brian L. Callahan, mounting a noble and worthy effort to make eign countries, initiated and obtained an AIDS Peggy F. Caltabiano, Joseph Campbell, Jeff- poverty history, the Bush administration is ery L. Cantor, Earl M. Cargen, Jose Caringal, showing itself to be completely out of touch Program grant, initiated an aid pro- by offering such a miserly drop in the buck- gram for the victims of the tsunami in South- Paul Carman, Robert W. Carmint, Jr., Mark B. et. It’s no surprise that Mr. Bush’s offer was east Asia, and provided the leadership nec- Carney, Eugene V. Carr, Lauren Carter, Carol greeted with scorn in television broadcasts essary to provide financial assistance for den- Cassel, Robert Cassel, Fred Cassentino, and newspaper headlines around the world. tal care and a dental clinic for the needy chil- Edwin Cassidy, Jr., Richard A. Castro, Robert ‘‘Bush Opposes U.K. Africa Debt Plan,’’ dren of Honduras. In addition, during his ten- Catando, Michael Cauto, Tony Cellucia, Stuart blared the headline on the AllAfrica news ure a partnership project was established with L. Chalkley, Edward Cheeseman, Kurt E. service, based in Johannesburg. ‘‘Blair’s a Rotary Club in Ensenada, Mexico to provide Cheesman, William Chew, Frank Chiacchio, Gambit: Shame Bush Into Paying’’ chimed in Merwyn B. Claaria, Edward R. Clark, Jeff The Sydney Morning Herald in Australia. water, electricity, plumbing and painting, a The American people have a great heart. project that will benefit approximately 1,000 Cochrane, Ronald B. Cohen, Anita Collings, President Bush needs to stop concealing it. people. Joseph Collins, Russell Collins, Gary Conover, f Mr. Speaker, I hope you will join me in rec- Ken Conte, Ted Cooper, George A. Corbeels, ognizing the many fine achievements of Mike Larry A. Cote, Arthur Covello, Utta Covello, A TRIBUTE TO MIKE PFANKUCH Pfankuch. Without question, his leadership Joseph R. Cramer, Robert Creamer, Pat and the fine work of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Ro- Crespo, Virgil R. Crider, Gary Crispin, John D. HON. RANDY ‘‘DUKE’’ CUNNINGHAM tary Club are worthy of recognition by the Croghan, Stewart Cross, David W. OF House today. Cunningham, Michael Cutrera, Wayne Dahl, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Bob A. Daniels, Tony Dawson, Bob Day, David Deaner, Patrick C. Dechirico, Gennaro Wednesday, June 8, 2005 HONORING THE VOLUNTEERS OF DeFrancesco. Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise THE BATTLESHIP NEW JERSEY Skip Deglavina, Michael Del Pidio, Robert today in recognizing the outstanding achieve- Delconte, Dominador DelRosario, Tony ments of Mike Pfankuch, the outgoing presi- HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS Deluca, Frank DeRoberts, Peter DeStefano, dent of the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club. In OF NEW JERSEY Klaus Dewedoff, Hugo Di Bona, John A. this 2004–2005 service, Mike has contributed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Diblasio, Phil Diciano, Jerry T. Dickinson, enormously and made a tremendous dif- Charles Dieterich, David J. Dimarzio, Frances ference to the Rotary Club and the citizens of Wednesday, June 8, 2005 E. Doak, Anne Dobbs, Welford L. Dolbow, Carlsbad. Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Roger Doll, William J. Domzalski, Joe Don- Mike’s accomplishments are many and var- honor the volunteers of the USS New Jersey, nelly, Jerry M. Donovan, John M. Dorosky, ied. Under his guidance, the Rotary Club has which is located in my district in Camden, New Gail Dougherty, Paul Dougherty, Sara Dough- completed and dedicated its three-year Cen- Jersey. The ship has been open to the public erty, Bob Downs, Joseph F. Drebes, Bill

