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March 2, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E329 central Soviet and Azerbaijani leadership re- FOOD SAFETY dling efficiencies in domestic and export sponded with violence, which escalalated to a markets. In 2001, over 70% of processed food in the brutal campaign against the people of HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN United States was purchased from other Nagomo Karabakh. These brave citizens re- OF MARYLAND countries, representing almost 30% of final fused to give up their right to live in freedom IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gross product. Fifteen of the top 25 food and on their ancestral land, fighting for the prin- beverage companies in the global market are ciples of democracy and human rights upon Wednesday, March 2, 2005 US owned, accounting for about 10% of the which our own country was founded. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I would like global market. US multinational companies account for roughly 6.5%. With greater con- Today, the unwavering strength of the Free- to call your attention to the following article, solidation on a global scale, interaffiliate dom Movement can be seen in the democrat- which I submit for the RECORD, written by my trades account for an increasing portion of ically-elected government of Nagomo constituent, Richard Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore is the value of the food chain. Like other na- Karabakh. As a member of the Congressional the President and CEO of the GIC Group. The tions, the United States is moving from self- Caucus on Armenia Issues, I congratulate the GIC Group combines experience and strength sufficiency to an increasing dependence on people of Nagomo Karabakh for their stead- in research, analysis, and marketing with fi- other countries for its food supply. At the same time, the US regulatory infra- fast commitment to promoting freedom, de- nancial services and asset management. It of- structure for food safety is still a work in mocracy and economic development over the fers this expertise to the agribusiness and bio- progress and is hobbled by overdependence past seventeen years. technology industries to help businesses gain on the private sector and underdependence It is my hope that the past efforts of access to global and domestic markets, to add on international cooperation. Whether it is a Nagomo Karabakh to achieve a peaceful se- value to current agribusiness activities, and to matter of detection, surveillance or informa- cession from Azerbaijan will help bring a identify new markets. tion flow, the US government is currently peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict with dependent on the private sector for coopera- Upon leaving the Bush Administration, tion and support. To share information, gov- Azerbaijan. former Secretary of Health and Human Serv- ernment and industry have established the ices Secretary Tommy Thompson stated that Food and Agriculture Information Sharing f protecting the safety of the American food and Analysis Center (ISAC; Washington, DC, supply should be a top priority. Mr. Gilmore’s USA), which includes key industry associa- RECOGNIZING THE NOMINEES TO article addresses that issue. While I may not tion representatives, especially from the OUR NATION’S SERVICE ACAD- agree with all of Mr. Gilmore’s proposals, I processed food and feed sectors. EMIES The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 sets up track- recommend this article to every citizen inter- ing mechanisms whose effectiveness depends ested in the integrity of the food supply chain on industry self-reporting. New food import HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO and the safety of the food we consume every regulations issued by the US Food and Drug OF WEST VIRGINIA day. Administration (FDA; Rockville, MD, USA) now require prior notification of eight hours U.S. FOOD SAFETY UNDER SIEGE? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for goods arriving by ship, four hours by rail Wednesday, March 2, 2005 (By Richard Gilmore) or air and two hours by road. This depend- When it comes to the prospect of an agro- ence on the private sector is burdensome for Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, today I would terrorist attack—the use of biological agents companies and both insufficient and unreli- like to recognize several outstanding individ- against crops, livestock, poultry and fish— able for ensuring the public’s food safety uals from my district in West Virginia who US agriculture has rolled out the welcome concerns. have been nominated to our nation’s service mat. Integration and consolidation in the in- Current regulations have evolved since last academies. dustry widen the potential impact of any December, after a reality check of the US government’s enforcement capabilities along Making nominations to our nation’s service single attack. Internationalization of the food chain offers