Woodrow Wilson High School

Please Recycle THE EACON September 26, 2014 3950 Chesapeake St.B NW Washington, D.C. 20016 | VOLUME 78 ISSUE 2 Athletes Reinstated After Controversy upsetting that he can’t play.” Erin Doherty D.C. law states that when Sports Editor a public school cannot offer Two Wilson football players students with disabilities a “free who go to Lab School of Wash- and appropriate public educa- ington and had been deemed tion,” those students can enroll ineligible to play four weeks ago in an appropriate private school have been reinstated after Ward for free, at taxpayer expense. 3 councilmember Mary Cheh These students also are allowed added their case as an “emer- to play sports at DCPS if their gency topic” to Tuesday’s D.C. private school does not offer Council meeting. photo that sport. But this arrangement Luis Flor and Kasper does not apply if the students Tuomala had been banned from pay their own tuition at the pri- Wilson’s roster when it came vate schools. The fact that Flor to light that their parents were and Tuomala played football for paying private school tuition. Wilson for two years made their But Kelly Whittier, director of case different. On September communications for Cheh, said 23, the DCPS Football Tempo- the presence of the boys at the rary Amendment Act of 2014 meeting was convincing. Photos Courtesy of Luis Flor and Lori Milstein declared that on a temporary “They approached council- THEY’RE BACK - Luiz Flor, left, and Kasper Tuomala, right, successfully campaigned basis, students attending private members during breaks to talk to get back on the Wilson football team. D.C. said they were ineligible 4 weeks ago schools are allowed “to play on about why playing is important and passion for the team grew. notified they were no longer al- and they get to play and I can’t, DC Public Schools sports teams to them,” Whittier said. This “Playing for Wilson has changed lowed to play at Wilson because due to something that was never when the students have already created a change of heart among my life because the way Wilson they were paying tuition at a my fault,” Flor said before Tues- played with the team for at least the councilmembers, and when teaches us football is another private school. They’d been day’s vote. “It kills me to even two years and live within the voting time came, 13 out of 13 way of teaching us about life,” mistakenly permitted to play for watch any sort of football now. school’s boundary.” members voted in support of Flor said. Wilson in their freshman and DCPS ended my road to success, Flor and Tuomala were allowing the boys to play. But this year, those bonds sophomore years. and I want it back.” ecstatic to learn that their per- Now juniors, Flor and were temporarily broken. During Flor and Tuomala felt the Wilson students also felt for severance paid off. “We deserve Tuomala signed up to play foot- preseason practice in August, situation was unfair, but they the boys. “I feel really bad about it, we have worked so hard to get ball at Wilson their freshman Flor and Tuomala learned that were determined to right it. “I it,” senior Joyce Distinto says. this, and so have our parents,” year because their school does their high school football careers see a lot of players on Wilson “I know that football is super Flor said, “our goal now is to go not have a team. Over two sea- were in jeopardy. The two were who I’m really good friends with, important to [Luis], so it’s pretty to states.” sons with the Tigers, their love Gender Roles Change Over Time Who Did Best on the APs it seems that Wilson has done a Shea too felt that, excluding Maria Brescia-Weiler Features Editor pretty good job in its recent his- football, male and female sports tory of trying to provide males have received similar amounts of Girls 14 Boys 7 At last week’s National and females with equal oppor- attention. In fact, Wilson’s girls Honor Society meeting, there tunities. Academic standards lacrosse team was started before Physics Environmental Science were only 11 boys present in a seem to have been consistently its boys team. Black Box full of seniors. The high for both. “I don’t recall any None of this is to say that Psych US History president and vice president of of my teachers, many of whom Wilson is completely gender English Literature Statistics the SGA, the senior class presi- were women, treating the girls equal, nor that it has ever Calculus AB World History dent, the Editors in Chief of the any differently or expecting any been. When Myers attended US Government Calculus BC Beacon, and the leader of Tiger less of them,” writes Myers. Wilson, the fight song started Studio Art Chemistry Sports Network are all females. History teacher Jonathan with the line “Sons of Wilson, Computer Science Chinese It’s clear that in this day and age, Shea, who just finished teaching never yielding, swords of truth Comparative Government there are plenty of leadership his 20th year at Wilson, came and courage wielding…” She Biology DoDo Both Genders Genders Have Equal Have Opportunities? Equal Opportunities? opportunities for girls at Wilson. here at a time when the princi- writes,“My friend Tasha agitated MicroDo Economics Both Genders Have Equal Opportunities? 24% Class of 1978 alumni and pal and two of the three assis- and agitated about it, and the Of girls Macro Economics 24% say yes current Wilson parent Emily tant principals were women. “I administration finally agreed to Of girls English Language say yes Myers remembers that this was have never perceived legalistic change it to “Wilson students, 24% Human Geography Of girls not always the case. “As far as problems in regards to gender, never yielding, etc.” say yes 56% clubs are concerned, I think mostly because there are so Myers believes that more Spanish Language Of boys 56% say yes Of boys there was equal opportunity many women in leadership posi- has changed since she attended say yes for everyone,” she writes in tions,” says Shea. Wilson than its fight song. Now an email. “I do think that boys While Myers remembers “we expect that girls sports will While girls might have been in leadership there being “virtually no girls be treated the same as boys, and performed better on 56% Of boys positions more frequently--edi- sports” when she attended if they aren’t, we complain,” she AP exams, only 24% say yes tor of The Beacon, editor of the Wilson, she also recalled there writes. “That would never have say that they have Yearbook, etc.” being few boys sports either, happened when I was at Wilson.” For the most part, however, beyond football and basketball. equal opportunities Graphic by CONT. ON PG 9 Jarrah May Like us on Facebook: The Wilson Beacon We’re looking for a junior photo editor. If you f have experience with photography & photo ed- Follow us on Twitter: @thewilsonbeacon iting and are interested in applying, email t [email protected] for more details. i Follow us on Instagram: wilsonbeacon Page 2 NEWS September 26, 2014 Three-Way Mayoral Race May Make History Congress Revisits ning as an Independent, was a Zach Essig D.C. Statehood Issue member of D.C. government for Staff Writer Rachel Page Malhotra attended high school in Mary- more than three decades. She Features Editor land, where she was able to write letters to With less than two months is concerned about changes in her senator or call local representatives for to go before D.C. residents hit the city that have left behind D.C.’s decades-long struggle to become help with passport issues. She says that she’s the polls to vote for the seventh seniors, minorities and the poor, its own state and gain the unrestricted right astounded that so many D.C. citizens have mayor of the District of Colum- threatening vulnerable popula- to vote on local issues has reemerged onto never had these privileges-- and that they bia, the race is gearing up for tions. the national stage. On September 15, D.C. don’t seem to want them. the final push. The candidates This mayoral race has the residents and activists gathered in the Dirk- Legislatively, statehood would give D.C. are out on the town, talking to potential to make D.C. history. sen Senate Office Building for a hearing about local government greater control over its voters and trying to get their If Catania wins the election, he D.C. statehood. The purpose of the hear- laws. Malhotra cites the example of mari- messages heard. would be the first openly gay ing, organized by Delaware Senator Thomas juana decriminalization, which was passed in There are three candidates mayor of the District of Colum- Carper, was to discuss a bill for D.C. represen- D.C. over the summer. Though decriminaliza- running for mayor: Muriel bia. If either Catania or Schwartz tation in Congress that would officially make tion won among the D.C. Council by popular Bowser (Democrat), David Cata- prevail, the winner would be D.C. a state called “New Columbia,” rather vote, Maryland representative Andy Harris nia (Independent), and Carol both the first white mayor and than the federal district it has been since introduced an amendment to the law in June Schwartz (Independent). the first non-Democrat. 1791. that would effectively block it from being Ward 4 council member Who wins depends on who Washington, D.C. has an elected mayor enacted. Making D.C. a state would put its Muriel Bowser is a fifth-gener- shows up to vote in November. and a city council, but because it is not a state legislation--including decriminalization--into ation Washingtonian. She says The District of Columbia is it has no voting representation in either the its own hands, rather than those of represen- her desire to be mayor stems primarily a Democratic city, with Senate or the House of Representatives. Con- tatives that no D.C. resident even voted for. from her desire “to make good 76 percent of voters registered gress also has the ability to overturn any law Ultimately, the answer to D.C. represen- neighborhoods great.” If elected as Democrats. The remaining passed by the City Council, something that is tation may not be so black and white. Even mayor, Bowser plans to ensure registered voters are 7 percent criticized by many D.C. voting rights activists. if the current bill does not pass, there are a economic equality within the Republican and 17 percent Inde- Too often, says Wilson parent and suf- multitude of options that would give D.C. District, continue reforming pendent. While the numbers of fragist Jane Malhotra, congressmen from residents more representation in Congress schools, and improve the overall Republicans and Independents other states use D.C. laws to grandstand on without making D.C. a state. Some activists government of D.C., among are comparatively small, if they issues that will win them more votes back advocate for retroceding D.C. land to Mary- other things. She is the front- come to the polls in full, it could home. On issues where the views of Congress land. Under this model, Maryland would take runner in the race, with the polls well be a tight race. Historically- differ from those of the local populace, D.C. back the territory it originally gave up to showing a 17 percent lead over low turnout in the 2014 Demo- lawmakers are virtually powerless. found D.C., just as Virginia re-appropriated Catania, and Schwartz is run- cratic primary election and lack Although the hearing has made media its land in 1846, and former D.C. residents ning a distant third. of strong voter enthusiasm for discussion of D.C. statehood more prominent would be represented by Maryland delegates David Catania is one of the the upcoming mayoral elec- in the last week, it is by no means a new with full voting rights. Others say that the two Independents running for tion increase the importance issue. D.C.’s one non-voting delegate to the United States should follow the example of mayor. He is a lawyer and also a of the candidates’ grassroots House of Representatives, Eleanor Holmes Australia and other nations and create a capi- At-Large D.C. Councilmember. operations so that many D.C. Norton, introduced a bill for statehood when tal territory with voting representation and Catania has worked to push for residents will be drawn to the she was sworn into office in 1993. “The autonomy, including all of D.C. except for the progressive policies. He was a voting booth. people of the District of Columbia in 1801, National Mall and federal buildings. leader in getting gay marriage With the November 4 when we became the nation’s capital, went Whatever the future of D.C.’s political equality in the District and has deadline quickly approaching, into the streets to demand their rights,” she autonomy may be, one thing is clear: nothing worked to reform the District’s the mayoral race is sure to heat said in an address to the House floor on Sep- is going to happen without public advocacy. schools. As mayor, he plans to up. All D.C. residents can do now tember 11. “And they have been in the streets Malhotra encourages students to make fight for a more economically is stay informed about the race, ever since, demanding their full rights as any their voices heard in any way possible. “The viable district. and if eligible to vote, make an red-blooded American would be.” Norton was younger you are,” she says, “the more people Carol Schwartz, also run- educated choice. also present at the hearing, where she gave listen to what you think.” testimony in favor of the bill. Young activists have a long history of For as long as advocacy for D.C. state- success, from the Little Rock Nine, who Wilson Gets Friendly hood has been around, there has also been brought issues of school segregation and opposition to it. In his 1788 essay Federal- institutional racism to the national level in ated with the National Academy Megan Bell ist No. 43, Founding Father James Madison 1957, to the anti-Vietnam War group Stu- Staff Writer Foundation and has introduced argued that placing the center of American dents for a Democratic Society, founded in two new classes: Principles of government within an independent state 1959. The best thing Wilson students can do, Following the lead of com- Hospitality and Customer Ser- would give disproportionate power to the Malhotra says, is to “hit the streets. You go to panies such as Zappo’s and Nor- vice. The 51 student members of citizens of said state. Modern oppositionists the White House and organize a rally. You go dstrom, Wilson has a new initia- the academy this year will help often cite the same argument, saying that to the Capitol and organize a sit-in.” tive committed to providing gather information for an an- statehood would create a dangerous depen- If the local and federal governments are great customer service. No, that nual survey and set up informa- dency on New Columbia for federal resources forced to confront the next generation of D.C. doesn’t mean you can return tion centers to help students like water, electricity, and police protection. residents who want their own representation, your painful shoes to Wilson, and visitors. Oklahoma senator Tom Coburn, who spoke they may be more likely to consider legisla- but in its own way Wilson wants Additionally, academy briefly at the hearing, said in his opening tive change. to make sure that all members members will help “the school statement that the bill would require a Con- For young people who have spent their of the community have positive bank, security, deans, SGA, and stitutional amendment and would infringe on whole lives in D.C., it can be difficult to imag- encounters with the school. teachers to recognize customer the borders of both Maryland and Virginia, ine any significant political changes being Customer service has been service throughout the build- constituting a “serious affront to their sover- made to the city in their lifetimes. But maybe identified as a key theme for the ing and to create a proposal to eignty.” that doesn’t have to be the case. “You look 2014-2015 school year, and the address the concerns and build a Malhotra believes that D.C. statehood at the women’s suffrage movement and the new initiative coincides with the great customer service culture,” would have a huge positive impact on Wilson civil rights movement,” says Malhotra, “that’s debut of Wilson’s new Academy said Beverly Reynolds, AOHT students and other D.C. residents. “It would how you change something that people insist of Hospitality and Tourism coordinator. change how students see themselves as citi- can’t and shouldn’t be changed. But of course (AOHT). The initiative is also respon- zens in this country,” she says. “They would it can. If it’s bad, if it doesn’t work for people, Principal Pete Cahall was sible for staff introductions on realize what their role is and what it can be.” then it will change.” inspired to adopt the theme the TV monitors in the atrium, after customer service expert as well as the direction signs Bryan K. Williams delivered Wil- found throughout the hallways. son’s commencement address “There are so many points of Ninth Grade Officers Win Unopposed last June. Over the summer, contact throughout the school, In this year’s ninth grade student government elections only one ninth-grader Williams led a half-day training so we’d like to focus on Wilson’s applyed on time per position, giving each of the candidates an automatic win. Participa- session for the entire Wilson quality of service to the public,” tion in Wilson’s student government is an ongoing issue, effectively demonstrated by staff aimed to promote cus- said assistant principal Alex this recent event. According to Jennifer Li, the student body president, “SGA [Student tomer service at all levels. They Wilson, who is leading the new Government Association] is working hard to attract more Wilson students who hold formed a committee to encour- initiative. a genuine interest in making a difference at this school.” Li encourages any students age faculty, staff, and students Have feedback or sug- who have any interest in impacting school policy to run for office in the spring and to to demonstrate good customer gestions on how Wilson can approach SGA officers with suggestions. [Note: All other class elections proceeded typi- service so that everyone inter- improve its customer service? cally.] acting with Wilson has a positive Soon you’ll be able to share your By Emma Buzbee experience. thoughts on the Wilson website. The new academy was cre- September 26, 2014 OPINIONS Page 3 THE BEACON English Teachers Talk Books Co-Editors-in-Chief Claire Parker Annie Rosenthal Ms. Bowser Chief Web Editor When asked 1. 1984 Erin Sternlieb which three- Mr. Preacher 2. The Scarlet Letter Managing Editor books every 1. Hamlet Lauren ReVeal student should 3. Anyting by Alice 2. The Odyssey Visual Content Editor read in high Walker/Toni Morrison Sarah Torresen school, Wilson 3. Their Eyes Were Photo Editor English Watching God Joey Keegan teachers said: Ms. Ramos Business Manager Alex Conte 1. Shakespeare (Macbeth, Hamlet) Advisers Ms. Belew Mary Stapp 2. The Great Gatsby 1. 1984 Alexandra Stryker 3. Their Eyes Were 2. Things Fall Apart PRINT WEB Erin Sternlieb Watching God 3. Macbeth News Editor News Editor Chief Web Editor Emma Buzbee Helen Malhotra I love to read. A lot. I work Opinions Editors Features Editor at a bookstore, probably check Ms. Wright Elias Benda Greg Kopetsky my Goodreads account more 1. Jane Eyre Erin Sternlieb Sports Editor often than my Facebook, and typically read upwards of three 2. Great Features Editors Matthew Smee to four books a month. Yet Expectations Maria Brescia-Weiler Style Editor when I got to middle school and 3. All Quiet on the Rachel Page Sophie ReVeal started getting assigned reading, Western Front Sports Editors Videographer I found myself, like many others, uninterested. Erin Doherty Sophie ReVeal I’ve thought a lot about Henry Shuldiner Graphic Designer why it is that teachers pick this point, it seemed confusing subjects. While many students Style Editor Mason Strazzella the books they do. Why does to me that they would assign re- will never pursue math after Ellie Melick Beowulf, which is difficult to ally challenging books that seem Wilson, they are still required understand and took place completely unrelatable to many to take two years of it. English centuries ago, have more value students, knowing that many class should be the same way. No Layout Graphic Designers than a modern book that I can students would not read them. book necessarily has more value Mia Strazzella Jarrah May read and relate to? I researched When I decided to write this than any other; it is all about Staff Writers the most common high school article, I had a strong opinion. what the reader gets out of it, Megan Bell, Zach Essig, Brian Keyes, Val Pehrson, reading lists and found that they I was going take the angle that and that is different for every Garima Tandon all included the same authors: by pushing classics, high school student. Contributors George Orwell, Shakespeare, English classes were isolating If I had my choice I would Dannie Aguilar, Narmin Alimanedova, Danielle Bre- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Toni Mor- students and not doing enough probably never pick up a classic slow, Anna Bucknum, Nora Canellakis, Nora Charles, rison, Charles Dickens. Books by to inspire a love of reading in and only ever read contempo- Maya Edwards, Meredith Ellison, Isaac Furmkin, these authors are all great and students who might not do any rary fiction, but that is why I’m Johanna Kuchel, Emilia Majersik, Sam Masling, Sam important, but it seemed to me reading outside of school. And I not the one choosing what we Radack, Elena Remez, Clare Shaw, Abby Tanen, Lauren that it’s more important in high do still believe this, in part. read. Books we read in Eng- White school to choose books that stu- However, what I got from lish class should give students Thank you to our faithful volunteer, Mary Carpenter. dents will want to read -- books the English teachers I spoke to a well-rounded look at what The Beacon is published monthly by students of Woodrow Wilson that students can relate to that was different. Generally what literature exists; contemporary High School, 3950 Chesapeake St. N.W., Washington D.C., 20016. will inspire them to read outside they cared about was diversity. works, classics, modern classics, Unsigned editorials and cartoons are the views of the staff; personal commentaries reflect the opinions of the writers. of school. A diversity of voices. A diversity male writers, female writers and Our mission is to provide an accurate representation of the All of the Wilson English of time periods. A diversity of a spectrum of characters and diverse views, opinions, and concerns of the students of Wilson High teachers I talked to conceded style and language use. How to time periods. Let’s let students School. We aim to serve as the voice of the students. Through respon- sible, ethical journalistic practices, we strive to provide thorough, that in their experience, stu- ensure a diversity of voices is a choose what they like to read, reliable news coverage of issues relevant to Wilson. dents were way more likely much bigger and more difficult what books they value, but not Advertising and subscription rates are available by emailing to read books that were more question when the majority of limit them by lack of exposure. [email protected]. The Beacon welcomes all student and guest contributions: accessible, more modern, easier “classic” literature has been writ- Assistant Principal Tennille articles, photographs, art, commentary, and letters to the editor. All to read, or obviously relatable. ten by upper-class white men, Bowser put it well: “We are liv- submissions can be sent to [email protected], and become English teacher Molly Ramos simply because those were the ing in a diverse world...we owe it property of The Beacon. The Beacon is a public forum created for the purpose of express- explained that when reading people who had the opportunity. to our students to expose them ing the views of and providing information to the Wilson student certain more difficult classics, What I realize is that what to materials that broaden their body. Thank you for readingThe Beacon. students feel like they are not high school is about, or at least perspective.” only reading, but translating. tries be about, is exposing Since the teachers all agreed on students to a wide variety of German Student Encounters Surprises At Wilson school? ers have to change rooms, while grade very confusing. For exam- go to the restroom or the office. Johanna Kuchel Contributor I said, “I want to learn.” students relax during breaks- ple, if you get a 60% in the U.S. Sometimes you don’t even have I guess that wasn’t the right -which are 10 minutes, by the it’s an “F”, but 60% in Germany to ask the teacher if you can go. My first thought about answer, because I got some ir- way. Students’ classmates are would be a “3”, which means a I think there are so many Wilson: “It’s an airport. This has ritated looks, but I was allowed the same in each subject. “C.” differences between the Ameri- to be an airport.” In the brain to go inside. I like that you meet so many Something awkward that can and German school system of a German student, there is The first time the bell rang I new people in the American happens to me all the time is because the laws in the countries no place for the idea that there was shocked and thought it was system, because each class is that I call the restrooms “toi- are very different. Gun laws, for could be security in a school. In the fire alarm, because it is so filled with completely different lets,” because in Germany you example, are much more strict airports, of course, maybe even high and only one long sound. In students, which is because you say “toilette,” and this also in Germany, and the attitude of in train stations, but in schools? my school in Germany there are are able to choose some of your means restroom. It took me Germans towards weapons is Not possible. three different kinds of sounds subjects. a while, until I realized why much more negative. Then a security guard asked that follow each other, one after The grades in Germany are everybody is laughing when I say There are many new things what I want to do in this school. another. They are much lower, written in numbers, so an “A” that... to get used to and to learn in First I thought my English was more like “dong, doung, dung.” would be a “1” in Germany. I It is also so weird that you this American school, but I guess so bad that I didn’t get the ques- Another surprise is that you think I will never really under- need a hall pass allowing you to that is why they call it a school-- tion right. I mean, think about have to change rooms after each stand the American grades, go to the toi- I mean restroom. not an airport. it. Are there that many possi- lesson. I had to get used to it, because I find the percentage In Germany you can just walk bilities, what you want to do in because in Germany, the teach- comparing to the value of the out of the class, if you want to Page 4 OPINIONS September 26, 2014 President Wilson’s Name Brings Unwanted Legacy

