Cheshire Neighbourhood Watch Association Week ending 17th February 2019 News & Appeals

Latest Cheshire News

Cheshire Police warning for keyless entry vehicle owners Cheshire Police are warning owners of cars and vans with keyless entry systems to be vigilant after a rise in the number of thefts of these vehicles in the area.

A third of all reported theft of cars and vans in Cheshire are keyless entry vehicles. Criminals are starting to exploit some vulnerabilities of this system – allowing them to drive the car or van away without having to break into a home to get a key.

Inspector Duncan Gouck said: “Keyless entry systems offer convenience to drivers, but can in some situations can be exploited by thieves. We are doing all we can to tackle the issue but we need the continued support of motorists to help drive down this type of crime. By assessing your current security measures and taking a few simple steps you can help to reduce the chances of your vehicle being targeted.”

Drivers are urged to:  Contact your dealer for further information and guidance regarding the digital features in your vehicle - Have there been any software updates you can take advantage of?  Check if your keyless entry fob can be turned off. If it can, and your dealer can also confirm this, then do so overnight.  Think about how you store your key at home. Keeping your keyless entry fob out of sight is not enough – thieves only need to get near to the key to amplify the signal. Drivers are urged to keep both sets of keys in a container or pouch which blocks the signal from the fob.  Review your vehicle security – consider additional security devices such as mechanical locks and trackers.  Be vigilant. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity in your neighbourhood – and report anything unusual to the police.

Anyone with any information about vehicle crime is urged to contact Cheshire Police on 101, give the details via or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Man and woman charged with class A drug offences following raid in Widnes Two people have been charged with class A drug offences following a police raid at an address in Widnes.

Ian Hall, 51, and Miranda Michael, 39, were arrested shortly after 9am yesterday, Wednesday 13 February, after officers – acting on information received from members of the community – executed a search warrant at a property in Margaret Court. The man and the woman have both subsequently been charged with two counts of possessing controlled drugs of class A (heroin and cocaine) with intent to supply. Hall and Michael, both of Margaret Court, Widnes, have also been charged with possessing a controlled drug of class C. They appeared at Magistrates’ Court today, Thursday 13 February. The pair were remanded in custody and are set to appear at Crown Court on Thursday 14 March.

Widnes man charged with assaulting two police officers A 59-year-old man from Widnes has been charged with assaulting two police officers in the town.

Edwin Gibson, of Milton Road, was arrested at around 5am on Tuesday 12 February following an incident on Widnes Road. As a result of the incident one police officer sustained a suspected broken nose and facial bruising and another suffered minor arm and elbow injuries. Gibson has subsequently been charged with two counts of assault by beating of an emergency service worker. He has been released on unconditional bail and is set to appear at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday March 19.

Man jailed after abusing city centre shop workers and assaulting a police officer A man who tried to bite a police officer and verbally abused shop staff has been sentenced to more than two years in prison and banned from Chester City Centre for five years.

James Fox, 27, of no fixed address appeared at Chester Crown Court on Friday 8 February to be sentenced to 27 months. He was also given a restraining order not to be within the city walls of Chester. At an earlier hearing he admitted two counts of theft, affray and assaulting an emergency worker. On 6 January Fox began his morning by threatening to rob a jewellery shop and abusing staff at a coffee chain in the city centre while waiting for a food order. He also stole a bottle of wine from Sainsburys in Watergate Street. Due to the calls made by a number of shops complaining about his behaviour, officers located Fox and on searching him, discovered a wallet on him which had been stolen from a car parked on Grange Road in Chester the previous day. He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of a number of offences. While he was being transported to custody in the police car he tried to bite an officer who was in the back of the car with him and continued to be threatening and abusive while in custody.

DC Carl Humphries said: “Fox’s behaviour shows complete disregard for law abiding citizens working in the city and has culminated in the judge giving him a restraining order. His behaviour on the day showed he had no regard for the staff working in the coffee chain or jewellery shop, or the officer carrying out her lawful duties. People working, living or visiting Chester should feel safe from harm and shouldn’t have to put up with being intimidated, threatened or at risk of theft. I hope that now Fox is behind bars, and banned from the city centre, people feel that justice has been done and feel reassured we are there to protect them from people like him.”

