I Avetagre DaHy Circulation The Weather For the Month of October, 1941 For«cmat of C. ft. UVeatlMr

Rain ehding tonight, clearing \ 6,96.3 liefnre daybreak; Snnila.v partly Metaiher of the Andit rlmid>. little change In tempera- BurenU of Circulation* ture.

Manchester— -A City of Villafte Charm


Roman VOL. LXI., NO. 28 (Claasifled Advertlulng On Page 12) M A N CH ESTER . CO NN.. S A T U RD A Y. N O VEM BER 1. 1941 slotia (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICF: T H R E E C E N T S



morrow Bridget's May Survey •Anierirati Dentrover Sunk in Line of Dutv

at James's Heavy Loss of Life at Way to Land

U. S. Troops

In Torpedo Sinking

^^o^sihility o f Exitedi-

tioiHfry Force iMnding

in Africa May Be Ex- Of Warship Feared amined by Missions.


Calrp, Egypt, Nov. 1- Even 1 Navy .\niiounre* 44 Eil* the pos.slblllty of a United States Says Present S Incidents expeditionary force landing in li*t»’«l .Mni Are Res-

Africa may be examined li) ex-

’ riK'd: Naval Authori- haustive surveys being iindertakeu : Siiip Ban Has Reveal Way by two American military mis- ii«‘* S|H‘riilute Som e ■ sions in the Middle East. One mission In Iraq and Iran, un- P i •o v e d F u t i l e ! French Feel Additional Survivor* i der Brig. Gen. Flaymond A. Wheel- i er with headquarters at Basra, will :May H aVi* Been Picked I be slanted primarily at the prob- Green Gall* on Senate In Lj» hy Other Ele- 'accidents lem of getting aid to .Soviet Russia ill Or rur in Restricted

Grant .Ameriean Mer- Military /.ones of Oc- iiieiit* of Convoy. (Continued On Page Two) ehaiit \ e**el* Free- cupied Area; None W'a.shington, Nov. 1.— (^P)

iloiii 4tf W orld'* Sea*. (.ftnsiderefl .S e r i ft u s .' — He!i\y los.s of life in the ^ Defense Move i lorpcfio .sinking of the U. S. Washington Nov 1 J’ . .*ena- Vif’hV. T*no» rijpipcf Kranr#*, Nov. di'.i’tt'oyfr Reuhen James 'WAS tor Green ' fl . K I i c,x!led on the 1 1’ Kivf inrujont.s. all m the f<*ar»'(i today even after the Seen in Visit Senate today to grant American restrif terj rTiilitary zon* h o ' ocgu- .Nav\ announced that 44 en- merchant ship.s the freedom of the pu’d Franre. (M-rurred yesterday I li.sled men had been rescued. sea., and .said that the present neu- To Roosevelt during the five-minute standstill That left .some 76 trality act was one of “ appea.se- members called by Gen Charles De Gaulle. lent towards Hitler which hail of the ..shiji's company unac- Free French leader, offu lals said proved futile counted for. .since about 120 Of- ^ liitp lIoiiHP OfTirial* today. i lli pra and men formed the normal ' Scarcely 24 hours earlier the Fir?«t mortal victim of the "rattlc.sri.ikes of the Atlantii:" which she was hunting, the T’ . *. R. Reu)>en James, above! became the first/ N.XVV hail announced the sinking None f)f the in« idents reported I onipleniint of the vesacl vx’bicll He*itate to Pul Gaiia- (American warship sunk in \Vorld war II She wti.s sent to the hottom hv a torpedo xxhile on convoy duty In the North Atlantic west t(3 the Ministry of Interior was of the destroyer P.ciiben James, on was sunk Thursday night on con- : Iceland. One of the old four-stack dc.stroyers of the rlas.s of which .'(O were traded to Britain la.st s immer, she. carried a crew of 120 considered senou.«, it was said. voy duly west of Iceland. rliaii P rem ier'* Joiir- I officers and men. , convoy duty west of Ireland .A At I>e Ha\ re between oO and 100 ; supplementary announcement last Take Hopeful Vlexv iiev on Snrial Ra*i*. p<'rsf)ns asserpbled before a monu- Taking as hopeful a view as night said -44 -of the ship’s rom- ment to war-'dead, but were dis- pany had been rescued persed by two policemen. , xxas possible under the clrcum- Bulletin! 1,082 Persons First Sr-hedilled S|>eiiker At St Nuholas de Port, near stani fs. -Naval aiithnritlea her# Crimea Battle Growing Critical; Green, a member of the .-len.xte Nancy, the town's ele< trie current spi-culaleil that some additional Hyde Park, N. V., Nox. I.— .Foreign Relations ( ’omniittee. was survivors might have been picked/ ((11—Prime Minister H. I. was shut r»ff by striking workers. Ithe first scheduled speaker as the up by other elemcrtts of the CO MaeKrnxIe King of Canada, Some Stop Work Put to Death I .Senate entered its sixth day of de- voy. If .«o. It might be several a^ arrixing here for txxo days of Workmen demonstrated at I bate on the adminmir.-ition bill eonferenee with i*reslilent Upper Donets River Is Crossed IW I knocking out the pre.sent neutral- ' obtained of the entire personnel, Rooaevrlt, aald today that “It (Ointinued On Page Tu«*he) In Reprisals ity law provisions forbidding the would not surprise.nne if all I bei ause ships in combat zones us# arming of merchant ships and pre- I their radios only for the most UT- phases of the situation eon- German and Rumanian Germans Goutinue to nemlng the two natloti* ihould , venting them from entering bellig- | 1 gent communii-ation.y' Mile of Planes I $ mme up In the rourse of the ExmilPfl for Rpfii*al to Troops C.ontinup Pur- W idCn , Gap Driven : erent ports or combat areas Riverhoat R om The Reuben James, built 21 conversation*. "Me shall talk “The proposed amendment to the . years ago. was of far less advanc- B om- to Nazi .Author^ about ex'erythlng, I expert," suit of Rtissian Sol- Through Defense Line ’ neutrality act aimplx'-.re.stores the i ed design than the U. S destroyer the prime minister aa*i‘rted. Hits invasion rights which we have always exer- I Kearny which made port success- ily in O r n ip ir d N a - I fliers in Crimea Today. At Perekop Isthmus. . xised under international law and I Further Peril ] fully after surviving a torpedo hit

By Oouglaa B. ^-tomell tion* Sinre Juno 22. under American law. " Green said | rsA o 1 . ' Oci- 1“ in the same general area ' in an address prepared for Senate ! Berlin, Nov. 1.— i,T)— The Coast’ Today (JP ' I f t I t n P I l North Atlantic The Kearney'' Hyde Park, N. Y., Nor. 1 - London. Nov. 1,— )— delivery. "We will again be free to I, clad, with the latest armor and Canada* prime minister. V\’. L. . Berlin. Nov 1 At leant upper Donets river has been Russian military dispatches ■ act as free" men and assert and en- j _____ j Its hull IS divided into watertight Mackenzie King, came to Hyde 1 1.082 persona have been executed crossed at several points and declared today that the bat- 1 force our rights to the freedom of ' , . ! compartments, but even so 11 men Briti*h Bomber* Hit 10 Park today for the third set of I for refusal to bow to .Nazi author- German and Rumanian troops tle at the approaches to the i the seas. This does not mean go- ^ tr iK f* f o p llir r P a * f * in wt’re killed and JO were wounded

a ity in countries directly within the Ship* at ;Sea and Kev I ing to war. , . . War may follow. t' . 1 . 4 v the smashing uhdent'sler *t- conversation* he has held with are continuing their inirsiiit Crimea had herome increas- I but it IS less likely to follow if we M a g e s L x | ie e te (l to tick. President Roosevelt in the I^st German sphere of influence since of Ru.ssian force.* in the Cri- Gitie* in Germany, ^ ingl.v critical, with the Ger- ! repeal these prox-isions than If we Halt Movement o f Goal 7'^” whaleboats at least •even months. Germany's war with Riiaaia began mea, the (Jerman high com- mans continuing to widen the keep bound by them Aix lif^ rafth and ampl^ life pre* June 22. a compilation of reports France and Italy. .\ct of .Appeaixeiiient King's secretary said It was made public showed today; mand reported toda.v. On the gap,they drove through the T o P i t t s b l i r g l l A r e a . (an’ied aboard th* "Just a .personal call " but White I “The so-called neutrality act j ^ , I R. uben James, lending some hop# In addition, references have been northern sector near Lenin-1 House, officials hesitated to jdacc Ixiulqn, Nov 1. -/V- Stepping i defehum line across the I’ore- I . . was an act of appca.sement to- . „ ™,, , . X anxuni.H familie.s of men made in the press at various limes grail, till* war bulletin from Adolf the visit on *uch an Inconsc-qiicn- u|) il.x battle of the west, the R. A. kop isthmus A mighty new offen- wards Hitler In the hope that If !».' 1 nr A ssoctalrd i r^SS , knuwn to hav*' been aboard her. to “sevoral " or "a number ” of per- tlal basis. In such a time of inter- Hitler's lieadquarters said, an in- ■Mive against .Moscow also was we were not only neutral but also I A fuilher threat tV prfxiuclion Sixty Navy wive.^ clu.stered ardund sona who had been led before a F hurled a mile-long formation national upheaval, aome analysLs predicted and Pravda. organ of ’ were willmg to give up .some of firing squad or to the galUnys. In fantry regiment li'roke thi-ougli a against the French “ invasion of viUl defense ' metal by the j suggested, it scarcely would be the Communist party, said the our rights as a neutral, he would (Continued On Page F h e) many cases the pte.ss failed to fol- strongly fortified defen.se zone j (lermans 'had brought up le- I'niled States Steel Corporation conceivable that the heads of these C'laat " tO(iay after an overnight ^ respect our remaining rights The low U|) an original announcement west of Volkhoxo in bitter hand- serxes and were ready to .spring hope has proved fu tile" developed today with a nverboat ' two governments would spend two bombing which was reported to that a death aentyice had been to-hund lighting and captured 133 the onslaught sivin. ^ Leaders called the .Senate into : strike which A F L spokesmen said! days dlscuaging the weather and handed down by a court martial, have hit 10 ships at sea and key their college days at Harvard. pillboxes. , an unusual Saturday ;seasion today ' would halt the waterlxtrne move- thus leaving in doubt • whether cities- in ■ Germany. occupied .Admit Danger, tu Tula I ment of coal and coke to the Pilts- lUMulta at Meetings Recalled Re|Mil*e -Neva ( roMliig I in an effort to pass the neutrality 1 those senleneiHl had been killed or France and Italy.\ Great danger to the ratinltiotis revision legislation not later than I burgh area. Flashes ! The result* of their two previ- later pardoned Russian efforts to cro.ss the making center at Tula. 100 miles Watchers at Deai"i-*on England's next Wednesday. .Senator Wheeler ■ ' The FedeYation s Ma.ster. Mates | (Late Bulletin* of the (JP) W ir#)’ ous official meetings, one at Hyde Mont llranitttle Kxrx-utiuns Nova river were said to have b(?cn southeast coast, saw the day shift .viiilli of the Soviet capital, xxas . and Pilots organization .struck at : lepul.sed by German forces holding (D . Mont i, a leading opponent of ; Park last April and , the'other at The most dramatic executions go into action, heading toward | acknowledged by Red Star, organ the measure, told reporters, how- . midnight to enforce demands t o r ' the Leningrad siege ring. Fixn Held In RoMiery the International boundary near were those at Nantes and Bor- Calais and Boulogne through , of the Sox'let Army, a Reuters t ever, that action was unlikely be- 'i iindi.<4( losed wage increases. While | Ogdensburg, N. Y., last summer. deaux. where 100 French hostages Wide-spread German air activity dispatch -said. j only 50 boatmen were immediate- | New Haven. .Vox. I—i/Pi— ■squalls , of snow, sleet and hail i j fore next week-end. *1*0 were recalled.. From them were killed for the a.ssaa.s-ination Red Star al.so was quoted as the men xxerei placed under bonds on the eastern front, particularly with an armada that blotted out ' Wheeler conceded that the op- i ly involved, it was pointed out came agreements for creating a of two officers. I-leiit Col. Paul in sup[(ort of the drive into the a mile of sky for the brief moment ! source of the reports that the ' positibn would prill only 42 or 43 that a roal-rarr>ihg barge hauls day XX hen arraigned In city permanent. Joint, defense board Friedrich Hotz and Dr. Hans IT- Olmea. »-as reported by German , it swept Overhead. None of the Germans continued to widen their I votes agqins! the legislation, while 1.000 tons of fuel as compared nn tes'hniral charges of Idlea and for economlo.collaboratlon be- rich Rcimers. military informants, and the high , planes flew' above 200 feet and the Crimean breach. — ' 49 would he required for a cle.ir with 50 tons carried by a railroad in connection vxith a holdup Oc8,j Sinco the drive against Ctom- '21 in xxhlch employe* of the rommand said a 3,000-ton mer- (A British radio broadcast heard 'j c /t . (C'ontinurd On Page Two) miinists began, a total of 1.18 have I pr.op wash of some kicked up chant ship wa-s sunk and a large- by CBS said the Riis.sians ap- (Continued On Pag* Eight) j The plants affected would be Clothe* Company were rob)i#4 #$: met sudden death at t|je hands of ' channel spray in their wake. parently had checked the German ; th ise of the ('arnegie-lllinols Steel ■J,6I7, the atiire'* rerelpta for t German executioners in France, Tanker .\niong *hipo Hit day. The ra*e* were contl###*/ (Continued On Page Fixe) Ten ves.selB. including a tanker, thrust 21 miles south of the nar-’ Company, subsidiary of big U. S. published reports show but France row Perekop isthmus, which links Steel. for one week. Judge Job# is far down the list in total killed. a large supply ve.s.sel and an es- Mamtca *et t>ond* of llO.Offl Declares Japs the peninsula with the mainland, i ■The parent firm now is awaiting The most unruly peo.iles under cort .ship w^re reported hit last Lost Aviator for Steven .Marcenkivez, SI, The German high command has I a National Defense Mediation the German svxay. Judging by the night ‘off the Norwegian coast and Stexe .Mercer, and Edward D o * .; Travel Unsafe said ila break through the Perekop Board decision. expected next Must Get Oil number of known executions, arc the Frisian islands along the nelly, -Ir., 30. Irath of New HavsB. Dutch coast. defenses was complete and that Finds Another week, on- the controversial qiiea- the tough mountain folk x>t Serbia, Nazi units were advancing steadi- .V iKind of $.1,lMMl was ordered f#r who paid for non-cooperation with “ A number of other* xx'ere at- , lion of a union shoiP\in the captive. Have#, w h #: 'In Yugoslavia tacked but it was not possible to ly through more open country In j I steel company 34.1 lives. Newspappp Argue* In- pursuit of the Russians. operated i coal lM»en employed a* a clerk by ob.serve the results." an Air Minis- Pair Brought to Fresno; mines The ■ CIO-United Mine For an attack on two German Of the central front Pravda said; the . I'trm. Held (inder bonds S# sistence on Supply .Act soldiers alone, 200 Serbs were re- try communique added. \ worker* union demands that all S'1,000 each pending an Inx'estlga-; ported killed in reprisal, Cities N om' Beleagiiererl One plane was acknowledged Bringing Up lOwervMi In*triICtetl to Rest lll .13.000 mine worker* become mem- tinn, Eagan said, were Ntanian Of Self-Defense Alone. ■ Close on the heels of the Serbs Stronghold*; Chaotic mis.sing from the raid on shlpiung "The (jerman command is bring- -4ir B a »e Ho*|>ital. I Ijers of the union (iemie of .New Haven and BenJ#-^ come the Croats. A total of 2.14 are and six from the night raids on ing iip reaerx'es to the front lines .Vgreement Reax-hed min Powell, alia* Boras, Tokyo, Nov. 1 — Japan said to hax-e made the one-xx-ay trip Condition* Reported. Germany and the German-occu- and getting ready for a fresh ven- While the coal .'utiiaUon remain- WojwadskI, of .\naoaia. lim y ' pied French coast. ture--a fresh spurt forward. Fresno, Calif.. Nov. 1 vP- ed iin.xettled, an agreement wa.x were found in Marcenkivez’* 1* no longer able to import oil by Lieut. Jack C. West of Center- ! (Continued On Page Twelve) Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 1.—i/Pi I Naple* Raided Again Heavier fighting will begin In the "ordinary mean*, ' an editorial In near future. ville, Iowa, shivered and pulled hia ‘ — A neutral consul .in Budapest The R.A.F. stnick anew at (Continued On Page Txxelve) -*1* Hurt In Craah the newspaper Nlchi Nlchl declar- Naples, on the shin of the Italian thin flying suit tigl^ter around his. said today on his arrival here that Red Star said the Germans had shoulders., ■ . .Newton, Nov. 1. — — S U pei^l ed today, she will have to get it boot, and the Sicilian porta of chaotic conditions resembling rev- penetrated to the subiirba at the It had been twoi day* jirfee he ; son* were Injured, two *eriou«ly,V "by extraordinary means, ex’en if Ice Suggested olution were apparent ip Yugosla- Llcata and Palermo, but the Brit- outskirts of Tula and reported that today when an automobile w H ^ it should prove dangerous." parachuted from his P-40 pursuit via. (Jities hax'e become beleaguer- ish report on these raids, appar- fighting, wa-s going on in the streets ship onto the slope of 10,-400-foot Sailors’ Wives State Trooper Robert Murphy *#iM,' As .the nation pulled in more ed strongholds from xx'hich it is ently by the Middle Eastern R.A. with workers leaving factories to wa* operated by James Speoesr, notches In its belt to meet new Barton peak, and the abandoned Tragedy Cause unsafe to travel without an escort, F. command, had not been, re- bolater defense lines. trappera' shack he had managed, 19, of Stratford skidded and over- rise*;. In wartime taxes, the news- this Informant a.saerted. ceived. The Russians were said to be to find in Sugarloaf valley, 5.000 Keepiii turned *ex-eral times. Th# ooctS- paper argued that modern nations op? ^ igil “ He described his trip through The,,Italian high command, how- carrying out an orderly retreat un- feet below the crest of the moun- pant* were heaved throngli tb# could not-survive without oil and Cunadiaii Flier Say* the Axis conquered country as sd ever. did report them.- der cover of rear guard action tains. didn't offer much in the ’* top. The *ix xxere take# .8#' that Japan’*-insistence on getting dangerous because of persistent Today ia the anniversary of one against numerically superior Nazi wsy of protection against the sub- Women and Children of Danbury hoHpItal where three wer# it, therefore, was merely a legiti- Airmen W arned of of the R.A.F.’s first big raids on forces. freezing- autumn cold. hoapitilized— Spencer, tbe drlvafi^! sabotage .of railroads and actual mate act of self-defense. Naples. A railway station, oil (A British radio broadcast heard Scant Supply of Food .41iiio*t H a lf o f D e- possible fraqture of the left c«lifiiB Supply Source f . » Off Danger to Controls. attacks on trains that he thought It best to leave his wife snd cHli'c tanks and refineries wer* bombed by CBS said the Russians report- Lieutenant West aun-eyed his bone; Frank .Spencer, 41, o f f i S Nlchl Nichl noted specifically strover'* Grew Prav, dren behind. there a year ago. ed a huge scale battle, under way diminishing supply of emergency tTiurrh *treel. New Haven, p##fll4 that Japan's oil sources in the St. Thomas, Oiit., Nov. 1—(A1— I The Germans said the R.A.F. rations and the even scanter sup- Ice on the controls was suggested No Lunger on Schedule* 65 miles northwejt of Moscow with United States and The Nether- had attacked several places In control of the toxxn of Voloko- ply of food he had discovered in Portland. Me.. Nov. 1. -,Pi are the most seriously hurt, lands East Indies had been cut off today by Royal Canadian Air Trains no longer run according western and northwestern Ger- lamsk at stake. Further jiorih the cabin. It was night again, The women and children of almost John ( uccurello, 21, of Blratf and asserted the United States Force officers aa the probable to schedules but only whenever half the crew of the sunken U. S. tracks are reported safe, the con- and he xx-ondered how mud. long- fractiued left knee. Tbe utheni never would be able to force Japan cause of the air tragedy in which ers he would be alone: jwhen or destroyer Reuben James maintain- the accident were jame# sul said, so the trip from Budapest (CoBttnued Ob Page Twelve) (Coatinii«d On Page Five) to her knees by economic means. an American Airlines transport whether he would get out of the ed a prayerful vigil today in this to Istanbul, ordinarily a two-day Una, 23, and hi* txvln-elster, "If tbe United States means to plane crashed Into an oatfield in high Sierra alive. seaport city. Journey, took nine days. of Stratford, and Tbomna avoid warfare in tbe Pacific and a drizzling rain and killed its 17 There wars a knock at the door. From various section;i of the passengers and three crew mem- 32, of 25 James stre«t, Milford. maintain her supply of rubber, tin He aald be was forced to remain "Who's there?" Wes called. nation, wives of 60 of the James' • • • bers near here Thursday night. in ^ Ig ra d e for 24 hours while a and so forth from Malaya and tlie “I'm a lost aviator, " came the complement of about 121 had tak- Record Crest Forecast East Indies, on which American flight Lieut. Jack Gray of the ^own-up rail bed was restored. reply. “Can you ahoxx' me the way nearby BQngal Bombing and Gun- en up residence here but recently. Uttle Rock. Ark., Nov. 1 industry depend*," the newspaper “ Goody. Goody,” Mabel Cried, out of here?" nery school said airmen had been In the first hours after tbe Navy —The Weather Bureau taday f< commented, “Now Is the time for A Yugoslav legation spokesman “My God, so am I," West an- Department reported the sinking warned that ice formations could in London said on Oct. 11 that ‘i ’ve Found a Job Thru case a crest for the Arlrsasa# the United State* to give serious swered. "Come on in." off. Iceland, the women frantically be expected that night. Serbian resistance to German er at. Fort *mltb la excee* #( conaiderstlQb to Japan’s determl- Lieut. Leonard C. Lydon of Des Called the Nax'y offices, wired natioh;” Fougiit To Last Instaat the Classified!” stage o f tbe dl*#*trou* 1927 rule had reached the status of re- Moines, Iowa, came in. He said he Washington officialdom and - visit- To Drill At 181 Loeatious Investigation indicated that bellion with an armed force of a* s 8,000-toot span of Mabei's not so dumb. She laaerted had jumped from his P-40 pursuit ed newspaper offices to learn their The Petroleum Jechnical Com- Capt. David Cooper fpught to the 80.000 led by Army officers oppos- near Haroldtoa, Ark„ last instant to save his 21-pas- ahip onto the slope of Barton husbands’ fate. mission, meanwhile, announced ing German rule. an ad tai tbe “Situation# W##t#d“ peak txx'o days before— Friday, Revising earlier prettetlea# •enger Douglas air transport. The Wait la Sllenee at HomM that driUinr was planned on 181 eoluma of The Hemid Wnat Ad# Oct. 24—xx'het the plane had be- ward, Meteorologtot Waltar top of the control lever was found He asoerted that Italian tactics But as time wore on without locations in the coming year, ap- of burning villages suspected of nod next day she got fow offers come separated in a storm from a HIckmon said the .Aafcaaa## still clutched in his right hand. word aa. to tbe indlviduala aboard reaib 37 1-2 feet at Fert « parently in 'lih Attempt to realise sheltering the rebels had failed of n Job. Slie picked tbe oae abe fohnation of 19 flying northward The bodies of all 20 occupants toward Sacramento from March the craft, tbe women returned to hy Mooday. The Hvar quick returns of petroleum will be sent in segled caskets to and that Axla garrisons controlled fbougbt best, nod tbe nd cost her. Field, in aouthem (California. their homes to wait in sllenoe. - laaly 88.7 at Fort Smith I# 19X7*' wherever possible. ftlatives in the United Btatea. few cities. '• Jost n few rents. It’s a practical West told the same .story. He, "He’s simply got to be sillve,’* • *x • New tax acbedulea, effective im- A thrM-way investigation by mediately, and advances to b* subs THE way .to find a Job', and a sure u-ay. too, had been In the pursuit squad- cried Mrs. CJatherine Sims, wife of CsMoet Chaage# Inaaiasat United States and Canadian gov. Treasury Balance Lloyd E. Sims, first. class water Loedoa, Nov., 1, — > mitted to the special seasion of emment authorities and airline Try It. cut 5121 for aa ad-taker. ron,' had become loet and run out tbe Diet beginning Nov. IS will •’ 7 ' ■ ■. . MANCHESTER of gasoline. tender,. from Marina, Fla., on changes Involvlag Ixord officials was hampered because Washington, Nov,' l_4ff>)_'nie learning of the vessel’s tragic end. increaae the nation’a reqenuea by little was left inUct of the plane -HERALD Fliers Pool Supplies brook, mtalster #1 position of the Ttesailry (Jet. 30: Tbs two fliers pooled supplies, Later, newsmen infortned her liotd HaUfaX. siabassads*’ t# 2l0,000,000 yen for the remainder except its ta.l and. left wing. Its > Receipts. $21,459,420.87; expen- of this llacal year and by .770,000,- two motors, when dug out of the they found fishing tackle and that 44 of the crew had been re- Inglon aad a sssaihsr *d ditures, $89,148,738.39; net bal- caught 12 fish. For five days they ported a«v*d, but that It was not eshiast. are imariasat, Mft soil, wilt be shipped to De- ance. .$2,801,518,512.99; customs On Page Two) troit for examination. GraavUle, a Ubatal Ni recelpU for ^tonUi, $32,77$, 181.47. (Cafittaasd cib 'Pfig# E tfkt) ICeatImisd • • Page E IJ ^ ) bar #f/FaiHaaMBt. M M I