veritable empire of the South, to communism was the best course Elias Benda Opinions Editor protect the Southern country.” for their country does not justify Despite all of this, Wilson the slavery and starvation of “A racist, sexist, and a mili- is seen as a beacon of progres- their own people. tarist.” If you heard this descrip- sive American politicians, an It’s not as if every single tion, your mind might jump to argument that is not completely white male in America at the dictators like Stalin or Hitler. In unfounded. John M. Cooper, a time believed blacks were infe- fact, this is Wilson Social Issues Wilson alum from the class of rior. The people we glorify from teacher Colman McCarthy’s 1957, wrote a Pulitzer Prize Fi- the past should be those op- description of the twenty-eighth nalist biography of the president positional voices, who, ahead of president of the United States, in which he applauds Wilson their time, believed in challeng- the man after whom our school for his progressive anti-trust ing what they saw as an immoral is named: Woodrow Wilson. actions as well as his direction of norm. Martin Luther King Jr., It is no secret that President the nation through World War I. one of the most recognizable Wilson had some views that now Wilson’s influence is most widely names in American history, was seem inflammatory, if not out- acknowledged in the formation one of those men who took a right offensive, and stood out of the League of Nations, the stand for what he believed was even at a time when the norm precursor to the United Nations, right. Appropriately so, there is included racism and eugen- which is seen as the beginning a monument to him on the Mall, ics (the belief that the human in a shift of American political and both the central D.C. library population can be improved, thought towards international and a Southeast D.C. elementary especially by discouraging repro- democracy and diplomacy. school are named after him. duction by people presumed to Cooper doesn’t ignore the If we are to follow the have undesirable traits--in this president’s pattern of case, black Americans). poor civil “Failure to emphasize memorial- Prior to his presidency, rights rep- izing people Wilson ran on a platform of ertoire, and the racist tendencies of who deserve intolerance. According to the acknowl- dangerous” the recogni- National Review Online, he led edges that tion for their his campaigning in Indiana with his ap- opposition support for the sterilization pointed attorney general was a to injustice, like MLK, then of prisoners and the mentally bit of a bigot. Wilson may not be the appropri- handicapped, a policy that he Regardless, failure to ate name for the most diverse, had signed into law as governor emphasize the racist tendencies highest-achieving traditional of New Jersey in 1911. of Wilson, from textbooks to public school in the city. Contempt for the disabled teaching, is dangerous. Stat- I support McCarthy and aside, Wilson also reinforced ing that Wilson was simply an his petition (200 signatures the establishment of racism in affluent white man of the early strong) to change the name American politics. His support 1900s as justification for his of our school. In the petition, for policies such as the segrega- beliefs is not only inappropri- McCarthy suggests a new tion of the mail service contrib- ate, but wrong. Wilson used name: Barbara Lee High School. utes to the idea that he “brought his position and establishment Barbara Lee is the black female Jim Crow to the North.” Wilson as president to endorse a hate representative of the ninth hosted the first ever movie group guilty of countless brutal congressional district in Cali- screening in the White House, murders of innocent black civil- fornia (the thirteenth district Illustration by Maria playing “The Birth of a Nation,” ians, solely on the basis of his from 1998-2013), and the only Brescia-Weiler which was later used as a Ku own personal racist beliefs. Just congressperson to vote against Klux Klan propaganda film. The because German citizens during the war in Iraq. This new name movie depicts black people as World War II were surrounded will make sense in a hundred savages and encourages their by an anti-semitic government years when people look back, as Woodrow Wilson disenfranchisement. Wilson’s does not justify their complicity we do on Woodrow Wilson, and own book, “History of the Amer- in the Holocaust. Just because put some critical thought toward ican People,” is even quoted in the citizens of Russia under the significance of the name and Exposed the film: “great Ku Klux Klan, a Stalin may have believed that the person behind it.

