Read the Herald for Local News
Read the Herald For Local News Week-end Weather Today »nd tomorrow, fair n Strvmg Sutnmtt tat 64 Yean cowl Outlook for holiday and weeh party- cloudy awf tome tkumr of brief Summit Record 64th Yitr—No. 52 In Two Section- SUMMIT, N. 4., THURSDAY, MAY 21, I9SS Cnttrt4 m S**«M ttu* «t tfe* wU* •I SiunnM M. I. tlwtir tkt ict •# Hurt* $ U7» 10 i'EATS Pizzi Tells GOP Lottery Arrests Tribute to Dead, Ball Game Why Polk Replaced Here Break Up Murray on Ticket Charges inftde by Mn», Prvd Four-County Ring Feature Memorial Day Rites Meteger, Republican City Com- A seventh man wai arrested Memorial Day services, honoring the city's dead of niitieewoai&n Of District T of Monday in the inter-state rigjtfd all wars, will be conducted by Beacon Hill Post, Veterans Ward 1, that chsirtian Edward "Double Eagle" lottery which was of foreign Wars, and American Legion Post, 138, on Sat- C. Pies! Ignored the desire of the Ur ay 1 broken In Summit last weekend l o 'P?™ ?* arid^ftcrnoon at St. Teresa's Cemeterv majority, of the committee in the by local police and members of and Soldiers' Memorial Field. James F, Piana, VFW Appointment and subsequent elec- the Union County prosecutor's of- tion of Mra, Iaobel Polk as county fice. eommuiiuer, «n,l B. A- Bncinvald, legion chairman. yw»terday urged• fourth vice chairwoman; were The man, Adolph Conte, 49, it answered by Mr. Pizzi «t tret Summit Federal the public to pay tribute to the the proprietor of the Paris Beau- dead by attending the services.
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