- ' - I . ’. ' W ' k •) ■' ■


MIbs Xlarion Turkmgton/ super- - rx,:3 Sunday .Schinil l.«rHaon viaor. Manrhf.bliT'H Eiiiaiiiicl I.iiUm-ciGi <;!uir<'!i ^trikes Again Big Problems Manchester Cites Training 7:30 p. rn. Senior N. Y. P. S... Miss Marion Janes, president, Sf>e- Peace and Rest Rewards for Life Date Book ciai music by the )a.ti-r Kev. Vliieenl Hines, .\ssistiint ing- not to tie deceived, tliat God Is East street, of the class of 1944 of Masonic Temple. Speaker, Rev. K. Wednesday. «t 7'30 p. rn.. i\*-ar S«*lll«‘niViit Biiti not mocked, that whatever men Route 2 connected with the Rock- It e s p o ii s ih ilit i e s D iir* E. Erickson, of Rock Island, IlL p e d f o r C i v i l i a n L i f e Kev. Kdmtind Itiirretl, Assistant ville Poet Office. Following the re- Connecticut, has been named chair- 10: 1.0 11. 111. Worship mid ser- Prayer and Priii.'-e .service. 3’h<' L'lirpst .Spr4*a«li". At the moment of wilting, '.o-w they reap Rockville Stafford Spriugs man of the Initiation committee to Marlborough i n g t h e P r e s e n t C ris i s . 'Tomorrow choir rehearsal t will follow thl.s It is true that we live In a cent death of Alfred Bod man a (Confirmation Reunion al Eman- B e t t e r T h a n B e f o r e . mon. Subject;-—"Our Infinite' A l- .Sunday iiiasses: iii’U,.y c'llumns in the daily paper:- the Allcrlei, at the University. service. worbl where the innocent suffer niml carrier in Rockville for many John O. Netto Mrs. Howard Lord uel Lutheran church. Rev. K. E. ly"—with Mr. Ward preaching. For adults: 6:00. 7:00, 8:30, 9:4.5 in the city where I live are filled t>ewU H. cbapniM The Vemon-Ellington League of <'4$ndiiK K\ents By I'aiil <>eMicr and John BerUle(\ with tbe gniJE^.. Jesus never years wrho served Route two prior By The .\ssodated Press Erlck.son, speaker. . Air Bsse, Windsor Locks,. Nov. Mu.aical prtigram: and 11 a m. Ncdh th(- '-lory of a fornu-r sheriff. B6, A e c k i i l l * to his death, the poet office In- 412, Stafford Women Voters will meet Monday .S34-'J. East Hampton Prelude: "In Puriidisiim" Kvan^elistic Famj'ai^m. Novem- .N'ew V'.rk. S ‘i\- 1 .1'. Tiu- .. promised His (ijsdples a calm or Wiiile Connecticut school kids Monday, Nov, 3 1 First Lieutenant Elliott E. Bcl- Fccr chilciren downslair." al 8:30. wh(>,.a!lvg(-.|ly betraye.l hia trust spectors made a survey of the evening at the law ofllce of Ber- Hon, Assistant ihibllc Relations O f- ThecKlore Dubois ber 11 to 2.'1. with I'tev. T M An- bt*."m*-HH world rc-t' d um.-a.sily .'l." . c.i“V way. He did prdmise them enjoyed a careiree Hallowe'en holi- Musical program, Chamlnade bv (liitlguieHt and diasolutc priii- routes,and decided to eliminate one Copies of the 1941 Town report nard J. Ackerman on Market Mrs. David Simpson ptni grand- ficer at the Windsor Locks Air Anthem: "Souls of the Kight- der.sori, WeMl[K)rl. Ky . and Harold UVi- v.-i i-k ( lo:cd. painfully disturb- rest and jiiare. It is this that street. A meeting of the board day, their teachers pondered the Cliib, O n ter Congregational SI. HrlcIgePH Tt. < I ti' es in thy Jiiil ov(-r -A-luch 1.'- pii- of them. The many box holders will were delivered today at the office daughter of Chester and Miss Base, said in an interview Friday eous" I". Tertius Noble K. Horn^^ardner, Dayton, Ohio. ii!< *•(1 iiy lab'jr ti(>ubl(-H. i lonstilules ttie difference be- Qmrch Group will be held at 7 o'clock while at problems confronting education In church. I*. TiniinliiK, I'aMor workers. ■'I'l'-1 iin-1 i ^ ext'irtion from i-ni- be cared for as In the past but they of Town Clerk Harold L. Andrews Ellen Raw-son of Middletown the world crisis. Toesday, Nov. 4 evening that most of the 200,000 Anthem: " O , for a closer walk tween tho.se who suffer for right- will be aaelgned to the other in Wsrren Memorial Hall and will 8 o’clock there will be a study on with God"—Miles B. Foster K«‘\. I'niiicU lirMMi, The va.liover.-y (,-.cr Ktnki." in . pl'.yi-.s (J-.•-! wht>qi he hail authon- coii.sness' sake, or as Innocent called on friends here recently. Speakers at meetings of the Lecture, "Holy Sacriflee of the trainees to be released from the 'l‘.-i'-n."e in I'jHlrlc." Thoniten A. PaslJir ha - b* . n a f'lgitivi- -from justice others, or from some innocent ject which was started at the State Teachers' Association— held K. of C. Home. Sponsorship, Gib- Mtul 11 a. I I I . A (,-ri.si3 in tl'.e :rt'"1 in'bi.-.try an.'l ti.-i" manage.1 to elTxb- all ef- Football .Sunday adjourned town meeting to be held are sophomores at the East Hamp- simultaneously Friday at New bons Assembly. C. L. of C. should better equip them for re- Brahms. eau.se, and those who suffer be- meeting on October 20. Miss 9:30 a. m. Church Hthool. Adult wa." li-nipiaaiily .‘-d olt by Uu- ! loM t"i a,ppi.-ben.l l.ini The All-RoCkville football team Wednesday night at 7:30 In the ton high school attended a Hal- Haven, Jlartford and Bridgeport— Thursday, Nov. 6 turn to civilian life. Both .'XiiniverKary 1 a i.se of Ifieir evildoings. St« H e l e n ’ s S o c i e t y o f will pieet the fast East Long- VVarren Memorial Hall. The report Gladys Wiley will be In charge of class taught by Mr. Lewis \V lias- South \\liirrK<*r in fai--.fr Galifomia ha." b-.i 'tigj k ig pot in reference to one class al the home of Miss Made- cators In a world again at war. Group C. weekly series sponsored by the .sary Banquet will tie held at 0:30 iiiilroa'l.-, and jiublic ulilitic.". H'l-w- S t . J o s e p h ’ s C h u r c h to at the Cricket lot with the game was delayed again thLs ye.nr by the The Red Cross group will meet Hnc.-Blalr In East Hampton Wed- Office of Government Reports, In- 10:45 H. m. Church Si-huol Nur- South WItifiMir Town Hall at the Masonic 'I’ernple Gue‘d -u." I'b .e.tificatlon, an'l the ne-.va r-casc, or In the columns of a Tuesday In the social rooms of the Lieut. Gov. Odell Shepard, him- Also Military Whist. Swedish ever. ijro'iiicUoii wliieh had bci-n .starting at two o'clock. The visit- completion of the auditni-n' report. nesday night. Junior League, Masonic Temple. elude everything from cooking snd sery sjieuker. Rev. K. K Friek.son of 1. that h.- will be ho'ight l.a. k | siftKb' fiapi-r. that all this la made C e l e b r a t e t h e E v e n t . congregational church from 1 to 4 self a professor of English at Trin- 6:00 p m. Hi-I.c-agm- s(hedub-d al '.di 9 [a-r 1 i-nl of cap- ing team is composed of all former Al. other secllon.s of the 'report-i The Dorcas Society will hold an ity college, said te,achers had cre- Saturday, Nov. 8 baking, op»-ration and maintc- Ma.'^si'S Ht 7 H m. and 10 a. ni. Hock Island. Ill Greeting from the tf. Bi.aton If. f,-i. (- m.lb tri;(-rt The j f.lain • The re.-ords 'if sin and High school players and as this Is Were completed in time. Other p. m. nanee of motorized units, to highly 6;OC| p. m. .9iniiii Kfiwcirlh ai'ily, a rvcoi'l -w-i.-c-KIy out[i d. of 1 ' :.:prd is i. p.ile.i to h.-i-.(- .vai-l all day sewing meeting at tlje li- ated "a public that is ripe for the Annual meeting of Manchester New Kn^laml c'oriference tiy f>r. .-jU-i-]. w a." I ul 1', ."ona--A here ' P'-niilly are innumerable. Not RockWIle, Nov. 1- I Speciali - the final game before the start of items to be considered, tabled at teL-hniial studies in medicine. The 1,1 ague'. that hi iS gl.-ul the strain is ov(-r. brary on Tuesday. \ A pot luck dictator” because "we . . . have Country club. Tiilrott vllii* ( oni'rrgiittonal B. Julius Hultecn of H.iitford arouml '.Cl p'-r 1 i-nt by the brief i ; long ago.'Vin England, a man s t Helen'a Society of St. Joeepb'e the Tolland county series with the town meeting on October 15th. Quartermaster Corps alone has 7:30 p m Kve long ,Si rvh i Mr. dinner will be served ^ n o o n . been peddlers of Information, but Also, annual Armistice Banquet Oiiirrh from the Town of Manctn.'^tcr tiv .-ibut do-.', n, lb- m appareril-ly t.iok. n in I 'lied hy his iiWp harul, who ,wail church will celebrate tbe 20th an- Stafford Springs, a large attend- Include whether to accept the deed taught trainees In some 260 dif- Ward will preach on "Can I He- East Central Pomona^ Grange Idlers in the world of Ideas.” for the V. F. W. Post at the Horae. llov. Thoii|ii<» Slr«^t, I'antor. Hon David C’hambers, the Man- A,t Bendix, .N', J . rc'urrent dif- health, al the c'nd of his ill-got- ; a self-made mHlUinalrc. 'fhere nlTersary of the founding of the ance is expected. of the Land O' Pines association, I ferent trades.' Iic-ve in Life after De.-ith" ' a soh- Wapping will meet with' Marlborough Addressing a New Haven meet- Friday, Nov. 14 ( he.sler churches by Dr Wat.son tieultie." linaliy rc.sulted in Army 1 t--n f:r.-ir, ,U re“(iur((-". arid In I wa." miirh In hm-ynergy and organization on Sunday, November District Meeting giving the town the right to main- ' "In the Army training pro- Jecl ( ho..cn through the poll taken Grange Wednesday night. ing Shepard called upon teachers Annual High School Prom, High Siimfiiy, \o^rmlM»^ 2. Woo'lni/T. Invoealir>n tiy th»* Kev, .seiziJK- of the plant ol .Mr Aaso- every way a .sorry fig-in- j ability that was commendable, let. Members of Stanley DobosZ Post tain and condition two roads at Mr*. W. W. arant Local schools wefe closed FH,- gram," Lieutenant Belson pointed last Huncl'u'of t.ipics on "Chn.st- Karl Kichter of the Concordia Du- There will be a High Ma.ie at to oudo Hitler who, he asserted, school hafl. 10 1"> n, rn . Morning worship. ttiatert. Inf .'\s I ha\e rc.-i'l th(-."(- ne-.v." 1 but h(- cho.se the way of---cvil llv- No. 14, and Unit. Ahierlean Legion LAke Stafford, Staffordville i day so that the teachers could at- out. "men are classified according iaii Itc-lii,-fs That .Matti r ' theran chureti, Son^ leader. O Al- 7:80 o’clock at St. Joeeph's church 7894, Hsnciisstss vyss a "good teacher” although one Saturday, Nov. 15 TIh' sni laiin nt of Uu* I^ord’s Supper Not le t Sctiled f.iuiu.n.s, that yet.",- m uk- K i Ij|,.-| When ho kllicd lilmsclf, andi Auxiliary will attend the The following local residents are tend one -of the SUte Teachers' to their previous education, train- The We ek Ijert Pearson. Singing by ni.ile at which time the ladlea will re- "doing the work of a dex’ll." "W e Dance. American Lithuanian will 1h- ohnervec! The minister While labor diffi< ullie." bad drop- V, till h .orm-H from the early h l.s-| owing .several million dollar^ Bt meeting of the Fourth District to attending the Standard first aid I conventions. ing. experience and desires. .Monday 4;oii p. m Girl Scouts. quartet*! IPmored guest.s are IIm- ceive Holy Community In a body. A t the last meeting of tbs La- must- be better teachers than he,” Citizens’ Club basketball team. will prearh on the nubjerl: “The (leil ."liglilly bei()-w the boiling [aunt t'.iy ‘if Israel came to my mind. ' debt.s, he left a note not unnat^ be held at Ellington on Sunday course, sponsored by the Stafford I ■Un returning to civilian, mostji 7:30 p. m. Quarterly Conferen-ce, five charter members. Mrs, f ’lirls- A t alx o'clock In tbe evening a dles Aid Society, final plans were he saliL, Liberty hall. First L« r<>l and Here in our li-s.s'.n I*aul. writ- the two priests of the'parish. Rev. Mrs. Frank B. Engley, Mrs. Rich- committee la Mrs. George Marka, The annual budget campaign for maintenance, and operation. Tuesday 3:45 p m. Browioc H$Tatd Pti'.tfi'?? lion." (if the country repfjrts indi- between darkness and light, There will be a Hallowe'en dance "In these times \ of national served. There will be a service of Bible f ’lasses I^m und tVoronleckl and Rev. ard Blssonnettc. Miss Dorothy Sirs. Ernestine Sullivan, Mrs. Wal- the Windham Community hospital "Turkey. Goose, Pig," Hose and "This knowledge of procedure Member.s of the parish of the Fmanue] Lulh» ran church w:ll ob- cate I that f'lrther unrest wa." ing to the Galatian.---, puls the which John has given us -in hia this evening at Maple Grove for crisis." he a.iserted, "oTh', schools Ladder Co. No. 1, Cheney Hall. Scouts devotion, ftillowed by a discussion 10:00 a m. Holy C'ommunlon ■vhole thing equally clearly. There Kugene Solega. members and their friends. Danc- Webster, Mrs. David P. Mitchell, ter 8. Nevers and Sirs. Asher. A. begins on Monday, Nov. "3. listing will be carried back to them into 7:00 p m Boy .Sc-mits .yerve the Ofrth anr.iv-rsarvH-. rsfof the 4P-rmat:on w of „.. [ _, ■ J1 p (• mO -M.i.n'h .Jch 1P. .stirring fir.st Epistle. The way of dark- Mrs. Rose Chlechowskl, presi- and our teachers must not only in- Friday, Nov. 28 [ft rl'-d led hy Mr. Street. Mrs P i e[)aratfjry address by P^ev. Gns- In the heat of the Captive coal 1". of rourr-'c, much In life that ing will start St eight o'clock with Mrs. Robert Warner and Mrs, Wil- Collins. The dining room and deco- one week. The aim la to raise $15.- private industry. 7:00 p. ni. .Mizpah (.Jroiip. .Manrhester wit.n an anniver«i^r>' banquet trimifht ar.d .spcMallal anmv(anmver- ness is the way of lying and de- dent will give the address of wel- ration committee la Sirs. Slay Bar- 000. an Increase of $2,500 over last struct our young people fh. the Annual dance of Memorial Hos- "Physical training In the Army, • tjo k Taleott- will advise and assist taf.qon Kev Knekson will assist m .«ary sei vn e.s nt tiu church tshown abov»*i r-n-S'inuay v. Knot K mine fiacre" F’resldcnt Roosevelt .“(■ems to contradict these dec lara- slriK.tion, but the way of light Ernie's Bavarian Bund of Hartford liam Bissonnette. Sergt. Robert 7::i0 p. m C-'c Ilian Cloh the si^rylce V. K n o t K come and will Introdui e the toast- Herr Is serving as irurtructor. ber and Mrs Bryon E. West, Mrs. years campaign, made nece.ssary democratic ways of life, and Hhe pit.ll Auxiliary, Hotel Bond, Hart- together with the health education 7;.'i0 p, m Gleaner." CJroup. •AltI, a view to planning for the fall l*:rick.'"On of }!'>'k Dlaml. IIJ . a f'jrp;‘*r ja-tor of Hm-’inuel. will b»- the for the tir.st time indicated at hia tions concerning the re.siilts of sin IS the way of cleanness and hon- mistress Mrs. Mary Jasion. Mrs. furnishing the' music. There will be theorie.s of demociacy which afe ford. and wii:te,’ik*u at .Maaonic T* u.[>l.- ti^nu/hl an 1 il» v Th -r.-lun'A an-l evil.l'jing The HiMical wril'-r or an.I good fellowship. John Julia Ciechowskl. tha first presi- man. growing more and more Important Tuesday. Deo, 2 ft m rehenr.vAl for the plsy, ^yrfiion. Iti-v Knck.son. Hjie.ikur .Heienng legi.slalion to deal with referre'l to this when he saul lh.at Luncheon will be served during the Slrszzs Post American I-e- needs presented by the Defense nigged constitution and good Iwagile I (;uslaf:^on. juc.--'nt, pu-tor, will be toa'trna.'-l* r remind" us that we arc never dent will attend the dinner. There glon and auxlljary will be held The apron table will be in charge Disaster Emergency program be- with every hour, but most actually Caledonian Market O nter health fur many years to come. Wednesday 2:30 p m Willing ‘'I'!Tern;d l ife ’, nt the par.HonnRC. Sinking by the Krnanuel and (*ha[)- di-fen.-e strike." but as the week he had seen the wicked flourishing entirely free of evil, that if yro the evening. ChuYch House. will be a program of short talks November 11th at 7 p.m. at the of Mrs. Homer Lane and Sirs. W il- ing carried on by the trustees In set up that way of life In the "All in all, therefore, no great Tuesday at 1:30 p m.. the el choirs Hoy ('. Johnstm, chair- (lo.se. 1 no adrnini.stratlon "[lon.sored and --spreading him.self like a say we have no sin we deceive Party Moet SurceMful schools." Workers Group by the various officers and guests, Hyde Villa Inn, Staffordville. The lard Stcane; candy table, Mrs. the hospital In co-operation with -.JVednrsday. Deo. 3 difficulties are- anticipated in tbe 5:30 p. m. .Men's Volley Ball In tiei.n of the Women's MlsjMonary man of the reunion committee, will bill bail been presented to f'on- green bay tree " Perhaps It was ourselves, but he does not say and an entertainment program. At TTie thin! annual Hallowe'en Dr. Alonzo G. Grace, stat5 com- "UncIC-Sam's Merry-Go-Round" return of these men to civilian ^o( ietv Will meet in church L’reet the* members <’>f the various gr'es". party of Stanley Dobosz Post No. program will Include old Fashioned Waller A. Skinner and SIlss Flor- National anfl State Defense Coun- churc h gymnasium. b. . a-i.se some of the.se early Chns- that even with our sinful ten- the close of the program dancing dancln.g Mr. and Mrs. William ence Snow; plant table. Sirs. Emily cils. missioner of education, called for ^con d Congregational life ' 7:30 p. m. Ki-llowship and Pray- pjirlor.s to ‘G'W for the^'^Red f'ros.H conflrmalioh >elasses The jiublio-i.s tru:s, suffering from ronscienre's 14. American Legion proved most church. *?ori(‘tv Tlie ne^^^s urpent snd Dinner Tonight Opens dcni ies it is pos.sible for human will be enjoyed, with music be- Labreche, Mr. and Mrs. Ephrlam B. Collins: fancy work. Mrs. Annie Coventry's contribution to the support of the administration's er Hciiir. Siihjeel: "The Place of cordially invited to this , service The StfKk .Market was unhap- ."ake and .seeing others aj.jiarent- beings, like us. to walk In ths successful Friday evening with foreign policy at the Bridgeport ThursiLiy. Deo. 4 the largest possible att<*ndanre is Social hour in charKe of the Dnr- Inc furnished by Sojka’s orchestra. Mlrza and Harold W. Bruce are In V Collins and Mrs. Anton Simler 1940 to the. hospital fund was Total special taxes paid on Habit in Life. ' All are inviti>d tec pily "uriul.sed during the week hy i. V in ea.se an'l . ontentim-nt. may light and to have fellowship ons Open For Inspection about one thousand children taking ; meeting, and urged teachers to Annual sale and, play of Ever trucks In the U. S. reached a new dfsp ed cfifi and Luther I>iaKue following part In the two parades. Police charge. and pubUcitv. sirs. John A. Collins $751.60, the largest of any of the make this ."ervire their own a divi'len 1 cut on one of the bhie.st have been tempted to think that with another, a.s we seek the The Citizens Recreation commit- and M:# Donald J. Grant. The I avoid w ar h.vsterta and redouble Ready Circle, Klng^i Daughters.. high of $476,000,000 In 1940. re- Wc(lne«lay nt 7:30 p m, there the reunlrm projjrarq Captain Peter J. Dowgewlez had community towns served by the Fridav 7:3(1 p. m Stndy Group Emannel Anniversary ■ )f it" h!ue chip common stocks after all righteou" living did not companion.ship and help of Him tee have made arrangements for wnltrossv.i will be Mrs. Lawrence ; efforts to keep normal activities Director."' room. Whlt'on Library ports of federal, state and local will nuM'tiup of the Church Speora Foster. Mr.'. Walden V. Col- There w-ere 57 paliet-ila from more than double the $226,000,000 street. deainnjf to leave children in com- the Week of Ih a y r arid S«-lf-De- Iv dividend on its fdommnn and afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 traffic and the children and they Bolton |ence. with military affairs, aaseri- n special taxes paid on tnicka In lH*r.M of the t>f)wlinc leacue will [letcnt hands whih* they attend the Over 100 K xjmtIpi I to lln.s. Mrs. Paul Sheldlek. Mrs. I Coventry raied for this year at the 7:30 p III. .NTilnieg Trail In.-li- niiil. The m* riilnu.s <>i the Womcn’.s (.'(immon B shares to 75 cent.".- o'clock. Many persons have ex- were assisted by members of the ]Not<‘«l SjMirtHiiiaii meet at the W'est Side Recreation Sunday .services, nurst-ry rlas.«4-.s comb, as .she obviou.sly must have, Mrs. Clyde Marshall Ralph E. Cdllins and Mrs^ V'lctor I hospital, against 57 in 1940. 1930 tiile at llitzardville Society 'of the Melh'xllHt compared with Uje previous rate prMsed a wlali to see the building, Boy Scout troops. I -'Let the army run the army. huild'mjr will be condurteij during iattli th<* .AltPiiil ltan<|ii«'t in .Ma- and happily .'•ubstituted an electric Nel.son and Mrs. Delia Beniamin. I A meeting w-.as held at Mrs. Satiircl.-iv fi l'c P m Ctecir Re- f hurch will unite In the H4*rvic4 of $1.25, The rea.son: higher taxe". Artist Lauds in view of the interest in the ap- During the afternoon members Pbone sosi Cliurrh services will be held as ; Tlicrc are too many Monday morn- Is Taken l>v Death Friday nt B 30 the ch'iir will morninfj and afterno^m services. fan for combing her wild red of.the Auxiliary filled 1200 bags I Gr.vham's Tea Room la.st niglit in hearsal and the jqiueial «dfenng of Uu* "Oiiir T<-iii|il«‘ roiii^lit: 'ITie poHsibility that heavier lax- proaching town and dty meetings usual next Sunday morning with ing- quarlcrhacks." SITNDAT rehearse a.s usual The Week locks. I 8uppo.se some of her eye- with apples, pop com balls, dough- charge of J. L-Rny, chairman of Week of iTaycr will tn- dudif ated' e." hiight fon?(' dividend cut." next Tuesday evening when a vote "Man’s Responsibility for Man” Sunday School held at 9:30 which I A N D La.«t Tuesday apprfiximately r>0 Monday. 3 45 p m , Girl Scouts; SpiTial Servirp .Smulay among compahies with relatively Lreer (jarson lashes "were theirs" as Ethel nuts. balloons and these were dis- ' the hospital campaign, when work- The Center Church men imd in the social rooms of the Tho Women of our »'wn pari.-h Barrymore said about her curls In is to be taken as to whether or not will be the Sermon of the Rev. w'tll be followed hy the morning PootlanrI, N'ov 1. ..p,_\Vatrh- aRCLE MONDAY 7 30 p, m. Hectli'iven Glee Club. "table earnings had been recog- tributed to the youngsters, to- ers were riven Instnictlnns and as- (( ongregallnnnl) < hurer and sorinhility. wlntiuT iin’iiiln'r;-; .,f tho Si.'.ntv the 1920's Anyway "they looked tbs building will be Included In Jackson L. Butler at the Quarry- worship service and communion .eignment of area." to .solicit. Li-ii.s Ing the sport he loved so well. Wil- Tueadav, H [ m . Luther l> apue nized In .Wall .street but the first gether with cider Mav Survey Kev. Watson Woodruff Franklin Welles and his committee or n($t, arc invitcd Ovi-r 1‘ >() mi-mtjiT." of the Eman- go'xl on her "- but 1 wondered the recreation center. Members of vllle Methodist church on Sunday •sei-.-ice at 10:45. The Rev. Max F. !S Kingsbury and Ml."s ^argaret • s liam H. Foster,- 55, of Anriovor. Y Night ' I such action nevertheless came a." the committee will show - anyone Early Morning Crash Organist, Wurri-n W ocmI prnvidf fl an exodlent meal which The W iM-k uhI Lulhcr.'in parHh, young and Fla«if» Finds the .Movie whether she wore them to bed, as St the 9:30 morning worship. Volkmann will prejvrh. Me comes Jarob.m-yn are captains who are d1- .M.i.ss , widely-know n painter of A FUGITIVE FROM WedneB-lay. fi:30 p. m. Boy a surprise. American Tobacco interested over the property and Four tickets for the Army-Notre Choir IHrr<-tor, Jesse IkiVl" was fftllowi'd hy an arldre.Hs by fOffi- Scouts Tue.sday nurht. Twix-n-Tween o.u, wiil nltiml the 60th anniver- Irene Rich told me she did some Church school will follow at 10:30 as a candidate. He is from River- I rocting the following workers: Way to L;iiid hunting dog." and wildlife writer, Club fiarly. , 1 on.mon .“hares tumbled 10 points Star a Different Kind explain Just what the committee Dame football game were available am. ton. Conn. TERROR TALKi^ cer O m id n ‘( ’nnnoll of the Estate Wedne.sday. 7 p m . f'ha[)cl years ago. in Rockville early this jnoming ns I .Mrs Marjo-rie Brannon. Mr." llelen ilied of a heart attack here yester- Morning worship, 10 .50 Sermon \Vedne.'(lay. 7 30. Choir rehi’ar- ■ .iry bamp.cl of the church thus an-1 prices weakened throughout would do If It were allowed to have St, Maurii-e Chapel The Board of Asse.>wors l.s In .•re.s- klm$f H»« p^ilu’e f'lrre. and a few remarks hy f'hf,ir; 7:30 p m . Iknirtl of Trus- th.e entire stock li.“t. Of Heroine. 4'linililng Eyehrowa the result of an automobile crash Beerw-ort. Mrs. Aline Benuelt, Mi.-'s IS . Troops day while attending the New Eng- hy the minister. Topic 'Church the [>astor Wilfred Kent led the sal ( vcr.mg at 6 3iJ in Ma.-onic Tc-m- the building to use Catechism Instructions will be sion today from 9 a m. to 8 p.m. to land bird dog championships tees; H [i m., I HircHS So( lety Su-iire I I B idends What fascinated me even mors Ileeehe Communion lust east of Dobsonvllle center on Viola Carpenter. .Mrs. Kloren e Music." men m Rnaip sinpinp. A noml- i-'riday. 7:00 Medina of th*- Hoy Idc-. The pnncipal .speak'-r at the held at Saint Ma-.rrice Chapel at rereive tar lists, at the Town Hall, After following the trials all Thur.sday. 2:30 [> r I . Woman's UmW-d .‘Stales Steel Corp and By JunM-i ."Montgomery Magg were her eyebro-ws -her climbing The Children of Mary of St. Route 15 According to -State Cochrane. .Mrif. Bertha Cnur. Mr. The mu."ic; natinp romPiitlee was a[)[W)inted Sc»nits. banquet will be Kev. Knut E Bolton Center on Sunday at 9 a m. in South Windsor, for the last time ; ,ind Mrs. Janies .A .Dadey. C>e-.|-ge (Continued from Page One) dav. Foster collapsed while the Mlssionar\’ So< letv. 4 [) m . ( 'f»n- ‘ Bethlehem Steel, big defense ben- Hollywo'd. Nov. 1. I n - eyebrows—they kspt on going up Bernard's church will receive Holy Polleeman John R Fitzgerald of Prelude—"Prelude ' Hanclel by ('hairmnn Vvrlle.s to hrinp in a i Friday. 7:3(», Youth In.^^titute at Knck.son of liock I."!and. Ill . a Mass w1U be celebrated at the this year A 10 percent penalty will last brace of dogs was competing. firmation ( ’lass. 7:30 p m , G ( ’lef I lUiaries, meanwhile declared divi- now and again and I wondered Communion In a body at the eight Stafford Barracks who made the j Farrell. Mrs. Marj(>r,ie Graham, Anthem—"The King of Love slate of fifTicers at the next nieetinp i Hazardvilie former pa.stor and Kev. Thor.sti-n stead of "G(X)dbye, Mr. Chips, ' It Chapel at 9:30 am. Mrs. Anthony be enforced on list.x not filed by Miss Elinor Graham, Mrs. F.stella A phy.slclan attending the trial". nub. den.ls at thl- .same rate a," in pre- dizzily If they would sail up to the o'clock Mass on Siindsy, Novem- Investigation, can operated hy night through the Persian gulf route, My Shepherd 18" Shelley which will lx* held Maine, The l.Adles of Satnt Maurice will this morning, all Saints Dav, at 7 Haturday. 9 a ni . ('hildren's Tbe. invocatum wilplie given by Jean Knapp. Mrs. Mary Leslie. Rus.sell L Maxwell, Ls scheduled to before he could be removed from bffertory — "Amianle Pastorale' Ke\-, K.'iri H.uhter. pa.stor of d(-Klrr>yer .sinking faile.l to make moving pictures This different never be seen again! Mase. collided with a vehicle operated by meet In the Community Hall on and 9 a m. In the Town Hall of ONVtyil^ SI. Mary’s Church ('hoir. Overnight JSews much impression on market prices. Stephen ZeUnks John V. Keaney of 27 Hilltop ; Mils Anne Postemskv, Mrs. Vir- arrive here within two weeks, fol- the field. Alexis ; or'lia Lutheran ( hurch and Etik sort of heroine, with her quiet elu- Mrs. Chips was her first movie Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. for South Windsor. Kev. Stuart NeUI, role and this was followed by a Stephen Zelinka. 6,S, died last street. Dorchester. Jenness told the I glnla RusselK Mrs. Beatrice Rob- lowed by hundreds of military and A pioneer In the development of isu m f Postlilde—"Fanfare " . Duboi" Of Connecticut .Mo'Jean. .hurch .stjcretary. will sivc charm, won immediate liking the regular monthly meeting. The Elljworth Memorlar Hl«h j,erts. Mrs. Gr.-ire Riils. .Mrs. Ruth civilian technician.". skcct shooting, Foster was for sev- Concordia Lutheran Church Third quarter earnings reports, thing called "Remember.” I say, evening at his home In the Skun- officer that he was blinded by the srhiKil soccer tesm defeated the The Church .School, 9:30 Sunday. November 2nd - Twen- read the history of the church .since by the fans. . First .Aid Course T. Welles. .Mr and . Mrs. Robert To .Supervise M.alntenance eral vears president of the Na- The Adult (nass, 9:45. leader. fvarden and Winter Streets R>- . Ax MH' l a t r d P m u re,len.se'l In droves during -the "A thing. " becau.se that is the way kamaug section of Tolland after ■ lights of the Kenney car. The col- VIOODS it.i f(.unding in IS.Sl. She 1.S one of those people who Ttio second of the Red Cross Newington High team ye.-itenlay j While, .Miss Giace Uiute; -Sand- Not only will it put into effect tional Skeet As.soclatlon He also tlU «9 ty First Sunday after Titfhity. Karl Richter, Pastor Greer described it. It must have long Illness. Ho was bom at tJall- lision w'R.s describel as a .aidewipe 3 to 0. Mrs. Kathcrihe DeF Hardy G. Albert P( ar.son. organi.-t and \yeek, indicated that h.i.sines.s .still knows what she wants an.! suc- Flr.at Aid Classes will meet in the ■ wirhes and rnffee were served hv the vast )irogiam here underi the was a past president of the Asso- 9 30 a m ('hurch .school. Men's Was Hiking in plenty of pnifit dol- Ijeen bad. lica, Austria. Jan. 6. 1876 and had In w'-hich both were ninslder- The (' V P. T'luh. 6 :00, Pre-i- H:Me clas.M ! Martf'iril, Nnv 1. -I'' Tlie ap- t.oir director will j.re.srle a." Hong ceeded in a number of other thing.s i Community Hall on Monday eve- The Library Association held a ^ Mrs Grahiiiii. lea-sc-lend act but it -will aupcrvi.se ( iMion of New England f ield Trial ft:.50 a. m Sunday S< hool and bars despite wage in. rergses and been a resident of thts country for ably ilamaged. Riding with Keaney T’l.US! lent, Virginia tvjiitham I>evo- lea'Ier at the ceremonv and will in England in her stride, waiting Showa I'p Crawford ning at 7 p.m. There Is still lime meeting 'Hiursdav evening at the maintenance of American tanks Uluhs. 10,1.3 a m Holy f ’ommunlon Bible ClasHcH. Alfred IaanK<*. «u- [iomtnicut '.f \\'il!:iirn M. Cimnclly. 41 years. He had lived In the Tol- was James Padden, 80. of 32 Ea.st tlons, June Allen. Deader of dis- jire.sent .special ."eicctb'.n." from higher federal taxes. An Asso- actively f.ir Lady Luck to give her I'm told that she was rather U) enroll for the course. All who •Said Memorial Library. The o f- and planes, construction projects He formerly edited two sports- Amerira’a No. 1 Cowboy Star and sermon Serr/ron topic “I'lie [xTintendent. .'-:taiiifiird labor union leader, a." land section for 27 years, being a Third street, Routh Boston. He wns ciisstons. Nancy FiJtc.. Tcipic Salnt.s ■■ g^roiip" of the church mu.sica uh- ! elated Pre.s.M compilation dl.scloscd [ the high sign. They met. I badly dre.ssed. in contrast to her are Intensted should be present at ficers were re-elected mens' magazines, NallonsI Sports- 10:00 a. m. English service farmer. He leaves his wife, three treated hy Dr. Donald Beckwith and other allied phases of the pro- GENE AUTRY in * I>cBming to Know God'-!I-hrough uiu inploynu'nt i-ornpensation com- ganizalions. " ' * • . ' ( arnings of the first 210 compan- co-star, Joffn Crawford, In "When the Monday evening meeting Mrs. Mary Muir hn.s been III at gram. man snd Hunting and Fishing, but .3 30 p. m. Junior Youn^' Peo- 7:30 p. m Young FVople’s Soon- i. .s to re[iort'for the Jiily-Septem- Looked Out Of |•lac^p daughters, Mrs Oeorge Hawks of for Shock and head Injuries. Also her home the past week. Defense Move Using the Bible" luKsioiii r lor the Fourth Congr'-'- Honor Charter MemlMTs ,- Ladies Meet.” but that she shows Bolton Congregational The likelihood that the mission'." In re'-ent years devoted most of “U nder fiesta [ile's Fcllow.ship ly service. This service is o[>en to ber period -were 38 per cent -great- She posed for me m one of tho.se South Coventry. Mrs: Otto Vona- Edward Crowley of 333 Lemartln Miss June Mlldner will provide The W eek 7 00 p m Kvenin^ prayer arwl all.- All are wi lcome. .-uun.-il (hstrii t -.va." annouiK-t-d hy The- five living (h;irter mei/iber." hot, overstiiffed. too-pretty little up Crawford in the actmg If not sek of Wlllingtun, Miss Mary street. Jamaica Plains. Boston, and work will toiieli\ on ."iirveya of his time to his paintings of bird j Gov.-rni'I lliuli-y. (' rnnclly. who er than fur the .same < quarter a the floral decorations for the Bol- landing posslhllltles In Africa does dogs. 'STARS” Tiiesdav, 0:30, The Profe.'-sion.'H seriTKin Sermon topiu “ Death " The Wei k of thetii.Ht (I’.nnh uri h;i\-e pl.aees dressing rcsims where she liKike.l in the dre.s.smaking departmenL I Elisabeth Zelinka of Tolland; one Austin Mulkertn, 871 Washington Seen in Visit i i.-s IT,, will .-.'1 Wdiiam H. y.-ar ago. heard, too. there was quite a feud ton Center Oongregatlonai church ]\Ie.5.uoii-a-yi-ar |)o.st on ing the evening. Tliey are/Mr and place I had to lix>k several times between the.se gals during that grandchildren; one sister. Mrs. den. Crowley and Mulkerln were decided on, it was .said, but raerc- lon D Lowd Foster; two daugh- 'jan. 1 Showing the biggest profit gains pklure. To Roosevelt I l.y that the War Departmept want-s ters, Mrs. James Coble, of A n ^ - President Lucille Sloan in riiar^^e the fiH»rnin^? .service. Members are t C’hurrh Board. Thursday at 7:00 Mrs. Philip John.son. MiA. Aaron 'vvre the railroad, petroleum In- lo see if she had legs and feet be- \ Ered Meyers of Hartford enroute from Boston to New 'Vork To .Hero in Slate c;f tran.sportatlon. ur^eti t>v brinf' or send their offer- ' p. m. the Junior Choir, at 8:00 HartfuriJ Heiau.se only coaches •lohnson. .Mr." Kmelia Lamberg cause I was almost sure she was Anyway, Greer Garson _4s die- ' The funeral arrangements which to attend the Army-Notre Dame aa much preparatory w-rtrk n"- ver. and Mrs. John Munro. of Med- j Ironi noitiu-rn sc hools showed up, (lustry, m.achinery makers and compll-shed as possible if ihjch a ford. Mass , and a son. William H. NOW: “SCATTElUiOOD / Tuesday. 6:30, Women's Federa- ln^ to thl^G.sf'rvtee at 10:45 a. m. p. m. the Senior Choir, and FruUy und^Adolph Lieberg, all of flu." Coal mining companies. ■ In .steel a mermaid. I don't know anything tim tly not a type. There are a cer- are Incomplete are in. charge of football game. The accident oc- (Continued From Page One) la propcj. ed c i . anization meeting decLslon should be made. Foster. Jr., of Bridgeport. MEETS BROAOWAY" tion, .Monthly meeting Pot Luck W eek at 8:fK) p. m. the Young People's town. hind chemical industries, prolil in- about her only by impressions tain number of these charminff Raymond l.juld of Rockville, The curred at 5:50 a. m. and no arrests Ellington Stony Creek, Nov. 1. — F o r of coaches in i ’la.s." A, H, C and 1> "KANSAS CYCLONE" Supper in the- hanejoet hall. (»ronp Monday. 7;30 p. m. Girls Society will meet. Greeting." will Ik- ( Xtended in be- and she seemed ."lightly legendary, stars here who can be told from funeral will be held from were made. w ;ls crea.ses appeared to be slowing his rescue of two children from tween the Domlmo.i and the United leaders arid their a.«."istants will he F'rientily »o<'iety. high schools of Ihe slate post- a aeductive waterlady who had each other except on the kind of nard'e church at a time to b* a.i- O. F. Bsrr half of the New England Confer- down, while for building material the cabin of a blazing launch. Nel- States. the hostesses. Reports from all Tuesday. 6:30 oi- Junior (V>vmant-(V>ngr«’gatios Angeles. Nov. 1. -(,TV -John Importing Co . of .N'ew Haven, re- of Hartford and Dr. Wat.son W 4)0*1- Curtailments: The week's prin- That's a local Joke. It U so often Collier. English bom film writer, The annual Membership Drive been awarded a bronze medal by back in .Ottawa .Momliv for the TONIGHT I . . . ‘-g mvf .s akf . no t ENOuair Flmest Kritzmneher. Music fur- Senior choir rehearsal. Sunday School, 9:45 a m. ruff pa.stor of Center C.'ongregatiun had been seized by a boatload of Rockville are the parents of a son the Carnegie hero fund commis- II ceived an awuicl of $4H.U00 d.am- cipal victims of materia! short- foggy hen . ^iit even on a foggy was ordered yesterday to pay $150 for the Farm Bureau Is now under opening of Parliament. His private nished by .Mrs. tfiarcnce Wood and Thimulay, fi;30 p. m.— Cirl Morning Worship, 10:45 a. m. al church will represgnt the local ages were aiijomohile maker." and maurading cinema .Norsemen! day 1 could be sure Chat Greer is bom'on Thursday a l the Johnson way. Plans were»mnde arid male- sion. age." from a Kcdcral courl jury a week temporary alimony to Act- car wa« attached to a regul.ar Mrs. Fred Thrall. Scouts. Communion. Churthe.s. David Chamliers. chair- wa-shing mafchine manufacturers. She didn't regret losing her a beautiful woman. Memorial., hospital In Stafford rials given out at the pre-canvnsa The award, announced-In Pitts- XiuNDAY Tuesday. 7:15. Troop 25, Boy m a civil ."Uit brought under the rbss Shirley Palmer Collier, who is train. Another private car on the Friday, a. m.-p. m. Annual Evening .Service, 7:30 p. m. man of the Hoard of Selectmen .-Vutomobile.s. Donald Nelson . de- Springs. burgh yesterday, wa.s the only one Scout". Ernest Irwin, scoutmaster. riherman anti-trust act. The dam- suing him for divorce on cruelty party held at the Farm Bureau i same train brought Cnjwn Prin- state m«*etinp of the Woman’s Auxiliary Monday, 7:30, Junior League will represent the town at the cere- ( reed, were to lose their brlght- Seitletnent ofllce. Duos and contributions to go to a Connecticut resident m .\xchesteiiR**» ages were a.s.sesscd against The charges. After their marriage cess Juliana of The' Netherlands MON. AND. TIJES. Wednesday. 10:30, Sewing for at Christ church CathedrAl. Hart- meeting. Place to be announced. monial dinner. '.v("rk trimmings Dec. , 15. An- The clvU action of Mary Pra- may be given to the following this year. the Red Cross. Mrs. Edna Case ford. (.'nntinenia! Dl.stllling Co., of here In 1936, they spent two years from Ottaw-a to be a week-end Wedftesday, 7:30 p. m.. Prayer .Sunday Sendees -Qthcr OPM order cut washing and chnlak of this city against "yhe members In Ellington: ,V>4eph On June 6, 1941. an explosion guest at Hyde I'.irk hou.se. Parker in charge. Sunday. Nov. 9th Bring or send Philadelphia; The Abraham Sher- Connecticut Compa- • which was In England, where Collier wrote Service. ^ Ironing machine production 17.3 Zinker, Samuel Sllverherz, Grace I. ihook a launch moored to a float The princess, her two daughters, Wedne.sday, 7:30, choir rehear- [ilcdge for 19.42 to church ser\dce. Tonight, S'p. m . The Brother- man Manufacturing Co., of .St(im- The service m Emanuel Luth- scheduled for a trial I 'fore a Jury for Producer Alexander Korda. per cent below the average month- Sikes, Clarence Metcalf, Ernest In ' Long Island Sound at Stony j Beatrlx and Irene, and several at- G E O R G E S M I T H snl Annual Kverv Member Canvass-- hood .sponsor anjntercstlng meet- lord. and Llhhy and K. C,- Wil- eian chiirth Sun'lay morning -will in the Tolland County Superior Collier said be hod-an Income of be a communion .servu i; with ly level for the year ended June more than $750 a w ^k. Kupferschmid and Joseph DeCarll. Creek, sending a burst of flames ! tendants. planned to remain until Thursday. 2-9. "Hobby Show Nov. 9th-23ni. ing. The program-will be rendered liilra.". Inc... ol Hartford, all accus- •I'o. 1941. court baa been settled. The amount Into the cabin which seriously '«w" art!;™' '* 18 Flow-vr St. Phone 8S80 preaching by the pa.stor In the The annual meeting and Sliver ■ ilonda.v or Tuesday auspices Group C. Mrs. Klmer W'c- Monday, Nov. 10th —St. Mary’s by the String Orchestra from the ed hy the New Haven firm of rio- o f the settlement was not dlsclos- Jubilee will be held at the Vernon burnt L Dankmar Well, Jr., 13, To Vote on Eleetlon GREAT AWA'I den, leader. Mrs. F.rncsl Bengston club ladles night. Supper In the ting off its supply of bottled liquor afternoon a confipmand senice W4II •d. Attorney Robert Pigeon repre- Evangelical Free Chunjh of, Hart- Reports of weakness in some Almost two- and one-half Grange hall. Vernon, at 6:30 Mon- and his sister, Susan, 11. Mr. Roosevelt will vote in the lo- In charge of tickets. Refreshments. Parish House. Speaker: Rev. ford. The Rev, N. L. Larabn will be in violation of the act. be held with an expected large nt- sented the plaintiff and Attorney Weeks' Income of the typical wage day, Nov. 10, An Interesting pro- Tryon leaped from the float to U-ndance of present an.l lormer retail lines was cffiiftrmed by De- ! cal eleetlon Tuesd.-iy at the white Thiir.sday. 6:30, Troop 7. Girl Georvo B. Gilbert, author of “ Forty the speaker. Refreshments w^ll be Hartford Defen.se Admini.stra- partment of Commerce Indexes Joseph Berry represented the de- earner In the United States last gram is being planned by thoss ln the launch, entered the cabin and ! frame town hall In the village, Jle Scouts. Mis." .Icssie Hewitt, leader. Years a Country Preacher." tor Samuel H. Fi.slier a.sserted that mem.rers and confirmand." of the fmdant. served. A cordial welcome to iHI. church. showing that retail volume de- year would hr .^ulred to meet charge. carried the children to safety. He will go back to Wa.shlngton Wed- Friday. 6;.30, Troop I. Girl recent air maneuvers dcmon.strat- Route Finished the tax bill on the average motor suffered severe bums on hts hands, IROVEN PIGTUR Rev.-Knut E Erickson, former creased 9 per cent from August ■ Miss Ruth Palmer, daughter of nesday. Scemls. -Miss Emily Smith, leader. Sw « ih! (Vingrrgutional OiurrJi Zion I-uth«Tan diureh qul that C'ouni'ctii Ilf." air raid Itoday marked the end of the old vehicle. Mr. and'Mrs. Theodore Palrper, of wrist and face which disabled him T H E A T R E - H a r M o r d pa.stor. Will be in charge of the to September after adjustment for What specific angles of heml- Friday, 7:30, Group 3; Mrs. Ray Fprria E. R:rynnld«, Mlnlatrr High and Ooopn- Sts. waj-ning system "wiis not fa r^ e- normal seasonal Influences. Big- for six weeks. i spheric defen.se or the Internation- Warren leader. Work meeting. R«v. H. F. R. Stechholz, Psstor hlmMhe very best In the country. " confirmand service. Within 20 minutes, two other Hurry! Ends Tonight At 10:48! gest declines were In durable al situationsthc chief exeeiitlve aj|(l Federation room. Everyman's Class at 9 15. Men Me spOkf.before 50 controllers and explosions wracked the vessel. SEE IT NOW OR NEVER! goods, which consumers had been prime minister might talk upcm Saturday. 9:30 a m.. Cub Pack. of the community invited. TNx'enty-flrst Suhday after Trin- deputy ctfinjrollers from the 15 dis- Dankmar Well l, the state at a meeting here. I S T I L L i d ^ WP4yS7b burned on her bead, legs and that tbe United States might On -Sunday morning. Jesse Da- Nursery for the small children 10 a. m.. Sendee In English. Southington - Wpuhded by a .22 hands, but recovered. •Automotive Wool ^ O f A L W r a h ' make greater use of Canadian vis, teacher of music In the Glas- during the church service. Annual Reformation Festival. calibre bullet accidentally dis- (laptiires Italians por^ for Naval operations and per- tonbury Schools will begin his ser- charged from a rifle In the hands Communion service at 10:45. Holy Communion will be cele- Manufacture of a million auto- PLAY OF RADIANT ENERGY haps take over defense of the vice as choir director. Warren Reception of new members. Special brated. ^Confessional service at of a 13-year-old hunting com- mobiles involves the use of 3,200,- western Atlantic to free Canadian Wood, a Center church young man music by the choir. 9:40 a. m:- panion, Anthony Gerdzauskas. 15, London, Nov. l,-e(J»,-Naked and 000 pounds of wool, product of ON EXPOSED PORTIONS OF BODIES' I)c‘4*lareg Japg SUNDAY AT 12 MIDNianT! w|ll succeed Mrs. Volney Morey as wai*shlps for service farther out Prelude, Prnyef ...... Shelley Lutheran Hour: 1:30 p. m. was reported in critical condition unarmed In the wild." of East A fri- 800,000 head of sheep, for making OF PREHISTORIC M O NSTE RS, IS along the supply routes to Britain. organist. The choir has been In Anthem, Praise the Lord, O Jeru- WTHT. . at a Southington hospital. The ca. Second Ueut. Johan Zirk - upholstery, gaskets, anti-rust, floor Miigt Get Oil The President has shrugged training the past month under the salem ...... Maunder Tuesday, 7 p. m.. choir rehearsal bullet, which entered the youth's Gass Boshoff captured two Italian coverage and lubricanto. SUPPOSED TO HAVE CREATED TM£ rumors aside, although he has con- leadership of Mr. Davis. face and lodged in Itis spine, was Offertory, Lift Thine E y e s ...... 8 p. m„ Young People's Society. soldiers and routed eight others, EYE, ORGAN OF SI&HT / ^ (Continued from Page One) ceded that plans for active defense ...... Mendelssohn Wednesday: Ladles’ Society, removed In an emergency opera- th^ War. Office said today in AHTIflCIAL l/CrNT of tjie hemisphere would call for The Salvation Army By the Women's Trio 2:15 p. m. tion. Policeman Walter S. Husbak awarding him the Military O oss greater cooperative use of harbors said Henry Wamicki, 13, of Mill- A» A fine ART e 000 yen In a normal full 12-month Major and Sirs. N. N. Curtis . Postiude. Sicilian Mariners Hymn. for the exploit. on the Atlantic seaboard. dale, reported he "forgot the gun period, Domel said. Young Peoples’ Mu Sigma Cfiii St. John's Polish niurrh He encountered the Italians un- IThe light ORiiAKl was loaded" and pulled the trig- T E X A C O C R Y S T A L I T E M (The yen was valued at slightly Friday evening, 7:,3(), Hollneaa society at 6 30. Young people high Oolway Street expectedly when he emerged from which ILLWSTXATtS more than 28 - cents In foreign lenlce. school age and over are invited. Rex-. 8. J. Szrzepkowiikl, O.8. ger while the weapon'was pointing the Omo river after swimming the MUSIC VOI7H WAVES Knows Swamp Peat Smoke at Qerdzauskas. exchange before freezing halt- A t 10:48. pm . A t 12. Friday evening,. 8:00, Special The Week •Stream to facilitate the crossing OP APPROPRIATE Sunday services: ed Japanese - American currency Norfolk, Va.- i/Pi— Charlcs'A. Songster practice. Monday at 7:00—Bdy Scouts. of his company of East African LATE SHOWS ONLY! 8:30—First mass. c o l o r ,HA& OELIGlff- RANGE OIL• •• 04 nvi las IM AS!OAL. ■ LOTS evM transactions.) Stewart, about 75, knows his Dis- Saturday. 7:30 p. m.. Open Air Tuesdsy at 6:30—CJholr re- Leaves Estate engineers, the citation.said. mal Swamp peat smoke. Smoke lervlce. hearsal. 10:30—Second moss. • ED THOU&ANDS a O n REApINQ UNDER POOR UGHT, Sunday. 9:30 a. m., Sunday Choir rehearsals following each World's Largest Ranch from the swamp peat fires drifted Tuesday at 7:00—Girl Scouts. science FI/sIDS that ones HEART as far as Washington, D. C„ more ichool. Weclnesday at 2:00—The Wor mass. Of Sl.037.6% F U E L O I L Sunday, 10:45 a. m„ The Loyal men's' League will meet at~ the MAKES A mar ked DECREASE IN The Victoria River Downs than 200 miles away, and John G. v ie tu fM V JO K im ^f^E would Ranch, on the Welkham river of Jrange Icidgea of Manchester, and home of Mrs. A. H.'Barber. 40 Gospel Hall THE RATE OF HEARTBEATS.'/ 7 . 2 c G A L . Wallace 2nd, Norfolk county New York, Nov. i— i/P) — Mrs. HAVE TO BORN 2/^ Australia. Is said to be the world's treasurer, said Stewart telephoned ilao the Ladies’ lodges of Hart- Phelps Road. Mrs. Oscar Bailey 415 Center Street IN 100 GAL. IA)TS Madeleine Foi;je Astor Dick Fier- .^MANCHESTER. ^ CONN.:^ ^ biggest ranch. It covers an area him from his suburban Washing- 'ord will visit the citadel In a body, and Mrs. Johanna Jesperson will BILLION, BILLION. narching from the Orange lodge. a.. I xro* /«r.‘ are unable to give a chemical ■ '’.’ednesday, 8 p. m., Young Peo- Sunday services; ceivS the principal when -they a n 5 TEAGARDEN Morning Worship, 10:48, with omm Delicious Foods — Modest Prices! - . 28. H Blade RaVioUTimlKht! Chicken Cacciatore! definition for It. • meeting. - *•••* Besf . Rosat Turkey ' yesi Cutlets BIRTH BLUES BAND 9:30 0. m.^Cburctv-School, John sermon by the pastor on the topic, ' A $50,000 diamond ring went to FINE WINES — UQUORS AND BEER Hair Broilers Steaks Chicken CaceUtore ursday, 7:30 p. m„ Open air Cargo, Supt. C71aases for all ages. "The Great Oommandnient.” Chil- her oldest son, John JacoB Astor, GOSPEL HALL Keg Mail 'iS f S' -4' N 'ce.; 10:45 a. m;— Morning Worship. dren’s aermoii; "Tbs Magnifying 418 Center Street The Manchester Electric Divisi( Fin$ Wines t—< Liquors and Beer who her will said had been "here- KvongeUsta: A. K LAB U B O A and J|. 4M>VAN lay morning «t the Army, Sqrmon: "Pillars o f the CJhurch." Gloss." Youth Fellow sh^ 6 ^ m „ tofore amply provided for.” Oa k Street 1 TeL 3894 Trahs-AUantic liners passing ■sjH.i. Curtis will speak and Muatt by the choir, "The Lord is nightl y (Except Hat) 7:48. SUNDAY AT 7 F. M. i7maadsr*s ReatBorant leader, Evelyn Heusser. 'No mention was mode in the tax near the ^Azoreg hi normal times ' 'SAILORSoxlFAYE- . ve am looking forward to a ^ a t My Shepherd,” by J. Montgomery Dedication serviOe for memhqfs approloal of Ehizo Fiermonte, the 1 A HEARTY. WELCOME TO ALL! i S O k m caaamaaatm sem m o o m t a i t y use floating, kegs to post the mall 1jmo|ut on this very special ocea- —arranged. of the Women’s Society, X:80 p. m. youthful Italian prizefighter whom of passengers. Th^ mail is picked 4qn. - All welcome. 6:80 D. m.—Junior N. T. P ' ■ This'tfl th« ormrInHtkv trt »fr « Blannnnte divon-ed in 1B.0R. up by flahermeti. MANTHEStER EVENING HERALD; 51 A\C!TF:?TFn. CONN’’., NOVEMBER