names better than TOP 10 WOodrow WIlson HIGh School 1. Fire Drill Prep 6. HOT BOY HIGH SCHOOL 2. Colman McCarthy’s Pulpit 7. Loaftown Day school of Peace School 8. Sneakerhead School of 3. Cahall’s College High Jordans School of Scholars 9. Better Than Private 4. School With Walls (and School School balls) 10. CLOG-SPORTS SCHOOL OF 5. OF MICE AND SCHOLARS BITCHCRAFT AND BLIZZARD-RY SCHOOLS September 26, 2014 OPINIONS Page 5 Two Boys Talk Four Things to Feminism Know About Gender Joey Keegan Elias Benda ness when it comes to gender Photo Editor, Opinions Editor is an important first step that By The Beacon Staff everyone should take -- espe- To be a socially responsible cially men. man, one must have the aware- Men need to realize their To tackle the topic of that can only completely be present themselves). It’s im- ness that equality between the role in making a change. Men gender and gender issues at solved by a transformation of portant to consider this when genders is a necessity. In an need to be aware of the implica- Wilson in this issue, The Bea- societal mindset in regards to thinking about gender inequal- era that seems dominated by tions of their own actions as con did a lot of research. We gender. ity issues, as the people who sexually insensitive words and well as the comfort level of their conducted a survey, analyzed find themselves limited by the ideas, advocating for a sense of peers, both male and female, achievement data, inter- Gender issues are not just terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ are mutual respect for both men around themselves and oth- viewed teachers, students, women’s issues, and gender often the most disadvantaged. and women seems obvious and ers. Often, such actions are not and alumni, talked to students equality is in everybody’s best While we generally focused logical. For this reason, there is direct and people don’t think across the gender spectrum, interest. Men face inequal- on males and females in our no shame in men embracing the they affect anything, but they and held a facilitation on ity and are in many ways just coverage, we realize that these identity of a feminist. promotes a culture we should gender. We found that gender as much victims of gender are not the only genders that There is a social stigma in try to get rid of. Men need to rid discrimination is undeni- stereotypes as women. In face issues at Wilson and in modern America surrounding themselves of the unsubstan- ably a major issue at Wilson; the facilitation we held, we the greater community, and we the word feminism and the char- tiated excuse that a woman’s students of multiple genders asked students to list words want to communicate that im- acteristics and traits of femi- actions or choice of clothing cited the prevalence of slut- they associated with the word portant point to our readers. nism and feminists. As men, and justifies any violation or assault shaming and gender stereo- ‘man’; responses included ‘no more importantly as members or any sense of entitlement to types. However, we also found flaws,’ ‘dominant,’ and ‘bread- If you take nothing else of the greater community, we comment on a woman’s body. that Wilson is a place where winner.’ These stereotypes away from this issue, re- need to establish that feminism We also need to realize that people of all genders have a about masculinity do not only member this: If you believe is solely the advocacy of gender the generalizations surround- large number of opportunities diminish women, but limit in gender equality, you are a equality. Changing perceptions ing men regarding the extent and are truly thriving. Here is males’ ability to be sensitive feminist. of equality for either gender is to which they can express their what we learned and what we and communicate. Limiting a push for consciousness and emotions or the roles they play want the Wilson community to any group of people by putting The negative connota- equality for both genders. in society are similarly debilitat- understand: them in a box is counterpro- tion associated with the word Theres no denying that ing. Confining men to certain ductive to the advancement of “feminist” is one of the largest prejudices and assumptions roles is equally harmful to the While sexism and gender all genders. obstacles to gender equality exist for both genders, both feminist movement as doing the inequality are not necessarily not just at Wilson, but every- positive and negative. As youth same to women. Men who feel institutionalized at Wilson, as Gender is a spectrum. It where. Feminism is “a belief of our generation, we face a like they are limited in how their members of society we inher- is not confined to male and in the social, economic, and whole new set of problems and gender is defined will reciprocate ently have preconceived no- female, and the roles and political equality of the sexes.” situations in which gender and by maintaining the oppression tions about gender that limit stereotypes commonly associ- Contrary to popular belief, feminism are especially relevant. of women. each of us and our community ated with these binaries. The feminists don’t hate men, From the attitudes towards Change and social action as a whole from being the breadth of gender not only and men can (and should) be the clothing that both genders cannot come from only half best we and it can be. In all of occupies a space between male feminists. We live in an open- use to express themselves, to of the population--it needs to the measurable ways, girls at and female, but a whole set of minded, progressive com- the way in which each gender involve both men and women. Wilson are excelling. But if you identities outside of the two. munity, and we should know is expected to interact socially, Men cannot keep hiding behind ask girls here if they feel that A person’s gender identity can better than to let fears about preconceived notions affect all the age-old excuse that feminist their lives are restricted by also differ in terms of their a word’s connotation keep us of us. women don’t want to include sexism, most will still respond biological sex, identity (what from doing what is right. Most people are not perfect their male counterparts in the affirmatively. Changing the gender they identify as), orien- when it comes to advocating struggle. We must come to rules and policies is only the tation (who they are attracted this, on both sides of the gender the realization that what is in first step in solving a problem to), and expression (how they divide, and expecting anyone both groups’ best interests is a to be is wholly unrealistic, but united push for gender equal- having a progressive attitude ity. Empowerment for women is and an awareness and conscious- empowerment for all. Hacked Celebs Deserve Their Privacy Missouri, and billions around in question for the publication sexual photos. Multiple studies celebrities or not, intend only Ellie Melick Style Editor the world waited for the au- of the stolen photos. and surveys have found that for themselves or a lover to see thenticity of the photos to be According to such crit- over half of adults in America the photos. When someone’s On August 31, an exten- verified. All that truly mattered ics, the celebrities were being have at some point electronically private account is hacked into, sive collection of photos was on that day were the naked careless and irresponsible; if sent or received sexual content stolen from, and has its con- posted by an anonymous user bodies of Jennifer Lawrence, they didn’t want nude photos of So why all the slut-shaming? tents shared with the public, to the public online image board Kate Upton, and countless other them getting out, they shouldn’t It probably has something the person who was attacked 4Chan. Thousands of photos celebrities, the vast majority of have taken the pictures in the to do with the age-old notion most likely feels violated and are uploaded to this site every whom were females who had had first place. Not to mention how that women are not supposed disgusted that random people day, but this particular post their personal property stolen wrong it is for those of legal to have sexual needs or desires, around the world are viewing went viral almost immediately and then posted without their age to take intimate pictures of and God forbid public ones. their private pictures. because it contained nearly 200 consent for everyone to see. themselves. Really, who could Although this idea has been When someone’s personal racy photos of over 100 celebri- The anonymous poster on have such loose morals that thrown out by many people photos are put out into the ties and public figures. 4Chan claimed that the photos they would decide to take nude today, a surprising number of public world without their con- Unless you’ve been coma- had been obtained in a targeted selfies? those who consider themselves sent, it is wrong to view those tose for the past month, you hacking of Apple’s iCloud ser- A lot of people, actually. to be accepting and understand- pictures, and certainly to share probably know which celebrity vice, a claim that Apple later ver- As it turns out, the practice ing of female sexuality are still them. No one deserves to have nude leak I’m referring to. Aptly ified. The major breach of private of taking racy pictures of oneself shocked and disgusted when their private pictures shared dubbed “The Fappening” by accounts called into question is more than common, especially nude photos of any female are with the world without their internet users, the photo leak the security of services such as today, when there’s a camera leaked. But what the critics of knowledge and approval, no caused such a frenzy that it is iCloud, and began a discussion in every phone and a naked the celebrities affected by this matter how famous that person a miracle World War III didn’t as to whether any laws had been body under every outfit. And leak fail to realize is that people is. So please, respect these celeb- break out amongst the chaos. broken and if those involved in even though many people take whose personal pictures are rities’ privacy, as well as other For a while everyone seemed to the hacking should be pursued nude pictures of themselves for released to the public without victims of non-consensual photo forget the major news stories by authorities. But many simply themselves and no one else, con- consent are victims, not crimi- leaks. that had been dominating the heard the words “celebrities,” venient photo-sharing apps like nals. media, such as the crises in the “naked,” and “scandal,” and im- Snapchat have helped to popu- Most people who take racy Middle East and in Ferguson, mediately blamed the celebrities larize the taking and sending of pictures of themselves, whether Page 6 FEATURES September 26, 2014 ELLIE'S FOOL-PROoF TIPZ 4 students!