limitless possibilities for with industry’s feedback and support. The academies is one of my most important duties human consumption contagions, as well as initial regulations failed on both counts and as a Congresswoman. economic and political instabilities. To com- the prospects for the latest regulations re- These young men and women are all im- bat and anticipate potential attacks to the main uncertain. FDA and the Customs & pressive individuals that have clearly dem- US food chain, greater effort should be Border Protection Agency (Washington, DC, onstrated academic excellence, extracurricular placed on designing new disease-resistant va- USA) still have not adequately funded the rieties of plants and livestock on the basis of enforcement infrastructure nor trained per- involvement, and athletic achievements. sonnel to ensure statistically random, uni- Their parents, teachers, and advisors should genomic information. Stricter regulations and enforcement capabilities should be in- form inspections under the new be very proud of their prestigious accomplish- troduced not only at our borders but at the prenotification time frames. Industry is ments. point of origin where food is grown, procured called upon to fill the breach but is still rel- I commend their parents and family for en- for processed for domestic consumption atively unprepared, with insufficient esource couraging and supporting these young men within the United States. At the same time, commitment to comply fully with the latest the United States must develop a com- regulations. and women in the pursuit of their dreams. There remains a remarkable lack of con- prehensive preparedness and prevention I am pleased they have decided to pursue sultation, joint surveillance and shared re- strategy of international proportions in military careers. search with trading partners worldwide. close coordination with our trading partners Whether grits or pasta, the US diet still Those who choose military careers rep- and the private sector. resent the best of West Virginia and ensure thrives on an international food supply CHANGES IN FOOD PRODUCTION AND REGULATION our state motto continues to ring true, chain. Similarly, food protection and ter- ‘‘Montani Semper Liberi . Mountaineers The US strategy of protection for the food rorist prevention have to be international- system, as mapped out in the Homeland Se- ized, particularly given the advances that Are Always Free’’. curity Presidential Directive/HSPD–9 of Jan- continental-wide Europe and Japan have There is no better way for them to use their uary 30, 2004, presupposes that in striving to achieved in this regard. talents. protect production, processing, food storage THE THREATS I extend my sincerest congratulations for and delivery systems within US territory, a Although no precedent exists for an their nominations. credible line of defense will be created to agroterrorist attack on the food chain, the I am very proud of them. protect the food chain and encourage a thriv- dire consequences of natural outbreaks pro- These young men and women have my ing agricultural economy. In fact, US agri- vide a glimpse of the potential damage that culture has undergone dramatic change. For very best wishes for a bright future. could be wrought. The scale of the foot-and- crops, ‘farm to fork’ no longer is confined to mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks in Taiwan in Jeremy Runco, Ranson; Thomas Flanagan, a regionally based agricultural system, but 1997 and in the UK in 2001 or the bovine Charles Town; Sheena Huffman, now encompasses a highly integrated and spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic Gerrardstown; Jerome Lademan, Charles consolidated global undertaking. For live- in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2002 was Town; Samuel Talbott, Elkins; Tina Weekley, stock, ‘hoof to home’ now takes on a new more devastating than previous epidemics Ravenswood; Blake Chapman, Charleston; meaning that includes a high concentration because of the size and structure of modern Garrett Dilley, Hurricane; Allen Hartley, of production, specialization of calf oper- agricultural production. Taiwan was forced ations, long distance shipping and massive Charleston; Alex Hemmelgarn, Clay; Matthew to slaughter more than 8 million pigs and feedlots averaging thousands of head mar- suspend its exports. In the United Kingdom, Kearns, Cross Lanes; Brian Martin, St. Albans; keted per facility, for both domestic and 4.2 million animals were destroyed in 2001 Jonathan McCormick, St. Albans; Noah Pfost, international consumption. These commer- and 2002, with devastating economic con- Ravenswood; Joshua Russell, Nitro; Joshua cial developments have resulted in pre- sequences. The cost to Taiwan, a major sup- Suesli, Gassaway. viously unimaginable production and han- plier to Japan, was estimated to be over $20 VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:11 Mar 03, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR8.016 E02PT1.