E l kslx u r ty T e a for T w o D ewev Elected 4 - % jion Entertains W ed di ngs eV Obituary La u d E x p lo its Home D ireelor Hundreds of Youths T h is K ven i ng O f U, S. Pla n e Berg-Johnson DeathH l„urfi;e I,ocul *(>r'oii|» to Miss Grurp Margaret Johnson, flora l \ Man Naim -d to Drivfs Off Three Nasi unins beyond the captured Donets (la((ghter of Mr and Mrs. Algol *loM‘ph R. RIdufdl Fire in Ice lIoiiHe Is Board of Iiistiliiflon basin city of Kharkov. Attend Affair in goek* Johnson of 2'l Edgerton street, JoMfph fi. Bidwell. a native of Bo III herR, W recks Sub and Walter Wpslry Berg. Son of CARTOONISTS TAKE A LOOK AROUND I.«a d in g “ P ran k ” o f Although the Russians appar- ville ToiiipliL______f> i[»jil»‘d (Children. Manf h#*{»lpr. who died in the In O n ^ E n c o u n te r. ently are offering fierce resistance Mr and Mrs Walter Berg of 116 Franklin hospital. Greenfield. Hallowe’en Celebrants; on the nppro.ache.s to Rostov, ob- I Caya Aven((e, West Hartford, will Mass , Tuesday, was buried in the servers here said there wa.s little A lar^'o party of Manche.steX^ be m aifu'l ttiis afternoon in Albert T r,)rwry\'’ wa.s a former •*l with the exploits of a ConooU- i -rut OOCr/ / , saved. to attend the annual Klki Hal- ceE^ff!ony”V ill he [nrrformed at wure riurtud dirrrtnrfl the* New- ' s( ho'-l tea'tier in Manchester, (tied lilted bomber, equipped with Pratt hicK! Fire headlined the prank* of In addition to mining the main 3^^i o'elfjrklby the j^astor Rev. T. , !a.*t f’'ebruary and was buried in i ^ VVhitney engines and Hamilton- lowe'en (iJjncc v> be held at the ington H'laif* for Cripplf-Xf'fnldirn Rostov buildings with explosives, A. G'lstaf .'.(|n, 'a ho will lire the the Hast f err.etery here. I .Suir.flard propellers on recent Ciao- Hallowe’en, prankster* last night, KIks home in that city. Hcorge at thr ar.r.'jal n.eotjr.^ <*f horn^' the Russians have removed machln- double ring.1 servile Miss Eleanor Jo,«.. ph f: Bidwel was born on I voy patrol duty, the BrlUsh a lf ■youngsters ut-re observed nm- H. Williains, Samuel J. Houston, linifl \Vf dr> .sday. ‘ ' ei'.V iind ev.acunted nifist of the civil- Herggren \Vill Mng. “ Irh Liebe K« .struf't I bi r 12, lK.'i7, i ministry today cabled United A ir- and Ronald H htrgu.son, of tins Tii»* foilowinf; i r- wf'i\^ r*-- ning away from tile old iec hous!' ian [lopulallon. it wa.s said. Dieh, ' and "Belov* 1 It Is M orn" .Uie ,s. III t h e l a t e J o h n W. ami 1 ' taft an .acrounl of the exploit—* town, arc on the coiniiuttc«? in f'lerted for a fyenod of (itu' y*-\i: at Salter'H Pond, .ulut off I.yilall Peninsula Fate In DoUbt Balms and v.hile ' hr y.santheimims Sarah I'.Khi Bid'Ai ll Ills <'arlv ! prob-able sinking of a German ( harge of the aJtair, ] ( ■ ■ ■' .... - street at 7:t6 last night ami a l.liuited news from the f'rlmea and fiomp iri'.s will dei orate the \ Ilf*' was .s(,eid ill th*' wi st s*'('ti'*n boat' and driving off of threa prompt re.sponse by Hose Com- apparently left the fate of that Kabnek's orfhf.'’^tra will fiiiniMh Cham e|. ttu tre.vn anil he lnt* r moved to I Gcrinaii -heavy bombers. muHic for dancing and thwe will The message received In Eaat pany No. 1 of the Mancheeter Fire Black .Sea peninsula In doubt How- •Mrs Sherw'ofid Anderson of i^ilycjke, Mass , and for a time I department rnit out the blaze .sev- ever. German dive-bombers, which be a buffet luncluton rvert)i Dakota. j H a r t f o r d f o l l o w s : Mount Vernon. .N’ Y . si.ster of the j “Consolidated Liberator A ir- en miinites after the arrival of usually precede ground as.saults. ing" the evening. The conimillee hri'le, will he matron of honor, For tji** last .'10 y*-ars h»* has ma*lc his horn*' in Gill, Ma.ss . where hi' frame No. Am 826 with Pratt tk tlie apparatus., Areordiiig to Chief wi'ie r«'ported to tie concentrating has planm-tl some unusual Hal- and the hndeamaid.s will be Miss Hov CnswolcI damage was slight on the eastern port of Kerch, a pos- lowe'en surprise’s ami the ailw*!>rtti-Cor- a Hiissian sidimarine had sunk and f'.iihnnl Hiiltman of this Ihr^'i' German transiiorts In the portion to it.s inemlM-r.ship in the and H'l’.^cird Kidw.*ll of Soiitii I i"r replied with front cannon and nell Post IflZ American Cegion. t*!Wn. Gnnnar .loim.'.on of Host**n at schools, till' Y. .M. C A . botti llhtCk Se.i ri'i'eiitlv t>ul gave nfi de- iratermty. Harr« , Vt . two EthH ' '^hdl pa.sw'd rtg^ht through pit>* tails ivliieti might offer a elue to the an*l .Mai tin Wi-ntland of N* w May Fsid.s* !! of .^ w York city | f‘^dIor N(j. 3 engine. Another hit recri'ation renters and ttie I.e- Britain. gion home on I^ionard street. Wil- .slgnifiikjnee of these ship move: and Uaf iiai’l Bidv.cil\»f (hll. Ma.s.s , ar k of .No. 4 engine. Liberator .liam Pitkin, chairman of the af- menis. F<*ar Loss of Life The brnle who will be given in and a siHtur, .Mrs, FTank Thrall of 1 ri'w ignorant their plane had.been marriage by her father will wear Hartford. hit. I’llot said ‘It speaks,^aILfor Reldford In Montreal (Canada) Star Hav In Kansas City Star Virrk In Lvuisrtile Ttmca fairs announced today that his The Soviet Information Bureau r.ndling up in one big snoop a Potnfrr In Dt’troil f'rfc Preft Lee /n Portland Ortffonian a gown of white faille taffeta, lobuslness of our four-engins ‘Foot Trouble‘ committee worked unf^d hU*ven said 37 German planes were de- contrast between some British ■The I’seless Key’ ‘Fatherly Advice' 'Lm Coog*‘ ‘Tuc Of War’ In James Sinking with full length train, and "Court Death of Infant /\meric,an Liberal ir that we had c'eloi-k Inst night. stroyed Thut^lay, against a Rus- and American rations for a Beyond the usual Iiraiiks the sian loss of IS. of St James " veil of illiision. She The daughter bom Sunday at no id'-a we had been hit till w# week. The English, as shown b'lii'li'd at our ba.se. Police Deimrtment slnteii that Crippjnl By Air Attack Will Be Heavy on left, get one egg, 8 ounces of will earry a ea.*< a*le bouquet of the Memorial ilospita) to Mr. ^nd garilenia,* with orchid center. Mrs. Adler La Voie of 2*' j0 Wind.*ecifled .sec- iil.ftgJlt..EUQt said 'he fled Into the pounds of sugar, 2',-i pounds of and carry br*j.nze pompoms, and and rescued a ' shark " on Wi st tor that,day, a communique said, nev.spnper and telegraph off iron nt the bride.srnai'ls will wear Identi- ciouds, ahowing healthy respect meat and 6 ounces of butter. Beckons Center slrei't and 26 Nazi tanks. 225- supply- J'ortland, Me , aw.aiting Hdiiilluiiai cal gowns of cucumber green for our American aircraft.’ In L a bo r Showdown Prize Winners laden tnicks. IS staff busks and 14 information faille taffeta with arm bouquets of G irl Scouts ‘ Returning to convoy. Liberator EDEN. Brit.nin’s The WORLD This WEEK l.iUt<-vt OfTIclul Word .spotted U-boat, which started Prize winners at the lygion guns were destroyed. ' v.ai'l the sinking of the destroyer yellow pompoms home, ffir the prettiest eostume Leningrad gunners were Said to The late.si offi'ml word was this, T.*"e mother of the bride will Albert T. Dewev crash-dive. Liberator attacked and foreign minister, is one of his ‘‘TT'OR the third time your government, through me, a.sk.s you and released by the Navy l,a.st niglit: lleiiben James, said today, lha-t were awarded to the following; have killed and wounded more than wear plum crepe and the bride- dropped three bombs^ before peri- country’s most personable and f the officers of the United Mine.Workers to authorize an immedi- “ The Navy Iiepartmenl has re- the President was ''suffering from Peter M. Fraser, president: Isidore Reach Q uota scope completely sulpiffierged, 'n tM Sylvia Ostrinsky. Dons MacFar- 20<1 men in a surprise bombard- groom's mother soHier blue ate resumption of mining.” land, and .lame.s Britton for the ment of two German bnttallo'ns ceived a rejiort that 11 members on ui>.si't prjlitical strjmach. Wise. Thomas F. Oakes and George I bomb set up huge spout of water. popular officials. Hence one of his Quotes “ It is noteworthy how cautious rrejie. Both mothers^ will wear R. H Nicholson, vice presidents; President Roosevelt was writing to John L. Lewis; p'resident of funniest costume. At .St. ■la'niess moving along a highway. of the crew of the t: S.S Reuben J I Five seconds later, vkrfent under- duties is answering countrymen Archbishop of C anterbury James have been ri'sf bed The ho has become, " tlicy said. “ Ap- gar'lcnia corsages Maxwell Moore, secretarj'; Hart- SiirrusR o f D riv e I w a t e r exi)lo.si')n literally shook the long - tirne foe of Communism, the UMW. There was no reply. The long-brewing showdown between I ’ arochlal .school. Beverly Dumas A Reuters di.spatch from .Stock- The reremfiny will he followed who want an immediate “ diversion Delores Zelennk, William ami Klch- holm said the Germans were ad- kurvivor.H who have been account- parently he lias the feeling that by ford-C'onneclicut Tru.«l Company, R* a and vapor shot Into the air. approving aid to Russia: "There Lewi.s and FDR liad arrived. ed f'lr are all enlisted men bit off more in recent days than he bv a reception for 1.5Q guests In treasurer: and -Mrs. David E. Ber- .AbRured w ith M ore Crew doubt if Submarine got bock are some ieatures of ard Ryan. Paul Barrett. Harold vancing east of the Volkhov river, front" created in western Europe. Commun- The test came on Lewis’ call to “The Navy Department ha* no CO',Id 'ii'P'st '' the church parlors nard, assistant treasurer. to port. ism compntiblf tcUh ChrisUan- Duff, Leo Brennan. Clare Hutchin- which flows from I.eike Ilmen to Te a m s to R e port. During the week Eden spoke up some 50,000' member.'! of his CIO son. Laura Mae Martin. Kathlene I.aike Ladoga, with the aim of Jolq. further Information at thi* lime, (The president told a press con- When leaving for a wedding Seven directors of the Home Another Tama Toll itii." but additional details will be re- ference yesterday that the sinking trip to Wa.shlngton, D. C., the were re-elected for a. period of “ Hours afterwards, a third Ora- firmly, lie said England would not John Stowe, American mer- union working in ‘captive’' coal Corbett and Raymond Kerally. ing hands with the Finns In eastern Mrs. Alfred B. Sundqulst and attempt any ''sudden, brilliant im- lea.sed )^ben received" j would not change tbd United bride will wear a beige coat with three years: Mrs. Jo.seph W. AIsop, dor appeared, but escaped quickly BOSTON chant sailor, reporting German mines to strike for a union shop. Hast Side Rec. F.leanor Anniello, Karelia and thus Isolating I.enin- provisation." but he hinted __ that Thomas Pools. Avis Ridolll, F.lhel grad. A t thk same time, the Navy BtaliiS jKillcy nn'l. in reply to a brown acces.sories and orchid cor- Harry B. Curtis, Wilfred Dre.*ser. .Mrs. T. Edward Brosnan, co-chair- rather than fight it out. For one attacks on ship in .Red Sea: “Captive” mines are those operated Peter M. Fra.ser, D. Gordon Hunter, something was brewjr.g. Sinre a SEATTLE by .stgel companies to produce Potliss, Alice Pelrcy, Rii hanl Parl- Despite Impeding snow, the op- made pufyfic the names of the I question, said he saw no possibil- sage .She has been the guest at men. and their associates on the Liberator, to almost certainly Crip- "The Sazis ri'dn t seem able to a number of pre-nuptial social Mrs. Maurice H. Pca-*e and Mrs. cross-channel invasion .seemed ruled hit a bull icuh a bass fiddle" senu, Charles Wilson and Robert eration was said to be far ad- .seven offIcfY* wlutist'ere aboard the I ity that diplomatic relations with Girl Scout committee in charge of ple U-boat and scare off three Con- fuel for their blast furnaces— and functions, and Inst evening Charles T. Treadway. out. observers concluded the Rov- Secretary of Navy Knox, after Monsegllo. vanced. destroyer. Lteut Com'lr. Heywoo 1 I Germany would be broken oyer the campaign for fund.*, are re- dors was good work and shows steel i.s a No. 1 nece.^.-ity for defense. I... Edwards, ''3.’), of San Siiha. I this or other recent attacks.) .Smorgasbord for the bndal party ceiving rongratulatlijns bn its suc- how tough and good your engines ernment could be thinking oply of being taken for a ,«pin in a tank: That night, in his Navy Day At the West Side Recreation •'Boy, oh boy, tchat a ride.'" Center. Karen .lohn.son. Patty Ste- Texas, wa» lm eommaml. Tlo I There was no confirmation of was given at the home of the cess. With four teams yet to be arc. the Mid-East. speech, the Pre.sident took the venson, .lean .Spellman, Dorothy ot.iers were W o t. B"njamiii ■ the P.eubcn James sinking here, bridegroom's parents. The bride hearil from, and one or two or- “ Pilot is broadcasting accouiit o f In the British-controlled coun- gloves off. Hein, Karl Doggart, Rot«-rt Pil- Altoiit Tow n Ghetzler, 34. A^nnapo)j.«. M'l but one source commented; is employed by the Connecticut M orale Seen ganizations as well as private in- these experiences shortly, from tries at the eastern tip of the Medi- “Our nation must speak from ev- lard. Oeorge Hewitt and Robert Lieutenants ( Junioi\(7rade i Dewi “ V.'hen a man walks on a rail- Miit ial Life Insurance Companv dividuals, the goal of I860 for next BBC. Will cable transmission date terranean, the .Mlies have an es- ery as.scri)bly, line,” he said—“yc.s, Howarth. Y. M C. A . Elaine G. Johnston, 31. El \;aj in. Ca'.il ■ roail track during the night he and the brlilegroom by the Royal year's budget has been reached. in time." timated million men. They loom People from ever>\coal mine, , . . Mirchln, Doris Oplach. Jackie Mc- (Jne of U)(’ two cars purchased John J. Daub. SaltsbuW,- I’a . ai, i ' must not l,e .siir;,r'..sed it an ex- Typewriter Company, Hartford. Sou n d Now The drive was conducted this The Condor is a four-engine large among Russia’s potential as- Burning Issue Settled “Our output . . . cannot be ham- Kenna. Walter Gryzh. Janet by the J*t>lK’c Ojinrm.ssionerf for James M. Belden, 30. S^acu.se, ,N pre.'(S train hit.“ him.'' year along different lines. A large heavy bomber, which has .been glv- sets as she fights to stave olT soi/ure pered by the selfish obstruction of Holmes and Edward Rosker. Man- the polK e ilf’pai t menl has been de- Y : and En.signs G.aig S p ^ e i ';, 2i number of workers distributed let- ing the British much trouble In the The question of who first put the Ea.st Orange, N. J., and H(\-ard \ Moriarty-McCon ville of her Caucasus oil wealth. a small but dangerous minority of chester Green. Jean Hall, Nancy livered and Is being driven without Sinliinn Sertl Mranintf ConRtuiitly In ip ro v iiig an ters of appeal containing small en- eastern Atlantic, sinking British hole in doughnuts has been settled labor leaders." Ouelltch, James Rogers. Peggy the police name being printed on Wade. 22. Glen Kldge. N J. Miss Teresa Bernadette McCon- velopes for the donations. Girl submarines and bombing convoys. ‘Our llusilicss.' Hrilishcr Says by the National Dunking Associa- l,>'noh, Gladys Tracy, B.Jrbara the snl#'. The radio ecpiipjnent has The Reuben James was the\irst . t n i v r r t i ( I t If fir ville.-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John IV a t i o n UiidcrRtandH Scouts In uniform called for these THE A-B-C OF THREE The mines remained closed, and United Slates warship to be McConville. of 72 Eldridge street, One British military leader, sta- tion—to Its own satisfaction at Mr. Roosevelt told rcportcr.s he was Burr and Danny McMullen. been taken from the car that was New York. Nov. l -lJPo The Ch ara c t e r o f W ar. ‘gifts, with the result as above. tioned in Iran, saw the Caucasus “ as least. The Nathan Hale school prizes turned In and work la now being ,in the Battle of the Atlantic. Kti sinking of tlie U. S. destroyer Reu- was united in marriage to Edward Maintenance of the Girl Scout G Carmans Cross \ RO UTES TO RUSSIA consii;iering legislation to cope with ,fAct, only one U. S. combat vessc Jo.seph Moriarty. son of Mra. Sarah more our business than the Hiis- At its national convention in New were awarded to the following: done on the second car. \..en .111 :i' I- ' 'ns that "the war is established camp on the Steele defense strike.s. First Grade, 1st priz.e, Kathleen the destroyer Jacob Jfines, was J. Moriarty, of 53 Eldridge street, Indianapolis, Nov. — farm on Vernon street is one of sinns'." He poir'ed out it "holds the HEN Rvissia was first at- loaded on ships again to cross the twice as long as either of the other York the society heard from two. sunk by torpedo during thi^Vorld iqn, a-s f ir as the United States is Donets River Flame From Old Dispute ■W’hlte and Howard I-autenhach: 1,/mis Bayer Is not to move the lAncerncd," a Melbourne. Aus- Thursday. Tlie ceremony was per- Wayne Coy, liiii.'.on officer f*;ir the the main Items on the budget. An- 'yyy to rich nil fields, the key to one tacked l)v Germany many Caspian Sea to Russia. routes. Then, the 300-mile railroad schools of thought. Henry Ellis of VJnfrouT Jn Char l et t on. IV. Va.. Goietf# war, although a destroyer®%nd a formed at 10 a. m. In St. James's W The strike stemmed back to the Upper Grade, Janet Riehardson, builfling at Main and Kldrldge : riHia. ra ho bm.adcast Said today, Office for Emergency Manage- other expense Is entailed when of the doors of India the key to 3 From the wc.oint in the lives of na- FDR Tuesd.ay) to forbid sending Me., claimed that when ms ances- in advance to abide by its ri'ilmg, A n d Torpedoes Hulda Butler. Mrs. Mary Taylor. torpedo was launched by a .sutj- .and white rhrysanthemums deco- full moral stature if wi* enter up- contributions, an*l for the support material on retreating Russian oil-endowed region. A second tliru.-d There arc d,-ingers and difflcultics aced by the German drive on the ninnne. plane or '.surface raider, tions as in the lives of men. We aiiytlimg to licr, but most congress- tor was a little boy \iv asked his but Lewis refused. Mrs. Bessie Tnidell. Mi.ss Dorothy Windows along Mum street were rated the altar. on a shooting war. anil cooperation received from so forces. German fighter {ilanes wem bred new Soviet disa.ster in the i .eh with each of these routes. Caucasus. “D.inm the topedoes. Full speed but the general assumption was in Australia believe that you men believed this country should mother to punch a hole in a hunk Lewis told Mr. Roosev^'U “This Russell. Miss Alice Pntkin and marked with wax by boys last in the United .Stales have reached Mrs. Herman Montle of Bigelow "In the first place I think our many who assisted in the cam- credited with downing 11 Ruaeloo industrial Donets Basin, and a third lu'lp anybody figlit Hitler. THE NORTHERN ROUTE, to ahead I” Mrs. Ladd. night This made It necessary to that the hit was scored-by an un- street, sister of the bride, was morale is e.ssentially sound al- paign. planes tn air battles. THE FAR EASTERN ROUTE: fight is between a labor union and a dersea boat. .. that turning point today, hammered at the isolated Crimea. Speech M urmansk and .Archangel, passes ~7hA ' S The committee pre[mre(l chough kiriijie off the wax )>efore the win- tnatron of honor and 1,/^uiH J Sulli- ready and constantly improving as , Raid Railways and Airports In h:s Navy Day President Shipments to Vladivostok must ruthless corporation — the United Admiral Farragut, who shouted President P.iaisevelt had little j ‘ niis war v.as ni'ver a Euro- A Berlin spokesman said ttie Roosevelt said “ Russia needs all right through the ' .Atlantic area f( ,vAV States Steel Corporation” —and he hags and prizes to make thi' alTair dows could be washed. It was a van of Hartford, a cousin of the we come to understaml better its RaiiL* on railways and airport* pass through Japanese waters. It DOUGH that defiance in the Civil war, is^ne comment on the mcidint at his I [lean war. as we in Au-stralia Insiiranee Ke|>ort southern front, now defended tiy kinds of help—planes, tanks, guns, where submarines are thickest. a good one Over 3,000 hags filled busy morning for window w.ash- bridegroom, was best man. Tlie essential oharacter,''*he said. were reported from the central. is easy to see what would happen if named J. P. Morgan, a director of of President Roosevelt's herdes. The pr»'SK eonferenee yestr'rday. . Ife realized nt the mil.set. This war Is Marshal Timo.ehenko, was ^‘lluid." me i.eal supplies . . . She is getting Murmansk never is blocked by ice, U. S. Steel as being responsible for with peanuts randy, npple.s ami ing. a Werhl War waged by a madman ushers were John J. McConville. Important ('ominitntent Miiile sjie^r and four trains were said Japan entered the war on the Axis ^ Y President borrowed the rjuotation said the-Reulx'n .lames wa.s .sim- “ in the .*eeon*i place, we have Washington. Nov. 1 1 to qave been heavily damaged In , Not .so the Moscow theater, where gi'ea'. (iiiantitics . . .” * even in winter, but ships must go continuing tlu> strike. (Morgan said friiil were distributed to the vari- ply rarrving nut a tiuty assigned I whfise mania is domination of the Jr., of Ellington and James P. Mc- side. Even after supplies get to for his Navy Day speech, in which ous centers.! Moving pictures tilled Members of the Salvation Army Conville, brothers of the bride. already made the Important com- Fedaral Savings ami Lxian Insur- addiMon to at least 10 Russian soggy Helds and bottomless roads .All tins opens the cpiestion: How slowly through the Arctic Ocean this wa.s “ utter rulibish.") to her. the president Went'to his ' «''"'>'l. As we face Novemh;* the Vladivostok, it's a long haul over he warned all comers: in before and after the prize.* were Songster Brigade are requested to Mrs. John Barry, th« Organist, mitment, the commitment to place ance corporation reported to*lay planes destroyed and 15 damaged boggedaGermiiny’s mechanized ar- is the r. Sj. sending help to Russia'.’ because of floating ice, cakes.. Thij .Nevertheless, Lewis agreed to Hyde Park., N. Y.. estate last ' 'vnrld awaits -America's an.sWer" that its surplus and reserves in- the crowded Trans-Siberian rail- awarded. report for the morning .service at played the bridal music and the our full strength In material re- on the ground. mies. Russian leaders, aeknowledc- Thii'C route.s are m use (see map leaves them wide open to bombers. meet with Myron C. Taylor, former “History has recorded who filed nighf, pausing, hewever, nt Clare- I ------sources behind the powers fight- crea.sed by $1,436,860 during the Moscow was said to have been road before they reach their des- tire first shot. In the long run, how- the Citailel tomorrow since they soloists were Mi.ss Doris Roy and ing that guns eould ixt lieard witinn iibovi-): Archangel is frozen in the winter, board 'chairman of U. S. Steel, rep- are to take part. moot, N. J . to-telephone the m p i-! F flf'fl/ lV Mokf’S Plctl \ James Breen. ing Ea'cism. I bird quarter and stood at $30,82.''y. railed by air yesterday, and in air the bombed Kremlin, declared the although hcavy-prowed “ ice-break- tination. resenting the industry. Late Wednes- ever, all that will matter is who fired tal for the latest word about the 1 "There is no longer any ques- 734 on Sept. 30. Corporation a'S- raid.* ea-st of Leningrad. thSM I From the east roast to Mur- Oimea Battle destroyer "The bride who was given in mar- enemy had begun digging in fur tlie er" ships can keep the harbor The Maritime Commission caused the last shot.” To-Declare If or tion In our mind,* or any faltering Rcts amounted to $132,221,706 on source.* reported, 17 trains w ere, • ni.e .l.; or .Arcb.'ingel, which are day Taylor and Lewi.s went in to see The Board of Selectmen, will News of riage by her fathet, wore a peridd' . winter and that Red troops were open part of the time. quite a flurry when it announced sinking stirred I Philadelphia. Nov. 1 - (,p.- The uncertainty in our policies result- that day. damaged and a railroad [loits on the .Arctic ocean, in the Mr. Roosevelt. The President again Then, recalling he had ordered the (Growing Critical meet Monday night at 8 in the gown of faille taffeta, with square bridg* pushing the Nazis back in places. Another difficulty with these that henceforth all aid to Ruksia municipal building for the purpose members of Congress into spirited torpedoing of the destroyer Reu- ing from confusion as to our place The corporation insures the in- blasted. proposed that the miners go back to Navy to “shoot on , sight” at Axis deelarations. These ranged nl.l the today brought neckline and train. Her fingertip north of Rus.sia. The distance is northern ports is that the railroad 'would go from Boston to the north- raiders, ho sternly emphasized: of taking action on various routine plea.s in this struggle" vestments of around 3,000,000 per- They said successful dive-bomb- New .Armies From Siberia .'i.OOO miles. of “ fried dough" .so it wouldn't be work while the M<'diation Board way from the a.s.scrtion of Sena- veil fell from a Mary 'Queen pf sons in .savings an*l loan as.sfiiia- which connects them with the rest ern Soviet ports. The Navy Depart- “Those orders_^tand. ' — ------■ (v mtliuied From P ig e One) items of town business. from 67 members of the Bryn attains were made also on th* so soggy in the middle.’ He had a worked out a definite recommenda- tor Connally ( D-Tex i that “ this .Mawr College faculty for an open •Scots cap and she carried a cascade tions .and other home-financing in -; Mu. rnan'.sk railway and on supply Far behind the battle lm<‘, the 2 From the east coast 13,000 of Russia runs near to Finland, Ger- ment objected to this statement, bouquet. letter that he said proved, it. Any- tion— with neither side bound to ac- FDR spoke as .Senate debate unjustified and dastardly sinking del laration of war on Germany. stitutions. Soviet began a.-.sembling new ar- • m;Us around the southern tip many’s all.v against the Soviets. This saying it gave information to the Russian lines were said to be hold- E J. Murphy of this town is one The matron of honor was gown- Would BoostBav in*tries U- Murmansk itself oil way, the society voted threc-to-one cept it. was getting under way on revision must be "avenged'' to a statement Dr. Helen Taft Manning, siatcr mies from tile silent millions of Si- of .Afnc.i and up through the Per- exnoses it to bomber attacks, too. Germans. 'The Commission then said ing firm about Kalinin ) of a committee of 38 , formed by on the Senate floor by Senator ed In American Beauty velveteen t)ie extreme northern wing (»f th* in favor of his story. Congress In A Stew of the neutrality act. Two amend- Ground Now Frozen the druggists of the state to honor of U. S. Senator Robert 'Taft (R- .\rctic-to-Black Sea front. beria 4nd challenged: “ We sb.ill Cl Aiken ( R-Vt I that President with sweetheart necldine. long .sian Gulf. The goods, arc hauled THE SOUTHERN ROUTE: The it meant only^that “ some” shipments Dr. Hugh P. Belme of New Hav- Ohiol, an isolationist leader, was Of Buck Pri\ ates Horseman Dies see how long they (Nazis) can last. Taylor said immediately that he ments were under consideration- (Jold weather has frozen the Roosevelt was “personally respon- torso waist. She wore an Ameri- across Iran (Persia) by train, then main trouble is that it is more than .would go that way. en. secretary of the Connecticut among the Bryn Mawr faculty We can last for years” Name Callers jjersonally favored FDR’s idea. Lewis one to arm U. S. merchant ships, the ground sufficiently for efflelent sible*’ for any lives lost. can Beauty and gray velveteen Columbia, Mo., Nov. 1.- i/P,— Too Late to Gassify - A flavor of the old dqys, when met with other UMW leaders, then other to permit them to enter war lank operations on the central Board of Pharmacy on his recent FYirther verbal repercussions membora who told President ■Washington. Nov. 1 - *.J5_ Before Leningrad, Germany's election to be president of the Na- Roosevelt in a telegram, “we be- bonnet and carried an American Jack S. Harrison, 75, an authority long-distance guns pounded re.-KC- name-callers were really name- announced the union also would ac- zones. Senator Wheeler, leader of the froht, dispatches to London said, seemed likely today as the Senate Beauty muff with pompoms. Buck privates would begin draw-, on saddle horses, died yesterday of (1937 . 19st% Ylfter weeks In which mud bogged tional Retail Druggists associa- lieve that effective pro.secution of ing $42 a month instead of half Pontiac coach, 1937 Ford cotipa, ^ • lessly. At anottier point on tlie front callers, hovers over the New York cept the President's proposal. anti-revision faction, said "there is c<5ntlnucd debate on modifying the The bride’s mother wore a plum injuries received Saturday In an armored units. tion. A testimonial dlnner„,wlll be j the struggle (to defeat Hitlerism) that. Immediately upon entering 1937 Ford coach; 1937 Pacluu4 : At Home city campaign in which Mayor All this time, tempers were stew- a possibility wo can defeat the plan neutrality act to permit t,he arm- colored velvet dress and hat. and automobile accident. Author, of two high Tii’ kish generals obse.ive I News Quiz London authorities said, how- held In New Haven November 11'. requires an qpen declaration of the army. If legislation now before coach, 1934 Pontiac sedan, IM T German war tactics as tlie cui'ts Lid O ff The G as Tank 'L a Guardia is seeking a third term ing in Congress. Senator Connally to send our shjfi* into danger zones,” ing of U. S. merchantmen and the the bridegroom's mother, blue flow- "Famous Saddle Hor.ses and Dis- 1 w h a t S o u t h American but administration supporters said ever. that no marked progress ap- removal of restrictions which at war." Congre.*s la enacted into law. Chevrolet sedan. 1940 Ford coupa,'; of Adolf Hitler, who may have Last summer, when German sub- statesman, now visiting the ,U. S., over Democrat William O'Dwyer. (D -Tex.) cajlled Lewis a “ fourth The two fire departments ft) ered silk with navy arcessories. tiijguished Horsemen," he foVmerly OI L SHORTAGE they had enough votes to pass the peared to have been made by the present bar them from combat A Sen.ate military affairs sub- operated the Montrose stock farm 1941 Packard deluxe 6, five new? ; pointed out the possibilities of a marines were sinking tankers right is krtown as the “Martin Dies” of In the past few days Democratic member o f the Axis” and predicted Germans south of Moscow. In the Manchester answered calls for 23 Both mothers wore gardenia cor- white wall tires, heater, whole works and that it probably zones. sages. committee ye.sterday introiliiced a near Mexico, Mo., with his brother, Turkish flank attack on Russia. his country? Governor Lehman called La Guar- Congress will “ deal with” him after Dqnets basin or Leningrad sector fires during the month of Octo- 1941 Packard special 8 aedan,- and left. Secretary Ickes proclaimed Kaiiiliow Bridge TiTie ceremony was followed by a bill providing sweeping ' iipwanl T. S. Harrison. Their greatest London, passing its fourth month 2. Why did Federal Works Ad- dia a “ vilificr;” La Guardia called it is through with the neutrality act. would be done by next weekend. and they, described the Tula area ber. The North End department with electromatic clutch, $998.' - a shortage of oil in eastern states. reception for the members of the revl.sions in the pay of service men horse was Rex Denmark, sire pf ministrator Carmody say he had the governor a "double-crosscr’’ ; Aside from the coal dispute, the The White House said it was drive as apparently partly check- had seven still alarms and .the Sinkinft Declaration 1937 Pontiac sedan, haa radl0> 'Without an air-raid alarm, read He said ships being used to haul oil Immediate families at the Well from Army privates to Navv ad- Rex' McDonald, which sired many held up awarding a contract for O'Dwyer called the mayor “ unprin- American labor scene was compara- swamped with telegraph and tele- ed. South End department had 14 still Is Open to Traffie heater, full price: $295. 1935 OldlN ? comfort in remarks of the demo- from the gulf coast to .Atlantic ports a Michigan defense houiing pro)- Of War by Hitler Sweep. Andover. mirals. It would cost an addition- of the country’s great saddle cipled.” and Democratic state chair- tively quiet. Strikes at the Great.. phone messages aftef FDR’s speech, A German declaration that Rus- and two whistle alarms. The most mobile sedan $145, new point-, bilized French fleet’s commander at were needed for the British. cct? serious fire was a roof blaze on London, Nov. 1— OP\—I.,ord When leaving for an unannounced al $374,333,578 annually, but the horses following the turii of the man Jim Farley called him a "liar” Lakes Steel Corp. and in the Ala-' with about eight to one in favor., sian defenders of the Olmen were service experts who back it say It Brunners, your Packard D«alM5 1' J Alexandria. Admiral Godfrey, who During the week he announced 3. Who is the new premier of Norman 'street last Sunday morn- Beaverbrook's Ewmng Standard Niagara F:i,lls. N. Y'„ Nov. 1.—' wedding trip the bride wore a moss century. and a “ cad.’’ bama coal fields were settled, and German sources called the addfeia In full retreat wjis recelveil dubi- would he well worth while. ,80 Oakland. Tel. Jil91. 'Open e v « - P said: “No French man-of-war has that “ the bad outlook of the sum- Japan—Mitsurnsu* Yonai, Kichi- ously b y British military eom- ing. declared editc/rially today that the (,P)~Ralnbow bridge, which sp.ans green coat and hat with red fox strikers returned to work at the Air "a matter for psychiatrist >■ nnd Army privates now get $21 a nings. ' ^ ever been lent to Germany." mer has been overcome” and that saburo Nomura, Hidekl Tojo or President Roosevelt, meanwhile, .mentators. ^ torpedo-ainking of the U. S. de- Niagara river'.* rocky gorge below trim and brown accessories. She Associates plant at B^ndix,. N. J. alienists to deal with " , month fbr tht first foiir. month*, the rationing system set up by 0PM Kcnji Doihara? crossed party linos and endorsed “ Although we know the' Ger- Monday being All Souls day, stroyer Reuben James west of the mighty falls, was opened to was graduated from Mount St. Jo- Mahon In Philadelphia Bulletin could be ended. This. means that 4. The U. S. Is scheduled to La Guardia for reclection. there will be a mess at nine o'clock Iceland Thursday night was te de- seph Academy and the bridegroom and $30 thereafter, the same as Personal Notices Brakes On Death spend $10,0a0,000 000 In the next ■ " . F - mans have broken through the traffic today, providing another 'Brincing It I ’p To Date’ gasoline can now be sold at night,' (Perekop) Isthmus,” one' said, ‘‘we at St. John’s PoUah National claration of war by Adolf Hitler. link of friendship between the was graduated from Manchester the Navy's apprentice seamen The ■ Nazi "hostage” system five months for aefense. True or church on Golway a tr^ L ‘America has not yet declared high school. now are paid. The lowest base pay reached its high poipt when 100 but a group of New York serv- false? have no Information to confirm United States and Canada RACE WITH DAVY JONES that the German advance, has not war,” said the newspaper owned The 9.50-foot span, built at a /for army privates or apprentice In Memoriam HOBBY SHOW 'were shot for the killings of Ger- ice station operators decided they 5. What was the Black Sea In Short . . . by the British minister of supply. seamen would be $42 a month un- weren’t too keen about staying open been halted at some point farther co.st of $3,760,000 to replace the In rnenioriiirn of Itoli^rt John . man otflcials in Nantes and Bor- port abandoned by the Russians Fined; Playwright Noel Coward, SI N K IN GS BUILDIN G Hospital Notes “Hitler has. der the subcommittee’s bill. Saltern who panned on Nov,* 2. 1&4 ). THURSDAY, NOV. f Science at night anyway, a^d voted to con- after a long siege? $800 for violation of Britain’s war- south.” falls view or “ Honeymoon” bridge PublicTRecords deaux. A hundred more were to be Rains Soften Ground •The President and his people destroyed by an Ice Jam In Janu- Second lieutenants In the army 2 to 9 P. M. tinue the curfew. (Antw€T$ At Bottom Of Pag9) time finance regulations. 4.156.381 44^703 have long since t^ e n their stand .Vo liettar father ever lived, ^ executed unless the killers lycre Scientific Spree Heavy rains were reported to Adnqitted yesterday: Raymond ary, 1938. was first crossed by s and ensigns In the navy would get No 4>ne ef> true and. kijid. deadweight tons deadweight tons on the principle of freedom of the CENTER CHURCH captured. Signed: By NBC and'CBS, a nine- iMea.rwx have softened the ground of the Dolphin; 148 West Center street; caravan of automobiles bearing an $1,'800 a, ypar instead of $1,500. flln equal in thin weary wt'rld. Policemen usually Want to keep, The Bell Tolls seas. From that position they will Warrantee We never more niiall find. AsI thoihbur-oft h o i ) death Approached year contract returning ASCAP mu- peninsula, impeding assault opera- Robert Craig, Newington: Morris official party. Other commissioned officet's, all HOUSE not be budged. It Is the bedrock of a repoct/went out that Marshal Po- diunk people away from steering Death took no holiday in the sic to their networks. tions. - Gltlln, Rockville; Frederick Bon- Formal dedication of the span, The following property convey- the way up. would receive com- (Soinn) James and K'»i'»rt. 1940 American defense, and Hitler has By Group C. tain wanted to ofTer himself as a wheels, but the Kansas City, Mo., U. S. in the past week. Among those Th e A rm y Ordered: To active duty, Douglai Large German mechanized zle- ney, South Coventry: Ward Scho- which takes its name from the ances by wurfantee deed have parable increases as well as a killed in accidents were: tachments were reported to have now challenged the freedom of the rainbow visible In the cstarac;t‘8 ste|)-up In rent and subsistence al- At nisht wlU’O all In nllont. OVER 50 E .xiirarn i hostage. Foreign commentator Fred police department plans, to encour- Fairbanks, Jr., lieutenant junior aher, Glastonbury; Anna Heffer- been recorded at the office of the Anil sleep fot^nakes my ey«n. At least 20 in Arkansas tornadoes. Dailies And Doughboys 4 bolstered the attaclC of foot sol- nan, 239 Middle Tumpike Blast. seas as surely as he has Invaded mists, will take place next spring lowances. Vanderschmidt, however, noted that grade in the Navy. Russia.”. town clerk: Holl Investment com- My thouKhtn', are on that lonely .\dm. (with refreshments) age. them for two days this month— 16 in a blazing Alabama bus Gen. Bedford Forrest of the Con- diers at the approaches of Tula, Discharged yesterday: Stapley when Dominion and United States All enlisted men likewise would Krav*. "The Germans soem to be realizing • Absent: Mrs. FranMin D. Roose- Rees Opinion* Arouned pany to Clarence E. Fogg et ux, as long as they stick -to the auto on wreck. anchor of the left wing of the Pollnskl, 19 N. School strMt; Stan- officials are expected. get more money with master ser- Where my de^r- hunband lies. 25 cents. what a ghastly shock the world has federate army said that the way to velt from a luncheon for the Duke 6,600.000 1.000.000 The editorial, the first to appear Parker street; George W. Griffin a demonstration “ road” set up in 15 in a Kentucky mine explosiom win battles was to “ get there fustest deadweight tons deadweight ton< Moscow defense. ley Zwlrickl, 28 Cumberland Said to be the longest hingeless geants In the army andr mates and received from the blood bath.” and Duchess of Windsor; she had to ------A g j — in London concerning the Incident, to Gerald T. Sullivan, Horton (\Vlfe) M,ra. Roldtia Saltern. the American Royal Pavilion. 14 in an airline crash in Minne- with the mostest fnen.” Gen. Hugh Bovict Gen. Gregory K. Zhukov, street; Mra. Eugene Magnan, and arch bridge in the world, the span road; Manchester corporation to chief petty officers In the navy in- "Thus," he said, "it looks like be in Chicago. central front commander, was said predicted the sinking would arouse was begun May 16, 1940. First The idea is to show the public sota. A. Drum of the U. S. Army, criti-r Infant daughter, 46 Griawold Chartes Bexzlnl et al, Linifiore creased from $126 to $138 a T- the Germans invented the shadowy Indicted: The three largest U. S. to have rushed reinforcements to street. public opinion and hasten modifi- steel was placed In posltioo Feb. month. Petain hostage offer so that they can what happens to a driver after he 12 in a New Jersey fire. cizing the First Corps during war tobacco companies, one subsidiary, cation of the neutrality act. drive. takes a few drinks. Volunteers will help protect ‘Tula, anchor of the Admitted today: Naney and 17 this year. Warraatee ease off without losing face.” Next 5 in an Army bomber crash In maneuvers in South Carolina, com- company and 13 executives, on anti- left wing of Mbscow’s defense line, Two newspapers of Belfast, cap- Tftie first bridge at the sits of be given two ounces of whisky at Raymond Naah, 19 Avondale Road. By warraatae deeda the follow- In Counter-Campaign day it was announced Adolf Hitler California. mented that the corps lost its first trust charges. and from which good highways ' Dischaiged today: John Spauld- ital of warring northern Ireland, the rainbow span was erected lo intervals, then fry to pass a series 4 out of a flight of TO Army pur- make-believe battle because it "got expressed similar views. ing property conveyances have K A himself had ordered the executions Married: Movie actress Rosalind and railways lead to the capital. ing. 24 Munro atreet ’ - 1868 and was known as the "U p- bera recorded at the office of the Rome, Nqv. 1.—(Ah—Italian and D IN E O U T T O M O RR O W of complicated driving tests. suit pilots in California.’' there lastest with the leutest men.” The Moscow radio quoted S. A. The Belfast News Letter said per Suspension Bridge." It was of the second 100 postponed. Russell and Frederick Brissoh, ac- towm clerk; Charles Lacbat to German radio and telegraph op- . . . and of cour^, for the be6t Sunday dinners you’U com* to Tha Maj. - Gen. Charles F. Thomp- Lozovsky, Soviet vice-commlssar ‘Tt Is clear that Hitler has made only 10 feet wide, too narrow to tors’ agent; football star John Kim- Deer Beaeoa Opens Harold Topllffe property on Union erators began to substitute the 'Tea Room. Finest foods prepared with the utmost culinary art Rough On Germs son, commander of the First Corps, of foreign affairs, as aaylng yes- up his mlnj] the 'United States permit traffic tn both directions at words “ yincere” -and “ 'Vlktorta” Split in South Africa? brough and Barbara Golding; Ruby 6.600.000 6.046.000 shall be drawn into a shooting war place; WiUJam S. Hyde to Robert assure you of a Ijlinner you'll long remember. See you tomorrtrwf. passed the, criticism on to his of- deadweight torn terday that the German advance Albany, N. T., Nov. l.V-(M— once. Destroyed by a high wind In for the' signal “ ABC" usually . Even though the British Empire Many a disease germ has been Keeler, former wife of A1 Jolson, deadw eight tom in the full sense” to divert United J. and Lillian McAllister, Jackson ling ficers and said the reason was “ daisy in the Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslavets New York’s deer hunting season January, 1889, It was rebuilt and atreet. transmitted during clear time b^ b at war, people may speak up passed on the rim of a drinking and John Lowe. States production from Britain to reopen^ In May, 1889, ai\d re- Full Ckmrse ) Monday, November S picking." By this he meant that Died: Joseph B. (Smoky Joe) and Volokolamsk directions—all opens today and already one death tween messages. against the government without get- cup. Now Dr. Alexander Goetz ibloser to the capital than Tula— has been chalked, tip to . this an- Its own uses. mained in use until the Falla View The Italian “ Vlncere,** to . win, ROAST TURKEY DINNER...... • • • • • • • • a ' says he has developed a silver com- American College of Surgeona small groups of soldiers went off on Martin, 78, hero of the Jlew York The Northern Whig of Belfast ting alapped down. meets, Boston. had been stopped. “ On some sec- nual sporting event bridge was built In 1898. OeieoM tor Mld-Eost and the German "Viktoria,” vic- One of the most daring of recent pound which will make cups, useless little adventures of their fire department; Victor Schertzln- said: WHOLE BROILED LIVE LOBSTER. »•••••••• ^1*0^ * Tuesday, November 4 own. tors of the. Moscow front,” he said, William Lamb, 39, Ctaateaugay, tory, are the words represented by speaker-uppers was Gen. J. B. M. glasses, etc., germ-proof. ger, 52, composer of “Marquita” and “ the RetLArmy has switched to a died last night while being taken "American opinion will move to New Defease Course* London, Nov. 1—(JPy—More than the Axis “V ” counter-campaign Full Course Dinner. ' * , Eliection day in Kentucky, Mis- General Thompson's scold in g, said to be the first man to write its decision, slowly perhaps to us Hertzog, former premier of South A t a meeting of icientista at Cali, aiisippi" New'Jeraey, New York, counter-attack.” to a Malone hospital after being 100,000 tona cweols are on their against the British “V” for vic- Bealdea Our Usual Assortment of Roosts - Chops, Steaks however, didn’t apply to ‘‘MoriartyTi music for the movies. Fight on AB Fronts shot by a companion’s gun which on this aide of the Atlantic, but It New York (Sfi—How oro vital way to the mld£e east for distri- tory propaganda. Africa. As' head of the Afrikander fomia Institute of Technology he Pennsylvania and Virginia. will move when the decision Is Sea Foods. Marauders.” This gang of 22 men, The Bovigt Information Bureau’s discharged accidentally as they utilities and civil servlcea and bution to meet civil needs. It was party, he has urged that Britain exhibited a cup with a rim made of Wedneaday, November 5 taken. Direct and ruthless action commanded by soft-spokm 23-year- -ly morning communique said wj i Te en route to a deer hunting airline services to be protected in announced today. Aeeepta Amwlntinent 'make peace with the Axis, and now the compound and said: National Horse Show . opens. News. Quiz Answers" will follow.” “ No Wines — No Liquors — jlist Good Food!^ he says he's in favor of a Nazi type New York. old Lieut Veale Moriarty, sneaked 1. Raul Damonte Taborda of Argenttna. Imply: ‘‘During Oct. 31 pur troops lo ^ e in Bcllmont woods. - time of n-ar? Municipal employes It will be distributed by the ■ “ Supposa that a typhoid fever up on a ridge ahd obtained infor- S. 'To prevent a praUat by A n, cpnitrue ^LOW LY the V. S, Maritime commission, in charge of building shipa fought the enemy on all fronts.” ( * throughout the United fitates wiU .„' 0 l government for South Africa. ^ d a y , November 7 middle east supply center which Washington, Nov. \-\4jei— The carrier drank out of this. Within a mation that sent men of the First. tion untoni. Tlu low bidder uacd CIO laboi Cj I for the Allies, has been narrowing the gap between sinkings and liie German Arm y of Field Mar- To date motor vehicle owners R o osevelt See n H avin g leom the onawera In kpeeial Mitrea on area of 2,500,000 square W ar Deportpient-onnotmeed today were 'signs hb stknd might minute the silver wou|d have killed - Soviet Ruaaia’a 24th birthday. '•buUt houacs. Defense ex p o ^ tio n , Kansas Corps smash^g through the lines, ki To]o. construction. Now it estimates that the gap w ill be closed entirely during shal Gen. Walter Von Rlchenau, have paid to the 4S states an counea being ptepoied by tbla {.dies comprising Egypt, Turkey, that Stephen J. Fitspatrieg, of 6t the germs and it' could be used of the "enemy” 44th Division at one i; the money la to be ipent In nine 1942, dnd (hat buildtnp tcill exCeed sinkings by 25,000 deadweight tone which 'hM had little rest since the amount equal to 11 per cent at U pset Po lit ic a l Sto m ach city’s Civil Bervlco Oomoilniaii PolesUne, Transjordan, Sudo-i. Sherman street, Fairfield, Conn., THE \t EA room I a«Mn«4.-ai* ftafrm safely by another custocoer*” ’ ^ini ‘ the last three months of the year,' \ battle for Kiev began In mid-Sep- the total valuations im all real eib- Berlin, Nov. 1.— Authorized at the request *of Mayor LoGuar- Syria, Malta, Cypnia,. Aden, Bri't- hod accepted appointment to the | teahnr.'yraa reported here to be tate, both Urban and rural, in all • ------Bd. Ethiopia and Brit- officers’ reaervet cor^ , os a first ■ ool- territories. ~ " iteutchont, chemtoU-reserve. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SAILTRUAT. NOVEMBER 1, 1941 PAOi nm Eit PAGE SIX MAMjHESl EK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN SATCRDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1D41