Man to serve 27 months in jail for burgling popular Chester restaurant A man who burgled a popular restaurant in Chester city centre and stole over £1,700 in cash will serve 27 months behind bars.

Stephen Prior, aged 40, of no fixed address pleaded guilty to burglary at Chester Crown Court and was sentenced on Wednesday 6 February. The court heard how on Monday 7 January Prior was caught on CCTV entering the bar of The Bluebell on Northgate Street by jumping over the courtyard wall and going through an insecure door.

He saw a leather bag containing £1,712 in cash, two notebooks, various keys and keyrings as well as cigarettes, on a bar stool. Prior grabbed the bag and left the restaurant by jumping over the courtyard wall. The leather bag is also worth up to £600. The owner of the restaurant had been alone while he spent the afternoon cashing up before moving to the kitchen area to do maintenance work. When he went back into the bar area he noticed the takings were no longer on the bar stool and immediately checked the CCTV footage before calling police.

Detectives in Chester were able to identify Prior from the CCTV footage and he was arrested on suspicion of burglary. After committing his offence Prior bought clothes from a sports shop and disposed his other trainers in a bin on Bell Tower Walk.

Detective Constable Heather Rowlands, of Chester Local Policing Unit, said: “Prior is a prolific offender who took it upon himself to steal the well-known restaurant owner’s livelihood. The victims work hard to earn a living and Prior showed a complete lack of respect for this. Due to CCTV footage, detectives were able to identify Prior and bring a successful conviction against him.”

Family pays tribute to motorcyclist who died in collision in Widnes The family of a man who died following a fatal collision in Widnes have paid tribute to him.

Paul Weaver, 59, from , died on Friday 8 February following a collision on Ditton Road, Widnes.

Paul’s family said: "Whether you knew Paul for four years or 40 years, he grabbed a piece of your heart by being just what he was, a gentle giant who was kind, loving and full of fun. He was a bit crazy but that's what made him unique and it is unbelievable that he has been taken from us so tragically and suddenly. The world is now a darker place without him and our family gatherings will not be the same; especially for the little ones who gravitated to Paul because he was just a big kid himself and we all loved him. Rest in peace Paul and ride high amongst the stars.”

Officers are continuing to appeal for information in relation to the collision - for more details visit: widnes/ .

Three men charged following drugs raid in Warrington Three men from Warrington have been charged with drug offences after officers raided an address in the town.

Daniel Cooke-McGuinness, 28, James Frangleton, 36, and Craig Burns, 58, appeared at Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Saturday 9 February. They were all remanded in custody and are set to appear at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday 11 March. Cooke-McGuinness, of Kiveton Walk, Warrington, and Frangleton, of Pendlebury Street, Latchford, Warrington, have been charged with being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug of class B (cannabis). Burns, of Liverpool Road, , Warrington, has been charged with possessing with intent to supply a controlled drug of class B (cannabis). The men were all arrested at around 8.30am on Friday 8 February after officers had executed a warrant at an address on Portland Road, Chapelford, Warrington, under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

HGVs targeted in two-night operation following concerns raised by residents Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) travelling through the Christleton area of Chester came under the spotlight last week following concerns from the community.

Over recent months officers have been contacted by a number of residents regarding issues with HGVs travelling through the village on the A41. Residents raised concerns that many of the vehicles were breaching the 30mph speed limit and driving in a dangerous manner. They also noted a number of collisions involving HGVs which have recently occurred in the village. To help address the concerns officers conducted a two-night operation – on Tuesday 5 February and Wednesday 6 February – specifically targeting HGVs.

Police Constable Steve Holland said: “The A41 is a busy road which is often used by lorry drivers travelling towards north . In recent months a number of issues have been highlighted by the local community and it has become apparent that some of the drivers using this stretch of road have not been sticking to the speed limit or adhering to the laws in place, which is not acceptable. During this operation we conducted almost 20 stop checks on lorries, ensuring that all the vehicles were safe to drive and their drivers were complying with all UK laws. Of those we stopped, six people were found to have committed offences involving tachographs, which record the number of hours the driver has been behind the wheel, and one vehicle had defective breaks.”