Teaching is the profession that makes the world go round. Without educators, our society would be about as productive as a potato. But thankfully, there are intelligent professionals dedicated to making us smarter. As wonderful as teachers are, it can be hard to learn and grow as a scholar if you and your teacher have a bad relationship. And it’s not just a question of whether you like your teacher; it is also imperative that they like you, too. All too often scholars don’t try to have any kind of interac- tions with their teachers besides listening to the lectures and doing the work, and as a result, neither the teacher nor student get as much out of that class as they could. So, if you want to truly grow as a student and a person this year, then pay attention to the following three tips. They’ll help bring you and your teachers closer together and, most importantly, help get them to really like you.

“Teachers can get 2 “Become 1 really lonely” BFFs with your 3 teacher” Visit and hang out Learn all about Eliminate your com- with them a lot their personal lives. petitors (classmates) It may be hard getting one of them to admit Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and Every teacher has a favorite. They can’t help it, it to you, but teachers can get really lonely. Their teachers are no exception to that rule. Unfortu- they’re human. It’s natural to dislike some people days are filled with giving notes and passing out nately, during class periods there usually isn’t a lot and really like others, so your teachers will defi- papers, but people rarely stop by their rooms just of time to talk about anything that isn’t school- nitely be picking out which kids they like the most, to keep them company. So you’ll earn big points if related. So when you’re hanging out and playing no matter how much they deny it. Of course, your you visit them outside of class. A lot. board games with them at STEP, it’s the perfect biggest goal for the year should be to become #1 in You should go to each of your teacher’s class- opportunity to get to know them on a more per- the hearts of all your teachers—no matter what it rooms at least once a day. For the ones you really sonal level. You should make sure to ask how their takes. want to impress, you should visit them every day childhood was, what they were like in high school Sometimes, when it comes to things as im- before and after school, and at STEP. You don’t and college, and how their love life is looking these portant as winning over your teachers, the moral just have to do work when you’re hanging out days. Pretty much anything that they don’t share guidelines we usually live by get blurry. And if you with them-- in fact, they’ll appreciate you most about themselves, you should inquire about. want something as badly as you should want to if you do real friend things with them. I suggest But just because it’s your goal to learn about become BFFs with your teachers, that’s perfectly some bonding activities, like making dreamcatch- them, don’t forget how important it is to talk okay. ers, playing Twister, and crocheting leg warmers about your life as well. By letting them know about Now, I’m not telling you to do anything that over a nice cup of tea. And don’t worry about only your social life, hobbies, and bowel schedule, you’ll would physically harm your fellow students. That visiting them during their “office hours,” because be able to establish a very intimate connection would be taking things a bit too far. But a few those are usually reserved for the business side of that will help you guys get along all year. You’ll be mental games, maybe a little sabotage…well, you things, not the extra fun stuff. Teachers love an best friends before you even know it. can decide for yourself how committed you are to unexpected visitor, especially if they have board being your teacher’s favorite. games. So go ahead and get to school early, bring them some bagels and maybe one of those match- ing “best friends” necklaces, and watch the beauti- ful friendship blossom. At the end of the day, the most important part of being a student is showing up, listening, and doing the work. If you do all that, you’ll almost definitely learn something. But, as I said, if you want to flourish and broaden your horizons as a scholar, getting your teachers to really like you is imperative. So go on out there and give it all you’ve got, because if you get your teachers to adore you, you can become the best damned scholar there ever was. Hurdle Kid Jumps into Our Hearts practice a lot, just like every- does worry some of his close Abby Tanen Contributor thing else. Bensing would agree friends. Hurdling is known to be that he is starting a hurdling a high-risk sport if the hurdles Scholars who spend their movement. Fellow freshman are not weighted and positioned lunch hour hanging to the left Nick Whitman also believes in correctly. At the 2004 London side of the bleachers might al- Bensing’s movement, saying Olympics, Chinese track star Liu ready be familiar with the name that he would consider joining Xiang fell during the 110-meter Nate Bensing. He is fresh meat him on the track for a lunchtime hurdles but limped to the finish at Wilson but still managed to of hurdling. line. Wilson would hate to see make a name for himself during Others express skepticism. our hurdle star fail to finish the first week of school hurdling While they agree that Bensing strong, so watch out Nate! at STEP in his red Nike Free is entertaining to watch, some Bensing has definitely left a Runs. students don’t see themselves lasting impression at the bleach- Flash back to freshman joining him on the track anytime ers, but those who dine in the orientation, where Nate first soon. “I don’t have the hops,” Rose Garden aren’t hip. Fresh- discovered his passion for hur- junior Ali Rashedi said. man Madeline Teems was not dling. On that day there was a Also skeptical of Bensing’s familiar with Nate and says that small competition where people power to start a movement is she would “probably not” switch lined up and tried to get over the junior Nora Charles, who asks, to eating at the bleachers just to hurdles. Nate found it invigorat- “What will happen when gentle watch the sporting event. Even ing and wanted to continue the droplets of snow descend upon though this is unfortunate, Nate next day. And the day after that. his fragile scalp? Will he perse- understands that there may be “As I got support from other vere?” Well, Nora, only time will “other ninth graders who think people it became a tradition,” he tell. it’s stupid.” Despite the lack of said. “As other people joined, it Nate is unsure who his freshman support, he stays posi- became more of a competitive biggest supporter is, but said he tive, reminding himself to “keep event.” believes that for the most part on jumping.” Although Nate enjoys a the tenth grade has his back. So, Wilson high schoolers, good hurdling session, he says Sophomore Innes Mackay thinks as you go through your school his priority is “more exercise of him as a living symbol of de- year I encourage you from time than pleasure.” Nate has a point: termination and most of all, “he Photo by Elena Remez to time to ask yourself, “WWN- according to CalorieLab, hur- has guts.” It seems many people BD?” (What would Nate Bens- JUMPING FOR JOY - Since the first day of school, fresh- dling for 15 minutes can burn a recognize Nate’s potential. Nate ing do?) and you’ll be all right. man Nate Bensing has spent his STEP jumping hurdles total of 205 calories! said Coach Desmond Dunham I’ll leave you with his personal on the track. Today, more people have joined in the fun. Nate encourages others to personally invited him to join motto: he’s “hmmmm...thinking join him on the track. His key the track team here at Wilson! practicing running in between Saturdays at the Wilson track of a good one,” and will get back advice for anyone who wants Despite his success, Nate [the hurdles],” he says. He prac- with some friends. to you. to follow in his footsteps is to is still trying to improve. “I’m tices outside of STEP as well, on Bensing’s constant hurdling September 26, 2014 FEATURES Page 7 Senior Year, Take Two tion dua Rate Gra s

Virginia Maryland DC 84% 59% 83%

percent, or the Chicago school It’s possible you might run Nora Charles Contributor system, at 69 percent. into Artiga-Oliver at Heller’s Wilson has a much Bakery in Mount Pleasant, Some describe D.C. public higher graduation rate than the where he’s been working the schools as having a “drop-out other DCPS schools, as Principal past two years making cakes. crisis.” D.C.’s 2011 graduation Pete Cahall pointed out in his Aside from baking, he is pas- rate of 59 percent has often PowerPoint on the first day of sionate about his art, taking been compared with neighbor- school. However, some Wilson after his parents, grandparents, ing states -- and it looks dismal. seniors last year did not walk and siblings. He paints, does According to the “Building a out holding a diploma. photography and film, and may Photo courtesy of David Fadul GradNation” report released Nico Artiga-Oliver was just even work for a film company in annually by a group of organiza- another freshman who walked Germany next year. He says it tions including America’s Prom- into Wilson four years ago feel- feels nice to have time to think ise Alliance, graduation rates ing prepared. He had gone to before going off to college or My Life So Far: for Hispanic, African American, Oyster-Adams Bilingual School Europe. and other minority students for elementary school and Alice Artiga-Oliver is a success are even lower. However, these Deal Middle School. The rest of story, someone who has perse- David Fadul rates have increased for African his class graduated last June, vered and is determined not to Helen Malhotra Throughout his ninth grade American kids and even more but Artiga-Oliver lacked some of drop out. He is on track to re- Website News Editor year, David kept mostly to him- for Hispanic kids starting in the necessary requirements and ceive his diploma in June. He’s self. He says, “I didn’t do much 2006, with 76 percent of Latino was faced with a choice: drop had a good experience at Wilson but study and Skype my friends and 68 percent of African Ameri- out or finish a fifth year of high and considers himself happy Junior David Fadul has back home.” Only in tenth can students nationally receiv- school. He stays upbeat about here. He has really enjoyed recently returned to Washing- grade did he start to branch out ing a diploma from their high it: “If it’s what I need to do, I’ll classes with math teacher Dr. ton, D.C. from Mexico City. So and explore his new home. He schools after four years. do it. It’s good to finish high Elaine Smith, English teacher far, David has lived in the United started to appreciate the food In 2012, when the latest school.” Sandra Wright, art teacher States, Turkey, El Salvador, more, especially the chilaquiles report was released, U.S. public Artiga-Oliver filled his Mary Barnes, and social studies and finally Mexico. The major (tortilla chips covered in salsa high schools had just reached schedule with classes that he teacher Julie Caccamise. But difference between his move and beans). His family visited an 80 percent graduation rate, wants to take in addition to his he admits that he could have to Mexico City and his other many historical areas of Mexico, which was considered a huge required classes: stagecraft, ma- stepped up his game. As one of international journeys, he says, including the Xochimilco, with milestone. “Dropout factory” rine science, U.S. Government, the oldest students at Wilson, he was his age. “I thought moving its canals and lake ideal for schools either closed or im- English, and another science has advice to give to the rest of to Mexico would be like moving canoeing around, and chances to proved. Of all fifty states, Iowa class, “because science is cool.” the student body: “Tell them to to El Salvador and Turkey, where explore Mexican heritage. had the highest graduation rate A few of his friends are in the do all their homework and not I could just live through it, go Two years after arriving in with 89 percent, while Nevada’s same position, but you prob- to skip class. They should spark back to D.C. and say I did it. But Mexico City, David has returned was lowest, at 63 percent. If ably won’t see them as much up a relationship with teachers it proved to be the exact oppo- home to Washington D.C. D.C. were a state it would have as Artiga-Oliver; they are only and counselors, like, stop by site,” says David. The first couple Regardless of his rough start, he replaced Nevada in last place, around for two or three classes. [their counselor’s office] often. of months for him were difficult. was ultimately able to branch with a graduation rate lagging One of his friends has dropped They might not like that one.” The abrupt move due to his out, and add Mexico City to the behind the western state by out of school completely, which And something he would be mom’s job made it hard to adapt list of many places that have four percent. DCPS looks bad Artiga-Oliver finds upsetting sure to tell his younger self: “It’s to the different atmosphere of influenced his life. even next to New York City because he had never considered harder to fail than to pass!” Mexico City. Public Schools, whose rate is 66 that an option.