and Pomfret. Approximately 6% said Dr. Bassett, “that we*re In- said, she would have sharpened would have run cold, and they Destroyers are supposed to be the Double, Double Toil and Trouble miles of bituminous macadam Air Sickness clined to regard this lozenge as a Legend Behind arrow*; tightened bow strings and H U m r l f r r t r r would have hung their beads in Ideal weapon for attack upon sub- Union Decides pavement and steel girder bridge; wpecifle corrective for the allevia- filled quiver*. Today In atrivlng to Meat Was ChcQp in 1909 shame that this America could marines, the efficient antidote to also, sight line cut at Intersection tion of rases of air sickness thst do hetome an armament worker, she ashington Daybook of Routes No. 93 and No. 101 on not develop from Home organic aaid she was doing only what her ever pf^duce such a strange and the rattlesnake. It li not pleasant To Oust Head (zure Found Girl’s Efforts E w n i t t g 9 f r a l 5 the Phoenlxvllle-Pomfret road. cause- that is. the large majority great-grandfrither. Chief Gray Old Copy of Hefpld Shows soulleaa creature, and they would to think that In the three en- By Jack Stlnnrtt PUBU8HED BT THB Slight delays. Traffic Is urged to ot air flickncsii cases for which Eagle, would expert her to (Jo ill hbbald pr in t in g CO^ INC have agreed once and for all that, counters disclosed to date. It is avoid this section, If pos.stble Best there is no apparent cause.** such times IS BlM«n 8tr««t the submarine which has won the hlngton, Nov. 1 Behind, tankers hut suggested helpfiillv Officialfi of lA'FSE Hold route U posted. ‘Skv• Lozeii«e’ ^ . (»ivos He said the lozenges. In medi- Mohawk Chier« Decend- Do you ever yearn for the d&y* Mtnch«tt«r. Conn. even when they have time avail- Its sd hurrsliedsYor ths Fourth ot zjor efforts of national de- that tank bars might be loadeil on Route No. 58 Fairfield. 3 miles cally-controlled caees atudied - ao when flhoulder steak sold at two July and also hurrshed thaiuMWM THOMAS PEROU80N able, the broadcasUhg companies practical victory over the Greer, railroad barges on the inland Secret Meeting on Fat«* Gratifying RrHiiltK in ant Apprentice Ma- Ocntral Manarcr whlch got most of the pub- of bituminous maesdam on Black far, produce “a feeling of Well be- pfiund.s for a quarter and fancy for their sales U at.\ Founded Octobtr 1. lltl should keep it for discussions the Kearny and now the Reuben watei-ways to relievo the possible Rock turnpike. ing. an evaporation of apprehen- 27 Lives Ixist is a minor one which al- Of Browne. Allrviatiiig Nausea. chine Operator. pot roaiiu wen(t at T2 to 14 cents Potatoea weren't chMp—th* sd James. petroleum sliortage in the past, lie Route No. 63 .MliUllebtirv and a.ion and anxiety, and they do it PubMfhtd Every CTenlng Except which are within the framework a pound ? Then you should be In- lists them at 38 cent* Vpeoh, th* moA Invariably cau.ses a roar of oveilo'tked the fact that some of Watertown 2'*.. miles of bittinii- wlmply by overcoming the partial III Mine Blast tepe.stetl an old copy Sundave and HoUdaya. Entered at of American morality and Amer- Clearly enough, and irrevocably New York, Nov. 1. - t/I*) The Bo.Hton, N’htaln»‘d In allc*vl- pM* ♦’.s ' an rea.hiy he noted, but bu-sincss In furhed oak. early Eng- joiin the "snorters." let me presi*nt (rc! lilting, aecoi'ding to some union's west coast representative, Tones I’p Brain whose name means Silver Fawn, The hoflioR of 21 miners u**re ru- ly entitled to the uae or republloa- The sweetness that Is In home are being tried in FetlernI i onrl Fnxon road. atlr.K r4rt,«ln tvfios of nir «lrknosfi hop* to aid In the defense effort : not all of the -ITems are too j'reat- li.-'h. mahogany and. golden osk tlon of all newa dispaichee credltert tne case for concrete ships. .Since Piunions now from faulty design- s cr,vered lft«t nik'ht and mine ofh- Is builded of many things, the se- Route No 142 Ea.s't Haven and by Rlvinjr paM«onR* rH h rorrntly- Bassett said the medicine tended Iv ren.ovpd from tha^e of today. v.hlle Ihir clothier George W. to It or not otherwlee credited in npbody coriteiid.s that concrete ing. ha.'ity constriictinn and an at- here on charges of extorting $.">.''ih - by taking her place In an arma- ei.’ilM ;iti:ir flor.i’d hop<’ ?h;i» six Connecticut Branford Bridge over East Haven fli’Vu|np4’fl rontnlnm)? a to ' tone up the brnin nnd the re- now 10 uent.T and above f-mith -hMide a big thing out of hi* thla paper and also the local newa curity that is held there against •ships over will rcp laie steel oni-s. t* mpl to build them too large I 000 from the film industry through ment factory as a skilled worker oM.u.riirui*-'{/Ihud S'lr-' publlehed herein. river and wulening cuts. Tempo- mofllrlm* and Ilavfirrd hkf mint Itexes'' of the fin«.scngers. even th' n v.:ts'considered reason- new .stock of light weight under- (|r that a fleet of com re to frciglit- still is in use as a nioond fish re- threat of crippling strikes. The She IS now making nacts for llo ■ .vud tt;e «’xplos,ori in Ui<- ♦•■■. ' t h All rlahte of republlcetlon of the buffeting of the outside world, rary bridge provided. londy. And. I)r I) !i Dill, of the Mar* able at 30 c*’ntj* and up. .Meat. wear. dpeclai diepatchea herein are eleo (jrs would ever be more than siip- duction plant at Point San I’ablo, trial is In reresn until .Monday. vnr^ fntiRU4‘ iMlKiralory. in discuss- Naval base at I'ortsfnouth. N. H U’tt I' vel. Uuee-qii.li tnrH of a mile the freedom that ranges from old Yankee "In his (Browne’sI place. It v^ns Route ,No. 1.56 Enst Lyme The lozenj/ex they're about tJ»o ho’A*’V»*r wa.** way d*-»wn w'lth veal Parson's Theater In Hartford reeeryed lemental in an emergency, there's near Rjcbmoml. Calif. Drainage improvement In Nlanlic uig HnfVM'tt’M report, offered a corol- Work to .\l«l Vlrtory I f ! t h e **nt r n n < e lie-about clothes to the unloosen- learned.” The Dally Mirror .said, ?*tze of a niekel rontairi aniphetn- ' at 2'i cent.-. of.lamh at was showing "Tlie CrLsls" with the By A. H. O. o need to go Into any great de- Contrary to general conception lary The Tndiun maid, -whose Eng- ' Pull aervlee client of N. E. "The lAT.SE eho.se Thomas Miir- Village. mine I benzedrine I Hulfate an 1- nnd s;rl'iin at 22 ce-nt.M Hunter Bradford playcM and-that Service Inc. ing of thoughts, the companion- ate on It. concrete bulls are only a few .No route numbers - Berlin. New li.sh name is Carol Thompson, sai*l j thn, president of the NV-a ' York f-lher (itixilmry f herniral.^. Dill said that s relatively .Mmall 47 Seen Toll In F ire U.mmiorkH \ t $1 ; wa.s to be followed the next week In the first place, the 100 ships inches thii'k and Inside the con- Britaln-.Middletown r<*ad. Houte that among the stones and tribal j Publltbera Hepreaentativee. The ship and Joy of family ties, the Governor Robert A. Hurley State Association of nieatrieal in the f’Xpenrn'’ntal uhf tti.it L.t*. iloMc of the same chemical was For M.e h'l ;.*ie\vlvfM rMnr.in;^ to hv "Nurse .Marjorie," now proposed are oil tankers or crete are thiek wegs and lacings .No 72 open to traffic. , legends hnri'led down to her l*v ! JuUua Maihewa Special Agency- knowledge Hint all within four carefully put his foot right into Stagehands. Employes and Motion t)een made of the lozenge to »latr ;.:iv»*n a group nf Harvanl studentH Hu'M* !.shfld Volk hiio K- * r u '-n'M ir.O) FernaD J. Ward had srsla water aiid New York. Chicago. Detroit and barge.M e ^ h o u t m otors. R u t ttu ’y of stei l "wire" The thing Is that Bethany. 14,.538 feet of rolle«‘tt. HtewaifIeH.*-o.s pa.sM iM’forc (tu’V t tf.k an examination. Nov. I 7’ Three more b-j*' •. I^r^ V’/'-r J of!* r<- 1 i”'jrence- a uto- ! m.ixie on i-'e nn*l O'lxrary'a ICO Boston. walls are re.spon.sihle and con- the 1912 election at the reunion are .ship.s,‘'^rk'verttu'les.s, ,\. fl' iiliiig this I einforeement m.iy In* made liank run graVe'l on Lit< hfielil turn- ’.vt.en ttie lirav* s went (m the war freighter of 6.000 to S.ooo tons, cently an internatlo'n.'il rejiresenta- out tn pas-'ieiiL’cTH v.ho e.x- "Tliey reported ■ .smiled Dill . r u r«’- , , . r n - t] t • -d i y f r< it m '*! .• ’! «,ii ,q* )v*’M ,'vn^l in t h e i r ad th e ' rr*-am. ' he make* it hlm.seir’ was tributing members of what exists of legislators in Hartford the oth- I from scrap a big saving in .steel- pike and Beacon Falls road I*ath. the sq'niv.s a' i| young folk , MEMBER audit bur ea u OP tlve on the west coast. " hihit iiervou.*ine*H b«’foio n "that ld« as ratiu* fa.Mter to them ruir.> t.f ;i Il’.T-.story »k>tliir:i' f.i' - rnr r h-'in*.'? al.^ hs’ed ice cre.im advertl.sed to he the very best and circulations. er day, thrrtby giving that ocen- between 300 ami 100 feet long, plat*' ami fiO per cent or more of Bloomfu ld. \ miles of wnter- of the trlt.e brought u[> al the ^ there. j The article said "jmhllc an- or pive them to otherH who Hhf»w than th»*v couUl write them down” tory de,‘”lro.vcd by tiie ye.sl'-rd'V f’'»' zer.*!, hunimoek.s nt one dollar guaranteed for puijlty. Sion a political headline which ' with a 40-oild toot beam is mi the labor requited may he un- bouiiil m acadam on Bine Hills ave- The Herald Printing Company. These arc all things of the spir* nouncement of the ouater hy ttie of diHtresfl once the plane Ik nai. ■lomg ev*iylliing l<'>s.ible I**' ind pol. e r:iiH*‘d Ihf ir » -t.r: :iTe t-t • in I oji t^e kind thn’ \*ou could ' About half of th^r advertisers in raised the . special gala session to rowboat, even if If doe; have to skilh *1 ar.rl dravTi from a market nue and I’acknrd atreet In*ie( t.M a v e ra g e ab o u t •Ight ;i.d in a vi- t'*rv . ' Inc., aasumea no financial reanonei- have a tug or so alongside to get lATSE" would be withheld until under wfiy. the dead to 47 mostly girl work- *r» *< h.'T' tween two treeq the the early paper still ars la basinesi blllty for typographical crrori ap- it. They are not builded of all the .full ilignity of a regular that nearly always is nverlhiwlng. Const ruction—Traffic Maintained gem ration.s annually. III l i n u s gon* by, T e w b a w n n ie it places. the Jury trying Browne and Hioff ** I’ h e r e . Hul t . s a r e mo enctjurapinp,” I er.M. j .Mnn'^esU’r iTovi.nion company 'in today. pearing In advert isemenia In the hru k and lumber and stone. What session. t'oncrele luills are slightly henv- .No route num bi'rs: Mancheater Evening Herald. n r limn stis l om .s, hut lighter hnd returned Its decision was paid for the lat, what bank This Is the only <^caslon In Ciivetilry. Approximately 3-4 I An official iif one shipbuilding than wiMslen hulls. miles of traffic bound gravel sur- Saturday, November 1 history on which (onncctlcut account the expanse of the, build- firm (the Newport Coiiriere .Shi'i- That, in p.'irt, is the rase for face on Repley Hill road. I — legislators ever get together ing reflect.s, what kind of neigh- without parcelling out Jobs to building Co ) who built concrete wh:*l Some ‘ Itepties have derl.slve- Condition of Eastford Approximately 4 1-2 A Shame I'pon America borhood one has hern able to af- thent-sclvcs: the tiovernor knew 1 ships In the WorM W.ir clainus ly ilescrib*:*! ns th*- "floating tmth- miles of rolled bank gravel lur- tuhs " It wins g(Mnl entmgh to the note that was missing, and ' the.se har'ge.s will cost only ahoi.it faee on three .sections of town Charles A. blndljcrgh, at the ford. docs not mutter. Many a i.'ni-e (•hnirifiaii Rear Admiral supplied It. ^ I half what ste. l on, s wied i. H*- State Roads r*dills han*l.*«>rue facade reflects no home Fmoiv S. Laud ami the other outset of his Madison Square Gar- Standing at the Speaker’s dc.sk also told me he had [nit ii.to In; Ellingl'iii Approximately 3-4 Miefuts rs of the .Mai'itime eomruLs- den speech, promi.sed to lay his at all; the greatest of physical in the Hou.«e, he sard he hope*l ‘To hid an agreement to d* liver the (‘onstnietlon In force in the state miles of rolled bank gravel sur- first ronerefer in days from ' ion t*> ordi r a h*.mire'!' of them I f.i* *• on ffiper Butcher and Pin- comfort is no guarantee of friend- he able to .stand here in the n t ' 120 of f'onnecticiit. announeed hy the motives openly before the Ameri- date of eniitracl and a .ship a v.eek ah ! ilorit il'ink the rear ad- Connertleut Highway Department, : n a c l e r o a d s , ton distant future and bid the 1913 can people. His actual motives ly peace; the building itself la thereafter from a shipyar.l with mitnl gi.>t bis title by neit know- j Franklin IVi-k Hollow road legislature f.'irewcll." ' October 29. 19tl. for t'he week enii- merely the shell. Those are not only eight ways for as long as ing boats Ing November S. 194 1 This repoit Gr**‘im u'h Approaches to gnso- are as dark and deeply sinister as 'That i.s a stat(Mnerit ojuui to I the government wanted to lake I lirii* station on .Merritt Parkway. ever, and beyond analysis by the the things to know about a home. much analy.Mi.s. On exaiiunatinn, does not Include the Wiltmr Cross them. J’arkway which is being lonsim et- ' Gri'eriwii ti 3-1 mile of reinforc- The things to kn*>w about a the remarkable, unusual and en- ■ ordinary American. But his rec- If he could live up''to that, and ed on new loeatlon ' ed concrete pavement on North couraging thing about the state- ^ ommendations for the policy of home are these; only half of the 60-odd firms h I-o Closed for f'onstrurllon—Ih-toyr street ment is that, although he knows the world he finally made clear, Is there someone there who, bidding, on the proposed 100 tank- Qiiolalions I’rovided . H.irtland 2 miles of bituminous the Legislature must be datcfl j ers could match it. U-mk nhiit Route No 4 Fnrmingtof^ ' macadam surface on Granville beyond all doubt; 'they are the with a smile, makes lookies when M‘13. he is in a hurry to bill it woiihl have hapfiene 1 to our po- Drainage installation In the bor- road from the end of [iresent im- mpst callous and Inhiiman recom- young appetites how l ? farewell. The year 1913 i.s lixed, tential oil sbortage if .sia h a .ship- '\proved sirtion to the .Ma-ssachu- A n-hust. viRornux, hralthy ough of fnlonvllle fiitour is pro- IVies the wage earner, when he but the date for ailjournment of I building program had been start- j s e l l s s t a t e l i n e mendationa ever issued outside I'lin-tian ropiibhr r»*fjulr<‘«) that a vided via Route No 167 iin cf>-oprrat^ po- Improved road tan. theoretically, be hastened. motorship t.anki rs t iineu over to ; r o a \ l s litlcnllw r.ut it al.-so r<*(]iiir4A c o n - Route .No 8 Waleihury an*l As early aa 1936, Lindbergh oiitsKlo world with him, and find Tjiat date the Governor wants Great Britain. I Marlborough Approximately stant pro-! line’ and rritlrigm and Nnugatiiek (V>h.stnirting 1 ', mile , said, ‘'It was clear to me that Ger- .some of the home world saved for for the **not loo distant future,’' Aa for concrete ships, th.-v are of concrete pavement smitlierlv j 2-3 mill' of rolled bank gravel snr- In n'hcr word.s. he i.s already s<‘ok- rral nfjjit.-itifin* hy n minority ' face on Isleih street many had. or would s 'kju have, by him - • * i i E A i n i A M ) m i l nothing new. Ttiere w...,-. Hliniit prit ty. from the er*l of tin* [>re.,ent pave- iiig an early avemor Hurley expect.'’ to he a New York^ Nov. 1 Th* re Is. . But you’v-e got to be on! time. hiiilt for the .\rniy ja'. v< d so-ne. und**r priority ro n tro ls for a n o th er town roads tn Intersertmn of Route pand her territory. Probably even ing shoulder for the oM? Orange. 11.632 feet of rolled ('anclidate to succeed hiin.stli, and alas, nothing ' very clinical about For. after while, the man Ir^ front thing else again Imlf-j'fMeration. Tlic way to avoid No 8 ami Piedmont street in Wa- \ddress ronimiinieutlons to The gr.iM-l siirfai I' pn Derby-Milford more significant than the size of Is there .softness and w arm th t'» t>e reelfH ted. This got the Rrnadway, but along about 4 of Lindy's put.s aw ay hlSi mop.ii. For instance, the trpii little it it? tn all-out now and finixh trrhiiry lleralil, \ttrntii>n Metoy ; road. Garden street. Orange C?en- her army and air force was the of human hearts” Is there klnd- headline.s a.s if it w«-ie news, and • •'(lock m the mornin.' it doe.s be- the trucks drive off. the mjlk bar it fpiu'klv. ^ Route No ,1.9 I’nion. Willlng- Health Service river steamer, Gen. D II Kiiek*r, ; t* r road, Ctieslmit Hill road. Ridge far be it finm u.s to cpiostion what Iorne fo!- an hour or so at lea.st- - becomes grey with dUy and ,Whitey completed in 1919, plied'the Ro- —-l>onal(l M. Nelson, cxtM iiffvr dl- ton and Ashfor'l Approximately 9 fact that the pisiple of Germany ne.ss flowing” Is there loyalty? r ______rf‘4 tnr, s r .\B , road and Indian Hill road. else he might he ex[ieeie«i to he a .street that is filled with Men in varu.she.'j. T hen Brnarlwayi lonk.s U.man for nearly 20 yeiir.a be- mlle.s of relnforred conrrete pave- were ready for war, while the When things like these are pres- planning f(»r hinhsell. WnuM he III, “Skinny, ^^nnf to (ialn ?” W hile. just like If does the way you re- • * • ment on relocation of Route No Ridgefield 3-4 mile of rolled tween Fort Hamilton ami the gravel on new road people of >'rani e and Kngland ent, opening the door of a home he .■•lepplug a.side so Cross ctudd They aren’t embryo medico.s or member it the la.st time were Wr have n drprrs.Mnp number of l. 6, beginning al .Massnehusetts Navy Yard and It firohahly wool i ' Rocky Hill Hill and Wethers- In examining thou.sands of thin polii e doctors. 'Phe man m front h*Te. c*oilo;.;o apfl univn uty nlumni who Slate Line were not IS like entering a wiiiiii hulh of run, again, an«l Ihu.s In. k up that be in servici yet if it hadn't field :'.-1 mile of hitununous m a- of Lindy’s i.s in white, and he has ------at> little'more than skillful lech- Route .No. (>;j t.itchfieM snd This (ondilion of affairs Lind- love and affection. Take them aulohiugrufiiiy lor aiudher year or petiple uniler the ’ fluoroscope. 1 I might lire and hiirneil I not th*’ cadam .surface on ctiartet road. a hpse. a bucket, and a mop For That 110-ronm estate bn lying nician.s Morris. Straits turnpike !> miles of two'* ' What govern T doesn't be- hnd that freipiently there is a eonerete, of .course, I'le wood- Roxbury 1 .Mile of rollS^i bank bergh accepted with apparent ap- away, and you have merely brick bituminous marndam from the Vil- lieve in his own renomlnatinn and nearly half an hour he hose.s the Island knoum ns 'Tdle Ho^r” Ls to en siiporstnictiire I — rresldenl Al«'\iiiider (J. Kuth- ' gra’.-el on the .VJinors Bridgk road. proval. He Issues no word of and lumber and atone. The car- reolectlon? W hat is' remarkable markeil prolapsus nr sagging of | alk. .scrubbing it to the curb, go under the auctioneer's. hamrher \en. I Di^^rs(ty of .Mlrhlfpm. lage of Litchfield soiitherlv De- tho Homarh an.l trnnavorsc colon | ^ ^ An Interesting item In Cfinner- I Maleni. .Nine sections of lmt*p aid criticism of Nazi Germany's aim penter builds the cold framework; about the Hurley statement? eek This i.s of interest be- tlon with tho General Rucker i.s • • • tour Is provided from Utchfleld vin I roads. \ with a result that foods are de i unthinking actor.s who swarm in rau.«e the $3,500,000 manor, built old South atree.t to Rniilam bridge human hearts alone can hiiild the The uiisuei* In. of course, ab- that in 1937, after it bad been m U’omen n^'udn't have any fear .Shiiron. 1 1-2 miles of l(«^sc to "use her military forces to layod in emptying from the .stom there and out of there between m 1904 by W. K. Vandc^ilt. sulfk Traffic Is maintained thrniightiut solutely nothing, tink^N It Is the ! nch and the food residue is slowed service 18 ycar.s. the army of- (hat airplane mechanira la a dirty grmad surface on the Lucas, Fair- Increase her influence and expand home. The carpenter, after a time, midnight and daytire.-ik would scqiiehtly berame the hoihe of the the remainder of the projec t fa<'tor of timing. down in It.s passage thnnigh the ficially reported ttn* tid il cost of Joh A manicure last.s ju.st about child' and .Middle roads. '* her territory." He compliments takes his tools anil departs. But trac k the pi trp up. Their fonl- rlcarl gangster Dutch Schultz and repair and mainten.mee of its hull No route numbers ('olebrook The next state cani|uilgn is a j colon. a.s lonk' while tinkenn^r with a 1 Simsbury. 4-5 mile of bitiimin-' |printa w.>uf^ make Lih'ly's look also of the "Immortal" Bahy Jean. had been $.36. Replacing two bridges washed out the people of Germany upon being putting warmth into what he ha.s >(Mir uuay. If tiovernor Hurley I One of the most beneficial meaa- plane R.g iloinjf anything else. 1OU8 macadam surface on West like Graumaiv's Chinese theater in Baby Jean wa.s supposed to live When eme romnientalor recent- —Mr^. F)ale Stanley, llceiiged air- by the hurricane of 1939 Trafflr ready for war. built Is a never-ending task, was asking for anything. It was iire.s which such patient.s may em Simsbury road. that the state licgin early its L. A., where everybody lcave.*i forever because she was to be in- ly deplored the talk of cor.' rote plane mechanic. m. ust continue using other town.stonmglon Qiiakataug road — With this the situation, Lind- whose fruitfulness never diminish- piny i.s n .sperial type of cxerci.«e ifootpnnt.s in concrete sulated against sin by the Royal roads. > . uppralsiil of his cAse for rcelee- Lle.signed to rai.se the abdominal town Sid bergh's recommendation to Eng- es. When, in that task, all play tlon. Fraternity of .Master Metaphysi- East Hartford .9ectlnn No 1. ] Tolland. 3-1 mile of traffic organ.s and strengthen the abdom- Then there's Sr'hnifft's at Broad- rl.'in.s. who renamed fhe place contrarts No 1 ,snd .No 2 of the land and France was that they their part, then the light in the .And that, If anything, merely' inal nuiscle.s. bound gravel surface on Johr Wel- way and 43rd. About four a. m "Peace H'aven ' However, thl.s Hartford by-pass shous thi^t he has Imvd taking It i.s also a g*ibd plan for them gold road. "build their military forces with window la no artifici.nl matter of the big. trucks drive up, and out ambitious experiment ' collapsed East Hartford Brewer street lesHOim from The (treat Jasiier. to undergo, an internal cleansing Trumbull Bridge nnd 1.797 feet the utmost rapidity,-but that they kilowatts, hut a beacon of human pile more men in white. They are when the child's mother, a wait- About 2-10 mile of drainageditch. of rolled bank run gravel ap- ulio IregliiN his campaigns 20 so that assimilation and tis-sue '.met by a .similar crew who come ress, demanded It be returned Hamden nnd North Haven. 17.- proaches on .VlerriU Parkway and permit Germany to expand east- happine.ss. Let the light of y m r years ahead of the election he I building can be increu.sed In addt^ running out of; Schraftj'a, and for It was during the prohibition S u t e k ! 063 feet of grailing ami driiinage Frencblown road. ward into Rii.ssia without declar- home so shine upon the world. ptiins to win, and who Is, In I turn, the liver, gall-bladder aiid the next hour or so they lower era that .Schultz moved in and on Wilbur Cross Parkway. Union Approximately 1-2 mile turn, already campaigning for i colon should be emptied of impuri- ing war.” hundreds of bottles of^^lik, hun- Hamden and North Haven. of rolled gravel surface on the the 1942 state election. | to encourage- better function- augmented the place with a fleet Let these, Lindbergh's own dred.s of dozens of eggs, hundreds of high-powered speed boats. Hi.s Bridge over .Mill river and ap- Bigelow Hollow road Mayor Jasper M(T-o\ v ls the | |ng. of baskets of fresh produce into proarhes on Wilbur fYos.s Park- words, forever disprove any con- The Reuben James policy rackets and rilm running Voluntown. Fifur sections of stale's outstandingX exponent of *phis rlean.sing effect is best ob- the basement or cellars via chutes way, town aid roads' Ihe theory that eledtiuns are w^>n taimni by the u.se of a fruit fast arc known to have earned him a tention that he, Lindbergh, is The sinking of the Reuben ihroiigh the sidewalk. They'ri? get- fortune, though none of it has Meriden. 12,9.60 feet of grading Wasliingtoi. Throe miles of roH- well in ailvance of the time mosi for a few ullding mineral Acra«s the street is a big fryiit Hoboken. Schultz died mumbling Meriden and Wallingford. 16,420 Washington 3-1 mile of traffic say against aggression, Thosy who ping In the waters of this hemi- go through the fervent motionM ‘ salt.s and the cell-hiiiMing protein.s; juice stand. I tliink they sell strange things .about "chimney feet of grading nnd drainage on bound gravel on Baldwin Hill down the slrelch in the two w»relts | If em>ugh vegetables are taken, cry that "aggression niii.sl he spheri*. waters which this nation '(range Juice and pineaiipJ^r-TuiceV, sweeps' and "('anadlan bean Wilbur Cross Parkway. road. briore oh‘cti >n. but the rea.son he the patietit will .-secure a normal stopped: " he says with line srorri. has di rlared must he freed of plus samlwiche.s. The four w.alters soup. " Caretakers about the place Milford and Orange. 14,880 feet Wc.sTon. 1 1-2 miles of traffic I enjoys that so much *i.s bet au.se he , elimination in most in.stances hack of the bar arc In white. Not believe some of the money may of concrete pavement on Wilbur bound gravel on Langer I>nne. Old are "ideali.sts ' The proper, wi.se i Nazi aggres.sion. la another suc- generally kimws that the re.sult, which is so very important if good far away is a milk bar, ami every He buried In the estate's walls. Cro.as Parkw ay. Easton turnpike and White Birch thlng to do with aggression is to | > e.s.s for Hitler in his undeclared health i.s to be retained. While has been tucked securely away thing there Is white. They even In any rase. "Idle Hour" will no Milford and Orange. 22.043 feet road. month.s before. ptarchc.s .tnd .such fats and olLs aa see that it goes against someone Uvar tipon the United States. have a white tom c.st who prowls \ longer be idle, and the serenity of of special wire rope railing on Wil- Wethersfield. Bridge ,ov'er Jor- The Great Ja.sper was doing his butter and olive oil or other salad else. Any. nation which feels it- It Is, therefore, one more direct .sbout the place. Hying off cream ' IVace Haven will shortly be ahat- bur Cro.s8 Parkway. don Lane and Wolcott Hill road. .campaigning for this mayoralty oils are beneficial In right and chicken. Douhtle.ss he is par- | tered by the banging of the auc- Stamford. Bridge and ap- , Wethersfield and Hartford. A •elf under threat of attack shotild confirmation of the exUstence of election when the last Legi.slaturc amounts, these should not he used tlal to white meat. His name is | tioneer's hammer. Maybe you'd proaches over Mill river on Inter- section of the Silas Deane high- in excess. Immediately persuade the would- that war. ’ was In se.s.sion and some of hi.*i Whltey. You can see the.se things i like to look in on the proceedings, laken road. way and grade separations at Silas It is e.apeclally important that be aggressor to rhoo.se another It Is war, by every te.st except Speeches un the mayoralty fight if you hit the W hite W ay Just at You'll find It at Oakdale, L. I., Wethersfield. 1 2-5 miles of Deane highway, Hartford avenue have sounded a.s If he were al- the person who is underweight and New York, New Haven and target. Thus Nazi Germany the old test of formal declaration, the right time. loverlooking (Jlreat-South Baj'. grading nnd drainage on Section rea'ly campaigning for 1942,, take regular exercise which will LET'S No. 3, contract No. 1 of the Hart- Hartford railroad. 'should have been "permitted to which Hitler does not pretend to whiih he is. Even before ,tlie| improve the appearance of the ford by-pass. Wilton. 1-2 mile of rolled gravel body simply hecau.ac It ' brings surface on Weston road. throw her armies eastward use. It Is war. even though we mayoralty campaign opened, he word Is derived. Can you tell me? Wethersfield and Hartford. 2'i PLAN PIPE LINE SECURITY about a better ro\mdcd physical Wlnd.sor locks. Approximately against Russia in 1939 Instead of have not broken off diplomatic re- moved Martin'Rlunkett, secretary , Answer: There Is reason^to be- Hushniid Still miles of grading and drainage and of the Stale Socmlist party, down , ^ ** plan to w o r d sfxla has come two box culverts on a section of 1-2 mile of bituminous macadam mi." lations with Nazi Germany. . spend part of the t?xercisc period pavement on Webb atreet. from hia.habltuul otTice m Wa l - , ‘-. xerclsc period down from the Arabic, "suda." the Hartford by-pa.ss. in walklnp and if one walks brisk- This, too. is what Nazi (.Germany Hitler knowB It Is war. That bs lingford to new i>ermanent quar-. I meaning' siilitting headache. The Seeks Chance .f'onstruetion—^Truffle Maintained ters in Bridgeport, so th“aT ,1k * i ‘V «nJ''reathe.s deeply this will be Routles Nos. U. S. 1 and U. S. 1A would have liked to have happen. W'hat he Intends It to be. Eyery medieval I-atin term for .soda was Pninphlcts to Stir 1942KWO state cam paign will be'l'‘’|Pp' In. increasing the appetite "sodanum, " meaning headache —East Haven and Branford. En- Every Indication Ls that the con- ordinary American knows It is for wholesome food.**. Furthermore, streamlined organizationally well remedy. Camden, N. J .—iJFi—"Just one larged Intefsection—8 feet rein- into your home with GAS HEAT quest of Russia would have been war, a war which Hitler has in advance exercise will have a beneficial ef- more chance," cried Wilbur Kels- forced concrete pavement. Hatred Are Found fect in bringing metabolism closer much easier in 1939 than it is to- Brought to us because, in the And the theory that people (Overcoming Perspiry Feet) Hng as he sought to wrest free of Route No. U. S. 1 A—East Ha- to normal. criminal court officers to reach his ven. 3,589 feet '6f concrete pave- day; with Ru.s.sia an easy prelimi- world he seeks to conquer, we make up their minds long before The walking should be supple- Que.stion; "A Messenger Boy" Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 1.—(JP) the campaign itself geU wlfe'.s side' after • being aentenced ment oh a section of the New Ha- nary conquest. Hitler would be have dared behave like a free and mented with special exercises tak- write.*i: "I am troubled with feet —Tlie Bangkok radio declared to- Somctlme.s unintelligible is a to from one year to 18 monUia for ven*-Saybrook road. really the undispu.led master to- en with the feet higher than the that perspire a great deal. Al- day that pamphlets "inciting peo- | independent nation. Insteail of be- sound one, which it Is particularly though the feet are washed fre- asaault with Intent to. kill her. Route No. U. S. 1 A—East Ha- The plpe-line security of MODERN GAS SERMCE Remember, too, that ALTOMATIC GAS APPLIANCES <*y- • Much of Lindbergh's Ire head which will encourage the ab- "■You brought this on yourself," ven. Widening of Sanford place In- pie to entertain hatred toward coming bis vassal, as some of his advantageous for a candidate al- organa to fall into their quently, this doesn’t help much. thla or that nation" ^ a d been against England and France What should I do for this condi- •replied Thelma Keisllng. "I can't tersection with Route U. 8. lA. friends on this side of the Atlantic ready In office to put into prac- ' rightful poSltlons through the ef- do anything about it." Route No. 2—Bosrah. Yaptlc found on the streets 6^ the city assurer you a fuel supply that flows smoothly, plenti- use ho complicated machinery, ho easy-to-get-out-of* seema baaed on' the fact that they arj* still urging us to.' tlce. The Great Jasper wagea a | gravit,v. at the same timF tion?” river bridge and approaches. and asked the public to co-operate continuous campaign, never for- j the muscics arc made strong- Answer; . Many patients are The 31-year-old architect desert- did not fall Into this Nazi strate- 'The choice before the American ed her and two children, she said, Routes Nos. 2 and 15—East with police In.^ apprehending those fully on it.<4 way, imlepenrlent of transportation jams, order controls that require repairs and service. saking the role and mien of the pr ■ ’ troubled greatly with sweating Hartford. Main street. Bridge on responsible. *y- "^teople is elem ental. Shall w e turn candidate. feet having a dl.sagrpeable odor. In ■only to return when he became ill Before dinner In the evening It 1s and "I took him lack.” She got the Hartford by-pass. The handbills obviously were gales or weather. What his recommendation was and run? Or shall we continue So when Oovemor Hurley, la advisable that a short rest be tak- such cases the best thing to do Is Route No. U. S. 5—Berlin, Now- distributed "Fifth-fToIumnlsts" October, 1041, makes a state- to uae Epsom salt baths twice him freed Tor^^ttCmpted suicide, a iby to England and France is -now his with what we consider our own en and if the patient has Just com- suspended sentence for desertion IngJjyi and Wethersfield. 6 miles of anxious to Involve Thailand In meift which compels the people pleted the exercises, the rest peri- each day. drying the feet and sift- recommendation to us. We ahould proper buslne.sa and our own prop- ing talcum powder between the and then he became enraged be- rolled gravel surface on Berlin war, the radio declared. of ( oiine<-llcut to begin apprais- od ahould be preceded by a sliower. turnpike. (In Tokyo, the newspaper Nlchl For cookhig, refrigeration, water heating or house give Hitler a free hand, and let er defense? Shall we hoist the toes and over the feet. You ahould caiLse of~food he didn’t like, threw THESE ARE IMPORTANT FACTS for home ing, him aa a candidate in .N'o- Always rest after exercising for a plate at her, seized her throat Meriden. 1,255 feet of reinforced Nlchi declared editorially there him follow out his plan. Why? white flag to Hitler now? Or shall vember, 1042, he Is not ahead of any length of time. While rest wear the newest shoes you have concrete pavement at the Intersec- and contijiue with this cleansing of and threatened to take h*r life, was a striking similarity between heating, your fuel comes to you as needed. It AUTO- owners to consider— not just during emergency Because be planned thla war and we continue to fly the Stars and the game as It Is played by The alone is of little value, it mu.st be testified the wife. tion of Route U. 8. 5 and Wilbur Thailand's present nationalistic Great Jasper, or, for tha'I mat- considered part of the necessary the feet until there Is no more, no- built the army and the air force Stripes? Cross Parkway. attitude and ths spirit prevailing ter, by Kaymund. E. Baldwin, regimen and'the patient should be ticeable sweating. Then it is all Route Ho. U. 8. 8—(-East Hart- MATICALLY serves you and you pay for it AFTER conditions, but all the time. t o r IL Force i( Undbergb's right to wash the fect-at night under Generallaaimo CJhlang Kai- There is, of course, no choice. whose prcsKH'Uiuttloil with out- cdbeful to balance an exorcLse pe- Guess W h a t H appens W hen the ford. About 1 mile of reinforced Shek before the outbreak of the moraUty. He is the great Ameri- When Hitler makes such a chAl- ings all summer had 1912 writ- riod with a resting period. with, soap and water and to pow- Court Allows concrete pavement on Burnside you use it. der them each morning before don- Dyna mightiest Dish in Hollywood Chlnese-Japanese war. It said can ajqionent of tha creed that lengv to us, there is only one a^- ten all over It. ' The use of regular exercise Is avenue. Thai leaders should "gtiard especially valuable aa It will help ning a fresh pair of hose. Iq some Route No. 8—Beacon Falla and Blight makes right swer. Our__ __ decision- Is In'evitabli rases bathing .the feet in hot and Reward Offered T urns H er Dangerous Dra m atics against falling pr*y to' Anglo- to build up the muscular parts of Naugatuck. 3% miles of reinforced American wllea.")- ' With such a creed, with hla cal- And it U z decision already made.) Three Divorces to Seven Weddings the body and to develop a firm, then cold water will do a great O n a Dreadnought Football Te b m l concrete pavement from Beacon lous recommendations of policy, curved outline. deal to overcome sweating, os it Falla northerly. Today, the thought of the na- tones up the skin. War Mak Kates Beihiced ba dares stand up and proclaim Los Angeles (J^^There are This Is the best general outline Los Angeles.—(AT—Warren J. Route No. 20—Windsor Locks tion la beyond that elemental decl- three divorces for* every seven for gaining weight as it brings Hall did Ids duty as a citiaen and You'll Tin d O u t in . . . that If the United' States persists and Ekiat Windsor. Reinforced con- New York, Nov. 1.— — War Blon. The question is not: "Shall marriages In Los Angeles county. about a slow gain of firm, bealthy Deorribed New Malady reported to police when ha saw a crete slab bridge over the Connec- (Jf) In Ita present course of militant we atop Hitler?", but "When?" In the five years ending June 30 tissue as well as improving the man turning In a false lira alarm. risk Insurance rates were reduced ticut river. One-way traffic. Avoid by marine underwriters today from ■eU defense, our f'civlUzed ideals" and "How?” there were 115,271 marriage li- health in other ways. Seattle (A ^ A forty-year-old But when the man was convicted if possible. censes issued and 48.378 divorces If you would like further ma- newspaper found in the wrall on an and Hall asked for tbe $25 reward 10 to 7 \ i per cent On ahlpmeiits y^SLS FRELsw ft. .imi ba destroyed. SERIAL STORY Route No. 29—^New Canaan. IH here from west coast ports of Great Secretary Knoz hag;.gtated that- granted, Rosamond Rice, marriage terial send for Dr. Frank McCoy’s old house described a new malady provided in the m ii.iclpal cods, the miles of reinforced concrete pave- It Lindbergh U an acc^rate ez- our Navy grill puraue a policy of license clerk, computed recently. city council turned him Aown. Britain. Rates on.ssatbound ship- 2 articles called Get Thin to Gain. harassing m.edical science—the ment on South avenue. ments remato at 10 par cent. tSea of our Ideala, they are •*cracy with regard to any pofl; Address your, letter to McCoy automobile frown. The affliction, Recently he obtained Judgment for $25 against the city in sipall Route No. 33—Franklin, Leba- Ttry “dviuxed." Uve resulta in the Battle of the Health Servics In care of- this the paper aaid, "is the' result of FOR THE LOVE OF PETE! non and Windham. Grade crossing Can’t Always .Blame Congestion newspaper and enclose a staippikl, fear of accident, Enhanced by the claims court. Net Hallowe’ea Praak Undb^rgh'a address .was not Atlantic. That la supposed to be BY BURTO N BENJA M IN COPYSIOMT. i s a t . elimination at Wllliaina Crossing. I ‘ large self-addrepscd envelope and rapidity of riding, the wrfnd atrik- NSA SBaVICB..*Ma Route No. 34—Orange. Bridge Denver,. Nov. 1— (P )—Ralph a tiy general time on the ra- the most ettectiya way of impair- Yakutat, Alaska.—Wb—It's not 10 cents in stamps. Ihg ths face and the ahrinking of Manchester Division always congestion that's respon- Chief Chemist .-nd approaches i(t’ Wilbur Cross Dehn, 17, a messenger boy,* was We think th§t fa ragrettabla. ing Nail morale. Yet there are tbs eysbrowrs downward to 'pro- Parkway on Derby avenue. *d G m C oi* sible foe traffiq vioiatlQoa. There Questions nnd 'Answers amused whan llirae men wearing If AaMricans had beard this mUlioos of Americans, today, who tect tbe eyes-. Only woman chief chemist fos a Orangs and Wsst Haven. 90,408 Hallowe’en masks drove np along- SOF» are three automobiles tn this com- (Sods)' large water system la Mrs. a t the mechanical haart -ez- munity. One of the drivers Is serv- Beginning Tues., Nov. 4 in Thp Herald feet of reinforced concrete pave- side his ------■ - ■ would Atelconje the news that the Questionl W. W.. writes; "1 see Kdnaas .City grain mills grind H.* Heath, who guards ths ment on Dctby avenue. was no' pr ing a Jail Sentence for reckless soda mentioned sq. much t)mt 1 Iflll tUpts tkair-blood war b j not* a l^ cth er one-sided. firivin*. between'80 and 90 mllUoh* bushels of ths 17,000,009,000 gaUon Route No. U. S. 44—Eastford wM carrying hsv# wmtwUred fmtnywhat root tfie of Kanaaa wheat avaiv'vaar. suDoty Nsw Haven. Oona. V 1/ \ MANCHESTER EVENI.VG HERALD, MANCHESTER, C(JNN. flATURDA#;, NOVEMBER t, 1041i PAGE NINE • PAGE EIGHT MANUHKSTEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1941