In addition to the HGV stop checks, officers also identified 51 speeding motorists, including 18 HGV drivers. They will all be receiving fines through the post in the coming weeks.

Inspector Steve Griffiths, Head of Roads Policing Operations at , added: “This operation was a great initiative to help address issues raised by residents in Christleton and I hope that it reassures them that we are listening to their concerns. While the operation has concluded, this is not the end and I would like to assure the community that we are committed to doing all that we can to make Cheshire’s roads safer.”

Cheshire Constabulary urging road users to drive safely after rise in fatal collisions across the county Cheshire Constabulary is urging road users to drive safely as the number of those dying on the county’s roads continues to rise.

More than twice the number of people died on Cheshire’s roads in 2018 in comparison to the previous year – and the majority of those deaths could have been avoided. Already this year, we have seen ten people die on our roads as a result of a preventable collision. In its continued fight to tackle the recent spike in road deaths in Cheshire, the Constabulary’s Roads and Crime Unit will be undertaking enforcement and educational activities over the course of February in a bid to reduce the number of preventable fatalities on the roads. Officers will be targeting those road users who are driving over the speed limit, using a mobile phone, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, not wearing a seatbelt, and those who are driving carelessly – all well-known factors to contribute to a fatal collision.

Inspector Steve Griffiths said: “Fatal collisions are heart-breaking. They are heartbreaking for the family, heart-breaking for the community, and heart-breaking for the responding emergency services staff who have to witness the tragedy and subsequent aftermath – all made worse knowing that the collision could have been prevented. We do not go out policing the roads for the sake of it. We are doing it to save lives. People often comment, ‘should you not be spending your time doing something ‘more important’ and investigating ‘real crimes’?’ My response to that is, people are dying on our roads. Stopping any more deaths from occurring as a result of something unnecessary and totally avoidable – this has to be one of our top priorities.”

If you are twice the legal limit of alcohol, you are at least 50 times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision. Not wearing a seatbelt increases your chances of dying in a crash by 50%. Using a mobile phone behind the wheel affects your reaction time as much as drink driving. Speeding has been proven to be involved in at least 20% of all fatal collisions. With such hard-hitting statistics, Cheshire Constabulary urges drivers to use our roads safely – or face the risk of dying.

David Keane, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, added: “With an increased number of fatalities and serious incidents on our roads over the last year, it is more important that motorists follow the safety advice issued by police to ensure they are not putting their own lives and the lives of others at risk. One careless action could cost someone’s life. The vast majority of road users in Cheshire act responsibility but, sadly, there are still drivers on our roads that choose to drive recklessly – this is why campaigns by Cheshire’s Roads & Crime Unit are vital in making our roads safer.”

Latest Cheshire Appeals

Appeal for witnesses following fatal collision in Widnes Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward after a motorcyclist died following a collision in Widnes.

At around 3.30pm on Friday 8 February officers were called to reports of a collision on Ditton Road near to Feralco. Officers attended the scene and found there had been a collision between a black Volvo skip lorry and a black & red Yamaha motorcycle. Sadly, the rider of the motorbike- a-59-year-old man from Latchford - sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. His family have been informed and they are being supported by specialist officers. The driver of the skip lorry - a 58-year-old man from St Helens - was uninjured. Enquiries in relation to the incident are ongoing and no arrests have been made.

As part the investigation officers are keen to hear from anyone who witnessed the collision or has any information or dashcam footage which may aid the investigation. Officers are particularly keen to trace a van and a HGV which were both seen in the area around the time of the collision. They would also like to hear from anyone who believes they may have seen either of the vehicles involved prior to the collision. Anyone with information in relation to the collision should call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 316404, give the details via or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. To submit dashcam footage go online at and-vehicle-safety/submit-dashcam-footage. Appeal for witnesses after robber targets travel agents Officers from Runcorn CID are appealing for information from the public after a robbery at a town centre travel agents.