llamas CITY SPOTS: perplex d.c. Outside of an otherwise normal apartment build- I called looking into three additional llamas at ing in Woodley Park, two stone llamas sit patiently the Potomac School and the school administration on either side of the entrance. They are identical and explained that Una Hanbury donated the sculptures surrounded by separate iron fences. in 1970, since she is the mother of a teacher and the What were they? I had to know. grandmother of four students at the school. I did some research and found these llamas were According to the Potomac School’s alumni maga- made as a gift for Dr. Sidney Werkman in memory of zine, The Potomac Term, ever since the three llama his wife, who taught French at the Potomac School, statues arrived they’ve become a treasured part of the according to the Art Inventories Catalog for the school’s campus and an “unofficial mascot.” One alum, Smithsonian American Art Museum. The statues dis- John Chester, always loved the statues at the school play the signature of Una Hanbury, an artist known and after moving to Vermont was given actual llamas for busts and sculptures. Una Hanbury was born in from his uncle because of his love for the animal. England and lived in D.C. for 25 years. Her art was Although both sets of statues are the work of Una known around the country and because of her love for Hanbury, I never learned how the two ended up at the animals, many of her sculptures are animal-based. D.C. apartment building. While both the faculty at the But that still didn’t tell me enough. Potomac School and residents at the apartments were So I visited the apartment building and rang unaware of the other set of sculptures’ existence, they everyone on the buzzer list until someone came down were pleased to hear there could be more to the story. to talk to me about the llamas. The residents of the Even though there is no proven reason for the llamas’ Photo by Sophie ReVeal apartment building had no information on the llamas presence outside of the apartment building in D.C., and knew nothing about why the llamas were there. it is safe to say that all five of the llama statues are GLAM LLAMA - Good thing they put a They even had some crazy theories, thinking the city loved, no matter where they are. fence around them; no telling where they provided them to the building as a small way to adver- might run off to. These beloved statues tise the zoo just down the street. can be found both at 2812 Connecticut By Sophie ReVeal Avenue and at the Potomac School. Page 8 GENDER September 26, 2014 gender at wilson: 32.5% 65.7% A History of boys of girls the fact that often girls feel like they need FROM PG 1 to be pushier to be successful, although it After teaching AP World History for is also important to remember that girls experience experience 20 years, Shea has noticed some differ- are labeled as “aggressive” more often than gender ences between the way males and females their male counterparts simply because gender- perform in his class. “Gender does seem to society expects them to be more passive based based play into assessment success. Girls seem to and accepting. prejudice do better when they have time to prepare, Shea believes that not just Wilson but prejudice whereas if it’s just in-class multiple choice, society as a whole has made male behavior boys’ scores shoot way up,” Shea says. He the normal or standard human behavior. attributes this to the fact that “girls are “Women who want to get ahead ‘act more more likely to worry about it ahead of time male’ whereas a guy who adopts tradi- while boys are more likely to just walk in tional female characteristics is considered [to a test] and say ‘Here I go’.” somehow a failure,” he says. Wilson is no This pattern has been subject to exception to this culture. In his time at change over time. “When I started here Wilson, Shea has seen all of the tradition- if you asked most teachers which gender ally “girl” classes get cut, with cooking and they preferred to teach they would say, typing being some of the first to go in the ‘Give me an all girls class’,” Shea says. “I late ‘90s and sewing one of the last just don’t think that’s necessarily true any three years ago. Meanwhile, many of the more, partially because girls have become traditionally “boy” classes have remained a lot more aggressive over the years.” He staples to our education system. connects this increased assertiveness to

The beacon 46.9% of boys surveyed WILSON + 18.6% of girls 150 health students think feminism on their has a negative perceptions of gender GENDER connotation equality ISSUE(S) 63% of girls identify as feminists 28% of boys identify as feminists

My experience with being a transgendered male has been a more peaceful and (thankfully) pleasant transition than most. My new name is Dannie (or Danny, for a few other people). I knew I was trans after my 5th grade year when I began feeling very uncom- fortable with the way my body was forming. It was a very difficult time for me. I had no clue what to do or who to go to about something like this; but as time progressed and I gained more friends I realized that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me or the way I am. I came out recently on Facebook (although I blocked a few people from seeing the status), and honestly it was the most terrifying thing ever. But I got much support from a few close friends who knew before the post that I was trans, and they told me that they will continue to support me no matter the outcome, and that was all I really needed. When the post went up, I got a flood of love and support. And I was pretty relieved! So, I started to get more comfortable with who I was and started coming out to teachers. I’ve gotten the same support that my friends and other Wilson students have given me, and they’ve all started to refer to me as the pronoun I feel most comfortable with (He/His/Himself). The transition is still very difficult, and I suffer a lot of depression because of the body I was given, but I am still hopeful that I’ll be happy soon with who I am. I’ve had a few run-ins with people who do not accept or support my choices, I’ve even been threatened once, but I do not let that affect the choices I have or will make. I just really hope that soon everyone will be accepting of me, and the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Dannie Aguilar September 26, 2014 GENDER Page 9 Gender equality issues the f-word: affect students Students talk feminism MUSIC Throughout interviews with Wilson students and a the movement in the 1960s to discussion on gender issues that The Beacon helped host, Claire Parker misogyny and the sexualization of women in music was a re- Co-Editor-in-Chief 1980s often criticized for its white, middle-class leaders’ curring theme. In senior Angel Cox’s experience, most people Wilson students’ ideas exclusion of minorities. Femi- “support rappers who disgrace women and put them down, so about what feminism is are as nism has since experienced a they don’t really care about women’s rights.” diverse as its student body: “A revival nationwide as Third Wave “Most rap songs are not the most respectful towards fight for social, economic, and feminism, sometimes referred to women,” says senior Katie Kearns. Senior Lillie Bufkin agrees, political equality for the sexes.” as post-feminist feminism, that saying, “We get so used to hearing the derogatory terms “Anti-male.” “Promoting equal took root in the 1990s. thrown all over the place.” rights for women.” “Female I interviewed a diverse Although rap is often highlighted in mainstream criticism domination.” “The advocacy of group of students to get a sense of sexism in music, the reality is that women are sexualized in equality for all men and women.” of what forms the movement almost every , from Robin Thicke’s rape-culture- “I don’t know. I’ve only heard takes at Wilson. promoting hit “Blurred Lines” to country singer ’s about it once, in ‘The Big Bang “I identify myself as “Redneck Crazy,” which boasts the line “you know you broke Theory’.” a feminist,” says senior Angel the wrong heart, baby” and is sung from the point of view of a Students are divided even Cox. “I would say women’s rights man threatening violence because his girlfriend has broken up with him. over the basic question of are very important. Women are Kearns thinks that negative portrayals of women in music and pop culture are so ingrained whether there is a feminist pres- never really taken seriously -- in society that they can’t be changed. “It’s how our generation was raised,” she says. “I don’t think ence at Wilson. Senior Skyler they’re always stereotyped like anyone’s gonna try to change that.” Mackey says that not many ‘she should stay in the kitchen, people at Wilson are feminists: she should clean,’ but women are “It’s not our generation. In D.C., way more important than that.” SPORTS we’re not really exposed to femi- “I believe that women Inequality in sports has been a persistent issue at Wilson and throughout DCPS. The National nism as much as they are in the should have equal say in politics, Women’s Law Center brought this issue to attention in 2013 when they filed a lawsuit against DCPS Southern states,” because sexism social situations, and in general,” for failing to comply with Title IX, the law that mandates equal opportunities for girls. isn’t as much of an issue here. says senior Suzy Carnevali-Doan Senior Madison Summers says disparities are still visible at Wilson. “The football players and Senior Emma Keyes on why she is a feminist. basketball players...have more privileges and they get off with stuff easier, because they’re special to disagrees. “[Feminism is] not Keyes takes it a step the administration,” she said. “A girl wouldn’t get that treatment. Not only is it sexist, it’s also just necessarily a coherent presence, further: “Everyone always says kind of not fair.” but I definitely think there are a it’s about equality between the lot of voices on different issues. genders, which is true, but that’s It can be partly shown by the the end goal, not the approach. whole dress code debacle last [The question is] who do you SLUT-SHAME year, and everyone speaking out want to be equal to?” Keyes says. “Slut-shaming is the thing against that. That was feminism. “You don’t want everyone to I have to see on a day-to-day So I think it is very largely pres- be equal to the straight, white basis,” says Senior Graciela ent, whether or not people are man -- what you need to do is Barada. According to the New actively identifying themselves dismantle the system that puts York Times, slut-shaming is the [as feminists].” them in a place of privilege in widespread cultural phenom- According to senior Graciela the first place. So in a way it’s all enon of “stigmatizing female Barada, the feminist presence about liberation first to achieve promiscuity.” Barada says that varies with race, grade, and equality.” it is prevalent at Wilson, where social groups. In her experience, The word ‘feminism’ often she often hears students call- Wilson’s outspoken feminists stirs controversy, confusion, ing girls “slut,” “whore,” and are mostly white. “I’ve noticed and debate. Its connotations are “hoe.” This name-calling is one that in Wilson’s black commu- complex, derived from centuries of her biggest pet peeves, and nity, especially on social media, of activism, movements that she thinks it is reflective of a people don’t want to identify sometimes reached extremes, societal obsession over girls’ sexual choices. as feminists,” she says. This struggles to break free of gender High school is ground zero for slut-shaming. Senior Tristan Huber says that when two het- observation seems to reflect the roles, and a barrage of societal erosexual students decide to have sex, the boy is often congratulated, while the girl is judged. Both nationwide trend that accom- males and females are perpetrators of this slut-shaming. “I feel like a lot of girls are mean to other panied Second Wave feminism, CONT. ON PG 10 girls, which is not good,” said Suzy Carnevali-Doan, who attributes her choice to become a femi- nist largely to slut shaming. “As a girl, you need to be especially ready to defend another girl,” says Barada. For a video of the gender inequality issues discussion hosted by The Beacon and OUDC, DRESS see CODE Policy-wise, students cited several persistent disparities at Wilson that Do Both Genders Have Equal Opportunities? create gender inequality. The dress Do Both Genders Have Equal Opportunities? code was the most obvious. “Dress Do BothDo Genders Both Genders Have Equal Have Opportunities? Equal Opportunities? code is one major, major thing, be- 24% cause it especially targets young girls,” Of girls says Barada, explaining that since girls 24% say yes are at a vulnerable age, when society is Of girls 24% telling them that what they look like is say yes 24% Of girls Of girls say yes integral to their identity. say yes Senior Madison Summers says the dress code seemed to blame girls unfairly56% for ‘distracting’ boys. “Nobody told a boy to look at your arms and your back,” says Sum- mers. Of boys say yes 56% While the administration relaxed the dress code considerably this year,Cartoons senior bySuzy Lauren Carnevali- White Of boys 56% Doan is still sometimes criticized by administrators for what she wears. “I’ve been stopped for say yes 56% Of boys Of boys say yes what I wear, but I just don’t think it should be an issue,” she says. say yes Compiled by Claire Parker

check out a male take on feminism on page 5 Graphics by Jarrah May, Mason Strazzella, Sarah Torresen PAGE 10 FEATURES September 26, 2014 Neighborhood Spotlight: Cleveland Park

Photo byJoey Keegan UPTOWN GIRL- Nora Canellakis is proud to be a native of Cleveland Park. Her neighborhood is home to the historic Uptown Theater.