ure for France was for a time a ‘Let’s Face It’ member. Officers of Lost U. S. DeslrQ.yer Says Women of France For Amry' Air Base State Police The club took a collection for Musical Hit the boys at the Windsor Locks air Daily Radio Proi^ams base, as clubs are doing through- Launch Drive Eaater-i Staaard Tima To Blame for Its Fall out the country, to provide foot- Go Ip INirlpr’s Soii{r« Dpr- balls, basketball equipment, ping pong and other games during the Find That Autoists Are nrate St4>rV «f S«'- Aignan and Montresor were chosen evening hours. 'The sum of $19.,50 Local Resident Who for the "Ministry of the Colonies." was received. Five dollars each was Disregarding the 50 Up to the Courts to Solve Ut Ipph ; The ('nsl. Lived Many Years in Requisitioning officers came to voted to the Girl Scout and Y.M.C. Mile Speed Limit. select the rooms for the offiffials — A. campaigns for funds now going Ity KelHiiK That Counti^y Tells of two rpoms in our house were on. Radioes Network Problems New York. Nov. 1 - For requisitioned niul were oeeppied all T ea w aa served by th e ho.Hpitnl- Hartford. Nov. 1. (/D—Commis- sioner Edwanl J. Hickey, aroused •om^ th^ HroariwHV «ootH- War Experience. "^during the winter of 1939-1940, ity committee also pin-wheel and M yer.i havf* b rrn unyinff th a t thi« ' you A p^Usfnrtory PnUmffte and a third room for a part of the ather . cookies and Hallowe'en by "wilful disregard" of the 50- New York, Nov. —It's up ■ Holl>avood; 8 Boy Meets Band; of th r work yoij wish to hnyc^doTre. Remote 0>ntrol Permanent mlle an hour speed llmll and an to the courts now to settle the nrw thoatricnl Boa«on promtfips to | Hraflqiiarlers for Photoprapliy Mn. Samuel Underhill, the for- autumn For a month one of these candles. The table was -gay with a 8:30 Biahop and Gargoyle; 9:30 bo ono of thr moBt profitiible and j Painting Jolis Do Not l>rluy New Addition Y "incrca.sed accident rate." has or- problem of regulation on network Thift Ift a perm anent th at la M tliifactAry mer Mlsa Ednah Cheney of this officer'.s wive.5. their -son and a Halrowe'en cloth, black, orange F ra n k B lack P resen ta; 10 H em i- exritliif? nliu'u tho boom dnyx j Ihjwevrr, with ,workman brlriR daughter and the latter's baby and yellow candles, corn and dered state police to launch a cam- operation promulgated by the sphere Revile. w hen W all t lycoonH Bcnt .HO #8rarrr thrnr flayr. we nrf^r you on flnr hahy hafr — ^xc^llpnt for hair town, who recounted her experi- paign Sunday for strict enforce- Federal Communication.. Commis- I His Specialty were with us. pumpkins. MBS •« Green Hornet; 9 Songs prmlnp coata and on bwU hnrk* ' to ftct today, f'ftll j(>hn I.Ol.non to- Is Beinjf Built no dlM'oloratlon. Stop In for advicn ences In war-tom France for the ,\ll Fill' In ruiile The meeting was held In the ment of the limit "without allow- sion after hearing last spring. from "Birth of Blues;” 9:15 Oper- fftapf with thr ^pnrrosity of a (Iwy, f(rt yniir r'.Htlm/itf*. and lu k ance or tolerance” on the M erritt NBU and CBS. joined by WOW, rrirm rdln( yotir hair. Cosmopolitan Club, at its meeting "Kvacuee.s from I'aris were to he social room iM the Y with a nearly etta ".Naughty .Marietta." confetti nhnwer | when he ran begin your 100 per re n i/a tte n d a n e e Parkway and other Connecticut Omaha, and WHAM, Rochester, John I. Olson Is in Po- yesterday afternoon at the Y. M - plaileil in the .small vlDage.s and D m p itc Hovcral «hows Bpon.Hoped job You will be gl.'ifl you didn't Ilan^rn's Milk |Bar Ih | iarrn.s .surrounding the larger trunk highways. started action In New York Fed- ‘ -Sunday Brings: The war—Morn- w ail any long4*r to cull when the -7^------by worthwhile mithiirs and stars, I (dire C. A., said one of the questions she towns. We .soon realized how bad- A speclally-a.ssigned squad of eral Court asking that the com- ing: 8:00 .NBC CBS; 9:00 NBC the Brnadwiiy fare proved seml- sition to I'akp of w inter nrrivo.H w ith fill! forre one Forretl lo^ Exjiaiid to has been asked most often since mission's enforcement be restrain- ly everything had been planned for / plain clothe.amen, riding in black CBS: 10:.30 .MBS; 11:00 .NBC CBS' dlsap[ioiiiling until this week | pim h f>f theiie morning.^ Hernembpr, for her return from that country the ed. If the usual procedure pre- 12:00 NLi C-BIu <- All Y'onr IN I . (!are for Bii^iiipM).. i the frightened women and chil- Says Present automobiles so as not to adverti.se When Vinton Fn-edloy brought in I euonornicHI, PXpert. rourtcoiL^ .serv- L0« past summer Is: "What caused the dren, not waiting to be evacuated, their presence, will a.ssist the reg- vails, the ultim ate decision is ex- Afteriuxii? 12:30 MBS; 1:00 I.,et'8 E-tre It.” one of his rusto- | ice in’the painting, Interior dero* 99 Cast Center Street fall of France?" One is temptiai to poured down on us from Parts, ular highway patrols, which u.se pected to go to the Supreme Court, .NBC-Kcd; 2 .3> .UHS; 3:15 NHC- mary'’miislcnl shows whirli has a ' Many people have found out. ratin g or paper hanging linefi. get Clayton Hansen, f-roprictor of nay in reply, "The lack of prepar- riicy came by UiOu.sands without conspicuous white cars. Crux of the situation is the Rcd; 5:45 CB.S. slight story and a siiperahunilatue i mill h to their coasternation, that 1 in to m b v^th Uv* rnn.Hter of these Hansen's Milk Bar a-,,,Main and Telephone 5009 for Appointment Ship Ban Has suit's main allegation that the edness." Why was France unpre- waiting to be told to leave. That fieneral Ordern Evening: 6:K0 NI^t^Bluc; 7:00 of songs and fetrliing girl.s. . | tlieie U imirh more to a house necefl-Hltlea, John I. Oinon llayiio-s stic'-l. ai.n.mmid today [ pared? Others will say,' "France w as the Hr.st panic. T here waS In a general order to the force commission was acting beyond the NHC-Bluc: 8:5.5 CBS; ir;(h) NBC- It IS a musical that pretends to | that a nev. ' l-'lii-pl.i-e i; -oin ' i.s ' power conferred upon it by Con- rted CBS; 12:00 .NBC 'i- tliaii tiullding it .Many details was betrayed." real su fferin g and it wius a t i>hre Unreported Is the captain of the destroyer Reuben James (left issued Inst night. Commissioner no more lm|)ortanre tliim to niiilie hviiig np.-r:,-i| f-r,-tl>- i-.nvcriicn' i- j Proved Futile grt-.Ms. Talks -MBS 11 a. m. Rcvu-Wijig come up, chief of which i.s fixing Says Women to Blame evident that we inu.st do something aliovei which was sunk by torpedo in the North Atlantic. Reported Hickey said: the audience forget th ■ cures of of his iii.'uiy C'listoii.cr.a JO H N I. O LS O N K N O F L A "It certainly seems that we had to help .Nearly all had left ParU "In respect to Increased speed- Specifically, two FCC rules arc Stand "(.'jin American Arms Beat^ the world, although Its slight up the interior of the house. Then An addition is being'built to the I (Continued From Page One) alioard the ship was Ensign Howard B. Wade of Glen Ridge, N. J. Old, Reliable traitors in our governing circles, with only the clothea they wore. ing violations along the Merritt involved: ? Hitler? " NBC Blue 2 p. m. Waku theme ha.s to do with th< Selective there Is always the wall, paper bar, which will make the entire' That which prohibits one own- Up America Forum "Inflation;” B R OTH E R S but In my ov^’n opinion it was They needed everything, and St. Parkway, effective Nov. 2, strict Service draftees who are having which, tiousewiviv* will agree, Is a structure 34 by 28 feel. A large ^ Contract Painting chiefly betrayed, If you will, by Its majority of the Senate member- enforcement of speed limits on the er or ownership management from NBC-Red 2:30 Roundtable "Sci- a difficult time doing military fireplace will adorn the new room. ) Aignan responded to the house to ship. "Hie broad revision w as leal necessity. And, by the way, Home Builders xWomen!" house collection. In ;the village of parkway and all trunk highways having two stations in the same ence and the W ar;" NBC-Red 3:45 duty and at the same time trying and booths and tables are being IN C . ^\purlng the last Great War, the recommended by the Senate For- will be required without allowance listening area. This would have Sen. W. F. George on "N eutrali- to do their duty with several lo- liow about that pain on the ouLsiile installed. The new room will he In i Albert F. Knofla, Pres. Couffl we found women and eign Relations Committee as a sub- the effect of requiring NBC to Interior Decorating ewntien worked for France as its Qhildren sleeping in a; barn on Tank School Turns or tolerance, and no further warn- ty;" NBC-Blue 6:45 Mrs. Roose- msntlc chorcB. of your house? subdued colors of colonial dc.sign. | men xlld. Since the last war the stitute for the House-approved hill ings will be Issued by officers for give up one of Its two networks. velt; MB.S 8 Forum "1-abor In the Story Qf The Play |Knnfla Brothers .\Iao TTie milk bar will remain un- General Contractors stra w .spread oiy ihe floor. Few had limited to arming merchant ships That which regulates contrac- Crisis. " All these retails and more con French, and chiefly the women, blaiikct.s, .soine' were already cough- any minor motor vehicle violation. A group of wealthy itiatrnns on changed, hut the addition, which An effemt to a c t on the legisla- tural relations between networks NBC-Red 1:30 World Is Yours; be removed from your mind If you Are Experts in .Allera- Paper Hanging Alteration Specialists have become soft and comfort and ing and wc/' realized , that If we "Black patrpl cars will be added Gold Coast of LonjE-jslanrt decide will he Joined to the original build- i tion imm ediately was made yes- Out Grads Rapidly and affiliated stations, such as Opera auditions 7 Jack Benny; simply dial l?.70 and talk .them luxury loving," to the squad of white enforcement 4 to employ a group of srddiers from Ing by an arch doorwiay, will fea- i could not gei them properly hous- length of contract, payments to be over with John I. Olson Mr. Olson, j t i o i i 8 o f S t o r e s . One of Manchester's Oldest , "During the last war one slogan terday by Senator O'Daniel (D.. police cars. State Pollcemeir In 8 Charles .McCarthy, Fibber and a nearby army camji to entertain tnre f'll! course meals and dinners. ed and clAd before the cold w e ath - Tex.), shortly after the Navy had ma(ie, the amount of network op- who IS located at 12 Jackson Place, 12 Jackson Place and .Most Reliable Builders! was "Give till It hurts"; And we plain clothea will be assigned by Molly; 8:30 One .Man's Family; 10 them while - their husbands are A kitchen will al.so bo added to th e I er. we^khould be faced with all announced the sinking of the Reu- tion time, and exclusive contracts Phil Spitnlny girls. specializes on Interior Decorating One of Manrhejifpr'p oldest and did It, too, and won the war!" W’e A» Soon aa Men Leave come face to headquarters to special patrol occupying themselves away fr'om building I sorts,Of epldemlc-s. My husband of- ben Jame.s. But the Texan'* re- face with a major or colonel sit- under which most affiliates stick and Paper Hnniflng, An excellent Phone 4370 875 Main St. Phoiie 4386 all know it is for the women of duty. (?BS 3 N. Y. P hilharm onic; 5 home with swordfishing or other most reliable hmldera in Knofla fered his .siTvIces and hl-s motor, que.st for unanimous con.sent for ting behind a makeshift, unpalnt- to one network. Gladys Swarthout, 7:30 Screen job Is assured If you get in touch Nficewsary To Expand the household to Set the standard Institution They Go on Needs Drastic Artlon fish (blonde preferredi. The ma- FJron., Inc. Thin m«’»'lern ro n rrrn Clayton Hansen has built, lip an at>d sp en t the g ren tei p a rt of ev- ■such action was blocked, when ed desk, using boxes for filing The first rule recently was post- Ggild 8 (West 10:.30) Helen Hayes; w ith Ol.son "The lncrea.oed accident rate and trons are willing to pay the sol- i.H he.'itied by. Albf f t K Knofla and enviable reputation Hlnep he open- and the morale of the family, to Fry day and far Into the night Senators Maloney (D.. Conn.), and Duty; Present Need Is cabinets. poned indefinitely by the commis- 9 Sunday Eve Hour; 10:30 (West C o n tra rt I’ain tin g keep It to the right tone of living transporting refugees, officials and the wilful disregard of the fifty- d iers e.scort fee.s for th eir tune, And. incidentially. contract Ls lorati'd nt *<7r» .Minn ntri-et. ed the .Milk B.sr d-ie tci hi.a fa ir SEE FOR YOURSELF! Lucas (D., Ill ), said that the Sen- Four months after Col. Henry sion. but not rescinded. 8) Workshof) with Henry .Morgan. with one semi-dowagcr comment- a clean, honest, courageous llfy: requisitioning officers to the For 75,000 Men. received his orders, the first class mile limit prornpts drastic action At the same time the other rule, painting is another feature of the It In nee'lle>»j4 to atte m p t to build dealing and sanitary service. And H IG H G R A D E ate should not stifle debate on the on the part of the state police. The NBC-Blue — 3 "Hell's Acres," ing aliout a bashful soldier tliat Yon e a a go not a selfish or pleasure-loving hoii.se and towns a.ssigned. His of 200 officers and 2,000 enlisted effective date of which was chang- story of Aberdeen; 4:30 Behind : many si-rvices which are available up the reputation of thin up and now,' due to the pgli'onage of so im portant pending legislrition. enforcement problem Is a serious "I'llwave so many $100 bllli in his over your ear co m fo rt-req u irin g existence. W'ell complete kmnvledge of roads, Wltli the sinking of the Re.iben F o rt Knox. KV, I t w ould give a men moved into the 'Tank School, ed to November 15, was amended the .Mike; e5:30 Steelm akers 7:30 to ail home builder* and owner*. coming Jilanchenter tirm. an hiin- many Manchester residents, it is that 1s what happened to Fr^tnce.' crossro.sits. village.s farm.s and responsibility and apparently our face he’ll think lie's working in : We cannot begin to list the many dreda of natinfled cuntomern are necessary for him to expand In lames obviou.sly iippermo.st in all big kick to the men ' who best were assigned to the eight depart- in certain respects, but CBS alleg- Capt. Flagg and Sergt. Quirt; 8:30 Washington. with a msgul- PRINTING policy of seeking the motorists' ■ Discouraged the Soldijt'rs most of their inhabitants having 'minds, yesterd.ay's debate and off- know the needs of America's new ments of the school, began going ed it still left the networks con- Inner Sanctum mystery: 9:45 New ! details which this one m^n ran proof of the expert, economical | order to take care of his biisines* fylng g I a ■ • cooperation in respect to observ- The fishing hiisband.-i return, try norvlre {>ffered by Knofla. ' "The women wrote to ..{heir sol- been quickly discovered and appre- the-floor comments brought de- army to stand outside some of the to lectures and working in com- fronted with a "wrecking opera- Dinah Shore song senes. 2:30 Fort to leeluim their wives and only I take off your hands. And the prii e F.verylhing from soup to nuts JOB AND COMMERCIAL ciated." ance of the speed laws has been ' Is n'a.aoiiable, Icxi AU«*rutl(in W ork j will be avalluble at Hansen's new i when w* get diers at the front, as they talked mands from three senators that long wooden buildings here and pletely equipped shops. Early next tion. " DIx, recorded, 5 New time fbr I sucreed in getting mixed up wilii throngh ssrv. PRINTING at home, only of the .things they .Start Back to P aris the neutrality act be wiped oft the hear the steady, pulsating roar of month the school will be working Ignored by thoughtless Individuals, Ever since the rules first came Hear America Singing: 7 Sym- It will ro.st you nothing to phone Thene Uk 'h I contrael'ji.H are also establishment, and it will be just ^ l.’nfortunately such persona cause the sw eethearts of tin- soldierH were deprived of of the comforts "As it became obvious after the statute books entirely instead of motors from within. at capacity, with 380 students and out, NBC and CBS, which began phonic Strings; 9 Old Fashioned I 4370 Uxlay and talk .voiir problems fafnems (ut Ihcir excellent aftcra- the place to stop in for your full ; Icing It — and *ee for yonrselt the loss of human life and at times who are being paid to bo romantic Prompt and EBcleat Printlag they could not gel of the price hr.st month tb.at the Germans were being merely amended. 'Phe three They would, be hearing the reg- 4.946 enlisted men as students. operations In 1926 and 1927, had Revival. shout the neglected wives. ) over with John I Olson, one of tion work, which they npitcialize I codfrse meal. ' I If It doesn’t ssttify every staad- of All Kinds. they bad to pay for this and that. not going to boluh Paris at once, were McKcllar (D , Tenn ), Bridges ular throbbing of the new army'* On Duty As Soon A h Trained inflict permanent Injuries upon In- threatened the suit that finally ma- That's about all there is to the ' Manchester's best known contract in Today, with alterationsj being I .So don t forget to atop over at I nocent persons. Our court offlclal.s I painter* Or if . you would rather srd. No wonder that France went un- there began a thinning out of the 1R., N.H.l, and Gurney iR., S.D.i. heart the Tank School of the Before a student is assigned to terialized after several weeks of Monday Expeetations: The war ■torV *nd it IS suffirie.-it because made In all partn of tpwn, arid new Photo bv F allot j Hansen's Fireplace Room, and en- , COM.MUN1TY PRESS in many jurisdictions have recog- have a personal Interview, just hniinea going up dally, the people Picturcfl above is th» ns-x- Fallot Photo .et-idio anfl Camsra SJjop der." They were not all like that. refugees. A drift back to the city "This sinking clinches the argu- Armored Force growing louder the school at all he is given a thor- conference in Washington which — Morning: 8:00 NBC CBS; 8:45 most of the evening is taken up inv a good meal in the pleaatntl COOKS SERVICE ST A. A. B. Holmea J. W. Bars I know many" noble courageous wo- for most of them were badly hous- ment for repeal," Gurney declared. and stronger as It pumped a life- ough interview and testa to check nized the need of strict enforce- preceeded the amendments. MBS, with the chsmpsgne quality of lump in ,wour car and drive to 12 of .Manrhenter Haye watched the I'lCaTi'-l s ' 7n F.isf ("ciiri-r s tric t Vour in.si'sctlor. is inviti?fl s), any .surroiindLngs of real home -at- | ment to obtain traffic control and NBC-Red 8:,5.5 NBC-Blue; 9:00 Jackson Place .Mr. ('Ison will .Msjicbester Green. Phone 89M 251 No. ftlabi SL TeL 8787 men who ytere ready to give their ed, UMComforrnhle nu'l nnhappy Senators Brooks IH.. Ill ), Cap- blood of technical specialists his abilities. Mechanical aptitude founded in 1934, has continued to CBS; 10:00 .MBS; 10:15 NBC- dances staged by Charles W alters progre.9j4 of K nofla ftrrm . and have time hy Leon Fallot, Oqc of Macchc.-tcr'tf fr.rcmost ph-^tograpltcra. ‘ mo.sphere created by the colonial i lives an^l all they had for their They preferred to risk a possible per IH.. N an.l.om d Holman (K.. through the army's veins. and IQ tests are given all. Spe- will cooperate fully with our ef- support the commission's position. Blue; 11:00 MBS: 12:00 MBS. and the superelegant songs of Cole gladly give you as much of his neen the expert work v.hnh ban atm osphere. It will he Ju.*t cth e forts to protect life, limb and country' and their' soldiers but bombardment in their own homes Ore I. all voiced opposition to any Modem warfare has brought the cialists, like radio operators, gel A fternoon: 1:4.5 NBC 2 0 0 Porter, one of the most tuneful time as you desire in order to made the name ,“Knnfla“ famoiin place to take your friend* on S'tip- unfor^nately they were not the to stay in g satcly In T ouraine. change in the neutrality law on the army face to face with no more special tests, such as phonograph property " On Saturday night list: The war MBS: 3:.55 CBS M BS; 4:45 CB.S scores this Peru. Iiid , hoy has in Manchenter for many yearn. day or any other day. Watch thi* majority. I hope the same thing "W ith the ab.senie of the refu- ground that revision would lead pres.sing problem than the train- records which measure ability to — 7:00 MBS: '7:30 .MBS; 7:45 NBC- M BS; 4;15 CBS MB.S; 4:.55 .NBC- written since the sweet and suave Therefore, you owe it to your» page for future announcements re- W A Y N E W. ia^ot true over here. When I sec gee problem and it.s exciting stim u- the nation Into jin all-out war ing of men capable of driving, recognize sound patterns. Red; 8:55 CBS: 10:45 CBS, 11:00 Blue; 6:00 .MBS; 6:25 .NBC-Red; numbers he wrote for "Wake I'p HAVI YOU HiRNIA? self to atop In a t H7.% M ain stre»*t Fallot Studio Grows garding Manchester's modern milk J. R. Braithwaifre Ke waste In America, the quanti- liition to work, came a great sub- while Senator O'.Mahoney iD.. repairing and fighting the new The unique thing about this NBC-Red, 11:15 .VBC-Blue; 12:00 6:45 CBS .NBC-Blue And Dream" reinemher What Is today or call 4.'iSd for inforhiatD-n bar. H ansen *. 10catef Rxperlerxe In Popularity Daily Service — All Makes. ^ery form of luxury and amiise- ’ me to the workrooms, St ncuti.il in this war." H uh .Many S|>r<'iulistn men are sent ahead as fast as they NBC-Red 10:15 Rep, Henry Jack- F letch er W iley; 3:4.5 E a s t new are enchanting melrsllcs and they ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT If th ere in any il{»tibl regarding Sfster I iiafraid 'ment - It makes me fearful for my Algiqin seemed to forget that Tankers require more special- leam—and the fasier, the better son, on "Price Control;" CBS 10:15 series. Spotlight on Asia; 5:45 Ben fit In beautifully with the effer- the excellent v,*ork w hich thin lo( h 1 Lawn Mowers Sharpened Serviced - Sold • RebnilL the arm y likes it. Evader Fined especially, with so many of our own country. Are we too soft, France was . at war. and It was ists than any other branch of the Phillip F LaFoIlette from Wash- Bernie: NBC-Blue 12:30 Corn vescent and orchidaceous ilancors firm in noted ff»r. Just pl of Shippiiift service. The contemplated The school is divided Into sever- ington: C7BS 11 Jan Masaryk of husking contest lalso 4:45); 2 that Freedlcy has [irovided SPENCERS reputation whlcti they have built Irtj.vs aw ay ft-ijin home, your pic- Of Escaped Man . b e f o r e ?" 1-lends in America that our work strength of the Armored Force is al large shops. In some, students Czechoslovakia, Lopez orchestra: 6:30 Liim and Pnxlucer Freedley. wins u.sed to ANNIE SWIF'T up in thin C{>mmunity: a reput.'t- —Portraits and Goin- ture would be greatly appreciated Re-Conditioned COMMERCIAL In IT ashinfiton Seen around 75.000 of these men. Turn- dissect dead engines. In others, $50 in Court 4 Will We Do The Same? headtiuartcrs was kept open and NBC-Red 7 New series, W ash- A bner. MBS 2:1.5 Iwgion com - be something of a song and dance Srd Flofir tion built on painstaking work n hy your loved ones both here and j P h i l a d e l p h i a .4’ - Police con- London, Nov. 1 -d*. Kxhange ing Hum out at the highest speed they diagnose the ills of live ones. iiiereiul Photojtraiihy FRIGIDAIRE SALES "Would we balk our soldiers iipplied with wool for the warm ington T(5Ur; 8:30 T ru th or Con- naandrr Lynn Stambaugh talk; 3 man himself before becoming one Ituhinnw Bldj^. reputnticft San Francisco opera "Simon Boc- "I'olaiul of Today." .Short Waves; producers, always has a line of V*v I problemn, and a rcputaljfin built that you woul-i Uke aorhg personal that non-A,\is world shijiping Near ago there was no such organ- it together and solved scores of ‘; / i * * r llourn: 2 to 5 iine !+»♦» Uoy mate of tile luimlier of men that was seriously injured a we.ck.aKf. P. M. I :(X)—News, wi-alhcr. It would be as ilifficult to define done. J'Tie time I.H toriny. the ad- -i' tail. 'nd.s new, up-to-date studio The FaJlot .''iudlo. time for tun hours were always graphy, how .o handle land mines, ' "(TiciaLs. ern way—ecnnomlesi, too! We Will Gladly Give Too a voice to protest, against the iz.itm n m the .shi}i[>in^ pool and ; shuuUi be trained, no office, ni>t The accusec.. himself under age. I :fl5 - F ra t H ouse Jum p. his art a.s it would be to. say ex- PHONE 6260 drenn. HTfi .Main ntreei. the name IS romplelely equippe 1 for ev< ty | iin duty, h'or twi' days the town remove tank barriers and other 1:00 News. i» - brutes who are crushing the life other niiUon.s wopkl establish nus- i*ven a pad nr [xmcil. Kven today failed to halt and left the girl for 1:15 -Market and A grirulliiral 1:1.5- Fixdball Gsmi- Priiireto* actly what Angna Enters does K nofla Hrf>s . Inc . one of .Man- )ed in China and Japan I ('om m erem l Pliolograpliy is al.so drivers are forl'idd'-n to smoki- •NO I.I.MIT >09 Center S tr e e t Raageo — Befrlgarutoiu York and San Francisco skyscrap- Game. .5:.5.5—Alvino Rcy's Orchestra. CHAMBlittS CO ' one of La-on l-'allrd's s[>ecinltie.s on loot. Others were crowded in Every man in a tank must be ted by the defense that thr youth for several years and had to learn whlle driving, ns many road acci- Phone 6876 em begin to come tiimbling down 4:30 Program from New York 6:(Ki—Esso R eporter. 68 Hollister St„ Manchester \ His ptiolos are appearing e;(ch TO VOUR at the same time, like cliildreii's treight cars a'nd wc tried to feed familiar with its various guns, but had no excuse for his act other pantomime to piake his acting 'Fakes 2AToiillis dents are s-oid to have been caused them at tin- railroad jitation can- All Nations Shudder 5:30 Styled for Strings. 6:0.5-Hodda Hopper’s Hollywood j week fin th is pagi-. and arc fine liy this prh.ctlce. bouses built of blocks ' those, designated "gunners" are than that he waa frightened. 6:20- World Of SporU—Jack Lal- understood In languages he could WARDROHE teen. .\!l of them were frighten- the most thoroughly trained spe-- 6:00-- News, weather. I examples of ghe superb workman- Can Stop Till' W aste Drunken Driving man. not speak. Yet he learned that ed, tired, hungry. Puor creatures ciallsts. To select students worthy On ■» drunken driving count 6:15—Strictly Sports. pantomime so well that in "Is-t'» To Gel Shoes ship which is put into each and When You Have "W hat can we women do, has .4s ^^Fat Ghost^^ Wa l k s 6:30—What Bums You Up. 6:30—Elmer Davis —New*. When Ynu every [ihoto. GIBSON’S BILL'S TIR E It made one's heart ache to sec of this training. Col. Henry bought Clayton Murphy of Hartford plead- Face It" he sings a song wriUen (^B R E S The Aid Of A been asked mo many tmu.s Wrll, 7:00 Grand Old Opry. 6:4.5—The World Today. Need Tires llii.H >Iany I'rli-n what we "On the 31.1 .as 1 left uur rland. Pa. uD P ri- B, H. GIbeon, Prop. to go on ail or rami I found a whole He then set iqi a miniature shoot- The accused was arrested early 8:00- Knickerbocker Playhoti.se. The song is a melange of mean- iKetrcod Used vate William F. Boyer of l>ewls- ular in Manehester for many; ahall use. ana, use all wc buy. We NE.V Staff 4'»rn‘s|>oiident line, ix'iiglil in the wi iiil niarkit. 8:30 Truth or Consequence. Ensemble. SEWING MACHINE R E P AIR S H O P .auiily, |iaii tils and live children, co.sl heaps of . ilebasoil marks. ing gallery for an indoor practice this morning on Hartford road ingless words, a sort of nightmare — . N e w — G o o d - hurg. Pa , la one man in 20.000 vears. and Its excellent reputation can try tc plan better meals Wc Washington As .spiraling prices 9:00 - National Bam Dance. 8:00—Guy I-ombardo's Orchestra. Irich — Pbsrl* — has been based on prompt, courte- Specializing In Wm. H. Green, Prop. w lu*-asked if I could tell 'them Hence, the taxi fares went up as range, with tiny tanks bobbing after his erratie driving had at- lament of a young draftee who Lieut. W ilbur B. I-ogan found in can economize in all .sorts of ways 10:00—Sports Newsreel. 8:30—Hobby I^ibby. Ia II Other 5Iakea. ous service to it.s mnnv patri ns. HANSEN’S Singer Sewing Machine Co. wheie they i ould liiid beds for the daily cost Uncle Sam millions In rapidly As the mark went down. andweaving as the targets. tracted attention of police. cannot understand, and under- obtaining a pair of 2E shoes for BEAR that do not really hurt, and save 10:15—Joseph Gallicchlo's Orches- 8:55— Elmer Davis—News. However, when ■ Id-on Fallot Inc; Columbia hnd Elk Bicycles. enough to use when it is necc.'i.sary night, as thev had .slept in their defense dollars, the Isigcy-word One of the re.sulLs of th is w as th a t Almost all the school's first A fine of $5 and costs for in- 9:00—Your Hit Parade. standably so, the numerous rod Large /%llnwsnt« On Old rife*. the .soldier. MILK BAH 707 Main St. TeL 8388 Wheel Alignment, students w re enlisted men. As toxication waa assesset' against tra. tape form* and que*tions hurled at Out o7 Gs* — i'Tst Dr« — moved to his new location, he felt to give to the hurting point." car for three mghtS'’ .'iaturally I "inflation" is again im people's the taximeter could not be 10:30—Hot Copy. 9:45—Strictly Swing. The job took two months, the U. S. -Tires. told them to ((ime m. We were (hanged quickly or often enough. they graduate, .most of them are John A. Anderson, of 26 Maple him by Selective Service board* Battery Trnohle — Dial 8161 shoe* looked about as broad as he owed his many friends even Brake and "I want to make it plain, if 1 lips throughout the laml. But of 11:00—News. 10:15-r*ubllc Affairs. more than ke was now offering. can, that we are really in danger able to care for the [Hircnt.s and Hence each day in each town a being made Instructors. And soon street. 10:30—Juan Ara-izu - Songs. who are trying to induct him into they were long and Logan learned Carburetor Repairs, Servieu, tho.se Americans who use the word nearly all the students will be Jiidgiflent was suspended on 11:15—Vaas Family. the apmy and at the same time are He. therefore, took In a complete bere and must prepare. We mu.st .our of the I hildren. As an'Jther m ultiplier w as Is-sued. 11:30—Riverboat Revels. 10:45—I-eathcrnerks On Parade. CamplielPs they were the smallest size Issued Service! Couple were wi^h us, a next door th ere are few who know w h at 100 The day I landed In Hamburg drawn from draftees taken from payment of costs in the case of 11:00—News, weather. trying to reject him. In 20,000 pairs at the Army induc- line of photographer's equipment, Accesflorics. aave enough of all our surplu.ses 12:00—War News. Tin- lyrics m ake iib.solutely no which is being used daily by ama- T H E neighbor took in the olde.st daugh- per cent Inflation means in terms It w as 60. the big replacement center which William P. Dawldowlcr of Hart- 11:00—Sports Roundup. Service Stutitiri tion station here. The smallest to make It pos.sible for Fnglnnd to 12:05—From San Francisco To- sense hut so good is K aye’s p,aii- of dislocation of a nation's econ- Here is how It worked: the me- is also part of the military estab- ford. held for making a U turn 11:10—H arry Jam es' Orehestra. Cor. Main St. and Middle Tpk. ■•jhoe regiilsrly slocked 5,\ fits teurs throughout the towij. The 185 Main St. Phone 5012 180 Spfuce St. - Phone 5 4 ^ keep on. and to help poor Kuroiie ter. In those days we thought oltr lishment here. night. tomime that the message of Uie in every way. We can profit by the house was full when all the beds omy. ter showed 5 m arks for the ride. on Main street in a restricted 11:30—Vaughn ,Monroe's Orches- only one In 1.3,000. Ksllot Studio also carries a full In a year's time the Tank School Tomorrow's Progriun song w-o(ild be understoiKl even if line of cameras, including movie F A L L O T fate of Europe and so aid our own 'The Gornians know what it -Multiply that by 60 and you get area. It waa explained the youth tra. were iii use. hut wi' found later we can turn out ‘an estimated capa- swung across the street, not A. M. •ung in Chinese. cameras and projectors. country and keep It free. couid house many m'ore if wc used means. The word .still sends cold the fare for that trip--300 marks. 12:00—New*. shivers up the backs of thou- city of 22,400 tankers. It will be thinking he had made a U turn 8:00—News. "Lot’s Face It" Is. an exciting Drop Into the Studio BEST EQUll'PED "I want to do anything in my sofas and put mattresses on the Add 30 marks, os a ten per cent 8 :1 0 -Organ Recital by Courboln. 12:05— Charlie Splvak'r O rchestra. musical, es[>ecially ao because of S TU D IO A N D .sahds of them. The fact of in- lip, and the voyage cost 330 none too. soon. Already the Arm or- unless he continued around and 12:30—Andy Kirk's Orchestra. Paul W. Dbug a n You are cordially Invited to^top ’Horhe-Sfyjo Londscoping TOwer to keep that "iron heel" floors. One night we had' 19 ex- ed Force, which was established drove off In the opposite direction. 8:30—Gypsy Ensemble. Cole J’orter’s music and Danny In and look over this up-to-the- SERVICE STATION from crushing any of the freedoms tra in our little house, and the flation was one of the steps in the marks. At par valuation of the 12:55—Ne a, ' Joseph Hu bl a rd ladder up which Adolf Hitler last summer as a single, undersiz- 9:00—European News Roundup. Kaye's performance and also such minute studio. Idion Fallot qr one AND IN TOWN oilt o? my own dear country, ns 1 third story not u.sahle at that aft- mark, this would have been $82.50. ed. experimental brigade of tanks, 9:15—Deep River Boys. Tomorrow's Program an excellent c'zat a* Arden, General Contractor C A M E R A SH O P climbed to his present jKiwer. A. M. Eve M.qflon and Concrete of his staff will be glad to show Featuring Goodrich Os* . bave seen and felt them crushed er the (let mans had destroyed our IH'rnwnH I'ald—and Ihtiil h as grow.|D and been divided into 9:30- Words and Music. Mary Jane Wal»h, Benny Baker, Instant Service -\t Our I>“t me set down factually how 8:00 - News. you around. You will be delighted Higheot Octane Riatlng of Aiqr out of France, the country of my rouf ' In the big department store.s, two full divisions—the First here Lost .\viator 10:00—Radio Pulpit. and.. .Oom!... all those pretty •and Builder Contractor Streamlined it worked In Germany In the fa- 8:05—Louise Wllcher at the Or- to *ee that the Fallot Studio Is Tr e e Surgery Regular Gas. adoption The time Is too short tif (Irea.ses were displayed on forms ,at Fort Knox, the Second a r Fort 10:30—Tom Terriss. girl* who sing "I’ve Got Some Un- Heinz Soup Kitchen. do more than tell you of a few of Eager to Sleep .Anywhere tal year 1923, when the Gerrnan in the windows, but no prices were gan, Sidewalka, Floora, Founda- fully prepared for yoiir every pho- StUDIO PORTRAITS "Many who had cats strapped eBnnlng, Qs. These in turn have 10:45—Volchi Hlroka— Xylophon- finished Buaines* with You." my experiences, the memory of printing presses began rolling off given. Each dress had a num- Finds Another 8:30—News. Oonefite and Masonry to need. And, while you are there, MacMILLIAN ■rugs and-mattresses on the top of "money." I was never In Ger- established two more divisions— ist. tiona. Roads, Walts, Etc. look over the large supply of pho- COMMERCIAL vnUCta floods into my mind each ber. ,A woman would go Inside the Third at Camp Polk, La., and 11:00—News, weatbsr. 8:35—Intermezzo for String*. RING FREE OIL tim e I try to speak. I can only the car to protect them from many when the dollar bought mil- and ask the clerk what was th^ 9:00—The World Today. Work — Alterations tographer's equipment whlgh this shrapnel while traveling and to lions of German marks Instead of the Fourth at Pine Camp, N. Y; (Contlnoed from Page One) 11:15—Day Dreams. Fountains ai^ Pool Work local studio 1* offering. PHOTOGRAPHY Jo h n S. W olcott INaIrttmter — Anuatieug Tksa 'give them briefly as the table of price of dre.ss No. 14. She would And next winter the number of 11:30—Music and American 9:15—From the Organ Loft. Mistake Siren O A K G R O V E' sleep on when they needed to use a mere four. The highwater dur- be told the price was 1,250,000 And now, just s word shout t^ contents' of a book like the armored divisions likely will be wandered through the valley and Youth. 1 9:30—New* and weather. 56 Gardner Street for Gardens r Specialty. headings or names of its ch'ap- them for beds. They wpre only Jpo ing my biiB^ness visit was 60,000' marks and wou-ld.be strongly ad- 9:45—Gypsy Caravan. Christmas. What 1* more appro- & Son thankful to use them -on the doubled again. along the.; ridges, looking for a way 12:00—Musical Souvenirs. For Raid Alarm V A N ' S tera.'i ga- to the dollar. vised to take it, as an hour later 10:00—Church of the Air. priate at yule-tide than a beauti- D A IR Y MOVIE CAMERAS rage or laundry floors) In order to Now see how It worked. For out. P. M. . Ph o n e 6105 314 E. Middle Turnpike ful portrait of you? This year, 117 Hollister SL 427 Hartford Road TaL 88S8 Refugeea Arrive ■it might be marked up to 1,500,- At last they-climbed halfway up 12:15—Junior Quiz Show. 10:30—News, Weather. feel the protection of a roof over the German It was terrifying. His 000. 10:35—Wing* over Jordan. Beverly, Mas*.—( ^ —Four Brit- Tel: 6987 Fred H. Sankey, Prop. AND PROJECTORS "It was really not until the 15th their heads. The washing of this salary' or his wages couhl not keep Barton peak, lighted a fire, and 12:45—News, weather. ■ of May, 1940, with the arrival of Hence the following German Sailors’ Wives spelled out their names with 1:00—News Commentary by Up- 11:00—Jackson Wheeler, News. ish sailor* were Htanding In Ellis ever-changing jKipiilution was one up with the -soaring prices. The joke: a railway conductor came 11:05—Morning Melodics. square when s siren fire alarm COMPLETE SAVE UP TO 30% tba firat Belgian refugees that St. of o u r g ro a t problem s, .'xiap w aa so laboring class fared better than stones. Searching planes spotted ton CHose. Pasteurized WE Algnan,.waked up to the fact that through a pa.s.aenger coach and them and guided a ground rescue 1:15—Silver Strings. 11:30—World's Most Honored Mu- sounded. On Plnmblng scarce. We were glad when they others, because through their .saw a valise In the aisle beside a Keeping Vigil We InvUe Vou to Open CAN EASE THE “PANE” a great war was in progress. Even party to the scene. 1:30—The World Is Yours. sic. The tar* rushed en mssse to s B U I L D I N G and Electri- FULL LINE OF M O O N 'S FEEDS came supplied with their own strong unions they could demand fat German... 12:00 noon—Rhythmelodies. police officer and Inquired; “Milk That Is Milk” We SpeeisUae Is Replsclag then We bad such complete confi- blankets, sheets and towels." and secure more wages to try to Last night, a week after U)ey 2:00—Sammy Kaye's Orchestra. SERVICE - cal Supplies For Poultry —i Cattle — dence in the Maglnot line we lost Conductor: "You know better (Continued from Png« One) leaped Into the Sierra wilderndas, 2:30—The Oleanders. P. M. •■'Where are the bomb shelter*?" A Savings Account PHOTOGRAPHERS’ Broken Olsss — P rom ^ M - Mrs. Underhill has written let- cope with the price of things. But than to put valise In the aLsle.” fea Cream Dairy Products .Bight of the dangers that were a Lydon and West were brought to 2:45—Sabbath Message. 12:15—Your Sunday Serenade. Explanatiorui followed and the COAL — COKE ' by buying di- elent Service. ters from France which have been In that way the vlclouil spiral be- Passenger: "Pardon me. that is known then whether Sims was 12:30—Last Minute News. sailors, who thought It was either Horse* and Hogs likely to fall upon us. We never published in this paper, and since gan. Fresno and Instructed to rest at 3:00—Bob Carroll, ^ o lz t with RANGE AND FUEL OILS And make payments of one rect S t EQUIPMENT thought Touraine could be Invad- •not a valise. That Is my purse.” among them. tlW -Alr Base, hospital. Charles Dant's Orchestra. 12:46—Salt Lake Tabernacle ChoU s test or real air raid 'alarm, walk- 233 Oakland St., Phone 4856 AUlX) GLASS REPLACED her return her husband, Dr. Un- Clerks Suffered the Most But inflation was no joke to the and Organ. ed off sheepishly. dollar or more per month aa Produce the Best ResnttsI .ad, nor that Paris would be in derhill, has given several lectures "I hope everything will be all Wan. bearded and heavy eyed, 8:15—H. V. Kaltenborn. Prompt Deliveries Wttk Shatterproof Olase daa^. Because wages went up, prices German people. It ntlned many right." ahe replied/quietly. "I am they still carried with them their 8:30—Listen America. IflH)—Church of the Air. SU P P LY GIvtag You Added Proteetleu. on the subject, telling of many of went up still farther. The white of the middle class. It helped In 1:30—This Is the Life. The man power of the United At All Times desired. The dividends we Did Not Creaa the line their experiences and the difficulty •o glad they have been aaved. parachute ripcords—prised souve- 4:00—"Musical Brazil.'* *Thax can't croaa the Maglnot collar class—clerks, teachers, gov- the already swelling army of un- Please let me know If you hear 2:00—Ben Selvln's Orchestra. States Marine Corps has passed pay on. such accounts are GLASS FOB BVEBT NCBOt of securing enough fooA. fuel and ernment officials, salaried employ- nirs of a memorable experience. 4:15—Speaking of Liberty. O U T L E T L A R S E N'S iDae” waa the answer to any employed. It played right Into anything of my huabanii. 1 am so Night Tempersturee Lew 4;80—Tlie Shadow. 2:15—Radio Voice of Religion. the 50,000 mark and 1* heading MANCHESTER very liberal.. 1150 Main St. Cor. Tram-> clothing, both have exhibited the ee*—having no unions, suffered Hitler's hands. He appealed to 2:30^The World Today. for an authorized strength'of 75,- 'doubts. They did not croaa it, they forms to be filled out In buying a worried.” The National Park Service re- 5:00—Metropolitan Auditions of LUMBER ftfU E L CO. bull, Hartford. 7-9488 F EED SE R VIC E ■iiaslisil through Holland and ■the most. They could not en- both those great claases of the Mrs. Solon D. Boyd, wife of a ported that night temperatures In tbs Air. ' 3:00—N. Y. Philharmonic Sym- 000 by roidsumroer of 1942. Meteailfe Glass Co. new. pair of shoes and the penalty force salary boost after boost. population, who blamed all their Telephone 5145 We are prepared to make Wallpaper 38 Depot Sq . TeL MM 'Dalgliim and attacked our famous involved If it should be found out machinist's mate from Birming- Sugar Loaf valley the past week 5:30—The Living Diary of a ptony Society. lllVi Center SL . ^TeL S8SS 'liBgtnot line from the rear! We did Middle-class old people, who had misfortunes on the republic. In- ham, Ala., quoted her husband as ranged between 5 and 15 degrees Living American Family. 4:30—Tfie Pau.oe that Refreshei mortgage loans for pur- that they were not badly needed. retired, having invested their flation was finally stopp^ when saying when the vessel left . on on the Air. .. jM t faal even then that our part of Her First Address money in government bonds whose above zero. Snow lay several 6:00—News. chasing, building or remod- It’s Economical— iFraace could ba In danger, for tbe Mrs. Underhill's talk yesterday the governm ent practically repu- w ^ t was to be its last voyage: inches deep on the level. 6:15—Strictly Sports. 5:00—The Family Hour, Gladyt "quaut? ^riiOarmana had aimoat reached Parts interest in ordinary time* enabled diated all the masses of the paper "I'm afraid we won't bo back "I. don't know how they aur- 6:30—Professor Andre Schenker. "Swarthout. Deems Taylor K R A US E'S eling homes, promptly after Sorry you hud c V f t U f i e i was the first she has been able to them to live. comfortably, now money In circulation and began PRINTING ! Practical, Beautiful tba Iswt war! Then Touraine give to any public group since her this time." viv^.” aaid Maj. Carroll S. Miller, 6:45—The Flufferette*. 5:45—William L. Shirer, News. Rest -Haven receipt of application. The • MBSek - up, T . P. H o llorq n bam considered ao safe that found that often a whole yeaFs again with so-called "renten The Boyds have a aix-year-ol(l who led the rescue party. 7:00—Jack Benny. '6:00—Silver Theater. .Hm piloting but wWU bu harrowing experience. She told interest bought one ham sandwich. marks”—also made of paper. G R E E N H O US E S cost of obtaining such loans FUNERAL BOUI 1 1917 h waa chosen for the cen- many tales of hardship and suffer- daughter. He is a 32-year-old vet- The planes flown by Lydon and _7:30-i-Band Wagon. 8:30—Gene Autry's Melody Ranci Chronic and Convalescent 821 Hartford Rood . Manehester job we do lor Tour berns wW take on sew beau- gtud to make of the American Army They were the first pathetic vic- Thouaahd|i of Americans, Eng- eran of 11 years in the Navy. West are among five which dUmp- 8:00r-Charlle McCarthy - and and Dear Mom. is small. you will ing yesterday and answered num- tims Of Inflation. lishmen and Dutch, who had Home ty, sad yon wtl) economize at the the ueceesury lieeted its vast stores. Hsre they had erous questions from the Cosmo- "When I aee the name of that peared from the squadron of 19 Edgar Bergen: 7:15—Gen. Robert E. Wood. HpectsJ AttMtkNi prove.' asHs- repairs at low I traveled from Essen abauU^OO bought quantities of tjie inflation •hip In UM-pap«ra I cold chills 7:30—Screen Guild Ther'cr. Gives To PtMioe fsetory, bo- name time, when yon buy Wnil- lit great boepttala,'caaipa, store- politan club members at Ita cloae. mile* to Hamburg. On arrli^. 1 Of the. other three pilots lost, 8:30—One Man's Family. Light Airy Rooms . . . prteao —ao _ ewey and refrigerating plants. Mlaa Lela Webster, the president, money as a apeculatioo, had their up my qdne," Mrs. Boyd added. Lieut. J. H. Pease of Boiae, Idaho, 9:00— Manhattan ' Merry-Go- 8:00—Helen Hayes' Th^ Order* - Tel. 8700 esuae it will puper kero. See our Fall ■elee-' quickly y o u took a taxi to my hotel, eight fingers burned The main gainer She termed the James a jinx ship 8:30—Crime Doctor. . Pleasant Location be produced uader tbs tton now! ^ I laughed at the idea that a Gcr- in behalf of the club expressed ap- block* away.-' The taxi fare was likewise jumped to safety, and Rotmd SpeetsIM la Fa- The 'Manchester went be IneonvenlaaeaS. a aNdier would ever aaa Tou- preciation for . the time and waa the government which had and said It went igrotmd off Key Lieut. W. H., Blrrell of Warren, 9:30—Album, of Familiar Mualc. 8:53—Elmer Davis, Nev.a aeral s ^ W*d- modern, effleient metbodn. Get Falutiug und BrSuliSlUg more than the -railway fare. 'Ihe issued ths stuff. And—grim Wek. Fla., last Thanksgiving. 9:00—Ford Sunday Hour. Telephone 6984 •iir estimate. thought given in preparation for reason: the state owned tl)e rail- Ohio, crashed to hla death. 10:00—Hour of Charm. 6 1 a g . Arraago:' Building & Loan ; ^ u Spnelulty. Mida Praaatallaaa tha iectura and in deUvering I t aftermath—when Uia whole tnig- Mrs.. Floyd M orr^ 'wtioaa hus- A hunt for the third. Lieut. 10:80—The Adventures of Sher- 10:00—T ^ e It or Leave IL meat^ — Dependable Quality • Bervtoel ABIBULAMCE ways; It could not raise farCs ic. altuatioa was arrested ped- band ia aboard anomer destroyer, lock Holmes. / Mra. James Fogarty WINTBR*8 A im > BOOT CXL the dadaratioa of war Sba called for a .rising vote of as rapidly as the mark fell in val- Richard N. Long of Oonnelisvilja, 10:35—Dane* Yntermeiao. J O H N S O N P A I N T C O M P A N Y t, in*, plaas were thanks from the m em b^ and this dlers OB the street* of London tried fuUlcly to comfort her. Pa., still goea on. 11:00—Haws, waathar. , II :(X)^HeBdlinea and Byjlhea. St.Walnut' Street OM Flowers Association • wjlLi'am h . schiel dge *V tt*e Worth Flaluff^ DATAMDN16IR ue, because if it did; people could could b* heard: j ‘‘ Through tba night, Mrs. Boyd S4wbi Joheeee, Prop. ^ Wa Oau Fta If* .. ,French goTemment waa given with a «dU. Many took not afford V> 11:15—Story BriUnd ths Head- ,lL:15--^liie Barron's Orchestra. Potted Fiaats 955 Main St. Manchester 185 spruce Street T et 8880 of P aii^ in .. “Her* you- ara. / BlUion-mark and her UtUe girl—like ao , many .drive IteM _ • 11:30—Tommy Dorsey’s Orchestra Mala Street Tel. 8884 Its W. MIddIa Tpk. t A SNS n i C sB tarM * FImmI the opportunity'of'greeting'Mrs. Tax F a irs’Go Skyward German ndtaa aa a'imHtxjtaii. Only otlMrs in the Naval colony—waited l-ik'ii» r Ml 11 I m. Ua