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Smitherman, Daniel Soldano, Lon Somora, Engleman, Nicholas Erisman, Mayer Falk, Jo- Lutz, Alfred J. Lynch, Dale Lynch, George R. Dick Sowers, Ted J. Speer, Kelly S. Spina, seph Falker, Vincent Falso, Louis J. Macculloch, Joseph W. Macmillan Chris. W. Charles V. Spinetta, Claire Spinetta, Neil E. Fantacone, Peter Fantacone, Paul A. Farber, Macready, James T. Maher, John Makara, St. Clair, Jr., Richard J. Stafanick, Carmine Dan Farrell, Dave Farren, Joe A. Fassano, Al- Chet K. Malik, James Malloy, Vincent Mancini, Staino, James Standiford, Joseph Stalter, Jeri bert Faulkner, Paul D. Fazekas, Thomas J. Larry G. Margulis, Patrick Marion, Craig W. Stephens, David Stephnowski, Charles Stew- Fee, Joseph Fillmyer, Kara Fillmyer, Conor Martin, Marji Martin, Edward Martino, Tony art, Ed Stewart, John Stickney, John Stolarik, Finnegan, William Finnegan, Jr., Allen P. Fish- Martorana, Richard F. Maska, Norman G. Mat- William Stokes, Brian Stoner, Brian Stower, er, George A. Foglia, Frank Foord, George hews, Calvin B. Mattson, Warren Mattson, Bill Stroup, Dennis Strasser Sr., Robert E. Fore, Reita Forsythe, Elenor Forsythe, Wayne Richard L. Mauger, Dave May, Pat McBride. Straub, Lee Sturgell, Sharlene S. Sullivan, Wil- G. Fox, Harry Frank, Ron Frantz, Michael D. Gerald McCloskey, John McClernan, Todd liam Sullivan, Jack E. Surline, Wayne J. Frazer, Woody Freeman, Bruce Frey, Bj McConnell, Tom McCorkell, Robert G. Surline, Fred Sutherland, Alex Svincov, Claire Frullo. McCord, Doug McCray, Hugh McElroy, Leslie M. Svitak, Richard E. Svitak, John M. Millicent Frye, Bill Fuentes, Gene F. McGeoch, John F. McGranahan, Gene Sweeney, Leona L. Sweeney, Martin Furmanski, Robert Furmanski, Charles Galla- McLaughlin, Jean McLaughlin, Dennis Swiiecicki, Stephen S. Swift, Paul T. Syers Jr., gher, Ted Gallagher, Philip Galluccio, Rolland McMichael, Jack McNally, Jacki McPhee, Paul Stan Szumel, Stanley Szumel, Irv Tannen- Garber, George Gasper, Christine Gaudet, M. McPike, Allan McVey, Michael Meaney, baum, Gabriel Tatarian, Jim J. Taylor, Ken Steve Gava, Douglas G. Gehring, Bernie Richard W. Meanor, Duane Meller, David A. Temme, Robert Teti, Terry A. Thayer, Dudley Gelman, Philip J. Gentile, George Gershefski, Mellish, Bernadette Menna, Matthew L. Merry, Thomas, Paul A. Thomas, Charles F. Thomp- Hoot Gibson, Frank Gilbert, Matt Gilbert, John Frank V. Mevoli, Edward Miller, Donald A. Mil- son, Mary Thompson, Richard G. Thrash Jr., J. Gildea, Albert Giumetti, Michael ler, Gary H. Miller, James Miller, John L. Mil- Vera H. Tierno, Michael J. Timothy. Glauberman, John P. Goheen, Art Gordon, ler, William R. Miller, John (Jack) Mills, John Paul J. Tine, Robert Titus, Cal S. Tobias, Jack P. Gordon, Bob Gramigna, Lee H. Gray, Mills, Barney M. Milstein, Joe Moloney, Susan Theresa Tonte, George Townsend, Jesse Dane J. Greene, Peter Greene, Charles Monsour, Calvin Moon, Martin C. Mooney, Trace, Christopher M. Troche, Ed Troche, Don Gronek, Joe Groppenbacher, James Grossi, James R. Moore, David Morales, Joe Moran, Trouland, Don Trucano, John H. Truman, Rachael Grossman, John Grunwald, Scott Robert F. Moritz, Frank Morrone, Harvey D. Thomas Underwood, Walt Urban, Richard Gunt, Edward Grygo, Edward A. Haas, Bruce Morton, Daniel Muckel, Dave Mull, David I. Valenzuela, Charles F. Vaughan, William Haegly, William H. Hague, Kathleen Haines, Mullan, Joseph A. Mullan, Marta A. Mullan, Vaughan, Victor Vergara, Bill Vets, Elaine M. Patricia A. Haines, Arthur Hall, Paul Halter, Jack F. Muller, Lewis Murchison, Timothy M. Vets, Paul Viens, Howard A. Villalobos, Rich- Sandy Halo, Charles Hamilton, Edward J. Murphy, Thomas A. Muskett Jr., Larry S. ard Vojir, Anson J. Wager Jr., Barry Wagner, Hamilton, Jim Hamilton, William H. Hamilton, Natelson, Deandre Nelson, Christopher Don M. Walker, Martin Waltemyer, Rob Wal- Dick Hammond, Ivan B. Hancock, William P. Newcombe, Max R. Newhart, Paul Niessner, ters, Dennis Walton, Larry Ward, Frank Wat- Hansche, Paul D. Hanson, Tom R. Hanson, Ernest Ng, Don Noonan, Ronald Noreen, son, Bruce J. Weaver, Ashlyne M. Webb, Paul Hanstein, Kenneth Hardcassel, Fred Frank J. Obermeier, Frank S. O’Keefe, David R. Webb, James Webb, Thomas Harron, Walter Haswell, Ken J. Hattrick, Wal- Charles T. Olinda, Kenneth J. Olivier, Walter Weber, Richard Wedman, Charles Weiss, Dick ter Hause, John C. Heacock, Chris F. Heller, E. Olkowski, Charles O’Neill, Frank