At around 10.10am on Sunday 10 February an unknown man entered Thomas Cook on Church Street and demanded the manager to close the store. He then forced the manager to take him into the back office where he stole a quantity of cash from the tills - including a euros and dollars. The offender then fled the store on foot, initially going down the alleyway between Thomas Cook and Thrifty’s, before running along the rear of the shopping parade, heading down past Churchill Mansions and onto Mersey Road. The offender is described as a white man with dark stubble, of medium build, 30 to 40 years old approximately 6’2” tall. He was wearing dark sunglasses, a waist length grey Canada Goose Parka style coat with fur around the hood and blue jeans. He had a slight Liverpool accent and was carrying a red carrier bag.

Detective Constable Daryl Gavin said: “The staff at this store have been left extremely shaken as a result of their ordeal and we are committed to doing all that we can to trace the person responsible. The investigation is currently ongoing and we are following a number of lines of enquiry. As part of the investigation I’m keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident and believes they may have witnessed anything suspicious. This incident occurred at a time when a number of shops would have been opening, so there would have been plenty of people in the area who may be able to assist our investigation. I’d also like to hear from any motorists with dashcams who were driving on Mersey Road around the time of the incident and may have recorded the offender fleeing the scene.”

Anyone with information that may help detectives with their investigation, no matter how small, should call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 318198, give the details via enquiries or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. To submit dashcam footage go online at

Burglary at home in Warrington leads detectives to appeal to the public for information Detectives are investigating an aggravated burglary at a house in Warrington on Saturday 9 February and appealing for witnesses to come forward.

Between 7.20pm and 7.40pm five men broke into an unoccupied house on Clap Gates Road in and Whitecross by the back door where they carried out an untidy search. As the men left the house they were disturbed by a neighbour who they made threats to before causing significant damage to his car. The men, all dressed in black and wearing balaclavas, then made off in a vehicle in the direction of Folly Lane. One of the men is described as white, around 5ft 8 in height and of a medium build. Another man is described as being of a slim build and around 6ft in height.

Detective Sergeant Tom Hall, of Warrington Local Policing Unit, said: “It is completely unacceptable for someone’s home to be broken into and we are determined to do all we can to support the victims and find those responsible. While our enquiries remain ongoing to find these men I want to appeal directly to the public, who may have seen any suspicious behaviour, to come forward. I would ask anyone who has any information to get in touch with us as your information could be vital and help us to solve this crime. We will continue to look at CCTV, carry out forensic examinations and conduct house to house enquiries.” Officers will be patrolling the area to provide reassurance to the local community.

There are a number of simple steps you can take to help protect your home:  Make sure that all your windows and doors and kept locked, especially when you are out.  Ensure that your home looks ‘lived in′, even if you are out. Consider using timer switches for lights to give the impression that someone is at home.  Be wary when answering the door to unexpected or uninvited visitors and always ask to see identification. If you are unsure of the validity of the caller then contact the organisation they are claiming to be from. Genuine callers will not mind you doing this.  Sign up to Homewatch Alert to receive timely updates about crime and policing in your area.  Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity at your neighbours’ properties when they are out or away and ask them to do the same for you.  Report any suspicious activity to the police.

For more advice on keeping your home safe and secure visit or call 101 and ask to speak to your local crime reduction advisor.

Please call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 317702, give the details via or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you have dashcam footage please submit by following the instructions in this link making sure you quote IML 317702.

Police appeal after two robberies in Officers from Ellesmere Port CID are appealing for witnesses to two robberies in the town on Friday.

The first incident happened on Road, opposite the junction of Thelwall Road, between 6pm and 7pm on Friday 8 February. The victim, a 31-year-old man, was approached from behind by two men who attacked him by punching and pushing him to the ground. They then stole his wallet. Both of the men were wearing casual sports type clothing and one of the males was about 5’8”.

The second incident happened on Sutton Way between 10pm and 10.30pm. The victim, a 29-year-old man, was threatened at knifepoint by a man who stole his hoody containing his wallet and tobacco.

Detective Constable Nadine Sturgess said: “These robberies took place quite close together and at a similar time so there is a potential that they are linked, although we are pursuing all lines in inquiry at the moment. If you have any information about the first incident please call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting incident number IML 316608. If you have information about the second incident please quote incident number IML 316764.” Alternatively you can use our website via enquiries/

CCTV image released following a burglary in Orford, Warrington Detectives investigating a burglary at a house in Warrington have released a CCTV image of a man they would like to speak too.