1 r^rt V t.rs I."Mj MEiRALilJ, MArsCHKS'l KK. CONN. SATli^RDA^ , NO\'EM BCK 1, 1911 PAGE TEN AlANCHfcalER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NO\ EMBER 1, 1911 PAGE ELEVEN D aylig h t Ride o f Paul R ^ e r e— N a zi Style l SERIA L ST O RY [ews of Vets and Their Auxiliaries MURDER IN PARADISE BY M ARG U ERITE G A H A G A N Manchester High Loses at West Hartford^ Yesterday ' com pany guldpn to Com pany H. Connecticut State Guard las D ilw o rt h - Stretch would say. “the company The .Story: Kiiaplelon'" finally we fathercMlr at the state armory from Miss Millie’s I askc«l In-r if |M>lntx to pretty Jeanie Morris Monday night ai 8 o ( Im k. The C o r n e ll she knew- anything about Gordon.” when a third murder Is added to company^ will conduct a short drill Apparently that question had the killings that have quiet l*ara» and review for the auxiliary. struck home. Miss Millie had gone A u x . disc Lake agog. In the thick of Notre Dame-Army Contest Tops In East at New York ComiMiny Re^^^v pule and with a desperation no things Is Mary OTonnor, who dls- Battalion Commander Lieut.- .No. 1 0 1 -. one would have suspected, told a rovered, with her mother, Maiidir, Colonel William Maxwell and his lot of things. the bo«, Let’.s all turn <-ut for this affair nf costumes. Motion plctiire.s we Anyway it was the ^id ^ il their d in ner* T h roiy Passe* B r i t i s l i S a i f o r s then her aunt, who had violently Favor Blue r H K tou gh N o v e m b e r If you .«h*iw a little interest in the .shown a-s in the previoii.s ye.ars. plana. llockev Season objected to Jeanle's Interest In Bo m b ers (iro n n ilefl al, B.v Oa.vl* T alh ot stre tc h st ill lie s n hend Bridgeport. No-.' 1 ,1- Tjie company hy just being present, it Kai h ( hild rei eived a bag of can- "Then, thm, suMiiier, stn‘ saw Al W ill; .Silk ToHtit Cord. Local editor Tod Palmerr New 5'ork, Nov. 1 "Pi ."-tam-e-l will give the hny*; or the com pany dy and fruit at the en'd of the eye-' Jeanie eating >fer liearl oiil be, Y a n k ee S la iliu m ; No o f r o n t r n d rrs f o r ,4ll-.4 m rr- rrwTirni11• rtf tb** i V»n who loves Jeanie, furnishes her Ox er Brown T caiii U . \ lla r k F ails Our bo.st story this week conics nine. At the Legion Home on Leon- cause of this Cord. She lieard for a good scrap. th» fans bank'd irn fnolhnil trnm honors n**'‘t|rij» Sff'-rrr ' In Full Suiim a with an alibi the first time, but from Comrade Bill Ritchie who re- ard street, the older boys and girls enough to^elieve he wasn't much Serio ns Injurir** lo Madison Sq'isr' <’.ard»n flv»-de*P Then the following night Tues- she has none for the subsequent hut fr\r halfhnrks built up rPArttnc In r fu** b»^’ir Nfif'r F irst H a lf as ports that while visitinR in Hart- day there will he a very import- enjoyed daneing during the eve- good and the night of the murder murders. Police arrest Jeanie and E it h er T e a m ; Bolh Yale lo I'aaa last night to see lu y n-ihln-.on such sprrinruliir Orlohrr ^Rrly , bflnn^*1 int post meeting you .should he ning. she w;eiit to Gordon to ask him Fxpprtrtl efk-F.m l (ianip* Killpfl \ i r Barraj;*' B lasts ford a week ago lost Sunda\’ uith Maudle, ronfimilng suspicions of tall, scare(l-looking iiegin bciy. rrrnrils us did this trio: at this meeting. Our pre.sident. Mrs Griffin, and to Cord to leave the inn Slie Cxiaches A re Lonfitlen t Po r f u pf I ’ r.iun .^0'‘ rf*r rlwL '•'f*. a few members of the Pipe Ban The .\h.5ociated Press mission to spend the week-end in 5’ i i l f w a s favored to get back wpighl champion, only a few thone polity nf RR.-aiilt upon R#»f- ford a ir-.n men. The game waa t‘d on another fellow’s foot and I got there in time to hear the I thoiiglit. And I Wondered ju.st Dame coa( lung staff ax well as The Amerieafi Hockey league Hartford. This acquaintance soon Junior Girls .Active 0 ' months removid, one of Uit- ( Icv- rrre‘ K ntz Kb>tz of Brldp**port in played on Sedgew-iek Field. It all but smaahed it. “ W ow. sfmie shot, but it was some tifne before how miK h he pride must hnvo on the winning track today at tha called for a eclebration which the The Di.strict Junior Girl.s chair- the paying customers today bv erest workmen m the ring to'lay. a pamr between IhA Naupatiick got the 1941-42 zekaqn under way stick of wo(xl,” says I. I managed to gather enough of suffered when she went to lum expense of Bniwn. loser only to ^ could have been played ahyw-hers Manchester boys did in rare style. man has requested the Junior Girl.s naming three tailbacks and quar- Ha w-otind up la.«t night with a team and thf> Flrctrlr Roat.'R nf | with two games Wedft*?day and Arniistico Kvr Slipper the details to conrjilete the pic- after all those years. First, the b<'vs were treated to a of our Unit to furnish 165 Thanks- Reminiscent of that midnight gallop of a famotn American horseman of "76. this lone German mes- terback Hersrhel Jarrell as his ('oliinibia w bile eonquerlfig four lert eye practically closed New Ujndon on Oct. 26 i ! for all the athletea of thl.a town Is your name rin the list for the ture. "So you see. when slie heard follqw'ed with two more TTiunidiiy, ; coiiM (lo alKiiit It. Take a alant line dinner, then s show and then giving napkins for the men st senger gallops through a burning Ru.ssinn town. Berlin ccn.sor said Soviets were shelling the city othfp rivals. Yale waa expected to Armlstke Fve .supper? The Maudie had J4ft in such a hurry that Cord was murdered. Miss Mil- starting ball carriers against the ,pohinson Is about the most •John Duke, who haa also played ’ but the cluha will really "jump In Roeky Hill Home and the Newing- try ttie airla nrs whilr Brown re- at aome hguieji; Weat Hartford a round of night clubs auxiliary is putting on their an- when the pictu re was taken. that 1 couldSfi’t possibly chase lie was frantic. She thought Chria unbeaten Notre Dame eleven. The pronii.sing young.ster to come under the nameB 'FranciHco Fer- Round Of Night fliilis ton hospital lied on fleet Henrv i Bobby i Mar- and get wet h H over ' this w-«ek- I gntl.ered 19 [lOinta on 16 flrat nual Armistice supper for the after her. I had been ao busy get- Gordon had quarreled with him.- predicted nttendance was 76,uuu. along since Jo«- ixmis. He spot- nande»*i ’ an^l “ John fernan^leiR ” I I'downs, cxjmpleted 11 out of 15 Following the cood time In Fight I'nlts In the First District She thought he killed him, pro- ganta. ted Zivic lietlrr than six pounds end. post members You must he Elecljon of officers took place at ting Jeanie away I hadn't had •lere Maupin. tin- Glendale, | waa suspended for life for man- pastigB Hartford the British boys were have paid up inember.ships and bably in self-denfese. Still w* Fmliahlr 1 Ten hoine-iind-home gamex are j and generally IxitUed up registered The sup^ir-^will he tiiat 'lime. Newly elected offlcess time t(> change from my pajamas. Calif . lad who injured his leg in 13!I 1-4 to 14 5 3-4 an-l came handling'’ the Hoccer official Th$* V, ex taken to .«t'ringfield where they rerelvcd their membership pins at didn't know, and so we decided t(» Hrm\ n I'OA, \ iilr .l»< heduled tonight and tomorrow] attack. held on Saturday night, Novem- were. President Margaret Brown, W’heh Maudie made her dash I the 5'ale fnicas two wci k.s ago , on I'l win the la.-t three roiin'Is euapen.^lon ran be enforc^'d only m were taken arounii some of Spring- the Parley. W e are sorry that Eleanor Powell Keeps say nothing. She hoped she would Twhirh Should Kiv*' the fans a fair , Mi^chcstcr llrlplen. ber X The auxiliary members Treasurer Florence Peterson and had to change into a dres-S, slap ,-ind did not sec action against Co- I’Hf'.stlcv If Bartholurnv of a 10 rounfler aiul bent his vet- (’onnertlnit the Juri.'idif lion of the field's finest night entertainment .Manehester was not one of them. be able to talk to Chris Gordon ' siz.r 1 id( that ManchfSttr work hard to put on a very goorl Siil, (>kla . Snlowav . . . ft . . . . Kiendl fought for 1" rouivl.s la rd and Tiie NauKatuck club s officers say. dill tho.se boys enjoy a nights WTHT by the American Legion an hour ago. I ju.st heard it over INDIAN BILL GKYFR, a .star va.sion of the western dlvismn. with half, completed two pnss^^ and -Ml you have to do is eat. sing and now that we have received utes before I Was able to start was III fullback, and Kulpli Hill, . Milner ...... ! ...... THomp.ton ' eonstaiitly. Ai the end there was ' wi*re su.‘5pf*nded a.s a body, and will rest in a com fortable bed'* Auxiliary. As you know, this jjrae at the police post. It was a num- l* in iveiv Colgate game, scored I the M* rshey Hears f’lrnishinjf the gam ed exactly 77 v.-irda o n ^ H lo and be merry. some special instructions, we all t v e n T ic k in g o f a Vi a lr h Hoyit Find E n velop ei out; then I didn't know where to the sen-satinnal Hoftboniore -.vhn i." Savi^’ nnno . ,q n . .Seym our ! no complaint from, the overfl'c*. n“ f b*' permitted to -•ffihate- with Com rade Ritchie .said it wa.s bers angle, just as I said." oni' 1 'U' I'l-.i n iTi .1 DH-vai'l c'PP't.sUlon The F3agl»'S jumped into ground This gr-'/ind gaming w j The Wterans of Foreign Wars is given to the Auxiliary hy thus „ ,... I i go. All I knew was that she had the club .s l(-aduig ground-gam er, Savapr Ih . . . Taylor crowd of 2(* 5.31 Tt had .‘leen a any Ht.fr«-r league in th*» hard to get the hoys up in the realize how much hard work must Sou n ds to H er L ik e Maudie nodded wearily "But liii. .igain ' D ike a-id ,.e! up the tnp Rprif in the Ka.stern grnnp c-inflnrd to Mohr West Hartford Cluh Is holding a public dance at station and we thought If thase b-3 done to have a siicce.ssful team^ (doss rrores Diamonds determination m the set of her Y a.s (3n the bench Margarita . . r h ___ . H a n i s o n j b a t t l e , T h e r l u b wa.s al.sri ord er e d to pa y morning. After a hearty breakfast who listened to the programs we didn't know that tfien. Weil, Frank Leuhv, the. Notre Dame an-i'.'ier w iMi a 70-vsrH trot winning their home-opener agaihst inteireptcil four of MancheaUr the Horne on Saturday night. Nov Any member of the Auxiliary 'Jt shoulders, and so I felt 1 must inch ...... f b ...... W a l l a c e I Robinson, facing by far the best t h e r e f e r e e ’s fe e a n d expen.ses. in* the hoys had about one hour to would senil a e.-iril to W TH T and ('.all to W ork , Sayw Miss Millie couldn't see Gordon m entor who ciiaclied .Mazur w lu.-ii the Hrovidenee Reds W'ednesdny. pa.sse.s. t-Ao o f which w-*re 15. Art Ml Kay's Orchestra will welcome to join, and you will find find Denny. He’d know what to do 1 man he yet ha.s encountered, coy cl u d i n K medic-al t r e a t m e n t reaoh their ship, hut with Ritchie comment (ui the programs it might Los Angeles, Nov. 1 J’ - right away. In fact it wa.s after ; anil then spoiling the. Red.s' inau- fumbled by the silk town receiv- play for the urkee is ihauuuin of the r decided to meet I negro kid, originally from D' tr-)i' ! (right', rang '.ip four toiK-'n- b y R p fr r p ^ K l o t z a n d re a d a t t he the .short cuts, he landed the tioys rnittoe. and if you remember a .apjireeiate this kindness. Bel.schmer. 10, found an enve- ing. Probably the Sta.tc Police .some with Angch Bertelli at h-ft dav. ()n the other han i the winners one really wants to lose a few By Sigrid .\me down on the pier where no one ; but noM- a .H ailem re.sidi-nt. took a'c.vn< again-I North Caroliua h ' H n n j: . t h f rohtr.Nt \‘,; is .t-.ppr^d safely just one miiiiile late An ex shee, the hoy who t<«»k lanary yillow slacks Her.'sweat- raced home and showaal their I arrived at the inn breathless orthodox backfield array M a s H.v Tho .\ssodatcd Pre.ss I knockout punch . tr» had sto|.'pcon- I At Rockville I Stretches' Job as the Lt'gion Pen I r was tomato red, and hFr yellow parents Then they went to a and confused. Then 1 heard the 'ligllllghled h> Mazur, the ,\rm-. .s I'onne tie'll fccttiall fans had _ I noon ar’ d r>nlv nnro dunni;; thanks ftrr what they did and we their uniforms. Tlus has been a Post members may bring their have Cord cheek out of tht* inn (III-' He never came ep se lo | Pusher, is taking up radio an- sandals were embroidered w itli , l>olice station. sudden report ,of a gtin as I pushed best aerial arti-!*!, and Maupin, I'.s Ihfii Choi-c of picking from five »lid tho. Io