Nora Canellakis land Park also offers entertain- If you want to get in some Cleveland Park Day Spa. If you’re tag and ride bikes in and around Contributor ment in the form of painting extra studying, visit the Cleve- running low on gas stop right at back alleys. College students ceramics at All Fired Up, and land Park Branch Library, and the Exxon and fill up your tank. and young adults live in apart- If you’re ever looking to seeing movies at the AMC Lowes stop for a break at the calming You can get your shoes repaired, ments and generally fill up the explore a new part of D.C., look Uptown Theater. Transcendence-Perfection-Bliss clothes dry cleaned, and your streets and restaurants in the no further than Cleveland Park. Cleveland Park’s Walgreens of the Beyond, an gift shop dog groomed all within two early evenings. People walk dogs Its heart is located at the inter- was actually once a Chinese res- featuring items inspired by blocks of Connecticut Avenue. and take runs in the afternoons, section of Connecticut Ave NW taurant that served as a meeting spiritual leader, Sri Chinmoy. Cleveland Park is like its while families can easily walk and Porter Street. Conveniently place for American and Soviet Proceeds from the store support own city within D.C. that practi- down to the National Zoo. Long centered around Cleveland Park negotiators looking to resolve this group’s work. cally fits all needs. Cleveland lines usually stretch down Con- Metro Station, the neighbor- the Cuban Missile Crisis. Right Hungry? Grab a cup of Park has a strong sense of neigh- necticut Avenue outside of the hood has a wide variety of inter- next to Walgreens is your local frozen yogurt at Yogiberry, and borhood community. Occupied Uptown Theater, as fans wait to esting stores including Firehook Washington D.C. Fire & EMS a treat for your pet at PetCo. by a large number of families watch the next highly anticipat- Bakery & Coffee House, Spices Station, a historical building, Cleveland Park also has a num- and young people, it is host to ed film. Come take the next bus Asian Restaurant and Sushi Bar, one of the oldest D.C. fire sta- ber of its own spas including Toe social events including neigh- down and check it out Cleveland and Yes! Organic Market. Cleve- tions. Tally Nails, Bubbles for hair, and borhood block parties. Kids play Park for yourself. Wilson’s Feminists Discuss Their Beliefs

FROM PG 9 a somewhat common assump- wouldn’t say I’m a feminist,” he self with feminism… makes you issued a call to arms for all men tion.” When asked who makes says. He says that if the name of some sort of wimp.” and women to join a new U.N. backlash. that assumption, he replied, the movement was changed to Wilson’s girls are quick to campaign, HeForShe, to fight for In a Wilson D.C. History “Mostly men.” ‘gender equality,’ then he would debunk the misconceptions gender equality. class discussion hosted by The When Barada tells people support it. surrounding the term. “The idea Going forward, as femi- Beacon and Operation Under- she’s a feminist, the revelation “There probably are a lot that everyone who is feminist is nism changes “there has to be a standing D.C., a non-profit is usually met with dismissive of misconceptions....that only anti-male is completely wrong,” focus on intersectionality,” says organization focused on raising jokes. She says that her male women can be feminists. I think says Morin. Keyes. “Feminism can’t be led awareness about cross-cultural friends don’t really get what guys can be feminists too,” says “I get really sad when I by straight, white, middle-class issues, and students participated it means, and react hear comments like or upper middle-class women. It in an activity in which they defensively, as if they ‘I am not a feminist, has to include discussion about labeled posters with words they are under attack. I like men.’” wrote the intersection of different associated with a term. Scrawled Barada thinks this “The idea that everyone senior Alex Fognani privileges, not just male-female on the ‘feminism’ poster were reaction stems from in an email. “It is gender inequality -- you have to words like ‘bitch,’ ‘gay,’ and ‘of- social conditioning who is feminist is anti-male about equality for talk about race, and sexuality, ten ignored.’ that begins at a very is completely wrong,” says ALL people, so I don’t and gender identity, and all this In a Beacon survey of Wil- young age. “A lot of understand why you stuff, because they all intersect. son health classes, 54 percent of people are just afraid Morin. wouldn’t want to Ignoring one doesn’t give you males and 19 percent of females of things they can’t support something the whole picture.” said the word ‘feminism’ had a identify with,” she says. Cox, who boasts with a smile relevant to you, and your own Barada believes that teach- negative connotation. “The word Twenty-eight percent of that her dad is a feminist. rights. I think that if you believe ing children from an early age ‘feminism’ is a controversy.... It’s males The Beacon surveyed Junior Charlie Steinman in gender equality, you are a about gender equality and doing kind of embarrassing. It’s seen identified as feminists, as op- is one of the few male students feminist.” away with institutionalized as a bad thing,” junior Gabriella posed to 63 percent of females. who identifies as a feminist. Feminism is rapidly evolv- sexism are the keys to progress. Saccocio says. Males often feel a pressure not “People have this image of a ing, as issues like rape on college Bringing awareness to feminism “What I view feminists as to identify as feminists, since feminist that is constructed by campuses make headlines, and and talking about gender in- is ‘Yay, women!’, and anything the term is often associated with patriarchal norms as something celebrities publicly identify as equality issues are also impor- degrading to women is wrong, femininity and perceived as be- you don’t want to be,” Steinman feminists and call attention to tant. Says Carnevali-Doan, “I even if it’s unintentional,” says ing anti-male. wrote in an email. “One of the the movement. Most recently, think people should be aware of Mackey. The word’s connotations interesting things about being U.N. Women’s Goodwill Am- what’s going on, and they should Senior Charlie Feller says, have deterred senior Tristan a guy is trying to defend your bassador and world-renowned talk about things that make “I’ve heard people call feminists Huber from ascribing to it. masculinity at all costs. So being actress Emma Watson spoke them uncomfortable, because ‘annoying,’ and I think that’s “I believe in equality, but I a feminist or associating your- about why she is a feminist and you have to talk about it.” September 26, 2014 FEATURES PAGE 11 brother, who is close friends with Brian. THE DEFINITIVE Neither Brian nor Bela felt the date was life-changing, but DATE-RANKING both considered it an overall SCALE success. Brian “enjoyed it for the most part,” and Bela thought 10-”We got married while it “was pretty nice.” Both rated you guys weren’t looking!” the experience a seven out of 9-”I think I’ve finally found 10, which means that it wasn’t The One!” awful, but the chances of their 8-”It was super fun and I relationship becoming roman- think it will go somewhere!” tic is very, very low. According 7-”Maybe we’ll say hi to to The Beacon’s definitive date each other in the halls?” ranking scale, a seven means 6-”It wasn’t the worst but “Maybe we’ll say hi to each other they smelled kind of funny.” in the halls?” 5-”We sat in silence and But despite the overall stared at our hands.” friendliness of the interaction, 4-”We got in a heated there was some tension in the debate over whether or not room. Brian addressed this in the Redskins name is racist, his post-date interview, asking so now things are kind of the interviewer, “Why did you awkward.” do this to me?” the second Bela 3-”I threw up a little in my was out of the room. During Photos by Bela Ortiz and Ellie Melick mouth when I first saw her interview, Bela expressed them.” pleasant surprise over how 2-”Did you seriously try Brian seemed to her, saying “he relationship with someone they to set me up with a serial Helen Malhotra the beef between Brian and wasn’t, like, you know, like, he’s wouldn’t have met otherwise. killer? Again?” Ellie Melick Bela, don’t worry; it isn’t super not like Twitter.” But for this issue, friends of 1- “They started crying Web News Editor, Style Editor interesting. But the basic gist of Bela put her feelings on both Brian and Bela recog- halfway through about their it, or at least how it was be- the outcome of the date nicely nized that a date between the dead hamster.” This year’s season of Bae- fore their date, is that the two when she mentioned how the two could do them good. And 0-”I got stood up.” watch, Wilson’s #1 recommend- weren’t fond of each other. The two “never would have talked considering both had signed up ed dating service, kicked off with mutual beefing was a result of if it wasn’t for this, so it was a for Baewatch, it just made sense a September 11 date between vague subtweets and passive- good experience.” The aim of that these two be put together. junior Bela Ortiz and sophomore aggressive favoriting on Twitter, this Baewatch was to clear the The outcome of the date was DATE RANK Brian Keyes. Each potential love meaning the two had never re- air between Brian and Bela, and what we had hoped: both Brian bird, completely unaware of who ally talked in person before. because of the nice comments and Bela realized how lame their they were paired with, entered The goal of Baewatch is and ratings from the two partici- 7 fight was and that they have The Beacon’s Love Cafe with an usually to bring two people from pants, we consider this mission more in common than they open and excited mind. Then completely different corners of accomplished. Baewatchers had originally thought. During they saw their date. Wilson together, so that they signing out. the date, the pair talked about If you aren’t familiar with can spark up a passionate, loving music, classes, and Bela’s little Timing is Everything: How Cahall Got Famous why his coming out got the Court is expected to take on the felt they couldn’t reveal this part reporters, McCarthy says: “This Annie Rosenthal international reaction it did. national issue of gay marriage of who they are to their stu- was an opportunity to do an Co-Editor-in-Chief Part of the reason for the legislation in the next few years. dents, here was a principal who intimate story about a guy’s life initial press seems to be good Public support for and interest came out very publicly in front and what he was living with. It’s been almost four timing: Pride Day and a mayoral in gay rights are higher than of his students and the mayor to As a reporter, when you get a months since Principal Pete press conference had brought lo- they’ve ever been. Over the past talk about this. So we found it chance to do a story like that, Cahall came out to the student cal reporters to Wilson that day, year, athletes like Jason Collins newsworthy,” says Zongker. you jump at it.” body at Wilson’s LGBTQ+ Pride so when Cahall finished speak- and Ellen And, perhaps most impor- Day, and he still gets emails ing, representatives of several Michael McCar- tantly, Cahall’s story was inspir- from fans every day. President major publications were already Sam thy, the ing. “He said that he got courage Barack Obama acknowledged feverishly scrambling to get in have Washing- to come out because he was try- him in a speech. He was person- “The video of Principal line for interviews. opened ton Post ing to live up to the courage of ally invited to meet the POTUS “If Mr. Cahall had made a conver- Cahall making his an- reporter his students...There’s something and First Lady, and the three quiet announcement at school sation who hopeful and uplifting about of them took a picture together nouncement was pretty without the mayor and the local about wrote an students who care and principals that hangs on the door of his media present, the story may sexual- compelling...It just cap- in-depth who care and teachers who care, office. DailyMail UK published have gone unnoticed,” says Brett ity in profile of and when you have some type of a story about him. The Ellen tured the emotional in- Zongker, who covered the event sports. Cahall, interaction between a principal DeGeneres Show profiled Cahall for the Associated Press (AP). And al- tensity around the issue agrees: and students like this, that’s on their website, and told him to Video coverage of the announce- though “[The just a story people like to read,” expect a call about appearing on in a very real and human ment also allowed anyone who educa- positive Buzbee writes. the show. He’s been invited to hadn’t been in the atrium that tors way.” reaction] It wasn’t just journalists speak at an educators’ conven- day to be a part of the emo- have is telling who were inspired. The vast ma- tion in Bosnia later this year. tional moment and share it with come out to their school about what sexuality is gonna be jority of emails Cahall receives People recognize him on the friends, he says. communities before, no past for your generation--which is, a are thank you notes: people who street. Sally Buzbee, the Wash- announcement has been so non-issue,” she says. tell him he’s made them feel “I’ll be walking in an airport ington Bureau Chief of the AP, public or received such a positive But Cahall’s story didn’t less alone; mothers who say his and folks will say, ‘Aren’t you thinks the approaching West- response: Just last year school just get attention because it was announcement brought them the principal that’s gay?’ I’ll boro Baptist Church protest administrators in Oregon and relevant, Buzbee says. People to tears, that they wish their say, ‘That’s me.’ What else am also generated interest in the Washington were fired when paid attention because his story gay sons had had a mentor like I gonna say?” Cahall tells me, story: “The fact that there was their homosexuality became was personal. him. In a time when much of the shrugging. And that’s happened something interesting that hap- public knowledge. In contrast, “The video of Principal Ca- news is about deadly epidem- more than once, he says, albeit pened, it got a lot of attention, Cahall says that positive feed- hall making his announcement ics and political gridlock and humbly: “Just a couple of times, and then a few days later there back he’s received has entirely was pretty compelling--the emo- terrorist threats, a story about in different places.” was another linked event...just dwarfed any negative reactions: tion, the fact that he was shak- an educator emboldened by his Local news coverage of his meant that news organizations He found one small book about ing so much. It just captured the students was exactly what many June 4 announcement was to stayed with the story longer. the dangers of homosexuality in emotional intensity around this people needed. be expected, but the celebrity And that created a second wave his mailbox, and he has a binder issue in a very real and human Says McCarthy, “Gene Wein- hullabaloo that ensued surprised of interest.” that holds his favorite few way, regardless of what side of garten [humor columnist for The everyone, Cahall included. Be- Even outside the Wilson hundred of the several thousand the issue a person is on,” she Washington Post Magazine] says tween patting him on the back community, the timing of Ca- kind emails he’s received. writes in an email. every story should be a story in the hall and tweeting #Love- hall’s announcement could not “After many decades when The personal nature of about the meaning of life. And MyPrincipal, many people in the have been better. The Supreme LGBT teachers and principals the narrative was appealing to this one definitely was.” Wilson community wondered PAGE 12 SPORTS September 26,2014 Girls Soccer Faces Tough Competitors