O’Neill, Weiss, Robert Werner, Roy West, Robert Ebe Helm, William Helmetag, Tom Helvig, Joan O’Rourke, Frances Orzechowski, Larry Westcott, David Wetherspoon, Robert M. Greg Henderson, Kevin Henry, Elmer Otreba, Richard R. Palazzo, Peg Palmer, Whomsley, Kenneth Wiegand, Mary Wiegand, Heppard, Charles A. Higgins, William H. Hig- George H. Parks Iii, Robert D. Patrick, Aj J. Thomas H. Wilkie, Bill Will, Bruce A. Williams, gins, Art T. Hilkert, Arthur Hill, John B. Hinds, Patten. Carl A. Williams, Roger Willig, Michael D. John Hoban, Martin J. Hoffman, Stan John M. Pavek, Keith Pavulak, Adam Paz, Wills, James Wilson, Wayne A. Wilson, Dan J. Hojnacki. Bruce Penny, John J. Percy, Joe Perno, Dave Windfelder, John J. Windfelder, Joseph Eugene F. Holben, Gary Holden, Gary A. J. Perone, John Perry, Richard P. Pietrow, Wojciechowski, Gary Wolf, Carl Woodcock, Hollenbaugh, Carl R. Holmstrom, George Charles Pine, Albert Piong, Walt Piotrowski, Bob Wright, Steven Wright, Bryan H. Young, Holston, William Holstrom, Robert Homan, Tony Pizzi, Ernest G. Posner, Bruce Powell, John Yurkow, Larry Zack, Art Ziemer, Barbara Fred Honigman, Joseph A. Hopkins, John R. Earl Preis, Jeannette R. Priestley, Louis Zimmerman, Michael Zimmerman, Richard Horan, Robert Houck, Ursula Houser, Glenn Priestley, Larry Pyle, Pat Quinn, John Zimmermann, and Charles A. Zingrone. E. Hughes, Jerold Humphreys, George Hunt, Quinesso, Roy F. Radil, Jim Ramentol, Frank f Carl S. Hyde, Spud Ignatius, Thomas J. Randolph, Dave M. Ratcliffe, Susan Ratcliffe, Jaskel, Philip S. Jaworskj, William R. Jensen, Howard Reed, Marie D. Reimel, Michael A TRIBUTE TO SEAN SWARNER David M. Jimick, Charlie Johnson, R. Kevin Renish, Camilo M. Reyes, Walter G. Ribeiro, Johnson, James E. Jones, Robert Jones, Mark H. Richardson, Norma L. Rightler, Chris HON. MARK UDALL Harry L. Josephsen, Willaim Jubb, Ruben E. G. Robinson, Adam Roch, Alexander Rodri- OF COLORADO Kafenbaum, Roland Kane, Cheryl L. Kaplan, guez, Glenn T. Roggio, Kevin Rooney, An- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ted J. Katz, Dennis Kauffmann, Ed Keenan, drew C. Roppoli, Michael Rosado, Ed William Kehler, Glen W. Kelley, Richard Rosenheim, Marie Rossi, Ted Roth, James Wednesday, June 8, 2005 Kellum, John F. Kelly. Rothman, Norman C. Roton, John Rowey, Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise John R. Kelty, Brian Kerrigan, Karen Ronald Ruban Sr., Joseph K. Rubino, Jon Ru- today to honor Sean Swarner, a fellow climber Kersch, Kenneth E. Kersch, Ruth Keser, Al dolph, Harry Ruhle, Maria Rumil, John Ryan, and an enormously courageous young man. Kidder, Edith Kinesky, Bill Kinsky, Chet W. Lois A. Ryan, Aldo Saggese, Mary A. Sam- When he was just 13 years old, Sean was Klabe, Robert W. Koch, Arnold B. Kohler, Mar- son, Eric Saperstein, John F. Saracen, Kris- diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and was tin Kokoska, Matthew Kokoska, Edward Kolbe, tine Sawaya, James D. Scamuffa, William given a mere three months to live. With his Ed Komczyk, Christian M. Kraft, Walter Krilov, Sahacht, Henry Schafer, David Schmidt, Ray- family’s support, prayer, and resolute deter- Robert L. Krukowski, Raymond A. Kuehner, mond Schnapp, Alfred C. Schneider, Barbara mination, he beat the disease. Just one year Joe Kulesa, Sam Kuncevich, Paul M. Kupiec, B. Schneider, Wayne H. Schofield, Alfred later, doctors found a golf-ball sized tumor in Ben G. Kyler, Bob LaVine, Lydia LaVine, Schuler, Ralph Schwank, Don T. Schwendt, his right lung. The diagnosis was Askin’s sar- Frank Laber, Nan L. Lacorte, Howard Howard B. Scott, George Seaman, Allan coma. This time, doctors gave him just two Lafianza, Jim Lafianzia, Raymond J. Segal, Jason Seiberlich, William M. Seiberlich. wees. Again, he beat back the disease with Lavanture, Jack W. Ledeboer, Skip Leeson, Walter Seitz, Kevin Sekula, Sharon Seybold, his tremendous resolve. Still, the cancer left Bill Leibfrid, Elizabeth Lerch, Fred Lesser, Rochelle Shakti, Robert Shea, Joseph Shields, him with just one functioning lung.

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