rt. j ed Acting ('apt. I) L. -Sund. Back in the cottage an hour or tied this sensnii and bolh are j ,, . j.,,,i-,ron .s hu.- i.-st the British boys made a record on Ciuiferehee at the Hotel Garde. i -Make your'I e.servali'UU) before -No- - back when they were young and (lilted He beat a master boxer ilrrs P lay at (irirkrt^ yard strips In. the first two rhuk* vanl fiHitball gam e and even the ,'Sim nioUlcd the porch with leaf | He said .some Jeweli r plobatily later, with Denny and me trying playiDK thru fir»l under Saltirdav. a Nnlmcg stand* By H ugh F'ullrrton, Jr. the rcroriJinR machine owntKj hy Hartforil. on -Sunday. -Noyember I vember 7th. All the offiier.s are in love. He said she hadn't forgot- I at lus ow n game krrs hut thry only dhl m nnag^ tO Joe I..ouis fights Stretch, do you I pattcrn.s. .The niaid brought i.s j had lost them. He declined to to keep .Maudie calm by applying new coaching staffs. 'There wasn't , , 5,^, campaign, 5. l,ot ro in o rro w . | \Vllllam Forhcp, leafier of the Ihpe Ihlli. St 2 30 p. m. I working on the committee and ten s word of that meeting more prt to th#' onr yard marker. Th^ think us pen pushers will get a a silver service. .Miss I’ow. 11 estimate their value, but lock- cold cloths t(. her brow and giv- s major injuiw on either squad as ] Conneetieut in- , . It might have beetr 1 ailed a Nov I If'hnnv Barifl 'n ice work, fellows, i We sre nlways anxious to have | there will be a meeting during the than 25 years ago, and she was irk. first tim^ a pa*5 boun''f*d out. o f chicken dinner out of him when , tisik hyf' cup and reached for a ed up the gems for safe keep-, ing her nips from Denny's bottle, they romped through the warmups , the solution was sim- dra-x‘ . It. was clcise "* Yet 7.lvir VoPlan will make hia dehut*^aa The regular monthly meeting of folk.s enmr down to the Red Cros.s . week. The officers on the decorat- bitter. He said she threatened to TTie All-Ri>ckvills football team hnnda into Atkin:«on’s. that happen.s‘'' • tiny Frisp criiioplet. .SiuMenly ing until the owner identities we finally managed to put - the brokeninose veteran from I heavy-weight against Tommy- our British W ar Ttelief was held in on Thiirsdny to .sew nr knit Plan ' ing committee are, Florence Peter- listened ! f*'" ibe pnliee be( ause murder was ' r^°."feom"neir: »’>*• ‘ ^ould have been. They’, the tarkles a tough team at Rockville That broujrht tho b^ll out to th« Commander.'^ "<’a p ' Peter- ' liep face i hanged to worry. She t h e m . piei I'S together. Denny ! Pittsburgh—looked entirely erest- Tucker .at the (Opening of New tbe h«‘ ad(iuarters ‘ >n \Vednes«lny to get down next week Al.sod atten»i- may take (,r have work .sent to j and Lillian Linder. The drawing and now he iiad killed a man Fverv seat in huge Yankee I " ’f”- Alma Mater in. It wasn t 1 , player had th** hall f>nlv to it DepaHmerit (Quarterly meeting In - feet, and exclaiimai. "for heaven .s sciou.s of (l(‘adlines, and 1 listened corner after the last bell He 1 stead of ("hieago , He'a been I^njrmeadow club climbs the hills i ,»kld off th** ond of hls flijpors in-- ance an*l the report of the differ- your home to do. If any of you for the Turkey's which was b’ "Gordon xaid he loal his head, stadium was sold more than thr.c 'l'"^'' "'"’P'r. however, for the New Ijondi'ii last Sunday. There I sakes, where i.s it? Excuse me," with some new tap gadgets for with a sick horror at ju.st how- didn't even ICKik around hopefully I such a big attraction there that ent offlcera were heard f’lans were have.rxM pieces of yarn around in have been held on Nov 2.5th has and I can understand that. Ho weeks ago sidcM'alk grads, they really were of tho Windy Oty for a game. ; to Mohr’s h. n.l: Ib.t.r ptint- was plenty of very important hiisi- i I set down my cup and watched her .shdofi They're made of pla-'c close she had come to sharing the when the announcer collectc'l the I the stadium promoters wanted the made for many artivitie.s durlrlg your knittmg bags, do yoir.suppo.se been changed to Friday Nov.dlth thought she was just hysterical, Probable lineups; in a dilemma. Manajfer Jeff Keolsh stated this • in*: wrm mainly rfspnn.sible v/or ne.ss brought Uf> at tfu.s meeting. ... , V. V. a’ ’mit the porrh. and inti tK.'. .Shc'.s worried that defen.se fate of H erlart Cord, .Miss .Millie, tickets He had bet a w-ad on fight for the Bob Pastor-Booker the coming winter miu»ths that you could knit some of tho.se at tho ('aril narlv to bn rud'- rhi.s "H-.n...change was.nece^sary nec,..«..rv :, rumm.-iging. 1 hen | tile police beiaiise li»- had gam- (Jove ...... Kellehcr ' however, the atandoiil game.s were game.q would start st 2 o'clock Then (5ime flie Deluge around he ha-s been ii.sing. If she hadn't always leaned over There Is nobody- for Robinson \fi('Iil. the Tigers' $45,000 lor more i A rummage sale held In the And we are Iisiking for odd pieces I a * Tliannk.sgiving will he celehiHt.-.l ,t bled with Cord and '.vas in for Rnitz M'hite being conlcstcd at Middletown insteai) of 2:30 In the thir l period -Manchester -D istrict C'oiiiK'll Dance How would you like to .see my backward to be honest, tolerant, to eompier now cxi epl h ri iMii' I ocaut.v, will spend the winter in headquarters on Tluirsday atlnii l- of niaterial for the Gobi .star on Nov 2(ith in ( 'i.ulnocticiit tlii.s quite a lot ot money for- a littlw .MaddiK'k . R -Murphy and .New Havi n. I'ho big thing about Rockville managed to hand We.st Hartford Past Commander ‘‘Cnj) ' FVler- ."<11'; tame hack. Hank into her .slioe.s" ' .she .says witti a delighted and cautious in placing the blame, iKiili Cochran-', the w-'lteiw eight ' Ah^ona in hopes he can overoume ed a large crowd and keen husl- -Mother's quilt. |year and we waiiF the winner,', t'l town innkeejier ' He supposed that Zu'iulia . K K\:in« 1 The aCtion centers; this yrar Is the fact the tejim ha.a another op|a,rtimit v to a. ore and son and President Maucl Leggett ' h.-iir, and smiled apologetieallv. .siiiall-girl expre.s.sion of hitting on many things might have been dif- cham phn. and F'reddie Is in the Virginias BILL DUDLEY held an.early lead as the countiy's .No I i’ .:y 'r sale, tickets f<^r the llart- "I don't suppn.se you'd undei- a goes] idea. ferent. but she had gone according N avv. -H.s I .Rinior college, which has w-on gam e with the .StafTord Olym pic.' Mra.. Conn ami Mrs Mr(V>nkey for turkey drawing. If not, get Th.ank.«givlng,.'9’ le.n-e nJiirn the lice to hold him Llllii ...... ___ rt...... Olds Icyan. Mnldlctown. passing.. Dudley also ranked among the top scorers. i dove over from tiie -M.-ineherter 1 ford District (.’ouncil's Steak din- stand Hut It wa.s m othei's 4(M> i’alrs of Shrass to her own code and her own con- 15 straight games, sent nine play- were in charge and all profits will busy.'The time is getting shorti-r stuU'. for the.'..’ ti'-ket.s at o n ce ‘ or Her voire was tired, iiut . sl-.o G. Murphy ... re...... Pelp Brown at Yale. New Haven. one w,eek from Sun-lay. This 1s .vard line after the home club had ner, The dinner Vlll 1m‘ .ser ved in watfdi.” e.-o li day. cal! :!.57.5, '7273 or .3112 and tlp'Y It's (|Uite a show There, are 400 science and who were we to decide kept on talking and looking'* out Wnght . .. Jarrell Miildlebury at University of I r.s from year's 3.5-man squad the senes of the year and all shot three line dnve passes Into be used for the clothing fund. the Lieut. ( ’ C It'dMn.sitri Host 'Watiii'’ Whafs sOrnrig with -•-•qh...... (lur next meeting i.s next .Mon- will h c'ca llc'l for Hemcinher tiu- pair.s Ilf them. In clo.sets. irt nxim.s. whether or not she had acted across the lake Bertelli .. .. . Ih...... Mazur Conn . Slorr.s. up to four-yh ' r college teams and other games are raeerly incidental receiver's hands bringing the ball Dfui't forget our hirigo games In r(»oin.s. S;itui(biv e\ftung. Dec. a Sfr'il'h'’ 6 day night, -Noveipher 3. date. N'ov llth . Gertrude Hu- in the attic. In special trunks and wisely. "W ell, lie hit lur She fell and .luzw-lk . .. , . . . rh ...... Maupin Lowell Textile at Conn. Teach- two more to e Army- . Gen- , to the final outcome of the series from the .M.inche.ster 36 over the the Orange Hall Morulay evening at 7;;io M ilu ik D.iru ing until Hatelii's Date Khythiii m .-pecial iHjxes She .say.s people Goo«l prizes, lots of fun and all for Following is the li.st of commit- idixnan i.s ciiairman for the t'-- It had all gope back, naturally started to S( ream. He said it v. a.s F. Evans . . .. fb . . .. I . Hatch er.s, .New Britain F o rm e r N otre D am e S t a r R ela tes H is era! George (5, Marshall, the .‘ttafford has a light fast team, a ' final marker. The try for point imdniglit. "W itihes have rhythm." Mi.-.s are always Irsiklng at her feet, so tee chairmen for the year as an- freshmenl.s for the Novemljer enough, to the night we found then he used the stone. He must Montclair al Arnold, New Ha- Army's chief of staff, gave three fair line and two dandy kickers. : failed After the kirk ifT the Silk Britiah Relief. BEErFL Pnwell .s^id Her toe.s llliistralcd she can't sneak around in an old Vming f*liafles Trotter Is still noiineeil hy the pre.sident: meeting and her rommittco are. Herbert Cord's b(xiy lying sprawl- have gone a little crazy bisauso ven. Generals the. day off to see the That they will give the Rockville (vty lads ms.le three yards, Mohr She ! ' I'laiiv-ii sitting h ut'her toe.s pair. while'he was telling me.his poop E xp e rie n ces a t So\uth B e n d w ith Rock n e confined at tiie hospital and i:el- Amernanism. Mrs Ruth Runee, Bertlia Wetherell. I-oretta Phea, ed o nthe mint bed. It was white Undefeated Trinity w-a.a idle •Vrmy-Notre Da'me f)iss today. team a stiff going over goes with- through tackle'anil then tossed he ll n,it a perfei t watch tick .on She handles her .shoes lovingly. eyes were tortured I giie.ss he bail Miller Mauls Pins They're hia aasistants. \ • ting along as well* as can be ex- We.st Center ,slre,-t. Child \Vel- Mary L'lmprectit. Elizabeth .Maher. she was bending over to put Mc- due to an open date. Bunny ' out saying and all this, and more : bad pass. On the third down they the eeriient porch floor. "I can't They're all kinds: Dainty brown Cool's harness on that she saw always eared for her, tU.ipite tha Oakes' W yom ing U Sqi' pected and we were happy to hear fare, Mr.s. Ida Woodhou.s,*. Benton Lllhan Wil.son. .Martha Vennani Cnaat Guard Academy wat fa- In a dim lv lighted ward, some to. goes for Rockville. kicked and this time West Hart- M ary H iisliiirll O ie iiry and .Sophie Ander.ann Thus com - .stand them around. suedes, pink nylon, gold mesh, the lucky piece shining in the un- fact that she had totally ignored plenty of sleep a n j re.-t lUid never only ' 27 players this yea that young HamilUm was not as •street; Co'mmunity Service, Mrs. On Bowling Alleys vored to bounce back from ll-s miles back of the furious fighting M ancheeter Stars Pla.v foril .stai ted another touchdown mittee will meet at the home nf "Right now it's wiu'se than navy faille whatever you think steady beam of the Hashlight I him all these ycais and luid grown I was bothered by the Alumni, turned out for the fre.'hms Manchester will have at least qrive seriously afTeitcd as at first re- Helen Griffin, H3 Scarborough upset by Trinity laat w-eek to win in Argonne Forest, the year 1916. Irish .-tfc A u xiliary Road; Const, and By-Laws, Mrs. Mr.s. Buchanan Tuesday evening, usual, I can't eveq slee.ji. Crick- of. They're size 5 ‘«B, and they was holding. into a domineering, autocratic 'old j Hay us p ia y ci wilii some of the four players on the Rockville ros- Two More Scores ported. et.s .sound like telegraph keys. And its aecond straight from Wesleyan an American doughboy, just com- I greatest coache.s in the college and Jeem's. Beatrice Thomas. ' C ou rtlan d Nov. 4th. average $16.50. So that makes the “I remembered seeing it that woman. ing out of lb's ether was heard to Toda.i's fiiirett Star .jer which was definitely closed out j After .spending three periods of I lose ten poun'ls a picture, a.s it "But he killed her and realized Coleman copped high tingle while Yale wa.l given a slight edge ' pro world today. Slip Madigan of LiiiltMl Spani H li Vi ar street; Iii.stinguiahed Guests, Mrs. Past President ,\nna Barron In- current Powell shoe wardrobe cost day at the inn." she said. "He and mutter "I'll get it next time Knute B M Atkinson. J r , Loul.sviIle nday evening wehn ^ Ihe^ ; t'js.'ing passes the West Hartford IS." it too late. He shoved her in tho . (for some iinkn-jwn reason i lo . St, Mary s, now a race track own- Grace Pitkin, Sterling IMaee, Kdu- stallcl Florence Peterson as a around $7,000. Chris Gordon were tossing it. You whilt Miller took three ttring hon- . . .. We'll hold 'em Knute " as the Times: "With all tho.'e boxsrs m asters niet. Blanchard. Sal- t^ani .sud'ienlv started a ground V rtoralis "Crickets ? Anc| telegraph boat and pushed it out in the lake. best Brown.. er. Kddte Anderson, coach at Iowa, eation W ar Orjihans, -Mrs .Mary Trustee dvirin.g the meeting Tues- "How in the world do you re- know, heads or tails for a beer. ors In the Bon Ami bowling league, wounded soldier fought his Way joining up, the .Navy might be aald monstqi, Murdock and Tyler have attack, sprinkled with forwards. keys?" And Iha.t wa.s how 1 found it — The University- of 'Coiinecticul I Jim Fhelon of Wa.-dungton Slate, Auxiliary Hrosjian. Washington street. Em- day night. member 'what you've got to I got tho idea it was Gordon's. at the Y. M. C. A. alleya. The bark from the brink of the world to have thy eaiillflower of the na- shown ^sxcellent playing qualities , -j-fip ground blitz was enginssred ployment., -Mrs. Ethel (^uish, Sirs Maud Ix-ggett accompanied 'Yes like this dit, dlt, dit • wear?" 1 asked. drifting " wa.s px|>erfed to yahip Middicburv I Hairy Mrhrr of Mi.'sls.sippl State, tion's yopt.h " during th X n a st three weeks. .The * I don't know why I picked it up, Icama an- ilo.silv hunched and lieyond Hia miitterings made little thri'i'igh .1 simple reverse arid an jointly Install Franklin street. Gold Star Moth- by her Senior Vice President Jane doo, iloo, cliKi (lit, it urged to aU.nd the reremony I'luforms: Mrs Noella Fuller. Dav will be held Sunday, Nov. Rth ficult to follow. Except for the ventilation holes -patched until Montclair Teachers- snaj>py array .'ihelton introduced on the air last i Rockville line lo th* limit. The lim e r.uxt ntt Comman- .3.56 451 453 1360 Msnehestfr, and a freshman at Ington plugged the holes it waa ad . and m eeting and to bring- one Phelps Road, yiemonals: Mrs. they're completely n ew . But Denver. Nov. 1 - (J --Montana There waa noUiiiig lavi.sh about diT Frank Fiiilon Installed the at the Concordia Lutheran church. fact that Mi.ss Powell's blue eyes 5 Team No. 3 in the Kim City's Mijtnclpal ,Sta- Notre Dame college of .South Ben^l, night. . . . George Edwards. Mis- | Ha.st Longrheadpw team is compos, go. Randy Brown stood up friend. We have al.Ho invited the Marjorie Bradley, . Wadsworth Members attending church must look directly at you while she they're comfortable. radio hams have teamed up in a D ru m Calln* Sin k in g o f diiim. the tribute he p;ud to Rockii.- It -souri U basketball coarh! has‘e«i. of players from Springfield. caiiip. Deaty ...... 13.5 10.5> 90 320 Ind. That wa.s in 1918, Hayes, a was a simple st:itrment of facts | throughout the entire game and'' post members to attend the cere- street; National Defense: Mrs, be at the Army and Navy Club at talks. She’s inten.se. She's like "They horrify mother," said- stilewide network in the interests the Interoafinnal Brcthcr- Mas.H. and former high .vhool ' nepartm .nl Pre.sich’nt Inez D estroyer P ro o f *>f Mitchell ...... 86 91108- 2 .5 3 member of the 326th Infatitry, e n that 1 rv'.'i 14-(I uh.'it most of th made fsrkir after tarkic aa»iated- mony. Dorothy Belcher, Walker street; an awfully nlee little girl who's Mi.ss Po\^ll. ' And at that point of national defense and to sound io ik C'.'.t.s from Cathedrsl High and Itat.aon Installed for the 9;30 a m. W. Brtlnard • KX) 106 listed In the World War 1 and I I nf masisi.in'i. but hs by Peacon. (5irti» and Mohn .j A social hour wvth refreshments National News. Mrs. Helen Gnf- As our next meeting falls on glad your interested, and frankly m other Fmwell walked in. She's a alarm's and summon aid in any .Ndtri- Paine gi.n.luHt'.s thought "I till- hrotticrx ilon t know anv H ard- West Springfudd High will he in ; and entertair.ment will follov.- the Auxiliary. Elizabeth Phelan, Seriousn ess N eedeil. Rtnd ...... 88 made his way across the Atlantrc the faiiicnis roach Mohr gave the Manchester root- president; s.*nior vice M.amie fin, Scarborough Road; Past Pres- Armistice night it will be held on she's interested in herself, too. plump womtm whose blue eyes say sort of emergency. *90-ill i Kennedv'g Roll to see action at Argonne Woods wood magic. . . r>rnay Mycna nf the lini'iip The visitors,have, al.so. ceremony of Installation. Ixiw Score ... 86 -86 86—238 I 4 ^ "Oft the field Uotk would b* a ers Momsthlng to cheer ahput In Dicksrm Junior vo e Ahhle ident Parley, Mrs. Helen Griffin, W ednesday nlghh. Nov. 12, 1941 at She's plenty refreshing after the she loves her daughter no -end. She Tom D. Caverly, coordinator of Boston College says that "Inter- three former Springfield college ' - The meeting will start promptly Camden. S. C., Nov. 1 iJ’i - and Mehlel. .Shot through the hip J I pal to anyone, listened to our trou- the second p.rriod when he raced i Scarborough Road; Poppy: Mrs. o'clock. cooing moving features. volunteered thgt Eleanor li a the State's Defense Commission, changeable defenses" are this pla.^s in the backfield. It will he j g, ; at 7:30. n i.b e seeing you there. Edward.H; ihaplam . lytrtia Rady; 8 477 1350 Highest Scores la the argonne he waa sent back bles, helped out a lot with prob- Hilda Kennedy. Center street; Dart league starts this Satur- "Not war jitters," she chuckled. dreadfully hard worker. believes Montana is the first state First Army offlccrH met their year's biggest football develop- F'an. pairiotii- instrurtor, Annie Weber; for treatment. Recovering he saw a good.game because Rockville, will bogged down. Weiner intercepted Ihiblieity. -Mrs. Betty Ladd, Bran- day night so be on hand to find out "I'm filming Til Take Manila' Mother Powell added that the to organize its amateur shortwave trofipS with a new IcnsencHs today lem.s and never turned down any- historian. Cladys-lUdclphi: con- ggett'a inches,*’ said Miss Powell getting threats to Hartford Pubiic'a iau- lic relations officers Lt.-Cbl. Ern- Blanchard .'...8 4 l i t 88 281 New York—Of)—Ths Refreshments were served after McLngIra To Raise Hogs Seven of those arrested were t The. tou^eat gams you ever selections are highly prised - at Philadelphia— (A5 — Ueut. O tu y Cats la the team to beat in technical about Miss PoweU'a job.. Rupert, Idaho, Nov. 1.—WV— Hong Kong. Nov, 1.—(8>>—The reis was Weaver High, also of Totals 358 8$$ 388 1018 est Dupuy, Lt.-Col. W. H. (Cappy) J. D ie tz ...... 99 91 133 323 party Mrs. Edna Bailey Portland. Ore.—oPj—This talk the meeting and the Past Presi- “But I'm getting some new ones to a . concentration camp and played In waa the next question South Bend. Lkut night at hia Frank Hudson Is the favorite golf- Wella and Capt. Andy March, are tbia league If you are going any about alow promotion Ih the army Less thaiv two hours after they Chinese Central Nesra Agency aald Hartford, which won In 1039 and the writer hurled at him. W. DieU, Sr. 117 ^131 11$ $81 her five children waa «. dents wish to thank the Chairman, Fresno. Calif., Nov. 1.—W5—Vic that ate 51." were married, a young Utah cou- to ^ y nearly 500 Chlneae non-edm- remanded for hearings, but ' home he showed tha writer two ing partner of Comdr. and rMrs. .working in tbe same Army depart- makes Thurston E. Snydor laugh. Uhlan Cheney add her committee . placed aecond last yaar, and Man- Kiag'p p u y o " ‘.‘Well,” Jie mused, "that Army aide line ihuaea which came from s; csss until Richard, Ik rriend Jeema—ash 'Ed Cope- McLaglen, one of the horsiest guya It seems they cost $8.50 a pair. ple was killed in an automobile ac-' batanta were massacred and 380 fat* of the remainder wax r * • chester. James B. Donnelly at the Phila- ment in Washington. . . . Marine totaU .. .. ^ '4 0 6 438 48$ 128$ vanished. A fraatio W9NB Drafted as a buck private in the for the very nice party. The Uble In the country, is going to auction "iosed. team of 1917 wa« the hardest gang tha college via air mall t o f today’a delphia nairy y a ^ Last' July, Corps School at Quantlco, Va., la land about the dart game Wed- 29 Engineers Aug. 11, he.waa com- And some dances she uses up three cident yesterday. They were Gor- others were wounded during the re- Slxty-Uiree runners entered the , King's Canyon National Park, of football players we ever tackled. Team No. I (I) gan. SomaoM tnmad tai B decorations were for Hallowe'en. off 53 thoroughbreds' and saddle pairs. When they lyin, right in the' don Gibbs of Hyrum, Utah, and his cent Xapaneae campaign In south- game at the Yankee Stadium. while playing with Hudson, Mrai over the fact that offl- Lim Man . . . . 84 91 88 261 -saaday night and by the way— missioned a^ a second lieuterfant The Past Presldehu held their race for the winner's medals, with In CaTlfomla. had $01,545 vi'sitora Uplayed the entire ao minute* and Some yeara ago he inatitutad foot, naplng alann. Polios,: horaea... .and replace 'em wMh nUddle of a scene,'th8 whole acehe bride, tbe former M ed a kldihan ern Kwangtung'province. The In- The growth of a fern la aided Urlatol, New Britain, Plainviiie, Donnelly shot .a bole-in-one on the . play on 4he footwill W, Irwin ..132 81 100 318Ing. heard lo4r ifeAn were you? O ct 27. Sny.dor is a specialist in meeting at the home of Mrs. Msr- in 61,339-private aiitomobiles dtir-. When we\atoppcd OlIpKant on the hall at (he Wethersfield State Pris- p u . auzSiary wUl present a hogs and' hay. He- got the idea to be re-shot. of Peteraboro, Utah. Their car u d vading. trocqpa were declared to I greatly if a btUe olive oil is ^ P - Stonli^iton. AUddletown and Niew first hole. Yesterday Hudaoif _ f. . . . It rules out mich Dwyer...... 102 104 99 306 from a kUctisB . mathematics. |t Brown. Wednesday nlaht. from a Government circular. ing 1940. Oensral Grant , Park (pne foot line w* knew then that on and commentfid briefly on tbe psirsd v^th the commands. Uh . Right now she’s experimenting . another colUdad. hava raasd mort than $0 viUagaa. I De<|. at the rooU HsTen Oemmaiieinl ^ sending up was abaorbsd itnto King’s Canyon gnyw'aa Frank Reagan, who Just Bengaton .....1 2 3 121 92 238 found Richard liaK^ we had lleksd one eg tha .greatast fact that It was one ^aam whets m 'iiuh-:kDoanslly got bis ac* m th* leftj^be proTManU, and Mika.En- > •tanma. -*> Rark on March 4, $940 coiiiMtinn of feetbaU nla^rata A rm y player was alwaya on time sad cot ths hotftaai I fifth bola , Total* 441 397 J177 J21S n**ek was -M* ^ J- T • y" >A0«TWELVT8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NO^’EMBER 1. 1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAm ; mi!;si'1!;k , UJN W . ba i'UKDAT, .NOVE5IBER 1, 1941