Most recently this season, Danielle Breslow the Varsity girls played Episcopal Contributor High School on Tuesday, Sep- Varsity girls soccer kicked tember 16, for the team’s first off the 2014 season with a tough home game of the season. The 5-0 loss to St. John’s College girls played a well-fought game High School. The team was look- and came out on top with a 1-0 ing for a game to bounce back win. On Saturday, September after the loss, but their next op- 20, the girls played the National ponent would prove difficult as Cathedral School for NCS’s well. The team suffered a second homecoming. The girls played defeat against Maret, losing 4-0. tough but lost 4-0. “Our first two games were The JV girls soccer team hard losses, but we’ve moved on has three new coaches this year: and are now focused on what’s Daniella Neves, Michael Gallamo Photo by Carolina Bayon ahead,” freshman Lucy Kellogg and Freddy Bonilla. So far they KICKIN’ IT - The Wilson girls soccer team looks to turn it around after a rocky start to said. “We plan to compete with have led the team to a steady the season. Their next game is 9/29 vs. Cardozo in the Tiger Den, so come and support! the best schools in the city, start with a 2-2 tie against Finally, the JV girls pulled couple of weeks ago,” sophomore Both the varsity and junior var- private and public, so as a team Potomac, as well as a 3-3 draw out a 3-0 win against Washing- Nicole Distinto said, “but are sity teams’ seasons runs through we’ve committed to raising the against St. John’s. The team also ton International School. “It’s already comfortable with each November and are sure to have intensity level and pushing our- came up even against Bullis, funny how a lot of us just met a other and play great together.” more wins to come. selves to be the best.” tying 1-1.

Fantasy Football: the Boys Varsity Soccer Takes Down S.W.W. The second half began, Insider Breakdown Val Pehrson and Wilson picked up right Staff Writer team, your job is much more mean they’re better.” No matter Sam Masling where they left off, testing the important than any “NFL” head how badly he gets stomped on, Sam Radack On September 17, the Walls defense and keeping the Contributors coach. Being an NFL head coach he obviously just got unlucky Wilson boys varsity soccer team Penguins away from their goal. is just a fancy title for someone that week. took on School Without Walls at After fifteen minutes of play in It’s that time of year when who is too afraid to play the real In most leagues there is one Alice Deal Middle School. Walls the second half, Wilson drew Sunday means spending your game and make a fantasy team. girl, and she absolutely domi- won the coin toss, and elected first blood. Walsh scored on a entire day eating chicken wings Every week you have to decide nates everyone else. We’ll call to kick off in the first half. It well placed shot from just inside from a bar, loafing on your who to put on your team’s bench her “Queen B.” She always has an was a seemingly rocky start for of the penalty area, putting the couch, or occupying any sitting and who to start. inherent sense of how to screw the Tigers, with Walls making Tigers up 1-0. After Walsh’s goal, location where you can watch In every league you have over everyone else by drafting two deep runs at the goal early the Tigers never looked back. a screen for 6 hours straight. your stereotypical team manag- the best player in each round on in the game. Wilson would Ten minutes later RJ White Yeah, that’s right, we’re talking ers. You always have “Big Ben,” and eventually coming out on quickly recover, however. The scored on a penalty kick, increas- about fantasy football season. that one guy who thinks he’s top of the league. This increas- Tigers responded with several ing Wilson’s lead to two goals. For those of you who don’t amazing but in reality sucks ingly frustrates our “Aladdin,” aggressive runs into Walls’ ter- The game remained heavily in know what we’re talking about, every single year. Big Ben goes eventually turning him into the ritory, led by (senior) Paul Rock Wilson’s favor for the next ten fantasy football is a national around bragging about his team Rage Monster. (See below.) and (sophomore) Mati Cano. minutes, and despite a lack of pandemic that sweeps across 24/7, always claiming this is Finally, essential to every By and large, the first half was scoring, Wilson was as poised of- the United States every fall. his year to finally be recognized league, is the Rage Monster. a clean, well officiated half. The fensively as when the game first From the start of football season as that cool kid who won the This guy is likely to go off the only major incident came when began. In the 75th minute, Se- to the end, you can’t focus on league. deep end at any moment. When (senior) right-back RJ White nior Miles Getler ripped a shot anything else; whether it is the Next, you have “Aladdin,” his kicker scores less than 10 was given a yellow card for com- from right outside of the penalty constant status and injury up- the guy who takes everything he’s probably going to break a mitting an alleged foul against a box that was just saved by the dates, those incredibly annoying way too seriously. Aladdin chair. Worst of all, it’s probably Walls midfielder. Neither team crossbar. Had Getler put just a failed drug-test suspensions, or spends more time preparing for going to be your chair. The Rage was able to find the back of the little less power behind his shot, dropping your number one draft fantasy then he does sleeping. Monster is likely to go through net, but Wilson looked strong the Tigers would have taken an pick who only got you one point He gets his phone confisticated 10-16 laptops over the course of nonetheless. Co-captain (senior) insurmountable lead of three last week. at least once a day because he is a fantasy season. Alex Montalbano, Matthew goals. In the 80th minute of the The most important part checking the waiver wire during While winning is obvi- Smee, RJ White and Theo Biddle game, Wilson’s defense finally of any fantasy football team is his classes. His bathroom-read- ously the main objective, what put on a strong defensive effort cracked and Walls found the coming up with a clever name. ing list consists of over 20 dif- you really want to do is avoid to limit the Penguins’ time of back of the net despite a heroic Whether it’s an inside joke with ferent types of fantasy football losing. Whoever finishes in last possession. When Walls did effort from goalkeeper Shuldin- the rest of your league, or a pun magazines. place MUST undergo a series breach the defense, goalkeeper er. However, the Wilson defense with your star player’s name, a There is also the Trade of humiliating punishments to (senior) Henry Shuldiner was was able to hold on for the final funny name is essential to your Abuser-- we will call him “Avi.” make them regret sucking. These alert, recording three saves in ten minutes, increasing the fantasy football team’s success. Avi is the type of guy that will punishments range from wear- the first half. Offensively, the Tigers’ record to 4-1, and placing If your team name is “(insert try trading his bench-warming ing a tank top and booty shorts Tigers did not get many shots them atop the DCIAA standings. your name here)’s team” you center for your star quarterback. to school, to shaving your head on goal, but they did appear not Overall, Wilson looked sharp might as well quit now because Another stereotype is Mr. Excus- straight down the middle. If you only more aggressive, but more versus Walls. If the Tigers are you’ve failed at fantasy football. es. He will be heard on multiple take anything from this expert confident. Seniors Merf Finney, able to continue this level of play As head coach of your own occasions saying, “Just because article, take away this: Don’t Paul Rock, and co-captain Liam for the rest of the season, they your team beat mine doesn’t Lose. Walsh continually pressured the should have no trouble winning defense for the full forty-five the DCIAA Championship for a minutes. third straight year.

Check out the Tiger Sports Network for sports updates and videos. Twitter: @watchtsn Youtube: tigersportsnet September 26, 2014 SPORTS PAGE 13

Senior volleyball player Abigail Bibb has been named athlete as this edition’s Athlete of the Month. Just last AbigaiL bibb year, Abigail moved to D.C. from New Mexico, made the varsity team, and was named MVP at one of her tournaments. This year after showing great team leadership her coaches named her co- captain. With Bibb at the helm, Wilson’s volleyball team has a chance to win a seventh Profile: straight DCIAA championship this year!

How did you get interested in volleyball?

I started playing volleyball in third grade and ended up getting re- ally into it with my sister.

What position do you play?

Originally I was an outside hitter but then when I came to Wilson, the coaches moved me to setter (the player who lofts the ball near the net for a teammate to spike.)

Do you see yourself playing volleyball in the future?

Photo by Lauren ReVeal Maybe not on a college team, but I would like to play on some kind of recre- ational team for fun.

What is one of the most important things your coaches have taught you at Wilson?

