Destination Loue Lison’s cycling tours Loop N°7 « Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne

Alexandre suggests you Points of interest the most beautiful roads.

In , take the Grand surroundings). Turn back and - heritage: steeple pont to begin with a lengthy before climbing, turn left on the and laundry fountains. climb of 9 km to the beautiful D139 road to Saraz and then - Ferme Courbet in Flagey village of Chantrans by the Alaise. Celtic vestiges are just - Source du Lison, Sarrazine D492. You will see its typical a few steps further (Alésia ?). cave, Creux Billard Franche-Comté steeple with Cross the little bridge on the - The Taillanderie museum its curved shape and var- Lison and continue on this - Alésia site in Alaise nished tiles. Turn right toward road to the Moulin (mill) de - Cléron’s castle Silley-, 2 km away Chiprey. Turn left on the D476 - Hameau du Fromage turn right again (D334) to go toward Myon then right on the - Espace Beauqier, picnic area Recap to the familial farm of Gus- D15 to go to Doulaize. In the & summer restaurant tave Courbet in Flagey. Then, village, turn left on the D103 by  turn left to go to . a slight uphill portion road  After a long straight line leading you to . Cross ther. This 2-meter-wide way will  (D492), turn right to Éternoz this village, stop in the Gouille lead you to Ornans, your final  on the D15, where the cliff is Noire viewpoint to admire the destination, through the camp-  curved on the village. Turn Loue and go to , ing Le Chanet.  left on the D103E to go back passing through « Le Val again on the D492 before a Sainte-Marie ». You can ad- long descent to Nans-sous- mire the Cléron’s castle along- Conseils Sainte-Anne. Explore the side the Loue from this nice  village and especially the descent. At the intersection, in source du Lison to learn Cléron, continue straight on to  about geology ( Sarrazine join the Pater street, becoming cave, Creux Billard and its the Saint-Roch way 4 km fur-

The Gouille Noire viewpoint A view on a secret part of the Loue.

Steeples from Franche-Comté The destruction of a lot of religious edi- fices during the ten-year war in the 14th and 15th centuries involved the build of these typical steeples, also named « Steeple with imperial dome », from Italy.

Nans-sous-Sainte- Anne Remarkable place thanks to its land- scape, its waterfalls and its numerous mountains hills and slopes.

Chantrans Eternoz Saraz Doulaise Cléron Ornans 700m Ornans


500m Drop


300m 0km 7km 14km 21km 28km 35km 42km 49km 56km 63km Distance