RED RYDER Nol St) F ast, Red

Rccioi iV4is\u ffibff Sense and Nonsense CiD RTDM. AND iWo’ RAflooae Ffton 1IV.IUN’ ■ “ N« man ever got on the road, to F rphew Thsnk you-for the bal- ' 8afer j happiness by g ettin g off th e path,! loon, uncle. ■’Stop and let the train go by. of duty. l'ncle--O h, It was a very small g*!!, my dear. It only takes a minute. Articles for Sale 45 Rooms Without Board 59 Nephew—That's what I thought, Your car will start again, intact. Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 A Bit of U fe And, better still, you're in it.” A little bit of poesy, a little bit of hut mother said I was to thank you FOR SALE—MENS REBUILT, Mile of Planes Reporters See lO ST — GERMAN Police doc, FOR SALK-1941 PLY.MOl'TH 2 Strange Disease Found • song. just the same! male, black and tan. vicinity of tone 4 door sctinn. radio and hrat- and rela.«it(Hl shoc.*4. B e tte r Uian FOR RENT DOUBLE room, geP- A colored soldier was stopped by tlemciLprcfcnod. 23 Newnfan .St\ A little love and romance, i Coventry. Reward. Phone Fred er, low miloHKC. AI.ho HMO Ply- new cheap .*ihoc.H. See them. Sam Hits ^Invasion WarV Ravaires friend found In the throng. The picrwni.in homeward plods a sentry one dark night mouth /eriiiuii strange ailment which caii.ses aome future aituation of heavy ami pro- A little bit accompHahed, a lot of the long run la the Inveterate .Tentry Caln’l pass through ner, 34 Woodhrldge atreet. FOR SARK MOr>Kl. TT t^^ord 1 FDR SALE— EIREl’LACK and (tvontiniifd from Vn^ One) longed strain. Hoarders Wanted 59-A men to break down phyaically a.a thlnge undone - .speeder. here without no ,,ass paper. 1-2 ton truck Trl. 6121. stove length woml Ai>ply Edward l.iiies OH KiiMsian Front Dr. White, who is president of The first soldier rolled his eyes, many. t>i*t declared nine of the the result of nervoiw strain haa be- So roads the acore of mortal man .1. Holl. Tel, M anchester ,')117 or tlLKAN (X).MFORT;a BI'E rooms the American Heart Association reached into his coat pocket, drew rqider.s \>^ere dcstroyptl i when bis abort race is run. Pcrsunal.s 3 FOftn SKl>AN 1*»40 4 (i(K>r. radio, .5118. for rent, near bath, continuous come the hlggcAt problem of inedi- and member of the faculty of G-man--Got away, did he* Did forth a razor and opened it. OUT OUR WAY heater, perfect. Oall after ITlu* ^uVoinment said only a Berlin. Nov. 1 V A picturecal spcciuliaU# htdping to build you guard all the exits? BY J. R. WILLIAMS hot water Boartl optional 99 Por- Harvard University, told of the The earlest way to handle a traf- Colored Soldier^ Boy, I'ae got a MADAME VAUGHN gifted reader p. m. Ted Backman. 1.17 \V. Mid- aitiall number of German planes of fiwift tiislniclibn and .snail-likejiAm erica a draft army, reports Dr. V’lIIage Cop -Y'ep, and I don’t ter street. nrnnstriiction lingers in the mind problem in an address yesterday fic cop Is to b^ a female. mother in Hehven, a father In hell, and adviaer. Advice given on dle Turnpike. (lardfii— Farm — Dairy appeared nvVr Britain timing the Bmjt Dudley White.* mded heart before the San Francisco Heart see how he did It iinle.s.* the tricked and a girl in BlankWIle. and. be- NOW, LISTEN " NO, VOU everything pertalninc to ycnir life. night and Ihii't (be few bombs they after H visit to the southern s«Ttor dix't {'M K V K O RK T ROOM A.N'D BOARD with family dropp<\! on thle east coast caused This ailment, railed aoldicra ent ranees. TOO much I TO CUT THE On a 2.r)00-nule tour by bus .speciali.st.s in heart disease. scheamlng about laai night " tonight atreet, opposite Capen street, , in pf>r>d condition. privileges. Rhone 3.533. no tiiimage ur CHSualths. One Ger- heart, has been a military bugaboo E kAO&ERACTIVj’.' SCISSO RS FOR SALE- YELLOW GLOBE and railway behind the German This ailment, technically called Second Old Maid— I had an aw- 500 COULDN’T with the H artford, Conn. Hour.s 10:30 a. Phone 1290. man planeNiS'as r<^<'rtec hu. Bu kland ceme- neurocirculatory ae.sthcnla, now Is ful nlfbtmare. A man was chasing 5’oung Hubby- The hlsrults were CUT PIPE wrTH PIPE, m. to 9 p. m. Phone .5..’).Vi4 wanted ROO.MERS and board-intti the sea\ lines, foreign eorn-spomlent.s had ly become physuaHy weak, abort The 18-year-o)d dream of a mo- tery aipn. U’ind.‘xpcnonu»*fl typiHf. Will « m11 n u d t;o«.«l h^ht, excellent husine.H.s sedan, 1936 Rlymoolh sedan. 1936 Main Htrcct. W alciburv. (hie 2,(M)0-ttm freighter wa-s si^^id most places the residential se<’- aft« r going thi^uigh an ordeal. Its army and roughly 2'y peiT-ent of my Smith yoUr nice new ball, Bob- fioltvrr. ( 'ail Mmlcbc-s■^<^r 1-M ution. Apply l^trsm's Fee.) cause ift not known and therefore the draftees have been rejected or Pontiac sedan. 1932 Biiick sedan. .sl<'rr. sanve hulhlinjf. Depot to have been sunk off the FaerV tions. with the exteption of those byT Cole Motors 4161. island.s, and tour others, includin, bordering highways, are left in- it IS haul for draft board examin- put into deferred clas.sitteation be- Bobby—Ho promised to let me FOR SARK HOrSKH(')Rn furni- 'Square ers to pul their fingers on men caifSo of it^t>r. White said Moving— Trucking— ture. Inquire 171 Hieh .«itrf'rt. a large tanker, totaling 29.000 tonsms Mae!taet Thus .shelter at least re- ba ascretary of the navy when he Storage -0 weie listed as sunk fn>m oy \^iain bscomee president of the United FOR SARK BRACK gi’AKKU ' Wanted to Rent »>H I'ff the British east coast H»'n«Hng ft*r I mmI States, that’s why! Manchester SrORAGE r.in^*v with hot water front, also !Mer<'lmntiiien Dam aged ..Hadly Wunn-n ami i liihin-i/ iiimmage VVAGNTf U 'U V Y g U.NG I'wnl H enry Ford^ tfc 'in g srhieved .Moving nn'l Packing. The Aiistm 4 piece parlor set. 71 Charter Oak. The communique aaiil four jnoi" thr*\jgh burned strut'tures for >; IT. C. A. 1,082 P erso n Cvetiin^ Herald mtiple, f»'iir or five r'H.>ms. Call A. Cham hers Co. Telephone 6'260. merchant men in the convoy were wtiucl\to use tis fuel ngain.sl the quantlt.v production of csrs should VKN K1'IA N RRIN DS WIN DO W try his hand on quantity produc- Classifled Adverti»ements fi.VJI. tlaniagetl .so heavily by hnnib hits rigurs the UuH.sian winter, .‘»har»v ladonf tenem erit. by fam ily of 1. in or Thin Kvening •ACh count MB B word And eompound eohus. selling at the oht piice.s. The H A F.' pped bombs lest j niarkct.s, WIut* the market hudd- Mrs. Blank—Dear, when I was 6 :’.0 -9 :1U Int*-rmediMtrs B as-j words BB twt» Words NTimmnm mm .s.WV.s FILKIi ,v GUMMFD iiiiv NVill hrmi: s.atnph's ('.tpitol Win iipftr .Maui lu’st'-r. kft Ifnlhrook night in vanntjs plar ngs t li*’n\s« l\« s h,i\c Iwrtti down town today, i saw the sweet- ]• prlCB of (hres llnsa. kin-l G*-nnni) ^fMchnc setviw • Sha«h' |6C;ip»-n street, Ifait- A ve . Willi nuint i»\ k'lball. .’seniuis tia.^k et h.t i | III Kojirisals est llfUe hat in s window on Doti- fjtnB rst#B r dsT fnr rrsmiunt ami iiujtliW'st G*‘rniaiiv, \v. < h st ruyuit. t *\npurar V stands ur CHpit'tl Grtn'lirik; Cn.. .'’i.ll Ryk ! war bulletin .sairi. The barter. ‘system y , r- i ' I . . prevnil.s,J -. ' . . . I,.-.. .\ . (Cktnilnued from Pafin Un«) M r. B la n k —P u t It on and le ts Husiness Property 12:(Ki Kiwanis lum heon Caib ChargB VKNKTT A N BRTND.^ HK HI pair of t*l(i bi•ootV Ls .s\^appt‘fl fur a sse how you look. I ConBBCUtlVB OavB...| 7 CtB| K OtB WANTKD TO TUNK. repali and gr.'ule, sold on ea.sy weekly pay- For Sale 70 ! gallon of milkilk fVr a ytack of sun- i 1 10*5 00 UadoLs. ontdof>r xh the execution square, mostly on f ConBBCUtlVB Dh ) b ... 9 otHjii Ota Junior*. rcK»il«te your piano or player meqt.s. All I'olors. (Quality i:u;ir-' i Ititliann Dhrlitxv \ I flower seed. " B.usS^ian iS^ian curn-my enm-m y is games and basketball, chargrA of bring ( "oninuinlata. •.Life was both simpler and a^ ^ D a y ...... In ota l l eta SM.M.L SILK .M.vniifacturuiK piano. Tcl. Manrhesler .‘>0h2. anteed W rite Ft 'X A, Herald I •purned in th cVnqmTcf] a r»*a game riM>m. 195 (Ywhw l*iil (o l>«^kth healthier. In the old days when we . A l l orders for irrrirulMr tnscrtlona plant, fnllv e4 an.I the .'-Sicilian adv ertiaUiK utv*n ut><»n raguent. T«iba<‘<'o Is \ ah^ahle ;ng. 2nd fh>or .so4-ial r^id cil(‘a^{» to ; poiLs of RicHta anti PaU-rmu were ' T u b a c c o \m 11 b u y a f ^ n o s t n n y - 7 10-k.10 Ihraleik basketball, tseil by Ihe Italian high torn- BOO'TS AND H ER BUDDIES tha actu.'il numUrr ,of times th« ad I thing the market sVjiiare. In gym. rconomn' sabotage m what wore , i n a m i t ' x l i v . Appeared, cf)r.rKtnK st Mm nite earn- Box F, Hciald. , larg* r transaetiups. wlV.it fre-i 7.10-9 10 Furniture rhmsbing, lerniC‘1 wido.sprea*! plf»tH. Hryilrich €d but no allnwanoe or refunds can Machinery and Tools ! Th“ cuinrnnniqnc sanl an Itahati STORIES IN STAMPS }fpi‘-ntly .ser\}-,s .is ,a mediuiK of ex I Mis.s Tinkep, loft at enseti gmiip.s of Uzechn £>vO be made nn aii MniB ads stopped Husiness Opportunities 32 1 tight*T pliinr int« i ( opt»-«l a furnia- CWClTCV\a COMt STSHeO’ tA;WOH i>LVV After the Pfth dH^. I change. \ 6 10-9 ;.10 .Men and men, to wreck thatributmn of fo H O O iV * KAO Bt TTAH No '‘till forb*(js' ; disiUav lines not DIS'ntlBUTORS RO RTAlll.E ' Ukrainians have found V^any ‘^howeyft. blame ft on (.lermany. He dissolv- HOW C O H t " Aky MOOT I T^VV '« 5 0 told. endure. Flee denion.‘5lration any- : of. Sicily, shot one rract Inser- riding, .^ee Cletrac it costs you rm modern 6 room liou.se, with ful ! scatt-fiaxl the rest. tion of any advcriisenieni ordered ding of cluihing. for fuel. ing. 4 alleys. Kighteen Poles. 20 Belgians. 15 Diiiry Ef|uipnu'nl Go. 3M Fourth more. I>nlihn Tractor Gompany, burner, large lot. shaiir tree.**. for more than one time. Ave .5 New Y‘»rk City. locat»'t| Overlook Pifive. William I Biiinches of llu- willow tpr-es, John West, bowling. 2 all i‘Vs Dutchmen. 14 ( Itizens of Germany, The InntRertent onUaslon of in- \Villimant ic. tnur Bulgars, 42 R.imanians anl)e charfce made for the service ' Help Wanted— Female 35 building material, rorjr rnb.s and ed since June 22. fended. •Miisiral Instruments 53 M'*unt (filead, ('), -.Vi Often dur- Among the reanons given were Lots for Sale 73 ! w a g o n b e d s . OM !♦«( tr MU nevKt. me t m. w a x e*t m //- t All adv.ertta entente muet conform WANTED YOrtNG LADY to Re>a-al W av Ij D«‘spite all these makeshifts,IS. I ing'Jhe 10 years that Uharle.s Kll.a- treas^in. sabotAge, possession of In atyle. |. tint nut m*C4‘.ssary. .\p- ttt- 2R5. StiV'p IF'lli'W l,aiif, Roa- bing a German soklicr. attacking “,\11 riRhl, who’s Ihe diinih cluck that did this?” quire 11 N"! th ,strc« t Freiik-h Fe<-I Iof part.s. uMf'h peasants eoncfiv- farm homes in this viemity <1ul he eiUt. re\,s» or • sny ropy con- ' plv Wiidun Dnii: (’onipanv. a.'.nal'O- W nt>’ R"X I', H rtal.l ably « ouRiuis*-. fidni the thousands think t*f what he ctmld do for policeman. po,s.«M's«mg expk»aives. •idcrod •■iMfci D-'IS attempting to t!e«' in the enemy ClAF.'lNM H''I US->S4asined ada FOB sa r f : rruiGHT ri.wo oi u rc>med tanks, trmks, tiaOi^-rs, « rippled « hildren l^ist month he to ba pMl'l'.Thed Msme nns! t>^n'H>ur t menl.‘<. Alsu .V) fur .<1 Ap- guod cundition. Impure 21 \Ve.st- into all year aruuml lutuse. I’rice where a .sln-rt manifi slatiop-'^ook Mroiind to hauling the m.i< hines to tuiuplofl. ( hiblYen on his MO-acro Victor Emmanuel Called fihooa at 'h« KAl'R »nv«n wuotl street. plat 1* i n o n e f a c t o r y . the neat'si com entrition puint.. farm WASH TUBBS ■ bova aa a oonvetieiiua to adver- fh*cjval .salnple.^. H»>eman .Studios. r 'u I 60x 2(»(i at Tha (Ireen “Royal Guest" of Duce / 1.^ FBgh, .New Haven. (*onn. Bnce $Hk) Siweral A A. 7xme lots At Kpinal. where ^^renchrlien P b 'a si'd a l S a le ttaara. but *he KATfCS will ba reeently were shot >K‘ a (;erman ^ I N O V IC TO R EM M AN UEL of WELL, R 3D N E e. HCW ’j .AWE, EASY. I 0EEM PBOMOTED THE OWLV Y haven't • ccapted aa PL’ LL Pa VMK. NT If 5s in h e s l' loeat ion. 51 "Hi ami up. Vt?U fT classroom. Black Shirt legions strode through ttia cHAllMK will be collect- pump Huston 'D-rrier pup.s fur workers who compose the Memo- HAP9E1J5.SAMB/ 6 A lA i cr\ ad. No reaponai)>lUty fi>r errora in plied. F le e ilt'Ovjls furnished ('fovcrnpiont cinJes .said they rial Hospital auxiliary, ami who E thiopia, is one of the la.*t king .sale. T'-h’phune 62.S7. j I tinsulrX'd- the .strike a compb te . OLD tftRIMO talaphoned aria will ha aivaiimed' and Kah'igh Ihemium 1.mIw ver s Further Peril through various finani-ial projects, on the European ches.sboard He W.O EWERV thair aecnrnr> eannoi b« ftmran- 1 taihu"' and .Miigg.-.^f1h;tt Vispen-.'. Bldg . Jei-sov (iiv, N. raise tlie,wherewithal to piirchajis will be-72 years old Nov. .11 . , eaaui tted. ------^ \S e > p S t t h * r s D i n e tif the exe. iitinn 4if ltid ht)s-'l BTAVtfl DAY new linen for the hospital, have Indei of Classifliatlons ISI RiMim.s Without Hwird 59 Yages al Nantes and Kourdeaux j To Steelmen He was honored philatclicallv Births ...... A Help Wanted— Male 3ti At \ ilia Loiiis^i had taken the wind out of De ] rea-son to feel protxl of their last In 1938 by Italian East Africa Knsafftinenta ...... u LAHG E ItOOM. now v fiirnl.shcd. Gaulle's sail.s. effort -the annual fall rummage which included Ethiopia and the Marnagea ...... C I WANTKD (;AS STATIO.N at- iAvin brd.'i. nu.'ir M ain ;*trrct, Ideal llPfeu II tmrs Keiliieed I (Coiitlniiprl from PaRP ’OnP) sale held Thursday in the vacant form er colonies of Italian Eritrea ]>eatlHi ...... D men 1 I Uii'U.st .stroi'l. (’hmaxing a good lia>eball sea- store at 832 Main street. Its suc- Co.rd of Tha Ilka ...... I£I tetidant. 6 days a w*-ek. gund At Btudt'aux it was announcerl j and Somaliland. This area has son. 1‘agatu s Wt'.st .'•Vies will hold that the eurfew estahlislu'd after I reachetl b<’tween workeis and em- cess was made jsisstble by the been conquered by Britain, In Ifamorlmtn ...... F; salary. Apply at om e. Mam hes- FOK A-Lj;: FFK.N'IS MED 1 Hirn. s. a bampjet this eyefiing at \’illa the n.s.sassination of a German j^ployer at the Robins tlryMock, gifts from friends of excellent Ixiat and Found ...... II ter Motor .Sales. 112 West ("enter 1 W i n beds. or sin^lo. Ntram heat. The king has been called the Announcemnats ...... I; S t r e e t l>»uLsa in Bolton at 7 (Vcb>rk. military lawyer. Dr. Hans Reini- E4rooklyn. N. Y . where a strike used garments and other items “royal guest” of Mussolini, since .rtrtonala ...... I h.ilh. Thru ♦* n j m u t c s fr<»m hii.’». W h i l e t h e l4^ \ ihd not win th ' which brought got>d prices. ers. lut/l hf cn retiiiced t. . \I H in. Tui leag^ banner this year it The amount realized is now l^^utomoblea for s.-ue ...... a I WANTKD YoFNt: .MAN fur houis, from midniglit to .5 a. in. week j.ioiii, .suit- In new ai linns against opposi- i-epair.*. tuagenarian solely because the r\ '" A 1 Auto Accesaurtca—Tirea ...... ftI have driver's licen.se. Hours k tu Moriai t y Bn't her.s’. I *f>w«u d.-i of small expr'nditures to be met, 1 abb' for two, al.st) sutgje room, lioni.'‘ls. tlu‘ t'asablanca court m ar- Tbe iiniiin membor.ship, the GIO personal popularity of the unpre- X" Auto Repairing — Painting .... 7 j 6. Applv Weltlufi Drug ('nmpartv. tWkMltN \vill be presrnt tnrp'ght to tial in Mfirocep mndfinned 16 De which IS one of the best records Auto Skhoola ...... 1-A heat atid hot uater 1(12 Tolland Marine Workers' Weal, ratilied possessing monarch Is greater than X- Autoa—Ship I’T Truck ...... I Turnpike Tel 2-h2l 2 bear bbsiiu'ss lepnit.s anl. steady, .SEVEN V^ILE.S FROM AijiTaft.' Most of the members who will Anti-Communist courts in Pans Victor Emmanuel rarely appears Slotorcyclea—Bfcyclea ...... 11 (^.ood *)pportnoity Dole Motors. 91 the men would be back at work In public since he Is extremely on bus 'lin«\ .single or 'double aHentl ttmight have been with the and Amiens sentemed three to Monday. The yard employs 5,- {Wanted Autoa — Motorcyclea ('enter stia-et, Tel. 4164. tcari> now ft>r three years and at sensitive of his short stature and Bin* aad Profeaalofial Sarvtrra roeat. eontinu- pn.son terms. Aclivitie.s of the spe- KOn. Sualnegft bervtoaa Offered ou.s hot w ater. the «'nd ttf each seastm time anti cial .summary c^airls against (,'om- S e a l Is R e U iriie t l his spindly legs, a memento of .MKN \\ A.NTF:D F fiR wash rsM>m The agreement, the- rompany HoQMbold Servlcea Offered .. talk things over* for next year ami anarchists were ex- rickets in childhood. When he Sulldlng—^Contracting ...... m laiimiry Als^' helper nn truck. Foil RENT LARtiF’ f iirin.thrd said, raised the wage -of laborers V lorlgto— Nuraerlea ...... Billy Pag'ani. ^tonsor of the team l<*nded to Morivero by decree. vVfter 90 Y e a rs does appear at state functions he Manchester Uaundry. 72 Maple rooms, twi^beds, t\y single, steam and Manager Njck Angelo will to 72 1-2 rents hourly, and of ' Funerar Dirtetora ...... St reel helpers now earning below 71 la attired In clothea tailored to Hautlng—Plumbing—Roofing heal. Imfh 'fhirer minutes from have I harge of arrangemenUs this make him seem taller. 'All bo one shot?’* Inaurancd ...... bus. 12s .'no NFun evening. rents to 74 rents. Helpers now ^filiUlntry— Dreaaniaklng .... !5 t wa.vt?:d .M AN t. work on (r e n iia ii IJ-B o a l getting 71 and 78 cents would re- Greenwich, Nov. 1 oT»—Eighty Moving—'-Trucking—Storage truck and in ilait'v. Telcphunr (rive 78 cents, and those now paid years ago a Union soldier in one Ptsbilo Paaaenger Service . . . TOONERVILLE FOLKS BV FONTAINE FOX Plftlntlog-^Papertng ...... M o re .V elive N o w 78 rents an hour \vo\ild continue of the early skirmishes of the Profeiatonal Servtcea ...... (Jrocheted Handkerchief (Jase on that scale. Civil W ar captured the great seal . K a p a l r t n g ...... ■F'inishers presently rated under of Fairfax Court Houae. a aeal ‘9dUor1ng-»Dy ting—Cleaning Help W’ifnted— Male or Dewsbury, England. Nov. 1V- 92 cents, who had been so employ- often uaed by George Washington r fToUat Gtx>da and Service . . . Female 37 in . preparing legal documents at •Wantad— Buatneaa' Service .« .D A. V. AlexanjjJijr. First Lord ed no less than three months, Would fCdMratloaal of the Admiralty, declared today receive 92 rents under the pact the county seat of his Mount Ver- Courftta and Claaaea ...... j WA.VTKD DKIVKR-Salesman. non estate. that Axis T'-h'>at and mining ac- which prfO'Ides for re-rat i'ngs and FrlTgte InatructloTia ...... 19 nlio girl for packing ami wiap- Next Saturday, the soldier’s Dancing ...... IS - a tivities had imrea.sed since tlie further cliseu.ssidn. Present wage Muftlcal—Dramatfc ...... S»: pmg. Kavanagh's Bakery. 56 l‘ot- scales were not available. ; . step-daughter. Mi-#.- Ira W’atton tage .street. Mam he.sler. German attack on Russia last Henry of Old Greenwich, will re- ^oated^Inatructlona ...... M June 22. In striking, the union acrused the Flaaaclal fitm of lack of good faith In nego- turn the fceal to Us rig h tfu l place Bonda— Stocka— .Mort.Kagei ••• If Situations W’anted- Opening this york.shire town's by handing it to representatives of FRECKLES AND HIKFRIENDS Buatnaaa Opportubitlea ...... 12 “Warship Week'/ for Navy funds, tiating a contract. r Honey to Loan ...... II Female 38 Work went ahead at the Bendix, ;Fairfax at a luncheon in Green- ,\Jexander .said, money was needed |wich arrang ed by the H istorical Help OHd ^tcaallens N. J.. plant of Air Associates. Inc.'! ^ O o TOU MiNO SCMO Halp Wanted—Female ...... Ift for a great variety of war pur- Society of the Town of Greenwich. OEEIGE WtIRK 1.5 YEAR.S p* under a guard of soldiers and under Aioae WHILV LAKCe Halp Wonted^Male ...... M rpi. cpliimi.'it. bookkpppcr-and istc- poses but that "none is more ur- For most of the years between, h i ' ' % AND 1 9 0 0ANCM «r Iftliiieo Wantod ...... I€-a gent and none will be more fruit- the stipervlslon of Col. Roy M. Ualp Wanted—Male or Pemale 17 nofraphpr. .MinicoKiaph and mul- the seal haa Iain half-forgotteh in ful than the expenditure now re- Jones, Army Air Corps officer. a aafe-depoalt box in New York. AgonU Wanted ...... I7- a lipraph pxpprlpncp. Tel, .Manchi’.'- 'The plant, w ith 35,000.000 in. vital lcuationa Wanted—Female . .. 18 (juircil for continued expansion of ’The original captor, T. Van-Raden P tcr 4640. defense orders, has been through Itoatlona W anted—.Male' .... it our Navy in all categories to pieet of the 71st New York Volunteer^ Eemployment AgendUa ...... «ti a series of difficulties. The dispute wanted RY reliable 'wo- a four-fold enemy attack from the left it to his grandson. Capt. Clif- Lfva fitwca^Petaii^Pegltry^ began when the CIO attempted to VeblelceN man. light ho\i,.cwnrk’and rare of air and from mine, from torpedo ford West Henry. Mrs. Henry’s organir>* the plant three years ago. Oogg^Blrdo-'-Peta ...... «i rhild day*-w eek Gall at 166 and from surface raider. ’ son. But Capt. Henry was killed Ltra fiteek—Vehiclea ...... 4t The union subsequently 'won a Na- in the World war. and his rfiother P o a ltry and Suppllfta ...... 4t Eldridge atrref tional Relations Board election. haa had it since then. Wantod —Peta—Poultry—Block 44 ~T—------^------The most recant strike, called Sept. Bor Sole—Mlerellaaeoea 8064 I. Artleloo For Sale ...... 4ft Dogs— Hi rds— I’et-s 11 T h r e e A r e K il l e d 30 when the union charged the B oato nod A cceoeoriea ...... 4i management with unfair , labor Here is a style which will appeal Building ftfaterlala ...... 4 7CfK.'KER Rl’RRIES. rp Bgrdoi«-Farm—Dairy Producta M Tlirce men were killed and five Mediation Board’s - recommenda- slimming effect; the panel down ; lionsobold Oodda ...... fti tions that previous strikera be re- the front, the darts at the w aist- I Mneliloory and Toole ...... ftt others, including four soldiers, Hartford, Nov. 1—OP)—Rear Ad- . Neweoniera To .Manehester line and the side sashes which tie [liagleal Inetrumanta ...... ftS were injured early-^ixlay in a head- birth. miral R. R. Waesche, commandant SCORCHY SMITH f IMDoo and fitoro Gquipment ••• ft4 If It la Insuranee 4 ou W an t; er rolllsion In the Marston's Mills Colonel .tones Sflid last night he in back and thus hold the dress g ijpglalo at tbo Storea 'ftft Sep felt that the workmen were co- smooth over the diaphragm. Tucks of the U. 8. Coast Guard, is com- [^tonrlng Apparol—rora 17 i^'tion of Barnstable. ing to Hartford' next Wednesday MeKINNEl' BROTHERS 5243 operating fully In the effort to get below the shoulders give a soft ful- 'THGU >QUAK.«SNrLEMfiN.q ‘ -----itpd--To Buy ...... M The dead were: Albert Peters. to confer with Governor Hurley AFTiK YOU K K ao— Beard Botrle Baoarto All Fnmi* of Insuranee productlnn back 4o normal. _ ness through the bodice.. Ideal 20; Melvin Hendrick.*. 21; and and his cabinet on plans for the’ rtOURK fW N f 'TVWr } M ACTION TtMOttOWf.l Rootonmaito Except Ufe The plant, scene of stormy l ^ r fabrics for it are washable cot- ■Dtf oouNnrr o r m N a m f iBoom o WItliout B o a rd ...... it By Me*. .Anne Cabot a fiachet made of pastel shaded Frank Pea.se.,.56. All of Mashpee. proposed 32,000,000 Coast Guard WSUTAUC'tn/M/'fQU^ 503 .Main S t., .Manehester, Conn. Injured were; Joseph Centio, 19, strife which resulted in PresWlmt tons. smart new rayon prints. tSfifderg Wantod ...... An 8 by 7 inch lacy crocheted cotton. Just tie on a tiny black training station at Groton. | PUANi WILL HA/r Aflt ^ ^ OCNniMNHNVC tOpaatrp Board^Rosortg ...... M Telephone 6060 of Mashpee. and privates James Roosevelt's InteH-^ntlon. was takVn Pattern No. 8064 is designed for case to hold your best hundker- velvet or bright colored satin rib- The state is planning to pur- •UW^tOKlTy^ Aimtamv 10 wiCHASi.j EiEetels—Koeiaeronte ..G ...... di W Johnson. Jr., Etattery E, 369th over yesterday by 2,100 soldlqra sizes 34 to 50. Size. 36 takes 5 gtod— Roomo— B oard ...... i1 chiefs—or to use aut a most beau- bon to finish it. A drop of perfume chase the 85-acre estate of the Coast Artillery, Anti-Aircraft, of equipped with b^ o n ets. rlflea .Yards 35-inch material. 2 yards ric I PKESUMC?J Boot Bolnto Bor Boot Ufully feminine little gift. or a bit of sachet powder On some late Morton F. Plant, railroad and kfBrtmootg. rinto. Tonftmentg M Bronx, N. T .;.’nipraaa W. Vann, machine guits. jlTie Army immi iiac braid tb trim . "nie case is held together by cotton is tucked into the crown of diatrlv started [ calling work For this attractive pattern, send Point, Groton, and turn it over to ‘iogg Loeatlono for Boat •• tt Jr., 20. New York City and Nor- the government aa the site of the . . F o r R ent ...... di means of lovely narrow blue gro- the* hat. Presto! You have a man J. ^m and, 20, both of Batrt back to their machines, and by 1.5c in cdjn, your name, address, •figrbao For R o o t...... di REAL ESTATE pattern number and dfze to The school. . s grain ribbon rug. through the darling little gift to enclose with a. terf F., 369th., and Banner Conn. nightfall had rehiktd more than 500 •T ■raor Horaeo ^or Rent Manchester Evening Herald, To-> Governor Hurley said that be- ■tod to R ent...... di beading spaces fUong the edges. handkerchief or with the crochet- 2l[ Quartermaster Corps, Camp ot the normal complement of 750 Purchiuc day’* Pattern Service, 106 7th cause of the admiral's scheduled Bool Botnto ro t fiolo You can rnake this pretty ca.se in ed case Edwards, of Rush, Ky. enjpployes. Bont Balldlag (oo fioJo «« di That . Horae From reebrd tibe as It is sii^Iicity it- To obtain complete crocheting Avenue, New York, N. Y. visit, a mecUng of the commission- ■oio Proporty (or Solo Vd All, the patterns you, need for, a ers of' steamship terminals to ap- self! Inexpensive, too. 'rakes just directions for Handkerchief Case • More than four times the total I^egialattve Deaths I And Dud ter fiolo ••••• fi new season’s sewing m aybe found prove formally the purchase of the (or fiolo...... • Ji two balls of crochet, cotton and ^ d Tiny Sachet Hat (Pattern No. purebaa^ during. the World War ARTHUR A. in the Fall and Winter Pashlan p rop erty fo r ISOJXIO had been can - ...... tor Sato...... u « ■ J e 1 1-2 yards 6t quarter-inch ribbon..'5243) (tend 10 cwU'ifi coin, your ApHI. 1JB17 to Ju n e . 1 9 1 S I w«!re Thirty-four lipgislatera- of the X# a a a o a a a » « a * t t .'T* Book. Older yoor^ p y today. celled. The meeting, which had. Get started early on this design name and address snd the pattern spent Vy- the Navy's Bureau


5ATUHDAT, NOVEMBER 1, M41 m m t r l i r B l ^ £ t i n t i n a ^ ^ Rev. WiUlam T Wallace. Mrs. Wallace and their two children Car Inspection Store Veteran Retires -\fter 61 Years Charity Cases About Town irtotored here from New Bedford, / Maas., yesterday, to visit Mrs. Wallace's mother, Mrs. Agnes Are Checked . _ Lane to Open W uhlnfton L.O.t>. No. IIT and Brown, 28 Marble street. For- at NOTICE th* Royal Black Preceptory’ No merly pastor a( . the North Metho- WE INTEND TO ADD TO OUR CLASSES IN IS will a*acmbl» at Orange Hall to- dist church heiy, Mr Wallace was Autoniohile Tesla Begin Can Fiiifl No Opportun- morrow morning at 10 o'clock for promoted in January last from the INSTRUCTION IN SILK WEAVING .\ND the annual divine aenice to be held local church to Trinity Methodist Here Weflnesflay; Con- ity for Saving on Con- SHOULD LIKE APPLICATIONS FROM BOTH In the Salvation Army citadel. church in the heart of Norwich, MEN AND WOMEN. WITH OR WITHOIT and ii the Southern New England liniie for One Month. valescent Home Cjire. The Epworth League of the I Conference in June was transferred WEAVING EXPERENCE. South Church will enjoy a Hal-1 to the church at New Bedford. I An automobile inspection lane A chfck on all persons In con- CHENEY BROTHERS. lowe'en party thla evening at Cov. I ! will open in Manchester on Wed- valescont homca in Mancha.ater entry Lake. Cara will leai* the ] Troop No. 4, Girl Scouts of who are being aiileil by the town church at 7:00 p. m. * I nesday, November .6 The lane will Emanuel Lutheran church, held an I be located on Leonard street and .show.? Jittle opportunity to make enjoyable Hallowe'en party at the I will remain until December 6, op- any anving in Ihi.a account which Company N'o. 3 of the South church Thursday evening. Includ- j crating every day except .Sundays co.st.s nearly Si.000 a nionlh. Mancheater Are department an- ing the boys and gir\s who were in- ! and legal holidays from 8 a. m. to George H. Wndilell, chalrity au- ■wered a atill alarm at 10 I.") laat j vited guests, a total of 38 enjoyed .I p. m perintendent. ha.a had a aurvey of night for a chimney Are at .3.1 Foa- ’ the H.illowe'en games and the ap- all who are getting .aid from the The fall inspection period ends ter street. There « as no d.image propriate refreshments Many ap- on Janu.arv 17 Permanent lanes town and who are being cared foi peared in costumes which added to are located at Hartford, Water- in .sill h homes in Manchester. Ir. DINE and DANCE Group 1 of the Memorial Hhapi- i the interest, and prizes were bury, Bridgeport. New Haven, and all cases checked It has been found tal auxiliary Mr?. .Tamea M j awarded for the prettiest and most I Stamford. I hat such aid a.s the person coni'' Shearer, leader, will meet Monday ; original. furnish in hi.a own bch.alf Is being '"^^temoon at 2 o'clock in the new j provided and the town is paying cllnie room of the Memori.il hoa- . Manchester Camp -No 2640. the ilifTorence between what the pltal DANTE’S RESTAURANT Royal Neighbors, will meet Monday Odd Fellows (latients are paying and the rost 10 Ea.**! Center Street Odd lellows Building for board and care. It has been Mrs Kalpli Peraaotr'and Mrs. C evening at 7:4.A at the home of Mrs. Fred Corbett. 68 Cooper Hill found that the.?e persons are in ITALIAN AND A.MKRICAN COOKINC; H. Jaycox. both of Starkweather street. The hiisiness will include (dve Degree many rases bed patients .and to Featuring Chicken, Steaks, Spaghetti and Ravioli. street, entertained the girts of their .send them to a hospital would coat the election of officers Orders Put I’p To Take Out. Sunday school rlaa.ses in the North more and would only result in their Methodist churt^h with a Hallowe'en being sent hack from the hospital NOW FEATURING: DANTES RHYTHM BAND! party at the'home of Mrs .layeox. The directors of the E i g h t h Districts in Coill- to pnv.ite rare. School and I'tilities District met A miml>er of Hallowe'en games Those dicing eared for In con- last night' and dispo.sed of routine were played under the direction of hinefi O rem ony; Sev- vales« ent homes arc'in many rases business. President William Foulds, Miss Grace West Refreshrnents securing slate aid from old age Jr . was authorized to secure fig- en Receive Second. were .served buffet style. ' Tlie j |ien.?lon.- This is being applied in- floral centerpiece was of orange ures for laying 100 feet of six-inch --Herald Photos sanitary .sewer in Marble street. William Pattern (right ahovei who ha.« operated’a meat market I ward.? their rare and the town is and yellow na.sturtiiims which Mrs. Seven candidates received the j paying the difference. There is now a four-inch line in second degree la.at night at Odd and grocery on Center street for 61 yeiira closes his bu.sines.s ra- Jaycox picked in her garden, an unusual thing at this time of the this street that was laid at no cost Fellows Hall at a combined cere- reer today John (.'hamber.s. ile ft' who has been with Mr. Pit-

year as they are among the Arst to the district, but the additional monial with lodges of Districts 20 j ler.soh for 21 years, will carry on the biisine.ss. The .«5ti)rc is wide- flowers to succumb to frost. line now being considered is to and 24 participating. The degree I ly known for it.s many Scotch meat specialties. LEGION take carr of houses not at present work was put on in the old style Paul Risley, son of Atr. and Mrs. connected with the sewer. under the direction of Thomas

H. E. Risley of Highland street, .Maxwell. entertained a group of his school Officers of the grand lodge of Anniversary friends find playmates with a Hal- Connectuiit were pre.sent for the Jiitljie Slidliaiii Heard Along Main Street lowe'en party at his home. Eleven degree work.

children and Ave adults were pres- Lodges represented at the cere- Dial

ent and all had a merry time. F^pnorth Spraker monial wore Putnam. Central Vil- And on Some of Matu'hrsivr'a Side Strerts, Too lage, Willimantic, Middletown and ,3230 Sylvia Keith won Arst prize for the prettiest girls' costume and her sis- F3nst Hartford besides the local Clean, Comfortable Cam! King David lodge We’ve heard a lot of rntuusm of ♦ come.s into town every so often B-I-N-G-O ter. Marilyn. for the funniest. W il- ' Judge Emri I-. .Stidham will be the fact that some of the Old Age iloe.s quit»» a bu.sine.".s here we are | Court4Muis Service .At All Tlmea! liam Harris had the best boys' rig The Central Village lodge wtil Tax enumerator.s are asking, and told He doe.mi’t extract teeth, o^, and William Blovish the funniest. the guest speaker at the combined give the third degree work to the some cases, demanding to know cnui.-ie, but if anyone lia.s h.atl hi.s Marjone Cooley won Arst in the I Junior und Senior candidates on Thtirsday evening SATURDAY NIGHT

the party affiliation of the persons teeth out and (’an t .ifft'irti. to pay C IT Y T A X I apple-ducking game The Risley i Kpworth «t the South November 6 The district lodges are planning queried. This year tlie Old Age the u.'aual fee for r.ew set.s of false . DE.NMS M l'RPHV, Prop. LEGION HOME — LEONARD STREET home was sppropnately decorated iMethoUist rhtirch tomorrow at 6:00 'Pax enumerators are taking the and the refreshments were greatly an open night for members and teeth thi.» fellow maUe;^ a tittin- I p. m. His talk anistnct 20 will IS now necessary siiu'e the future third the u.^ual- ( Mst. j subject which shtnild prove very | voting list.s will enrry not only the present a minstrel show in Odd KeKular Games Slart 8:1.5 — Penny Bingo .VI 7:20. interestin^r anri enlif^htening he ; name.s o f voters but the street ad- Fellows Hall here, Ijater in the I>4'pot Square ha.s a j>aikin;: l ha5 eerved aa judge of the Ka^^t dres.si\M winter the lodges of District 24 problem as well as the .'^oulh end . INDIVIDUAL SEATJ^ FOR EVERYONE! Hartford Town ('ourt for two At first It was planned to ask D IA L First Quality will reciprocate with a complete of t4)wn One compl.'uh.nnt we years. Judge Stidham la pre.^iident the party affdiations of all per- of the lot al F'xchange C’lub and evening of entertainment to be heard .said th»ue wouldn't be a Xni.'is (iifi Photos presented in Putnam. sons in town .so that the eaiu us problem if the store own’er.s tliem- aervea the Kiiucnlional ('ommit- hst.H could be more easily made up 7752 or selvc.s vvuuldn r occupy the avail-, At Low Prices! tee of the National F-xchange riuh. | by the registrars However, tlu* $159 IN P R IZE S All young people of high achool ^ able .apare.s. F’,yCount the other Selectmen felt that asking for' ^ d.ay tliere were eleven • ar.-« or- ELITE STLTHO age and over are welcome to this Bri(le-F]lert! Guest party afflictions might prove em- 6172 Plus Sweepstake Sunday evening get-together. cupymg the .«p”*.« "H th.e barrassing and arouse antagonism FOR RELIABLE, Squ.are all owne'i by mer. hint-*: among the residents It was under- DEPENDABLE 3 .4flmission Prizes -At Surprise Party .stnod that the enumerators would ^^enIl'•'r.s of the I -rnl di^ift ‘ard . AND ECONOMICAL not ask the party affiliations ques- , have heard .«o.i'.e of 1 D o o r P r i z e tion. Mis.^ Nin« Mereninn. 1.^ Maple But certainly some of the enu- Selective Servi e a'loii.H based on Cor.d»afalive ca.'^ep It us Laundry Plenty of Parking Space In the Rear! street, wtis guest of honor at a merators have asked that ques- prat tu ally impiissible. the local third pre-nupUnl surpri.se nu.'^cel- tion. and some of them h.ave been told to mind their own bu.sme.ss. boar 1 members, find, to rla.'sify WELL LIGHTED AND PATROLLED! lantHtu.s shower last night, given by Mrs, Catherine Armstrong and Making up the party ram us lists, legistrnnt.s generally. Every ca.se Service

Nlrs .Ann Richards at the home of which IS nothing more than an tui-. uiffcrs in .some way from the i rollment of the voters for the olher.s. So It IS untair to n niarU | .Mrs. Richards on School .street, SUPER-BINGO with about 2^ of her fnend.s in at- party priniMri'S; is the regustrars’ that one rcgil.srant .should not be SH ARP'S tendance. job in Clas.s 2 tor example .suuply be- , f I a t t h e The bride waa seated un

j white wedding bell with streamers not understand vyhy .“uch ques- ly in like cin urnstanres i.s m I'ln.ss , LA U N D RY 1. All of the cases have been i attached while opening her many tioning IS necessary and the enu- ARMY & NAVY CLUB, Inc. I l o v e l y g i f t s . merators. >n some ( a.se.s,

I A buffet luncheon was served seem to be able to give a .satisfac- Iian.son.s of case.s «tre bt>und t<' be i t unfair cntici.sms. i 1 and favors made in the form of tory answer. It looks as though L^ll I colonial bouquets wer"e given out the eiuiinerators havt-n’l ■ be.*n 484853• Saturday^ October 25 5323232323232348535353535353484823234853484848534848484848532348534823485348204853532323 I Later In the evening the bride cut thiifonghly informed a.s to their One bx al gasolltu* station ex- jobs this year, or perhaps some [ a lovely wedding t ake (^amea of jHuienccii a rather co.slly mistake a l \l8:l.vl». M. various kinds were enjoy- .oiiple of vvtu'ks ago vvh'*n‘ a' fmd I ; Mi.ss Merenino will be married out any Information about thiun* oil ilelivuuy man ernptu*d hus entire #20(1. In Prizes Not Including Door Prize! to William Arm.strong on .Novem- selves. tank lMi( k load into an intake pipe f ADMISSION ...... $1.00 This IS one of tlm^t' jobs that are ber 15th in St Jame-s a.church. th.it led irUo high tc.-it gh.s4)!ino in- ■Ample Parking In Rear of Club! part of the growing pains U'rllard .ste.ad of fuel oil. It .spoibMl the Rogers talks about. The Best Investment whfile .supply of both fuel oil ’ ami t ga.sohne that w» re in the tank U>- F^ur A young man who has work- gether. It vva.s a company owned Agent For ptl hard for the political party of station and the mixed fuels were

his choir/ Attorney Jay-Hubinow jumped out to he .sent nw.vy ^or a You Can Make—

hasn’t seemed to be appreciated I retining or separating treatment.

, by the Manchester Democrats. He I It w.o-s ilifflcult to place the re.spon-

; lA always busy in the work of the .sibility for the hiuniler, hut the The Craft Shop , party. He has frequently ati'lre.ss- ■ truck Inver ha.sn t l)cen .seen on . ptl various local groups on Demo- ' Mis dehvery route lately. l .VI Depot Square I cralic party principles and at elec-

WILL OPEN ON MONDAA'. NOV'. .1 :O K E tion time’ he i.s an ardent worker. t don't know to wh.it extent This year he strove hard to get INSTRUCTION IN METALRY. JEWELRY the /.ktate To Ik e, or the St.ite A HOME OF

new voters for his party, giving -Motor Vchirle department have AN D CERAMICS , T. W O O D CO. up his own time to make up Ilst.s gone in checking out-of-state regis- of prospective voters and he tried 51 Bi s. 8el l S t r e e t trations,. But there is one ear In .'VflerntMin (1 :.'l0-4 :.'10) and Evening (7-10) hi.s best to get them to the Muni- Manche.ster quite' frequently with Phone 4196 cipal building to be enrolled. F'or Cla.sses New York State markers, and at- all his work he hasn’t been favor- tached to'the rear license plate is a YOUR OWN ed. particularly with political pa- -FOR INFOR.MATION PHONE .VT.VR city marker plate that spells tronage. certainly not in propor- ■'Hartford. " From the look? of both tion to the work he has done for plates the car has been in this the Democrats state for some time. •7

Although the traffic circle at N d doubt ab out t h a t — and when you m ake FILMS Manchester residents who are m :w homes f 6 r old the O nter is a bjg improvement employed in East Hartford are DEVELOPED AND over the former helter-skelter set- dtscu-sslng pro and con the argu- REMODELING AND MODERNIZING up. it IsVYae from perfect as yet. it do it wisely — select a site or a house in one PRINTED ment that has developed In - the The police do an excellent job in neighboring.community over trail- DefeoM authnrltlrk are rM-ohmiendln|r the modemlzinf and re- 24-HOUK SERVICE handling a difTIcult aituation. but 1 er camp residents. Seems that an . raodelinK o f older bnine. to pro\1 de irrealer houMoK farlll- o f M anchester's fin est resid en tial develop J tlea. the automobile drivers t,hemselve.y| article in a nationally circulated Film Dt-pofiil Box k We have tnqrlKOKC money available for thU purpose and are don't' give m&ch co-operation. magazine------...... dealt with the trailer At Store Entrance If autoists',bound for Hartford t co-operatinK with defence nuthorltle*. problem and somewhere in the ar- m e n t s. . . from the north or cast would bear ticle it was stated that children p Let OB explain our aeveral nmrtiraKe plan*. t right into the west traffic lane, of trailerites were branded by chil- Intereat rate* are reavnnable. e and if those bound .south beyond dren of other residents as "trailer KEMP^S f the Center would keep in the left trash." I lane they would help considerably Some of thf. East Hartford peo- THE MANCHESTER TRUST COMPANY t In solving the problem. Often- ple are highly resentful of the slur

times long lines of Hartford bound on those living In trailers while

traffic are held up simply because others maintain there are certain c some driver from the north insists trailer evils that 'must be curbed. STONEHAVEN t on getting into the west lane and ^ It might be well If Manchester S TAXI? sticking there.,, ' folks kept a close watch on de- A few In.atnietihn .signs might A n d Yo u Will N ever Be D isa ppointed! i velopments in East Hartford be- . h CALL also help make the problem an caiLse if housing conditions con- OKDESS FOR » easier one to handle. tinue as they are this town! may 6588 soon have to face the trailer issue. w S We don't know whether or not k Prompt! p Judge William S. Hyde considers An out of state automobile was ; We have both the real est a t e upon which Safe! i i TURKEYS Senice! himself an authority bn the thea- , driveii into a filling station here r- t ter, but he certainly ought to be. the otheroth day with the radiator Scarcely a production comes to S steaming badly. It was an old car to build and the buildin g org aniza tio n to do a Buahnell Memorial in Hartford, MANCHESTER TAXI and the attendant told the driver opera, ballet, concert or comedy, the radiator seemed to be clogged AL OrfUelll, Algr. Given Away Tonight but Judge and Mrs. Hyde will be up. "It ought to be flushed and the jo b for you — to ybiir sa tisfactio n. OlHce At th e Tea R oon seen in aisle seats in the sixth fresh water put In" the gas sta- AT THE t row —Just about the beat seats in tion man asserted. “ All right" said c the bouse. the backwoodsman who was driv-

BUI Stevenson, box office mans-' ing. ‘:but while you're at It put- o

ger'at Bushnell, a poat he held in some fresh air in those tires. That T w British American Qub Bingo old Parsons' theater, aaya that he air must havA been in them tires Carieton Schuster an’t remember a stags production for Biz months anyway." Maple Street t ahat came to Hartford during the past, number of years that Judge s 20 Bcfnlar Games. PrixM: Orders for a lA-Pound Well, laat night was HaUowe'en PI A N O Hyde failed to 4iee. a Tarkejr or#3.50 in Each Game. and while the youngsters were ---- IT having their fling the oldsters were 7 Special Gamea.. Prizes: -S43.00. ■ _ - . And speaking of professional rccaUing the fun they bad on the. T E A C H E R men has anyone evey pointetf out ^ T Free Game. Order for a 10-Pound Turkey or $3.50. eve of A ll Saints Day. Most o { th^ ^ to you the Ilcenae plate on Rev. old timere remarked that th * i 1 Jack Pot Gaate. Prize: $20.00,, Formerly' of Boston Karl Richter'e automobile? The youth today didn’t have the fun 1 Sweepstake Game. y NOW TEACRING AT lettera on the plate arc G-D foUow- pushing ovec and .mdving out- ed by the uaual number. When, p 85 WEST CENTER ST. houses they had enjoyed. ‘^ e l P ^.CENTER AND ALEXANDER STREETS PHONES 1112 AND 7275 A Adaikaioa 25 easts. . ' Playing Starts At 8:15.' tbky were pointed out to lu we aaid one ot a ^roup. “ you , can't Com* E a^-for Penny Binso! aaM. "WeU, 111. be goeh dkrned!" have old fashioned fua and'plumb- di Phone 2-0269 Inr. too. ’ , aa Aat mecbanl^ ^d^Uai thaP 4-^.- , Ik ■■p^A,i