Even though they can be tough, they are really good at pushing us and showing us that we can push ourselves further than we think. It’s a mind over matter thing. They see the potential in us. By Isaac Furmkin


Corcoran Begins “Strange Bittersweet Desires” New Chapter Captures best maintained by well-funded Garima Tandon partners rather than the institu- Staff Writer the Teen tion itself. Though many are Focused on the power of saddened to see the independent creativity, The Corcoran College era of the Corcoran end, many of Art and Design, founded in agree that its unity with GWU Experience 1890, is the only college of art will be beneficial to the institu- located in Washington, DC. The tion’s community and students. Corcoran’s active community Though the Corcoran will be los- Brian Keyes offers a range of degrees and ing a very important aspect of Staff Writer various opportunities, including its original mission, which was culturally diverse study-abroad to interact freely and locally with Everyone has bad days. programs. But unfortunately, for young artists and, it is the hope Everyone has terrible days. a long time coming, the college of many that George Washing- “Strange Desires” is an for one of those terrible days. album seems to be stuck in the -especially with Antonoff’s soft, has been dealing with major ton University and the National 1980’s, in the best way possible. calming voice. Their mega-hit financial trouble. Because of the Gallery of Art will see that its This debut album from the band Bleachers captures the existen- The entire album could easily “I Wanna Get Better” is also on struggles Washington’s oldest purpose is upheld. “I think this just be a secret soundtrack to a the album and is easily one of art institution has faced for a place is going to jump in a way tial dread that comes with being a teenager. never-before-seen John Hughes the best tracks. With lines like “I number of years, it did not come that we haven’t had the money movie. Antonoff even admitted didn’t know I was broken until as a major surprise when, after a for… [in] over a decade,” said The album is a follow-up to the band’s popular single “I in an interview that when he I wanted to change,” the song seven-day hearing, D.C. Supe- Peggy Loar, the president of the wrote the more upbeat rock song acts as a break in the melancholy rior Court Judge Robert Okun Corcoran. The organizers have Wanna Get Better”, which was released back in February. Jack “Rollercoaster”, he took cues overtone to deliver one amazing adopted the proposal that the stressed that the majority of the from the Bruce Springsteen song dance-pop song. Special tracks National Gallery of Art inherit art will remain in Washington, Antonoff, the band’s lead singer and lead guitarist of the band “Dancing In The Dark.” to look out for besides “Better” much of the Corcoran’s collec- and that the galleries will be free Most of the album har- are “Wild Heart”, “Roller Coast- tion, and George Washington and none of the art will be on “Fun,” reflects on his experience struggling with his sister’s death kens back to the calmer side of er”, “Wake Me”, and “You’re Still University take over the school. sale. So though the Corcoran has synthpop with glo-fi elements, A Mystery”. This album could Many tried providing hit a rocky patch, organizers are when he was only 13, and lines like “everything must die for creating a very chill atmosphere. definitely be the background for support to keep the Corcoran making sure that they keep the With electronically modified vo- a 80’s teen movie marathon, or independent, but in the end, the lively, endearing and educational anyone to matter” from the song “Wild Heart” make it clear this cals and tracks that almost seem the basis of any playlist labeled Corcoran’s leaders decided that impact of one of DC’s most in- as if they are looped, it is very “sadboys.” the Corcoran’s legacy could be fluential art institutions alive. album’s purpose is not to be just another mindless pop piece. The easy to fall asleep to this album- PAGE 14 STYLE September 26, 2014

with COP OR Ed Sheeran Connects Kopetsky NAH? With Crowd at NANDO’S Merriweather Post Clare Shaw of his grandfather, he asked the Contributor audience to be completely silent and during the song. Every time SMEE Despite a severe thunder- someone yelled or sung along storm overhead, Ed Sheeran they were attacked with shhhhh- gave his fans an amazing show hhhs from the crowd. at Merriweather Post Pavilion This is Sheeran’s first U.S. Saturday, September 8th. tour. Equipped with only an After the Brit-band open- acoustic guitar and a loop pedal, ing act Rudimental rocked the the British star played with vi- stage, Ed Sheeran walked out vacity and immense energy, lay- to a huge, cheering crowd, and ering harmony and rhythm, and opened with “I’m a Mess,” a slowly building up his vocals. track off his new album “X.” There were moments, Photo by Maria At the beginning of the set, Brescia- Weiler however, when he overdid it. Sheeran said “It’s my job to The song “You Need Me, I Don’t The newest addition to Tenleytown’s set of fine eateries is Nando’s Peri Peri. Joining the ranks of entertain you and it’s your job to Need You” had so much going 7-11, McDonald’s, and Popeye’s, Nando’s is beginning to make a name for itself among the Tenleytown be entertained,” a quip that fits on that the original song was greats, hoping to one day achieve Guapo’s status. with the laid-back attitude and lost under layers of sound. The Just five minutes from Wilson, Nando’s is a viable alternative crush option to the boring after- style he is known for. He cracked show’s silly visuals, spread out school Panera or Whole Foods run. And when we say crush, we mean it. Practically everything on the small jokes between songs and across nearly 10 screens behind menu is a steal and they never skimp with their portions. asked if the crowd was having a him, were distracting from the With chicken rivaling that of Crisp and Juicy, Nando’s success comes as no surprise. The quarter good time--though the excited simplicity of his songs. chicken platter, unlike the fixed flavor option at Crisp and Juicy, is available in different varieties, such screams and applause made it Sheeran’s ability to connect as “Mango & Lime” & “Lemon & Herb.” For just $7.45 this unique chicken dish will give you a West obvious that everyone was. with his audience and please his African tang you’re guaranteed to have never tried before. That being said, multiple anonymous reports For quieter songs such as fans is undeniable. “I want you (for their own safety, their names have been withheld) claim this dish is a bit dry. If you’re looking for “One,” “Tenerife Sea”, and “I See to wake up tomorrow and still something juicier, another great choice is the Chicken Breast Sandwich, which is a bit more tender and Fire”, the audience could clearly be singing,” the 23-year-old Brit comes with special Nando’s Peri Peri sauce. be heard echoing Sheeran’s vo- said as he skipped offstage after A main focus of this restaurant is variety. Not only do they have one of those awesome touch- cals. On his hits, “Drunk,” “Give nearly two hours of perform- screen Coke machines, but they also have many different sauces you can toss on your chicken. Me Love” and “The A Team,” he ing. As the crowd made its way Another huge plus to this establishment is its bottomless frozen yogurt. With flavors changing asked for participation and re- out of the venue, you could hear daily, and a good price at just $3.25, Nando’s gives Bloo Moo a run for its money. But be careful, one ceived a tidal wave of response. everyone humming along to his bowl quickly turns to twenty when the bowl has no bottom. But sometimes the crowd final song “Sing”. We’re glad the delicious flavors of Nando’s Peri Peri have made their way to the swamp for all Ten- got carried away. Before singing leytownians to enjoy. his heartbreaking song “Afire Final Verdict: COP Love,” written about the death

FASHION IN THE HALLS Compiled by Narmin Alimammadova


24 Hour Plays! The 24 Hour Plays just had its 9th annual show. Over 90 students acted, wrote, and directed this year

For more 24 Hour Play pictures, go to Photos by Elena Remez

they most wanted to work in. the process can create prob- cast in a comedic role. Never- always been held, is getting Meredith Ellison At the conclusion of the lems, although often times theless, a lot of participants to be too small. In previous Contributor workshops, writers relocated to the hastiness of the plays just recommend thateveryone get years, the Black Box has had After school on Friday, office spaces in Dupont Circle, make them funnier. involved in the 24 Hour Plays seating on three sides around September 19, the Black Box a space generously offered to “The reason why 24 Hour at some point in their Wilson the stage. This year, the plays Theater was quickly filled with Wilson’s 24 Hour playwrights Plays are so great is because career. were performed in the round, students eager to take part for the past nine years. Stu- nothing ever goes as planned,” Wilson’s 24 Hour Plays so there was seating on all four in the ninth annual 24 Hour dents quickly got to work, and said senior Mariah Fraker, one first took place nine years ago, sides of the room, and still Plays. One of Wilson’s most many were there until 1 a.m. of this year’s directors, “so it when there were only 28 par- some people were turned away. popular theatrical events, the The next morning (Saturday), sucks, and it’s pretty much the ticipants. This year there were All of the plays this year were 24 Hour Plays are a perfor- play directors met at Starbucks funniest thing you’ve ever seen 96. MT Connolly, the former original and entertaining, but mance of around a dozen short at 7:00 a.m. to choose which in your life.” Wilson parent who brought the what got the audience most plays, written, directed, staged, plays they would direct. At But creating and perform- plays to Wilson, said doing the excited was when junior Peter and rehearsed all in 24 hours. 8:30, actors arrived at Wilson ing plays in a 24-hour time 24 Hour Plays is a very differ- Maeder appeared on stage with The craziness kicked off -af ready to begin rehearsing the period can be stressful, and ent experience from doing any a newly shaved head, for his ter school on Friday with work- plays in which they were cast. the pressure to put together other style of play, because of role as Principal Cahall. shops in playwriting, directing, Many of the directors and a hilarious play only adds to how much needs to be done in The 24 Hour Plays are a and acting. Local professionals actors agree that one of the this stress. A common concern such a short amount of time. great way to get involved in were brought in to work with things that makes the plays among writers especially is that Over the years, the 24 Wilson theater. If you missed the students in the area--act- so fun is that students pro- the play they write is not going Hour Plays have grown so out this year, you’ll have an- ing, writing, or directing--that duce everything. But having to be funny enough, and many large that Wilson’s Black Box other chance next fall! students in complete control of actors worry about not getting theater, where the plays have

By Emilia Mejersik mc m With Almost a year ago, senior I would s i When asked to describe her i l the help Paris McMillan stood in front of start l style, she said “I love jazz, metal, r her of her thousands of mesmerized fans humming s v a opera, 80’s synth pop, Top 40 a d o teachers after her beautiful performance along,” she in ic n and alternative, and I strive p f and peers, of the national anthem at a remem- e to master them as all artists Paris has Wizards game. Many aspiring bers. Her should.” fine tuned artists audition for the chance to first pro- Despite the amazing places her sing- sing at the Verizon Center, but fessional her singing has taken her during ing over Paris’s manager was contacted singing these last four years, she realizes the last and the center’s staff offered her experi- that being a famous singer is four years. this amazing opportunity. ence was most likely unrealistic. Still, she She came Her nerves were running in a gospel knows music will always be an in third high, but she did it. “As I sing choir. “I important part of her life. She place at every note I can feel the weight hated it so hopes to study psychology and the DC- lifting off and it feels like flying,” much, it work with patients suffering Capital she says. made me from mental illness. “Instead STARS Paris had her unlikely not want of using harmful drugs [to cure competi- start in Wilson’s vocal program to sing,” themselves] I want to help tion her when her general music teacher she says. people in a fun, healthy way freshman overheard her singing and had Paris’s through music,” she says. year and her audition for vocal teacher passion Paris has plans for an up- recently Lori Williams. To Paris’s surprise for sing- coming EP that will incorporate was cho- Williams placed her in Wilson’s ing was blues and rock and give listeners sen as lead senior choir even though she reborn in a glimpse into some of the most singer in had just begun her freshman Williams’ emotional points of her life. the Blues year. vocal always been supportive and Help support Paris this winter Alley Youth Orchestra. “My mom said I started ensemble, and she refers to Wil- encouraging of Paris. “We have by listening or purchasing her Paris’s talent is evident to singing when I was 10 months liams as “her mom at school.” grown into one big family,” she EP! anyone who has heard her sing. old. She would play music and The other students in choir have says. Photo by Elena Remez September 26, 2014 KIDS IN THE HALLCompiled by Anna Bucknum and Maya Edwards What is the worst advice you have ever received?

“Follow the crowd” “If you’re being bullied, just Lexi Hidalgo 10 bully them back” Destiny Wade 11, “The security cameras at Wilson Yemanie Allen 11 don’t work” Kestrel Carr 12, Amanda Pedrick 12

“Make the first move” Garima Tandon 10, “Be more naïve” Isabella Cruz 10 Sydney Johnston 11, Shakirah McDonald 11, Jordan Wheeler 10 “Skate in the snow” Evan Pisani 12

“Go through the pool entrance” “When in doubt, lie it out” Javier Garay 12, Ehmahni Grant 9, Anna Eric Amaya 12 Conley 9, Indya Heyward 9 “Don’t reach for the stars, they’re too far away” Paola Camba 10, Anabel Forte- Fast 10

“Just steal it” “Just try, it’s okay” Makail Johnson 11, Izzy Suarez 10, “Use a set scarf instead of edge Alexandra Radifera 10 Rena Holzman 10 control” Avery Crocker 11, Destinie Scott 11