“NECROLOGY” compiled by Music Librarian CHRISTOPHER POPA

This is a report that supplements the Biographical Sketches which I have written about the legendary bandleaders. Presented below is a list of leaders, musicians, vocalists, and others in the scope of my website who have died recently.

Nat Hentoff, 91, d.Jan 7, 2017, natural causes. critic. Became interested in jazz as a young boy after hearing Artie Shaw’s Nightmare.

Buddy Bregman, 86, d.Jan 8, 2017. Arranger / conductor for albums by Basie (“The Greatest!! Count Basie Plays, Joe Williams Sings Standards”) and Rich (“ Sings ”).

Buddy Greco, 90, d.Jan 10, 2017. Pianist / vocalist with Goodman ‘48-’49.

Lynn Roberts, 82, d.Jan 23, 2017, cancer. Vocalist with Spivak ‘52; T Dorsey ‘53; Dorsey Bros ‘54- ’56; J Dorsey ‘56-’57; Kaye ‘59; Goodman ‘61 / ‘67 / ‘69 / ‘72; James ‘80-’82.

Svend Asmussen, 100, d.Feb 7, 2017. Danish jazz violinist with on the ‘63 Ellington album “Duke Ellington’s Jazz Violin Session”; Hampton ‘78; Goodman ‘81.

Helen Lee Davis, 95, d.Apr 15, 2017. Vocalist with O Tucker ‘46; Clinton ‘47-’48; J Dorsey ‘49; Beneke ‘50.

Dick Contino, 87, d.Apr 19, 2017. Accordionist who in 1947 won first prize in a contest run by , who then featured him on his weekly radio show, “The Horace Heidy Youth Oppor- tunity Program,” sponsored by Philip Morris. Contino’s 1965-66 Dot LPs “Talia” and “Twilight Time And other Golden Hits” were arranged by .

Dave Pell, 92, d.May 8, 2017. Saxophonist with Sherwood ‘43; Pastor ‘44-’45; Crosby ‘45?; Brown ‘48-’55; A&R Director for Tops Records ‘56-’59.

Bill Tole, 79, d.May 20, 2017. Trombonist with various name bands around Los Angeles including Beneke ‘83 and McKinley at Disneyland ‘84; led his own orchestra which recorded All I Need with a vocal by Bob Grabeau; led Orchestra starting 1/1/2002. Brother of trombonist Gary Tole and vocalist Nancy Knorr.

Mickey Roker, 84, d.May 22, 2017. Drummer with Gillespie ‘74 / ‘75 / ‘76.

Harry Prime, 97, d.Jun15, 2017. Vocalist with Brooks ‘46-’47; Fina ‘47; T Dorsey ‘47; Flanagan ‘49 -’53.

Bea Wain, 100, d.Aug 19, 2017, congestive heart failure. Vocalist with Shaw ‘37 (If It’s the Last Thing I Do); Clinton ‘37-’39.

Ted Sommer, 93, d.Nov 5, 2017. Drummer with Les Elgart ‘54-’55; Hefti ‘55.

Sol Schlinger, 91, d.Nov 12, 2017. Saxophonist with Fields ‘47; T Dorsey ‘49 / ‘50 / ‘51; J Gray ‘51; J Dorsey ‘51; Sauter-Finegan ‘52; Barnet ‘52; Goodman ‘54 / ‘55 / ‘57 / ‘58 / ‘63 / ‘65 / ‘69 / ‘74 / ‘77 / ‘78.

Mundell Lowe, 95, d.Dec 2, 2017. Guitarist with McKinley ‘46; Goodman ‘48 (Stealin’ Apples, Capitol) / ‘52 (“The Kate Smith Show,” NBC) / ‘78 - ‘80 - ‘82 (“The Show,” Metromedia) / ‘80 (“, NBC); Miller Orch-McKinley (4/13/59 RCA Victor session).

Keely Smith, 89, d.Dec 16, 2017. Vocalist with Prima ‘48-’61 and his wife ‘53-’61.

Dominic Frontiere, 86, d.Dec 21, 2017. Accordionist with Heidt ‘49-’52 (including / Accordiana [ Horace Heidt presents MS 1031 ]) and arranger-composer.

Joseph Cipriano, 91, d.Dec 24, 2017. Saxophonist with Guy Lombardo’s Royal Canadians ‘62- ’79?. After Guy’s brother, Carmen, died in 1971, he became the lead alto with the band and, in fact, was given Carmen’s alto, which his family still has.

Dick Waco, 90, d.Jan 5, 2018. Hosted program on various radio stations, including WNYN, WHLO, and WCER, and emceed live shows in northeast Ohio. Was a friend of and interviewed many famous bandleaders such as Stan Kenton, , and Ray McKinley.

Tom Netherton, 70, d.Jan 7, 2018, pneumonia. Vocalist with Welk ‘73-’82.

Marlene VerPlanck, 84, d.Jan 14, 2018. Vocalist with Spivak ‘56?; Beneke ‘66 (“Bring Back the Bands”); Orchestra-O’Brien ‘83 (“In the Digital Mood”).

Bill Hughes, 87, d.Jan 14, 2018. Trombonist with Basie ‘54-’57 / ‘63 / ‘64 / ‘73-’84 and leader of The Basie Orchestra ‘03-’10.

Sal Monte, 97, d.Jan 19, 2018. Brother of Manager of the Harry James Orchestra, Frank “Pee Wee” Monte.

Vic Damone, 89, d.Feb 11, 2018. Singer who recorded with Jerry Gray (I Have But One Heart / Ivy, Mercury 5053) ‘46.

Clyde Reasinger, 90, d.Mar 26, 2018. Trumpeter with Kenton ‘52 / ‘67, S Donahue ‘55 / ‘57 / ‘58, Ferguson ‘58, Barnet ‘66-’67, Miller Orch-DeFranco ‘66, McKinley ‘84.

Audrey Morris, 89, d.Apr 1, 2018. Singer with Spivak ‘55 and pianist.

Alan Cass, 77, d.Apr 18, 2018. Curator of Glenn Miller Archive at the University of Colorado- Boulder, 1969-2015.

Dick Williams, 91, d.May 5, 2018, natural causes. Vocalist with James ‘49-’50.

Bill Watrous, 79, d.Jul. 2, 2018. Trombonist with Butterfield ‘61?; Ferguson ‘64-’65; Herman ‘67.