Our Ref: 3869AA _Rev1

7 April 2020

Fenualla O'Brien Development Manager

Parcel Property Level 3, 14 Walters Drive, Osborne Park WA 6017 Via Email: [email protected]

Dear Fenualla

Quick assessment of 50 Driver Road Darch, to identify potential Matters of National Environmental Significance

1 Background

Parcel commissioned 360 Environmental to undertake a quick ecological assessment of a 0.6 ha portion of 50 Driver Road Darch, (the Survey Area; Figure 1). The purpose of the assessment was to identify environmental values relevant to potential Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES), to inform decision making regarding referral to the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment

(DAWE), under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Specifically, the scope of work was for a Senior Ecologist to:

• broadly assess vegetation type and condition occurring within the site • undertake a site visit to broadly identify potential MNES, and assess if possible • provide a brief memo with photos and a map based on the findings of the site visit • provide recommendations for any further work required to support a referral. The site visit was undertaken by 360 Environmental Principal Ecologist / Botanist Megan Stone on 3 April 2020. The Survey Area was assessed from the abutting footpath to broadly identify and record the vegetation and any potential MNES or MNES habitat present.

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Figure 1: The Survey Area

2 Vegetation and Condition

The Survey Area was a small patch of remnant bushland within a highly developed area, directly adjacent to a cleared area and roadside. Vegetation within the Survey Area comprised Banksia menziesii and Banksia attenuata, with emergent low woodland, over * iteaphylla tall to mid shrubland, over Xanthorrhoea preissii low isolated shrubs over introduced grasses and other weed species (Plate 1). The condition of vegetation within the Survey Area was considered to be Degraded. The basic vegetation structure had been severely impacted by edge effects, particularly aggressive weed infestation in the under and mid-storeys, which retained few native species.

Plate 1: Vegetation and Condition with the Survey Area

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3 Matters of National Environmental Significance

3.1 Threatened Ecological Communities The PMST identified two Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC’s) with the potential to occur within the Survey Area (Table 1). The vegetation within the Survey Area is analogous to the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain TEC, however it does not meet the key diagnostic criteria for the TEC due to the small patch size and degraded condition of the area.

Table 1: TECs identified by the PMST

Analogous vegetation Meets TEC recorded within the diagnostic Survey Area criteria Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain ecological Yes No community Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) Woodlands and No N/A Forests of the Swan Coastal Plain ecological community

3.2 Threatened Flora Habitat The PMST identified eight Threatened flora with potential to occur within the Survey Area (Table 2). One upper storey species, Eucalyptus argutifolia, was identified but is unlikely to occur as the area is small and degraded, and the nearest known location is 16 km north west of the Survey Area. The remaining seven species are understorey species, considered highly unlikely to occur within the degraded understorey of the Survey Area.

Table 2: Threatened flora identified by the PMST

Likely to occur Threatened flora species Preferred habitat within the Survey Area Andersonia gracilis White/grey sand, sandy clay, gravelly loam. Winter-wet No areas, near swamps. Anigozanthos viridis Grey sand, clay loam. Winter-wet depressions. No subsp. terraspectans Diuris micrantha Winter-wet swamps, in shallow water. No Diuris purdiei Grey-black sand, moist. Winter-wet swamps. No Drakaea elastica White or grey sand. Low-lying situations adjoining No winter-wet swamps. Drakaea micrantha White-grey sand. No Eucalyptus argutifolia Shallow soils over limestone. Slopes or gullies of No limestone ridges, outcrops. Lepidosperma rostratum Peaty sand, clay. No

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3.3 Threatened Fauna Habitat The PMST identified twelve Threatened fauna, with potential to occur within the Survey Area. Of these, the only species considered likely to use the habitat available within the Survey Area were the Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii naso) and Carnaby's Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris).

3.3.1 Black Cockatoo Habitat The Survey Area contained species suitable for black cockatoo foraging including Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), Banksia spp., Allocasuarina sp. Grevillea spp. and Callistemon spp.

Black cockatoos are unlikely to use the site for roosting or breeding due to the limited roosting and breeding trees available. Black cockatoos typically prefer tall Eucalypts for roosting. While there were Jarrah trees within the Survey Area, most were relatively low (approximately 10 m in height). Two potential breeding trees (with diameter at breast height greater than 500mm) were recorded, however neither had visible hollows.

Whilst black cockatoos may use the site for foraging, the Survey Area is very small (approximately 0.6 ha) and highly unlikely to provide significant habitat for either species identified by the PMST.

4 Conclusion and Summary

The quick ecological assessment did not identify any significant MNES within the Survey Area. In summary:

• Vegetation within the Survey Area comprised Banksia menziesii and Banksia attenuata, with emergent Eucalyptus marginata low woodland, over *Acacia iteaphylla tall to mid shrubland, over Xanthorrhoea preissii low isolated shrubs over introduced grasses and other weed species in Degraded condition.

• Vegetation within the Survey Area was broadly analogous to the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain TEC, but did not meet the key diagnostic criteria of the TEC.

• No Threated flora species were observed or are considered likely to occur within the Survey Area.

• The small and degraded remnant bushland within the Survey Area is not likely to provide significant habitat for any Threatened fauna species.

• No further work is required to support referral to DAWE, unless specifically requested by DAWE during the referral process.

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We trust this meets your requirements. Should you have any questions or require further action please do not hesitate to contact Katrina Cooper or the undersigned on (08) 9388 8360. We look forward to hearing from you.

For and on behalf of 360 Environmental Pty Ltd

Megan Stone – Principal Botanist / Ecologist

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