Between 11.30am and 11.45am on Wednesday 13 February a man, believed to be in his late 20’s, was seen loitering down the alleyway near to a house on Chiltern Road in Orford. While the victim was outside on her driveway, the burglar went into the house through the front door where he stole a number of items including a quantity of cash and jewellery. The man was disturbed by the house occupant in her bedroom as he attempted to climb through the window. He instead made his way past the victim and left the house through the front door. The burglar is described as being around 5ft 7 in height, of a medium build and wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans.

Detective Sergeant Tom Hall, of Warrington Local Policing Unit, said: “If you think you recognise this man in the CCTV image or you believe you know who he might be, please get in touch with us. I would also like to appeal directly to this man to get come forward as we think he may have vital information which could help with our investigation.” Anyone with information – no matter how small is asked to call Cheshire Police quoting IML 320929, give the details via or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Witness appeal after man is robbed and assaulted in Chester Detectives investigating a robbery in Chester are appealing for witnessing to come forward.

Shortly before 8pm on Wednesday 13 February a 49-year-old man from the city walked along Queens Park Bridge from the direction of The Groves. He then moved onto a footpath alongside the River Dee, travelling towards what is known locally as ‘The Meadows’, when he was accosted by a group of four young males. They demanded cash and when the victim refused to hand over money he was assaulted. The offenders then stole his dark-coloured coat and large backpack, as well as a small quantity of cash. The victim sustained head and hand injuries as a result of the assault and detectives are urging anyone who witnessed the incident, or has any other information that may help their ongoing investigation, to get in touch.

Detective Constable Victoria Hazlewood: “Thankfully it seems that the victim has only suffered minor injuries as a result of what happened to him, but it was a frightening incident that has understandably left him shaken up. I would like to reassure residents that this is believed to be an isolated incident and we are determined to find out the identities of the offenders and bring them to justice. All four of them were young males – either teenagers or young men – and one of them was wearing a blue and grey Sprayway coat. Enquiries in relation to the incident are ongoing and we want to hear from anyone who was in the area between 7.55pm and 8.10pm on Wednesday 13 February and witnessed what happened or anything else that may aid our investigation. We also want to speak to anyone who believes they may know who the offenders are or where the stolen coat or backpack are. The same goes for anyone who believes they may have CCTV or dashcam footage of the offenders.” Anyone with information or CCTV footage that may be relevant to the investigation should call Cheshire Constabulary on 101, quoting IML 321481, give the details via enquiries or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Dashcam footage can be submitted online at .

Appeal for information following unprovoked assault in Detectives are appealing for witnesses to come forward following an unprovoked assault in Crewe.

The victim, a 30-year-old man from the town, was walking along Brooklyn Street when the incident occurred at around 8.30pm yesterday, Thursday 14 February. He was approached by three males believed to be aged in their teens or early 20s, who asked him if he wanted to buy a drill. When he turned down the offer the offenders assaulted him before fleeing in the direction of Nelson Street. The victim sustained a head injury as a result of the attack. He was taken to hospital via ambulance where he is currently receiving treatment. Enquiries in relation to the incident are ongoing and detective are urging anyone who witnessed what happened or anything else that may aid their investigation to get in touch. They also want to speak to anyone who believes they may know who the offenders are or have CCTV or dashcam footage of them.

Detective Sergeant Steve Smith said: “This was an unprovoked assault that has left the victim in hospital with a head injury and extremely shaken up. I would like to reassure the community that it is believed to be an isolated incident and we are determined to establish who was responsible for the assault and make them face the consequences of their actions. Enquiries are ongoing and as part of our investigation I am appealing to anyone who was in the area and witnessed the incident or anything else that may be relevant to contact the team here at Crewe Police Station. The same goes for anyone who believes they may know the identities of some, or all, of the three offenders or have CCTV or dashcam footage of them in the area.”

Anyone with information or CCTV footage that may be help with the investigation should call Cheshire Constabulary on 101, quoting IML 322327, give the details via enquiries or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Dashcam footage can be submitted online at .

A 15-year-old boy from Crewe has been arrested in relation to the incident. He is currently in custody helping detectives with their enquiries.